F4F | March Prophecy Bingo


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseboro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. We do this thing here at Fighting for the
Faith from time to time. So it's time for Prophecy Bingo! And I have invited on today
Steve and Paulette Kozar and Lucy. Hello guys! Hello!
Hey Chris! Hello! So this is the first time that we've had Paulette and Lucy on.
Tell us a little bit about the new video format you guys have been doing, Hit the
Bar. We spent years in production. We had storyboards drawn up.
We had to bring in a team of experts. Yeah, that's a bunch of BS. So he's been asking me for a while to do something with him.
And what actually started that was Brandon Kimber wanting to film us this past summer and talk about, you know, the next movie he's doing.
And so we did that, and he stayed here for like three days. It seemed like three days.
It was only a day and a half. It seemed like a week. No. Brandon's wonderful.
But he wanted us to do more videos. So we were trying some things with a better camera and all that.
And it was a pain in the neck. So at the end of it, I said, why don't we just make a video with an iPhone and just put something up on the computer screen and just, you know, talk about it.
So at the last second, we brought the dog downstairs because she would be clawing at the door if we didn't.
And I came up with a name, you know, let's hit the space bar. So I came up with a name and the dog at the last second.
And I didn't know, really, the ironical thing about hit the bar until like the third time we did it.
She didn't even know it was a, what do you call that? Play on words or something? Play on words. Double meaning. Right. So it's not a drinking game.
It is not a drinking game, Chris, no. You can stop that now. We don't want to die.
I got to admit, if it were a drinking game, somebody would die of alcohol poisoning. That's all I got to say. I know.
Tell me about it. It's awful. It's been super hard, but I'm very thankful that we can do something to help a lot of people.
And we're really, really surprised that all the people around the world that are commenting and reaching out to us.
It's been really humbling. Very humbling. And the thing that I'm aware of, this is a little bit of a sidebar, but you can manipulate people with the use of media, if you want.
Oh, yeah. And one of the things that happened in our most recent episode was that Paulette got so upset by the false teaching that she literally started crying.
It was totally embarrassing for me because I hate crying. But I mean, it was real. It was just, you know, she was remembering all the stuff we went through because this sermon was bringing it back.
And I made a joke to kind of lighten things up. And, you know, it turned out to be just a great video, but it made me realize, oh, that's what these guys on TV have done.
Like, I thought of Tammy Faye with her mascara and, you know, I'm guessing that maybe she actually cried for real one time and then money poured in.
And they're like, hey, Tammy, keep it up. That was the best thing ever. And just, can you cry again, please?
Yeah. Wow. OK. Yeah. Interesting. Really bad. And it was crazy because it's reliving it and all the different things that preachers were listening to.
And so now she's doing this kind of stuff that we do, Chris, and we're making her miserable.
Misery loves company. Here's the thing, is that you're right about the fact that you're helping people around the world because there's so much false teaching out there.
It's hard. It's very difficult to find good teaching, to find good pastors who rightly handle
God's word and preach Christ, proclaim repentance and the forgiveness of sins. And a lot of people who are deceived, they don't even know that they are.
And so, you know, the different resources that I make available and that you make available through your Messed Up Church, it's how
God is using it to open up people's eyes so that they can say, whoa, wait a second, I'm not attending a good church.
And so now I need to make a little bit of a comment here at the beginning, and that is that we do have some fun with Prophecy Bingo.
And from time to time, I get harshly worded emails to the effect of Scripture says, do not despise prophecies.
I assure you, I've looked through all of these. None of them are prophecies. Every one of them claim to be, but they're not.
So we're not despising any real prophecies because every one of these people, they are false prophets.
No real prophecies were harmed in the making of Prophecy Bingo. Yeah, that's right. No real prophecies were harmed.
Now, what we're going to do here, I hope you guys are sitting down. Oh, good, you are. Josh, good to see you're sitting down there too.
Are you guys ready? We're going to dive into this. So get your Prophecy Bingo card ready. Before we went on air, we had our digital assistant randomly pick numbers.
We then went ahead and got our bingo cards, and Paulette and Steve have different cards all together.
So there is some kind of spousal rivalry going on at the moment. And Lucy's on my team.
Okay, I see how this works. And Paulette, in case you haven't figured it out yet, I'll go ahead and just tell you now
I cheat. And then I am making a prediction that based upon what
I know is coming, oh my, there is a good chance that whoever wins today, it will not be one bingo.
You're probably going to have two, and I think the winner might actually have three. Okay, we have a couple of machine gun prophecies coming in today.
So I want to let you know. But all of that being said, let's go ahead and do our tradition here.
And let's rip this band -aid off immediately. Okay, you guys,
I know you're not ready. So I'm not even going to ask. Let's just get to it. Kind of what I'm feeling for the
Lord for March. So let's jump into it. All right. The first thing I'm feeling is fling ahead.
Let's get into this. Did she say fling ahead? She just did.
Okay. I don't have fling, I'm flung. All right. All versions of fling, either past tense, future tense, or whatever would count.
But okay. Back to fling forward. A time of forward motion in the body.
March ahead into what I have. Now it is time to advance. This will be an advancing season.
This will be a prospering season. Now, if you have prosperity on your card, prospering will count.
All right, I got prosperity. I don't have any of it. But she's not quite yelling yet.
So if you have yelling, then I think we're quite there yet. Will be the word of the season.
I am God. I do not lie. I am the provision maker.
I make it rain. I make it snow. I make it turn around. I am the
God who moves. I am the God who breathes. I am the God who changes with my breath.
I am the beginning and the end. I finish what I start. I finish what
I start and I will finish this. Lots of changes. Look for changes and motion.
I've got a boomer card. Well, here's the thing. I almost feel like she has seen
Prophecy Bingo, looked at our card generator, and is trying to weave together a prophecy that avoids the buzzwords.
Avoid all these words. Yeah, but she's still not saying anything. Lots of changes.
Look for motion. Yeah. You know, I see motion every time I get in my truck and I drive to church.
