Practicing a Heavenly Perspective

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Philippians 4:8-9 Pastor Rob Kimsey June 25, 2023


We'll be continuing this morning in the letter of Paul to the Philippians in chapter 4 and this morning's
Passage is chapter 4 verses 8 and 9 Practicing a heavenly perspective
Practicing a heavenly perspective Philippians is often called the epistle of Christian joy
Although that is true. I think we could go beyond that. I think that that Really name is wrong or that label is probably too broad to talk about this letter
The overarching theme of this letter is the pursuit of Christ likeness in light of the return of Christ The tone is joyful.
The theme is pursuing Christ There are two perspectives in life earthly versus heavenly and Let's read for the sake of context.
We'll go back a little bit So our verses are chapter 4 8 and 9, but let's start back in chapter 3 earthly versus Heavenly chapter 3 look at verse 17.
We'll pick it up there Paul writes brothers join in following my example and look for those who walk according to the pattern you have in us for many walk of whom
I often told you and now tell you even crying as enemies of the cross of Christ Whose end is destruction whose
God is their stomach and glory is in their shame who set their thoughts on earthly things for our
Citizenship is in heaven from which we also eagerly wait for a
Savior the Lord Jesus Christ Who will transform the body of our humble state into conformity with the body of his glory
By his working through which he is able to even subject all things to himself
Therefore my brothers loved and longed for my joy and crown in this way stand firm in the
Lord my beloved I Urge you odia and I urge Syntyche to think the same way in the
Lord Indeed I ask you also Genuine companion help these women who have contended together alongside of me in the gospel
With also Clement and the rest of my fellow workers whose names are in the book of life
Rejoice in the Lord always again. I will say rejoice Let your considerate spirit be known to all men.
The Lord is near Be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving Let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God which surpasses all
Comprehension will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus verse 8
Finally brothers Whatever is true. Whatever is dignified.
Whatever is right Whatever is pure whatever is lovely Whatever is commendable if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise
Consider these things the things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me
Practice these things and the God of peace will be with you earthly versus heavenly
You know, we can think of maybe an illustration that's simple like the glass half -empty There are different perspectives, right?
You could look at that glass and say it's half empty or you could look at the same glass and say it's half
Full of water, but this goes beyond just a perspective Right.
It doesn't matter really about the glass or how much liquid is inside of it We can have a negative or positive attitude in life
But this kind of perspective is earthly versus heavenly and it transcends the objective reality
We see around us It's not about whether how much water is in that cup
It's about the one who made the minerals that make the glass Who who created the water who created the desk that the cup is on even thinking about going beyond just Circumstances, that's the perspective
Paul uses this negative positive contrast really throughout this whole letter the contrast of earthly versus heavenly flows throughout
Essentially the entire writing. Let's look at this just real quickly. We'll look at a few examples here.
We turn this on earthly versus Heavenly. Well, let's see if we can trace this through the letter without rereading all of these passages
Just look at chapter 1 verses 15 through 17 Earthly versus heavenly those with a pure motive of love versus those with a motive of selfish ambition even chapter 1 verses 27 and 28 living together for the faith versus those who oppose the faith
Earthly versus heavenly we can see in chapter 2 this theme goes all the way through verses 1 through 3 having affection sympathy and humility
Versus those with conceited and selfish ambition who only look out for their own interests
Look at verses 12 through 14 those who have a fearful reverence of God Versus those who grumble and complain against God earthly versus heavenly in Chapter 2 verses 23 through 20 or 20 through 22, excuse me being genuinely concerned for others
Versus those who only seek their own interest earthly versus heavenly a couple examples in chapter 3
Chapter 3 verses 2 and 3 those who think they're justified by works versus those who are justified by God alone and then finally from our passage this morning in the context chapter 3 verses 18 through 21 professing
Christians who revel in worldly liberties and don't pursue godliness
Versus true believers who pursue Christ likeness and demonstrating godliness earthly versus Heavenly, there are really only those two perspectives in life
And what you believe is going to determine how you live your life. What are you thinking about?
