The Work of the Word

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Date: 6th Sunday After Pentecost Text: Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 If you would like to be on Kongsvinger’s e-mailing list to receive information on how to attend all of our ONLINE discipleship and fellowship opportunities, please email [email protected]. Being on the e-mailing list will also give you access to fellowship time on Sunday mornings as well as Sunday morning Bible study.


Welcome to the teaching ministry of Kungsvinger Lutheran Church. Kungsvinger is a beacon for the gospel of Jesus Christ and is located on the plains of northwestern,
Minnesota. We proclaim Christ and him crucified for our sins and salvation by grace through faith alone.
And now here's a message from Pastor Chris Roseberg. The Holy Gospel according to St.
Matthew chapter 13 verses 1 through 9 and 18 through 23. That same day
Jesus went out of the house and sat beside the sea. Great crowds gathered about him so that he got into a boat and sat down.
The whole crowd stood on the beach and he told them many things in parables saying a sower went out to sow and as he sowed some seeds fell along the path and the birds came and devoured them.
Other seeds fell on rocky ground where they did not have much soil and immediately they sprang up since they had no depth of soil.
But when the sun rose they were scorched and since they had no root they withered away. Other seeds fell among the thorns and the thorns grew up and choked them.
Other seeds fell on good soil and produced grain. Some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.
He who has ears let him hear. Hear then the parable of the sower when anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart.
This is what was sown along the path. As for what was sown on the rocky ground, this is the one who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy.
Yet he has no root in himself but endures for a while and when tribulation or persecution arises on account of the word, immediately he falls away.
As for what was sown among the thorns, this is the one who hears the word, but the cares of the world, the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word and it proves unfruitful.
As for what was sown on the good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understands it.
Indeed bears fruit and yields in one case a hundredfold, in another sixty, and in another thirty.
In the name of Jesus. Amen. Here again the words of the prophet Isaiah from this morning's
Old Testament reading. For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return, but water the earth, making it bring forth and sprout, giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall my word that goes out from my mouth, it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which
I purpose and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.
Today, we're going to examine this concept of the efficacy and the work of the
Word of God and we're not going to be able to answer that really thorny question that always seems to perplex us.
Why is it that when the word goes forth, if it doesn't return to God void, why is it that when some hear the
Word of God, rather than repent and be forgiven and trust in Christ, why is it that they shake their fist at God and say, get out of my face?
While others, when they hear the Word of God, it undoes them and they realize their wickedness and their sinfulness and they repent and are forgiven.
I don't have an answer for that. Scripture doesn't give us one. However, our parables today, when we examine them in context or at least our parable, when we examine it in context, is going to paint a picture for us that basically points to the fact that the trouble lies within us, not the sower of the seed who is
Christ. And so with this thought, we're going to return to the Gospel of Matthew and you're going to note that our gospel text begins with these words, that same day, which kind of begs the question, what day was it?
Was it a Thursday? A Tuesday? What day is this referring to? So in order to answer that, we're going to back up in the context just a little bit to Matthew chapter 12 and we're going to look, starting at verse 22, and you're going to note this, that Jesus in our gospel text begins preaching in parables, but it's
Matthew chapter 13 and up to this point, Jesus has not taught in parables. When you read the
Sermon on the Mount, Jesus speaks plainly and he preaches openly. And what we see in Matthew chapter 12 is a changing of the tide, if you would, where there is now open hostility to the
Word of God in Christ's mouth, open hostility to his ministry and to him.
And this is what predicates Jesus beginning to speak in parables. We'll explain as we go.
Matthew 12, 22. A demon -oppressed man who was blind and mute, was brought to Jesus.
Blind and mute. Wow, that has got to be a prison to live in. And you'll notice the text makes it clear that the source of this oppression was demonic.
So Jesus healed him so that the man spoke and saw. Bonafide miracle in front of them all.
