Acts 1, What’s Next?

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Acts 1 What’s Next?


Let's read, uh, Acts chapter one together. Um, hear the word of the lord In the first book o theophilus
I I have dealt with all that jesus began to do and teach Until the day when he was taken up after he had given commands through the holy spirit to the apostles whom he had chosen
To them he presented himself alive after his suffering by many proofs Appearing to them during 40 days and speaking about the kingdom of god
And while staying with them he ordered them not to depart from From jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of this father, which he said
You have heard you heard from me for john baptized with water But you will be baptized with the holy spirit not many days from now
So when they had come together, they asked him lord. Will you at this time restore the kingdom to israel?
He said to them it is not for you to know Times or seasons that the father has fixed by his own authority
But you will receive power when the holy spirit has come upon you And you will be my witnesses in jerusalem and in all judea and samaria into the end of the earth
And when he had said these things as they were looking on he was lifted up and a cloud took him out of their sight
And while they were gazing into heaven as he went behold two men stood by them in white robes and said men of galilee
Why do you stand looking into heaven? This jesus who was taken up from you into heaven will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven
Then they returned to jerusalem from the mount called olivet Which is near jerusalem a sabbath day's journey away
And when they had entered they went up to the upper room where they were staying peter and john and james and andrew
Philip and both and thomas bartholomew and matthew james the son of alpheus and simon the zealot and judas the son of james
All these with one accord Were devoting themselves to prayer together with the women and the mary the mother of jesus and his brothers
In those days peter stood up among the brothers. The company of persons was in all about 120 and said brothers
The scripture had to be fulfilled which the holy spirit spoke beforehand by the mouth of david concerning judas
Who became a guide to those who arrested jesus for he was numbered among us and was allotted his share in this ministry
Now this man bought a field with a reward of his wickedness and falling headlong He burst open in the middle and all his bowels gushed out and it became known to all the inhabitants of jerusalem
So that the field was called in their own language Uh, keldama that is field of blood so it is written in the book of psalms
For it is written in the book of psalms may his camp become desolate and let there be no one to dwell in it
And let another take his office so one of the men So one of the men who have accompanied us during all the time that the lord jesus went in and out among us
Beginning from the baptism of john until the day when he was taken up from us One of these men must become with us a witness of to his resurrection and they put forward to joseph called barsabbas was also called justice and matthias and they prayed and said lord
You know the hearts of all Show which one of these two you have chosen to take the place in this ministry and apostleship
From which judas turned aside to go to his own place And they cast lots for them and the lot fell on matthias and he was numbered with the 11 apostles
May the lord add his blessings to the reading of his holy word well
You find sequels Worse than the originals. I mean disappointing See see a sequel.
You're just not as good as what? What drew you in ever see a movie that was just smart and exciting and interesting and clever
Some sharp acting maybe terrific eye -popping special effects if things if it's a sci -fi kind of thing and it just hooks you
You know, you're interested now. You're you like this This this movie this plot these characters the movie producers then of course try to Recapture kind of the lightning in a bottle that they got the first time by following the same formula
They hooked you with it and now they want now you want to know You know what what's next?
What's next with these people? Uh, what what happens with the incredibles family? uh now that they're all
Geared up or what happens next with neo in the matrix? Or taylor the charlton histon character on the planet of the apes.
I mean he's saying the statue of liberty He knows he's back on earth. What happens next? Or maybe the dinosaurs jurassic park.
They're all loose now what has happened after this But then the sequel comes You know, you were looking forward to it and it's
It's a bore You know the incredibles was I think my opinion about 15 years ago
I thought it was a brilliant funny entertaining kind of light, but you know, it's good Incredibles 2 released, uh last summer was
I thought I took a lot of the I took as many of the kids here wanted to go and uh, I thought uh, it's okay
Whatever, you know, it's kind of repetition more of the same Without the brilliance nothing new like the first one was
The matrix in 1999 was an original inventive slick sci -fi thriller the two sequels the matrix reloaded in matrix revolutions are in dull confusing unsatisfying ah
Makes you dislike the original just after seeing the sequels the original plan to the apes.
