A Holy Temple in the Lord

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Sermon: A Holy Temple in the Lord Date: May 1, 2022, Morning Text: Ephesians 2:17–22 Preacher: Brian Garcia Audio: https://storage.googleapis.com/pbc-ca-sermons/2022/220501-AHolyTempleintheLord.aac


Well, today's message is called a holy temple in the Lord and today's
Bible reading is from Ephesians chapter 2 Verses 17 to 22 when you have that please stand for the reading of God's Word Ephesians the second chapter and we're going to be examining verses 17 to 22
Here all ye this morning the word of the Lord and he came and preached peace to you who are far off in peace to those who were near For through him we both have access in one spirit to the
Father So then you are no longer strangers and aliens Where you are fellow citizens with the
Saints and members of the household of God built on the foundation of the
Apostles and prophets Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone in whom the whole structure being joined together grows into a holy temple in the
Lord in Him also are being built together into a dwelling place for God By the
Spirit you may be seated gracious Father in heaven
We come before you this morning and begging and pleading by the name and blood of Jesus that you would fill us
If your most precious Holy Spirit to be able to discern that good and perfect word
To receive that which is from thy good and bountiful hand even the word of truth
Lord God help us in this morning to recognize who we are in Jesus and what it is that you are
Constructing and building throughout the ages even as we ourselves being living and living members and stones
Of this structure that you are building Lord help us to see our place in your divine economy and in your divine plan and we ask it in Jesus name
Amen, well friends. I have great news for you, and it's this
That Jesus Christ has come into the world He lived the life that you could not live.
He was holy perfect blameless in every way Unlike us who the scripture says of our condition
We are children of wrath We have fallen from a state of grace all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God But there is good news in that there is another who has come and his name is
Jesus Living again the life that you and I could not live dying the death that we all deserved
He died next to two criminals on a cross Dying as if he were a sinner
Yet was without sin the scripture says we also see Part of this good news is that this
Jesus though he died. He did not stay dead, but instead on the third day He rose again triumphing over death sin and Hades We also see in this good news narrative that through faith he has saved a people unto himself by means of his grace and That what
God is accomplishing in and through the people of God through his elect Is that God is building a new community a new people a new temple even?
We see in this marvelous word from Ephesians chapter 2 again if you look at verse 17 with me it says and he came this is
Jesus and he preached peace To you who were far off in peace to those who were near If you're following along in today's teaching and insert in the bulletin
I want you to write this in there Jesus came and preached what? peace brothers and sisters
There's peace. I Don't know about you. I don't know about your week too much
And I don't know about what's maybe going on in your life And maybe some of the things that you're hiding But I know for a truth and a reality that we all need to acknowledge this mornings that we need peace peace
We live in a world that's so divided live in a world that's so in need of desperate need of peace you turn on the news and you look at the news stories that are just a constant barrage of bad news conflict in the
Ukraine conflict of Russia conflict in in this nation with people groups not
Agreeing or seeing eye -to -eye we see in the news narratives even it's always bad news more inflation more concern
Economy is in decline all these things and it could make a person Go mad
And we are in desperate need not only peace amongst our neighbors peace amongst in our political systems and peace amongst nations
But we need peace Internally with God we are in desperate need of peace and The good news that Jesus came and he has come and proclaimed peace to you
Peace to you who were far off And also peace to those who were near Jesus came and preached
Peace to those who were far and this is a a clear reference as we've been going through the book of Ephesians We've seen verses 11 through 16.
Paul begins to distinguish the Jews and the Gentiles throughout redemptive history That God had chosen a distinct people for his name in the
Old Covenant Through Abraham. He chose the nation of Israel to be his representative on earth to be his unique people for his own possession and then he
He then begins to work through Israel to redeem the nations But Israel fell short of that divine command and instead the full
Gospel falls in the shoulders of one person Jesus Christ and through the ministry of Jesus He is able to bring both
Jews and Gentiles Near by the shed blood of his cross and that's good news.
