Matt Slick Bible Study -10-25-17 - Mormon Temple




We're going through all the cameras real fast. You're going through the cameras? We have one, two cameras. Yeah, we just have to make sure that they come up on YouTube and Facebook.
Alright, they're doing a check. But we are live, just so that you know we are live. So you can talk to the audience if you want to.
I can talk? Yeah, they hear you. So about those alien abductions that keep happening, you know.
Those things are rough. Yeah, those are rough, because they've happened to you a lot. Yeah, I know. You can tell, the mental issues.
You don't have the probes, though. You still have the probes in there. I still have the probes in there, at least. Mine are working.
Yeah, you shorted out. That's good. He walked out of a dark field one day, and he comes out, and he goes, all of a sudden, he's back to normal.
Something's shorted. Well, at least I'm back to normal. You're marked. Yeah, I've got it going on. You've got something going on.
I'm not Josh. You're not going to be able to get rid of it. And you haven't been able to get rid of it since? You guys can't make
Josh go, This is kind of juvenile. He doesn't know how to do it. The camera's working?
Okay, we're on. This is how we get warmed up. So what we're going to do now is we're going to talk about Mormonism, and I'm going to focus on the
Temple of Jerusalem, but I have to let you know that I haven't had a whole bunch of time to put this together. As a matter of fact, it was basically today.
And the reason is because I've got 800 things to do. I've got to write three lessons to speak on Saturday and Sunday morning, and then
I've got to write a sermon for Sunday, and today's Wednesday. And we've had a bunch of people over at the house, and because of the temple opening and some other stuff,
CARM meeting. And incidentally, CARM's 22 years old today. Today. 22 years old,
I started it. 22 years ago today. And... Alright, so what's going on here?
We're in Boise right now, and so as far as Boise goes, here's Boise, Meridian's right here, and there's a temple opening.
Oh, you couldn't see that because I was on this side. Anyway... No, you were right. I was right?
Okay. You can be seen all the way to about there. About to here? How about over here? All the way to the screen. How about this side?
How about over here? See, the probe is not functioning on you again. The probe's sorted out. Simple things like to the edge of the screen.
Which edge? There's two edges. One here, one here, one here, one here. Well, obviously, if you're in the middle of the screen, then it's the edge closer to me.
Logically. But you are logically challenged. Wait a minute. It's not logically.
It's logically closer to his side. That's right. The edge. No, no, he's... We're going.
We're having a great time. So I'm saying more to the edge. More to the edge. Yeah, so moving along...
So, they just have There's a temple opening. The Mormon temples. And so...
You haven't been in yet. I went in last night. I've been in. Oh, you've been in? I'm going again tomorrow. Have you been in? Yeah.
Okay, you guys been in? You're gonna go? It's kind of boring. You just walk around.
And, you know, they're nice. In fact, I was standing out on the street with some of the guys holding protest signs up.
So I was out there for 15 minutes then I went into the temple. I was going through the tour about halfway.
Well, at the beginning of the tour, two guys with suits and their little squiggly little things goes back into their shirts.
They're like... So two guys are watching me as I go to different places. I went like that.
And they smile. They're nice. And then halfway through the tour when they realize
I'm not going to be an obstreperous wacko, you know, then they just go to something else. But I did make the tour guide with us.
I made him laugh. Because coincidentally, the way I was in the group, we got split off.
And then I was in the lead. I didn't want to be in the lead. People were behind me. And by myself, this guy goes, Hey, just stay with me.
He's a leader. You know, the Mormon dude leader thing. So we're going through. We're just having conversation the whole time.
And, you know, I'm making him laugh a couple times. And so we came up these stairs. And we came up in this one room.
Instruction room. And we're in there. And this one couple hadn't kind of showed up. And so he kind of looked at me.
Because I was over by that area. By the door. He goes, like that. And I went. And he starts cracking up.
And so then they came walking in. It was good. And then I get to witness to him afterwards. All right.
And they were nice enough. You know, the Mormons are nice. But their theology is from the pit of hell. And Mormonism teaches this.
This is no joke. It teaches that God is an exalted man from another planet.
And he has a goddess wife. So basically, what do you call a life form from another planet?
You call him an alien. So what Mormons are doing is worshiping a man from another planet who followed the laws and ordinances of that god on that planet and became a god.
And exalted one of his wives. Called forth one of his wives. Maybe only had one. Who knows?
And she became a goddess. And they came to this world, basically. And they produced this world.
And he has a body of flesh and bones. He's supposed to be six feet tall. I'm six feet tall. So that's how tall
God is. And he and his goddess wife, they have bodies of flesh and bones.