I mean, I'm getting Jurassic Park vibes, wasn't it? Like, you know, don't move or the T -Rex will see you. Yeah, see,
I think you're onto something here. All right, let's keep going. Let's see what we can do here. The motion will propel you.
The motion. What goes there? I just got breath. I just noticed. Oh, all right. So is that the air you breathe then?
Yeah, something like that. Breath? Yeah, Paulette, remember when you get something on your bingo card, call it out.
All right. Call it out. Okay. All right. And we'll change you. I whisper the truth to you, but you need to trust me more this season.
You doubt, but. Season is a prophecy. Bingo word. I prevail. I am your dad.
Your real dad. And I see. I will reward you.
I know all you've gone through. You are coming out and you will not be the same when you do.
This is a coming out season. This is a. Oh, that sounds pretty weird.
Okay. Coming out season. No. Yeah.
All right. Let's keep going here. Quiet your soul and listen to what
I have to say. I am God. Notice she's channeling
God here. Yes, she is. Hmm. I don't have any of those words yet. Yeah, let's keep going.
Season of quiet. Demonic activity will cease and I will reign. Many demonic battles will end and you will see the goodness of the
Lord. This too shall pass and newness will rise. My prophets are awaking to something new.
Revival. Something new. Revival. Where's the revival thing? I don't have that either.
Oh, okay. At the moment, I am skunked by her prophecy.
Yes, me too. Is this new that she's writing it down this way? No, she's been doing that for a while now.
And you know she's pregnant, right? No. Yeah. Pregnant with a dream.
Oh, wait, hang on a second. Back this up. Listen to this carefully. Okay. Listen very carefully.
Awaking to something new. Revival. Jesus. She whispered it.
It's on my card. Jesus. Jesus.
Jesus. Yeah, I don't have that one either. Yeah, okay.
All right, let's keep going. So I wasn't fully skunked here. Thank you, God. Thank you,
God, for your word. Thank you, God, for your presence. Strong. That wasn't the word of God. Oh, man, she's really channeling toot and tilting there.
Okay. Right now. Thank you for everyone watching, God. God, I pray that this would be a forward motion march.
That this would be an advancing march. That this would be a spring ahead march. That this would be a march of movement.
May you. She's not saying anything.
She's marching. She's in a movement. Please let this not be a retreat, please.
Okay. Help them quiet their soul in Jesus' name. Let's go into some scriptures that I feel like the
Lord was highlighting with this passage here. No, let's not. Okay, moving along.
Okay, I got a little bit of a note here. I got some angry emails from people last month because we did not feature
Princess. I'm sorry, Queen Ebola. Yeah, she's been promoted. She was Princess Ebola Adelani, and then she promoted herself, or at least
God promoted her to Queen Ebola Adelani. And she's in a tropical resort, live streaming off the hotel
Wi -Fi. So this is your ministry money hard at work for you.
Oh boy. At least you can write that off. Yeah, right. At least she's not wearing Roman armor.
I mean, that's what she was wearing in January. The plastic armor of some god.
All right. So let's check in with Kingdom Proclamations and the real
QB. She's not just Queen Ebola. She's the real Queen Ebola.
This is a very, very major prophetic season, people of God. Season is a prophecy.
Bingo word? Body of Christ has entered into. It's a new age. It's a new dispensation.
Hashtag new age, a new dispensation. I'm getting seasick watching this.
You know, yes, I'm not looking at her. God has shifted us from one era to another. Did she say shift?
I believe she did. All right. Hang on. I'm backing up just to confirm. Hashtag new age, a new dispensation.
You know, when God has shifted us from one era. Yep. Shifting is a prophecy.
Bingo word? To another era. Praise God. We have shifted from the era of the eagle, the era of the flesh to the era of the spirit.
And, you know, remember our biblical authority, Zechariah chapter four, especially the book of Zechariah, the book four to six.
Okay. Not by power, not by might, but by my spirit, says the
Lord of hosts. Hashtag by my spirit, says the Lord of hosts. That's a pretty long hashtag there, lady.
She's the worst at those. Hashtag not by, you know, by my spirit declares the
Lord. That's a long hashtag. Hello, people of God. So you have shifted from power and might, from our struggle, from the flesh, from our own efforts, from our own strength, to the power of the spirit, to the supernatural, to the divine.
Supernatural. That is a... I'm only two away from bingo now.
What? What? What's that? I'm only two away from bingo. Oh, come on.
All right. Let's keep going here. One of the key characteristics, people of God, is that it means that the striving is over.
My God, my God, my... Hey, Macarena. Okay. That's her thing that she does there.
Let's start dancing. Yeah. Yeah. All right. This work, people of God, catch it with your spiritual ears.
I need Judah to understand. I need Israel to understand what time it is.
Okay. It's late, lady. Right? Yeah.
Okay. What about timing? I don't think it has a word, is it?
No. Is it on your card? Timing. She said what time it is. Oh. Yeah, I'll give it to you.
The mercy point. Get aligned. I don't want you to... Alignment is a prophecy bingo word.
Got it. Man. I'm losing. I don't like losing. I'm not a loser.
I'm going to have to have a conversation with my digital assistant here on my phone, because I don't like the number it picked.
Lose is not happy. ...physical environment. I want you to, first of all, catch it in the spirit.
Understand the changes that have taken place in the realm of the spirit, so that you can experience a manifestation in the natural.
So I want you to decree and declare that I have shifted. My supernatural shift is here, and the striving is over.
My God. My God. The other people at the resort are thinking, this lady is crazy.
We got to go. Let's head inside back to the casino. So I'm going to ask, what did she have?
Because whatever it is, don't serve it to me. Yeah. Okay. Say that my striving, my struggling is over.
That era of you struggling by might, where it's always constant warfare, where you always seeming to fight, and being this constant, season of ever -ending struggle.
It is over. Hashtag, it is over. Hashtag, it's over.
All right. I'm with you, Queen Bola. It's over. I got it. There's no hashtag in there.
All right. Let's catch the wave of my glory. Hang on a second here.
