She Swapped SOULS with an ALIEN?! | Pastor Reacts

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Did you know that there are people who believe that aliens from other planets can communicate to us IN SPIRIT and take over our bodies? Does this sound familiar to you as a Christian? Let's get right into it! Original video: Support me on Patreon: Wise Disciple has partnered with Logos Bible Software. Check out all of Logos' awesome features here: Get my 5 Day Bible Reading Plan here: Get your Wise Disciple merch here: Want a BETTER way to communicate your Christian faith? Check out my website: OR Book me as a speaker at your next event: Check out my full series on debate reactions: Got a question in the area of theology, apologetics, or engaging the culture for Christ? Send them to me and I will answer on an upcoming podcast:


Starseeds are souls from another star system that have incarnated as humans. Does this sound an awful lot like something biblical that rhymes with smosession?
It's not a possession of somebody's taking over. It's a mutual agreement when we decided to exchange souls. It's not?
When she describes her encounters with another being, I believe her. But what I don't believe is what that being has told her.
Has it not occurred to anybody that these beings are real, but they also have a secret agenda and they're lying? If this doesn't creep you out,
I'm not sure what will. Did you know that there are people who believe that aliens from other planets can communicate to us in spirit and take over our bodies?
Does this sound an awful lot like something biblical that rhymes with smosession? We're about to get right into it.
But first, welcome to Wise Disciple. My name is Nate Sala and I'm helping you become the effective Christian that you are meant to be. That includes understanding what the
Bible has to say about aliens and UFOs. Make sure to like and subscribe if you think this video is helpful.
Share this with someone else as it just helps me to get the word out about this ministry. Kelly claims to be an alien.
Of course. Can you explain a little bit about why you feel like you aren't just a human? Sure.
And you feel like you're from another planet? Yeah. And it's something that I wouldn't talk about generally because of that skepticism. And really,
I think starseeds are souls from another star system that have incarnated as humans.
So... Okay, let's hear this as Christians because I just heard two words that Christians are very familiar with, right?
Souls and incarnated. So in a conversation about extraterrestrial beings from another planet, somehow we're now supposed to introduce spiritual concepts like souls and incarnation?
Let's keep going. People go, well, you look pretty human to me. You don't have that six foot blue head or whatever it is that they see from sci -fi films.
And really what happens is when you identify with being, I like to say a starseed rather than an alien because there's too many stigmas attached to aliens with films that we see.
And there's a fear against aliens. And typically starseeds are here to help humanity. So when we incarnate as humans, we're here to really help humans remember what it's like to be humans and connect to their innateness.
So we're here to help human beings understand what it means to be a human being. Any takers on what that explanation sounds like?
If I were to guess, it's going to be antithetical to what the Bible teaches, right?
Probably sounds a lot more like the aliens are your true creators. And so to be a human means to focus on whatever is within you and manifest that to the world in some sense, which always ends up right back into new age talking points and occultic practice.
Funny how that always tends to work out, right? Their natural senses, rather than distract and go, oh, look at the interdimensions and the other planets.
Our role is not to make you look outside of humanity. It's to actually connect back to who you really were and the internet connectedness that's currently on earth with nature, with animals, with ourselves.
And you've always felt this right from being a little girl. And tell me the definition of a starseed.
So I haven't felt it since I was a child. You have most starseeds incarnate at birth. So their soul is born as a starseed.
Right. When I was a child, I wasn't born as a starseed. So this word starseed is interesting.
So I'm not familiar with any of this stuff. Maybe you are, but I don't track in this world.
I'm, I don't know. I'm just a Christian and a Bible teacher. Okay. But like, I can't help but see things through the biblical perspective.
And I mean, that's, what's so fascinating to me. Starseed is an interesting word because once again, we have two words that Christians are very familiar with.
Look at this. The first word is star, right? In the Bible. Did you know this?
Stars are symbolically used to represent God's heavenly host. Look at this account describing the moment of creation in Job chapter 38.
This is what the Lord says. Verse four. Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? And take a look at this verse seven.
