Ruth 4:13-17



When I look down, I'm walking down to Calvary.
My spirit's dancing in. I long to take away my sin.
Then sings my, Calvary, Calvary, Calvary, Calvary.
My sin took on Christ's name.
His guilt I beseech.
This is one of my most favorite parts of every Sunday, being able to sit up here with you guys. It's pretty good.
So I have a question that kind of continues on from last week's question.
Do you guys remember what last week's question was? You weren't here? Okay. Last week's question was, what is the second commandment?
And we talked about how I wasn't here. I know David talked about how we are not to make any great images to God or of God.
And so this week's question, as well as next week's question, is tying along with this as the second commandment.
So the question for today is, what is required in the second commandment?
What is required in the second commandment? What does the second commandment mean for us? We did just talk about this.
You forgot it already? How about this? How about we read this together, and you guys tell me if this makes sense, okay?
So the answer to this question is that the second commandment requires the receiving, observing, and keeping pure and entire all such religious worship and ordinances as God has appointed in His Word.
And so essentially, I know those are some pretty big words, and I have a hard time reading them sometimes.
Essentially, what that is saying is that we should only worship God, and we should worship
Him the way that we're told to in His Word, right? And we shouldn't go beyond those things. Does that make sense to you guys?
Why is it important that we should worship God? Try speaking into the mic.
Because He died on the cross for our sins. Because He died on the cross for our sins. There is not a better reason right there than to worship
God for that reason alone. Alright, so you guys can go ahead and pray, and sit back with your families, or go down to the nursery right now, okay?
But before you guys do that, it's okay if I pray with you right now? Let's pray together. Lord God, I just thank you for the opportunity it is to sit up here and to ask these so important questions,
Lord. And as they don't just apply to children, but they apply to the adults, the parents, everybody in this room.
And so God, let us think about what this means to think about what is required in the second commandment, how we break these things, how we live these things perfectly.
And Lord, let us remember that you died on the cross for our sins. And that's the reason for why we should worship you.
Lord, just you and these kids sit up so we can say this in your name. Amen. Okay, and before you guys go,
I have to get a high five. What a blessing it is to be able to ask those questions and get those answers back from those kids.
And just to see, it's just a good reminder for us all, and it's a good way to teach those kids what's important about God's word, what's found therein.
Today, we're going to be in Ruth chapter 4, verses 13 through 17 today.
So I would encourage you to please start turning your way there right now. And that's again, Ruth chapter 4, verses 13 through 17, as this will be the second to final
Sunday that we'll be in the book of Ruth. As next week will be our final message here, most likely, unless we really want to stay a long time and chat in verse 18 here.
Which I don't think we will. But chapter 4, verses 13 through 17 for today.
Let us just go ahead and open up with a word of prayer right now. And something I forgot to make mention for the church petition that we'll make mention in this prayer right now, is that there was a life flight that landed just a little bit ago.
Air St. Luke's just landed just in this park over here. So whatever that situation might entail for whoever it was, either female or male, let's be praying for that individual that they might be well and whatever's going on.
So let us pray. Lord God, I just thank you, Lord, just for this whole last many months as we've been going through the book of Ruth, Lord.
I thank you for the sweetness that's there in the gospel message that's seen here, the obvious pointing and allusions to the
Christ. And Lord God, I thank you for the application that we can make in our own lives as we see the excellence of Ruth in honor of Boaz here.
Lord God, I just want to lift up the individual that has succumbed to whatever injury, illness, or whatever might have been going on with this person that needed to be life flighted.
Lord God, I just pray that you would be with them in their care, that they might make it safely to whatever hospital designation that they needed to go to, and that your will would be done there,
Lord. God, I lift up this church to you, Lord, in each one of our own sanctification.
God, I just pray that we would look back at last week and we would hate the kind of man that we are, the kind of woman that we are, and that we would just look forward to next week and being more like you, and we would seek those things,
Lord. Let us run away from our sin and let us cling unto your cross, Lord. God, let us stand firm in your faith.
And Lord God, I just want to lift up anyone that is going through trials and persecutions and troubles and issues and depression and anything along those lines,
Lord. They're specifically here in this church as well as in this valley. Lord, let us look at Ruth here in this chapter and these verses and just glorify you and honor you here.
And we just say these things in your name, Jesus the Christ, amen. So, let us go ahead and begin by reading verses 13 through 17, and we'll talk a little bit about the context as a reminder as we've been out of these things for a week, as Brother Rick was kind enough to take us through the verses prior to this, and so we'll just do a quick summary of these things and dive right into verses 13 through 17.