And they go, and have it and make spirit babies. And so the spirit babies, the offspring, the spirit children in the pre -existence, the first one born was
Jesus. And then we were all born brothers and sisters in the pre -existence. And Satan had a plan for salvation of mankind.
And Jesus had a plan for salvation. But he wanted to go with the fathers. There's variations of what Mormons say about this, but nevertheless.
So the spirits who sided with the plan where Jesus, you know, God the
Father would get the glory. Jesus would be the Savior and stuff like that. The spirits who went with in the pre -existence who went with the plan of Christ, they are born in human bodies, in white -skinned bodies.
And then the spirits who didn't decide, the spirits who went with Satan's plan, they are the ones who can never be born in human bodies.
They're a demonic horde. And in the third, it didn't go either way. Didn't decide which plan to go with.
Kind of ambivalent. The official, not the official, I can't say that. But a lot of what the Mormon prophets taught early on was those people are born in black -skinned bodies.
And so they couldn't hold a priesthood and some other stuff, but now they've changed that. In 1978 they changed that. Nevertheless.
So after you become a good Mormon, you pay a full 10 % tithe of your income to the church, and by following the laws and the ordinances hopefully of the
God of this world, that's what they call the God of this world, this realm, then you have the potential of becoming a god of your own planet and starting the whole thing over again.
That's what Mormonism teaches. And it's ridiculous. It's not biblical. It's just not true.
Now, the temples. Why the temples? The temples are for the purpose of getting closer to God.
And as you saw that film, the one lady, and I swear, when I was watching the film, the intro film, this lady's coming up and she's talking, now this is completely subjective, but I had no reason to think it or anything.
I remember looking at her going, she's possessed. There's something wrong in the way she was delivering stuff.
I don't know. Did you get that impression? You did too? It was just weird. It was like something speaking through her.
But that was just me. I didn't say that. The only time I've ever mentioned it is basically right now.
But it's just the impression I got. I got the willies from her. Something's not right. Did you say that? You say that?
You say that? Okay. At any rate, it's on this film. And it was just so bad.
At any rate, so we had this film in the temple. Or not in the temple, but in the ward, the church.
And these two girls, they're nice, everybody's nice, said, how do you feel about what was said?
And it's always about feelings. It's not about truth. It's about what you feel. And as soon as truth is under the heel of feelings, truth is whatever you want it to be.
Whatever you feel it to be. And that's a problem. So from there, we went over to the temple. And I was very respectful.
And not going to cause any problems at all. And so went in. And then when we got out, the guys asked me questions.
The guy was with, actually. And another guy came up. And I witnessed to him for about five minutes. And it was cordial.
And I said, okay, thanks. And took off. And I quoted him where Joseph Smith did more than even
Jesus to keep a church together. And he said, no, that's not what the quote says. He says, everybody save Jesus.
And I said, nope. Case from the church, volume 4, page 461. That's what it says. I quoted it about a thousand times. And I quoted it to him.
And I said, this is this is it. So anyway, we can get into Mormon doctrine, secret handshakes in the temples, and things like that.
So I thought what I'd do is read up a little bit about about the
Mormon temple. Talk about it a little bit. Read some of the stuff from the Mormons.
And then I'm going to go through what the Bible says about it. Compare it a little bit.
I got some pictures. And again, because I'm so rushed, I had to throw this together today.
So I just hope you'll bear with me. So check this out. So this is from the first presidency. All right.
And it's right there. George Q. Cannon. December 3rd, 1871. Journal Discourses, Volume 14, page 320.
Now, I have the Journal Discourses at home, but you can get them online. But anyway, why is it that we are so anxious to build temples?
It is that we may attend to ordinances necessary for the salvation of the living and the dead, that we may be baptized for our ancestors who died without having the privilege of hearing and obeying the gospel.
And also, Apostle Mark E. Peterson said, in biblical times, sacred ordinances were administered in holy edifices for the spiritual salvation of ancient
Israel. The buildings thus used were not synagogues nor any other ordinary places of worship.
They were specially constructed for this particular purpose. Following the pattern of biblical days, the
Lord again in our day has provided these ordinances for all who will believe and directs that temples be built in which to perform those sacred rites.
Now notice what he says here. Following the pattern of biblical days. So what he's saying is this is what happened in the original temples.
And it's not the case. They're making this up. They don't know what they're talking about. But we'll get into some more stuff here. This is
Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine. Now some Mormons don't really like McConkie very much, but I'm just including him in.
He was an apostle. All of these ordinances of exaltation are performed in the temples for both the living and the dead.
Their essential portions have been the same in all dispensations when the fullness of the sealing power has been exercised by the
Lord's prophets. So D &C 124, 28, 41. They were given in modern times to the prophet
Joseph Smith by revelation. Many things connected with them being translated by the prophet from the papyrus in which the book of Abraham was recorded.