When the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy.
Many Christians understand that both of these phrases, right? So the sons of God and the morning stars, they refer to the other divine beings that God created.
And that make up his heavenly host. As a matter of fact, we also recognize that one of these beings fell from heaven.
Due to pride and rebellion. Isaiah chapter 14, verse 12. How you are fallen from heaven.
Oh, day star, son of dawn. Now the Hebrew says, Hallel. It's right here, which translates to morning star.
Or some of the translations say Lucifer. And this morning star was cut down to the ground.
Why? Well, because verse 13. You said in your heart, I will ascend to heaven above the stars of God.
There it is again. I will set my throne on high. I will sit on the Mount of Assembly in the far reaches of the north.
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds. I will make myself like the most high.
And Ezekiel 28 fills out this concept for us as well. So the idea of stars referring to the divine beings that God created.
It's a biblical concept. But watch this. The seed of mankind is also something the
Bible talks quite a bit about. Look at this. All of this is highlighted. So in the story of mankind's first sin, we are told that a serpent entered the
Garden of Eden. But this is not a mere creature. We are told later in the Bible that this is the devil.
This is the same morning star that fell from heaven. Now watch what
God says about the devil's seed. Verse 15. I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and her offspring.
Now in the Hebrew, the word is actually seed. So and then it goes on to say, he shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel.
Isn't this interesting? We do have biblical concepts for stars and seeds, but they connect to a much more sinister story of the devil and what he's going to do to start a war against the
Son of God. I mean, Genesis chapter 3 is a look ahead to the coming of Jesus and the breakthrough of God's kingdom into the whole world.
So do you see the contrast here? We have one story, a narrative told by this lady that these are aliens from another planet, guys, and they are seeking to incarnate human beings with their own souls.
And they call themselves star seeds. And then we have the biblical account of what stars actually refer to in the story of the devil and his seed.
If this doesn't creep you out, I'm not sure what will. Star seed. A very sensitive child,
I'd have water, have a bath, I'd be like blotchy, I'd eat strawberries, my lips would blow up. I was quite an ill child.
And also the world was too sensitive for me. So I would be at the bottom of my garden with a bug box, looking at stuff rather than interacting with people.
It just felt too much. My nan used to catch me when I was about three years old, sitting at a park bench, talking to Tom. And she'd be like,
Kelly, there's no one there. I'm like, it's Tom. Can you not see Tom? So this hypersensitivity was always there as a child.
And Kelly, I was just about to say, what did you see when you were talking to Tom? Tom was just somebody who was here before and he's passed over now.
But what can you, could you actually - Tom, Tom was somebody who was here before and has passed over now.
So a spirit? He looked like a real person. I would feel like I could touch him.
And he just felt really normal to me. So when somebody else couldn't see him, I'd be like, Nan, can you not see Tom? And she'd be like, there's no one there.
Okay. So I developed a relationship or have contact with this being from the age of seven at the bottom of my garden.
He appeared as a light. Then he started to show himself more. Ah, he appeared as a light.
And she began a relationship with this being at an early age. Look again at how the Bible characterizes the devil.
By the way, this app right here that I'm using is called Logos Bible Software. You probably heard me talk about this a couple of times, but you should start using
Logos if you're into reading God's word. Logos is going to help you go deeper into the text wherever you are and glean what you need to understand about God's word more than you did yesterday.
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I think it's going to bless you. So look at this. Second Corinthians 11 verse 14.
And no wonder for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, their end will correspond to their deeds.
This being that the lady encountered initially presented itself in the form of light.
I don't think that's a coincidence at all. This just seems in keeping with the biblical account, not of aliens though, but of the devil and the angelic beings that align with the devil.
Now watch these encounters, just like alien abduction accounts, they are typically accompanied with some kind of new age message, right?
That entails rejecting the gospel and embracing a false form of a gospel or something like that.
Let's see what happens here. We just used to have this really comforting telepathic relationship. I used to write about it, give the stories to my parents.
