Behold Your God: The Weight of Majesty | Official Trailer

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0 views | Behold Your God: The Weight of Majesty is a 12-week multimedia Bible study for churches, small groups, families, or individuals containing 12 sessions that are reinforced by a 12-week daily workbook. Each week’s lesson is preceded by a brief 2-part historical profile of a notable man or woman of God such as John Knox, Hudson Taylor, Anne Judson, John Newton, Edward Payson, and John Bunyan.


There is one being whose immensity is beyond calculation, whose mighty deeds will be discussed from one generation to the next.
God has no beginning, has no end. He is an eternal being.
And let's face it, we can't comprehend that. However, it is revealed in Scripture.
His wonder, His greatness, His glory, that's really what gives us assurance.
Looking out to Him and resting upon His character. Lord, show me
Your glory. That word glory, the Hebrew word kavoth, has the idea of weight to it. The God who is, does all that He pleases.
If it pleases Him to do it, He does it. Because He's the King and He has no rival.
We need to make clear, I think, that He's a person who is constant. That He is true and faithful and good and righteous and just and holy.
And He is all of this, all of the time. What a glorious truth that this all -knowing
God, He Himself says, I will remember your sins no more. On the glorious splendor of Your Majesty and on Your wonderful works,
I will meditate. The strange thing is that the closer we get to this Holy God, it makes us want to be more like Him.
Is this us? Is there still a stretching of every nerve as we open the
Bible? Pleading with the Lord that we might know Him. Being willing to count everything as loss.
And this God, then, is without beginning and without dependence. He is the ever -blessed
God. He is from Himself. He is of Himself. He simply is. This is why He says, I am who
I am. And you say to yourself, I've just barely scratched the surface of this majestic God.
His Majesty permeates all His attributes, all His character.
It's all majestic because He's God and there's none else. Men shall speak of the power of Your awesome acts and I will tell of Your greatness.