F4F | Prophecy Bingo February 2022


New Bingo Cards HERE: http://0352182.netsolhost.com/prophecy-bingo Special Guest: Dear Woke Christian Be sure to visit his channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/DearWokeChristian Support Fighting for the Faith Join Our Crew: http://www.piratechristian.com/join-our-crew Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PirateChristian Merchandise: https://www.moteefe.com/store/pirate-christian-merch/ Fighting for the Faith Radio Program: http://fightingforthefaith.com Social Media Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/piratechristian Twitter: https://twitter.com/piratechristian Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/piratechristian/ Video Sermons https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3F7uxFcG5dgyk4--OYgwPQ Sermons http://www.kongsvingerchurch.org/sermons Sunday Schools http://www.kongsvingerchurch.org/bible-teaching Bible Software Used in this Video: https://www.accordancebible.com Video Editing Software: https://adobe.ly/2W9lyNa Video Recording Software: https://www.ecamm.com Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseboro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the word of God. Now, from time to time, we do this thing here at Fighting for the
Faith, which means only one thing. It's time for Prophecy Makes the
World Stronger. And today, I gotta tell you, I'm excited about our guest today. Today, we have
Jason Whitaker of the YouTube channel, Dear Woke Christian. Jason, welcome to Fighting for the
Faith and Prophecy Bingo. Permission to come aboard, Captain, permission to come aboard. Permission granted, sir, permission granted.
So real quick, I've got the desktop rolled up, but I wanna show people your
YouTube channel. So you are running the Dear Woke Christian YouTube channel.
And I gotta tell you, in our conversation leading up to hitting the record button today, man, you like stepping on toes and stuff.
Now, is it true that you are the black pope? Is that true? There is no lie detected there at all, sir.
I am the black pope. Got it. Okay. And so I can get indulgences and stuff from you?
Absolutely. Absolutely. But you know what you gotta do, Chris? What do I gotta do? I gotta get that three -piece special in the comments.
I gotta get that like, gotta get the share, gotta subscribe if you haven't already subscribed, and leave me a comment down below.
Okay. So I wanna make sure I understand this. So since you're giving out indulgences, and this is really important, in fact, since you deal with critical race theory and things like this, and rumor has it, you do your own version of bingo, the critical race theory bingo, is that correct?
I do critical race theory bingo, CRT bingo. Absolutely. Got it. Okay. So I have a thorny issue.
So on one of our recent YouTube videos, the one we did on Hillsong, somebody, just by the name of SD, and since I have no idea who this person is, and I have no clue how much melanin they have, because that's pretty much the big difference between us all, isn't it?
Just different levels of melanin. Okay. So I don't know how much melanin they have. But here's what the person said on my channel, and so I need your help.
Sure. Hillsong is shockingly bad, but, but so are the white supremacists.
So Josh, I think this includes you too. Oh, dear. Okay. The white supremacists fighting for the faith, happy to progress and sarcastically promote anti -black messages, especially anti -black men.
Interesting. So have I got anything on my CRT bingo card at this point?
Well, you definitely have white supremacy. Got it. Okay. So we give you variations.
So you'll get white supremacy or white supremacists. So you got that. I think we have anti...
So anti -racist, anti -white, anti -black. For sure. Man, you are getting...
I want to say progress is on there too. Okay. All right. I'm pretty sure. I'm pretty sure
I know the guy. I know some people who can hook you up. So we'll get you squared up, even on the comment.
So I just responded by quoting from the Bible, which is what I do a lot.
Exodus 20, 16, thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbor. So I said, you're a slanderer.
I do not promote anti -black men, nor am I a white supremacist. I'm an outspoken critic of white supremacists.
And then I even quoted, quote, went to some evidence. I said, I bet you're going to have a hard time explaining this particular
Facebook post from January 31st, 2022, because it doesn't fit your slanderous narrative.
And so, you know, okay, I'm going to open link in new tab here, and this will take me to my
Facebook. And here I favorably quoted and pointed people to a statement put out by the
American Association of Lutheran Churches against racial prejudice and white supremacy and antisemitism and things like this.
So, and here's what I said. I said, given how toxically racist and openly antisemitic
Lutheranism is, that's a whole topic in and of itself, you know, I said, which is not
Lutheranism, but a sick and twisted counterfeit of it. I said, the statement by the executive committee of the American Association of Lutheran Churches is timely and necessary.
I quoted it favorably. I wanted people to read it because I agreed with it. Right. So, you know,
I put that there. But this person then, rather than, you know, considering what, you know, what
I said and considering the commandment, thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbor, they kind of doubled down.
And so their response was, this is interesting. One of the main markers of white supremacy is white fragility.
So apparently I'm not only a white supremacist, because I quoted Exodus 20.
Right. Right. Verse six, you know, 16. You know, I'm now a white supremacist.
So here's what they said. So instead of saying, excuse me, can you explain that?
Can you tell me in what way I may have erred as a white man? I still have much to learn.
You go straight to the attack. So Google white fragility by Robin DiAngelo and also
Google why I no longer talk to white people about race. So I'm assuming you know about these things.
Yes. And I think it's adorable that he started the conversation about race and now says he's not going to talk about race.
Right. I don't even know. How do we even? This is an intergalactic game of Calvin Ball.
The rules keep changing and evolving and devolving by the moment.
So I'm sure if this gentleman, if this person, I'm assuming is a guy, if this guy had said something else, it would have gotten even worse.
It would have deteriorated more into just gobbledygook. So I'm glad that he stopped. You assume this person's gender.
That's going to get you even into more trouble. But I'm the black pope, so I just forgave myself of all my phony sin.
Okay. So since you're the black pope and you deal with these things, you know what, so I have to earn this right.
Okay. Now, hang on a second. I'm going to subscribe. Okay. I'm going to go to one of your videos and let's see here.
I've got to find something. Ooh, deconstructing your deconstruction. Oh, reconstructing your deconstruction. I like this.
Hang on a second. I'm going to make sure that I, hang on a second here. I like that video. I see. I haven't even seen it and I can already tell it's going to be great.
All right. But then I have to share this. Okay. Hang on a second here. I'm going to copy that and I'm going to head over to my
Facebook. Hang on a second here. Well, I appreciate it. So, and, uh, and I'm going to, well, it needs to load.
Hang on a second here. There we go. And I just, let me get
Chris Rose, bro. And I'm going to say, uh, y 'all need to watch this channel, love the work, hang on a second, the work of Jason and spell your last name again is
W H I W H I T A K E R A K E R Whittaker.
All right. It's back in hand. All right. And I'm just going to put a link there, here, deconstructing your, you know, there we go.
All right. And then hit post. And now, okay. So I have to ask, have I properly done what
I need to do in order to earn an indulgence from the black Pope? My friend, you, you have your indulgences.
They are on their way right now. I've already, I've texted them to you. Thank you.
Indulge well. This is the weirdest opening for Prophecy Bingo that we have ever had.
You're welcome. You're welcome. Okay. Now, since you're on our channel, all right. We invited you on for Prophecy Bingo because we want everybody to know about the work that you're doing because you're doing important work.
But all of that being said, this is Prophecy Bingo. And I don't know how prepared you are for what it is that you're going to experience, but I do need to make a note here.
And that is, is that if you're expecting me to actually play by the rules, you are gravely mistaken.
I make, it's a Prophecy Bingo is Calvin Ball. Okay. Okay. Now I also need to make this very clear that I have pre -screened every one of these prophecies.
Oh no. Did you do that? Yeah, I did. And listen, there were no real prophecies hurt in the making of this episode of Prophecy Bingo.
Every so -called prophecy will be a breaking of that commandment that says thou shalt not misuse the name of the
Lord your God. Every one of these people are guilty of doing that. So no real prophecies were actually hurt.
No real prophecies were despised. So a little bit of a note here, the link on how to get your
Prophecy Bingo card will be in the description for this video. And this is mine.
Okay. I just hit refresh. So I have no idea if this is a good one or not, but I'm going to take my free space now.
Okay. Cause I can. Okay. But all of that being said, it is time for us now to achieve that mental
Zen state of prophecy bingoness. Where's my hammer to hit my head with?
Right. Right. And so today we'll begin by heading over to the
Elijah list. Now, Jason, this is important. If you get a word, say, I got a word and let
Josh know what it is. Shout it out. And I need to know how close you are to getting bingo.
So I need to know how much like cheating afterburner I need to kick in. I understand.
Yeah. All right. So this is how this rolls here. All right. So there's Steve Schultz and Yvonne Yvonne and well, let's take a listen.
Here's a prophecy. Number one for the day. That are hearing me. I want to ask you to do something in faith that maybe you've never done before.
I want you to receive that word, to believe that word, and even to sow a seed in Elijah's dreams for that word.
Okay. Hang on a second here. I know that. Hang on a second. I've got something here. Oh, no.
She said sow a seed. She did. Ah, first blood. Okay.
First blood. Oh, man. All right. Yes. Yes. This is what we want here.
Yeah. I do have a question. Is she yelling? Do you think she's yelling? Yeah, I do. I do.
Oh. I'll give that to you because I have it too. Okay. But she is yelling.
I think she is. Yeah. That for sure counts. I got yelling. Definitely got yelling. All right.
Okay. Now, let's keep going here. Because when a word is released, there is an urge to release it.
Hang on. Release. Isn't that a prophecy? Release the word. I have it. Hang on a second. Oh, my gosh.
Dude, I am. Look at that. Yeah. Yeah. I feel the
Prophecy Bingo power here. You know. I think it's because of my potpourri here.
The indulgences have rained down upon him and given him more blessings. Right. Well, my wife makes me burn the potpourri after I do something else.
But that's a different story. So, all right. Let's keep going. Open portal. And we are. Portal.
Hang on a second. Did she say portal? Hang on a second. I think she did. Yeah. Oh, man. And even to sow a seed in Elijah's dreams for that word.
Because when a word is released, there is an open portal. Yeah. She said portal.
Wow. Wow. Wow. Machine runner.
I like her already. This is good prophecy. And you are receiving that word on that stream right now.
So, you are grabbing hold of it. And once you do that, you have sown into a word where you receive a supernatural harvest.
Ah, supernatural and harvest. Wow. Holy crud. Hang on. I still don't have anything.