Well, what you're thinking about is what you're talking about what you're talking about is what you're doing So this perspective is important because it has to do with how you live
How do you live your life? There are two perspectives in life earthly versus heavenly practicing a heavenly perspective as We've seen from Paul's Contrast right in his logical flow of thought
What you believe affects how you live your perspective determines your reality
Your perspective determines how you live your perspective
Determines how you deal with adversity Right. We all go through storms or trials
Paul was in the middle of one yet. He had joy Joy is not possible without a heavenly perspective
And that is what God's Word has for us this morning Philippians was written by the
Apostle Paul to the believers in Philippi to communicate his thanksgiving and Rejoicing in their partnership in the gospel and to exhort them to walk in unity and Christ -likeness
As well as to remain loyal to the gospel while defending it against opponents of the faith
And Paul closed his letter with a final exhortation to the
Philippians to live in Unity to be joyful in their circumstances and to continue in prayer in all things in the passage today
The Apostle gives two life -changing commands for Christian living so that you may know how to focus your thoughts on heavenly things and practice godliness in your life to life -changing commands for Christian living number one heavenly thinking
Heavenly thinking in verse 8 and number 2 holy living verse 9 2 life -changing commands for Christian living number 1 heavenly thinking verse 8
Finally brothers, whatever is true. Whatever is dignified. Whatever is right. Whatever is pure.
Whatever is lovely Whatever is commendable if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise consider these things
Paul is using very specific examples of what a heavenly worldview looks like Whatever things are true as in a matter of fact the quality or state of truth
This is more than objective truth about reality. This is divine truth
Let's think about the way the word truth is used in the scriptures. What is Paul talking about?
Whatever is true? This is divine truth truth number one in God Look at what
Paul writes in his two letters to Timothy God who desires all people to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth first Timothy God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth second
Timothy How about knowledge of the truth in Christ? knowledge of the truth in Christ in Christ you also when you heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation and believed in him were sealed with the promised
Holy Spirit who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it to the praise of his glory
Ephesians 1 and Then again Paul same letter Ephesians 4 you have heard about him and were taught in him as the truth is in Jesus How about the promised
Holy Spirit according to the words of Jesus? When the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all the truth
For he will not speak on his own authority But whatever he hears he will speak and he will declare to you the things that are to come
John 16 How about whatever is true is in God's Word?
Jesus said sanctify them in the truth. Your word is truth
So Paul's explaining the things that believers ought to be putting their focus on What should we be putting our focus on?
Whatever is true He's not talking about worldly philosophy or Greek rhetoric
He's talking about the revealed mind of Christ from the Word of God, whatever is true whatever is dignified is
Having the qualities that merit recognition in a specified way. This is honorable according a great deal of respect
Especially because of wisdom character or holiness. It is the idea of being above reproach
The Greek concept for honorable is literally worthy of respect a worldly perspective is
Not worthy of respect Earthly attitudes should not mark the believer
Whatever things are right is the idea of what is necessary Legally or morally in view of certain requirements of justice to be just fair Equitable not from a human point of view in what is right.
This is divine righteousness He is saying to contemplate God's divine standard of holiness
Those without Christ are stuck in an endless cycle of doom and gloom Ultimately in their own destruction in the long run because they don't have this viewpoint
Whatever is pure is wholesome and untainted by immorality to be free from contamination or Dedicated or consecrated by God think of the concept of being morally clean and undefiled in living
Believers should be different than the world Instead putting their hope and their thought life in heavenly things whatever things are lovely is a
Godliness causing pleasure or delight. It's pleasing and agreeable Paul is directing the believer to be gracious to focus on kindness
Whatever is commendable is the idea of a good report or deserving praise?