Now that right there, I can go on for an hour. First of all, if you're interested in the book of Abraham papyri, get the book by their own hand upon papyrus, by his own hand upon papyrus.
What it does is it absolutely proves that Joseph Smith lied about the book of Abraham and the book of Mormon.
How do I know that? Because what happened was he had the book of Mormon. He had what he called a cedar stone, supposedly from the breastplate, but there's different opinions on that within Mormonism.
And he put this stone into a hat, put the hat over his face, all of the cowdery would be on the outside behind the curtain sometimes on the table over there.
And then Joseph Smith would give one letter at a time and this is how they translated the book of Mormon, supposedly.
And so this procedure was supposedly used with the book of Abraham because a salesman, not a salesman, but a traveling
I don't know, I forgot his name, but he's a guy who had museum artifacts and he would travel around the west and the east of the
United States and charge people a nickel or whatever it was to come in and see the artifacts. And he made his living that way, and that's fair enough.
Well Joseph Smith went in and saw the book of Abraham papyri, but they weren't the book of Abraham papyri, they're
Cyrus' book of the dead, and he said they were written in hieroglyphics. Well no one knew how to break or interpret or read hieroglyphics at the time.
But nevertheless, he said this is the book of Abraham. So the Mormon church bought these papyri,
I think for around two grand. Now, he then translated the book of Abraham the same way he did the book of Mormon.
The same way, with the same power, the same ability. Well the papyri got lost.
They were rediscovered in the 1960s in a library basement. And in 1880 -ish, in the 80s, the
Rosetta Stone was discovered and it had hieroglyphics, I think Greek and something else, and they were able to break hieroglyphics.
They were able to figure out what hieroglyphics really was saying at that point. And so, when the papyri were rediscovered, the exact same papyri, the book explains it's the same, and the
Mormon church admits it's the same. It even has Joseph Smith's handwriting on the back of it. It's the same one.
And when the Egyptologists who understand hieroglyphics read the document, it had absolutely nothing to do with what
Joseph Smith said it had to do in the book of Abraham. Nothing. I think one reviewer said he didn't even come close by guessing.
Usually in guessing, you can kind of come close to some stuff. He wasn't even that lucky. That's how bad he was.
So what's the Mormon church's response? Well, it's reformed hieroglyphics. That's like, see this right here?
Ordinances and covenants become our credentials for admission. What if we take those exact words, put them on a piece of paper, we bury them, a thousand years later someone reads it, and he knows ancient
English, and he says, oh, he translates it into their language. Ordinances and covenants become our credentials for admission.
And someone else says, no, that's not English. That's reformed English, and what it really means is, and give something else.
That's what they're doing with the book of Abraham, trying to defend the horrible facts that contradict
Joseph Smith's translation profitability. This proves Joseph Smith lied. It proves
Mormonism's false. But do Mormons care? No, because it's about their feelings. Nevertheless, let's go on.
Ordinances and covenants become our credentials for admission into his presence. To worthily receive them is the quest of a lifetime.
To keep them thereafter is a challenge of mortality. And the 70s, this is a quote out of one of the guys from there, temple ordinances instituted in the heavens before the foundation of the world are for the salvation and exaltation of God's children.
It is important that the saving ordinances not be altered or changed, and yet they were.
Because all of those who will be exalted from the first man Adam to the last must be saved on the same principles.
Now, a lot of people don't know, but the Mormon temple ceremony was changed, and death oaths were taken out of the
Mormon temple and other stuff. I'll leave it to you to do your research on that. Now, so, you know,
I should have gotten a picture. I had a picture of I took a picture. I should have imported one here so you could just see what the
Mormon temple looks like. But nevertheless, this is, what I'm going to do now is go through a lot of the verses out of 2
Chronicles verses chapter 3 and 4. And we'll go through some of the stuff of what it says about the temple.
Now, these are the foundations which Solomon laid for building the house of God. The length in cubits, according to the old standard, was 60 cubits and the width 20 cubits.
Now, what Mormons say is that the temple that they have today is supposed to be an accurate representation of what goes on in the temple of Solomon.
They're supposed to represent that temple properly. Now, there are writings within Mormonism that say that the temples are exact representation.
Obviously they're not, since the temples themselves are in many different forms. What they try and say is that what goes on inside of them is really what's important.
And I can tell you what went on inside the temple. But nevertheless, we'll get to that later.
So, a cubit is roughly 18 inches. That's all you know.
So, the porch was 120 cubits high. See, that's what it says right there in 2
Chronicles 3 -4. And in verse 5, he overlaid the main room with cypress wood and overlaid it with fine gold and ornamented it with palm trees and chains.
