DUMPSTER FIRE: Fresh February "Prophecies"


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Welcome to Dumpster Fire for the second week of February 2018. Had to take a couple of weeks off from Dumpster Fire because I came down with that awful flu that everybody has here in the
United States. That being said, I'm excited about today's installment of the Dumpster Fire because we're going to do something that we haven't done on our
YouTube channel before and that is we're going to check in with all the latest and freshest so -called prophecies from YouTube prophets and prophetesses and self -appointed apostles and check out the latest and greatest and freshest and most warm right out of the prophecy oven prophecies.
Just kind of round it up and I'll be blunt, some of these things I haven't even previewed so you never know what's going to happen.
It's just going to be frightening and scary. Let me go ahead and turn my screen on here and before we get into it,
I wanted to point out that at the Fighting for the Faith website, if you go to fightingforthefaith .com,
get to the podcast section of Fighting for the Faith at piratechristian .com, if you go to the search bar and type in bingo, then you will see that you can find the link for the
Fighting for the Faith Prophecy Bingo Card and it says click here to visit our Prophecy Bingo Card Generator.
We'll be playing Prophecy Bingo today and when you click on it, this is what happens.
It just randomly generates a card and if you don't like that card, you can click on the new card button and it'll generate a new card for you.
So again, fightingforthefaith .com, type in bingo in the search card, go to the Fighting for the Faith Prophecy Bingo Card Generator and if you'd like to play along, you can.
What I've done is I've downloaded a card that I randomly generated and I've created some circles using
Macintosh's preview program so that I can play Prophecy Bingo while listening to the latest and greatest roundup of prophetic words coming from all of the latest and greatest prophets.
So let's get right to it. And Prophecy number one for February 2018 comes to us via the self -appointed prophetess
Kay Nash. You'll note she's a young lady and let's see what God is telling her.
Hi guys and welcome back to another episode of Living Well. I'm Kay Nash and today we're going to...
You can note she has the title, Kay Nash, prophetess, yeah, yeah, that's not presumptuous at all.
...talk about February's prophetic word. Yeah. Thank you guys for watching our channel.
We're so happy that we continue to keep growing so please keep sharing these videos with your friend so we can really get the word of God out there to the people.
Yeah, no, watching your prophetic utterances will not have anybody hearing the word of God, no,
I'm sorry, Kay, that's not how that works. Jesus, oh Jesus. You know, the first thing
I really felt with this word was that Python was attacking finances.
No, Python is attacking finances.
Now if you're not familiar with the Python spirit, there's really only one reference in all of scripture to such a thing.
And what I find fascinating is that Python spirit usually doesn't attack finances. Let me explain.
Acts 16 .16, the apostle Paul is in the town of Philippi and Luke, the author of Acts, happens to be with him.
And it says this, as we were going to the place of prayer, we were met by a slave girl who had a spirit of divination.
By the way, the Greek word for the spirit of divination is the word puthona. It's right here in the
Greek. And this is, you know, we get the word Python from it. Basically, it demonstrates that this gal had something to do with a cult known as the
Oracle at Delphi. Yeah, a very famous ancient world oracle place where you would hear from, you know, the nether regions or whatever.
But so this girl had a spirit of puthona and brought her owners much gain by fortune telling.
So you'll note that apparently, you know, the spirit of Python, you know, the
Python spirit actually brings wealth with it. And she followed Paul and us and she was crying out, these men are servants of the most high
God who proclaim to you the way of salvation. And this she kept doing for many days. And Paul, having become greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit,
I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her, came out of her that very hour. And when her owners saw that their hope for gain was gone, they seized
Paul and Silas and dragged them into the marketplace before the rulers. So Cain Ashe is claiming that the
Python spirit could be attacking your finances right now, which is weird because the
Python spirit seemed to bring wealth, you know, when it made its one and only appearance in scripture.
We continue. If you need financial deliverance, it may be because of Python.
Now for those of you who are like, what is that? You need to go into Acts 16. Yeah, been there, already looked at it, thanks.
To look up where it says divination. When you look that up in the original text, it's the word
Python. So that's what we're referring to. Actually it's, it's really not, but I digress.