Think of something highly regarded or respected our Thought life and focus must determine how we live
What Paul means by worthy of praise is virtue as in uncommon character excellence of character or exceptional civic virtue
Anything praiseworthy means to express warm approval or admiration of something
But he is talking about behavior Behavior or action showing moral quality or usefulness
When thinking about character it is the idea of being kind courteous respectful to others and Paul ends the list of heavenly things with a command to focus your thoughts on them
He says think about these things and the word Paul uses here to meditate or consider comes from a word whose root meaning is to determine by mathematical process to reckon or to calculate
Paul is telling you to process these things He uses specific language to communicate the idea to give careful thought to a matter
To think about it to consider it to ponder To let the mind dwell on these heavenly things
We put what we put into our minds determines what comes out in our words and actions and Paul is telling you to reprogram
Reprogram your mind Reprogram your mind with thoughts that are true honest just pure lovely of good report virtuous praiseworthy is
Your mind ever filled with impure or unrighteous thoughts I should see everybody's arm going up.
Don't hurt your your shoulder when that arm shoots up That's a rhetorical question. Of course.
The answer is yes This passage teaches us to examine what we are putting into our minds
And that might be through television through books movies even magazines. I Was gonna say newspaper, but they probably don't make those too much anymore
You know for for us in our contemporary time an improper use of the
Internet Instead replace harmful input with wholesome material
Most importantly read God's Word and pray
Ask God to help you focus your mind Help God to help you focus your mind on what is good on what is good and pure And I'm not saying that it's easy it isn't easy this this is not easy it takes effort
Paul says to be intentional about it think on these things
It takes practice, but it can be done You know if you're struggling in this area when is the last time you help you you ask
God to simply help you God will you help me today? Have you asked for God to help focus your thoughts
But we need to make a point here that the truth that you know Paul starts off with here in verse 8 it isn't secular philosophy
This is not worldly wisdom This is not the wisdom of the of the kings of the day or the elite people that rule society
No, this is the truth According to the word not according to the world the truth according to the word
Right God desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth in Christ You heard the word of truth the gospel of your salvation
As in the truth is in Jesus The Holy Spirit of truth has come and he will guide you into all the truth
And he will declare to you the things that are to come Remember Jesus is prayer for you
Right we looked at it. Jesus said sanctify them in the truth your word is truth
So we need to make that that is an important point we have to make This is the truth according to the
Word of God Not philosophy or the wisdom of the age to life -changing commands for Christian living number one
Heavenly thinking so that you may know how to focus your thoughts and number two.
Holy living verse 9 The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me
Practice these things and the God of peace will be with you
Paul is making it clear that the things that God's Word teaches are what we should practice
When he's talking about what the Philippians have learned He is saying that they have gained knowledge or they have gained skill by instruction from God's Word Which he taught them
Paul is reminding the believers in Philippi of the things they learned from him and to practice that in their own lives to Practice them in their own lives what they had received from him was a fact of life the word to receive
Implies agreement or approval in regard to his teaching and preaching
So Paul has given them a real tangible Example of Christian conduct.
This is one they can they can look at they can see this they can grab it They can they can do this
Thinking determines belief and belief determines behavior Paul ends this reminder with a command to practice what he has taught
He is saying for them to bring about or to accomplish in their own lives
What he has shown them from his teaching and preaching of the gospel through activity
It is the idea of doing or accomplishing his teaching in their day -to -day lives
And this is a command given with a promise. The peace of God is promised again.
Paul repeats himself from verse 7 This is not a human peace
This is a state of well -being Perfect harmony in mind body and spirit it defies human understanding.
This is not human peace This is God peace. It is a profound inner contentment and spiritual calmness and Joy, that is divine and cannot be shaken by earthly circumstances.
This is not temporal. This is a real lasting happiness and inner contentment
Remember this teaching the most important perspective Today is what you think about Jesus, right?
What do you think or believe about Jesus? What is your perspective about Jesus and we can even ask the question like this.
What is your Jesus perspective? For God so loved the world that he gave his only son
That whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life
For God did not send his son into the world to condemn the world But in order that the world might be saved through him
Whoever believes in him is not condemned But whoever does not believe is condemned already because he has not believed in the name of the only
Son of God And this is the judgment that Light has come into the world and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil
For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light lest his work should be exposed
But whoever does what is true comes to the light So that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God John 3
An important passage here Say well that you can't just read that every time preacher and say that's the gospel.
Yes, I can Because that is the gospel. This is what the truth is.