I Think we fail because we're so far removed and maybe I'm not sure if you know too many
Jewish people today or if you have any ever lived outside of this country
Where there's two people groups that are predominant and at odds of each other But the the reality of the first century is that the
Gentiles and Jews they were not friends If you ever read them in this in Scripture the story of the
Good Samaritan You know why that story is so Countercultural why the story of the
Good Samaritan is so powerful is Because you have two peoples
Samaritan and a Jew Serving being kind being neighborly though There was great conflict between those two peoples and it was even truer in General with the
Gentiles and the Jewish people at large two people groups who could not get along who were in conflict whose very
Ideologies and religions were pit against each other the pagans saw the
Jewish religion as a As inadequate as you only have one
God we have several guys we have a pantheon of gods and of course a Jewish religion saw the
Gentile paganism as an affront to the true God and as a
Superstition and they could not see eye to eye yet in the person and work of Jesus Christ It says in verse 13 of Ephesians 2
But now in Christ Jesus you who were once far off referred to the Gentiles have been brought near by the blood of Christ For he himself is our peace.
There's that word again peace He is our peace who has made us both one so out of the two
Jew and Gentile God makes one New and glorious people.
He's building something. He's constructing something He does so by breaking down the wall of hostility the scripture says the dividing wall of hostility and verse 13 says by abolishing the law of Commandments expressed in ordinances that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two so making peace
So making peace again. We live in the world. That is just bursting at the seams of ideological philosophical economical even religious and spiritual divisions the need for peace in a divided world is greater now that probably at any other time in history and We see that God is the only one who has a trustworthy track record of bringing together warring factions and making peace
You know, we're not too far from election season Where candidates will come from several parties and they'll begin to say
I'm the right candidates I'm the right person because of X Y & Z because look at my track record.
Look what I've accomplished Look what I've done. Look what I've brought to the table. Can I tell you that every politician?
every leader of this world and age Fall short and in comparison to the excellencies of Jesus to bring peace
Because ultimately the purpose or at least what should be the purpose of politics is the pursuit of peace peace with with our fellow man and peace with with our neighboring nations
But all nations will fall short of this endeavor Because there's only one who can bring true and lasting peace and he is he is himself the
Prince of Peace even Jesus Christ our Lord and Jesus Christ alone has his trustworthy track record of bringing people together
Because he's been doing it Since his his hands were stretched out on that cross
He brought together in his flesh Out of two warring factions
Jews and Gentiles and he made them one He made them one When we look around even this church of ours
We see a living testimony of the reality of the gospel to bring people together The reality of Christ shed blood making peace between different people groups age groups economic social
Backgrounds all of us can come together under the same roof under the same
Lordship of Jesus and Worship the same and living God Hallelujah Praise God There's a testimony.
I want to share with you briefly About 60 years ago there was a
Missionary family that was sent to a far -off people group in the
Indonesian islands and This people group that existed there were indigenous
Some people would call them barbaric. They were in fact headhunters people who were count cannibalistic and This missionary family went to try to infiltrate try to share the gospel bring the good news of Jesus to this people group with no success and In fact in that people group that they were trying to reach there are two factions of that same people group
There were at odds of each other. They were fighting each other that were Constantly warring against each other and The two people and this is a story of the
Saui people Maybe you've heard of this story before again this tribal conflict in Western New Guinea, Indonesia And what they did in order to bring about peace
Between these two warring factions is that the tribal leaders came together? From one faction from the other they came together and they made a negotiation
They said we will offer to you our next born child in exchange for your child that will be born and So when the two children were born the two tribes met and they pass each other's children to the other tribe that way now the bloodlines are
Crossing and no longer can we war with the other side because that's family no longer can we hate the other side because that's our blood in their camp and This was known as the peace child
Friends through the peace child that they offered each other they found peace 60 years later and actually through that offering of the peace child
The missionary saw the perfect opportunity to come forth and to preach the gospel of God's peace child