So okay, I don't think she's taking a class in Greek, but. That's what we're talking about.
And obviously ask the Holy Spirit to teach you a little more about it, but we're going to talk about that a tad for, for just right now.
Basically Python is in your eye gate, you know, it's the things you're looking at. In my what?
In my eye gate? Okay. So I got to watch out for those Python things in my eye gate.
Got it. Things you're letting in and you might be watching witchcraft stuff.
You might. Or false prophecy on YouTube, you know, things like that. Watching occult stuff.
You might have those things in your house and not even know it. Yeah. It's coming through my computer right now.
Yeah. You might be around people or have a soul tie with people that have it, you know, ask. So do you have any soul ties with people?
Okay. God wisdom on defeating Python this month. But I also think you're going to do it from a place of rest.
You're not going to be striving and punching Python out. I really. No striving. So you got to rest to not
Python out. Let me check my prophecy bingo card here, by the way.
Okay. So Rayma harvest restore. Yeah. I don't think I've scored anything yet.
Oh wait, I forgot about free space. Okay. Free space. There we go. We continue. I think this is a restful fight.
Yeah. I know me and some other people who have martial arts backgrounds, it's kind of like we're fighters by nature, but it's time to rest.
I really felt that this was a month of rest. You know, I personally am not doing any speaking engagements this month intentionally, right?
Because she's trying to defeat Python. Right. Yeah. I do. I do have a speaking engagement in March where I'm going to do a conference there.
I have a speaking engagements in Kenya, Africa in April. Really they're flying you to Africa to speak prophetically and teach the church there.
Oh, nothing could go wrong with that. But I really felt like this month
I need to not have any engagements because I felt not just with me, but I felt it's a month of rest.
Now, yes, there's things going on. I have a friend planning a wedding and so there's things going on, but I feel like I need to be intentional about being kind of alone with the
Lord right now, kind of hidden with him right now. I'm not running right now.
I'm kind of receiving right now. And another thing I had felt like he said was from macro to micro.
Oh, I feel that so strongly. Jesus. Who micro macro thingy.
No way. Wow. Yeah. So from big to small, I think. I feel like he's been highlighting the word macro and micro to me.
And I feel like what's happened so far is that a lot of us have gotten micro planned for 2018.
In other words, we have the big picture from God. We know what he wants. So if we micro planned, we have the big picture.
Micro means small. To do, we've gotten the download, but it's time for the download.
Hang on. I got to see if that's one of my words. Oh, do I have download on this card?
But it's time for those micro details to come in. And so I think you might be pulled back a little bit this month and don't think it's because you're doing something wrong per se.
It's more because you need to get the specifics. And for those of you who don't understand what that means, macro is.
No, I have no idea what a specifac is. And micro is smaller. So we need to get those small details from the
Lord. There's lots of little foxes that are messing things up in our finances right now.
Little foxes. Didn't you say Python?
So now the foxes have been morphed from the Python thingy?
It's going to be revealing them to us in the next three weeks. And some of you, it's already started.
And some of you with deep problems, it might be four weeks or even five weeks. But I feel like he wants us to be financially solid going into the rest of the year.
And so we might have to pull back a little bit in order to get organized. So we're creating structure.
You know, Isaiah talks about strengthening the stakes. And I really feel like we need to strengthen our stakes because we could just.
I need to strengthen my stakes. OK, Isaiah 54 to enlarge the place of your tent and let them stretch forth the curtains of your habitation.
Spare not lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. You just have to ask the obvious question.
I mean, isn't Isaiah 54 like relevant to Christians like every month of the year?
Why is it particularly relevant for February of 2018?
I'm a little confused on that. Now, we need to move along and check in with another prophetess.
And this is Heather, what happened to her hair? This is
Heather Curnew. Hang on, let's check in with her. Hi, this is
Heather Curnew with a word, a prophetic word for the month. The prophetic word is 80s hairband.
OK, OK, prophetic word of February. Yeah, and I'm excited about what the
Lord shared with me today. And I can't wait to share it with you. So, are you ready for the month of opportunity and suddenlies?
Opportunity and suddenlies. Hang on a second here, got to check my prophecy bingo card. All right, let's see.