But let us read here right now. So Boaz took Ruth, and she became his wife.
And he went into her, and the Lord enabled her to conceive, and she gave birth to a son.
Then the woman said to Naomi, Blessed is the Lord who has not left you without a
Redeemer today, and may his name become famous in Israel.
May he also be to you a restorer of life and a sustainer of your old age, for your daughter -in -law, who loves you and is better to you than seven sons, has given birth to him.
Then Naomi took the child and laid him in her lap and became his nurse.
And the neighbor woman gave him a name, saying, A son has been born to Naomi.
So they named him Obed, after his father. He is the father of Jesse and the father of David.
Let us pray over this text. Lord God, Lord, I would just pray that you would set this time aside in each one of our lives, that we would see the importance of knowing you crucified today,
Lord. God, that you would give us a new heart for anyone that has not received a new heart yet,
Lord. God, that you would be glorified, that you would draw, that you would plant, that you would grow, and that it would be all these things for your glory.
God, I just pray that we, as Christians, as believers, in this mighty
Yahweh that we see in this text, Lord, that we would seek to make your name famous in all the land today.
Here in Hagerman, here in Magic Valley, here in Idaho, here in the United States, here in the entirety of the world,
Lord. And let us not stop until we take our final breath. Lord, God, you are our sustainer.
You are the giver of our life, and you are sovereign. And so, Lord, let us see your supremacy here in this text.
We just say these things in your name, Jesus the Christ. Amen. So let us begin by just discussing, in short, some of the context that we've seen here in prior verses to verse 13 to 17 here.
As I made mention of, not last week, but the week prior, Brother Rick here was able to go through verses 7 through 12, and I'm very thankful for the message that he was able to give.
As we looked and seen some very peculiar type of language, some strange customs of that day, and we see what
I think is the most important application that we can make from this kind of a text, among many of the important applications, is that Boaz has received the rite of redemption from this closer relative.
He's been given the shoe, and as we've seen in prior texts, Ruth has come to the feet of Boaz. He's been given the shoe, showing that he can trodden underfoot, that which is the rite of redemption.
That he is now the one that has this thing subject to him. It's underneath his foot.
It's the rite has been transferred to Boaz. And therefore, we see immediately,
Boaz does not tarry in these things. He is quick and immediate in this context, and doing what he has promised to Ruth.
He receives this rite of redemption, and it says here in verse 13, and we'll read this right now.
It says, It doesn't tell us in here how many months or weeks that went by, but it makes it seem that it was a very immediate type of a thing that took place in here.
As Boaz sought the immediate redemption of this family, the immediate rebuilding up that branch that had been lost, as we've talked about, that that's an illusion of what's been taking place in here.
The family line of Naomi has suffered loss and death, and so that line was not going to continue unless Boaz took
Ruth. So, we see that Boaz has taken Ruth, and there's a couple things
I really think we need to make mention of in here. As I was studying verse 13 for today,
I found out that we could just spend the entirety of today here in verse 13. I want you to pay attention to a couple things in this text.
Bodie Bauckham is the one that made mention of this, that really brought this out to me in my study of these things.
I want you to see in here, is there a mention of how grandeur their wedding was?
How splendor the decorations were at their wedding? The amount of money and the effort that went in to have this ceremony of that day.
There is no mention of these things. I want you to pay attention that there is a lack of the discussion of the ceremony here.
There's two things that are on the rise in our culture today, especially here in the United States, and you want to know what those two things are in marriage, and I don't know the numbers off the top of my head, as you all have
Google and we can find these things out in a split second. How much do people spend on an average wedding today?
A lot of money, and that's numbers only going up. How many people end up in a divorce?
A high percentage of those, and that number is only going up.
I think we have an issue in today's culture where we focus more on the ceremony, rather than the covenant and commitment that's made there in that ceremony.
The ceremony is nonetheless very important, absolutely, but did you know it's not important enough that it's not mentioned here in the
Book of Ruth? You want to know what's mentioned here in the Book of Ruth? That Ruth is a woman of excellence, and that Boaz is obviously a man of honor.
The significance of this marriage is not found in what happened in the ceremony.
The significance of this marriage is found in the persons that are there, and I think that we can make a lot of application to our own personal lives in this.