Now, I went to the temple. I didn't see any gold. I saw gold color. I don't know if it was really gold. I didn't see any palm trees.
I didn't see any chains. Further, he adorned the house with precious stones. I didn't see any precious stones. And the gold was the gold from Parvim.
He also overlaid the house with gold, the beams, the thresholds, its walls, doors. Now, maybe there are some gold elements within some of this stuff.
I don't know. But there's so much that they say the temples are actually represented by the
Mormon temples are represented properly representing Solomon's temple. But it's not, obviously.
Cherubim in the Holy of Holies. In 2 Chronicles 3 .10, then he made two sculptured cherubim in the room of the
Holy of Holies and overlaid them with gold. In a little bit here, we're going to get to a graphic. I'm going to start explaining what the real temple was like and what's going on in there.
And you'll see that it does not happen at all in the temples today in Mormonism.
Verse 11, the wingspan of the cherubim was 20 cubits. 20 cubits.
That's roughly 30 feet. The wing of one of five cubits touched the wall of the house and its other wing of five cubits touched the wing of the other cherub.
The wing of the other cherub five cubits touched. So these cherubs, in other words, touched the outer wall and each other.
So they were these angels' wings. Okay. All right. The veil was purple with cherubim engraved on it or woven into the fabric.
He made a veil of violet, purple, crimson, and fine linen, and he worked cherubim on it.
Did you go to the temple? I did. Was it violet, the veil? No. It was white? It was white.
And it had little slits in it? Yeah. And it was very thin? Very thin. And the temple veil is supposed to be like four inches thick of purple.
But this is supposed to be the same temple representation as Solomon's temple.
He also made two pillars at the front of the house 35 cubits high, and the capital on top of each was five cubits.
So you have a temple, pillar, and then that little ornamental kind of a thing on top. That's called the capital. And then he put something on top of that.
He made chains in the inner sanctuary and placed them on the tops of the pillars. I didn't see any chains anyplace. And he made 100 pomegranates.
I didn't see any pomegranates placed on them in the chains. He erected the pillars in front of the temple, one in the right hand, the other on the left, and named the one on the right
Joshua and the other on the left Boaz. Now, in Matthew 27 51, when
Jesus was crucified, that temple veil was torn. Now this is just a graphic that I found, and not a big deal.
It's not like a super accurate representation, but the thing is that the temple was destroyed. Why? Well, when we get to that,
I'm going to explain it a little bit. Now, during the temple tour, you go in and you see the baptismal font inside the temple with 12 oxen around it.
All right? Molten sea, or the metal sea, 10 cubits across, 5 cubits high, 12 oxen.
Then he made a bronze altar 20 cubits in length and 20 cubits in width and 10 cubits in height. Also, he made the cast metal sea 10 cubits from brim to brim, circular in form, and its height was 5 cubits and its circumference was 30 cubits.
Now, figures like oxen were under it and all around it, 10 cubits entirely encircling the sea. The oxen were in two rows, cast in one piece.
It stood on 12 oxen, three facing the north, three facing west, three facing south, three facing east, and the sea was set on top of them and all the hindquarters were turned inwards.
All right. Now, yeah, let's see, okay.
So this is one of the pictures of the baptismal font inside of a
Mormon temple. I've been in, I think, three, three or four now, I can't remember. And as what you can see is what they're doing here is baptizing people for the dead.
And that's out of 1 Corinthians 15, 29. See how they who baptized for the dead, if there is no resurrection, it's not we baptized.
Paul is talking about the universal aspect of the resurrection believed even by unbelievers. That's why they baptized for the dead.
We don't do that. That's not, the Mormons take that verse out of context. But in Mormonism, there are three heavens in the afterlife.
The lowest is telestial, the middle is terrestrial, and the higher is celestial. And the celestial heaven has three levels as well.
The bottom two are not known, what they're called, but the highest one is called the Church of the Firstborn. And so as people die without being baptized in Mormonism in this world, they can receive the baptism by proxy by people who go into the temple, faithful Mormons.
They don their garments, they go in, and then they receive the name of someone genealogically researched and found and then they get baptized for that person.
So one person could be baptized many, many times for different people. And then, because the person's died, has gone into the next world, the next level, then the baptism has happened for that person, and he can receive that baptism and benefit in their hereafter.
So, I remember seeing the baptismal font last night going, Dude, I wish that was in my house.
That's nice. Because it had a nice little rail walking down in it and really tight.
It looked comfortable. I would want the oxen. Forget the oxen.
It needed to bubble though. It needs bubbles. A Mormon's listening. You're irreverent.
This is irreverent. So what does Solomon's temple really look like? Here we go.
I checked drawing after drawing after drawing after drawing. Notice where the oxen are.