Suddenly, there it is. OK, so suddenly, how about opportunity? Um, yeah, all right.
All right, let's check back with her. OK, let's go. Ready? Yeah, because the Lord thinks you are.
Oh, he thinks I'm ready. I'm so glad. I just, I knew that he thought that about me. You know, it just makes total sense.
Just want to encourage you before we get started to subscribe to Myrrh Ministries, because we're going to have a whole lot of new video.
Myrrh Ministries, every time I hear her say it, it reminds me of like the little mermaid. Anyway, type of structures coming on.
Yeah. And ministries coming on. So you would subscribe. And also, don't forget to click the little bell so you have a notification of when
I'm on. So as you might know, if you've listened to my previous words, that the
Lord shares with me a threefold message. Threefold, yeah. What he is doing for the month, what the enemy is doing for the month, because a good general knows what the other side...
Oh, you're getting enemy intel. Man, you are so special. I didn't realize we had any battle plans.
Well, of course we have. How else do you think the battles are directed? Our battles are directed, sir.
...up to and how we are to respond to walk in victory over the month.
And so it's like, you know, it's funny because today I heard him singing to me, oh, happy days.
God was singing, oh, happy days to you. Sunday, Monday, happy days.
Tuesday, Wednesday, happy days. Okay. Happy days, when Jesus was.
And I don't know if you're familiar with that song, but it's that this month is the days of awesome love and the sudden...
Awesome love and the suddenlies. ...opportunities and suddenly...
Suddenly, suddenly. Awesome love, yeah. Yeah, you know, because February, you know.
You know, unfortunately, the sex sermon series are due to come out with the
Seeker Driven guys, different topics. Sorry, let's keep going, okay? So the theme scripture is what no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived.
Mm -hmm. I just keep thinking 80s hairband. We've already seen and conceived those things.
Things God has prepared for those who love him. And count me in, and I'm sure if you're watching this, we can count you in to be a lover of God.
And that's from 1 Corinthians 2, 9. Okay, so today,
I really felt that God is in the threshes of releasing the bigger picture.
The threshes of releasing the bigger picture. All right, let me see if releasing is one of my bingo words.
Rats, not this card. Okay, I got a bum card this year, this month, sorry.
And he led me to Ezekiel 17, 23, 24.
He did, okay. And God is turning the tables on our behalf.
And like I said, he's in the throes of starting the new thing.
Yeah. God the master says, I personally will take a shoot from the top of the towering cedar, a cutting from the crown of the tree, and plant it on a high and towering mountain, on the high mountain of Israel.
And that is what God is doing right now in the month of February.
Mm -hmm. So God in the month of February is cutting the top of a tree off and planting it in Israel.
Okay, is it Arbor Day and Earth Day in February? I thought that was in April.
And as we will see in the months to come, that that cutting will grow, putting out branches and fruit, a majestic cedar.
Yes. Are there any like Bible scholars, like if you go to like a Bible commentary on the book of Ezekiel, will it talk about how
God's doing that cutting thingy and planting it in the mountain in Israel in February of 2018?
Are there biblical scholars who would agree with this whimsical interpretation of this particular passage?
With the Lord, we're going to go out there and we're going to take back what the enemy stole and we're going to reign on the seven mountains of society.
Yeah, so Heather Curnew, Seven Mountain Dominionist. Okay, all right.
Not sure what to do with that. All right, let's check in with Russ Walden and the
Father's Heart and see if we can figure out what God's saying for the month of February here. Let's check in with him.
All right, here we go. Breakthrough prophetic word, February 2018. This is the breakthrough word for February 2018.
The Father says today, welcome to the fail -safe zone. Fail -safe.
In my kingdom and in my glory. The fail -safe zone.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I don't got that on my prophecy. Bingo card. Nope, not seeing any fail -safe.
I'm not going to win this month. All right. Love never fails, says the
Father. For in love, you will know what it is to excel and to exceed at what you put your hand to and beyond anything you have ever experienced.
The Father says, keep the main thing the main thing. Right, yeah.
My life will never be the same. In fact, my February will just be supercharged because of that. The main thing, the main thing.
Yeah, whoa, never thought of that. You do have mountain -moving faith on the inside of you.