I got to back this back. Glory of Zion. Yeah. Chuck Pierce could make an appearance.
Here we go. I'm going to catch the wave.
I'm going to catch the wave. I'm going to catch that wave.
My glory is glowing. What did you say, sir?
I can't hear you. I'm just catching the waves. Does this count as sappy music? No, it's not sappy at all.
Okay. It's like warfare music.
I'm grooving with the warfare music. Yeah. I'm lost in this, man. Just totally lost.
We're vibing. Yeah. Let's get going here. Flow is a prophecy buzzword.
Oh, I got one. I got one. Oh, good. Good, good, good. I don't have flow.
Okay. Okay. Let's keep going here. See, this is where the high school tall flag teams go after they graduate.
This is where they go to retire. Yeah. How am I doing? Wait, what did you get, Kozar? I keep holding it up like I can see it.
Yeah, glory. You got glory. You're right. Glory. All right. I feel like I'm watching a
Vegas variety show. Yes. Although I've never been in Vegas for a variety show. It's a
Vegas variety show of former LSD users who just got out of rehab.
Yeah. This is about, what is it, four streets off the strip? Yeah. This is where they go to do parole and stuff, right?
This is considered community. All right, let's keep going.
That woman looks like she's taking that stick. She looks like she's stirring a pot with it. A cauldron.
Yeah, right. I don't know. Mike performed a lobotomy with it.
This is weird. Let's keep going. Ford's saying the enemy has sent a wave of violence over the land.
He sent a wave of disunity and division over the land. He sent a wave of economic strife.
Well, then why would I want to catch the wave? I mean, all the waves she's describing are pretty awful.
Wait, what? They always say the coronavirus comes in waves, so are we trying to...
I don't know. I don't know. This is weird. We aren't talking about that. Yeah.
It's like a struggle that he sent across the land, but I just saw the
Lord was saying, I am just beginning to mount my way. I am just beginning to mount my people in a new way, in a new...
So Jesus is a surfer because he's about to mount a wave.
Got it. I think she was going to say new dimension. No, no. Wait, watch.
Yeah, but I think Jesus is about to hang ten here, so... No, she was right in the middle of a word, and I think it's dimension, and I want it to be dimension because I have the word dimension on my bingo card.
Oh, I see. Well, let me back it up 10 seconds, see what happens. Here we go. I am just beginning to mount my way.
I am just beginning to mount my people in a new way, in a new dimension.
And so there is a... Yeah, dimension. Kozart got a dimension out of that. Wow. Wake and Lucy.
I've played this game before. Yeah, I haven't. This entire speech that she's given reminds me of a really awful joke,
Monty Python, but I'm not going to say it. Yeah, let's just not go there. Let's keep going here. Oh my goodness.
We have a God that is a glory wave. It's a unity wave. It's a creative wave. It is a love wave.
It is a blessing wave. It is powerful. It is glorious. It is beautiful.
And he is beginning to mount that wave, and it's... Here comes Santa Claus. Here comes
Santa Claus. Right now, that's a big old wave. Within us, and we have to allow him to mount that wave within us.
Lord, we say release it and release us in it across the
United States, across this land, across the globe, Lord. We ask
God that your wave would begin to rise. As you have said, you are sending it.
Woo. Last night, I had the first dream about getting in a river that I've had.
Man, I am not... I got a terrible card here. I'm trying to figure out my cheating strategy to figure out how to fix this here.
Let's keep going here. Five years. And so there was a lot of opposition to us getting in the river, but Daniel and I, we got in the boat and we got in the river and we needed help.
We called Pam to help us. There was something with the kids, and we said, we have to get in this river, but will you please go be with the kids?
And this is what they replaced the word of God with, you know? So, yeah, okay. And I just...
Daniel and I were going to the nations on a boat through a river. And so I just decree over us and move...
Decree. That one I got. Yeah, I know. I think I have that one. You have it. You don't have it.
Okay. You big whiner. I'm not a whiner. You don't have it. Yeah. So you said not having it.
Well, maybe you have more power than anything. I guess I don't have decree. Bummer. Okay. All right. Let's keep going here.
God and the nations, I decree that the river is flowing. It's rising up in you.
It's time for the river to flow. It's time for the river to rise. It's time for us to get in the river again,
Father. Let it rise! Boy, yelling. Yeah, that's yelling.
I get yelling. Yeah, that's yelling. Oh, I do have decree. Hang on a second here. I miss it, but I do have decree.
There we go. I'm not doing Mrs. Things. Yeah, there was sappy music in the background.
No, no, it's not. Don't worry. There's time for sappy. Daniel, stand up.
This is for all of us. I hear God in that dream. Well, he was in there.
He was in that dream, and he can hear God in it. I sent Anita. The Lord took me all over this building this week, had me look at every picture, and he said,
I will show you what I'm saying. Finally, I saw what he was saying, and I commented on it.
You saw it. Okay. And I just sent her to go get it.
This is a God moment for us. We need to hear what's being said here.
And Daniel, Amber, the Lord says, you gave the nations up to come and find the river for your future.
That river will run into the sea, which will run into the nations, which will take you onto platforms you've never had before.
So I say to you, thank me for causing you to let go so you could get in and grab hold in a new way.
The king of meaningless run -on sentences has spoken. He said to thank me. Yeah, well, he was channeling
God. He was channeling God. Yeah. Some of you are looking at the river.
You're saying it's dried up. How could you look at a river that's dried up?
If it was dried up, it's not really a river. It'd be a river bed. Right. The LA river.
Okay. Where that would take me. The Lord says, all I'm telling you to do is get in it.
What if people don't swim well? What if it's dried up? Yeah.
Yeah. Get in the river you don't see. Can I bring a life preserver on my floaties?
I'm thinking I'm missing some words because his shirt is so distracting. It could be, could be.
Just saying. No, he was painting his kitchen before the program.
That's his painter's smock. Yeah, I'm with you on that one. Yeah. What's dried up?
I can move what isn't moving. I say you step into that place.