Jesus Christ that God himself brought forth his peace child into the world through the person of Jesus Christ and that Jesus is the one who who brings two warring factions together and makes peace by his blood and Jesus Christ was made known and great in that island nation 60 years later the people of that island are predominantly
Christian Who serve now the true and living God? all through the testimony and the witness of the peace child
Friends there is a peace child that God has given us in the person of Jesus Christ Then the fullness of time
God brought forth his son born of the Virgin to live the life that you and I could not live to die the death that we deserve and raise them up to glory so That we can now be seated with him shoulder to shoulder with Gentiles and Jews alike in the heavenly kingdom of God What a beautiful witness and testimony of God's peace the peace that he can offer the peace that he can give
Now again, we see again. This is a reference in Ephesians chapter 2 verse 17 He came and preached peace to you who were far off Or who were the ones who were far off if you can go to Acts chapter 2 for a moment
Verse 39 tells us notice what the
Apostle Peter preaching after the indwelling of the Holy Spirit He says this in Acts chapter 2 verse 39 for the promise
This is the promise of eternal life the promise of a right standing before God a promise of justification through faith he says that this promise is for you and your
Children notice who he's talking to though in Acts chapter 2 to the
Jews who were gathered together in Jerusalem he says this promise is for you and your children to the
Jewish people and For all who are far off If you anything about the festival of Pentecost the this is a pilgrimage
Festival where people were in were called and anticipate to come forward into God's city on to Zion in order to Celebrate and so all those who were gathered from amongst the
Roman Empire were likely Jewish However, the promise is not only for them and for their children
But for all those who are far off who are still amongst the nations that would be mostly you and I All the nations were at one time far off The Bible says in Isaiah chapter 7 8 and 9 the nations were walking gloom and darkness
And a great darkness had come upon the land But notice with the the change in tenor of the prophecy is that there is a great light that has shown
This light brings forward peace through God's peace child in Isaiah chapter 9 verse 6 and 7 when he says that a son has been promised and the son shall be known as wonderful counselor
Prince of peace to mighty God the Eternal Father and of the increase of his government. There shall be no end
This is the good news That this is indeed for those who were near and those who were far off.
We were once all far off unlike the people of God and Deuteronomy chapter 4 it says in verse 7 what great nation is there that has a
God so near it? As the Lord our God is to us Whenever we call upon him
You see the Israelites had access to God because they had the confidence. They had the promises of God But the nation's the
Gentiles were were were far off Not having the same assurances and promises not having the
God of Israel Yahweh near to them but now through Jesus who is
Indeed himself Yahweh God come in human flesh
Has brought us near even to the father and that's what we see in verse in Ephesians chapter 2 now in verse 18
Notice what God's inspired word says for through him the him being
Christ we both Jew and Gentile near and far
We both have access in one spirit to the father
Isn't it marvelous Do you not see the Trinitarian? Outworking of our salvation of ours being brought near to the one true and trying
God father son and spirit You see it is through the Son through God the Son the second person of the triune
God that we can be brought Near and be given access to God through the
Spirit of God And we have access to the Holy True and Triune God Father Son and Holy Spirit Faith in Jesus Grants us access once you write this in there.
You're following along in the notes faith in Jesus grants us access to the
Father Through the Spirit Again there's an emphasis here in the text of the
Triune God and salvation how each member grants us access as sons and daughters of the
Most High no longer strangers You who are once without access now you have received access
I'm not sure if there's anything in your life that could be reminiscent to this scenario
I Think of times in which in In high school, for instance,
I often felt like an outsider But you know where I didn't feel like an outsider When I came to church
When I came amongst the people of God Different age groups different races skin colors and amongst the people of God There was this unity and there's this peace that exists even today even in this church
There's a peace That God gives us he grants us access though.
We may be outsiders in other ways We are now the consummate insiders through faith in Jesus Christ And that's what we see again in verse 18 for through him we both have access in one spirit to the
Father I want you to I want to talk to you this morning as well But the power of the access that we have what is the nature of the access that we have?
Through Jesus by the Spirit to the Father and it's a marvelous one and it's one that you can partake in at any moment any part of the day and It's the access that we have not solely for our salvation
Not solely for our redemption as that's obviously given in the text But it's this access that we have to approach
God in prayer That we can approach He's approachable
Did you know that have you received that truth in your life? That God is approachable that God is good.