Clearly, I mean, we're talking about me, you know. And that faith will, in fact, move the mountain in your way when you parent with the agape of my spirit.
When I, when I, what was that verb again? When I pair, parent with the agape of God's spirit,
I'll move a mountain. I have no idea what that means. It's the love thing, my beloved.
And, right, yeah, it's February. It's the love thing, yeah. This is your turn and your time to get my love activated in your life to position you for a detonation of the substance you affixed your hope on to become a manifest reality in space and time.
I'm not... What did any of that mean? That was like a machine gun of prophecy buzzwords.
Hang on, I gotta, all right, let's see. Lean in, restore, harvest. Man, if you're gonna, you know, unleash a prophecy storm like that with all these buzzwords, could you at least pick some words that are on my prophecy bingo card?
You know, Russ, it's, I'm trying to win here. I am not denying you. I am not denying you and I am not delaying you.
The kiss of heaven awaits you. The embrace of my passion is upon you even now.
Yeah, I always get a little queasy when guys talk about, you know, God and Jesus in kissy terms.
No. It must not only flow to you, but it must flow through you to others, even the obnoxious, even the undeserving.
Well, you know, hey, the obnoxious flows from me to others, you know, quite freely. So, not just in February either.
From those resistant ones in your life, says the Father. So go out and lavish my love upon the unlovely.
Pour out my love without measure as the vessel that I have chosen you to be.
You've asked me for some major breakthroughs, says God, and they are on hand to appear in your life as you unlimber and unchain my effervescent love on the inside of you, allowing it to burst out and to inundate those that are dry, those that are parched, those that are crying out for one drop of compassion that only you can give.
So I gotta unleash the... Right. I had no idea what any of that meant.
Okay, let's check in. What is this YouTube channel? Hang on.
Prophetess Colette Williams and her prophetic word for February. Let's check in with her.
Here we go. I quit you guys. Amen, surprise, surprise.
I'm live right now. Amen. Because I have something to release and I couldn't keep it.
I couldn't contain it. I need to release it today, right now in the name... She's got to release it, man.
She's, you know, okay. Jesus. Welcome, Sherry. Welcome, Sheila, William.
Oh, wait, wait, wait. Joanna, you are welcome. Share the feed if you can. Release is one of my bingo words.
Okay. Let's keep going. I'm coming live just now.
Hallelujah, hallelujah. Double, double, double, double in the name of Jesus.
Isn't the rest of that supposed to go double, double, toil and trouble, cauldron burn and...
Never mind. Hey, are you ready, beloved of God?
Yeah, I'm ready. Something is about to happen right now. Something is... I know that something is about to happen.
Something is always about to happen. And then, you know, some things usually happen. That's the strange thing about some things, you know?
...to take place right now. Increase my expectation.
Increase my expectation. What is this music? Increase my expectation.
It's like the worst music ever. What's this soundtrack for?
Hell? ...by you. You're a good, good father.
We thank you, father. We thank you, father. We are here to pray and I've come to release a word over your life.
With me, says the Lord. With you,
Sherry. In my mind. We thank you, heavenly father.
And I decree and I declare double blessing upon those feet. Double blessing, double fire in the name of Jesus.
Share the feet if you can, wherever you are. I want to pray for as many people as possible.
I don't agree with the negative. By the way, I did hear her say the word anointing. I double -checked my bingo card.
So all right, it's not looking good. It's not looking like I'm going to get bingo this month.
Okay, we keep going. I'm going to switch tracks. Let's check in with Throne Builders and their prophetic word for February 2018.
Here we go. So we're going to be giving a word today for the month of February 2018 and releasing some things that God has put into our hearts, and it's a very exciting time we're in.
If you recall, for the word that we gave for the year God had put into my heart, that 2018 was a year of completed things, a year when we would see things.
Completed things. So if your wife gives you a honeydew list, and you've crossed a couple of things off the honeydew list, then hey, it's the year of completed things.
Hey, honey, I told you I was going to fix the toilet. Okay, all right, yeah.
We begin to actually come together completely. Many of us for years have been seeing things little by little coming together.
I was talking to a friend the other day doing some... Seeing some things come together, yeah.
