Pandemic Ponderings Ep. 5, Pandemic Disunity

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Pandemic Disunity


Hey everyone, Pastor Tim here with another episode of Pandemic Ponderings.
Everyone seems to be looking forward to getting together as a church soon. I know I'm looking forward to it.
I'm looking forward to seeing all of you again as we worship as one, singing together, confessing our faith together, praying together, just being together.
Yet, I have to confess that I am concerned about what this pandemic may do to our togetherness.
Now, I'm not so much concerned about the danger of disease. I'm more concerned about the danger of disunity.
Yes, this pandemic does have the potential of causing divisions amongst us.
A couple of weeks ago, I was talking to a friend and she mentioned this idea of disunity.
That is, the possibility that Satan could use these present circumstances to bring division into our congregation.
For that matter, into many congregations. You might ask, how can that be?
We're all looking forward to the time when we're together again. We can't wait to be together.
It seems that this virus is an instrument of unity, not division. Well, let me ask you a few questions.
How do you react when you see someone in the store and she's not wearing a mask? Do you think, wow, there's a rugged individualist who doesn't care what people think of her?
Or, well, there's a thoughtless individual who doesn't care about the health of other people. What's your opinion on the restrictions we've had to live with in these last few months?
A necessary measure to flatten the curve and so do good to everyone?
Or a power grab by the government leading to the inevitable loss of liberty? What do you think of this whole pandemic?
Is it the deadliest foe we've faced since the end of World War II? Or just an overblown health concern hyped by the liberal media?
Now let me ask, how do you respond to someone who does not agree with your assessment of the whole coronavirus thing?
You know how you respond. You get pretty upset and you're ready to do battle.
How could anyone be so addle -brained as to believe that this is a government conspiracy?
How can you not see that our liberties are on the brink of extinction? You're arguing with your co -workers about it.
You're putting up angry, why don't you stay at home, you knucklehead posts on your Facebook page.
Here's the problem. The addle -brained conspiracy theorist goes to your church.
And the family who got upset because their neighbors had more than 10 people at their daughter's birthday party sits next to you in the pew.
Carry all those beliefs and emotions into the congregation and you have the makings of pandemic disunity.
Now, we do not have the option of splitting the congregation over such devoutly held beliefs.
God puts a high premium on unity. You remember in the Gospel of John, chapter 13,
Jesus tells us, A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, just as I have loved you.
You also are to love one another. By this, all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.
In Ephesians, chapter 4, God commands us through Paul, Just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call.
One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
Now, do you see the emphasis on unity that God gives us? We don't have the option of splitting.
So, how can we remain unified when we have different views about these restrictions and even the pandemic itself?
Well, first of all, we should make much of what the scripture addresses and less about our own political and social beliefs.
Now, the Bible commands us to love one another like Jesus loved us. Do you love the brother who believes there's a government conspiracy afoot?
Do you love the sister who believes refusing to wear a mask endangers everyone else's health?
Do you really want to split the congregation over whether you should wear a mask or not, or whether you have the same view of the government or not?
Let me ask you, does the inspired text of scripture contain a copy of the United States Constitution?
No, it does not. So, if I don't believe our rights are compromised through these health restrictions, but you are convinced that they are, we can discuss it, but we cannot separate over it.
Since scripture does not address it directly, we have freedom to disagree on it.
And you can try to convince me of your point of view while I try to persuade you of mine.
But we cannot break fellowship with one another as if God's word had spoken authoritatively about it.
When we get into that kind of an argument, we have put our beliefs about liberty or conspiracy, or whether it's all media hype, we have put those beliefs on the same level or above the scripture.
Don't argue for a political view with the same passion you would argue for biblical truth.
If you do, then you are in danger of giving that political view the kind of allegiance reserved for scripture alone.
No matter what you believe about this pandemic, no beliefs should alter the way we live our
Christian life. So, let's say it's all media hype. Let's just say it is media hype.
Does that change the way we approach life as Christians? If all my unbelieving neighbors are afraid of catching the virus and wants everyone to wear masks,
I'll wear a mask in order to obey scripture's command to love my neighbor. If the police will arrest anyone for not wearing a mask, then
I'll wear a mask because God tells me to submit to the governing authorities, whether they are freedom -loving champions or tyrants.
How does this change the way you live as a Christian? We still love our enemies.
We can still be kind and generous to our neighbors. We can still be what Christ has called us to be, even without our liberties.
Nothing can keep us from being and doing what Jesus commands. By the way, the apostles
Peter and Paul both called on Christians to submit to the tyrants of their day. So that doesn't change for us either.
Now look, I am not a cheerleader for tyranny, and I am passionate about our constitutional liberties.
But honestly, would it change how you live for Christ? Here's the point.
No matter what you believe about the pandemic, or the government, or the media, or the restrictions, nothing changes the way we live for Christ.
So why argue about these things? If the governor is a tyrant, how do
I magnify Christ? If the government is my friend, how do
I magnify Christ? No matter what you think is going on, we all need to encourage one another to live for the glory of Christ.
So be on the alert for any signs of pandemic disunity. And the place to look first is your own heart.
What are the attitudes and beliefs and emotions that you exhibit?
Are you willing to love those who disagree with you? Do you give scriptural truth the same amount of passion that you give to your political analysis?
Would you rather convince someone of your point of view, or encourage her or him to live in a distinctive,
Christ -honoring way? Heed God when He says that we all should be eager to maintain the unity of the
Spirit in the bond of peace. Well, that's it for today.