He's merciful. He loves you He knows you he wants to be in relationship with you
He offers that to you freely today through Jesus Christ God is in so is making himself accessible to his people through Jesus by the
Spirit That he's put in us to dwell in us now the privilege
That's most commonly neglected in the Christian life is prayer just yesterday myself and pastor
Conley were at a Reform conference just down here at Morgan Hill and one of the speakers spoke about the power of prayer and how one of the things that the
Puritans did right and One of the reasons why the Puritans saw revival time and time again in their generation
Was because not that they had some supernatural power or or something a lost knowledge that we don't have
Or that we've lost but instead it was their dependence and their humble submission to God in prayer
It's prayer I'll be honest that That talk that that brother gave really convicted me
And as I was preparing for this sermon even thinking about the power of prayer
How prayers often the thing that we we have the most unfettered access to and yet we neglect the most
And I thought for a moment. What if we had unfettered access to the most powerful person in the world?
We can just pick up the phone and call them I was watching a documentary a couple days ago on a political documentary and this
Congress person I won't name names but this Congress person still picking up the phone and just calling up the president whenever they wanted to and The president would pick up the call pretty amazing
Imagine if we had unfettered access to the most important person most powerful person in the world.
I Thought what would stop us? From taking advantage of that. I thought of two things
First we we would not take advantage of that Opportunity to have unfettered access to the most powerful person because we do not feel the confidence to approach them
We don't feel the confidence to approach them I was kind of taking it back in this political documentary that I was watching at how nonchalant this congressman was as He would just call the president up just to say a couple words.
I think that's that's pretty bold It's pretty bold of him If we did not take advantage of that is because we probably do not feel the confidence to approach them
To the second I think that I came up with is we're ashamed to show our face to this person
Now I speak to you spiritually What are some of the things that keep us? from enjoying being in Receiving this unfettered access to the
Father through Jesus and by the Spirit I Think the reasons would be similar one we do not feel confidence a confidence to approach this awesome fear inspiring father and Also, maybe two because we're ashamed to show our face and We often as humans because we're still fallen we still live in this broken world we we may feel shame over our sins
Which may be great which may be many and we feel like our sins rightfully
So are creating a barrier between us and our God But friends part of the good news is
That in and through the person and work of Jesus Christ the peace that he gives the peace that he offers is unfettered access to the
Father You have access when you sin You have access
Because if we sin we have a high priest in heaven who can intercede for our sins
If we fall short You have access To approach your father not in a way in which you feel his heavy hand of judgment
But rather his heavy hand of love and mercy for in Christ He is very merciful to his children and to his elect
We have access to God and our highs and our lows and everything and everywhere in between we have access and Why?
Why do we have access It's not because of anything you've done. It's not because you're great
It's not because you're so important like this congressman who is super powerful and could just make the phone call
But instead he he gives you access Because he's called you into his family
I'm friends of a pastor a good pastor friend of mine from Oklahoma Who his children are in the midst of adopting a child from Africa?
and One of the hiccups that they've run into is that they are in a state of limbo with the child the child
Is in a detention facility? in the Some United States Airport and the hang -up is that the family
Is having a hard time proving the history of the child because in this country that the child came from This person this child was just abandoned dropped off no documents and this one family in America desperately
Loves and wants this child to be part of their family and they are moving heaven and earth to make sure that this blessed beautiful little girl gets home to be with mom and dad and Brothers and sisters
God has moved mountains especially Calvary's mountain in Order to bring you near to God in order to bring you to the father
So don't neglect This most powerful tool this most blessed
Blessing that we have in Christ that we can approach him in prayer
Let's not neglect it. Let's not think so lowly or little of prayer Let's think highly of it so much so that even in our church life.
We don't just want to Facilitate prayer Sunday mornings, but we have a facilitation of prayer later in the afternoon but even then is that the highlight of our prayer life of our prayer week or Should Sunday just be the tip of the iceberg for our prayer life in Jesus We have great confidence and reason to have confidence the
Word of God says in Hebrews 4 verse 16 Paul says let us stand with confidence draw near Remember you who are far off.
He says you can now have confidence to draw near To the throne of grace
That we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need
You know, it's often in times of need that we tend to isolate ourselves most We feel the pride and and we feel too proud maybe to reach out and ask for help.