...with them and praying with them, and I asked him if he ever put together a jigsaw puzzle, and he said, of course, yes.
I said, you notice in a jigsaw puzzle, you don't start at one point and only systematically build out from there.
Notice how his wife said, yeah, oh, that's the truth, man. I'm surprised she isn't raising her hands and going, amen, amen, that's right, jigsaw puzzles.
Okay, this is what God wants me to hear for February. You put together the pieces that you can where you can, until eventually this piece here and this cluster here and this cluster here, eventually they start to piece together, and the picture begins to take shape.
You betcha. We are in a time in this year when God is bringing things together, those clusters...
We don't know what the things are, but you know, God's bringing things together right now.
It's going to have been all over the board, there's going to be some completion this year. Some completion of some things.
Yeah, no way he's going to make a false prophecy here, man. I mean, everybody listening to this is going to go, hey, you know, whoa,
I completed some things in February. I completed a dumpster fire, it's a thing.
You know, okay. So in prayer this morning, when I was meditating on this word that I knew we'd be giving,
I heard very distinctly God say that you're 30 days ahead of schedule, and what you expect...
Not according to my wife, I am not, okay. See in March, you're going to see in February, and I'm taking a bold step,
I struggle with things like this, I'm just going to put it out there. I believe that he told me once again that you're going to see acceleration going into spring.
It's going to be your... Acceleration. Hang on, I got to check my Prophecy Bingo card. Is acceleration on this card?
Okay, all right, it's not. Through the normal, and in the region where you live, expect to see in February the weather patterns that you would typically see in March, and so when you come to March...
That ain't happening here in North Dakota. Yeah, we're eight days in here, and you know,
I'm just telling you, it's cold, yeah. You got to put your long johns on. You're going to expect to see what's in April and March, and so it's a time where God's moving things forward.
He says take step by step. Don't be impatient with the fact that it doesn't happen like that, but move forward in confidence.
What doesn't happen? And allow yourself to grow into it, because you know, what's coming our way, the things that God's releasing, all the wonderful blessings that are coming to us, all the great things across the body of Christ, hey, it takes time to get prepared for that kind of stuff.
Yeah, I don't know what stuff you're talking about, but it, you know, definitely takes time to get ready for that, yeah.
From being an anemic, weak little person to being a massive bodybuilder in 30 days, it takes time to stretch, but God said he has added acceleration to this, and so in the month of February, expect to see changes that typically you would expect a little bit later on.
Most of us live in a seasonal type of a thing in our lives where, you know, like in January, we normally see this type of growth, and then we go on throughout the year personally, but this, whatever you would normally expect in March, expect it now.
It's time. What exactly am I expecting?
This is really vague. Now for these things to happen, and the sign from the Lord is that across the board, weather patterns are going to be much more advanced than they normally are.
Right, that's the sign that the something is going to get completed thingy, because, you know, it takes time and stuff.
OK, let's check in. Oh, Jennifer LeClaire. OK, let's check in with the sneaky squid lady herself.
She has a T -shirt for her February prophetic word made up already.
Yeah, she's got prophecy merch, merchandise for the February prophetic word.
Can't make this up. OK, guys, Jennifer LeClaire here with you, with you, senior leader of the Awakening House of Prayer, founder of the
Ignite Network and the Awakening Blaze Prayer Movements. I am here today with an exciting word for the month of February.
Let me tell you how it sort of brewed in my spirit so that you'll understand the significance of what
I'm saying to you. Right. So if you understand how it brewed. Yeah. You know, she was
I don't know if she was using a French press, if she was using one of those drip, you know, things or, you know, maybe even, you know, like one of those percolators, you know, who knows?
And we were walking down the street in New Zealand. I was with Prophet Vanessa. Actually, no,
I'm sorry. We were in Australia. Forgive me. We've been to New Zealand, gone into Australia and we're walking down the street, probably having just drank a good much bit of coffee.
They they have bowls of coffee in that part of the world. It's an astounding, quite wonderful thing.
If you ever go there, you must have a bowl of coffee. It's wonderful. But anyway, we were going back and it's weird.
When I was in Australia, I didn't I was never offered a bowl of coffee. Bummer.
I missed out. Vanessa saw a sign, a sort of a poster on the wall, on the on the street.