See here? See the oxen? On the outside of the temple. They were never in the inside of the temple.
Why does a Mormon church have them on the inside? And why does a
Mormon temple, where the Mormons put the veil that God destroyed, why did they put it back in the temple if God destroyed it?
We'll get into some stuff about that probably a little bit later. So, you can see the molten sea with the twelve oxen.
That's where the baptism thing is. But they have it inside the temple when it was never inside the temple. That's just part of the issues, alright?
Now, come on. So here's another drawing of it and you can see the bottom right -ish.
It says molten sea. That is the thing that's called the molten sea and has twelve oxen around it.
And you can see the structure there. That is the temple.
This is how it was built. On the left side, you're going to see the square. And if you look in the middle of the square, you're going to see a vertical line.
That is the veil. See, it's kind of squiggly. That's the veil. Now notice the far right is over here.
This face is the east, the rising sun. So you're supposed to walk straight through all the way.
Notice it's a straight line to go all the way to the Holy of Holies. Now, what
I need to do sometime is do some research on the significance of all these items and just do a study and present it because it's really interesting.
But you go through a straight line. Notice the altar, the sacrifice. First thing is blood. And you go through porch.
You have to go through the show bread, which represents things. The incense, which represents things. The candles, which represents things.
And you go through into the Holy Place. That's the first little area right there, right here.
That's the Holy Place. That's the Holy of Holies. So the Holy Place, the priest could go in.
People could kind of go in. You had to be specially qualified. Only the high priest could go around that veil and go into the
Holy of Holies. And in the Holy of Holies on the far left was the Ark of the Covenant. And on the Ark of the
Covenant was a mercy seat. Mercy seat had two cherubim touching their wings there. And that's called the mercy seat.
And inside of the Ark of the Covenant was Aaron's rod, Ten Commandments, and a jar of manna.
So the high priest would go in there once a year on Yom Kippur and sprinkle blood on the top of the
Ark, this mercy seat, which is where the angels were. The lid. So he sprinkled blood on there.
And then he'd leave. That was the propitiatory sacrifice, the propitiatory offering, the blood sacrifice.
And he would leave. Okay. So when the sacrifice of Christ was done, that veil was destroyed.
Now this is in the very presence of God. So God is the one who did this. God is the one who destroyed this veil.
Because that symbol of separation was gone. We don't need the veil anymore.
It had to do with the blood sacrifice. What the Mormons had done with it is now they literally have undergarments and they have different symbols on their undergarments.
And those symbols are also on their thin veil in a celestial room. And you shake hands with somebody who plays
God on the other side. You shake hands with a pattern. And this is to help you hopefully get exalted to Godhood if you've kept celestial law.
And so really what's happening here is as the high priest would go into the altar and pass through the blood symbolically and go through the
Ark of the Covenant, the place of God. Once Jesus was sacrificed, this is no longer necessary.
The dwelling place of God is not in temples made with hands, but now in the hearts of his people. So what are the
Mormons saying when they say you have to go to the house of the Lord for the presence of God? They're saying they're not indwelt by them.
They're saying they're not sanctified. They're saying they're not cleansed by the blood of Christ. That's what they're saying.
They don't realize it. But they're actually speaking damnation to themselves. Because they are not admitting that Jesus is literally indwelling them because his shed blood cleanses them.
What they teach is you're saved by grace through faith after all you can do. 2 Nephi 25 -23.
And that you have to have your own blood shed for forgiveness of certain sins. Murder and adultery.
That's what Brigham Young taught. But how they officially hold that to now is another topic. There's so many tangents
I could take on. And so just like those who say they're under the law.
Romans 7 -4 says he who has died is freed from the law. So I'm not under the obligation to keep the law in order to please
God in order to go to heaven. Jesus kept that law. Jesus did everything. And because I've died
Romans 6 -1 -2 Romans 6 -6, Romans 6 -8 Colossians 3 -1 -5 talks about the true believer has died with Christ.
Well what they're saying, those who say we have to keep the law to be saved, they're saying we've not died with Christ and died to the law.
Likewise, those who's in the Mormon system here, those who have the temples are saying they're still under the old covenant system and the blood of Christ is not sufficient to cleanse them because they still need the old temple way.
God got rid of the temple. First he had the temple veil destroyed, then he had the temple proper destroyed in 70
AD. And then we get some other stuff I've heard. Yeah, we'll get into that.
Okay. Temple of Jerusalem 2 Chronicles 4 -7, then he made the ten golden lampstands in the way prescribed for them and he set them in the temple, five on the right side, five on the left.
I didn't see any golden lampstands in there. You see any? I didn't see any. What's a lampstand?
What's a lampstand? It's just a lamp that holds either candle or oil or something.
