Why Liberal Christian Priorities Are So Confusing - #wokechurch

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Conservative Christians are confused at the strange political priorities expressed by the liberal, progressive, socjust wing of reformedish evangelicalism. Understandably so. Here are my thoughts.


So everybody, time for another video. I was just thinking a moment ago how grateful
I am that Barack Obama is not the President of the United States right now.
That is a very good thing. I was also thinking, just right after that, how grateful I was that Hillary Clinton was not the
President of the United States of America. And I tweeted the other day, I tweeted this yesterday, and you know,
I don't have a huge platform. I've got a very small platform, relatively speaking.
And so not everything I say gets a hundred retweets or whatever like that. But this one struck a nerve.
This one I think people really identified with. And here's what the tweet says. It said, It is amazing to watch evangelical leaders literally lamenting and mourning the loss of candidates who believe it is a human right to kill your own baby.
Amazing. I think that is amazing. I stand by this tweet. I went on and I said, the twistedness of their minds, and I'm talking about the evangelical leaders who are sad because their baby killing politicians lost.
I'm saying the twistedness of their minds is on display for everyone. And I went on,
I said, I got news for you. Even if the GOP was racist, they aren't as far as I can tell.
But even if they were, racism is not as bad a sin as infanticide.
I stand by that as well. And I think this resonated with a lot of people because there's a lot of Christians that are really bewildered about liberal and progressive
Christians lamenting the loss of their politicians because their politicians are so overtly evil.
Barack Obama, one of the reasons I'm grateful he's not the president anymore is because he is an evil man. He was immoral.
He was unethical. And he was just plain evil. He literally supports infanticide.
This is like the easiest moral question anybody can be asked. Hey, Mr. President, do you think it's cool to kill your own children?
Sounds pretty good to me. Like that's the easiest moral question and Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton get it wrong. You can't trust anything they say if they get something so obvious wrong.
But anyway, and that doesn't mean that everything they say is wrong, by the way, it just says you can't trust it. But anyway, and so a lot of people, 184 likes, that's really unusual for a tweet of mine.
And then, hold on a second, 42 retweets, but again, this is not, my platform isn't this big that I get this regularly.
So this obviously was something a lot of people thought was interesting or agreed with or hated or whatever. Anyway, I got a response from someone and if you care to know the specific person who responded to me, go ahead and find it on Twitter.
I don't really care that you do that. I'm not going to name him here because this is really not about a personality. It's about an idea because a lot of people believe the same way that this guy does.
And he thought this was a really stupid tweet. He said, well, racism is just as evil as abortion and so to think that it isn't is really stupid.
You can't pit one sin against the other. And if you notice about this tweet, I wasn't trying to pit one sin against the other.
They're both evil. Racism is an evil thing. It separates you from God. So if you had done no other sin except for show partiality in your heart and hate someone because of their skin color, you would still be separated from God.
So if you were perfect in every way, but you were a racist, that sin is enough to separate you from God. But the reality is it's very obvious and this is what's so confusing about social justice people.
They have their priorities very twisted, very twisted. Um, it's obvious that there are some sins that God commands us to deal with more severely and to, to be more strict about.
That's very clear in God's law. And so murder and you know, infanticide counts as murder.
Killing your children counts as murder, murder. God says the just punishment. So if you're concerned with social justice, then what you need to say is that you should advocate that murderers should be given the death penalty when they're found guilty, um, with two or more witnesses and the whole thing, um, that's social justice.
That's real justice. And so murder, God says, is something that you should be executed for.
God wants to face you immediately. If you're found guilty of murder, he wants to face you immediately.
You need to face the judgment of God right away. Now that's not to say that you're instantly going to hell if you've committed murder.
That's not what I'm saying. But what I am saying is God has told us that if you're found guilty of murder, you need to face him right away.
That's a very serious and severe crime. So abortion is a very serious and severe crime. If we're going to advocate for social justice, we need to advocate for the end of abortion and we need to support politicians who want to end abortion.
Now, notice I didn't say support Republicans because I don't think many Republicans actually intend to do much about it.
However, clearly Barack Obama does it. Clearly these people that are being lamented, oh,
I can't believe they didn't win. These are proponents of killing children. So you are not about social justice if you are supporting politicians that want to kill more babies or want to give more access to blacks and Latinos to kill more babies.
That is very clear. There are other sins that are like this, by the way. Kidnapping is one of these sins.
God says if you're found guilty of kidnapping, then you need to face him. We need to execute you so you can face your maker instantly if you're found guilty.
There are other sins like this in the Bible, so we can search the scriptures and see what sins God has told us to prioritize for civil temporal justice.
Now again, cosmically, when it comes to God's perfect righteousness and holiness, every little sin, even a lie will separate you from God, but we're talking about what to deal with in the here and now.
If you care about social justice in the here and now, what do we need to deal with? Racism is not one of those sins, if you notice.
Racism is not one of the sins where God says, if you're a racist, I need to face you now. No, instead
God says, if you're a racist, that's a sin and we should deal with that within the church. We should deal with that within the body.
You must repent of that sin, but it's not an executable crime. It's not something that from a civil justice perspective takes priority.
So here's the response that I got from this guy. He said, well, racism leads to kidnapping. Racism leads to deaths, and so it's just as serious.