And it said this. It said, Dream out loud. It said. So you saw a poster in Australia while drinking a bowl of coffee and the poster said dream out loud.
So that means God was speaking through the poster. So dream out loud.
In other words, talk in your sleep is the prophetic word for February.
And in that moment, she says, look at their look. And I looked and I said, wow, it struck my spirit.
Did it hurt when it struck your spirit? Was it like a Australian boomerang? You know, it hits your spirit.
You know, it struck my spirit. Now, many times when something strikes your spirit, that way, you know, there's something more to it.
Right. Yeah, that's how I know, too. Yeah. OK. I actually had a T -shirt made dream.
I could see that. Yeah, I noticed that as soon as we started. Wow. You can get it on my website.
Jennifer Leclerc dot org. I told you she's selling the prophetic word merchandise.
Cancel. Cancel. Oh, man. Loud. Why? Because it's time to dream out loud.
I have no idea how to do it, man. And my wife doesn't like it when I talk in my sleep. She always wakes me up if I'm talking in my sleep.
And this began to brew. I mean, it just really stirred in my spirit. It began to to just to just continue to brew. When I got back to America, I was sitting, getting ready for my morning prayer calls that I do every day on Facebook Live and Periscope.
Plug for her daily Periscope thingies. Prophetic prayer. And I was saying, Lord, this has been brewing in my spirit.
What are you saying now? Here's the right. I mean, what are you? What does it exactly mean to dream out loud?
When something strikes you, you've got to know the Lord wants to say something more. Yeah. You have to press in to what the more is.
I got to press into the more. Hang on. Let me check my car to see if press in is on this card. Rats, I am not going to I'm not going to get bingo this month.
Hey, when that happens, OK. You have to press in to what the Lord is saying to you. So I said, Lord, what are you saying?
What do you say? Yeah. And here's what the Lord shared with me. I'm going to share this with you.
Listen very carefully. OK, I will listen very carefully. You've kept your dreams hidden in a tiny box.
I know I haven't. Yeah, I think God got the wrong person here.
Yeah, I know I haven't. But now is the time to break out of that box of religion, fear, doubt, religion.
Yeah, you got to get rid of that religion stuff. Religion would tell you she's a false prophetess. Demonic opposition that has held you in.
I'm going to say that again. Listen, some of you have held your dreams in a tiny box. In other words, your dreams are too big for the box that you store them in.
If they're too big for the box, how'd they get in the box then? You know, our dreams like pliable, you know, do they squish up like a sponge and you can shove them into the box if it's too big?
Yeah. How does this work? You need to escape the box that you've confined them in. Some of you have confined your dreams in a box called not enough or of a box called too much, too old of a box called not educated enough.
Those are boxes. OK. You've got to let your dreams out of the box. Don't let your dreams be dreams.
Yesterday, you said tomorrow. So just do it. They say, get your dreams out of the box.
They they they're going to die in there. Did you put little air holes in the top of the box so they wouldn't die?
Think out of the box. Let your dreams out of the box. Dream out loud. Come on. Right. Dream out loud.
I don't know what that means. I again talk in your sleep. Buddy, it's time you've kept your dreams hidden in a tiny box.
But now is the time to break out of the box that religion, fear, doubt and demonic opposition has held you in.
Don't let religion kill your dreams, please. Saints know
Jesus was a big dream guy. I mean, he was out there releasing dreams from boxes all over Judea, man.
And when the disciples, you know, when they were set out on after the day of Pentecost, they they went right towards all those locked up dream boxes and told people they need to drink.
Don't let religion put your dream in a box. Religion has killed one too many dreams.
It makes me mad with the devil. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I just forget the fact the devil's like, you know, deceiving people and sending him to hell.
No, he's killing dreams by squishing him into small boxes. This is absurd.
And you know this. This is a religion that she's putting forward here, and she's one of the prophetesses of this religion.
But this religion ain't Christianity. Fear. Don't let fear stall your dreams.
Don't let doubt stall your dreams. Will tell me many, many, many years ago. Doubt is the doorway to unbelief and demonic oppression.
Don't let the devil with all of his oppressive thoughts, all the vain imaginations stop you from dreaming out loud.