I am telling you to step into and quit trying to. Wait, did he say step into?
He did say step into. Step into. Got it. He's got it. Nope. Through the destination.
The Lord says step in because you're going to go past some places you've never been.
Hold on a second. I missed a word and I just figured it out now. Dream because he heard
God in that dream. I'm a little slow today on the uptake, but let me see if I can rescue some things here.
Here's real talk, Kim. All I can say is you better have one or two eyes on your card because this is going to be a machine gun prophecy.
Here we go. I'm ready. Father, we welcome you in this place.
I hear the Lord saying, I'm trying to move in your midst. This is sappy music.
Yeah, that's sappy music. All right, let's get that off the table now.
There we go. Sappy music. All right, coming back to real talk, Kim. Here we go. In this new season, what
I'm about to do in your life, the enemy is going to use agitation and distraction to keep you from going to that next level.
Next level. I hear the Lord saying, if you will trust me and take the limits off in this month of July.
And she just posted this in February, so I don't know what she's getting the months from, but okay.
A transference is going to take place in your life that you couldn't even have prayed for.
What is that guy doing off camera over there? It's like, I can only see like a disembodied arm and a leg.
It's a prophetic interpretive dance. A breakthrough. Breakthrough. Breakthrough.
Breakthrough. A breakthrough.
An anointing that breaks jokes. Anointing. Hang on a second here.
I've got that ding. All right. Let's see here. A healing bomb.
Healing. Healing. Wow, Josh. Josh is on fire.
Of Gilead. It's flowing in this place. Come on. This is a sweet spirit.
This is a sweet spirit. Come on, online community. Come on, our church.
Come on. Lift up your voice in this place. Let's go after this. Paulette, you made me hit the space bar.
What's going on here? Did you get one? He's just laughing at the -
Steve said, look at the clown outfits. I'm sorry, but it's - Oh, Steve, you made me hit the bar, man.
The giant orange monstrosity. Yeah. Okay, let's keep going.
Okay. Don't let your mind be on the broccoli aisle. Push through. The Lord said,
I have made a new covenant with you. I'm breaking those generational curses off of you.
She's hitting all of the buzzwords here. It's unbelievable. Yes, in the natural, it may look like one thing, but what
I'm about to do in your life is going to totally blow that out of the water. I'm doing a new thing.
I hear God saying, but will you trust me? But will you trust me?
But will you trust me? Will you trust me with those areas in your life?
You've already figured out. What is that guy doing? I don't know. I'm looking at her platters on her earrings right there.
But it don't look like what you figured out. Is that girl on her cell phone?
What is she doing there? You trust me? Please, I'm calling 911. Somebody help me, please.
They're making plans to go to the Waffle House as soon as they're done. Someone come in and save us.
Can you tame your mind? Can you tame your mind right now? Can you shake off what you went to bed with and what you woke up with?
The reason the enemy's been agitating you so much is because you're right at the point of your next season.
And if he can get you to stop in this season of agitation and distraction, then he won't have to mess with you being one of the forerunners of this next season.
Can you trust? I'm not saying anything.
All right. That's all I can take of her before. She's like hunting. She's like these words. Yes, I need words.
I need words. That's why the lady's on the phone. She's getting more words. All right. So next up is
Cassandra Bellevue. And this is the second time we've seen these particular spectacles that she uses.
I think she cut them out of a cereal box. I'm not exactly sure.
We have a vehicular prophecy in vertical video mode. So this is a vehicular prophecy for sure.
And let's see what apparently God is telling her.
For the month of March, he told me, he showed me the word activate. Activate. Activate or activation.
Yeah, that'll work. Yeah, that works. So for those of you who know me, you heard me say these things all the time.
I'm very type A. I'm task driven, task oriented. So it's kind of like the
Martha in me, if you will, is kind of like, okay, activate. What do
I need to do? And he's like, no, no, no, no. I'm going to activate my people this month.
One of the things I want to say, if... Oh, hang on a second here. I've got my people.
Ah, ha, ha. Woo, Chris, impressive. Yeah. What do you mean, my people? Hey, Macarena.
Okay. Hey, hey. You are just now starting to follow me.
For the first time, I'm starting to see a thread that's going through all the months starting back, might even go back to further than before December.
But for me, when I'm thinking back of all the words, I can think back to how the word for December, January, February, and this month are all threaded together and they're all like the same theme.
So in December, we were talking about how... I feel like doing like a Rock Lobster. Dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun.
Welcome to the prophetic cinematic universe where everything flows into one another. Okay, this is weird.
It was get ready for takeoff. And he was focusing on the get ready. There was many of us that he was giving us instructions.
He was telling us what to do. You know, in January, he was telling us it was time to remove the old things to make room for the new things.
And so there were tons of testimonies that came through with that. It's like he wanted to bring something to us, but he's like, you got all this clutter and all these things going on.
Like, I can't even bring you the new because your place is not even prepared for the new. He gave us that. Oh man, that's really awkward.
You know, like when God tells you he's gonna bring you new stuff and then he arrives with the new and looks and goes, no, you didn't clean your room.
That's a Debbie Downer. That's the 11th commandment. Clean your room, okay.
Analogy of the old wineskins and the new wine and all that. And then for February. I got a new wineskin.
Yeah. Okay, yeah. Yeah, that counts. He was telling us it was time to shift into position.
So we got ourselves prepared in December. You gotta like fill up your entire card at this rate,
Josh. Yeah, at any point, I'm still too away from a bingo, but I'm getting closer.
The scripture he gave us then was like the oil, the virgins with the oil. So we got our oil in December to prepare.
Then in January, we cleaned out all of the old stuff to make room for the new wine and what he's gonna bring.
In February, he told us to shift into position, to get set, you know, and where we needed to be.
And then this month, he's saying, I'm gonna activate you. Activate?
You got that word already. Oh, I'm in one of those moods, where as I'm listening to these people, it is just so irritating that there are people who watch this and go, these are
God's words. No, they're not. It's disturbing. This woman only has about 245 views.
So not a lot of... It's still disturbing. Other ones have more.
