Behold Your God: The Weight of Majesty | Official Trailer
1 view | Behold Your God: The Weight of Majesty is a 12-week multimedia Bible study for churches, small groups, families, or individuals containing 12 sessions that are reinforced by a 12-week daily workbook. Each week’s lesson is preceded by a brief 2-part historical profile of a notable man or woman of God such as John Knox, Hudson Taylor, Anne Judson, John Newton, Edward Payson, and John Bunyan.
- 00:05
- There is one being whose immensity is beyond calculation, whose mighty deeds will be discussed from one generation to the next.
- 00:22
- God has no beginning, has no end. He is an eternal being.
- 00:31
- And let's face it, we can't comprehend that. However, it is revealed in Scripture.
- 00:49
- His wonder, His greatness, His glory, that's really what gives us assurance.
- 00:56
- Looking out to Him and resting upon His character. Lord, show me
- 01:02
- Your glory. That word glory, the Hebrew word kavoth, has the idea of weight to it. The God who is, does all that He pleases.
- 01:11
- If it pleases Him to do it, He does it. Because He's the King and He has no rival.
- 01:18
- We need to make clear, I think, that He's a person who is constant. That He is true and faithful and good and righteous and just and holy.
- 01:29
- And He is all of this, all of the time. What a glorious truth that this all -knowing
- 01:40
- God, He Himself says, I will remember your sins no more. On the glorious splendor of Your Majesty and on Your wonderful works,
- 01:51
- I will meditate. The strange thing is that the closer we get to this Holy God, it makes us want to be more like Him.
- 02:02
- Is this us? Is there still a stretching of every nerve as we open the
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- Bible? Pleading with the Lord that we might know Him. Being willing to count everything as loss.
- 02:15
- And this God, then, is without beginning and without dependence. He is the ever -blessed
- 02:23
- God. He is from Himself. He is of Himself. He simply is. This is why He says, I am who
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- I am. And you say to yourself, I've just barely scratched the surface of this majestic God.
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- His Majesty permeates all His attributes, all His character.
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- It's all majestic because He's God and there's none else. Men shall speak of the power of Your awesome acts and I will tell of Your greatness.