Gosh darn it. What did you get? What did you get, Jason? I got Supernatural. You got
Supernatural. I got Supernatural, too, and I'm kind of bummed I don't have Harvest. I just want to make sure
I'm not having a senior moment. She might actually get us, she might get you Bingo. First Prophecy.
We're waiting for our first official blackout Bingo card. That's like the holy grail of Prophecy Bingo is a blackout card.
This looks like it could be the day. Let's go. Well, we're hoping. We're hoping. And so you will be reaping what your father sowed, what your grandfather sowed, and the
Holy Spirit. Now, sowed, I sow or sowing, I think is a Prophecy Bingo word. You showed me, Steve, that there's been many generations and they've sown seeds of prayer, and they have not yet seen the harvest.
This generation. Generation, I think, is a Prophecy Bingo word. And I release that.
This is not a word for every. Release. Hang on. Oh, we already did that one.
Yeah, we already did that one. This senior moment, so tragic yet so true. Okay, let's keep going. This is the word for God's remnant.
This is the word for those who are weeping right now and saying, this is me. I'm grabbing ahold of this word.
I'm sowing into this word on this channel because the Lord, this month, and I can see already.
Yeah, that definitely is yelling. I just, if there was any question, that is, yeah. So many testimonials have come since I released that word.
I said this word on our small YouTube channel, but even then, I've already received multiple testimonials in a couple of months of February.
How are his ears not bleeding? He's directly connected to this woman's connection here.
Steve read lips. He's deaf. He's actually deaf. I think so. I do think so. I swear, if we put like a pain meter on him, and looked at his facial expression,
I think he'd be like up there at like a seven or an eight for sure, you know. So I am releasing this word over you.
So before I continue the teaching, wherever you are. She still hasn't even released the word. We're just in the warm up.
Wow, okay. We're experiencing prophetic constipation right now. Right, right. Get on with it, lady.
Get on with it. Just lift up your hands and receive that in the realm of the spirit. I want you to hear me.
Realm is a prophecy. Bingo word. In the realm of the spirit. Father, in Jesus name.
Those that are hearing this word, Lord, those that are connecting to this special stream, Father, in the name of Jesus, I decree and I declare that the -
I got decree. Oh, that decree and declare. Wow. I got declare. I have -
Come on, there you go. Come on, Josh. I'm on the board. Josh is on the board. Okay, I don't have any decreeing or declaring.
I'm a little bummed, but oh well. It's been a while since we've heard the actual combo of that. It's either one or the other, but -
Yeah, yeah. She did it just, you know, like that. All right, all right. Of February shall be a supernatural month of harvest.
That there shall be a harvest of souls. There shall be a harvest of health. There shall be a harvest of finances.
Father, that as you have done with the Samaritan woman, she came to seek normal water.
Did she say health? Say what? Did she say health or wealth? She said health? Because I have health.
I thought it was wealth. I could have been wealth. All right, hang on. Let me back up. We'll check the tape.
Hang on. Clay, that the month of February shall be a supernatural month of harvest.
That there shall be a harvest of souls. There shall be a harvest of health. There shall -
Health. It was health. There you go. Glad we checked. Glad we checked. All right.
And it doesn't help me at all. Bummer. Stop complaining. I only have two. All right, so I'm gonna jump off this one.
We're gonna move forward. Okay, yeah. Oh my gosh. Now this is a prophetic trifecta here and led by Emma Stark.
And what do we call that? She's impersonating a toothbrush. Okay, got it.
Look, I'm not gonna be impressed by feminist slam poetry hour.
I don't know if that counts as prophecy. This would be feminist slam prophecy poetry.
Oh gosh, that's an even worse combination. Feminist slam prophecy.
All right, all right. I get you to write that down. Let's see where this goes.
Hang on. People hate me, people hate me.
It is Nigeria. Nigeria is a nation whose time has come.
And that's sent. If you live in Lagos, this is good news for you. It's finally happening. Of Nigeria being an apostolic nation.
Nation. Apostolic nation. They're known for pirates. Okay, I'm taking the word nations even though she said singular for, but I'm taking it, you know?
All right, because you gotta do things, you know? This is prophecy bingo, you know? My reputation's at stake here, so.
Here we go. What apostles do or what apostolic nations do.
Oh, I got it anyway. Wow. Ha, ha, ha, ha, da, da, da, da. All right. Apostolic nations?
Yeah, apostolic nations. Every nation is apostolic. Not every nation has that call under God.
But what apostolic nations do is they become prototype nations. What was that?
I got calling. Can I take calling? Because she said calling. Yeah, absolutely. Yes. Take that for sure. Take it, take it, yes.
Wow, this is weird. No biblical text, but man, she's talking with authority, man.
Apostolic nations and stuff and stuff, you know, and things. She just needs it.
Yeah, she does. Because the apostles go first and they don't go first in an arrogant leadership way, but they go first to create a prototype and to create new structure of how things need to be in a new era and in the new wine.
New wine or new wine skin. If you have that, you got it. You okay? Okay. So, Nigeria is going first as a prototype nation.
And I was just saying, thank you, Jesus. And what really - Thank you, Jesus. Sargeant, I want you to - Okay, hold on, wait, wait.
Did she get an email from the Prince of Nigeria saying that Nigeria is now an apostolic nation?
Yes, but you know, he's been deposed and he needs help setting up a bank account.
So, you know. Absolutely, yeah. Western Union. Yeah, I mean, yeah, indeed. He reached out to me about a decade ago, but at the time
I was pretty poor, so I couldn't help him, so. Jump in first, because I think we understood increasingly in Nigeria why the
West is diminishing. Why did they shuffle them all up? I'm all confused now.
Oh my gosh. Yeah, wow. So, Katerina just jumped to the bottom. Are they on like some kind of a prophecy scale?
Like if the closer you get to Holy Spirit, like you go to the top of the screen. Notice, notice the inverted pyramid.
This is a pyramid scheme. This is what this is. Yes, let's do that.
Your interpretation can't possibly be wrong. So, yeah, okay. I mean, we're talking about Nigeria.
It's all about scams. Right. Now, hear me, because people get their knickers in a twist when -
Feminist slam property strikes again. Yeah, hang on a second. Increasingly in Nigeria, why the
West is diminishing. Now, hear me, because people get their knickers in a twist whenever I start to bring up these words, because we're just prophesying this morning.
That's all we're doing. We don't really have a thing. Now, I must say something at this point, because we recently covered
Emma Stark Oh my gosh. She appeared on the Jim Bakker show. And here's the thing.
She lives in Glasgow, Scotland. Right. But if you,
I've been told she has a Northern Ireland accent.
So her accent is North Ireland. So that being the case, the people in Scotland want to make this clear.
And that is that they're not responsible for her. I love it. So I want you all to know, if you wrote in and said, she's not from Scotland, that I heard you,
I get it. Okay. And I'll trust you all that this is a North Northern Ireland accent.
Okay. I don't have a theology to unpack. You know, we're not teaching you.
We're just all of us bringing a prophetic word to the table. So a big prophetic blowout.
So a big prophetic blowout. Is that like, you know, like when your tire fails and you know, you end up in the ditch?
Something else. Yeah. How do you interpret this, Jason? It's just gobbledygook.
I mean, she's literally saying we're not teaching. We have no Bible. We're just prophesying. I like to say she's prophelying.
But - Right, yeah. Well, she would accuse you of having your knickers in a twist. Yeah. So, yeah.
Okay, yeah. Oh my gosh. Emma's terrible.
Yeah. Although I got to admit, at the moment, I may have missed words that should have been on my card, but you know, it's kind of hard not to take my eyes off this train wreck.
So, you know, okay. Quite controversial. Some of those you really need to stay on for the full hour to hear.
But you know that God has his hand. And if you don't know, I'm telling you right now,
God has his hand on Nigeria and he has his hand on China. And there is a leadership that is coming to the world from those nations.
Okay. It's time for us to learn Mandarin because China's going to defeat us in World War III. That's how I interpret it.
Okay. Right. Okay. Hang on a second here.
I want to hear from this Katrina lady. Let me see what she says. Hang on a second.
We'll just kind of drop the play and see if we can - Katrina's not talking.
We prophesied it so much in World Prayer Watch. We need the other nations. We need the changing and the shifting perspectives.
Shifting is a prophecy. Big O word. Yeah. Okay. And I have to say that when you were sharing all of that and staff meetings, something inside of me came alive and got excited because there was an acknowledgement that there is parts of the body that are alive and well and functioning in the strategies of the kingdom and heaven.
Strategy is a prophecy. Big O word. And I have to say my - Oh, wait, I have that. Hang on a second here. Ding. Wow.
Gosh darn it. We just need Jezebel now? Gosh darn it. The second that -
There's one tongue's translation away. Yeah. And the one time I felt compelled to kind of push the rules a little bit,
I still ended up landing on my feet. So just, you know. Yeah. Okay. My brain is wired a bit more on the strategy side of things.
So for me, it was exciting. There are nations that take hold of prophecies rather than hoarding prophecies, that they see prophecies.
How does one hoard prophecies? How does one hoard? As a nation. How does a nation hoard prophecies? Right. Yeah, I know.
I'd like to see like the reality TV show on this. Nation, you know, prophecy hoarders. You know, we went to Nigeria and we found, look at all these prophecies they've been hoarding.
You know. Is that a new cryptocurrency form? What is this? I mean, who was it?
Was it Cindy Jacobs the last time was talking about, like, we have to learn about cryptocurrencies and blockchain.
Right. Right, exactly. So is prophecy coin a thing now?
Listen, I would not have a problem. And I mean this, because I think it might save us a lot of grief.
If, you know, like Emma Stark took one of her prophecies and turned it into an NFT, because once it's turned into an
NFT and then somebody buys it, you can't share it just around the world because then it loses its value. I'll be sure to take a screenshot.
Yeah, absolutely. All right, all right. Now, okay, let me do this. Okay. So we're going to head over to Glory of Zion to their prophecy center.
Oh, come on. Oh, come on. Flag waving. Flag waving and snappy music. Let's go.
All right. So I think that we should probably start with a new anointing to hear.
Yes, because I need anointing. Yes, do it. Okay, all right, let's see here. So let's see. As Robert was sharing and he's reiterated, we all hear lots of voices.
There's many voices of unbelief, condemnation, judgment of opinions.