Prophetic words, big things coming. The shift is happening. Like if I were to click on that one, you know, another one of those vehicular prophecies.
Okay, let's do this. Oh no! Okay. Hello and welcome to the
Prophecy Channel. Let me show you my features. This is a fellow who's... English is the second language.
I think the first is clearly German. And we've got him down here, tiny in this little corner over here.
But the word of the Lord is relocation. Let's...
Here we go. Welcome to the Daily Prophetic Word. The Daily Prophetic Word for Tuesday, the 2nd of March, 2021 is relocation.
You travel through time because Satan wants to ensnare you in the world.
He seeks to bond you forever in his presence. It sounds so more ominous when you hear him saying this in a
German accent. Was that bond or bind? I'm having a hard... Because I have the word bind. Well, let's review.
Here we go. Because Satan wants to ensnare you in the world. He seeks to bond you forever in...
I'm going to go with bind. I'm going to go with bind. All right, I got bind. All right. ...bond in his presence.
He uses technology to alter time. But not only time.
He will also... Satan is using technology to alter time.
I had a perfect prop for this. Give me a second. I had a perfect prop for this. Two hours later.
Well, that is technology that alters time. Using technology to alter time.
We're going to go 88 miles per hour. Get in the chopper.
Get in the Deloyer now. Okay. Here we go.
Be relocated to a place where you have lived before. But this time, it will be different.
The old events of that place cannot be repeated. Relocation.
I will allow Satan to do so. Because this snare will start the end times.
Do not worry. I will be with my chosen vessels always. I'm worried.
This is a very disturbing prophecy. You're going to go back in time to a place you were before.
But it's going to be different because the timeline is shifted. Oh my goodness.
You must go back to 1955 and not... and not get hit by the car.
This is ridiculous. And when the time comes, I will cut the day short so that you can escape from the trap.
The enemy thinks that he has won. But by pulling you back, the bow will be made ready to shoot the arrows.
My harvest will be brought in during the first relocation. So bows and arrows and stuff.
Yeah. Harvest is a prophecy bingo word. Did he say harvest? He said harvest.
Okay. Oh my gosh. Expect something new, but also something that you remember.
A change in time is at hand and the world will stand in perplexity. Satan will explain it with scientific terms.
But the truth is that my hand had opened the heaven. At that time, many people and my innocent children will vanish.
They will not be relocated to the same time nor place as you will. He said heaven.
Yeah. Heaven counts. Yeah. Yeah. That'll work. That'll work. You know the truth about this event and you need to spread this message to all people.
The world will seek answers and you have them. Be the beacon of light in a confused world.
And this was a daily prophetic word given by the Holy Spirit for Tuesday, the 2nd of March, 2021.
No, it really wasn't. Okay. I think he's definitely being possessed by the spirit of Vincent, you know, but just with a heavy
German accent. Yeah. Hello, this is the Holy Spirit. I'm here to tell you about the word of God.
Okay. Bend into tune with my clarion call.
All right, let's see what this. I'm saying today that there is a clarion call and that the call will be so loud for the next five days.
You will hear a tone. You will hear a pitch. You will hear perfect tune because it is a clarion call.
And I'm saying come up higher. I'm saying open up your ears to hear. I'm saying be able to see what
I will show you in the next five days, because it will be so clear that you won't be able to miss it.
Cue air raid sirens. Yeah. Wow. Okay. Clarion call there.
Yeah, that lady sounds like she's trying to do the air raid siren thing herself. Wow. Well, this morning on my way here,
I heard Holy Spirit. I asked Holy Spirit, what is the sound? What is the new sound of the new era?
And he said, is the sound of many waters. And he showed me.
He said that in the beginning when he opened up the earth and the flood came forth, it is that same sound that's coming out of his people.
It is the sound of many waters. I make that sound several times a day anyway.
And it's not prophetic. No, never, never. The sound of the highest praise.
The sound of his anointing oil flowing from his people throughout the earth.
The whole earth is going to make a sound. And it is the people, it is the roar of God and his river and his people.
So in response to the word that came a moment ago about how God's going to send a sound this week over the next five days,
I spent all day yesterday thinking about intonation. Intonation is the musician's jargon for how to play in tune.
And when God's going to send a sound out, he's going to send a tone out. He's going to send out this thing that's something that you have to hear and then get in line with.
Somebody told me when I was in music school, and it took a long time for me to hear this from them. Somebody told me intonation is just listening.
Like you can't play in tune until you actually listen to what's going on around you and then bend to it.
So I feel like the call this week is to stop and to slow down, to listen to what the Lord's doing and see what he's doing in the circumstances around you and then make the adjustment that bends you into tune with him.
And the Lord says, we've let the world tell us what our heart should look like and how it should act.
And that's based. Paulette, what does your heart look like? I don't want to go there.
OK, all right. I mean, I'm getting I'm getting massive to.
The kind of vibes from this entire bit, what kind of kind of vibes? Oh, no, that, you know, with the tuning fork at the border.
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Remember when they tune the Mexican border? It was amazing that that was unbelievable.
All right. OK, let's see here. Let's move on. If you kept on that lady, she would get faster and louder.
All right, well, let's check to see how prophetic. Stone, worldly mercy and compassion, not the mercy and compassion of the
Lord. And the Lord says in this tone, I will redefine. I will re negotiate that the right tone is the tone that agrees with me, that moves by my spirit to speak in situations by my spirit and not out of the spirit of the world.
The Lord says I am retuning you. It is like he is hitting a tuning fork on our head.
You're right, Josh. But I don't think she got too much faster. Their coach is louder, louder, just louder.
OK, all right. Let's let's check in with Ben Lim Global here in the March of Marvel.
Prophetic word of the month. Here we go. So February was a month of returns, reversals of heavy rain and really of the resurrection.
Amen. But now the month of March, I want to tell you the month of March is a month of Marvel.
So it's a marvel. Are you ready to marvel at the things of God? OK, I'm not talking about DC, Marvel, Capcom.