There's supposed to be ten. And he also made ten tables and placed them in the temple, five on the right side, five on the left and though there are tables in the temple, the
Mormon temples, they're not tables like this, tables that hold a thing of flowers as you're walking through a hallway. It's decorative.
What? Fake flowers. Well, yeah, that makes sense. They were fake flowers. I mean, I saw one bouquet.
Fake flowers? That makes sense. God's temple, you think it'd be a real temple. But I saw one,
I thought, man, that's a nice looking fake thing of flowers. It's really good. I thought it was cool.
One of the quiet rooms. I wasn't supposed to say anything in there. I didn't say anything. I wasn't mean. And then the twelve oxen were outside the temple, 2
Chronicles 9 -10. Then he made the court of the priest and the great court and the doors of the court.
That's automatically, the court is outside the temple. And overlaid their doors with bronze. He set the sea on the right side of the house towards the southeast.
That's outside the temple. So the twelve oxen are outside the temple. Done. That's where it's commanded to be.
That's how it's set. But they have the twelve oxen that thing on the inside.
But remember, it's the same thing that Solomon did. Wrong. And here's something else
I noticed wasn't there. 400 pomegranates. Huh?
You seen them? You want some? Pomegranate juice is pretty good. Now, in the 400 pomegranates for the two networks, two rows of pomegranates for each network to cover the two bowls.
I got to tell you all this stuff. But why pomegranates? Does anybody know why? I do.
Things in there. Things? Number of things? Number of seeds? How many are there?
633. No. Close. Something like that. 613.
There's 613 seeds in every pomegranate. What's that coincidental with?
What's that coincidental with? How many laws are there in the Old Testament? 613.
So the pomegranates have 613 seeds. And so there were pomegranates that were engraved.
Now when I was in Jericho about three or four years ago on a Bible tour I went to Jericho. And we could see the walls of Jericho fell down.
Well, it's a tourist area too, but there's a lot of Judaism through there in the history.
And I can still remember we walked along this one area and there were these pomegranates engraved.
And really old, you could tell. It was really old stuff. And so the tour guide said, oh by the way, notice the pomegranates.
I'm like, pomegranates, so what? He said, you ever notice why they're mentioned in the Bible? And I said,
I have no idea. And so he said, well, because they're 613. So he took two pomegranates and counted the seeds and there were 613 in them.
So I don't know if everyone's like that, you know, get a mutant thing. So we have we're almost done here.
We have the symbols of the pomegranates supposed to have candlesticks, supposed to have various things inside the temple.
And so the pomegranate symbolizes the law of God. Now what kind of symbols do you think are associated with Mormon temples,
Mormon buildings, and things like that? Maybe you may have said, hey, what kind of symbols are they? That's a good question.
Well, it just so happens I happen to have found some. Check this out. Yeah. So these are actual symbols and stuff on official
Mormon buildings. Okay. The bottom left looks like an old friend of mine from high school, but I don't think it's after him.
He was kind of weird. So notice the pentagram. How do you know it's a pentagram?
The point is pointing down. Now they'll say it's not a pentagram.
Well, that's what a pentagram is. With a circle around it and it's been known for years, centuries, as a symbol in the occult and witchcraft.
And notice the all -seeing eye bottom right. And I don't know what that thing is in the bottom left.
It just does not look like the moon on it. That needs a diet or something. Interesting.
It's a sun stone from the Nauvoo temple. I guess there's stuff in the Nauvoo temple here too.
And you can see these when you go to the temple square. You can go to the history building and you can see on the outside we've got some stuff there too.
I've taken many pictures. I didn't see any in the Nauvoo temple. Oh this? I didn't look for them.
I didn't see any. I didn't see any either, but they're pretty good about not putting them on the new temples. Yeah, the new stuff.
Because people like us go, Hey, what's that occult Satan symbol on your thing for? That's the little bottom one.
The middle bottom? That's a moon. I think it's a moon. Is that supposed to be a half moon? A half moon. Yeah.
It's the what? Moon. And this right here, that's where Lunar 13 landed.
Oh, I didn't know that.
Thank you very much. So the bottom left, the moon, the sun thing, is a celestial kingdom. Yeah. Right.
No, that's exactly how the pentagram is supposed to be. The horns, the ears. It is what it is.
It is what it is. It's a pentagram. In fact, when I was with a friend of mine, we went to Temple Square. We went across the street to the museum, history, whatever it was.
And I went up the stairs, and there was a children's room. A children's area. About as big as this room here.
And it had a lot of children's this and children's that and little games they could play. And to my utter shock, they had a pentagram.
A multicolored pentagram there for the kids to reassemble the triangles in. And I was like...
It was a pentagram. Just the indoctrination of the children.
Alright, here's some more symbols. Okay. What? Top left?