We need to hold fast to the truth and For this connection here. It's kind of cool in verse 21 of This section we see another word for doing or practice to do or practice again
It's now remember verse 9 from our passage Paul said to do to practice to be engaged in and that's what
Jesus is saying at the end of this section in John 3 21 Jesus is literally saying to do or to carry out
Christian doctrine to execute or to perform the truth
See what you think determines what you practice and most importantly what you think or what you believe about Jesus Determines what will happen to you when you die
What will happen to you in the afterlife? This is so important He says the things you've learned and received and heard and seen in me practice these things and the
God of peace will be with you Spend time every day in God's Word You know start your day with a morning devotion and a quiet time with the
Lord Listen to Paul's message here the things you have learned do the things you have learned practice
You know and even a morning devotion time with some with the word is is spending some time with the
Lord communing with him being in prayer with him a healthy prayer life is critical to godly living and Oftentimes the amount of time we're spending reading the scriptures
Correlates directly to how much time we're talking to God How much time you're reading the Bible will match up with how much time you're talking to God?
Read your Bible every day Make a reading plan give yourself a goal and stick to it
Don't have time too busy. I Mean, you know, that isn't true You know it you know, that's not true
No one's too busy to have a quiet time with the Lord and read the Bible. This has to be an important Intentional part of your day that's planned.
We all have phones and apps use your reminder app There's so many things that we have as resources
Make time This is the most important thing you can do every day
Read your Bible and cut other things out if necessary Just ask yourself.
How much time are you spending? Watching streaming shows on TV or the cable
Versus reading your Bible say well, I've read my Bible today. I've got my time in I'm so pleased that you spent 20 minutes today reading your
Bible and you spent eight hours watching reruns on Netflix Whatever your show is
You should ask yourself. Am I even spending even close to the right amount of time?
Am I even reading my Bible every day be real with yourself? But don't be hard on yourself.
There is now no condemnation in Christ start today start today
Read your Bible pray to God with all your concerns and requests leave nothing out read your
Bible if you do this consistently you will start to grow in your understanding of God's Word as The Holy Spirit begins to increase your understanding of the
Word. He will also increase your conviction That the Word is true an ever -increasing conviction that the
Word of God is the truth the the ministry of the Holy Spirit and Wow, what a ministry it is
When in the inner part of your soul and your inner being you read something from the Bible and you know that that's the truth
You can run through a brick wall when the Holy Spirit allows that understanding to happen
He always pairs it up with the conviction that it's true. It's not just theological acumen
No, this is real. I have to live my life according to what this says because why why would you need to do that?
Because it's true. It's the truth You know and this is a really important part of our daily walk as Christians what we're doing with our free time and You know as there's one finger out there.
There's three back at me. I need to say we and us here This is something that we all struggle with You know if you're not reading your
Bible every day and taking every thought to the Lord in prayer you are fooling yourself if you think you're going to miraculous
Miraculously start living a life marked by holiness or godliness on your own forget it
Forget about it only through the power of the Holy Spirit and His weapon of choice will that happen and the weapon of choice for the
Holy Spirit is the Bible The Holy Spirit's weapon is the Bible the sword of truth
So wield the sword and read your Bible. I Mean to try to have some kind of you're gonna start living a life marked by godliness on your own
Without the Word of God without the Holy Spirit He says the things you have heard in me the things you have seen in me
Do them practice these things? This is not some kind of a far -reaching unreachable esoteric weird abstract
No, this is something that's real that we can reach out and grab on to we can hold on to this we can live our life by this
Because if you try to live your life without without the Bible without the Word of God You're like a soldier going to war without a rifle
It's like you're out there. It's World War three and you're in your your shorts and sandals
Get armed get equipped get ready for battle Right. You're a soldier going to war without his rifle
If you think you're gonna automatically start living a certain way without God's Word This is what we have to remember.
This is what we have to live by two life -changing commands for Christian living number one
Heavenly thinking so that you may know how to focus your thoughts and number two
Holy living so that you can pursue godliness in your life
The context of Paul's argument and really his logical flow of thought here
Starts earlier in this letter Paul is making his point with a negative positive contrast.