And when Robert shared, he said, what voice have you heard? So Jason, I got to ask you, do you have a problem hearing voices in your head?
No. No. He hesitated for a second there. I was gonna go with like,
I was gonna talk about my kids that are, you know, in the kitchen right outside my office. I was like, you know,
I hear their voices, but I was like, no, I don't even want to play with these clowns. So no, I don't hear your voice. All right, okay.
I just want to make sure. Okay, okay. Just checking. Rahab heard lots of voices. And yet through...
Rahab heard lots of voices. What? That's a breaking of the eighth commandment. How dare you accuse someone else of having a mental illness.
Okay. All that she heard, she chose to hear differently than everyone else.
Before we leave today, I want us all to lay our hands on our physical ears as representation of our spiritual ears.
Lord, we ask that you would guard over our ears today. Not only that there would be a filter against sounds, voices, opinions, judgments, words that don't need to be heard.
But Lord, we also ask through the power and anointing of your Holy Spirit that you would help us to hear.
Now anointing, anointing, and here's the thing. I technically have this word too, spirit.
I have anointing as well. Sorry about that. Okay. I forgive you.
I forgive you. Okay. No, okay. So did you... No, no, no. I'm trying to listen to what this guy is actually saying.
He's saying that we need to stuff our ears full of stuff. Yeah, I have an idea. I have an idea of what this is.
This is not correctly labeled on their website. This is the la, la, la, la, la, la,
I can't hear you anointing. The earplug anointing, the earwax buildup anointing.
Exactly, exactly. Okay, all right. The truth that you're speaking to us, that you'd help us to...
How ridiculous would it be for them to show the people inside of Glory of Zion all covering their ears to anoint their ears this way?
That would be hilarious. And then they're going, what, what'd he say? Is he done yet?
I can't hear him. Reminds me of that stupid meme that pops up every year around Easter with the chocolate bunnies where one of them has the ears bitten off and then one has a chunk taken out of its rear end.
Right, right. It's like when I was like, it's like my, my, my butt hurts and the other one's like, what? What'd you say?
Yep. At least it's funny. Right, right. Okay. All right, let's move on. To identify what others might not be seeing or perceiving.
Oh, I got identity. Or what is meant in... What'd you say? He got identity. Go for it.
He did say, yeah, I'm gonna... Yeah, I think that'll work. Hang on a second here.
That'll work. Because I have it too. Oh my gosh. Notice how generous
I've been. I see, I see that. I'm picking up what you're throwing down, friend. Yeah, that's right, that's right.
Individually for us to hear and that we have a choice on what we hear.
We have a choice on what we believe. What we ask for your blessing of here.
Blessing is a prophesying word. On each one here, each one joining us by...
Oh wait, I have that one. Hang on a second here. Oh my gosh. Blessing. No. Wow.
I'm getting scared. Yeah, this is going well so far. Because look at how many prophecies we have yet to cover.
Yeah, this is... February is a good month, so. Flag waving, come on, man.
You chose the lowest energy thing ever from glory of Zion.
All right, let me see if I can, you know, a tone from my...
Okay, I am answering the deep call of harvest. Let's take a look at that one.
Does that mean? The report says the harvest time is a season of...
That's sappy music. I'm calling it, that's sappy music. Okay, all right, yeah.
I got that on my card. I'm not gonna begrudge that because I know that there's other stuff that has that in it too.
And he says, I've heard the deep cries of those who are calling out for something more, who are calling out in their desperation, who are calling out knowing that their lives are not right and not knowing where to go.
He said, I've heard that deep call from them and my deep call is answering.
And my deep call is saying to the harvest workers, I'm sending you, I'm sending you,
I'm sending you, I'm sending you. So tune your ear to hear my call. Tune your ear to hear the deep things of my heart.
And then you will... So Jason, have you tuned your ear to hear that call? I loaned
Chuck my tuning fork when he went down to the border wall and he actually hasn't given it back yet.
So I usually use that to tune my ears. Yeah, I get it. So that was actually your tuning fork down there in the
Mexican border. Yeah. Got it. Okay, that was generous of you. That was really good. All right, let's check in with Kevin Bridges in the prophetic word for February, 2022.
Word number two. Okay, so here we go. I need you to pray for a word for February. I'm seeing a new, a watch, a clock and the
Lord's saying, trust me in my timing for my timing is perfect. Timing.
There we go. Timing, nice. Okay, good, yeah, that works. My timing will surprise you and amaze you for I am the one who is bringing alignment in every situation.
Alignment is a prophetic word. Yeah, okay, we're doing good here. And in every circumstance, there are things which have seemed to be lagging behind that have seemed to not be taking place.
And there are other things which seem at times to be racing ahead as if you cannot catch up with them.
You know, things and stuff that look like they're not happening and things that look like they're way too fastly happening.
Super hyper specific. Right. Yeah, this can mean anything.
And yet I will bring them together into harmony like many clocks becoming synchronized together.
Trust me and trust that I am the one who is faithful for I will bless you in ways that you have not imagined.
Ways. Ways. Things, yeah. Yeah. I need some presents. You haven't even imagined.
Yeah. Hook me up with some presents, man, come on. Okay, all right, let's pray about it. And I will fill you anew with my love in this season.
Season is a prophecy. I will fill you anew with my grace and with my strength. Look around and see for there is a new beginning which is happening, a change.
Did you just like? Way to go, that's bringing some good energy to this prophecy.
Just taking place that will surprise you for I am the one who is moving times and seasons like pieces of a puzzle which are fitted together.
Trust me that I am aligning everything together for you. Alignment or aligning.
Oh my gosh. Yeah. Wow, he is. And that I am. Yeah, he's doing good. He is.
Surprising you with my goodness. Look with the eyes of faith and with expectation for I am the
Lord of time. I am the one who holds time itself in my hands and I am the one who is giving you that which is needed.
I am the one who is adding time where it is needed and making time quicker in other areas.
What does that mean? I have no idea and I hate to say I'm annoyed. Okay, now
I know this is confusing but down here in the corner is Triple Grace 555.
Oh my gosh. This is the Daily Prophetic Word for the 20th of February, 2022.
Here we go. Welcome brothers and sisters. Welcome to the Daily Prophetic Word and the Daily Prophetic Word for Sunday, the 20th of February, 2022 is further than you think.
What? I think it's farther than you sink. Anyways. We don't need to sink our ship though, man.
We need our ship to keep sailing, Captain. Yeah, so what are you sinking about?
You know, I don't understand. Okay. I'm taking you deeper and further than you sink.
My ways will become your ways and you will experience a part of my kingdom in your destinies.
Destiny is a prophecy bingo card. Oh my gosh. How are you doing over there,
Jason? I'm one away from, I'm trying to unseat you by coming on.
You do know that you're probably gonna at least need two prophecy, you're gonna need two bingos to win today, maybe three,
I don't know. Whoa, really? Yeah, it's, this is, we hit a really big vein of weirdness here.
I'm granting you control over time and space. I thought the other guy said
God was in control of time. Now he's giving me control of time? Right, God's in control of it, but no, now
God's giving you control. We have dueling prophecies for February. Consistency be darned.
These workers and warriors are getting prepared for the great sealing of the 144 ,000 who will receive a supernatural body to stand against the physical demons and giants on Earth.
Like the baseball team, the Giants? Yeah. I, listen, I affirm anybody who wants to defeat the
San Francisco Giants, I am on that, okay? You have my blessing, even my, maybe even financial support, because go
Dodgers, you know what I'm saying? Anyway. Further than you think, many of the future 144 ,000 are now being prepared and they will be trained in moving from linear to circular time.
And this is what happens when you don't know how to do exegesis, okay. From you, Zion, to Abraham's bosom, back into linear time, being present in all three places at the same moment.
This is the training for my chosen vessel so that I can take them closer and closer to me.
You need to understand my concept of time. Now, hang on a second here. Wow.
I just realized I had this deep. Cause yeah, we, yeah. He did say he was sinking in the deep.
Okay. Yeah, all right, okay. He's getting skunked.
I have two right now. I only have two on the board. You already have two? Yeah, that's it. That's like my card last month.
I know. I don't know what happened. This is just a terrible, terrible pick. Okay, all right.
Let's see here. Maybe we can, listen, this is not a prophecy, but I thought let's listen to a little bit of this.
Magnetic portals. Will God use them? So, you know, this is some practical stuff here, man.
What? All right, let's see what you think. Welcome, brothers and sisters. Welcome to the final video of Topical Grace for today.
My name is Michael. I'm the founder of Topical Grace and the Righteous Pass Movement Foundation. And the topic of this video is magnetic portals.
What? This guy would make a really good villain for like a
Pink Panther movie. Yeah, I agree. Yeah, I am with you, 100%.
Will God use them? Will God use them, magnetic portals? Brothers and sisters, even our worldly scientists who have knowledge, but very limited knowledge about the heavens have found that the earth -
I have heavenly, does that count? What did you say? Yeah, I have heavenly. He said heavens. Oh yeah, yeah, you got it, yeah.
Sweet, all right. You now have three. Oh, actually
I have four. I miscounted. I had separate music, so I have four, so yeah. All right, all right. And the sun are connected through so -called magnetic portals.
What is he talking about? In which there is an exchange between the earth and the sun.
And some of them have come forward and said, such portals may even be possible to be used for transport to other planets if they're also connected not only to the sun, but maybe to other places in the galaxy.
So there could be a way how these portals will be able to be used to travel.
So time and space. But I thought God gave us control of that.
Okay, you look puzzled, Jason. You're using your brain too much here, just, you know.
Wow, what is he talking about? I have no clue,
I just legitimately don't know. I just need a Saramentano. Yeah. Okay, now this one's interesting.
Timothy Dixon, prophetic message, White House vacated in 30 days, God shakes the leader of America.
Come on. All right, let's take a listen here. God has given everyone a chance across this nation.
And once again, God's revival power is gonna reign across the world and give everyone a chance to repent and pray.
But the Lord told me last night to tell the people, tell America, tell them that doth say it the
Lord of heaven. Oh, wait, say it the Lord. Hang on a second here.
Say it the Lord. Jezebel's in my way. I need to move
Jezebel out of the way here because she's blocking me from having, you know, a prophecy bingo at the moment.