It's intriguing. It's Stunning charlton heston film in the from the 60s.
It spawned a series of sequel Original series of sequels that seemed to get progressively worse
I mean they really plunged down after the first sequel and then they just got you know How could how could we make a worse movie?
It's like they they planned Jurassic park was sharp attention -grabbing drama with special effects.
It's so real. I mean you you think you really seen dinosaurs after seeing that movie jurassic park
The lost world was I don't really know I'm pretty sure i've seen it at least on tv
But it left no impression on me whatsoever. I just you know, and a lot of times sequels are just big disappointments
What about sequels in your life? Maybe not just movies, but just things you experience you experience something great Maybe a holly a great christmas holly jolly christmas
The tree the gifts the family the parties the food even the church service just kind of all came together.
Just right Oh, what a great holiday season it was and so you think next year What's next?
Oh, we'll do it again You'll try to recreate it all do everything you did last year And when it comes around though, what happens?
You burn the cookies and the tree wilts too early this time and the gifts you give aren't appreciated and the gifts you get aren't needed
The kids are too wrapped up in their smartphones to pay any attention No one wants to sing christmas carols at your home And uh, and even the church was a letdown with that obnoxious preacher preaching about carrot killing babies two days before christmas
What in the world was wrong with him? The sequel to the holly jolly christmas is a flop Maybe you'll try again next year, but maybe not, you know, whatever or maybe it's a trip to the beach it was just such a great vacation and Um, you'll want to do it again and next year you go and it's just not there
You know, it's just too much sand having to get in your in your toes And or maybe you like college.
It was a great experience at college And so now maybe after a while you want to go back to school Maybe get a master's or a doctorate or and you're expecting
Um, if it was fulfilling before it'll be even more stimulating next time But instead this next instead of new friends and growth and knowledge and rich experiences
It's just boring studying for professors who hardly know you exist. Oh for some
Some people it's relationships So they'll go through one after another Trying to recapture that thrill of new love
That they remember from the first time For others it may be the the thrill of experiencing god and so they'll go through one church after another
Trying to recapture that spiritual ecstasy that they remember from way back but the sequels are
Are usually never as good as the originals There are exceptions though out there
There's the dark knight There's the empire strikes back There's the lord of the rings the return of the king
There's the godfather part two There's the born supremacy. I think the godfather part two is one of the best movies ever in my opinion
Uh for some people You can have a great christmas again You can have another refreshing trip to the beach or fulfilling master's or doctorate program things experiences life
Can get better now here in acts We have a sequel what we just read was the first chapter of a of a sequel kind of We've been hooked on I hope
On the life of jesus And so now after that you think you finish with luke that wow
Yeah, but you think what's next Well, that's what acts is about Now some bible scholars like to speak because they're written by the same man
Obviously you can tell by the introduction and the language some bible scholars like to speak of one work In two parts what they call luke acts we could perhaps call it jesus part one
Which is luke and now jesus Part two Which is acts what we have here we see that here in three major parts first, there's the introduction second
There's the commission and finally there's the restoration It's a sequel because notice what luke the author says in the very first sentence in the first book
That's the gospel of luke. Oh theophilus Which means god lover or friend of god and he was probably a real person there's some there was probably some man somewhere who luke was writing to maybe a rich guy who could
Who could fund luke to have the time to write this book But in a christian, I mean, but he named theophilus which means friend of god or god lover.
Uh, but Almost certainly that's providential in other words determined by god Just that name that he had that name because you know, you think about it luke and acts are intended for every friend of god everyone who loves god
So he begins in the first book now missing in english Uh is by the way, the greek and you can tell luke is supposed to be a doctor you can tell that luke is extremely well educated because the greek of both luke and acts is extremely
Uh, what before what maybe the worst word literate? uh complicated um
Skillful, but anyway missing in english Is a little greek word only three letters that is usually translated on the one hand
So it properly should say in the first book on the one hand. Oh theophilus In the first book, oh friend of god on the one hand
I dealt with all that jesus began to do and to teach Interesting that it began you notice that Otherwise luke luke luke the gospel of luke was just the beginning the ministry of jesus
There in the gospel luke it is not over that's just about his beginning It it just began there and so what's implied with that well
Think about it. He doesn't Notice what he doesn't think think alternatively what he doesn't say. He doesn't say
I wrote about all that jesus did and taught period As though it's over.