You know, we've got the devil wants to stop you from dreaming out loud. I'm pretty sure the devil wants to keep you from actually trusting in Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins.
You'll note the shameless plugs. Please buy my T -shirt.
This this was brewing in our hearts in Australia while she was, you know, drinking a bowl of coffee. All right, let's change it up and check in with Princess Bola Adelani and her prophetic word for February.
Hello, hello, hello. It's Princess Bola Adelani, the total success coach.
The total success coach. I can feel myself being successful now. Yeah. Where to find me?
Royal Proclamations dot com. Hallelujah. Welcome, welcome, welcome.
I'm so excited. Oh, my goodness. Me too. I have a word from the
Lord. You sure? Royal Proclamations dot com.
It's Royal Proclamations dot com. Princess Bola Adelani, the total success coach, pastor, author.
You're a pastor. Well, God's word forbids that for you. OK, do you have your copy?
No. Of the master's mind on total success? No, I don't.
And that probably explains why I haven't experienced total success yet. Go to Amazon dot com.
Yeah. Amazon dot com. The best $20. Yeah, she's more product placement stuff.
Investments ever that you would make is in this book.
The master's mind on total success. Amazon dot com. Yeah. Yes.
Author, pastor, teacher, prophet, apostle, kingdom preneur, kingdom coach.
You're an apostle. No way. I just don't believe it.
America's dream midwife, spiritual money coach, the queen of networking.
Yeah, she's not full of herself at all. K .A. the total success coach. Royal proclamations dot com.
Royal proclamations dot com. So you know how we roll at the deep end. You know exactly how we roll.
We say sharing is caring. OK. Yeah. So I'm going to give you 60 seconds.
If you are on face on YouTube, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe.
If this video has almost 10 ,000 views. On Facebook, it's that share button.
No, no way. If you are Periscope, swipe across. If you have an iPhone, upward, downward.
If it's an Android and you share, you invite your followers. You invite your friends.
I have a word from the Lord. Princess Bala Adilani. Doubt it.
No, I don't think this is going to be a word from God at all. Is in the house. Yes. Yes.
I'm so excited. I bet you are. About February. I have a word for from the
Lord about February. And we are here at the deep end to position you.
OK. Oh, oh, I can't wait. I'm going to get positioned for February. Oh, the best thing ever.
Worry. Praise God. Today's gathering at the deep end is focused on the prophetic word for February.
So you have five more seconds to share. Thank you, Janice. I saw you on Periscope sharing and invite your followers.
Where are my people? Facebook share, share, share. Hit that share button and then subscribe.
Subscribe, subscribe on on whatever.
OK. On whatever. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Notice this begins with a lot of self -promotion here.
Periscope network is bad. Facebook is bad. Unless your five seconds is over, lady, get to the prophecy, would you?
Oh, Kathy, that's my girl. Invite, invite, invite, share, share, share, subscribe, subscribe, subscribe.
So let's go. Let's go. Let's go into this word. Yeah. So I've been just having this joy in my spirit, you know, for the last couple of days.
And then, you know, as I began to muse and pray on it, why am I feeling this joy, you know?
Yeah. Why? Why would you feel that? In my spirit, you know, I see a major breakthrough is about to occur.
You know, a major breakthrough is about to occur. Let me check my bingo card, see if breakthrough is on there. Let's see.
Bummer. Not on that card. I'm not going to hit bingo this month. And so as I began to muse more and more and more about it, seeking the face of God, you know, you know, he spoke to me.
The Lord spoke to me and said, no, really, he didn't. February is the month of the open door.
My God, my God. Yeah, the month of the open door. Yeah, my life's never going to be the same.
OK, but my God, did you hear what I said? Yes. I not only heard it,
I repeated it. February is the month of the open door. So hashtag for me.
Come on now. Come on, my scribes. You know how we roll at the deep end. Hashtag February, the month of the open door.
Yeah. Hashtag get it out on social media. Let the masses know. Yeah, I have no idea what it means, but OK.
Yes. And so that explains my joy. Greetings. Greetings to you,
Uncle Ben. Nineteen seventy seven. Greetings. So that explained my joy.
