12 Days of Charity - Todd Pruitt and R Scott Clark

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Romans 13 and Christians Praising Caesar For Arresting Pastors

Romans 13 and Christians Praising Caesar For Arresting Pastors

Well, hello, hello. Today is another episode of the 12 Days of Christmas Charity.
If you don't know, what I'm doing is I'm picking people that I know online, primarily, and I'm trying to pick people that I have a sneaking suspicion, sometimes more than a suspicion, that they don't like me very much.
But I like them very much, and I want to say a lot of nice things about them, I want to talk about why I like them, and also,
I want to give some unsolicited and probably unwanted advice to these people going into 2020.
I think these people have a lot to offer the church, and though they might have things about them that I don't like, in general,
I do like them very much, and I think that today, just like the last episode, one of these people is not going to surprise you very much, and the other probably will.
So the first one today is Todd Pruitt. Todd Pruitt. Now, I could be very wrong.
I get the suspicion that he doesn't like me, but he might like me, actually. There's some mixed feelings,
I think, potentially, with Todd Pruitt. I've never spoken to him directly, but just based on our online interaction,
I think that there are definitely some things about me that he doesn't like. And it might rhyme with Ugg and Dilson.
But anyway, no, I like Todd very much. In fact, let me say this about Mr.
Todd Pruitt. I think, and listen, I know this is debatable,
I get it, I think that Todd Pruitt has displayed tremendous courage in the last year or so.
Tremendous. And what I mean by that is, I have seen Todd, Todd strikes me as the kind of person that is like, on the cusp of Big Eva power.
Now, I could be completely wrong about this, but this is just my impression, you know, this is what I like about him, this is my opinion.
I think that Todd is on that cusp of being platformed by all the quote unquote right people, promoted by all the right people.
He's got the right mentality. He's got the right attitude for Big Eva stardom.
And yet, Todd has come out against this social justice insanity.
Maybe not as aggressively as some people, maybe not as completely as some people, but he certainly has.
And I think out of all the people that have come out against social justice and the insanity that's been going on lately,
Todd Pruitt has the most to lose, and yet he has still come out against it.
I respect that tremendously, because I'm just some idiot on YouTube, right? Like I, you know,
I have a very small platform. I had no illusions that I was close to the right hand of power of Big Eva, nothing like that, right?
I had very little to lose when I came out against social justice, but Todd Pruitt had a lot to lose.
And so I respect someone who is willing to put it all out on the line for what he believes is true.
Highly respect it. Todd, my hats go off to you. And I pray for you, because I know that this is a challenging time for a lot of people like you.
And there might be others that have, you know, that have come out against social justice that have a lot to lose as well. In fact,
I have a few in my mind that I'm thinking of. But out of all the people, I think that you certainly risk the most.
Every single time you retweet something against social justice or say something about social justice or whatever.
And so greatly respect that. And I hope to see you continue to do that. Todd Pruitt is like,
I always talk about on my YouTube channel, you know, you've got Ezra's and you've got Nehemiah's. Todd Pruitt is one of those
Ezra's. And I think that that is so necessary in the church, having a person who's thoughtful, who's pious, who's careful with his positions and rebukes and stuff like that.
You need the Nehemiah's too. You need the person that's willing to swing an axe every now and then. But I respect
Todd very much for that. I would say this. This is my unsolicited advice for Todd.
Todd, I think that you should probably interact more on the
Doug Wilson topic with the people that you're criticizing. Because at the end of the day,
I think there was an interaction a few weeks ago, and I can't remember if it was with me or with my brother, where you basically said, well,
I would never debate or invite him on the mortification of spin because I don't trust him. And I don't want to platform him.
I don't want people to, he's dangerous. He's dangerous. And I'm like, cool, if he's all of those things, then that's the exact reason to platform him so that you can make it clear to everybody the differences between you and Doug.
I think that would be so helpful. It would be helpful for me, Todd. Let me just speak for myself.
I don't think I'm alone in saying it would be great to get a guy like you and a guy like Doug Wilson in the same room or not being in the same room if you don't want to be in the presence of such pure evil.
But on the same podcast, interacting and talking, and that way he can't get away with what
I know you guys like to say he's weaselly with his words, but he wouldn't be able to get away with it if you could just say, stop right there.
But you see what I'm saying? That interaction would be so beneficial to the church. And the fact that you refuse to do it is so,
I think it's telling, to be perfectly honest with you, Todd, but I think that it would be very beneficial to the church to do it.
And listen to the thing. You don't have to debate anyone you don't want to debate. There's people that I wouldn't debate, but those people aren't those that I criticize a lot.