It must have been awe -inspiring to see. And the appropriate thing to do when you see something like this happen is to fall to your knees and thank
God that he has visited his people. And listen to this. The people were amazed and they said, can this be the
Son of David? They are on the cusp of faith and the devil has haven't none of it.
And so, says this. But when the Pharisees heard this, they said, oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
He's not the Son of David. Nope. This is by the power of Beelzebul, the prince of demons.
That's how Jesus is casting out demons. By the demonic powers. And what's interesting when you read the
Talmuds today, the Talmuds were written by the Pharisees at the time of Jesus. And it literally says in Jesus's death warrant, which is issued against him by the
Pharisees, that he was guilty of practicing sorcery and witchcraft. So that's kind of a fascinating thing that you read about him.
So they're not denying that Jesus performed a miracle. It's undeniable. This man could not speak.
He could not see. Now he sees and he speaks. But this can't be the finger of God.
No, Jesus is actually a demon in disguise. How upside down and backwards do you have to be to call good evil and evil good?
But that's the nature of our sin. So you see the growing hostility. So Jesus knowing their thoughts, he said to them, listen, every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste and no city or house divided against itself will stand.
And if Satan casts out Satan, then he's divided against himself.
How then will his kingdom stand? It's a great point. And so notice
Jesus even now in the face of their stubborn, persistent refusal to believe.
He is reasoning with them and undoing their arguments, taking them captive with the hope that they will repent.
But then Jesus kind of gets a little little stick in here. He says, so if I cast out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your sons cast them out?
Oh Yeah, again, I have to always point out Jesus was not politically correct.
And if your vision of Jesus is kind of that precious moments Jesus who wouldn't harm a fly, that's not do what
Jesus is. He he slugs back here on purpose. So he says, therefore they will be your judges.
But if by the Spirit of God that I cast out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.
Or how can someone enter a strong man's house and plunder his goods unless he first binds the strong man?
Then indeed he may plunder his house. Whoever is not with me is against me. Whoever does not gather with me scatters.
Therefore I tell you every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven people. But the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven.
Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven. But whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven either in this age or the age to come.
And Jesus is giving a very firm warning here. Basically saying you are literally blaspheming the
Holy Spirit by attributing these powerful works of God to the devil.
But Jesus here also reveals that what he's up to. He's literally saying he's the one who's binding the strong man, the devil himself, in order to set them free from slavery to the devil.
And rather than thank him they slap him in the face and they refuse to hear his words.
Jesus then says either make the tree good and its fruit good or make the tree bad and its fruit bad for the tree is known by its fruit.
You brood of vipers, how can you speak good when you are evil? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
The good person out of the good treasure brings forth good and the evil person out of his evil treasure brings forth evil.
I tell you on the day of judgment people will give an account for every careless word they speak for by your words you will be justified and by your words you will be condemned.
Now rather than repent with this firm push back from Jesus and Jesus is speaking the very
Word of God they again refuse to hear it, refuse to be attentive to it and are resisting it.
So it says this some of the scribes and the Pharisees they answered Jesus saying teacher we wish to see a sign from you.
Did they not just see a fellow who was blind and mute? Speak and see.
Fine we want to see a sign from you prove that you are who you claim to be Jesus. Jesus answered them it's an evil and adulterous generation that seeks for a sign.
Let those words sink in because many in the Christian Church today believe in this movement called the signs and wonders movement and they like the
Pharisees desire to see signs and wonders but Jesus makes it clear that if that's really your desire that's an evil and wicked thing.
He says it's an evil and adulterous generation that seeks for a sign but no sign will be given to it except for the sign of the
Prophet Jonah. For just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish so will the
Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. The men of Nineveh will rise up at the judgment with this generation and they will condemn it.
Now note here that the same sign that Jesus says that they will be given is the same sign that we also are given.
Jesus's death his bodily resurrection from the grave on the third day. That is the sign.