Handshake. Handshake. Well, in the
Mormon temple, you have to learn four special handshakes. Now Joseph Smith took these handshakes from the
Masons. So that's what that is there. Maybe they can make that bigger. Let's see.
Probably could. Open the file up and then enlarge it and stuff like that. But it's handshakes. Can you see the handshakes okay?
Okay. And then the sun thing there. And then the sun thing on the bottom right.
And this is a Church of History, bottom left, Church of History Museum across from Temple Square, Salt Lake City. Wow. Okay.
That's what the bottom left is. Got a cross, got a bird, and the all -seeing eye. Now, I'm going to just take a shot at Joyce Meyer.
Remember her last week? What did she say? The all -seeing eye. Now, I am of the opinion that demonic forces work behind the scenes and speak similarly to different people in various forms of apostasy.
Of all its teachings. What? That's right.
Demonic realm knows what it's doing. Look at this. Nauvoo Temple. This is occult stuff.
Now, let's say it's just a coincidence. It doesn't mean it's occult. It's just like the swastika has been used in India before the
Germans were ever there. It doesn't mean it's evil automatically. And that's true. But this is definitely used in occult practices and Satanism.
And well before Mormonism was on the scene. And then finally this is where Mormonisms are going to go.
It's going to end. They're in bad shape. So, like I said,
I had to throw this together today. Researching and doing stuff. Then I had to have lunch with somebody. Then I had to come to the radio show.
So, I wanted to do this because it was really interesting. Actually, Nathan kind of got me started on this because he said, hey, these verses that was 1st
Kings 7 and 2nd Chronicles 4 about the issue of the oxen on the outside of the temple. Hey, I never thought about that.
I wouldn't check. So, I was just researching today. I went, hey, wait a minute. This is getting interesting. And I had my text and a whole bunch of stuff.
And threw this together for that. So, that's what's going on inside of Mormonism. Mormonism is a non -Christian religion.
It's a non -Christian cult. And the reason is because it has a different God, a different Christ, a different gospel.
And what the genius is of Mormonism is the subjectivity of feelings. It puts feelings above the word of God.
Now, what I'm going to do is get my
Bible program going, which I should have done earlier. And I'm going to There we go.
What's that? Well, I'm going to go there. I need a vacation, but I can't afford it. It's so sad.
All right. So, what I'm going to do is go to Genesis 3.
And I want to read to you a dialogue between Satan and Eve.
Because this is important. I've done this before. And it's something that we need to go over again and again and again.
So, I don't think Yeah, this won't show. I don't know why it's not showing up there. I don't know why it's not.
Let me see if I can get that to work. I wonder if I can do it this way.
Oh, man. Messed up. Messed up. Okay, hold on. I'm going to do this.
I noticed that the window is extended over there. I don't know why I used to do that. I'll work on that later. There we go.
Oh, he's a slime bag. I talk to my computers when they don't do what I want. It's never an operator error.
It's always the computer's fault. Okay, so what
I'm going to do now is drag this over here so you guys can see this. Except it's awfully big. It's okay.
But that's good enough. And I'll figure something out. Oh, that works.
Okay, so here we go. It says, Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the
Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, Indeed has God said you shall not eat from any tree of the garden.
What's the first thing Satan does? Cast doubt on God's word. Now, after we went to the temple, we went out to dinner with some people.
We went to a restaurant. Two ladies overheard us talking about the Lord. One came over and started talking to us, and the other one was a
Mormon. And I started talking to the lady, the Mormon, for about 10 minutes, and I said,
Look, you know, the Bible says and she said, The Bible's been mistranslated. The Bible can't trust the Bible. You know, she was just attacking the word of God.
I said, Yeah, the eighth article of the Mormon church says that the Bible's correct insofar as it is correctly translated.
And I said, You know what it means to translate? It means to take from one written language to another written language. That's what it means.
It doesn't mean your opinion about what it means. To translate means to take from, like,
Spanish to English. Translate it from one written language to another language. That's what it means. She didn't know that.
So, the first thing has God, indeed, has
God said. So Satan actually quoted God and cast doubt on God's word.
Did he really say that? The woman said to the serpent, From the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat, but from the fruit of the tree, which is in the middle of the garden,
God has said, You shall not eat from it or touch it, or you will die. Now, when
God gave a command to Adam and Adam gave it to her, what we think, or touch it, is not in the original.
So what we have here is a step -by -step process to apostasy. Doubt the word of God.
Alter the word of God. Alter it. Joseph Smith actually went in and did what's called the Joseph Smith Translation, they call it the
JST, of the King James and altered it. And, of course, another way of doing that is to say,
Well, it's not interpreted properly. We will tell you what the Bible really means. They add words and take away words. So, for example,
I'll go to Isaiah 43, 10, 44, 6, 44, 8, 45, 5, where it talks about God not even knowing of any other
God and they will say, Of this world. They'll add words to the text to make it agree with what they want.