Who's been married here the longest? I think I already know who it is. Yeah. Was your guys' marriage a joyous occasion, the ceremony itself?
I hope it was, right? Do you often think about that throughout the years, or do you think about the thing that took place last week, the wonderful gift that Andy brought
Marilyn last year, and you think about the lifetime, the lifetime of your guys' marriage, right?
You think about that, and that's the significant weight of the marriage, not the ceremony.
Not the ceremony. The ceremony has the commitment that's in there, but the commitment is lasting throughout your marriage, and that's what's the honorable part of it.
So when we look at this, so Boaz took Ruth. That's the only mention of the marriage in here. Boaz takes
Ruth. She becomes his wife. That's all that's mentioned in that. There's no mention of the pretty white gown that she wore, the $5 ,000 she had to drop on the prettiest bouquet.
No mention of this type of stuff. No mention of them struggling to put down a house mortgage because they spent so much on their marriage ceremony.
Nothing of like that. Nothing. It says that Boaz took Ruth. Now there's another very, very, very important thing that we need to note in here.
Did you know that in the entirety of Chapter 4, Ruth is recorded as saying nothing? There is no word of Ruth.
The one that the name of the book of Ruth is found here, there is no word of Ruth recorded here in Chapter 4.
Quite peculiar. Quite strange. The whole book is named after her, and yet there is lack of words here.
Where is the last time that it is recorded that Ruth spoke for us? A very significant recording of her?
Chapter 3. Chapter 3, verses 16 through 17. I want to read this with us right now.
It says, and when she came to her mother -in -law, this is Ruth coming to Naomi as we went through this two months or so ago, and when she came to her mother -in -law, she said,
How did it go, my daughter? So Naomi says, How did it go, my daughter? And she told her all that the man had done for her.
And she said, These six measures of barley, this is after Boaz is committed to her, that he will redeem the family, he will marry her.
And she said, These six measures of barley he gave to me. For he said, Do not go to your mother -in -law empty -handed.
That's pretty significant. These are some of the final things that are recorded that Ruth talked about here in Chapter 3.
Ruth is spoken of until the marriage date that the last thing she was talking about was all that Boaz had done for her.
She was speaking about whom? Her future groom. Her future husband.
Now let's break this down as we've made mention of several, several times that in the
New Testament is all the old, all the shadows and types and all these things that pointed us somewhere.
Where did they point us? To Christ Himself, Him being the substance, the promise, the seed, Him being the fulfillment of all these things.
We see here that according to Ephesians, that husband represents Christ in a marriage, and the wife, the woman, represents the church in a marriage.
Brothers and sisters, the second coming is often referred to as the marriage, the marriage feast, the marriage day, the second coming.
How are you today speaking about what your future husband has done for you?
About what the bridegroom has done for you? About what the Christ has done for you?
Are you saying good things about Him on a continual basis? As that's the last thing that we see,
Ruth has been doing for her husband, Boaz. She's telling Naomi, Boaz is a good man.
Naomi, you were right. He's a man of honor. He covered me with his cloak and he said that he will redeem us.
She speaks highly of Boaz. The direct and immediate,
I think, application that we can make as Christians, if I was to go to our neighbors, if you were to go to your neighbors and ask them, how do
I talk? How do you recognize the way that I speak to you? Are they going to say, well, he talked nonstop about what your
Savior has done for you? I don't know. I hope that that's how they refer to you as.
I hope that each one of us can be recognized just as Ruth is recognized in here as speaking highly of our
Savior, speaking highly of the bridegroom. That's the last thing that's recorded in here for Ruth.
And so when we come back here and we see that so Boaz took Ruth, it must be mentioned of how
Ruth has been behaving as recorded for us here in this text prior to her name being mentioned here.
We need, we must as Christians, as believers in Christ, in what was said during catechism today, while God himself paid the price for our sins upon the cross, if he has done this, church, which he has done this, and you are his, you ought to speak highly of him.
You ought to lift him up day and night. You ought to be shouting joyous worship to him in the midst of all things, whether good or bad, for he is coming again.
And so we ought to be speaking highly of our bridegroom. So we see in here that Boaz took
Ruth, who has been speaking highly of Boaz, and she became his wife.
Once again, that's the only mention here of a ceremony. She became his wife, and he went into her.
So they had sexual relations, and they have conceived a child. And I want you to pay attention in here, as we've seen all throughout the book of Ruth, and I think all throughout all 66 books of the
Bible, that God is absolutely sovereign, that he has decreed and declared all things from the beginning of the foundation of the world.