Are you ready to marvel at the things of God, which literally means be astonished, which means to be perplexed, to be to be bewildered?
OK, it means that you're a little. So did you look up your prophecy in Strong's? Where are you getting this from?
Yeah, he had a thesaurus handy. Yeah, he looked it up in Mad Libs out of sight because the glory, the goodness of God is shocking you.
It's surprising. I love all the Gospels where the Bible says that as Jesus healed the sick, they marveled at his teachings.
He said, Yeshua, Jesus, your teachings are different from everybody else. They marveled at the words of Jesus.
They marveled at the miracles. Come on, somebody. Are you ready to marvel in the month of March?
I decree and declare that March is a month. Decree and declare.
Yep. In Espanol it's Marveloso. It's a month where you're. Basta! I said it before you did,
Kozar. But I'm guessing Kozar said it in the chat of this video before you did.
Yeah, probably. Marvel and your mouths are going to be filled with joy and laughter.
It's a month of feasting and celebration and goodness and glory. Someone say Amen. So in this month of March, no matter what the world says, what the news says, it's going to be a month of marvel.
Shout about where God is going to cause you to be astonished. Someone say Amen. Was that was that speaking in tongues there for like a half a second?
I couldn't tell. I was like, back it up. I felt like it's a jabba. All right, hang on.
What the world says, what the news says, it's going to be a month of marvel. Shout about where God is going.
What was that? That was the worst tongues ever.
I can't see it. It was so yeah, I'm not getting an interpretation.
It's not even a word. Yeah, no, that's the thing. It's going to be a month of marvel.
Shout about where God is going to cause you to be astonished. Someone say Amen. And if you're with me today,
I want you to give us some hearts and likes and you share, share, share, share. I have three prophetic points for you for this march of marvel.
And if you don't follow me on YouTube or on a public page, please follow me Ben Lim or Ben Lim Global.
Amen. I have three prophetic points for you for this march of marvel.
Okay, but before we go into that, I want to talk to you because March, the
Gregorian month, March is split in half with two Hebrew months.
Okay, two Hebrew months. March, the first half is a month of Adar.
All right. Misappropriated Hebrew. I got that. I got that. Yeah. Misappropriated Hebrew.
Thanks, Ben. That helped. All right. Let's see. Yeah. Coming back to him.
By the way, you see what it says? The new breed there here. That he thinks he's part of the fulfillment of the prophecy of the new breed of the young generation who is going to be able to work in miracles as naturally as fish swim in water.
Oh, wow. Yeah. He thinks he's part of the new breed. I thought the letter rain concept. Yeah, it is.
We heard that when our kids were in high school. Yeah, I know.
And now they're like 30. Well, Todd Bentley was supposed to be part of the new breed. And Todd White, they think is part of the new breed, too.
So, yeah. The month of Adar. Someone say Adar. A -D -A -R.
We are in the month of Adar. And the second half is the month of Nisan.
Come on, somebody. I didn't say Mitsubishi. I didn't say Nisan. It's the month of Nisan. Nisan.
You don't know Hebrew. The Japanese motor companies are studying Hebrew.
So March is split in half of Adar and Nisan. Come on, somebody. And Adar in the
Hebrew or in the original word, excuse me, comes from Adir, which stands for strength and power.
Someone say strength and power. Somebody say I am receiving. You just made that up. My strength back.
I'm receiving power for the joy of the Lord is my strength.
So March is a month of power. Come on, somebody. It is a month where your strength begins to increase.
You felt tired. You felt weak. But now it's a month where strength begins to increase.
And it's a month where it's the spring season. Increase. Things are springing up. I got increase.
Yeah, increase is a Prophecy Bingo word. I want to read this passage to you. Shut up.
That I can translate. OK, I just have to do.
I have the gift of translation. OK, so I felt that he clearly was talking about identity there.
So, you know, I'm just saying, OK, yeah, influence. I think it was a vision.
No, it was definitely identity. Definitely. So, yeah, remember, I'm holding the space bar.
All right, let's keep going. The love and the verse of Isaiah. Isaiah 43, verse 19.
See, I am doing a new thing. Now it springs up. New thing is a
Prophecy Bingo word. Do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.
Come on, somebody. It springs up. Did he say identity? Say that again? Did he say identity?
Didn't you say identity? I did say identity, yeah. See, I'm not keeping up. I'm sorry.
It's a hard game. Yeah, if it's any consolation,
Paulette, I miss lots of Prophecy Bingo words. I get emails from people like months later.
You missed two Prophecy Bingo words? You could have got a double bingo, Rose, bro. It's like, this is why
I cheat. You know, we play for charity. Yeah, I like that. Thank you.
From a distance. So March is the beginning of spring. Come on, somebody.
I declare spring season over you. The winter has passed and the spring has come. You know, whether you declare it or not, it's coming and it's going at its own pace.
Don't need you talking about it. It's like Nero, you know, looking at the east and going, tell the sun to rise, you know?
I declare that things will happen. Ooh, that's deep. It is deep.
And something will happen that you didn't even imagine would happen. That's deep calling to deep right there.
Yeah, please. Okay, let's get going. The winter of depression, doom and gloom, confusion has passed and the spring has come.
There we go again. Now, I'm going to go a different way on this.
I'm going to go a different way on this. I felt that he was definitely talking about deliverance. So, you know, deliverance is the word that we got from.
All right. So it still doesn't help me. All right. All right. Let's check in with Jolynn Whittaker.
Now, I want you to note something here. All right. I really took one for the team because in the past, we've noted it takes her a while to actually get to the prophecy.
I want you to know where the timestamp is. 42 minutes, 38 seconds. Wow. So I took this ahead of time to figure out where the prophecy stuff begins.
So the rest was, I don't know what it was, but let's keep going here. Well, I heard the
Lord whisper quietly to me, but it sounded like thunder.
What? Whisper quietly and it sounded like thunder. Thunder. The Lord speak this way.
You know what I mean? It's quiet. It's a quiet whisper.
What was in that glass you were drinking, lady? Something illicit.