That is the true sign of who Jesus is and his authority and that he is who he claimed to be and that the words in his mouth are none other than the words of God and Jesus again speaks words of judgment when he says the men of Nineveh if you know the story of the
Ninevites they were well a polite way of saying it is war criminals. They were so cruel in their execution of war against their enemies that they made the
Nazis look like schoolgirls and yet when Jonah is sent by God to preach to them and to condemn them for their sins they repent and God relents and they are forgiven and Jesus says that in the last day on the day of judgment
The Ninevites are going to rise up and condemn the very people that Jesus is speaking to right now
Who persist in sin and unbelief and who have hardened their hearts against the
Word of God? He says the men of Nineveh will rise up with this generation They will condemn it for they repented at the preaching of Jonah behold something greater than Jonah is here
The Queen of the South will rise up at the judgment again another Gentile with this generation and she will condemn it for she came from the ends of the earth
To hear the wisdom of Solomon behold something greater than Solomon is here and Jesus is pleading with them
To repent To be forgiven, but they will have none of it They are not attentive to God's words at all
And Jesus says when an unclean spirit has gone out of a person it passes through waterless places
Seeking rest but finds none Then it says I will return to my house from which
I came and when it comes it finds the house empty swept and put in order and then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more evil than itself and they enter and dwell there and the
Last -day to that person is worse than the first So also will it be with this evil generation and Jesus is literally saying to them
I have bound the strong man for you cast him out, but because you will not repent
He's gonna come back and when he comes back He's gonna bring seven of his demonic friends with him and you all are gonna be worse off Than you were before I came
Words of judgment chapter 12 ends with these words while Jesus was still speaking to the people behold his mother and his brother stood outside Asking to speak to him.
We know from the cross references to this particular passage that the reason why
Jesus is mother And brother came to visit Jesus is because they thought he had lost his mind
They were basically coming to take him away and put him in an institution, you know, the type of institution
I'm talking about They have the white padded walls and the really comfy white jacket that you can't move your arms
That's what they were really trying to do with Jesus. And so, you know the chapter 12 makes it very clear
Contextually what's going on? And what's going on? Is that the people of Israel?
Refuse to hear God's Word refuse to repent. They're totally inattentive to the
Word of God They are rejecting it in the mouth of Jesus and rejecting him and literally verbally abusing him at this point
So what does Jesus do? he changes up the game a little bit and he decides he's going to preach to them and Still continue to preach the
Word of God to them. But now It's gonna be impossible for them to understand what he is saying
There is a big misperception about why Jesus spoke in parables and you can oftentimes hear it in churches today
Who spend their summer times preaching about the latest blockbuster movies? I wish
I was making that up if you were to ask one of these fellows Why are you preaching on movies rather than the
Word of God? They'll say because Jesus spoke in parables and Jesus was the greatest communicator ever and the reason why he spoke in Parables was to be able to communicate the
Word of God more effectively and you have to ask these fellows Do you actually ever read your
Bibles? Because Jesus gives the reason for why he speaks in parables and it's not in order to make his word more understandable
In fact, it's to make his word Ununderstandable. Is that a word you get what
I'm saying? Right? So Matthew chapter 13 we pick up now where our text began
That same day that same day when they accused him of casting out demons by Beelzebul that same day that his family came to scoop him up and put him in an institution that same day where they are verbally and Aggressively hostile to the
Word of God that same day Jesus went out of the house and he sat beside the sea great crowds gathered about him so that he got into a boat and he sat down and the whole crowd stood on the beach and he told them many things in parables saying a
Sower went out to sow as he sowed some seeds fell along the path the birds came and devoured them
Other seeds fell on rocky ground where they did not have much soil and immediately they sprang up since they had no depth of soil
But when the Sun rose they were scorched and since they had no root they withered away Other seeds fell among the thorns the thorns grew up and choked them other seeds fell on the good soil and produced grain
Some a hundredfold some sixty some thirty he who has ears to hear let him hear and he takes the mic and he drops it and Everyone's gone.