And it says in here that the Lord enabled her, Ruth, to conceive a child.
She gave birth to a son. She conceived. This is because God has sovereignly decreed for her to do this.
It's a blessing of God for her to have this. Now there's also in this, as we see all throughout the
Bible, that God is, yes, sovereign, but man is also responsible, and it talks about to some capacity of him doing
X, Y, and Z things. And so we see both in Ruth, both participating in this sexual act, yet it is
God himself that causes her and makes her so she is able to conceive a child.
Once again, sovereignty and man's responsibility. So she gave birth to a son, and we'll see the name of the son here in just a moment, and we'll see the implications of Ruth having this son here in next week's message as we go through verses 18 through 22.
But verse 14 says this, So these women of Israel, these different neighbors of Naomi, it would seem, then the women said to Naomi, Blessed is the
Lord, blessed is Yahweh, who has not left you without a redeemer today, and may his name become famous in Israel.
We can't read this verse and think lightly of what is being said here in verse 14 unless we're reminded of what this text started us with in the book of Ruth.
That the whole book of Ruth starts off with talking about how there is no king of the day, and that the judges are the ones that are ruling the city.
There's famine, and Naomi and her husband and two sons, they depart onto a foreign land and are sojourners there in Moab.
That is how the story of Ruth begins us off, with the death of Naomi's husband and the death of her two sons.
As we may have mentioned in the past, if we were to take a still screen, a snap shot, what is it called when you take a screenshot of your phone, that if you were to take a screenshot of the story of the book of Ruth right here in chapter 1, you would see sadness and despair.
And it would be hard for any of us to say, Well, the Lord has been good today to Naomi. It would be hard for us to say these things as she has lost her husband and two sons.
But it is because she has gone through these things that we see in the grand scheme, when you take away the screenshot and you look at the entirety of the story, those things must have taken place first and foremost, because that's the very line that the
Christ is going to be born to. That's the line in the lineage of Jesus Christ himself.
King David comes from this line, Jesus Christ comes from this line. It was sovereignly had to be done like this.
That's the grand story of this whole book, is the future Messiah coming through this kingly lineage.
But we see here in verse 14 that in this very moment, as I'm sure
Naomi is thinking about, Well, this Moabitess woman that had followed me that I told to not come with me,
I told her actually stay in the land. I told her not to come with me to actually go to foreign gods.
That's what Naomi says. Go back to your people and your gods. Don't come with me.
And Ruth blessedly said, Your God will be my
God. Your people, my people. Your land, my land. I'm coming with you, Naomi.
I'm not going back. Praise God that she had said that. And so, because of these things, it says that the woman said to Naomi, Blessed is the
Lord who has not left you without a redeemer today. This is the very way that this family redeemer, this family kinsman,
Boaz, is able to redeem this family. And may his name become famous in Israel.
May all of Israel know the kindness and the goodness, the joy, the honor that Boaz has here in this text.
Brothers and sisters, we have seen several times throughout these chapters, and I'm going to actually turn real fast.
Let's turn to Galatians chapter 3. Galatians chapter 3 will also be in Galatians chapter 4.
We'll just read a couple verses here. But Galatians chapter 3, verses 28 through 29, and then also chapter 4, verse 5 and 7.
And we won't read all of this as we don't have the time, as I would like to read all of chapter 3 all the way to the end of Galatians right now with you, but we won't do that.
But Galatians 3, 28 through 29, I'd encourage you to later today to read all those chapters, though. Verses 28 through 29 says,
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's offsprings, heirs according to the promise. And in verse 4 of the very next, or verse 5 of the very next chapter, listen to this.
In order that he might redeem those who are under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.
Let's just read to verse 7 here in verse 6. And because you are sons, God has sent forth the spirit of his
Son into our hearts, crying, Abba, Father. Therefore, you are no longer a slave, but a son.
And if a son, then an heir through God. If you have been born again and have faith in Jesus Christ, you are a son and daughter of God.
You've been adopted by the very blood of Jesus Christ. You are a part of the family in that sense, an heir in that sense, a son and daughter in that sense.
Adopted. When we think about this principle of the family kinsmen, we see that our nearest kinsman, our nearest redeemer, is
Jesus Christ himself, that has redeemed you, has ransomed you, has purchased you. And so when we come back and we look at the book of Ruth and we see this
Old Testament principle and this idea, this thing that would take place with the kinsman, the redeemer of those days, we see that it's pointing us forward to the
New Testament, pointing us forward again as it's a shadow and a type of Jesus Christ being the substance.