I am not joking. She doesn't look sober to me, but maybe I'm wrong. She doesn't look sober.
Yes. Absent. There's so much power behind it. And he said, behold, I am doing a new thing.
The season has changed. It's time for something new. And I want to tell you upfront, that is going to be very personal for many of you.
And of course, we wrote this on Isaiah 43, 19. And I'm going to get to that in a moment, but I want to read it to you and break it down.
But it's going to be very personal for many of you. It's going to touch many aspects of your life. You have to understand winds of change.
When the Lord sends heavenly winds of change, supernatural winds of change.
Anything can happen. Understand that anything can happen. There are no limitations for the
Lord. Doors of opportunity that the devil would try to shut you. They're going to blow open when these winds of change blow in your direction.
Relationships that were really struggling. Now that relationship is going to catch fire and begin to succeed. When God's winds of change begin to blow in your direction.
Whatever you can think of that the devil has fought you on. When supernatural winds of change.
That the devil has fought you on. Yeah, I'm telling you, she doesn't see. I don't think she could walk a line.
I just don't think she could. Where's the breathalyzer? I know.
Blow in your direction. Miraculous things happen. Amen. The healing comes. The illness breaks.
That thing breaks off you. It gets blown right off of you. The addiction gets blown right off of you. Amen. Come on.
The unbelief. Wow.
Whoa, it's blowing. She's not sober, man. She is not sober.
It's blown right off of you. And then you. Hey God, this is wild.
The addiction gets blown right off of you. Amen. Come on. The unbelief gets blown right off of you. And then you're blinking.
You say, oh my goodness, what just hit me? Supernatural winds of change. That was the driver in the other lane that you just hit.
It wasn't supernatural, but clearly the winds of change are afoot here. Nobody can tell me that she's drunk in the spirit.
That's a cop out. Especially if she drank something. Oh wow.
Supernatural winds of change. Hallelujah. Brought to you and fueled and sponsored by the
Holy Ghost. Just like that Holy Spirit encounter that Saul had on the road to Damascus.
Knocked him off his horse. Supernatural winds of change. Changed his entire identity.
Changed the entire direction of his life. Changed his entire narrative.
His whole vernacular. His whole belief system shifted immediately.
That's what happens when the Lord decides to release supernatural winds of change in your direction.
Brought to you by the Holy Ghost. Brought to you by Holy Ghost.
I launch supernatural winds in your general direction. Okay. Yeah, I think that we're not going to get anything there.
Let's... Okay, what? Let my shunt cause a new rush of my spirit in me.
Are these put together by a random word generator? Oh my goodness. Oh my.
Okay. Here we go. Here we go. Hey, tongues!
Oh, we got tongues. We got tongues. So I gotta translate here. Oh, let's see here.
I don't know. I was hearing well. No, I was definitely hearing a stronghold. Okay.
Stronghold. Yeah, that's what I was hearing. All right. Coming back here. I say to you, this will be a time that I put shunts within you.
For you have blocked off things that you aren't aware of that's been blocked off. So we got blockage and God's going to put shunts in.
I don't think that's medically possible. Which chakra is he saying is blocked?
This is wow. Mock on. I just want to remind everybody that Chuck Pierce makes $800 ,000 a year from doing it.
$800 ,000 to say nothing. Say watch as I penetrate and open up some blood flow within your body.
I say to you, this is a time of shunting what has been closing up on you.
And because of that, you will feel a rush you have not felt before.
He's really scraping at the bottom of the barrel for stuff to do. So after he's done shunting you, you're going to have a rush.
Is that like what you feel after a colonoscopy? What are we talking about here? What is this?
Prophecy Beacon. He's talking about triple bypass surgery. All right. Here we go. Here comes the name of phlegm. As you stand in my presence and enter into my worship, there is a portal.
Yes, a portal. Portal. Portal is a prophecy buzzword. And the portal that is opening is releasing a new flow.
Release. Hang on a second here. I've got that one. I'll call this guy the man of phlegm.
Yeah. From heaven, and as the deer paneth after the water, let your soul long for me.
Do not be downtrodden, for deep calling. Did he say deep calling?
I kind of cut out there. He said she got a bingo. All right,
Paulette. Paulette, you got the first bingo today. So we need to hear a prophecy from you. Yay!
You got to use the words of your bingo. You don't have to say free space.
That would be a weird prophecy. No, actually put that in there. That makes just as much sense as all the other ones.
Make up your own fake prophetic word using these phrases. You're going to receive heavenly deliverance.
And I can't... What's that one about the misappropriated Hebrew? Oh, yeah. We'll go real deep at the end.
That's it? That's it. You used all of them? Yeah. You need to misappropriate some
Hebrew there. We're going to go really deep in a Nissan. I should have bought a
Honda. Ah, there you go. See, there you go. Could have bought a Kia. Oh my goodness.
I completed that one because I was doing so good. I give that 3k nashes. Yeah. Paulette, I told you.
Whoever wins today is probably going to win with two or three bingos. Oh, wow. Yeah, that's how crazy this is.
We haven't... Look at how many more prophecies we have to go. Oh boy. Yeah, this is a torturous event.
So let's keep going here. Today is the day. Listen to the voice on the sounds of worship and the waves of worship.
Because my voice is coming with a new portal. A new portal that a new flow can occur that not only...
Could you imagine what a joy it would be having this guy as a next door neighbor? Invite him to your next party.
It's three in the morning. Could you close that portal and tell him to stop floating?
I'm trying to get some sleep here. It will bring you up.
It will bring you out. And it will bring you into an enlarged place in my name.
So know that portions of your soul have closed off that rush of the spirit that I want to bring.
So let me open them up. Let me do the necessary surgery that needs to be done.
So the rush of my spirit can go through you. So we're all about getting rid of blockage.
This is the prophecy regarding triple bypass surgery. Have they considered like a spiritual soul softener to kind of move things through here?
I don't know. I think he was in the hospital recently. So his terminology... Something like that, yeah.