Maybe we're too proud to ask for resources or help or or or we feel too pride for in order to even approach and and share where our
Struggles are and our difficulties are in life But it's in those times of need
That you ought to have the most confidence to approach the throne of grace not the throne of judgment
Because that is a Jonas that is a in fact the throne of judgment and it shall be a throne of judgment on that great day but you and I can appear before that throne
Not with the expectation of judgment both the expectation of grace and grace changes everything it changes
The way that we live function and can approach God because we have in fact through Christ access in one spirit to the
Father above And the next verse may help us overcome that spiritual
Malignancy of not praying in Ephesians chapter 2 verse 19
Paul goes on to say this so then You are no longer
Strangers and aliens But you are now fellow citizens of the
Saints and members of the household of God Isn't this incredible If you're following along in the teaching in Christ, we're no longer
Strangers or you can put outsiders into that Space there.
We're no longer strange. You're no longer the outsiders. We're no longer the others but now members of God's house
We're now members So we can approach then God boldly no longer as strangers no longer as foreigners no longer as outsiders but now we can draw near to him and that is one cast out but as one grafted in as Members of the same household.
That's how we are to approach our father like we're members of the same house Now often my kids have no shame
Right, Nehemiah No shame in coming to me and asking me for things and I've heard some weird requests over the years some strange requests won't put them in a spot, but Some requests
I'd be like really you're gonna ask for that But that's the boldness of a child to his father and That's the boldness
I want all of us to have with our father That though it may sound silly though.
It may sound weird though. It may sound Far out or or or far -fetched.
I want you to have that confidence to go to Abba father and approach him because he's been made approachable in Jesus Christ and So don't don't fear him as a stranger or an alien or an outsider
But now you are a fellow citizen with the Saints and members of the same household of God Brothers and sisters what confidence we ought to have to appear to come before the throne of mercy the throne of grace
Again, no longer does the does the Lord look past the nations of the earth But now he brings them forward into his divine economy
I want you if you can turn to Isaiah chapter 2 what a glorious prophecy lies therein
In Isaiah chapter 2 the prophet Isaiah under the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit He sees days which are to come days, which are glorious Days, which
I will say to you are the days in which we are living in verse 2
He says of Isaiah 2 it shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the house of the
Lord shall be established as the highest of the mountains and shall be lifted up above the hills and all nations shall flow to it and Many people shall come and say come let us go to the mountain of the
Lord to the house of the God of Jacob that he may teach us his ways and then we may walk in his paths
For out of Zion shall go forth the law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem Isaiah saw that there would be days latter days in which the mountain of the house of the
Lord would be Firmly established above all the nations and indeed that all the nation would be streaming to it
Brothers and sisters we have come to heavenly Mount Zion to heavenly
Jerusalem and amongst myriads of angels we are now in the midst of the congregation the household the people of God and The nations are indeed flowing
Into that great mountain of Zion Saying come let us go. Let us worship.
God. Let us worship the God of Jacob the God of Israel Indeed brothers and sisters we live in such blessed times that the nations are indeed flowing to God's mountain
They are indeed flowing into the gospel of Jesus Christ who brings both
Jew and Gentiles near through Jesus No longer strangers no longer outsiders
We are now members of the household of God the nations are indeed streaming to the mountain of God Aren't these days of great joy?
that all nations can come bow before the Father through the
Messiah Jesus and There's a point here God is building something nations are flowing to it.
God is and is making an edifice for himself And we see in verse in Ephesians to our main text this morning
Paul in verse 19 at the end of it. He alludes that we're members of the household of God a house verse 20 says built on the foundation of the
Apostles and prophets Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone
God is building something The church That's what
God's building. He's building you and me through Christ Now what is the church the church is
God's people of all ages of all nations Jew and Gentile who have put their faith in Jesus Christ They have become this new one new people
The covenant promises that were for the Jewish people now Belong not only to them but to us who believe in Christ It is ours it is our possession now
No longer outsiders, but now God is building One as he says in Ephesians 2
God is making one new man through the two And so the church is built on the foundation.
There's a rock -solid foundation of the church is built on and it's of the
Apostles and The prophets I want you to write that in there Verse 20 again says built on the foundation of the
Apostles. That's the 12 and the prophets Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone
So the foundation is laid. This is one of the reasons in Scripture why it is the conviction of many in this church
That we no longer There's no office of Apostle that is needed in our day.