What does that mean? What huh? They're totally perplexed verse 10
So the disciples came to Jesus and I always like to picture the disciples here in kind of a
Seinfeld esque panic You remember George Costanza and Seinfeld when they would get into a panic and I can almost hear him going.
Why do you speak to them? in parables What is going on here? They don't understand a word you're saying
Wow So Jesus calmly answered to you. It is beginning to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven but to them
It has not been given to the one who has more will be given and he will have an abundance
But from the one who has not Even what he has will be taken away
This is why I speak to them in parables because seeing
They do not see Hearing they do not hear nor do they understand
Indeed in their case the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled that says you will indeed hear but never
Understand you will indeed see but never perceived For this people's heart has grown dull with their ears
They can barely hear and their eyes they've closed lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and Turn repent and I would heal them and I must give a firm warning here to all of us me included
Inattentiveness to God's Word is a serious an unwillingness to hear it is a serious thing
Sleepily finding excuses to not attend to it and receive. It is a serious thing
And here we see God's judgment against those who persist in unbelief and Resist and fight against the
Word of God Now Jesus doesn't stop giving them the word
He is really kind here that he continues to preach to them but in judgment now
He gives them the Burger King option have it your way. You don't want to hear my words
I'm gonna keep preaching to you But because you don't want to hear him, you don't want to attend to him.
You don't want to repent Fine, I'll just make it impossible for you to understand but now note verse 16
Jesus speaking to his disciples But blessed are your eyes for they see and your ears that they hear for truly
I say to you Many prophets and righteous people long to see what you see and did not see it and to hear what you hear and did not
So here then the parable of the sower and note then that Jesus gives them the Interpretation of the parable so that their eyes can see so that their ears can hear and I want you to note this
This is one of the fascinating aspects of the gospel of Matthew Matthew is writing this in a way that he expects that you are the 13th disciple in the room
Because you are given the inside information This book assumes that you are a disciple of Jesus and here's the fun part
You are learning the interpretation of this parable in the exact same way
They learned the interpretation of this parable by the very mouth of Christ And if you sit there and say well
Jesus isn't here. This is written down understand this
The Word of God is living and active it is not dead. This is not a dead word
It is sharper than any double -edged sword and Jesus himself is the
Word of God in human flesh This is the opening verse from John chapter 1 in the beginning was the
Word The Word was with God the Word was God The Word became flesh
So he understand this although you have not seen Jesus with your eyes Jesus right now is speaking to you in his word and he's telling you what this parable means
Because you are not part of them Who are seeing but not perceiving hearing but not understanding
You have been invited by Christ to sit with John and with Peter and Bartholomew And Levi the tax collector and hear the interpretation of this parable so that your eyes can see and your ears can hear and you
Can understand and turn and be healed? So then here's the interpretation
Hear the parable of the sower when anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it
The evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart. This is what was sown along the path now
I I'm pretty sure that if I were to talk to the farmers present here today that they would tell you that seed is a costly
Thing it is a precious thing. It is something that should not be wasted And our day farmers have to buy seed from seed companies
They don't generally make their own right although that used to be the way it was done But that being the case even if they didn't pay for it
You have to make sure to keep a part of your harvest that seed so that you can plant it again the next year
So that they'll be seed for the following year and bread on your table that year But watch what this sower does he sows seed on a path and I just asked the question
Who does that? I? don't know any farmers that do this and The reason for this is quite simple because the sower here is
Jesus himself The seed is his word and he's gonna cast that Everywhere he can even in places.
You won't expect it to grow Because that way on the last day I hate to say this
No one will be able to point a bony finger at Jesus and say well, we never knew we never knew
You're sending us to hell because well, well, you never sent us your word. Oh, actually I did you heard it
So here's what it looks like when the seed falls on the hard path You tell a person.
Hey, listen, I've got great news to tell you Jesus died for sinners and he died for the ungodly and because of his great love and mercy
Christ himself Your God is offering you forgiveness and pardon of all of your sins and eternal life.