Brothers and sisters, again, how are you speaking of your redeemer, your nearest kinsman in your family?
How are you speaking of him? The women that were neighbors or friends or those that know
Naomi are saying, may his name, may that redeemer be made famous, his name be known in all of Israel.
Does your neighbor know the name of Jesus Christ? And I'm not just saying that they've heard that name before.
I'm saying, do they know what he has done for you? Do they know that it is
God himself that became a man? Do they know this? Do they know what has taken place on that gruesome, bloody cross?
Do they know the type of salvation you have in Christ himself? Do they know of your redeemer?
May the name Jesus Christ be made great and famous in all the world today.
And how is it made famous? You opening your mouth and speaking of him, how evil and wrong would it be for your neighbor to die today not knowing the famous name of Jesus Christ?
Open your mouth. There is no excuse. There is no excuse. If you can't talk and your tongue is cut out, you better start learning how to write,
Jesus Christ is king. You must make his name famous.
You ought to make his name famous in all the land. May he also be to you a restorer of life.
This is again these women that are speaking to Naomi. May he be a restorer of life and a sustainer of your old age for your daughter -in -law who loves you and is better to you than seven sons has given birth to him.
These women understand and see this Ruth the Moabitess, this one that has found refuge under the wings of Yahweh Elohim, the
God of Israel. She has found refuge underneath the same wings that you and I have found refuge under.
We have found refuge in Jesus Christ himself, God himself. May he, so may
Boaz be to you a restorer of life. These women recognize this great man
Boaz and have seen the destitute of Naomi. Again, and the very first chapter, what did
Naomi proclaim her name to be? Mara, for God has dealt bitterly with me.
How silly of Naomi. How wrong of an exclamation mark.
My name's Mara. I could only imagine as she's staring at her grandson how silly and wrong and repentful that she would have been as her heart was overtaken with the joy and gladness of seeing her grandson, seeing her family name, the line of her and Ruth being continued on.
I've heard now multitudes of times, even today, throughout this week, but even today, the joy it is to have your grandson or your granddaughter with you.
As you can see, I struggled for 18 years raising this child, and now
I'm holding the fruit of what my work was. Is Naomi Mara?
No. God has dealt very kindly to Naomi, very, very kindly with Naomi as she deserved nothing, but she received much.
As Ruth herself, it says that for your daughter -in -law, I love this, for your daughter -in -law who loves you, as Ruth loves you, how she has left this foreign land now that's her and she's come and attached herself to the people here.
She loves you, Naomi, and is better to you, Naomi, than seven sons, for she has given birth to him.
Verse 16. Then Naomi took the child and laid him on her lap. So again, she's looking at this very child.
She's holding on to him. She's loving him. I think that that word was even uttered today. My grandchild was sitting on my lap,
I think is what I even heard verbatim. That's essentially what this is saying, that the lap of Naomi is being occupied by her grandson, and she became his nurse.
She is now caring for this child. She loves this child. She seeks the benefit for this child.
I hope that each one of us, if we have children, if we've been blessed with this, and even if you have not, and you have the opportunity to be around children, whatever your situation might be,
I hope you see the importance that it is in taking care of your kids, the kids that are around this community, the kids in your life, your cousins, your nephews, your nieces, whatever the example might be.
How better can you take care of these kids today? I think that the first argument that would be made is that you must make the name of Jesus Christ famous to them.
That's the very first thing I think that you ought to do. After that, the rest of the blocks will fall in place if you're seeking
Jesus Christ to be known by them. And it says, and the neighbor woman gave him a name, which again, this is as we talked a couple weeks ago as Rick took us through that strange language of taking a shoe and giving it to somebody in this traditional language.
This is kind of strange. We don't see this today. Who here has had their child named by their neighbor? That's strange, right?
I kind of want to try it now, and so then I can be like, yeah, my neighbor named this kid. I don't know.
They would probably do it something strange, but we see that this neighbor woman of Naomi is the one that gives the name to this child, and it says that she says a son has been born to Naomi.
A son has been given to this woman that thought she was wretched, thought that she was fallen, thought she was above being redeemed, which she is wretched.
She doesn't deserve to be redeemed. Amen to those things. She doesn't, but she has been. A son has been born to Naomi, so they named him
Obed. He is the father of Jesse, the father of David.