My parents thought what an active imagination this child has got, right? It's great, great for creative writing. But what happens is, is
I, about a year later, I developed whooping cough and I got really, really ill. Like to the fact that I'd... Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on, hold on.
So again, I hope you're keeping track of all of this, right? So the story goes, she meets a spirit.
No one else can see it. I'm using the word spirit. I don't think she did. This spirit initially presents as a form of light, but then takes the shape of a human and calls itself
Tom. Then she gets really sick. But wait a second, is this anywhere in the
Bible? Does this track with what the Bible teaches? It does. Did you know, guys, the
Bible connects demonization with illness. Look at this. So in the time of Jesus, the
Jews saw a connection between demonic possession and sickness or illness.
Now, the Jewish understanding is not where we get our theology. Amen. We get it from God's word.
But it appears that the New Testament also makes this same connection that the Jews did.
Watch this. Matthew 10, verse one. And he, Jesus, called to him his 12 disciples and gave them authority over unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal every disease and affliction.
So the authority that Jesus gives is over the unclean spirits. But part of the authority is given to heal disease and affliction.
Why? Because apparently unclean spirits also had the ability to make people sick.
Look at how this plays out later in Matthew 17, verse 14. And when they came to the crowd, a man came up to him, to Jesus, and kneeling before him said,
Lord, have mercy on my son, for he has seizures and he suffers terribly. For often he falls into the fire and often into the water.
And I brought him to your disciples and they could not heal him. And Jesus answered, O faithless and twisted generation, how long am
I to be with you? How long am I to bear with you? Bring him here to me. And Jesus rebuked the demon and it came out of him.
And the boy was healed instantly. Do you see both characterizations of the way that it's talking about the boy?
The boy's interaction with Jesus. Jesus' interaction with the boy. So watch this.
The boy suffers from seizures. So Jesus casts out the demon and the boy is instantly healed.
Why did the seizure stop though? Because the demon's gone. The New Testament. So maybe this is new to you.
I don't know if it is. Or maybe you're like, yeah, Nate, we already knew this. The New Testament apparently has an understanding of evil spirits as, that they can make people sick.
Now, does that mean that every demonic possession was an illness? No, but some of them apparently were.
And so it's very interesting that this lady met a spirit, developed a relationship with the spirit and then got very sick.
I'd lost all my weight. The doctor said, she's not going to make it. And at that time, myself and this being exchanged souls.
So this is what's called a walk -in. A walk -in. That's what it classed as. So it's not a possession of somebody's taking over.
It's a mutual agreement. And we decided to exchange souls. It's not. It's not a possession.
She's a hundred percent sure of this. So that's what happened. And so now I am a star seed or star being, but I wasn't born one like typically most people are.
And you were how old when that happened? That exchange happened when I was eight. Eight years old. So now where did your soul go to?
Where's there? Well, the being that I now know I had an exchange with is from Arcturus. So that's Arcturus.
Okay. It's one of the brightest stars you can see in the sky at the moment. Did she say Tartarus? Oh boy.
Is there essentially a higher purpose? Is there a plan? Why is it happening?
I think we're at a real poly -crisis as humanity, financial, educational, climate, everything's coming.
We're at this tipping point where humanity needs to need support. Okay. Here comes the narrative, right? And it always starts with some kind of problem that needs to be solved.
Watch this. And if we don't really understand our interconnectedness to everything, then we're not going to survive this.
The planet won't survive. So the role of star seeds is to help people reconnect to what it is to be human, to have more compassion around other sentient beings, but also to actually working harmony.
And rather than see ourselves as separate. I mean, we're at a time where we're all so connected with the internet, but when
I speak to people, they feel so isolated. They feel like I don't know who to trust. They don't really know themselves. And if you look at indigenous tribes, they don't have this understanding of what's nature and what's them.
We are one. And so it's just helping people to raise their ability to connect with themselves and raise the frequency of the planet.
Now, the planet actually has a resonance. You can look at this from the HeartMath Institute or Schumann Resonance, and you can see how we are, our collective minds and the way that we take actions affect the frequency of our planet and star seeds are here to raise that frequency.