No, it's it's on the one hand jesus began
To do and to teach kind of incomplete with with beginning in the past, but with ongoing action
Implying with on the one hand missing in english and the began that jesus is still doing
And teaching the gospels are about what jesus began to do not not the whole story That he began on the one hand implies that the second book
Is about what on the other hand? jesus continues to do and to teach that's
What's next? Next so if you were reading this for the first time if you never read acts before and you just read that introduction
Uh, this okay. This book too is about what jesus continues to do and to teach um You would kind of expect maybe that this is this book is going to be about would be full of accounts
Of jesus appearing to people here and there maybe like to the apostles in the first 40 days after the resurrection Maybe to peter and a vision here, maybe to paul and a vision there, but oddly enough, even though jesus does appear
Um a few times and does say a few things in acts Personally directly like to paul, you know on the road to damascus.
Saul. Saul. Why are you persecuting me? That's not mostly What is in this book?
Mostly, it's the apostles a couple of deacons. It's about the church doing and teaching
But luke says it's about jesus It's about what jesus continues to do and to teach
That's because luke is telling us that now after jesus ascends
After the holy spirit anoints the church just like the spirit anointed jesus at his baptism What we read last week then now in this sequel
The church is the body of christ on earth now Jesus is doing and teaching through the church.
He is still doing and teaching but the church Is jesus part two and it's not going to be a disappointing sequel
In verse two luke says that he wrote in the first book the gospel of luke about why jesus on the one hand
Began to do and to teach he said then until the day when he was taken up then the ascension That's that was in the first that was part one and the decision
He's about to retell Here and in the beginning of part two Jesus had given commands notice.
He says Um, jesus had given commands to his apostles, you know, like wait here in jerusalem until you baptize in the spirit
Jesus had given commands to his apostles notice in verse two through the holy spirit I think you gotta often just read those phrases like that and you gotta pass right over them and don't give them much thought
That's important. Even jesus is teaching through the holy spirit That is jesus's ministry was made possible and and powerful
By the holy spirit That's why at his baptism as we saw last week. The holy spirit came on him enabling him to minister effective ministry
Is not possible without the holy spirit It's the spirit who convicts who who gives life and faith so that people can repent and believe it's the holy spirit
Who opens people's eyes? They open their minds so they can finally understand the scripture before that is this what in the world is this book about?
Without the ministry of the holy spirit our words No matter how true no matter how biblical will fall on concrete hard hearts
So we need the holy spirit so even the lord jesus taught here through the holy spirit
Now I think although they would probably deny it reform people like us like me Would have a tendency to forget this because they think well just the power of their logic
The brilliance of their systematic theology That the force of their finely tuned doctrine
Will be enough to finally break through But it's not If jesus spoke through the holy spirit to minister
How much more do we absolutely need him? That's why before the power of the spirit is given
You know all the disciples can do all the apostles can do is is wait And pray they have the doctrine, right?
They've been taught but they have to wait for the holy spirit before they can Do what jesus says so jesus orders them while eating with them in verse four notice
They're eating together even after he's raised from the dead That's interesting, isn't it to stay in jerusalem? Wait for the holy spirit that was promised the the power from on high
He called it at the end of the gospel of luke that day that we desperately need what it called the gospel of john the paraclete the one who comes alongside
The one who convicts the world that's the people around us of sin and righteousness of judgment
So that they can see that they need a savior We need the ministry of the holy spirit
So stay in jerusalem for those 50 days between the resurrection and pentecost because in verse 5 john baptized with water
That's exactly what he said. That's what john said that his baptism was just a symbol. It was a form of religion
It was just water It'll wash your body, but that's all it will do for you. That's all it means the real power came with the one who was greater than he
And stay where you are until you church Are baptized with the holy spirit?
immersed anointed empowered by the spirit Like jesus was in part one
Right the baptizing of the church in the holy spirit is happening. He says in just a few days.