Say those words hang out there in the ether for a second and The person you're talking to their neck gets red the veins start popping out and outcome these words.
Are you saying I'm a sinner? Yeah, I am But the good news is
Jesus died for you. How dare you call me a sinner? You are clearly a bigoted closed -minded hater and I bet you're homophobic and you oppress people by forcing your binary
Gender assumptions on them. Well, I'm a good person. I don't need Jesus's forgiveness.
I pay my taxes I've never been to prison and I promote an all -inclusive non -gender binary worldview where everyone is tolerated except those
Intolerant bigots like you and your so -called loving Savior Have any of you had that conversation or is it just me?
Remember the path is wide that leads to destruction and It's well paved
Seed doesn't do so hot There but yet Christ sows the seed there next soil as For what was sown on the rocky ground?
This is the one according to Jesus who hears the word and immediately receives it with Joy joy
Great emotion yet. He has no root in himself He endures for a while and when tribulation or persecution arises on account of the word he immediately falls away now
This is feelings based Christianity. I want you to think about that This is all about the experience the goosebumps the feel -good
Sermons designed to make you feel like you're the head and not the tail that you can slay all your
Goliath's Skate on the top of the water through all of the storms in your life Discovered the champion within you and achieve your purpose
This feelings based Christianity is all about that. Joy. Joy. Joy joy down in your heart
But as soon as the sword of Islam is pointed at that exact same heart It totally caves and collapses and I wish
I could say it's something as nefarious as Islam that that would cause it to fall Away, it could be something as ridiculously banal as far as persecution goes as Receiving a harsh comment on Facebook or being blocked by somebody for saying you believe in Jesus That's considered persecution nowadays.
Have you ever received a phone call from somebody? It's some people's worlds completely fly apart if their followership on social media dips especially if the purpose for the dipping is caused by their
Confessing something about Jesus. That's true. But you'll note then that this feelings based
Christianity that Jesus is talking about That as long as it provides goosebumps significance and they're in but as soon as there's suffering or difficulty or Persecution or a cross to bear these people are out.
They're done And here's the reason why Remember the path the top of the path is paved real hard, right?
Well like the hardened path There is a cement like hardness in the soil
That is provided by the rocks that are just under the surface and those rocks Resist the full counsel of the
Word of God and those rocks caused that person to reject the difficult truths of Scripture Which causes them to refuse to repent when it comes to submitting to Christ in mind as well as heart
What does Scripture say? Jesus says those who worship me will worship me in spirit and in truth
We are to love the Lord our God with all of our heart soul mind and strength
So if Christianity is all about that joy, joy, joy, joy down in your heart beware because Christianity True biblical
Christianity engages head and heart They are not pitted against each other and it's important to note though that we are
Transformed by Scripture through the renewing of our minds and that is our minds
Grounded in the Word of God that guides the biblical Christian not your feelings your emotions or your
Experiences and the person who flips those two Literally risks falling away when things get tough because that's what they're going to do
Next as for what was sown among the thorns This is the one who hears the word but the cares of the world the deceitfulness of riches
They choke the word and it proves unfruitful Think of it this way.
These thorns are weeds they are the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches boy everything comes back to the love of money in some form or another and These thorns and weeds are whatever is keeping you from hearing
God's Word Think of it this way on Those days you don't really feel like going to church.
What would you rather be doing? That may be the weed that may be what's going on and so this could be
Sports, it could be community service events. It could be your farm. It could be your job It could be your lake house.
Whatever is in your mind that takes priority Over hearing and receiving and feasting on Christ's words.