And there's a new age stuff, right? So the
Schumann Resonance and all the stuff about frequency, it's a common claim from new agers for there to be some kind of spiritual deeper meaning behind actually real scientific artifacts.
But that's what's... So is there a frequency around the planet? Yeah, but that's what's so interesting about all this.
It's not so much that they talk about frequencies, although that's pretty bizarre as well, but it's that these like tuning into these frequencies somehow becomes the gospel.
It becomes the solution. In other words, that looking into your own self and connecting into the oneness of all reality is the path to salvation.
It is the truth underlying the entire universe. The God of the Bible has nothing to do with any of this.
This worldview has no room for God. Therefore, the salvation that this lady is appealing to is not salvation from sin.
There's no such thing as sin. I didn't hear anything about sin in this account, did you? Why? Well, because this is all a false gospel.
It's new age propaganda. And interestingly, if you have the eyes to see this, the clues are all there.
Star seed, spirit, illness, swapping souls, right?
The Bible talks about all these things, guys. But it tells you about these things within the proper spiritual framework.
See, I believe that this lady, when she describes her encounters with another being,
I believe her. But what I don't believe is what that being has told her. Amen.
This is the type of thing that happens, you know, with alien abduction cases. Abductees are told things that are not true and lead right down the same new age occultic path.
It's like a 50 -50 on the polls. Like 59%. Yeah, have aliens visited Earth already?
59 % say no, 41 % say yes. It's not shifted a lot, but it'll be. So they're referring to how many people actually believe in this kind of stuff.
Aliens, UFOs, all that. Having our viewers listening to you, whether they feel like actually there is something in this.
And my question would be differently about do they believe in other beings rather than visited Earth? Because I don't believe there are many beings that have actually visited
Earth. Right. So that's different. Starseeds incarnating as humans is a different concept for me than an extraterrestrial visiting
Earth. I see. So the question is... Well, yeah, because we're not talking about aliens from another planet at all.
What we're talking about are spirit beings that are entering into our dimension and engaging human beings for the sole purpose of leading them astray from the truth.
It's interesting because I'm not hearing anything from this lady about testing these spirits to see if they are being truthful.
Has it not occurred to anybody that these beings are real, but they also have a secret agenda and they're lying?
See, the Bible warns about this very thing, friends. Look at this. 1 John 4, verse 1. Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God.
For many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this, you know, the spirit of God, every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God.
And every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the
Antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already. Little children, you are from God and have overcome them for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.
By the way, he who is in the world is the God of this world. Take a look at this. 2
Corinthians 4. In their case, the God of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
This right here is the prince of the power of the air, according to Ephesians 2. And the
Bible characterizes all of this stuff as a battle, a spiritual battle that is taking place in the unseen realm.
And guess what? Guess what the specific weapon is that our enemies are using in this battle.
Paul describes it, guys. It's right in chapter 10 of this same letter. Look at this. 2 Corinthians 10, verse four.
For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but have divine power to destroy strongholds.
We destroy, here it is. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God and take every thought captive to obey
Christ. The weapons of our enemy are lies, ladies and gentlemen, arguments and lofty opinions that seek to capture people away from the truth about God and the truth about Jesus Christ.
I came out of an environment as a pastor that put a lot of emphasis on how many seats were being filled on a
Sunday morning. I got news for you, friends. The devil doesn't have to keep people away from the seats on a
Sunday morning. All he has to do is keep people away from God's word, away from the truth.
And this is just another expression, you know, another sort of front on the spiritual battle that is taking place and will continue to rage on until Jesus returns.
So, hey, this is a good reminder. Let's stay vigilant. And let's also pray for this lady and for folks like her who they truly believe this stuff.
They truly believe in these kinds of deceptions. Amen. All right. Well, now it's your turn to weigh in.
Have you ever heard of star seeds before I had not? Have you ever heard of swapping souls before? Let me know in the comments below.
It looks like it's like a real thing with a lot of people believing in it more and more each year. I'd love to get your thoughts on this.
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