It'll be 10 days Right for 40 days in verse 3 jesus presented himself alive to the apostles and others.
He says with many proofs Right, he ate fish with them ate meals with them allowed him to allow them to touch him
Proving that he wasn't a ghost. He's not just a disembodied spirit Was it some kind of mass hallucination they had because they were they were just so Psychologically traumatized by the crucifixion.
No, it was anything like that He proved it Uh for those times he continued to teach them notice what he continued to teach them
Continued to teach them in verse 3 speaking about the kingdom of god
Now a false doctrine popular today Is that jesus came offering the kingdom in his ministry when he began his ministry and that that offer was rejected
And so he took back the offer and the gospel of grace Is now a whole different offer that's something new that's kind of plan b right
A lot of people out there believe that but we we see not only here in the introduction to acts
Which is the summary? Of where we left off at the end of luke Not only is jesus still teaching the kingdom of god during those 40 days after his resurrection
That's still his main theme just like all his ministry but also at the very last verse of acts
Which we hope to get to in 51 weeks hold on 51 weeks to go But in that very last verse of the god of of acts jesus part 2
That that paul is in rome proclaiming Guess what?
Guess what? He's proclaiming the kingdom of god That's how acts begins and ends
So what what we heard from john the baptist what we looked at last week, you know, he's warning it's coming
Repent for What was at hand you remember what the lord jesus brought it? He said if I drive out demons by the finger of god, then the kingdom of god has come upon you the mystery of the kingdom that he explained in parables the kingdom of god is like seed the kingdom of god is like A little bit of yeast put in a lump of dough the rule of god
That is still the message all throughout jesus part 2
So it's still our message Well, that's the introduction sort of setting the scene reminding us of where we left off last, you know like in a tv series
I usually begin previously on Whatever breaking bad walter white was doing whatever now here previously on jesus
What on the one hand he began to do and to teach he's raised He's still teaching the kingdom of god for 40 days
Telling them to stay where they are until they get baptized in the holy spirit to get power to go and now we're ready for jesus part 2
You ready for jesus part 2? What's next Well the commission
Well, they're meeting again in verse 6 and the disciples asked jesus Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to israel?
Now otherwise Will the kingdom come now they ask and they're assuming Apparently that it's a literal earthly kingdom, you know for the you're going to lead a
Revolt now expel the romans Set up yourself as king in jerusalem on a throne
You're the one from the line of david so you can do it with the government enforcing your decrees
From your from this whole realm which in their view would be But to us would appear a little kingdom from the border of egypt to the euphrates river, you know, that's their view
It probably was an exasperating question You know after all this time
Even after the resurrection You know, they still don't get it They don't get it all they can think of still like a lot of people today is politics
You know programs our laws our people our party in control
You know, you set up a government. We implement your policies It's now the time lord
We kept hoping during your lifetime, you know before you were crucified you would do it. Well now you're going to do it John calvin said of that question, you know, will you at this time restore the kingdom to yourself?
John calvin said there are more errors in this question than words Yeah, big errors, too
Jesus patiently answers in verse seven It's not for you to know the times and the seasons, you know, look at that It's not for you to know the times
It's the chronology of events. There's a how one thing after another or the are the eras the seasons the the epochs
That the father he says has fixed he's fixed these times and seasons by his own authority
Notice the times for nations or empires or our dynasties The mandates for heaven the eras the one kingdom is dominant um
Is is fixed by god's authority those times like israel's golden age under david
The roman era the middle ages and then the rise of islam the zhou dynasty the chen the han the tang the song the ming dynasties
All that the pax britannica The greater east asian co -prosperity sphere.
That's a mouthful. It means the japanese dominance now the pax americana Those eras are fixed by the father.