They're subjecting the word of God to their feelings, their desires. Judgment is upon them for doing this.
They're going to be given over to the depravity of their hearts and their minds for altering the very word of God because what they're doing is calling
God a liar. This is important. They're calling God a liar. They're saying,
Your words aren't sufficient. I need to improve on them. I need to verify them. I'm the one who's going to judge your words as true.
Those are the words of God, but I'm going to tell you what it really means. That's what the cults do. That's what
Mormonism does. A judgment is coming upon them because God's word is the one that became flesh and God said
His word, Let there be light. And God covenants, Old Covenant, New Covenant, Old Testament, New Testament. He covenants by the power of His word for certain things to occur.
And so when you alter the word of God and you don't believe the word of God, you're calling Him a liar. That's a great sin. He will let you have what it is you desire or touch it.
Adding to the word of God. Modifying. First doubt, then modify. Then, what's the next thing?
The servant said to the woman, You surely will not die. So, what's happening now is we have the doubting of God's word, the altering of God's word, the contradiction of God's word.
You shall not die. He didn't say that right away. He had to see where she's at, so to speak. Did God really say that?
Let's talk about God's word. Let's see what it really means. Oh, blah, blah, blah. Alteration. When Satan says,
Oh, she's altering the word of God. She's judging the word of God. He can do the same thing. You will not die.
And notice his wisdom here. For God knows that now he's speaking for God. We call them false prophets.
For God knows that in the day you eat from it, your eyes will be opened and you'll be like God, one good and evil.
Now, you've been to the temple ceremony. This is similar. Satan. Huh? I didn't go through.
You didn't go through? Okay. So, in the temple ceremony, which is a whole other topic, there's the apron that is worn.
It's the same apron that the people have, that Satan has, though it's a different color. It's a symbol of his priesthood and his authority.
Power and priesthood. And, um, Satan does a great deal of teaching.
And he's the one in the temple ceremony who instructs Adam and Eve the most.
He actually teaches them. And at one point in the temple ceremony, Adam cries out to God the
Father and Satan answers. It's so blatantly bizarre.
What? It's the oldest trick in the book. Oh, yeah. You'll be like God.
You're going to be like God. That's right. You're going to be like God and have your own planet. That's exactly right. You'll be like God.
I call it the Edenic lie. You will be like him. That's exactly what Mormonism says. See, Genesis 3, 1 through 6 exposes
Mormonism. It really does. It says knowing good and evil. Now, in Mormonism, they actually fell upward.
They had to know evil in order to have children and some other stuff. Now, check this out.
When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, by her own estimation, what she sees, and that it was a delight to the eyes, so now what's happening is she likes it.
This is experience. This is feelings. And the tree was desirable to make one wise. So now what she's doing is judging the truth based on her desires.
She took from its fruit and ate and gave also to her husband and she ate.
Maybe that's why women are supposed to make meals for guys or something. I don't know. Pretty bad stretch.
So, Genesis 3, 1 through 6 is really important. Mormonism, obviously, is false for a lot of reasons.
I will do this very quickly. Focus on the temple a little bit and hopefully do a decent enough job to explain that the
Mormon temple is not the same thing as the temple of the Old Testament. Not the same thing as the temple of Solomon.
Not the same thing as the tabernacle. Where there was one temple in the Bible, they have many now. Where the veil was destroyed by God, they put them back, symbolizing they're still on this side of the veil.
The wrong side of the veil. To begin with. And they're lost. Mormons have a false
God, a false Christ and a false gospel. Unfortunately, that is the truth. We need to pray for them and ask that God would be merciful to them so that they might leave the cult of Mormonism and become saved.
Right, Jake? Amen. That's what happened with him. He left Mormonism.
And praise God for that. Alright? I think we're done. And what we do is take a...what?
Oh, we're going to pray out? Yeah, thank you. I'll pray. We'll close this out and take a break. We'll come back. Any questions you got.
Lord Jesus, thank you for the time and we ask Lord that you would just bless this brief, quick teaching about this topic and I hope
Lord that by your grace you would bring people to see it. Mormons to see it and leave
Mormonism. People who are inquiring about Mormonism to see it and just abandon Mormonism and come to the truth of who you are.
God in flesh died on the cross and that we need to only trust in you not our works, not our feelings but in what you have done.
Lord Jesus, we give you the praise. We give you the glory. We give you the honor. We're so thankful for what it is you have given us in your death and your burial and your resurrection.
That everything needed for the deliverance from the judgment to come is by your work completely and totally and not by ours.