These are the thorns in your life Now it's also important to note here That these thorns cause us to be inattentive to the word and I can't even begin to count how many times
I Have opened up my Bible in the morning to read the Word of God Read a portion of Scripture and then said
I have no idea what I just read No clue, you know why because I was writing a grocery list or thinking about what
I was gonna do on my radio program I was just totally disengaged So I have
Thorns myself and If you're honest, you know that you have thorns as well, but I need to warn us all beware
These thorns are idols That's what they really are and God is a jealous
God and you belong to him and he will not share his glory with false Gods, so think of it this way
Christ is coming after your thorns In the same way that my wife goes after the weeds in her garden and he's gonna pluck them out of your life so that So that you can be attentive to his word
This is how it works. And by the way when he does that the process is never painless never next soil as For what is sown on good soil this is the one who hears the word and Understand it
He indeed bears fruit yields in one case a hundredfold another 60 and another 30 now since I don't do math
I'm not going to talk about that last part. In fact, we're gonna focus on answering this question
What is good soil? Now I want to make this perfectly clear that I am a victim
I'm a victim when I was a child my mother engaged and forced me into child labor
It's true She made me work in her garden and I was required by my mother
To pull weeds and to prune things and rake stuff. Oh, man
I'm waiting for the authorities to give me justice on this just saying but I remember over and again that When I was working in my mother's garden notice it wasn't mine
It was hers that from time to time we'd head down to the hardware store or the home improvement
Depot or whatever and we would buy huge bags of soil and You'd lug these things out into the yard to where we're gonna spread it around and you'd open the bag horrible odor just Yeah, could
I hated the stuff? Okay granted it was clean There were no weeds in it, but it reeked and the reason why it reeked is because good soil is compost
That's what it really is it's Dead And that's what good soil is.
It's dead It doesn't have any health thing else living in it. It doesn't have any rocks in it so no, no weeds or thorns are there and Good soil is soil has been turned over and over And because it's dead
Composty it's now ready to receive the thing that actually has life in it The thing that has life in it is not the soil
It's the seed So think of it this way good soil is dead. The seed is living now
I know I keep using this but I'm gonna have to keep reiterating it because I know this makes me look smart
I'm 100 % positive if I were to talk to Roger that he has not figured out a company that he can use that sells self -tilling soil
Soil that D rocks itself and D weeds itself. Does this soil exist?
No, that would be amazing soil, by the way, somebody make a bazillion dollars if they can invent self tilling soil
So since soil doesn't till itself, it doesn't weed itself or remove its own rocks
Good soil must be worked by the sower keep that in mind
Christ is the sower. He's the one who sows the seeds. He's the one who weeds his harvest field
He's the one who removes the rocks and he does this all through the preparatory work of the preaching of his law the law of God is that word from God that presses into our chest and condemns us for our
Idolatries for following after our own hearts rather than repent and believe with our heart and mind the truth of his word
And the scary thing about this parable of Jesus is that each of us me included if we're honest with ourselves we are forced to recognize that the soil of our hearts is still rocky and weedy and This should give us pause should give us pause indeed and so a good soil that is prepared to Yield a harvest of a hundred sixty or thirty fold a good soil is a soil that has been worked by God a good soil that is now dead and composty
Dead to self and so that being the case. I think it's appropriate to end this sermon with a short prayer
Let's pray Lord Jesus your word reveals that you are the sower of the seed and that you have sent forth your word today
But Lord our hearts My heart is full of rocks and weeds and we are barely able to hear your word and Sadly, we've grown impatient with it and like the people whom you
Lord preach to we are even prone to be hostile to your word So Lord Jesus have mercy on us and forgive us
Please come today and work on the soil of our hearts Remove the rocks and the weeds through the plowing work of your law turn over the soil and cause us to die to ourselves and to our idols and Become dead compost the type of soil that your word takes root in and can produce a harvest to your glory in the name of Jesus Amen If you would like to support the teaching ministry of kungs vineyard
Lutheran Church You can do so by sending a tax -free donation to kungs vineyard Lutheran Church 159 50 470th
Avenue, Northwest Oslo, Minnesota 567 4 4 and again that address is kungs vineyard
Lutheran Church 159 5 0 470th