They they are set he says history has been ordered By the father's timetable we we can look at the natural causes of human history
You know the choices that people made the great leaders the turns of events the major battles
That turned history At the battle of tours stopped the islamic invasion into europe stalingrad midway
The decision to build atomic bombs and to use them the results of elections Look at all of history and all of that are but the instruments in god's hands to guide history
In the ways that he has already Says here jesus says here fixed It's unfolding to us
Like a mystery we you know, we're surprised the way things turn out sometimes But through all kinds of causes and decisions
But god has already written written that history the rise and the fall of empires
Already written down in his history book. It's fixed. He's the author of it and we're now seeing it play out
That the future god has already fixed We cannot know Because god has made it for us not to know
What he says here, right? It's not for you to know it the times and the seasons It's not not it's none of your business
But what is our business? Is our commission in verse 8? He says you will receive power
Now that power is not just for our entertainment Not just for our thrill like some people take drugs for the thrill.
The word is their power is dunamis means the ability the ability to Do whatever needs to be done to be witnesses
Um to be the witnesses that we could not be without the power of the holy spirit when the holy spirit comes upon you church
You will then have power to carry out your commission. Notice. There's not power to be thrilled A power to fall over in ecstasy and escape the drudgery of your life.
It's power to be witnesses for jesus To carry on what he began to do and to teach to be actors in jesus part 2
You will receive power And you will be witnesses The power will make you witnesses
First in jerusalem. In other words where you're at right now Then in judea the surrounding region then samaria and uh, which is
Similar kind of people but they're still different a little different neighbors, but foreigners
Then to the end of the earth And this in verse 8 is kind of an outline for the whole book of acts
Uh as the empowered church begins in jerusalem Then it spreads out to those around them.
He spreads to the samaritans and finally breaks out to to any up to corinth and to rome which is the crossroads of To that in that part of the world from there from rome you can get to the
To the ends of the earth So here we are here we are now We are at the ends of the earth
This is it and we still have the power that we still have the power to be witnesses to all kinds of people
Well, their question was lord When do we get to take over Right, you've been raised from the dead now, let's take over.
It was all earthly political nationalistic It's about us our people. It's impatient
Jesus's answer is that the reign of god would be spiritual Transforming lives through the power of the spirit in the gospel.
It would be international including members from nations Uh from the ends of the earth
And it would be gradual Like yeast in a lump of dough beginning in jerusalem and then growing until it reaches all over the world you know their vision was just the territory of israel
Right from the border of egypt to the euphrates Jesus's vision of much greater the ends of the earth
That's their commission to go with the power of the spirit with the witness to jesus to all kinds of people with that commission
So he's just said this right. He's given them this commission And they're staring at him
And and he's then lifted up off the ground then enveloped by a cloud a cloud of glory like from daniel chapter 7
Where daniel had saw this vision he sees one like a son of man Unlike the beast of the kingdoms of this world, but this one he sees is like a son of man coming with the clouds to the ancient of days coming with the clouds
And was given dominion and glory rule so that all peoples Every ethnic group nations and languages should serve him
What's next? After he sins Now that he's given glory and a kingdom and rule.
Well now we're told in first corinthians 15 that he must reign Until he has put every enemy under his feet
And that's what this book is about Acts jesus part two. That's what jesus is doing.
Now. He's extending the rule of god On earth to the uttermost parts of the earth to the ends of the earth in this this sequel right now
What we're living that's what this is about And he will continue to do it until he has put even the last enemy death
Under his feet then with death finally abolished the sequel ends And until then we have a commission
Use the power to be witnesses Now this leaves the disciples
Stunned Then he just laughed there. He's gone. They're staring up into the sky and they're wondering
What's next He's just been asking him Whether now he's going to finally seize the throne set up the government
And now he's disappeared. Literally. He's gone. What do we do now? So two men appear two angels in verse 11 and they tell him men of galilee, why do you stand looking into heaven?