And I'm saying, here's the thing, here's the thing. Let's just say you knew somehow that the hearts of the
GOP were racist, like many people accuse people of. First of all, I don't think you can prove that.
I don't think that the GOP platform is racist. However, are there racists in the
GOP? Probably. Are there racists in the Democratic Party? Probably, but let's just say for a second, you knew for a fact that the majority of Republicans were racist in their hearts.
Is that something that Trump's supporting infanticide? No, it isn't.
And here's the thing, racism might lead to killing, but the actual crime that we want to stand against, the one that we want to execute civil justice on is the killing.
There's no special kind of racist. There's no special crime called racist killing. I know in America there is hate crimes.
That shouldn't be a thing. That's actually an immoral distinction. God doesn't distinguish between a racially motivated crime or a crime motivated by something else.
If you're killing someone, it doesn't matter if you're killing them just because they're black or you're killing them just because you like killing or you're killing them because you don't like their face.
Like whatever it is, it's still the crime of murder and that's what matters. And so yes, if the GOP was promoting murder, we might have an equivalent there.
If the GOP was saying as part of their platform, we want to make it, we want to make it safe and legal for you to kill
Latinos and blacks. Yeah, we'd have, we'd have a, an equivalent there, but we don't have that.
The only party that's saying we want to make it safe and legal to kill Latinos and blacks is the democratic party.
That's the only party doing that. None of the parties are supporting kidnapping. So the
GOP being racist, it might lead to kidnapping. Well, I guess it might, but you know what else might lead to kidnapping?
Socialism. You know what I mean? Like that's the reality. Like socialism leads to kidnapping.
Socialism leads to murder. Therefore, are you going to say that supporting a socialist is the most evil thing that you can do?
And you're going to lament, you're going to lament when a, when a, when a, when a, when a capitalist wins, like this is, we're not using the same standards here.
This is what's so confusing about social justice warriors. They have this buffet style justice where certain things trump other things and there's no rhyme or reason to it.
Look, I'm willing to say that for me, I don't, I don't vote first of all. So this is, this is not something that I practice, but if I was going to vote, there would be things that would trump other things.
And the reality is any kind of perceived racism that the GOP has is not as bad as promoting infanticide.
God doesn't think so either. God doesn't think so either. Again, disclaimer, every sin separates from God, but God has told us he's given his people a clear word on what things trump other things, what things, what things must be fought very quickly and severely and other things must be fought more patiently and, um, and, and, and, and, and, and with, you know, you, you know, you understand what
I'm saying. And so, so that's the thing I find it amazing. Like the social justice warriors priorities are twisted.
Their minds are twisted. They think that this perceived racism is more important than baby killing.
It's just not the case. Biblically speaking, that is indefensible. Now the other thing I was, I was getting was, well, uh, you can't pit one against the other.
We got to fight both simultaneously. Yes, we do have to fight both simultaneously. I completely agree.
I don't think anyone disagrees with that. We got as Christians, we fight racism and abortion simultaneously, but not the same way.
Abortion should be criminalized and should be an executable offense. Racism should not. We fight them different ways.
We fight them different ways. The law of God tells us what to do with each. The law of God is for the unrighteous.
It's to restrain evil. And so we restrain evil the way God says we should restrain evil. There's certain people that need to be off the face of the earth.
And then there are other people that need to be essentially tolerated while you essentially call them to repentance and ask them to, and you command that they repent from their racism or perish, but you don't execute them for it.
You see what I'm saying? And so that's, that's the reality. I mean, there's certain things that we need to do and certain things that we don't need to do.
And so your priorities are all twisted up. If for some reason racism trumps infanticide, it just doesn't.
Now, the other thing too, is, is he, he used these extreme examples of racism leading to kidnapping and racism leading to killing.
And those are both death penalty worthy offenses. It's not about the racism. It's about the actual crime. But the reality is this too, that that's not the racism that most people are talking about.
Most people are talking about economic privileges and economic standing. And so what most people, it's not even as extreme as this brother was saying, it's not trading a racism that leads to death for infanticide.
It's not what's usually happening. What's usually happening is I want my economic prospects to be better.
And you're trading that for supporting an infanticide loving politician.
That's evil. That's evil. One of my followers was asking, would you trade, you know, let's just say racism was going to stay the same.
The racist situation is going to stay the same, but abortion was going to be illegal. Would you make that trade? And this brother refused to answer that.
And I think I know why, because he feels the inconsistency there. Look, I'll tell you right now, I would trade,
I'll, I'll, I'll just say this. If the trade was on the table that my financial situation would never improve, in fact, it would get worse because, and it was only going to get worse because I was a
Latino, but we would have stopped killing babies in our country. I would take that trade.
I would take that trade. Now that's not something that's a real, that's not a realistic question because I want to fight all injustice.
And I agree with that, but I would easily take that trade and that's what giving up your life is all about.
That's what taking up your cross and following Christ is all about. You would trade your comfort and your prospects for somebody else.
I don't know why you couldn't answer that question. If you watch this video, I don't know why you couldn't answer that question. It's a very easy answer for me.
Not saying that racism and injustice, uh, lesser injustices are, are good. They should be fought against, but to be, to be up to, to be lamenting the fact of a baby killer politician went, uh, losing an election in favor of a perceived racist, that is twisted.
Your mind is twisted. And I think if you just look at the scriptures objectively, you would see that very clearly.