Okay, let's come back here. Oh no, that's too far. Jennifer LeClaire, you know, Jennifer LeClaire. I just saw a show far and frame.
I'm gonna take it. Ah, you gotta wait. You just gotta wait. Hey, how did the
Lord say this to him? In a dream last night. In a dream? Did he say a dream?
He said dream? Yeah, he said dream. Oh, that's on my card. I'm taking dream. Yeah, yeah.
Let the world win. That was in my dreams. If you go back and look at the dream about the whirlwind and the man with the staff and the seven rabbis on the porch.
Seven rabbis on a porch and the woman in purple. Is this like the beginning of a joke? You know? It sounds like a joke.
Yeah, it does sound like a joke. Okay. Not a very good one either. Not a good one. No, no, no.
In a purple dress and the donkeys dives in it. You go back and look at that. Wait, wait, wait. Hang on a second. He said donkeys dive.
Seven rabbis on the porch and do the woman in purple. Hang on. Wow. Woman in purple dress.
Dress and the donkeys doves. Hey, you're going to have to have incoherent sentences.
Grandpa's off his meds. Okay. What on earth? Okay. Wow. Okay. The donkeys dives in it.
You go back and look at that. It talks about a whirlwind hitting that Capitol and there was nothing left inside the Capitol.
The people were gone. Gone. Gone. The Lord told me to tell you that in 30 days. 30 days.
Get your money back. Guaranteed. Sorry, sorry. Guaranteed. Guaranteed. In 30 days, within the 30 day period here.
Yeah, we got the 30 days bit. Okay. That's what 30 days means. Okay. God is fixing to shake.
Shake. Shake or shaking. Okay. I got shaking. Yeah, that'll work. Yeah, that'll work.
The leaders of this country. God is gonna shake the leaders of the foreign countries that's come against the very liberty of the name of Jesus.
Okay. You're not fighting against preachers. You've made fun of the prophets.
You've asked to storm people. And you look at people like me and you think it's some gimmick.
He's out for money or he's out to build him. I'm not out for money. I don't understand. Yeah, I understand. He's off his meds.
Yeah, he heard you, Josh. He heard you. He did. Yeah, all right, all right.
I'm out to deliver a word to this nation. Yeah. I'm out to try to snatch someone from hell before it's too late.
Sappy music for sure. God is gonna put President Donald Trump back inside that office.
Oh gosh. They're still at it.
Dude, this guy couldn't snatch a person out of hell, let alone snatch a ham sandwich off the counter.
Oh man. And I love, okay, so just so you know, a little bit of an explanation. The Prophetic Message YouTube channel, okay, they are grabbing these prophecies from other channels.
And the reason why they put the flag up here and this lady who obviously is not really using sign language here to explain this because what she's saying and what he's saying, they ain't the same thing.
It's their way of kind of like getting around copyright and stuff, so. All right, that's very interesting.
Thank you, Mr. Ham Sandwich. And if you were looking for a shofar, you know. Oh, come on.
Got it. Check this out, here we go. Back out, it's right there. How do we say it?
Shofar so good. So man, I got that too. Shofar so good. All right. Wow. Now you're gonna note that this channel, again, same channel.
They sometimes also unsync the video and the audio. So his actions are preceding his audio.
So it's them not me. The sound that dispels death.
And calls to rally the angelic forces to help my people.
My people is a word. He's not saying anything. Yay! What did he just say?
No idea. What are they happy about? I don't know. It makes me wonder if this guy's church is in Colorado.
You know, I'm just saying. Okay. Hear the Lord talking to me about something.
Something is a word. Something's a word. But it shouldn't be
God talking to you about something. Something. Something. Could you imagine like Isaiah or Jeremiah, you know?
The atheists would still be like beating us to within an inch of our life if any of the biblical prophets talked in this way.
Yeah, I just agree. Okay. All right, come on, Billy Ray. There was an angel that used to stand beside William Branham.
Was it a demon? Because William Branham, he denied the doctrine of the Trinity. That makes him a heretic.
Fallen angel, angel to them. What's the difference? Yeah. Yeah, you got a point.
And when that angelic being was present, everyone was healed.
Can I need documentation? Yeah, there's no medically documented stuff like that.
He ministered to. The Lord said that was a taste of what he is going to do with his body.
Standard stuff. Okay, so when I was in the latter rain movement, we were told God is raising up Joel's army and this is going to be a prophetic, it was like a prophetic generation who operates in signs and wonders so easily.
It's like fish swimming in water kind of stuff. This is the same thing when I was in the latter rain. But what will you do when you pray for a governor and they are healed?
What will you do when my power, says the Lord, invades Congress and a mist swirls so you see someone pass out?
What? Oh my gosh, man. You see a mist and someone passes out.
Okay, I know what that sounds like. There's only one joke, so you know. Did he say presence or am I? He didn't say presence.
You know, I mean, look. Lord invades Congress, a mist swirls. Hang on. What will you do when my power, says the
Lord, invades Congress and a mist swirls so you see someone pass out on television?
What will you do in such a time? You will herald the arrival of the glory.
Glory is a prophecy, bingo word. And you will tell the world, it has come. It has come.
It has come at last. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Says the man who prophesied that Trump would be president right now.
Yep. Because everybody knows a false prophecy with the shofar equals true prophecy.
Absolutely. Yeah, yeah, okay. All right. Wow. Yeah. Uh -huh. Okay. Let's, hang on a second here.
I'm not ready for that guy. Let's, let's, okay. Let's go this direction, shall we?
Come on. Let's see how this takes us. The anointing of my belly has been so big and it's.
All right. If you have flag waving, that counts. Wow, this is, you're, oh my goodness, all of that and still no bingo for you.
That's nuts. Yeah, well, you know, I, I'm, I'm saving the best to last. I have more words covered than I, than I don't.
Four, five. We have five way bingo at this current moment. Wow. Yeah, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm hoping for the holy grail of prophecy bingo, the blackout, you know, so.
I love it. Yeah, yeah. All right, let's keep going. So, it's something that's so big, I haven't felt in about a year, so I haven't known what to do with it, but then the
Lord showed me what it was. It was the breaker anointing. Breakthrough. I got that on my card.
Breakthrough. Breakthrough, yeah. She has the breakthrough anointing. She's holding her hand over her stomach like she's pregnant or something.
That's weird. Yeah, okay. She said, I feel, but I have,
I feel like. Yeah. Okay. Okay. I got, I feel like. All right, that'll work.
Hush a sucky and a hug. I don't have to sucky and a hug anymore. Oh, no. Oh, yeah, well, no.
See, she's speaking gibberish and I happen to be able to translate that. Here we go.
Yeah, hang on a second here. You know, I'm feeling the translation coming in.
Okay, yeah, yeah. Okay, so for sure, she was mentioning Jezebel.
Okay. But see, the thing is that there was another thing because she was talking about Jezebel in the river.
You see. Gosh darn it, neither one of those helped me. Actually.
So if you have Jezebel a river, you know, you can take that. But that being the case, you know,
I've now had the first bingo and the second, so yeah. All right.
Which means I need, I need some keys, Josh. I need a minstrel. We have to create, we have to eliminate the demonic atmosphere and bring in a spirit atmosphere.
Presence, presence. I have atmosphere on my card. I'm going to just take that out of spite.
So am I. Okay. Are you ready? Yeah. All right, here we go.
I have stepped into the river. Oh yes.
I had to battle Jezebel before I could. She tried to steal my identity by yelling at the deep but something supernatural happened.
And I had a release, a really slow release that, that resulted in the nations.
The nations. There it is. There it is. Oh, wait. And sneaky squid said, hallelujah.
There you go. Okay. Yeah.
Some people tell us that we don't really take them or the prophecy seriously. No, no, no, no.
So now when you, you play CRT bingo, I mean, I, I take it. You don't take the CRT folks very seriously.
No, not even a little bit. Not even a little bit. Okay. All right. Okay, but let's, let's, let's go back to here while she's breaking through here.
Cause there's no truth to this prophecy. Somebody call an ambulance.
I think she's about to get birthed. She's having a contraction.
She's birthing something. It's about to break through. That was terrifying.
That was. Whoa. Wow. Here comes
Santa Claus. Here comes Santa Claus. Where did he get that shirt from?
Wow. It looks like an image. Yeah. Okay. The, the 1950s called, they want their shirt back.
Okay. Right now.
Put your hand right here. There is something being put together on your behalf to break you into that next place.
He's been working it out. You've been watching for it. You've been waiting on it.
And now the breakthrough is here. Something is beginning to break.
Something is beginning to break. Shout it. I'm waiting for my next assignment.
I'm waiting. Assignment is a prophecy being put together. To be put together. James, sing it over us again.
Something's beginning to break. Break. Something's beginning to break.
Something's beginning to break. Help me, please. Help me. I'm trapped here. I'm chained to this piano.
They paid me 150 bucks to play here today. Okay. All right. Something's beginning to break.
Ah, spare the dogs here. Some of you out on the way out, you need to stand up and shout.
Things are beginning to break. His theology.
Wow. His mental state. Things are breaking for sure. They do this in your church,
Jason? Oh no. No, no, no. No, no, no, no, no.
All the no's. All the no's. Okay. All right. Just checking. All right. Wow.
Something's beginning to break. All right. Let's hear a little bit more of this though. This is quite pandemonium. It's always chewing gum too.
It's like, you know. And the Lord says, even that thing you expected that you didn't see,
I've been bringing it around in a different way, working it out. And now you're gonna see the way
I always planned it to happen. I say to you, I'm positioning you now.
Position is a prosecutor word. For that which you will see happen.
Oh my gosh. This lady has a shield. See what the shield?
She has a shield. And these ladies have like, you know, what are those?
Like Moses's staff sticks or something? No, these women have never been to combat school. This is, okay.
Let's come back. Okay. This one's a little more subdued. The guy has a British accent. So this is going to be a respectable false prophecy.
Absolutely. Presence. Come on, homie. Right. Okay. We're hoping for you here, Jason. We really are.
But on the 16th of August, as the US was pulling out its troops from Afghanistan, I was praying.
And as I was praying, I just sensed God saying that a shift was coming.
They never say anything, do they? Okay. Yeah. Okay. Shift was coming.
How many times have I heard this? I heard within six months. Yeah. Obviously that takes us to the 16th of February.