So it's kind of think about our illustration this morning a Negative and positive and that he uses these contrasts throughout the letter and he's building this case
So first he gives the negative Here's the first the negative contrast earthly mindsets and unbelief
Right we saw this in chapter 3 brothers join in Following my example and look for those who walk according to the pattern you have in us for many walk of whom
I have often told you and now tell you even crying as enemies of the cross of crop of the cross of Christ Whose end is destruction whose
God is their stomach and glory is in their shame who set their thoughts on earthly things
For our citizenship is in heaven from which also we eagerly wait for a
Savior the Lord Jesus Christ who will Transform the body of our humble state into the conformity with the body of his glory
By his working through which he is able to even subject all things to himself
So this is this is more than destruction or waste This is the idea of annihilation
Annihilation complete obliteration and total defeat earthly mindsets and unbelief
Glory can mean fame recognition renown honor or even prestige The ones who have their minds set on earthly things are
Renowned or recognized for their disgrace or shame they are famous for their painful feeling of humiliation or Distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior
This is the result of earthly thinking earthly or worldly thinking with the implication of personal gratification earthly mindsets and unbelief now he's going to give the positive a
Heavenly perspective that only comes from belief in the Christ Jesus heavenly thinking and holy living
Finally brothers, whatever is true. Whatever is dignified. Whatever is right. Whatever is pure.
Whatever is lovely Whatever is commendable if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise
Consider these things the things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me
Practice these things and the God of peace will be with you what a person thinks determines what they believe a
Correct perspective is the difference between life and death
The most important perspective in context of Paul's writing is the return of Christ Everything Paul writes about must be placed under that view from beginning to end
Paul has the return of the Lord in mind Paul has eternal things in mind look at just some of the references here
Philippians 1 10 for the day of Christ Philippians 2 10 and 11 at the name of Jesus Philippians 2 16 in the day of Christ Philippians 3 14 the goal for the prize
Paul has eternal things in mind Everything he's doing all of the the contrasting he's using this earthly versus heavenly perspective the negative positive contrast
Everything in the letter falls under this Really the the overarching theme the return of Jesus the return of Christ Paul has eternal things in mind to life -changing commands heavenly thinking so that you may know how to focus your thoughts and Holy living so that you can pursue godliness in your life
Paul's thinking is saturated with the reality of the return of Christ and the future glory
Right the body of his glory. This is a heavenly perspective
The most important perspective is is really what what do you think about Jesus?
Who is Jesus to you? Right? What do you think or believe about? Jesus Whoever believes in the
Son has eternal life Whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him
John 3 a little bit later. You thought I was done with John 3. We're just getting started and we're gonna do
John 3 next week I'm just kidding. I don't know if we're gonna do John 3 next week You know, what does a person think about Jesus?
What do you believe about Jesus? Because nothing else matters except that question and how you answer that question
Jesus is the source of a heavenly perspective You cannot change the way you think without Jesus and you cannot have a heavenly perspective without Jesus last week we looked at the
Antidote to the problem of anxiety as we looked at verses 4 through 7 of chapter 4
I just wanted to point this out the application of Philippians 4 4 through 7 are
The life -changing commands and this additional promise from verses 8 and 9
Two commands for everyday living so that you can know how to focus your thoughts on heavenly things and practice godliness in your life the commands of heavenly thinking and Holy living and the repeated promise of the peace of God in verses 8 and 9
The the promise of the peace of God in verse in verses 8 and 9 are where Paul lands the plane
Really like he's he's coming in on his his conclusion to what he's he's writing here
This is important. So he's he's said this this promise in In verses 4 through 7 and now he's gonna land the plane and say this is how you apply these verses
This is what you do with it essentially verses 8 and 9 are the application of those verses in verses 8 and 9
Paul explains that by focusing your thoughts and being
Intentional in pursuing holiness you can be free of anxiety There's a connection there
It's bring it all to the Lord Bring all your prayers all your petition with Thanksgiving bring them to the
Lord and the peace of God will be with you But then look at what he's saying Think about what is good.
