Pennsylvania Man Arrested for Quoting Bible at Gay Pride Event
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- 00:01
- This is from The Dissenter, a Pennsylvania man arrested for quoting
- 00:06
- Bible verses at gay pride event. It said, in an egregious spectacle that could only be described as a brutal assault on religious liberty,
- 00:17
- Damon Atkins, a Christian preacher, was publicly shackled and hauled off for exercising his constitutional right to free speech in the town of Redding, Pennsylvania.
- 00:28
- This is what they're doing in Redding City. Tyrant cops threatening older men and myself are standing out here.
- 00:36
- You got, oh, just everything you can imagine. So this is quite crazy, but a wonderful providence of God that I could walk out here.
- 00:45
- And these cops over here, these guys are tyrants. That man threatened me, laid hands on me. But by the grace of God, I could preach for about 10 minutes or so, like I said, before he did that.
- 00:56
- So the gospel went out. The law went out. The gospel went out. God's going to do work with it.
- 01:01
- He's apparently a professing Christian, too. That's the horrible thing about this. Looks like some more men just showed up to support us.
- 01:08
- This cop's going to give them a hard time. Oh, I'm respected.
- 01:27
- You know who's cheering for us? The people that are in hell. So you do you, and I'm going to do me. This is public property.
- 01:35
- You. God is not. That's all. I cannot believe
- 02:05
- I'm watching this. You got it.
- 02:23
- Yeah. Yeah. They're threatening us earlier. Displaying, you know, nakedness, these lewd acts, which often happens at these parades.
- 02:34
- I mean, that is what should be illegal. You know, they used to be a crime in this country.
- 02:40
- But now who's the criminal? Well, it's the Christian preacher. You show up with a Bible and start simply reading
- 02:47
- Bible verses. You could get arrested. So this is America in the year 2023.
- 02:53
- Not surprising, but this is a story. If you want to read more, you can go to the dissenter website.
- 03:01
- But I want to leave you on a positive note. It's 957. Just have a couple minutes left with all the bad things.
- 03:08
- You know, that's the nature of news. News is negative, right? If it if it bleeds, it leads.
- 03:16
- That's it. Just turn on the six o 'clock news. It's mostly negative because that's what brings in viewers.
- 03:23
- And then they'll end with a positive story. So that's just the nature of things. Matter of fact, if you read the
- 03:28
- Bible, it's been said that the Bible's two thirds negative. But how does it end? It ends with a positive story.
- 03:36
- See, it doesn't matter. I mean, it matters for people in the here and now. But in the grand scheme of things, whatever people are doing, resisting
- 03:43
- God, go back to our Bible study with the Philistines and how they opposed God. They didn't win. They couldn't win.
- 03:50
- So whether it's the Philistines or the Babylonians or the Romans or people today who are resisting and rebelling against God, they can't win.
- 04:00
- They're not going to win. The day is going to come when Jesus will return. He will set up his kingdom, which shall last for 1000 years.
- 04:10
- And at the end of that kingdom, what goes on for eternity is what? A new heaven and a new earth.
- 04:19
- A new heaven and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.
- 04:24
- No more crying, no more strife, no more pain, no more tears.
- 04:31
- What we're seeing right now is only temporary. God's kingdom lasts forever.