It's February. Queen Ebola says so. This year, 2022. And so I'm really expecting that something's happening.
And you know, something is happening right now. Something's happening. Something is happening. Something, somewhere.
Yeah, the Lord. At some time. I feel like the Lord's saying that something's happening. Something. Something.
We're seeing it change already around the world. We're hearing nations, leaders talking differently to how they have even.
Talking differently. Yeah. Because that's super clear. Yeah. That's super.
Yeah. Yeah. Direct. Right. Current President of the United States can hardly finish a sentence.
A year and a half to two years. Differently, yeah. There's been a shift in that. It's changing stuff and things.
So something is changing, but I believe that February, we're going to see a really big shift, a really big move in a different direction to what we've seen already.
So get ready for that, guys. Get excited. Get encouraged. Yay! I'm not excited about World War III.
I'm not. I'm kind of, yeah, I'm kind of like, uh, wish we weren't doing that. Yeah.
That God is moving. He's not just allowing things to go on as they've been going. But you know, when judgment comes, it's always replaced by mercy.
When God's people cry out, when people turn to Him, it doesn't endure forever.
And I believe we're coming into a good season, guys. There could be stuff kicking off around the world.
There could be stuff, you know. Kicking off around the world, you know. Buy one, get one, free sales.
Right, exactly. Yeah. Yeah. I have to stock up on indulgences. I don't know if we're going to be able to make this next season.
So hey, we're going to kick those off. We'll kick off the indulgence sale. You got to like. You got to subscribe.
You got to share. I've been a subscriber longer than you have, so. Okay, all right.
I have accrued some. Okay, got it. I see. We say as believers, we should be expecting good things.
We should be expecting God to move on behalf of His people. Which people?
Quick question for you. Pastor, I'll pull a Nikki here. Yeah, you're filling in for her, huh?
I absolutely. What exactly does God promise His followers in Scripture? Good question.
All right, so when we talk about actual promises of God, so everything's anchored in the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Christ, right?
Yeah. And Scripture's about Him. And what we contributed to our salvation, by the way, was the sin part, what made it necessary for us to be saved.
So when we talk about the actual promises that we have, we have promise of full reconciliation and pardon because of Christ's vicarious, penal substitutionary death on the cross, okay?
We also have the promise of the resurrection from the dead, not to damnation, but to eternal life.
We also have a promise of an inheritance in the new earth and life eternal in a world without end where God wipes away every tear from our eyes.
There is no death. There is no disease. In fact, God even promises that the sun will not strike us or a scorching heat in the new earth.
But in the present, the other thing that we're promised, persecution. That's about it.
Oh no. Suffering, yeah. So those are the promises. We have not been promised health or wealth or things like this at all.
I can say that for sure in the new earth, perfect health. And you wanna talk about wealth,
I don't even know how to talk about a new creation whereby the streets are paved with gold, which basically means, think of it this way, the value we put on asphalt today, the gold market's gonna collapse, okay?
Horses are gonna poop on it in parades, okay? So these are the promises that we have.
Does that answer your question, sir? Yeah, I believe that about solves it, yeah. Okay, all right, just checking.
So, okay, but this guy's talking about something. Now, by the way, so we're recording this on February 23rd of 2022.
Yesterday was 2 -22 -22, okay? Now, I have to say this, and so Queen Ebola is gonna be making an appearance, but she is doing sabbatical rest somewhere in a tropical region, in a very nice resort somewhere where there's palm trees and turquoise water and Pina Coladas.
Trees with little umbrellas. Yeah, chaise lounges and stuff like this. So that being the case, she opted not to turn her camera on for this installment, but she did wanna weigh in and assure everybody that yesterday, 2 -22 -22, there was a prophetic year.
There was a prophetic word for that because of it and stuff and thingies. She let me down.
I know. So you're going to have to imagine when she says, come on, you know, it's that she's doing the
Macarena. Yeah, you gotta kind of fill that in yourself because here we have the non -moving lips, but the ball itself around it, you'll see it's somewhat animated.
But it needs fake plastic armor. Well, I'm doing well. I'm doing great. The downloads have been tremendous.
Download is a prophecy. Boy, we just jumped right into it, didn't we?
Downloads have been tremendous. It has been tremendous. And, you know, one of the downloads that I've been receiving is about this 2 -22 -22 day that we are approaching.
You know, this is the 2 -22 month, but we are approaching 2 -22 -22 on Tuesday.
Hello, people of God. Oh, she's on something. Oh, wow.
I had no idea 2 -22 happened on Tuesday.
I don't know if you remember this, but there was in Southern California on some of the buses for public transit, they had advertisements for, you know, attorneys or whatever, in case you get in an accident or whatever.
But there was one dude, it was like, it was in Spanish, like, accidente, 2 -22 -22 -22 -22, you know?
Yeah, that's right. It was just all twos. Yeah, that's a common thing. So your mother and I, we did a driving trip with our truck camper.
Yeah, we're kind of redneck that way. That's how we roll. But we went down to Louisiana, Alabama, and into Mississippi and Georgia.
And what we noticed is, is that in the big cities in the South, that it was very common that they would have big billboards, and it would be for attorneys, and they would use only one number, like, you know, so dial 7 -7 -7 -7 -7 -7, or 2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2.
It was a very common thing. So, you know, yeah, okay. And, you know,
I mean, it's just mega what God has been showing me about this.
Mega, yeah, it's mega. Praise God. I want to give a quick disclaimer here, because some of us, you know, anytime we get triggered when we hear about numbers and things like that.
Hold on, we just crossed over into CRT bingo territory with you. I know, right? You get triggered, man.
Come on, man. Yeah, that's right. Numbers are triggering me, man. Do I need two cards? Yeah.
Probably so. We think it's all, you know, numerology, new age.
Because it is. Yeah. You owe me a
Coke, so. There you go. I'm demonic. Because it is.
And I always like to remind you that the devil has nothing original.
He only perverts what? This is not a biblical argument. Scripture warns us against numerology, astrology, fortune telling, and things like this.
Yes. And, you know, there is no biblical numerology in the sense, so.
Although she is right that the devil cannot create, can only pervert, which explains why Amazon is making their woke version of Lord of the
Rings. I'm 100 % with you on this. I will be watching zero episodes of that, so.
Okay. The original is. He only perverts and counterfeits the original. So whether any other, you know, even the new age and anything like that, the demonic, you know, that world, that occult world, it's a perversion of the original.
So if there's a counterfeit, it tells you the original exists. Okay. And what we must not do as believers.
So there's fortune telling, which means there has to be Christian fortune telling because if there's a kind of, see this logic does not hold up.
It does not hold water. Nope. We throw the baby out with the bath water. We must not go to the extreme and say because something has been demonized, has been counterfeited, has been misused by the enemy that we would not all then, you know, appropriate it or interact with it.
If you know what I mean, people of God, you know what I mean, right? No, no clue.
So I said all that to say that, you know, there's a book of numbers, but biblically speaking, hashtag numbers are prophetic.
So what's the hashtag supposed to be? She does this all the time.
Hashtag February. Hashtag small paragraph. You know, it's wall of tech.
Yeah. Hashtag numbers are prophetic. There's a whole book of numbers in the
Bible. And when you pay attention. Right. There's census numbers taken of the, nevermind.
I have no point explaining this. To scriptures, you'll see a special emphasis on certain numbers.
It's not there by accident. Okay. Praise God. Hashtag numbers are prophetic.
Promises are connected to numbers. Destiny is connected to numbers.
Right. So apparently if I see these numbers, then my destiny is connected to it. This is nonsense.
You know, actualization is connected to numbers because times and seasons are measured in numbers.
Anyway, that's not where I'm going. But like I said, I always like to give this disclaimer and do a bit of a teaching.
Okay. For, especially for those people, like I said, you know, who may think that all.
All right. I'm going to speed her up a little. I get more of a teaching out of reading the backside of a cereal box. Yeah, I know.
Hang on. I'm going to drop the play head here. See what this does. To be revealed. My God. You know, mystery keys and strategies are going to be revealed.
Somebody's not talking. Oh, wow. She's really wound herself up. I better slow it down and back up just a little bit.
Hold on. Yeah. I picked, we found the vein here. Here we go. We have a clinker.
Okay. You know, Daniel 2 .22 was when Daniel went to seek the face of God for God to reveal the king's secret.
Come on. So apparently now the chapter and verses are prophetic. Yeah. That's an apparatus put on the
Bible, you know, long after the Bible was finished. My God, my God, it's kings.
Hey, Macarena. Yes. There you go. Stream. My God, my
God, people are God. There's going to be massive, hashtag massive exposure.
Massive. Massive exposure. Hashtag. What about presents? Come on. You're still on that one.
Are you? I know, or for warfare, but I like. Okay. I go for some glory or maybe something igniting.
Yeah. Okay. This is going to begin. So many secrets are coming out.
So many hidden things will be unveiled and revealed. So many, and that is both good and bad.
Okay. Praise God. On the right side of the duality, people are God. It means that hidden treasures, hidden treasure.
The woman is saying nothing. So here's the thing. She watched the Goonies a little too much.
So she has a new book called the Prophetic Shift. That's why.
Okay. And Royal Proclamations Gathering plays hashtag, hashtag the deep end.
So we've now been in the deep end of the prophetic pool. So. Right. And it's not very nice.
No. Okay. All right, Josh. Just for you. Oh, come on, K. Jason. No. Don't clap for this.
I'm trying to win, man. I'm trying to get on the board. All right. He needs some presents, man.
So listen, before K comes through. Name of the video is The Great Escape. My theory is that any room with K Nash in it is an escape room.
Got it. Okay. All right. Let's tune in to the messenger from the
Lord. Here we go. Hi, I'm K Nash and welcome to my channel.
If you're new here, I've been in ministry for almost nine years now. I'm a prophetic messenger for the Lord. Did you see how creepy that smile was when it first up?
She's like. Yeah, I know. I know. She's looking more demonized by the minute. It's a shark.
Can you imagine one of God's prophets introducing himself like this? Yeah. Hi, I'm a prophetic messenger of the
Lord. I'm Elijah, you know. With the sappy music and everything. Like an infomercial. Just, yeah. That's right.
We need a Lutheran satire. Yeah. Minor prophets, major prophet introducing themselves segment.
Oh my gosh. This is terrible. Hi there. I'm a prophet of the Lord. Okay, here we go.