What is true practice those things and the peace of God will be with you So 8 and 9 are simply the application of verses 4 and 7
Their life -changing commands and it again goes with the promise in verse 8
Paul is using very specific Examples of what this worldview looks like Right.
It's more than objective truth about reality. This is divine truth as in truth in God Knowledge of the truth in Christ the promised
Holy Spirit according to the words of Jesus Whatever is true is in God's Word So Paul is explaining the things that believers ought to be putting their focus on Right a worldly perspective is not from God earthly attitude should not mark the believer
Paul is saying to contemplate God's divine standard. Look at God's standard of holiness
Right. We don't want to be like unbelievers who are stuck in an endless cycle of doom and gloom Ultimately, it's their own destruction in the long run because they don't believe in Jesus Believers should be different from the world.
Our belief should match up. There should be something that's different about us Instead we should be putting our hope and our thought life in heavenly things not being distracted by the earthly realities
Paul is directing the believer to be gracious to focus on kindness our
Thought life and focus must determine how we live because Paul is talking about behavior
You know Paul ends the list of heavenly things with the command to focus your thoughts on them
He doesn't just list all of these things and then leave it there. He says these are the things that I want you to think about He's saying to process them and he uses very specific
Words here to I to express the idea to communicate to give careful thought to a matter to consider something right
We say don't dwell on that something bad happens to us. You need to let it go. Don't dwell on that Paul is saying
I want you to dwell on this You know park your car here plant your tent here
Don't move on Dwell on these things spend some time here thinking about this
Don't move on too quick from this What we put into our minds determines what comes out in our words and actions.
This is very important Paul is telling us to reprogram our thoughts to reprogram our thoughts and to focus on the things that are true
What do we know? Well what we know is true is from the Word of God Assurance and salvation the promise of a sin -free glorified body
That's what Paul wants them to think about verses 8 and 9
Teach you to examine what you are thinking about and what you are allowing into your mind what you are putting into your mind
Ask God to help you focus in this area and Paul says to be intentional about it reckon these things
Calculate these things he says to think on these things The command of heavenly thinking so that you may know how to focus your thoughts
In order to know how to focus your thoughts. You need to know what you're supposed to be thinking about Paul isn't just saying hey rethink something else.
He's saying this is what you need to think about. Whatever is true in Verse 9
Paul is making it clear that the things that God's Word Teaches are what we should practice
Thinking determines belief and belief determines behavior He is saying for them to accomplish this in their lives his activity
Accomplish the activity you've seen in me, which of course goes back to teaching and preaching of the gospel It's the idea of doing his teaching in their everyday lives
This is a command given with a promise again. This piece of God is promised again
Listen to Paul's message what you have learned do it what you have learned
Practice it pray to God with all your concerns and requests leave nothing out
The command of holy living so that you can practice Godliness in your life and notice there's a there's an order there
First you can control your thought life. Then you can control your life If you're if you're out of control with your thought life, you're out of control
Paul is saying focus your thought life and then you can focus on how you're living the command of holy living so that you can
Practice godliness in your life and the promise that the God of peace will never leave you nor forsake you
Seeking God through prayer is important to remind ourselves that God is sovereign
You're acknowledging God's sovereignty Every time you open your mouth to talk to him and when you're in the middle of a storm or a trial or adversity
You're demonstrating your faith by talking to your father Go to God seeking
God through prayer is important to remind ourselves that God is Sovereign he causes everything in the long run for the good of his people
Right, we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love
God and are called according to his purpose for them Romans 8 Another thing you can do is pray through the
Psalms Praying through the Psalms and dwelling on the glorious truths of God's strength and provision is important in battling anxiety and fear
Because God is a fortress of strength It is to him to which we should or to whom we should flee in times of trouble
Psalm 42, but each day the Lord pours his unfailing love upon me and through each night
I sing his songs praying to God who gives me life Ultimately our relationship with God and focusing on his love and not ourselves will remove worldly fear
Yet the fear of the Lord is wise Proverbs 1 fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline
Worldly fear is not wise But perfect love from God in terms of our love and trust in God casts out fear first John 4 such love has no fear because perfect love expels all fear if We are afraid it is for fear of punishment and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love
Having the wrong attitude about life can lead a person down a spiral of destruction
Just your focus, what are you thinking about? What is your focus on today
Do you have an earthly perspective or do you have a heavenly perspective an earthly perspective leads down a
Heavenly perspective leads up because it forces you to look up a life focused on Jesus can enable you it can enable you to have a heavenly perspective and Change the way you live your life and how you deal with the storms of life
Have you experienced a trial in your life? I'm sure that's a yes for all of us.