No time to stand and stare And before they were before, you know just previous the question they asked they were too earthly The kingdom was of this world
They thought all about political power and swords and programs and budgets and buildings like those today who think the kingdom depends on politics
On electing the right politicians or or maybe on if it's the church the church having the right programs enough money slick videos
We spilled a drink. It's okay It doesn't matter Uh, it's one we have a hard floor not carpet it's easy to get up um, but now though They're staring into the sky
Now just ask him this earthly question. It's all about this age And now they're staring up in the sky. He's gone
What do we do? They've forgotten their commission so the So the so they're told
He mops up nicely. He's taking your job. Micah It's all right, we'll take care of it later, but um
We'll let him finish mopping we can get the whole we can get the back floor back there
Anyway Anyway, they've forgotten their commission. So they're just standing around they've just been told go the uttermost part to wait for the power then go and These angels appear to them and they're told this this jesus notice this is important for People debate about in time stuff, but this jesus not another jesus
All right, that's one point this jesus. They're very particular in their language These angels this jesus not someone else not a
Not someone who's like jesus Maybe you know some people say in the in the spirit or the philosophy the same philosophy as jesus a jesus -like figure
No, literally this same jesus Who was taken up from you into heaven will come in the same way as you saw him?
Come back the same way. You saw him go into heaven come back the same way He physically ascended so he will physically diss descend his return will be the same manner as his departure
Yeah, so his coming You know some people try to explain about his coming this coming won't be like a sign in the sky uh
That his judgment came like when jerusalem was destroyed in 80 70 Oh that doesn't fit does it?
Uh, or that his his spiritual philosophy will gradually come over the world and transform society
No, he says he's he's coming in the back of the same way Or that his he's come in the person of somebody, you know sung young moon
That's him. That's jesus again. David koresh or whoever claims to be g. No, you don't want that No, whoever no quite specifically.
He will come back. The same one will come back in the same way one day What day that is? It's not for us to know remember
It's not for us to know The times and seasons what is for us to know is the commission
That we will have power to be witnesses So don't stand around You know waiting gazing into the sky
Or gazing into the teachings of whatever so -called prophecy expert claiming that jesus is coming soon
We can know exactly when he's coming soon if we'll only decipher the prophecies like this expert tells us to Uh with a nice donation, please
No, don't waste your time doing that. That's not for us What's next for us?
The spirit empowered church is fulfilling The commission doing our part with the power of the holy spirit being witnesses for jesus
That the disciples are thinking Jesus is gone. What's next? First it was politics and programs with jesus as their leader
He ascends now He's gone What do we do?
You have no time the church to stand and stare
Well, that's the introduction so we'll know that we're in Jesus part two then there's the commission
That will have power to be witnesses Now what's next? Well, they have have a problem the lord jesus has selected 12 apostles and 12 is kind of important because israel god's god's assembly
In the old testament began with 12 brothers who became 12 tribes jesus said his that he is building his assembly
His church, you know it too would have as his foundation 12 stones 12 witnesses
But now one is missing next They need restoration
So they returned to jerusalem from the mount of olives where jesus had ascended there And they went to the upper their upper room with all 11
Of the remaining apostles name name for us again in verse 13 in case you forgot who they were Uh, they they were continuing they were persistently in prayer.
They are waiting for the power of the spirit Jesus said that if you ask for the holy spirit, the father will certainly give him to you
Like like a decent father is going to give his children bread It's not something you have to Fear he'll give you the wrong thing
So we should pray frequently to be filled to be refilled to be renewed By the holy spirit.
Yes, we believe that that now on our side of pentecost after pentecost We are all baptized in the holy spirit at conversion
That this this is not here It's coming to wait in jerusalem and then and pray have a meeting and then pentecost coming
And this is not here as a model that we need to follow ourself We need to pray and have meetings until we have some big experience seeking the baptism of the holy spirit before we can be witnesses
Now we the church are already baptized in the spirit in chapter two But we are commanded still
And some people on the other hand you have two people go to extremes, you know Some people some people say well we need to do like them until we're baptized in the holy spirit
And then the others to know we've already received which is true We already received the church has been baptized but then they kind of use that as an excuse to not to not seek the power and the filling the
You know the the need for the holy spirit to be active But paul said in ephesians chapter 5 verse 18.