I deliver words as the Lord leads me to and I have deep teachings from the word of God. Deep, deep.
Deep. Right, right. Really deep. I teach on finances. I help. I bet you do.
Okay. Cause she wants your finances in her. Right, right. In her bank account.
I'll train up ministers. If any of those things interest you. You train up ministers. Somebody lets you train them.
Really? Okay. Yeah. Make sure you hit that subscribe button.
No. Hang on. Dislike. There we go. Okay. All right, you guys.
I have a word from the Lord today. No, you don't. This word is good.
No, it's not. It's called the great escape, Jesus.
Okay. So if you have Jesus, you can take that. That is in there. Am I not the
God of escape? Do I not bring you out of confinement and hiddenness? Oh, stop yelling at me.
Why is she yelling already? Did she literally start yelling? Yeah, as soon as this came in. She knows that we're watching.
She's coming in hot. Yeah. Am I not a God who opens what is stuck in your life? Do I not break the jar open,
Jesus? Do I not open the cocoon in your life? Open the cocoon in my life.
What is that? Is it not time to emerge from where you are and go higher?
After the Lord gave me this Rhema word, he kind of - Pause that for a second. Okay. Oh my goodness.
Rhema. She said Rhema. She did. Yeah. Okay. No, no. Okay. The quality of the recording set is slightly different when she was doing the reading or whatever.
So she's like in another room. She's like, gets this word and she's like screaming into a microphone. And it's like, and then she makes a video about it afterward.
Maybe. She has this bit of rage. And then it was like, well, I gotta go make a video about this now. Rage prophecy.
Prophecy rage. A slam prophecy. It's a feminist slam prophecy. Oh man.
Could you, I feel bad for her husband. Could you imagine what their fights are like? The Lord told me you were wrong.
You know. I don't imagine he gets to be able to dissent much. No, you can't.
That's not happening. You can just tell. Rhema also talked to me about different times in the
Bible where people had great escapes. And so I'm going to go into some of those right now to kind of encourage you that don't you serve the same
God? Jesus. All right. Number one, Paul getting out of prison by an earthquake.
Oh, I can't wait to see what she does with this. Hold on. She's going to try to exegete a text.
I know a thing or two about exegesis. I graduated from seminary.
I see suddenly on there. I'm taking it. Yeah. That counts is, you know, it's, it's there.
So, but Josh, if you do that, then, you know, watch this. I know. Gosh. Just saying, you know, just be careful what you ask for.
So let's keep going. Okay. If God really wants you out of something, if God really wants you not to be there, he might send an earthquake to get you out.
He might push on some things to get you out. He might ruffle some feathers to get you out. But if God wants you out of prison, he's going to get you out.
So if you feel stuck right now, keep going. God will get you out. Are you stuck in prison? Don't worry. God's going to send an earthquake to get you out.
If you're stuck, how do you keep going? Right, right. Great question. It's kind of, it kind of defeats the purpose of like, yes,
I know you're in quicksand, but keep going. So I detect your analysis on this,
Jason, is you're finding some loop, some holes in the logic here.
There's a lot of them. It's just, well, first of all, can we just go back real quick?
Her pronunciation of God is disturbing. I don't understand how she pronounced
God. All right. All right. Let's, let's, let's check the tape here. Let's see. Push on some things to get you out.
He might ruffle some feathers to get you out, but if God wants you out of prison. I think it's
G -A -W -D, G -A -W -D, G -A -W -D. Yeah. That's how you spell it. Then went to the goofy school of pronunciation.
He's going to get you out. So if you feel stuck right now, keep going. God will get you out. What did he do before that?
What did he worship? Worship the Lord and get out of prison. Jesus. Really? Worship the
Lord and get out of prison. Like, okay. I don't think it works like that. I'm almost a hundred percent certain.
I mean, it would change the entire, you know, you know, the setup for the count of Monte Cristo. If, if, if only
Edmond Dantes had just worshiped the Lord, he would have gotten right out. I gave him five praise
Jesuses and the door just magically opened. Okay.
Oh my gosh. This is terrible. Gosh, okay. Another thing we see, another Paul escape.
I feel like Paul is the king of escaping here. Another thing with Paul is he was let out a window and put in a basket to escape.
Okay. We see Paul escape on a horse. Okay. God has different ways of escaping us.
Holes in the walls and horses and earthquakes and lions and tigers and bears.
Oh my. Yeah. From situations, but God is the God of escape. God delivers.
What does it mean that God is the God of escape? I got nothing.
I got nothing. Is she unhappy in her marriage? Is that what I'm getting at? I don't know.
Is that what she's saying to us? Yeah, there's a subliminal message here somewhere. From these confining places, from these places where we feel stuck, just like a jar that is stuck, but God un -pops it and opens it for us to -
No, no, no, no. That's not what it said. No, he did not say that God opened the jars. He said that God broke the jars.
That was the word that when she read it, that this is different now. These are hate facts.
These are hate facts that you're spewing here, Josh. Yeah. These are hateful facts, Charles. I just need some presents, man.
That is one of victory. Well, let's see.
Prophetic word, it's your breakthrough season. And this guy reads these from the watchman on the wall.
Let's listen in on this one. This prophetic word comes from Anne Ballard, Bedford, Texas. It's your breakthrough season.
Beloved, breakthrough gets to be joyful. Stepping into breakthrough doesn't -
Stepping into is a prophecy. Bingo. I always have to be into. You had what into?
I speak into, but not step into. Step into is a prophecy. Be hard and arduous and full of struggle.
It's a new season. It's a new day. It's a new moment. It's time to let go of yesterday's heartache.
It's time to let go of yesterday's struggles. It's time to let go of yesterday's mindsets.
Today is a new day. And this is a breakthrough season. Take - Yesterday, all my troubles seem so far away.
I know. I believe yesterday. I'm still a fan of the leprosy. I do like that one.
The leprosy parody is the best one. Yeah, leprosy, all my skin is falling off of me. Something like that.
I'm not half the man I'm used to be. I believe in leprosy. I'm not half the man I used to be. That's right. Kiss me quick.
Because I don't have an upper lip. I don't even have a nose to pick. Oh, leprosy came suddenly.
So - Sorry. Did that hurt you,
Jason? I was troubling. I was troubling. Yeah. This is what therapy's for.
I'm working - We do it all here. We do it all here. All right. Take time to sit with God and ask him, what breakthrough looks like for you right now?
Maybe it's the big breakthrough. The prodigal returning home. The pregnancy. The marriage.
The house. The job or the debts canceled. Or maybe it's an internal breakthrough.
Finally being able to forgive that person. Creating a new habit or coming back to a place of trust.
What does your breakthrough look like for you, Jason? I have no idea.
I mean, he's given me so many options. I mean, but none of them, I'm sensing that he is not going to give me the presence that I need, nor the double favor that I'm seeking.
I sense that you're getting a download here, so. I mean, I'm gonna be covering,
I desire to cover this sheet, but I feel like that mantle of victory is curved.
Right. I get it. We'll pray for the unlocking. Because that's your breakthrough.
You're saying, in answer to my original question, your breakthrough looks like bingo.
Yes, absolutely. Like just a visitation in this dimension would fix it.
And then I could say, bingo too. Yeah, okay. That's your breakthrough, man. That's what it looks like for you.
Okay, just checking, okay. All right, here we go. And if God shows you a small breakthrough, don't get discouraged.
God often starts small with all of us in order to teach us to steward larger breakthroughs and more significant blessings.
See, maybe the reason why you haven't had your bingo breakthrough yet is because you haven't properly managed your smaller breakthroughs.
Because getting a bingo breakthrough is a pretty big one, you know. I thought
I was doing all to manage them properly. I mean, I put my legs here to, you know, on the different,
I thought I was managing them, man, but yeah. Well, you know, clearly. You weren't letting the spirit guide you.
That's clearly how this went down. It's a warfare curse. Yes. Yeah.
Advocates and adversaries are in your path of escape. Let's tune in. More escape.
The Lord said, I've been sending advocates in your path. I've been sending people in your path.
I'm causing them to knock the devil out in one way and I'm causing another one to come behind and knock him out in the other way.
And I say, watch for your way of escape because I am giving new openings now.
Choose to go through, sayeth the Lord. It sounds like a mob boss.
What did he just say? You know, that all depends. What did you need him to say?
Hey, listen, buddy, we're gonna shend goons after the other people that are making it hard for your life.
Don't worry. They're going to they're going to mess them up. Going to take them out of you. I'm going to put them in your path so that they can help you out.
Don't worry. The goons, they work for me. Got it. And the
Lord says, I've sent those advocates because you're not willing to lay all things down, says the
Lord. And the Lord says, I need all things from you so that I can work with them for your good.
The Lord says, I'm putting these advocates and these adversaries on your path so I can force you to lay it all down so I can work with it.
I'm first, says the Lord. Allow me to be first in your life again.
If you are going to be my disciple, you must be willing to leave it all to follow me.
I am sending these adversaries on your path so you can lay it all down and I can work it out for your good.
Do not resist the laying down of all things, says the Lord. What in the world did you get?
Did you catch all that? Have you ever seen those really funny things running around the Internet where they say, like,
I fed an artificial intelligence a thousand hours of Hallmark movies and it spat out a script or something like that?
That's what Glory of Zion feels like when it comes to Internet YouTube prophecies.
It's like, I spent a thousand hours and put it all together. I'm like, a thousand hours of Cain Ash and put it all together and it came out as Glory of Zion.
Yeah, you know, I kind of think of it, you know, like, you know, stick to all these words in a blender and hit the frappy button.
You know, you just, you know, so, yeah, I don't know, it's a weird question, but does
Chuck Pierce ever preach, like anything, even in the most loosest sense of the word, preach?
I see him preach from time to time when he visits other churches, when they invite him, but I've spoken with people who've left
Glory of Zion and what we're looking at pretty much is the preaching time now.
The reason I bring that up, I was just wondering, because Josh made a great point. Like, can you imagine if this is all you're used to, all you're used to taking in and you're considering this preaching and God's word and so forth?
And then you get up there and you just because they just have open mic prophecy freestyle. So you grab a mic and just say something.
And yeah, wow, I can't imagine being taught like this. They're not being taught anything.