Why because the foundation has been set We don't need new apostles to come and lay other foundations lest a good foundation that was laid belayed waste
Indeed we have one phenomenal powerful great Foundation that he that God has laid through his
Apostles through his prophets with Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone
I Will say this in 1st Corinthians 3 11. No one can lay a foundation other than that which is laid which is
Jesus Christ We're in no need to build other foundations and everyone who tries to attempt to build another foundation
Which we see often in religious history and movements We see for that for instance in the
Restorationist movements of the Latter -day Saints the Mormon Church We see that in the restorationist movement of Jehovah Witnesses Christadelphians others who all claim to be laying at the new foundation a new cornerstone for God's people and in Reality, there is no need for them to come and restore because Jesus Christ has already restored and been himself the chief cornerstone of his people
No need to lay any other foundation Jesus Christ is indeed himself the chief cornerstone and the foundation of his people which is why in Matthew chapter 16 verses 16 through 18
We have this confession of faith where Simon Peter says you are the Christ Speaking to Jesus the
Son of the Living God and Jesus answered him and said blessed are you Simon Barjona? For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my father who is in heaven
But I tell you you are Peter and on this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell should not prevail against it
Jesus is building something He's building something on the solid rock
Now, what's the rock? If you come from a Roman Catholic background You know that the
Roman Catholic Church says that Jesus was talking to Peter that Peter was the rock That was to be the foundation of the church
That's Protestants. We have a little bit of a different view. Don't we our view being the confession is really key to this
The confession that we see in verse 16. You are the Christ The Son of the
Living God. What's the foundation? Is it a man? Is it Peter? No It's the truth the reality the foundation that Jesus is the
Messiah that Jesus is the Son of the Living God and That by means of this proclamation
Jesus can say to Peter who in here in the Greek the word Peter means little rock He says you little rock you've confessed this great truth, but on this rock the rock
I will build my church And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it
He's building something He's building something marvelous. So powerful with such sure a foundation that even the gates of hell
Can prevail against it What a solid rock what a solid foundation we have and it's
Jesus Christ Jesus is the foundation of his people in Ephesians chapter 2 closing our time in Ephesians 2 this morning
Verse 21 says in whom the whole structure being joined together grows into a holy temple in the
Lord in Him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the spirits and that last bullet point
Christ or the church is Built on the foundation of the Apostles and prophets Christ being the cornerstone
But now God is building something new He's building something magnificent And we see in the last bullet point we are growing into a holy what?
Temple a holy temple That's what God is creating. That is what
God is Erecting that is what God is bringing forward into this world on this
Mount Zion It's this new in living temple. Can I tell you this as well?
to dispel a False view a false doctrine. That's very common amongst evangelicals even today this idea
That there will be a third temple built in Jerusalem where presumably
They claim it will be God's temple where there'll be a re -institution of sacrifices a re -institution of the shadows and the things that Christ abolished
Even if such thing were to be erected it would be a complete Blasphemy and an affront to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ in fact
There is no need for a third temple in Jerusalem because there's already a temple That God is erecting not with human hands
But with his own hands and that temple is the temple of his people you and I in Christ Jesus you are the temple of the
Living God why It says in verse 22 in him.
You also are being built together into a dwelling place the idea of the temple in the
Old Covenant The idea of the temple even though the the tabernacle in the wilderness was for God to come and dwell amongst his people
To commune with his people and God is indeed communing with us He's dwelling in us through the indwelling of his
Holy Spirit by faith in Jesus Christ If you be in Christ this morning
You are indeed part of that beautiful edifice that God is creating himself
Bible says in 1st Peter 2 verses 5 and 6 the scripture says you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a
Spiritual house to be a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices
Acceptable to God through Jesus Christ for his stands in scripture behold I'm laying Zion a stone a cornerstone chosen and precious and whoever believes in him
Will not be put to shame This is why we ought to have the confidence to approach our great
God and Father It's because no longer do we have to go outside to foreign temples
Temples built with human hands in order to approach the magnificent God of creation But instead we can now approach him because we ourselves are that dwelling place of God through the spirit
Isn't that good news? Isn't this marvelous that God is indeed growing and making a holy temple as God's dwelling place by the spirit of God This is indeed marvelous news
Verse 21 again says in Ephesians 2 in whom the whole structure being joined together
Grows into a holy temple in the Lord in him You also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the
Spirit you are Being built up as a dwelling place for the
Most High God Let's not forget who we are in Jesus.
