Disney Star Wars is Desperate

AD Robles iconAD Robles


So pathetic. Its like a pathetic friend that will do anything to get you to like him. :(


So, I just wanted to comment on this Dark Side Ray situation here.
I know this is not very important in the grand scheme of things, but I just wanted to comment on it, so I'm going to.
But if you didn't know, I love Star Wars. You can see in the back, I've got Star Wars posters there.
I spent today, in between my phone calls, painting some Star Wars miniatures here. I play a
Star Wars war game, and you've got to paint the miniatures yourself. This is an Echo Base Trooper that I've been painting.
I'm not a very good painter, but I find it very fun. Here's another one I was painting today as well. This guy has a beard.
I did a pretty good job on the beard, I think. Anyway, so I love Star Wars, I really do. But I'm really not looking forward to this final movie.
I'm going to see this one in the theater just to complete the saga, so, you know, that is going to happen.
But I'm not that excited for it, and I didn't see Solo in the theater, and I probably will never see another movie in the theater again, unless something changes.
Or my kids can probably dupe me into doing it when they get old enough to watch Star Wars movies. Anyway, so one of my friends posted this picture, this has been going around the internet like crazy.
I mean, I've seen probably 20 people post this exact picture of Rey looking like she's a
Sith Lord. And let me just be honest with you, if, well, let me just give you the timeline here.
So this person posted this kind of in an excited way, and one of my friends said,
I don't want to see spoilers with a sad face. And I responded to him, I said, I agree, this trailer, the spoiler that they're putting out there, whether she's really going to become a
Sith, or really going to be tempted by the Sith, or if it's just a dream and this is just a trick, it doesn't matter really what the reason they're releasing this here, it's a terrible move for Star Wars Disney.
They just don't understand how to do this with real Star Wars fans. And it makes them appear desperate, this is what my comment says, it makes them appear desperate, which
I think they are. So doing this, and releasing this kind of a teaser, this kind of a spoiler, if you will, they've spoiled their own movie.
It's a very desperate move. And the reality is, though, that this is probably just a misdirection.
She's not going to, this is probably like, most people are saying this is probably like a dream, she's not going to really become a Sith. But it doesn't matter now, it doesn't matter what they do with this.
It could be a real situation, situation where Rey becomes a Sith. It could be a fake, a dream, or it can be maybe she's just tempted by or maybe she's just tricking them.
It doesn't matter what they do with it. Now, the fact that they've released this has ruined it has absolutely ruined it.
Because they've spoiled their own movie. This is the thing. Let me just be straight with you. If I would have went to this movie, and in the course of this movie, this happens.
So Rey is a dark side, she's got, you know, she's got the dark makeup, she looks like she's going to become evil.
If they had done this in the movie, without spoiling it, so in other words, they just did this, they just didn't, they didn't tell anyone about it, they didn't tease it, they just decided to do this, this was the storyline in the movie,
I would have loved it. I would have loved it, because this is the kind of thing that I like,
I like this kind of thing, you know, where someone really does get tempted by the dark side, because in the
Return of the Jedi, if you remember, it does kind of appear, everything looks like Luke is potentially going to be tempted by the dark side, he's even wearing dark clothing, and things like that.
And then if you remember that last scene in the Return of the Jedi, his clothing kind of rips out, and you can see the white underneath, it's not very subtle, of course, he's still a light side character, you know what
I mean? But in the beginning of that movie, you think, man, is he going to be tempted by Darth Vader? Is he, is this really going to happen?
Even up until the end, you think it's going to happen. And then he doesn't, of course, because he's a hero,
Luke Skywalker is a hero. And so if they would have done this without telling anybody about it, it would have been awesome.
I would have gone into that movie and I would have, you know, listen, movies make you feel, you know, certain ways, and they give you tingles, and they give you emotional roller coasters and stuff.
And if this would have happened in the movie without me knowing about it ahead of time, this would have been epic, man.
But no, Disney is just, they're desperate. They want people to be excited about this movie that nobody is excited about.
And so they release this image, ooh, is Rey going to become a dark side? Ooh, who knows? Is the
Emperor going to come back and tempt her? Who cares now? Because you've just spoiled it.
It doesn't matter what you do with it. This could be a dream sequence, everyone's going to be mad. It can be she's going undercover, everyone's going to be mad.
It can be real. She could actually become a Sith, and everyone's going to be mad because you spoiled it.
This is the stupidest attempt at hyping up a movie that I've ever seen. It doesn't matter what this means.
Everyone's trying to analyze it. I don't even care. It probably is just a dream sequence. It doesn't really matter to me.
No matter what way they go with this, now that they've released this, it's so stupid. This is the stupidest move that I've ever seen from a trailer.
It just really is. And look, look. Will I go see the movie? Yes, because I want to see the story complete.
That's what I want to see. But this is it. I mean, Disney just doesn't understand. They don't get it. They're a great company.
I love Disney products in general, but they don't understand how to deal with Star Wars. They don't know how to use it.
And it's just going to be, it's just been, anyway, this is a bad move, just a totally bad move.
I don't understand why they would do this. And again, I, maybe
I'm wrong. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe they can do something with this that'll actually make it interesting. But now that they've released this image,
I think no matter what they do with this story, it's ruined. It's absolutely ruined. And they ruined it. They ruined it themselves.
It wasn't even a leak. They did it. Anyway, I hope this was helpful. This is not really