Now, this is going to really carry into next week as we open up these things, as I think we'll probably read some genealogy, maybe even in the book of Matthew.
We'll see what we want to do next week. The important part in this, though, if you've noticed at the beginning of the book of Luke, again, verse 1, chapter 1, now it came about in the days when the judges governed.
How does the book end? Verse 22, and to Obed was born
Jesse, and to Jesse, David. The book starts off saying there is no king.
The book ends saying there is a king. There is a king.
The point in this, church, is that we see God's sovereign robe that has taken place through this family that seems to have bumps, that seem to say, that's
Mara, that's not good. But the end of the story, the entirety of the picture is that of God's supremacy in bringing about the king who is going to bring about what?
The king of kings and the Lord of lords, Jesus the Christ, your and my salvation.
The very same arms, the very same wings that Ruth herself has found refuge in.
She is going to be the great, great, great, I don't know how many greats there are, grandmother of Jesus the
Christ. Ruth the Moabitess, the one that is the foreigner, the one that worshiped false gods, the one that found refuge in the wings of Yahweh Elohim.
She is the one that is going to be the one that brings this about. I think that that's one of the biggest things
I've seen throughout these last four chapters is God's sovereign hand, the sovereign robe, and ultimately the kingship of Jesus Christ and his right of redemption.
So brothers and sisters, let's go ahead and let's just go ahead and pray just for this part here, for this final portion.
Lord God, I just thank you again for the privilege and the blessing it is to open up this word, to see the examples of Boaz and his honor, to see the examples of Ruth and her excellence, and to see a
Moabitess woman being saved, to see this family redeemed, to see this future seed that would come about.
Lord, it is this seed today that we all profess our faith in, and if we are not, Lord God, I pray that you would change our hearts,
Lord. Open our eyes, open our ears. Let us be repentful and turn from our sin today, and let us look to that which we are so undeserving of,
God. Lord, especially in the knowing that we're doing communion today,
Lord, and thinking through the fact that you have done what we cannot do, and as we celebrate and mourn and think about these things,
Lord God, I just pray that you would be pricking at our hearts, that you'd be identifying these sinful behaviors of ours, and that we'd be sanctified of them.
Lord God, we do these things for your glory and your honor, and let us have fellowship, encouraging one another to have better service in you,
Lord, and let us not leave this door again thinking that it is the burden of another to make your name famous,
Lord. God, it is the burden of your church. It is the burden of us individually. It is the burden of us as parents, as grandparents, as children to make your name famous,
Lord. God, you are so good to us. Lord, I say this in that name that we ought to make famous Jesus the
Christ. Amen. So, again,
Brother Grady, if you wouldn't mind helping me pass this out, since we'll do it a little bit differently today.
If you want to get this side, I'll get that side, just to help me do it a little bit quicker. So, again,
I want to make this clear before we pass this out, that this is only reserved for those that are in Christ, that have faith in Him, in Him being the seed, in Him doing that life that you and I, living that life that you and I cannot live, and that He died that gruesome death on the cross of Calvary for you, and that you're saved in Him alone.
That is implicit. If you don't believe that, refrain. So, brothers and sisters, we do this together corporately.
When we say corporately doing this together, it means that we're doing this with one another, looking at each other, saying that there is no
Jew, no Greek, there is no slave, there is no freak, that we're all one in Christ, and it is that flesh that we do that in the remembrance of, the flesh that was fully
God, fully man, that died upon the cross for you and I. So let's do that right now. Again, likewise, the right of redemption belongs to Jesus the
Christ and our salvation. We do this in the remembrance of the blood that was shed, the blood that covers us, the blood that we stand before God, that is our only plea, as He is the only hope.
Brothers and sisters, again, we don't stand out of habit, so if you feel like you're doing this out of habit, please don't stand, but I invite you to stand today being deliberate and knowing that Jesus the
Christ stands in victory today. So please stand in honor of Him. ...
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Brothers and sisters, I just want to pray again with us one more time before we depart. I just thank you for the opportunity to be with us today,
God. So Lord, I just pray that in every one of our situations, whether it be in marriage, whether it be in our individual walks, whether it be in our study, whether it be in evangelism, or our work,
Lord, that we do all that we can to honor You in our lives, that we would speak boldly of our
King, Lord, and God our King, in whose name we say these things. Jesus Christ, amen.
Again, if you have any questions about the message, about Jesus Christ, about the gospel, please talk to me.