That explained why I was feeling this joy in my spirit. This sense of, you know, a major breakthrough about to occur.
Sense of major breakthrough. Yeah. The major about to be birthed and be launched, you know, for.
So there's going to be a birthing and a launching. Let me check my recent my card here. Man, it's not on that card.
Bummer. OK. My spirit, because guess what?
February is the month of the open door. So hashtag hashtag February, the month of the open door.
And anybody who knows me well, you know me well. If you know me well, you know that I always ask the
Lord for a scripture to back up my prophetic word. You know, that is how
I was. Yeah, because, you know, the Bible was meant to be understood this way. No, not at all. All right.
Last but not least, in our fresh word, round up dumpster fire thingy here, literally today when
I'm recording our dumpster fire, the apostle, the apostle
Ryan Lestrange has released a video and it's been picked up by Charisma magazine of all places.
And it's a prophetic word that God has released the breakthrough ox anointing. Yeah, and this is not
Photoshop. That's actually the charisma magazine website. There's the URL. Let's check in with Ryan Lestrange and this week's
Monday word regarding the ox anointing. Here we go. I'm Ryan Lestrange with the
Monday word, and the Monday word for you is the release of the ox anointing recently during what is on his shirt.
Are those ticks? No, that's not distracting at all.
Time of prayer. The Lord began to tell me to prophesy, to declare the ox anointing that the church is.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no. The ox anointing.
Right. Yeah, this is bovine scatology. Into a time of tremendous building, that it is a season where the power of the ox anointing is going to be upon us, that we are going to be a muscular army advancing globally around the world.
In Proverbs 14, for it said, where no oxen are, the crib is clean. But much increase comes by the strength of the ox.
I believe God. Yeah, that's not misapplying that proverb at all, which which is really talking about not being lazy and not working and stuff.
But OK, so, yeah, OK, we got an ox. Now, who's going to be shoveling out this stall is what
I want to know. Raising a building generation that we're not going to be a generation that doesn't know how to labor in the spirit, how to build in the spirit.
And I believe there's a synergy happening that the prophetic and the apostolic are converging to begin to unlock the plans, unlock the principles and unlock the power of God in a region.
You know, an ox is not a weak animal. I don't know. No, they're they're pretty strong. Strength is coming on the church.
An ox is a muscular animal. An ox is born to pioneer. An ox is born to plow.
An ox doesn't give up. You see, the devil wants to get you and I to give up. The devil wants to. You got to be more ox like people, leaders to give up, pioneers to give up.
But I hear the spirit of the Lord saying right now, it's not time to give up. It's time to rise up.
I hear the spirit of the Lord saying, I'm taking you up in vision. I'm taking you up in glory.
I'm taking you up in anointing. I hear the spirit of the Lord say that where things have been difficult,
I'm turning them around. And the Lord says there is an anointing to build coming upon my people on this hour.
There are new building plans coming. There's new building momentum coming, new building plans, a new building momentum.
Let me check with, you know, I'd. Yeah, it's kind of a bummer.
I struck out this month in Prophecy Bingo. Maybe next month, maybe, maybe next month.
As you can see, none of this stuff makes any sense. And what exactly am
I supposed to do? How am I supposed to act on this nonsense? You know, listen, scripture is clear that all of the scripture, the written scriptures,
God breathed and is profitable for teaching, correcting, rebuking, training and righteousness so that the man of God may be equipped for every good work.
You can find that in Second Timothy chapter three. Every good work that God would prepare you for the written word of God is going to be the thing to equip you for it.
And these so -called prophets, they're not telling us anything even remotely from God at all.
In fact, they're blaspheming by putting these empty words into God's mouth and acting like that.
They're hearing them from him when, in fact, they're engaging in prophetic ventriloquism, throwing their voice into heaven to make it sound like God is speaking this nonsense.
He hasn't spoken any of this. Anyway, you get the idea.
So that's this week's dumpster fire. Just a reminder, if you'd like to see more of these types of videos and you're enjoying them, please share them.
And of course, if you'd like to support us in the work that we're doing, you can click on the buttons below. We put some links down in the description of this video on how you can join our crew or become a patron on Patreon.
And you get the idea. So thank you for your support. And until next time, may
God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ. It's vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.