Thoroughly Equipped Podcast Purpose


The purpose of Thoroughly Equipped!


Have you ever thought about the popular evangelical women's ministry in America today?
Do you read the popular books by popular teachers attend the popular Bible studies and popular sold -out conferences?
Do you ever wonder if they are producing the maturity they claim to encourage or maybe you have spent hours and hours
Reading and spending money attending conferences and feel no more mature in your Christian walk than you did 5 10 or even 20 years ago
Or maybe you're discerning woman who understands that there is something wrong But can't put your finger on it or articulate the possible reasons why there seems to be a problem
I'm no expert But as one who is immersed in it and has by the grace of God claimed out of it
I can at least tell you what I see Please feel free to disagree. I think it's time we start talking about it
Thoroughly equipped is a podcast for women centered on sola scriptura This is the doctrine that the scriptures are all we need for salvation and spiritual living
They are God breathed and useful for teaching rebuking correcting and training and righteousness so the man or woman of God may be not a little not even a lot but Thoroughly completely equipped for every good work
So, that's what I do this podcast takes the popular Evangelical women's ministry teachings books podcasts conferences
Bible studies, etc And compares them to scripture the purpose of which is to show just how sufficient scripture is to equip us to be godly woman
Well, there are three types of women who I hope will benefit from this material One the woman who has gone through said book video
Bible studies, etc Believing the author handled scripture correctly My purpose for the critique is that she learns how to compare what is read to scripture and see how scripture is so much better Than what the author provided Number two is a woman who is discerned that the popular female teacher author is wrong
But has friends acquaintances or church leaders that follow said female teacher author My purpose for the critique is to help her infiltrate the conversation to provide her with a tool that may help her to ask questions and make statements that point said friend acquaintance leader to the sufficiency of scripture
Number three is the woman who leads or hosts a Bible study The purpose for the critique is to see the purpose and claims of the book
Compared to scripture and therefore judge whether or not they wish to use said book or study or video
Within all these situations. My prayer is that more and more women come to the knowledge that scripture really is enough to thoroughly equip us
I pray we study it and that by studying it we receive all that God has promised It will give a restoration of the soul wisdom to the simple rejoicing of the heart purity and enlightenment of the eyes
Discernment of our errors keeping us from our sins It causes us to be blameless and acquitted of great sin all the while pointing us to Christ our rock and our
Redeemer psalm 19 So stick around long enough and you may start to realize that you don't need these books on how to discern
God's voice because he will speak to you through his word or What about that conference on becoming the best woman you can be and all the spiritual advice and encouragement they want to impart to you