Are you in a storm today? Well, what does a heavenly perspective tell you about it, what does
God's Word say, right? Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father, but through me Focus your thoughts on heavenly things and experience the peace of God Practice godliness in your life and enjoy the peace of God Entrust yourself to the
Father and you will have the peace of God Pray to the Father and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding
Will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ The source of all good gifts is your heavenly
Father. Are you content today with what God has given you? God has given you the best gift
Imagina, I mean, it's beyond comprehension Just so we can stay in John 3 a little longer he gave his only begotten
Son You don't need anything else. You have everything you will ever need from God Are you grateful with what you have?
Because God has already given you the best gift you could ever have there is no greater gift than the forgiveness of Christ Are you constantly unhappy with life?
Are you unhappy with life? Are you unhappy with life and thinking about how you can get more out of life?
I want more. How can I get more an earthly pursuit and thinking Friends put your hope and your trust in Jesus put your hope and your trust in Jesus today
So that you can have joy and inner contentment that cannot be shaken So that you can correct wrong thinking and have a heavenly perspective
These commands from Paul end with the promise God's peace It is not possible to dwell on Worldly things while living an ungodly life and experience
God's peace the word of the Lord today is for your benefit that God's Word might fill your mind and Change your perspective and the way you live your life
The way you live your life. We should be living for God's glory for the benefit of others and your own benefit heavenly thinking with heavenly reminders
Remember God is for you not against you So, how do you think about God is your life marked by a heavenly?
Perspective if not that can change today it can change right now
God is good and he does good That is what
Paul is teaching us here in this passage. The Apostle Paul gives to life
Changing commands for Christian living so that you may know how to practice a heavenly perspective in your daily life heavenly thinking so that you may know how to focus your thoughts and Holy living so that you can pursue godliness in your life
Let me pray for you God we thank you for this day
We acknowledge that you are the creator Thank you God for the provision.
You have given us this day. Thank you for your mercy and grace Your move your mercies are new for us every day
Thank you for your grace and making us aware of our sin And our need for a
Savior We praise you father for the glorious gospel of grace and your son Thank you
Lord Jesus for glorifying yourself by redeeming us Thank you for the salvation that you have freely given to us
We don't deserve your favor, but you bestow your grace on us for your name's sake Father we ask you to encourage our hearts with the wonderful truths from your word
Help us to not get stuck in worldly thinking Help us to not feel fear and anxiety as we are going through intense times of difficulty or adversity
Father enable us through the power of the Holy Spirit to persevere in times of trouble and to not give in to feelings of despair and hopelessness
We ask that you enable us to focus our thoughts on the truth of our eternal salvation and your promises in the gospel
For future glory as co -heirs with our Lord and Savior Jesus. I Ask you to help us to think correctly about the struggles of this life to think biblically about our trials and the earthly circumstances of adversity to think with a right perspective about Our struggles with sin and the feelings of fear and anxiety that sometimes feel too strong for us
Father sometimes we feel far from you and we wrestle with earthly pleasures. We know the enemy is out to destroy us
Please protect us God from the devil and enable us to stay the course of our lives and our calling in the gospel
Please God have mercy on us and remind us that you have allowed men to write the truth of your goodness in the gospel to us who believe in the name of the
Son of God that we may know that we have eternal life and This is the confidence that we have toward you because of Jesus that if we ask anything according to your will you hear us?
for those in the middle of the storm this morning, I pray that through prayer a heavenly perspective and a pursuit of godliness you will lavish your peace upon them and Guard and protect their minds in Christ Jesus.
I pray for the peace of God We ask all these things in the name of our compassionate high priest and the