Their brains are in neutral, you know. So you get somebody from Glory of Zion show up at Kongsvinger Lutheran Church in Oslo, Minnesota, where I pastor, they're going to hear more
Bible in one, literally in one service than they hear like in a year at Glory of Zion.
Easily. Wow. All right. Spirit of Repair is visiting your house. I need this spirit to show up.
I'm kind of hoping for a breakthrough along these lines. So I had a dream a few weeks back that I shared with Chuck that I had somebody gave me fifty dollars.
And in the dream, they were praying for Chuck's healing. And people started to come and give.
Does Chuck Pierce need healing? Oh, that's news. Hmm. OK.
That's different. Into his healing. They were just giving pots and pots of money. And I remember reaching in my pocket.
He makes eight hundred thousand dollars a year saying absolutely nothing. He doesn't need your money.
And saying, oh, this is probably not. He's not going to recognize that I gave this fifty dollars.
He's not going to even it's not even a lot. And they're already picking this stuff up. So it's too late. You know, I'll just give it to him another another time.
And I was organizing in my nightstand all these birthday cards that I received.
And in there, I saw exactly fifty dollars. And you gave it to Chuck Pierce.
You gave the check. The only the only proper response to this is cool story, bro.
OK. And I said, you know what? Sometimes dreams do reveal your future, but dreams also show you that you can change, you can repent, you can you can turn it around.
If you choose to 50 is the number of celebration. It's the number of deliverance.
It's the number of Jubilee. It's the number of freedom. You cannot. What'd you say?
I said, is it the number of presents? We can hope we can we can not give in to that.
You cannot not give in to that. You know what I mean? And so I we just gave that.
And when you felt that anointing, I was like it was the Lord who is orchestrating our steps into deliverance.
And so he's giving her 50 bucks to victory and to freedom. So we just know he just held it out and then help me that right now.
Now, I'm going to give you a double portion. Give her a hundred. Oh, yeah, that counts.
The the the Benjamins, baby. Oh, all right. You're going to throw it down.
Oh, you don't get to keep it. Bummer. Unless that's her husband or something.
It's from YouTube. Remember this, Lydia, and you're going to throw it down and you're going to decree that everything you've given will start coming back double back into.
This seems like a scam. OK, I'm I'm annoyed at this point.
Hold on. I oh, Heather Curnow. Oh, gosh. OK, I have to I have to officially apologize for all of Gen X at this point.
This lady is from my generation and I'm sorry. So let's you can still feel better than any millennial.
That's right. And she still uses the hairstyles from the 80s. So well, hi there.
It's Heather Curnow with the prophetic word for month of February. And I'm really glad to join me tonight.
See recording in a closet. What is that echo? OK. I just want to. Let you know that you need to take a moment to read the disclaimer below, and by doing so, that you've exercised your freedom and you're watching this.
And and I'll tell you, I know you're going to be blessed because this came out.
I have blessing in my card. I'm taking you got a warning. All right.
Hang on a second here. This is yeah, I already took it. You should have taken that a while ago. Oh, I'm in the heavens opened above me and just the prophetic just poured all over me and now
Holy Spirit pouring. That'll work. Yeah, I'll give that to you.
Honor it is to be your facilitator of heaven tonight. What a heavenly facilitator.
How does Chris do it? Like are they like heavenly tour guides or something?
I you know, I used to be a jungle cruise captain, you know, in the 80s at Disneyland.
So, OK, yeah, yeah, I know. Yeah, I know this is terrible because I'm a guest.
But am I the only one that really wonders why she told people to read a disclaimer at the bottom? Well, we should we should let's see.
A prophetic word for February. Let's see. She's got buzzwords in there. God is shaking.
Get ready for that word for February. God is shaking you loose. Get ready for sudden leaves.
Need some Pepto Bismol. Every time I have a suddenly it's it's it's really uncomfortable. Right. Right. Yeah.
OK. Warnings and intercessions for Oregon, China and Croatia. Wow. Wow.
Nothing here for the Ukraine. Bummer for them. OK, the disclaimer is at the bottom. And my goodness, so right here it is.
So when you choose to view this video, you release more ministries, their volunteers and reps from any liability or any harm, perceived harm resulting in the services rendered.
We are not promoting any hate towards anyone, but merely putting forth the Christian God's message found in his word.
The viewer understands that their current health and medication routine set by their health professional should not be altered without talking to your professional or doctor first, all prophecy must be carefully discerned and prayed into prophecy is a faith based gift.
Seek the Lord for confirmation and direction. We only prophesy in part. She got sued.
She must have. She must have. So somebody went off their meds and ended up in a basic health crisis.
And all because Heather Kern, who said something God that she claims God told her. Oh, wow.
Wow. Oh, OK. That's that's an interesting development. That is.
And so she she she puts the disclaimer now. This is somehow that's going to exonerate her. OK, God.
Yeah, right. And to just pour out that prophetic blessing on your people tonight.
So just flow from heaven. Flow is a prophecy. Bingo word flow through me and on to the people.
And they all said, amen and amen. No way. No, no.
That's contaminated flow. Let me tell you something. If you're ready for the winds of change, this isn't only a prophetic word for February, but the
Lord impressed upon me and today is January the 25th. And so if you take back, go back two days, it would have been
Sunday. So that would have been January the 23rd. And the Lord impressed upon me that this is a word relevant for the next six weeks.
It's only good for six weeks. It's got an expiration date. It's got an expiration date. This is an expiration date prophecy.
So we're going to be going into up and including March the 5th with this prophetic word after that, this prophecy is no good, no good, no bueno.
Yeah, no. If you're ready to change in your life. Let me tell you something.
God is releasing so much grace for change in your life that even you're going to be surprised.
It reminds me of like, you ever seen the the Pink Panther movies, Chief Inspector Dreyfuss, you know,
Clouseau. You know, it's kind of got that nervous. I'm really insane kind of laugh going on here.
I'm just saying she doesn't sound like she does not sound convincing. I'll say like that. No, I don't think she sounds mentally.
Grace for change in your life. That even you're going to be surprised. Yeah, awkward.
The thing about there's so many different major words that God gave me.
OK, major words, covenant. God gave you the word covenant.
That's one of our words. Shaking is a prophecy. Suddenly grace to receive grace.
He's warring. God is warring over. He's warring over. OK, wait, I got warring.
Can we help a guy out here? What do you need there? I got warfare.
Yes, you can have it. Come on now. Black folk on the board. All right. That's right. Do you have a bingo?
Oh, absolutely. All right. We expect a good prophecy here, you know, because I mean, since you are a pontiff, you know,
I am merely a pastor. I expect like top, top door prophecy, man.
I'm not going to let you down. I'm not going to let you down. I feel that the sneaky squid is shaking the atmosphere, causing warfare.
Shabba. Had a nice little flourish.
Yeah, yeah. You can't go wrong with Shabba. I'm just saying to say Shabbat. Oh, this is terrible.
Yeah. What is she talking about? I have no idea. It's you know,
I hate to say it, but her grandkids need to take the video camera away from her. Wait, speaking of please tell me you have some cat cur.
Please tell me, you know, we could do special requests. We could do special requests.
OK, hang on a second. All right, let's see here. Cat Cur. All right.
I can't be the only one that thinks that she's what's the guy, Steve Schultz.
Then I can't I can't be the only one that thinks that she's trying to make Steve Schultz break out of character.
OK, here she comes. And it's not cat
Cur, it's the cat Cur. The cat. She's got her
Gandalf stick. Hurricanes beware. I am so very excited to be here tonight.
I've actually been a perpetual state of excitement now for some time. Wow. Whenever God's going to do something great, you can sit down or I'll forget to tell you.
By the way, this staff's name is Justice. Good pick.
Good pick. Yeah. It's my own stick.
It's so cool, guys. Because that is what we will have.
Yeah. Give me presents. Yeah. You're looking for that double bingo, huh?
Give me some transition. Why is she yelling?
And why are they clapping and carrying on like this? We got Wu girls. This is definitely a wine tasting event.
And I'm here to give heaven's report tonight. OK, not not any new system down here on Earth, not from some little hole in the wall place or some big network.
Fake news, lying, frying news. The father has a new name for them.
I know a lot of people call them fake news. He calls them lying, frying, not fire of the good kind.
Right. So yeah, blasphemy much.
OK, wow. Gracious. I have a couple of things to do first, but we will all be making declarations tonight.
All right. Now, see, that tells me I need to fast forward to the declaration portion.
OK, yeah. Right. All right. Let's see. What do you think? Right here. Let's take a look. They're happy just about that.
Amen. I want to do one more thing.
I want you to sincerely do you know, I'm learning more every day about more more characteristics or images of the father and one of his images is goodness.
All right. Hang on. Stop the Jews crossing the Red Sea. Nobody could stop the walls of Jericho from falling.
OK, nobody could prevent or stop what God was using Abraham for. Nobody could stop it because he has events marked on his timeline behind his throne.
I only saw part of that. But I know, guess what? We're a long way from the end.
Generations and generations from the end, nobody can tell God what time to do anything, not even his son.
I don't know the great apostasy and the fact that you're preaching with pink hair. Yeah. Yeah.
Maybe we're closer than you say. You better be glad he's not coming. God told her dye her hair pink.
Yeah, that's what she claimed. Take anybody home now, there'd be a lot of crying. He is coming when when the church has no sin or no flesh in it.
Well, that means Jesus ain't coming back. Right. Oh, my God. She said no flesh.
It means that means that that's called genocide and wiping out all of humanity. So when the church has no sin or flesh,
OK, then Jesus will come back. Wow. I just when you think you've heard it all.
I see now look what you've done, Jason. You've probably given me a whole new video to do. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. Yeah, I blame you because now I have to watch this thing. Oh, OK, all right.
I'll let's let's check in with somebody new. No, this is a nice thing.
Yeah, she is looking extra pasty. OK, that's what it is. Yeah, I think it's just bad lighting.
You can kind of tell what's going on here. About three pounds of makeup. So, yeah. Hello, everyone.
Welcome to this channel. Welcome in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I greet you.
My name is Anais and I am here to bring you the word of the Lord for the season of February twenty twenty two.
And what God is doing in our midst, because God is good and his mercy endures forever. God is good all of the time.
Yes, the steadfast love and the mercies of the Lord endure forever. Scriptures tell us that for sure.