And you criticize Doug Wilson and his positions a lot. And so you don't owe him anything.
But if you're going to do that, it would stand to reason to have some more courage of your convictions and talk to him.
I think it just stands to reason. I think the body of Christ would benefit greatly from it. I think there would be a lot more clarity than there currently is.
And that's my advice for you. You can be an Ezra. You can be an Ezra. But at the same time, if you're going to criticize someone, you probably should be at least be willing to talk directly with them, to have an interaction with them directly, to debate them directly.
Because I'll give you an example. There's someone I wouldn't really care to debate, Joel McDermott.
I wouldn't care to debate him. If he ever said, hey, come on my show and I want to debate you on social, I'd probably say no.
But I don't talk about him ever. You know what I mean? If I was talking about him ever, and then he said, let's debate.
And I said, no, I'd look like a coward. Now, you might say that's weird because I just said that you were courageous.
And I do think you're courageous. So I just I really want to encourage you. I don't think you're a coward. There's got to be something else going on as to why you won't talk to Doug Wilson.
I think you should. And I think the body of Christ would be benefited through that. Let's move on to the next person.
This one might surprise you. So Todd Pruitt, I love you, brother. I really do. I think you have a lot to offer the church.
And I commend you for your courage that I've seen you demonstrate the last two years.
Surprise. I'm not joking. I like R. Scott Clark. I do.
And it's the same kind of respect that I have for R. Scott Clark that I do for Brad Mason.
Is that the dude's got zeal. He's got zeal. I like that.
I like that in a man. There are things about R. Scott Clark I do not like. I think that that's obvious.
Now, here's the thing about this, too. I don't even know if R. Scott Clark knows who I am. So so so this might be
I might be breaking my own rules here because I'm supposed to be picking people that I think don't like me. And I really don't know if R.
Scott Clark even knows who I am. But if he did know who I was, he wouldn't like me because I caught the cooties.
I caught that federal vision cooties. Let me give you some ammo, R. Scott Clark. I attended a federal vision church for less than a year, but more than six months.
And I'm talking legitimate federal vision, like the guy who pastors this church is like black coffee federal vision.
I do not endorse the federal vision. I debated with this guy before about the federal vision.
I said it's confusing. I don't understand it. I don't think it's helpful in the way you think it's helpful. So so that's a little bit about me.
I don't endorse the federal vision. I still don't. I think it's wacky. I think it's an error. Yet I still like Doug Wilson.
I'm still connected to his empire, so to speak. So I don't think if he did know who
I was, he wouldn't like me very much. But I like him. And why do I like him? Well, number one, he's got zeal.
There's no question about that. He is zealous for what he thinks is the truth. I also think that I kind of like I kind of like the the the snark, you know, snarky guy on online a little bit.
So I kind of respect that as well. There are things about him I don't like, and I don't think he does very well.
But again, that doesn't mean I have to dislike the person, right? Doesn't mean I have to dislike the person. Here's my advice for R.
Scott Clarke. It's actually similar advice to what I have for for Todd Pruitt. If you really care about the body of Christ, R.
Scott Clarke, and I think you do. Yeah, if you're going to criticize these men all the time, like you do all the time.
I don't think you owe them anything. But I think you owe the body of Christ. Like, let's interact here.
Because again, I know you're one of these that says that Doug Wilson's weaselly. And sometimes he'll say something that's true.
And then sometimes he'll contradict it and stuff like that. If that's really going on, the one way to really hold his feet to the fire would be to talk to him.
And I know for a fact that he's offered to talk to you. Let's do a debate. Let's do a podcast.
Let's do whatever. You know what I mean? Like, I don't know exactly the context he offered to do this, but I know he's done it. And you've refused.
And I know you don't strike me as a coward, R. Scott Clarke. You strike me as a very courageous kind of guy.
And I'm telling you that I'm one of these that would be so blessed by this to see someone willing to talk to him and say,
Doug, this is where you're wrong. And hear Doug how he responds. And then to hear you say, no, because you've said this.
Tell me how this fits with this. And that would be so helpful for so many people.
For so many people. But you won't do it. And I just have to ask why.
That's my advice for you. Like, do that. That would be so helpful to me.
I know I am not alone. I know I am not alone. Okay, so let me just say that.
I've got one more piece of advice for you. Find your chill. You need a chill.
I know you have a little chill. You know, you have a little chill and that's good. It's good to have a little chill. But man, everyone sees the vendetta that you have on your shoulders here.
I don't know where it comes from, but you've got a vendetta. And that's a burden, man.
You need to find your chill sometimes. You really do. Anyway, I hope this is helpful.