He commanded us still an ongoing need of our christian life to be filled with the holy spirit
And that's probably what they're praying for here to be baptized and be filled with the holy spirit They were praying for that.
It says with one mind They weren't arguing over the precise terminology of it shouldn't call it filling shouldn't call it baptism.
Well, whatever Uh, not not some of them. I don't think any of them were trying to assure them that you're just fine as you are
After all, we're all graduates of jesus's three -year seminary program. We're puffed up with knowledge.
We know it all we don't need any more No, they they knew they need the power of the spirit.
And so they're praying in unity for it And even the brothers of jesus are here mentions them the brothers jesus were there which is news.
That's big news You know, the apostles are there and the women like mary are there That's to be expected.
But now the brothers are there because they were scoffers before You know, they didn't believe in jesus during his before his crucifixion, but jesus appeared to james
That one of the brothers brother of james brother of jesus and now they're on board There are about 120 of them in this this constant unified prayer
But still something is missing Jesus chose 12 apostles, but now they're only 11
So peter stands up and says in verse 16 You know brothers the scripture had to be fulfilled which the holy spirit spoke beforehand by the mouth of david concerning judas
There's an interesting statement sentence there Think of think of what he's all all that's in that little one sentence
Notice three things very briefly first scripture must be fulfilled. He says peter said scripture had to be fulfilled
So Scripture is god telling us what he has fixed is going to happen second scripture is inspired by the holy spirit
I want a statement. There's several others in the bible about the inspiration of the scripture here. It's one of them David wrote these particular scriptures, but the holy spirit spoke through david
And the result was that he david could speak or could write things That were fulfilled in ways that he could not david himself could not imagine so third
Scripture is fulfilled in christ David wrote psalm 69 verse 25
Let his camp become desolate and let there be no one to dwell in it and psalm 109 verse 8.
Let another take his office David didn't know when he wrote that that he was talking about judas.
He's not ultimately jesus's betrayer David probably thought he was just talking about someone in his own life his own personal betrayer
They didn't experience his own enemies and he was asking for god's judgment on them But because his words were guided by the holy spirit.
He was ultimately speaking of things that he didn't know about things fulfilled In the gospel in christ the gospel is the key that unlocks the interpretation even in the old testament
Those scriptures he's peter says had to be fulfilled which is
And if you think about that for judas did judas Act according to his quote free will free from any kind of outward compulsion
Because here peter says he had to be fulfilled scriptures are about him. So we p judas had to do
What he did betray jesus Did he have free will then? Yeah, I don't know what you mean by free he wasn't free of sin but He wasn't compelled to do something from outside him he did what came naturally on him
He was a thief who loved money And so he chose money over jesus. That's who he was by nature.
Could he have chosen to do otherwise? to not betray jesus Theoretically hypothetically maybe
And that god wasn't forcing him to do something against his will but practically in the real world
People always do what's according to their nature judas did what was in his nature
That that he was there in that the place that he was um, you know among jesus's apostles um, he was there to do what
Came natural to him Choose money over jesus And that was that was fixed
By god It was foretold by scripture And it had to happen jesus himself knew um
What was in judas called him a devil in john chapter 6? One of you one of them is a devil he said and uh, he called him the son of perdition or son of destruction in John chapter 17 and yet he chose jesus anyway judas.