We don't look at what the enemy is doing, what he's been trying to do. We stay focused on the king of kings and Lord of Lords because he's coming back soon.
Cat said that ain't happening anytime soon. Cat says he's delayed. Yeah. And you have to get rid of all the sin in the church first.
All the flesh and all the flesh. Yeah. Yeah. All the flesh. And we have to occupy until he comes.
So thank you for all your love and support on this channel. Thank you for being here. Any links you need to know about social media is just down below.
You just have to click there and have a look for yourself. What did she have a disclaimer? Yeah, probably not.
Not yet. You know, let's pray. So Father in Jesus name. All right, I'm going to fast forward through the prayer.
Let's see where she opens our eyes again. Let's see here. This next season, brother and sister is going to be amazing.
Yeah, I don't know if you've noticed in January, but God blesses us all the time. With surprises, big surprises, small surprises, or have you been focused on what the devil is doing?
You see, most people do that. They stay focused. And it's with the words out of your mouth, you can actually miss your blessing or by not moving forward, by not taking opportunities.
You can miss what God is doing. Jason, have you missed your blessing?
According to Inez, I have. All right, just, you know, yeah. Thanks, Inez.
That's on you, man. That's on you, man. But God is always blessing us. So this next season, you know, this year is all about what
God is doing in us. And Jesus Christ is coming back again. And there's an urgency in the spirit to walk in holiness, in righteousness, in purity.
You don't. I know, I know. Speak it into existence, Jason. I'm trying to speak it,
Inez, come on. So decree and declare a presence. Go where you used to go.
You don't do what you used to do. You don't say the things you used to say. It all has to change because you're going from glory to glory.
Glory. Glory is a priceless word. That's out of my card. Come on, let's ignite some transition.
God says in Psalm 512, For the Lord, you God Almighty, you bless the righteous,
O Lord. You cover him and her with a shield of favor.
Favor is perhaps a bigger word. Yeah, I got favor. Nice favor. The month of February, month of love, as the world calls it.
But we have a God of love who loves you every single day, no matter what.
And it's going to be amazing favor, amazing blessings. And this is what the
Lord spoke to me. OK, here comes here comes the cash part of this here.
Here comes. All right. You've decreed it, right? I've declared it. OK, all right.
Believe for the impossible. Like like the word presence. Yeah, you see how that works.
OK, let's get going. Remember when Jesus walking along to the cities and he's preaching the good news.
Yeah. And most of them don't believe him, even though he does the miracles, the healings, does all of the wonderful things for his people.
Right. And he still said, ye of little faith, why don't you just believe me?
You can be in church today. You can witness an amazing miracle of cancer being healed. And people would still doubt.
People would still say, well, I'm not sure if that was God. Well, I'm not sure. Yeah, every claim to healing regarding cancer.
I'd say I'm not even sure that actually happened. It happened, right? The guy just said, oh, I decree cancer healed, you know, and versus yes,
I'm cured. But we need a doctor to verify this. You like that pastor or that prophet? Well, it's the words that come out of the person's mouth.
Make sure you be quiet. Make sure your words are few.
You know, that's wisdom. Josh is very quiet. Yeah, Josh is very quiet.
Yeah, I haven't. I've just my my brain is turning into mush. Just getting pounded by.
I'm going to get it. I'm going to get an OSHA lawsuit, you know, filed, right? Yeah. He created a hazardous work environment.
He exposed me to prophecy bingo without without a disclaimer. So I love it.
We did not promise. Actually, if anything, we do not promise any kind of healing. We promise maladies, maladies upon the people that that watch this.
That listens to this craziness, right? Yeah, we're focused on what God is doing. Not everything that the devil does.
So like I said, this next month, God is going to bless you. The opportunities, the open doors, the divine favor.
And it's already been happening. But he's going to do it more because he loves you. And the
Lord gave me this scripture in Esther chapter five. Yeah. All right. Let's say manifestation, did she?
No, no. Hang on a second. I didn't think so. All right, gentlemen, this is your last chance.
We're winding things up here. So, Josh, tell me what tell me what you're needing here, dude.
I'm needing an ignite or a transition. You need to ignite the transition. All right, let's see.
If I get presents, I'll get triple bingo. So we definitely need somebody speaking in tongues. I see what's going on here.
Oh, gosh. All right. Let's see. Pioneering spirit that will split time. Let's try this out.
Gosh, so much time brought me back something from East Texas.
She and Aaron just went and ministered there. And it's called Pioneer. Did he give diplomas to these people for something on her?
This is a participation award. But this is a prophecy.
My, I cannot know if this is. And I want you to do something with this today and this particular commissioning.
I want you to everybody that walks forward or everyone's name that's called.
If you if you're here and you walk forth, if you're on the web, we will extend it to you.
I want you to just go through when they walk down. I want you to just put a mark of pioneer oil on them.
I say right now, we're pioneering our field. A couple of weeks ago,
I was on my way to work and it goes from the west to the east, and there was this huge cross in the sky and it was made by contrails.
It wasn't it might have been or it could be. No, it was a cross and the atmosphere was gray.
It was atmospheres of prophecy. Cloudy and gray. It wasn't turbulent, but it was very gray.
And at the bottom of that cross, there was this small aperture that was splitting the heavens.
And it began to get wider and wider as it hit the horizon. What? Aperture is is the way you control the f -stop on your camera, lady.
What is she talking about? Is she talking like like, you know, a God ray, you know, that's caused.
Never mind. I think that's what she's referring to. You're doing too much. And the Lord says that it was the cross that split time.
And so the Lord says that this new pioneering spirit that you're being anointed with, that you're going to begin to move in every place you go will split time in the heavens over the places he sends you.
What did I just watch? I just love how she said it was so such passion, like she would have did a mic drop, but she had to pass.
Yeah, she just knew she was saying something profound. Yeah. OK, hang on. We've got to try this.
This is hang on a second. Answering the. What'd you say?
I saw this one. Do we did? Yeah. This is where we got the music from in the very beginning. Oh, yeah. All right.
Hang on a second. The senior moment. All right. Let's go back to the bottom in the red.
I just want to get in touch. We hail Emmanuel. All right. Come on, let's take a look.
Come on. She over God. Emmanuel.
She over God. Well, that English, it's like misappropriate
Hebrew. It's like misappropriate. Yeah, I would go misappropriate misappropriate Hebrew on my.
Yeah, but I'm I'm I'm I'm wondering what the beginning portion of this is, because I don't recognize that as Hebrew.
You have gone before us. You have made a way.
There it is. There it is. All right. All right.
All right. I hate to do this. Okay. We got to start with Josh. What do you feel in here?
Because there was a lot of words coming in there. Yeah, there was quite a lot in there.
Do I only get one? Do I get one? Well, for sure. Yeah. Are we looking at an ignition here?
Absolutely. I'm thinking I'm feeling an ignition. All right. Yeah. Well, ignite definitely was one of the things that came rolling out of her head there.
So how does that help you? I now have a single bingo. All right.
Good. All right. Okay. All right. And I got to say this. I was feeling this.
And although it's going to put me behind the eight ball, definitely she said something about a presence.
Oh, so come on. All right. Kozar will be sending you an invoice for you.
This is trademarked work. All right. All right. All right. So, Josh, we need your prophecy first, sir.
Oh, you think? Okay. I need mine first. Okay. Well, let's have ourselves some fun.
All right. I'm feeling the glory of the heavenly atmosphere.
Is this happy enough? No, this isn't happy enough. I need to make happier. Now, let's.
Yes, that's happy. And I feel that there is an ignition in the glory of the heavenly atmosphere.
Yeah, that's like a prophecy from my nightmares. There's some nightmare fuel in it, for sure.
Wow. I picture a demon clown giving that one.
So, okay. So, all right, Mr. Triple Bingo and the winner of this round.
Come on, tell me, so I decree the presence is calling the double squid spirit anointing into a dream of supernatural warfare.
Wow. I'm impressed.
I'm impressed, sir. Your CRT Bingo skills have come to your rescue and served you well, sir.
Served you well. Oh, my gosh. This is ridiculous. So again, so Jason Whitaker, tell us again how people can find your fantastic channel and tell us a little bit more.
Just plug your channel. Tell us about it. So again, my channel is called Dear Christian, the podcast.
And it is meant to provoke those people who race critical race theory, black lives matters, social justice, who believe that Jamar Tetzel is a valid author or that Ibram X Kendi should be taken seriously.
My hope and my prayer is that you will consider what God's word actually says and that you'll compare it to what you've been told.
And again, if it doesn't line up with God's word and does not make much of Christ, get rid of it because you don't need it.
So Dear Christian, the podcast. If you give me a like, a share and a comment or subscribe, if you haven't already subscribed,
I will give you indulgences. So if you have white guilt or if you're expressing some kind of white oppression or slave oppression,
I will give you indulgences so you can be absolved of that and you can go ahead and live your life in peace.
So there you go. So next time somebody accuses me of being anti -black, white supremacist or whatever,
I'm giving them your phone number because you are my black pontiff.
So, you know, I'm here for you. I'm here to do it. I'm also going to send you a box of indulgences.
Oh, good, good. So you're so you're good. You can actually kind of use them at will. Good. You can give a couple.
You give a couple to that guy down there below because he's been a good friend of mine. So I'm sure that Josh, I'm sure he looks like he needs a few of them.
So, yeah, I don't have enough melanin. So, you know, I definitely need those indulgences.
Now, I need to know, will these indulgences fit in my minimalist wallet? Because, you know, I don't like carrying a lot of stuff around, you know?
Man, it's like they're so unobtrusive. It's almost like they're not even there. Oh, OK.
Yeah. So, OK, I mean, it's almost like they're it's almost like they're made up, but but I keep them right next to my brownie points.
Right there, right on, right on. So, Jason, thank you so much. It was great having you.
And if you again, if you have not already subscribed or gone to his channel, please do so. Dear Wilt Christian, it's a great resource.
Love, love his analysis, love his humor. And I look forward to having you back someday.
So I'm making note to myself. Jason needs to come back on Prophecy Bingo sometime in the future.
I love it. I love it. All right. Let me sign off here and and then we'll chat for a few minutes.
But so if you found this episode of Fighting for the Faith instructive, helpful, fun, all the information on how you can share the video is down below and until next time, may
God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.