Let us not forget Lest we shrink back and forget to engage our
Most High Heavenly Father in prayer Lest we forget to render on to him that which is rightfully due to his name rather we remember and we recall the truth and we stand on the solid rock of Christ and we say we are indeed his people and we have become his dwelling place and God has a marvelous future ahead for all of his people
The last scripture I want to share with us this morning is in Revelation chapter 21. I Love the book of Revelation Let's not fear it but instead the scripture says blessed as he who reads the words of these prophecies and Look at the blessed
Hope that we can all look forward to in Revelation chapter 21 3 and 4 it says and I heard a loud voice
From the throne saying behold the dwelling place of God is with man He will dwell with them and they will be his people and God himself
Will be with them as their God and he will wipe away every tear from their eyes and death shall be no more
Neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain more for the former things have passed away
God is restoring his dwelling place amongst man through Jesus Christ in the church
God is making a new thing a beautiful edifice for his own
Glory, and it says in verse 9 and 10 of Revelation chapter 21 He says I saw in this as I come.
I will show you the wife the bride of the Lamb And he says he carried me away in the spirit to a high mountain
Isaiah to the high mountain that we saw and showed me the holy city Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God New Jerusalem will descend from heaven and will dwell here on the earth
There'll be a new heavens a new earth God's dwelling place will be with man But in that great day, will there be a third temple built with human hands?
Notice what verse 22 says of that same chapter And I saw no temple in the city
For its temple is the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb And the city has no need for sun or moon to shine it for the glory of God give its lights and its lamp and it's the
Lamb and By its light will the nation's walk and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it and its gates will never
Be shut by day and there will be no night there They will bring into it the glory and the honor of the nations, but nothing unclean will enter it
Nor anyone who does what is detestable or false, but only those who are written in the
Lamb's Book of Life church What a future what a glorious future lies ahead for you and I For we are that temple of God joined to Jesus Christ Joined to God the
Father by the one spirit of the Living God who now dwells in you and you
Yourself are that dwelling place for God. May you live in that? May you know that then you've not made that this if you've not come to that realization
You've not come to that confession of faith that we can approach the throne of grace with boldness
What you need to know today is that you are a sinner What you need to know today, there's only one way to salvation and that is through faith in Jesus Christ There is no other name
Given among men by which we can be saved but the name of Jesus who lived for you
Died for you and was raised again for you and who sits at the right hand of Majesty interceding for you
Receiving by faith Repenting of your sins and the Bible says God will grant you the gift of everlasting life
Scripture puts it this way you will pass from death to life What a marvelous thing it is to know
Jesus And if you know Jesus this morning May you walk and growing confidence to know that you are indeed the temple of the
Living God Who dwells in you by the Spirit so therefore approach the throne of grace with all boldness?
Let's pray Lord Jesus Our great high priest in heaven
Who became man Who dwelt among us? Who lived a holy?
blameless perfect life Lord Jesus you are perfect in every way without sin and That you would come and die for us
Words fail There's no words that can adequately describe
Your infinite wisdom and love that you've expressed so blessed
Savior Help us to grow in holiness Forgive us of our sins
Oh Lord Help us not to neglect You and your word
Or in the fellowship of the Saints Or in the private life of our prayers
Lord we we fall so short But thanks be to you
That you are the righteous advocate Who brings us near to the
Father? And you have indeed given us and sent to us The Blessed Spirit To dwell in us to be the dwelling place of God so that when we feel far we are actually near God You are so marvelous
Help us to see these truths in Scripture to live by them to breathe them
That they become the very fabric of our lives that we know not anything else But the truth of who you are and what you've done for us as sinners
That you've changed our state from children of wrath The children of God Oh blessed
Savior to you belongs all the glory the wealth wisdom knowledge and power
For you were slain and You are worthy in Jesus name.