Anyway, judas was peter said in verse 17 numbered Numbered by who numbered by jesus
He was appointed to be an apostle by jesus. Jesus put him in place And then with the money that judas got to be the guide to those who arrested jesus a field was bought
Where he apparently hanged himself But either the limb or the or the rope broke and he fell headlong dashed against the rocks and blood and guts everywhere gruesome sight
Everybody heard about it in jerusalem. And so they called that field field of blood
Not only because judas's blood was all over it but because it was bought with the blood money for jesus
So jesus went peter says here. It's it says to his place his rightful place the determined place for him
Hell It had to happen because it was fixed by the father's own authority, but now they have a problem
How are they going to restore the 12 apostles? Well peter said that one of the disciples
Okay, you remember there's the disciples are more larger than the apostles. There's a group of men the disciples and one of the followers of jesus one of those who have followed jesus from Um from the beginning of his ministry should be selected to be in to replace judas to be an apostle
A man who had accompanied jesus from the beginning the baptism of john Uh till the day when he was ascended or one of these men
Peter says so there's the criteria to be one of these founding apostles They had to have been followers of jesus for his entire ministry
And now witnesses of his resurrection and they replaced they replaced judas because he was a betrayer
He was the one scripture foretold should be replaced. Let another take his office Later when another apostle died when james is killed not not too long
They don't replace him So don't get this idea like there's this ongoing institution
Of 12 apostles that we just got to keep refilling them one of the slots every time one of them passes away
Now this this is for the foundation of the church Right reasonably they thought judas does not belong in the foundation of the church
Because of who he was so we're going to replace him. What's next? the restoration Of the church so they put forward two candidates who fit the criteria
Joseph called barsabbas and matthias and then they prayed verse 24 you lord
Praying apparently to jesus Because the lord who had selected the other apostles Who know the hearts of all?
Who is everyone's heart knower? Show he's out there asking you show us which of these two men that you have chosen
And there's the same verb chosen used in verse two or the apostles whom jesus had chosen
They're praying show which Which you've chosen to take the place in this ministry and apostleship
Uh from which judas turned aside to go to his own place And so because the spirit had not yet been given they cast lots for matthias
They cast lots and matthias was selected Doesn't mean this is a pattern. We have to follow we're not going to cast lots to fill vacancies and positions
He was added to the 11 apostles. He he making them complete restored to 12 again, but for the church to be restored
They'll need more than apostles The church jesus's assembly
Will be the restored israel built on 12 foundation stones But though the place left vacant by judas had been filled by matthias
The place left vacant by jesus Had not yet been filled by the holy spirit for that The other comforter
They'll have to wait on him and pray What's next? the holy spirit comes that other comforter
That we that we need we need this other cup. We need the holy spirit to continue Jesus part two to obey the commission to be witnesses to all kinds of people from all over the world
What's next for them here? Is the baptism in the holy spirit that john the baptist first promised and that here jesus repeats that promise for us the assembly the church
That jesus is still building We have already been baptized in through one spirit and already been given one one spirit to drink
It says in first corinthians chapter 12 verse 13 That was given to us that was given the church in the in the next chapter
Right. This is our history here not just them and we got to kind of recreate it. No, this is us
Uh worth a church this is it a pattern for us to follow but it's a foundation for us to live on But that doesn't mean then we just be content sort of a dry
Arid weak powerless christian life. No, we still need To be filled with the spirit
We we still need to be sure that we aren't quenching the holy spirit as paul tells
Tells the thessalonians first thessalonians chapter 5 verse 19 be sure you're not quenching it stifling or suppressing the spirit
We've been given the spirit the apostles waited for him and he came we need him just as much
Today the spirit still comes to us as a fire now. We can either fan that fire into full flame
Unleashing his power and his gifts for building up the church Or we can douse the spirit with the water of our fears
Maybe our puffed up pride from what we think we know Maybe our flawed theology what we think we can do without we still need the power the fire of the spirit
We need him to set our hearts on fire to rekindle that first love to give gifts that restore the church
To inflame our hearts with love for him and for each other to to enable to enable others out there
Those we witness to the kids of jim jr. The youth of jim our own children our neighbors We need the spirit to go out and enable them to hear
What the spirit is saying? the gospel We've been given the spirit
Jesus has restored the foundation Jesus has commissioned us.
He's empowered us now if we feel weak unempowered
Maybe we need to maybe depressed. Maybe we need to ask whether we've been quenching the spirit
Pray to be renewed personally restored filled again
Stop looking to politics or programs To replace the spirit nothing can replace him
Stop gazing up into heaven, you know hoping to escape hoping to just be taken away from the realities of the world
No get to work this Is the sequel? Be filled with the holy spirit so that jesus part two