He makes me uncomfortable. Through this portal, there's this rope coming down. There's a rope coming down from the portal.
And it's got this knots on them. And it's like so many are hanging on right here.
And the Lord's saying, you've got to go up a rung. You've got to go up a rung.
So it's not by power or by might, but by my spirit, says the
Lord, reach up and grab above. What'd you say?
Spirit. Okay, yeah, that counts. Shrunk. And the Lord says, when you grab,
I will infuse you. When you grab, I will infuse you. Well, that's helpful.
We're going to get an infusion once we, by the spirit, go up a rung. Oh no,
Hank Cooney. Oh no. I think this guy's still... He's like, we've lost count of how many times he's doubled, tripled, quadrupled down on the whole
Trump thing. I just watched him today, actually. Oh boy.
Yeah, the last time we saw him sing a prophecy, it was something is about to bust.
Yeah. Hang on to your hat. Yeah, here we go. Here we go. Do not be confused, says the spirit of the living
God, with what man has said regarding calendar dates, prognostications, discussions, pointing the finger and saying, this is when this and that shall take place.
Yet I am the God at this time who has chosen not to look at what man is discussing.
Not because I have withdrawn my hand from this nation at this time, but rather I have chosen my event.
I have been celebrating. The hosts are celebrating. So I speak to those in the sound of that which
I speak. Listen, this is a time of celebration. It is not a time that you would think or...
You have to... Don't look at him. Listen to his voice and imagine that it's
Martin Short playing a character. He sounds just like him. And did you see his like movements?
Yes. You know.
Okay. Think that I have forsaken this nation or withdrawn my hand. For I have chosen an event and this
Passover season shall be one that shall be special. This Passover season shall be one that shall bring deliverance.
This Passover season shall be one. Deliverance. Yeah, we got that. That I shall show my might and my power to a nation and to the nations of the earth.
This Passover season, I will show the earth that they are not in charge. I will show this nation that I am the
Lord God that has placed my feet and placed my hands even upon the house that you still call white.
I have not forsaken this nation and I... So God's going to do something by the Passover season at the house we call white.
So now I just want to make... Is that the street? I don't know. It could be the Casablanca.
I'm not sure, you know. There are options here so he can escape being called a false prophet yet again.
Okay. But I don't know what God's going to do. He's chosen an event during the Passover. In the
Casablanca. What could it even be during the Passover? I have no idea.
No clue. So... I have chosen in my event to bring a reversal. I have chosen in my event,
God says, to bring a divine appointment that is... Appointment is... Ah, bingo!
All right, Josh, let's hear what you got there, sir. All right,
I'm hearing a word from the Lord. He is telling me that there is a stronghold and he is decreeing that that stronghold will become a free space where there will be alignment.
Love it. I like how you worked that free space in there. That was pretty good. It's beautiful. Yeah. That touched me.
Show me on this doll where it touched you. All right, let's keep going here.
Justice, my righteousness, my liberty, and my judgment that shall bring the truth to light, says the living
God. He's seriously hanging out for a
Passover reversal of the November election. Okay, let's move along here.
Okay, new person. This is prophet... She's a doctor, too.
This is... Wow. Yeah, doctor... I don't know what the protocol is. If you have a
Ph .D., does the Ph .D. come before the prophet or after the prophet? Is it
Dr. Prophet Dana Reese, or is it Prophet Dr. Dana Reese? I'm not exactly sure.
Not exactly sure. Hey, if it was Dr. Prophet, that would speak to more people, because then you could get all the people who aren't of God that say, hey, she's a doctor.
But she has it there. It's Prophet Doctor. Oh. Okay. She's wrong. All right.
Here we go. Hello, hello, hello, everyone. I am Prophet Dr. Dana Reese, the
Eagle Prophet Visionary. The Eagle Prophet Visionary. Wait.
That's impressive. The third eagle, the apocalypse, and her, our thing now. Maybe.
And I came on this video to share with you a condensed version of a prophetic word that I released earlier tonight on YouTube and also on Facebook.
So today is March the 3rd, 2021, and I speak peace and blessings to you in Jesus' name.
And before I go in to share this word with you, I want to ask you to subscribe to my
YouTube channel. Click on the button below so that you will receive future notifications of prophetic words that I'll be releasing to you.
Hallelujah to God. Glory. And so God spoke to me.
He spoke to me in January. He said, March is going to be a month of manifestation.
Don't have it. Hey, if it's one God, how come he gives words to all different people that are different from ours? Yeah, I know.
There's no consistency what God's saying here. So does God even know that? Now, she said manifestation, right?
She did, yep. All right. That's one of my words. All right. Look at that. So I need to believe for something, which
I think I missed. And what are my other options here? I need life.
All right. So let's come back to Dr. Prophet Dana here.
This is a month of manifestation, miracles, money, and divine.
How about miracle? Yeah. Yeah, miracle. God needs to know what to look for in this season so that you will see it and discern it.
He wants you to be alert, mindful, and aware, and stay in alignment and communication with the
Holy Spirit. So how exactly does one stay in alignment with the
Holy Spirit? You see the chiropractor. Yeah, that makes sense. But I don't like being manipulated by that like that.
Tuning forks. That's the answer. Okay. He wants you to seek and hear his voice.
And today I went out this morning to walk my dog Tanner across the street to take him down a hill.
There's some woods on that side of the street. And I looked down on the ground and I saw a dollar bill that was folded in half.
And so I picked it up and put it in my pocket. And Holy Spirit immediately spoke to me.
He said, there is money all around you. You just need to see it. No, she didn't say that.
She's describing it, but didn't say it. Okay. Interesting. I knew it was a word that I needed to share with you tonight.
And then as I was preparing this word this afternoon, God kept speaking to me and said, this is a kairos season.
Kairos. That's a Prophecy Bingo word. And the Word of God says in Ecclesiastes chapter three, it talks about that there's a time and a season.
And then Amos chapter three says that God does nothing. These people have no clue what the
Bible actually says. Right. Just like, well, it says there's a time and a season and then we got a tithe and stuff.
Google word search. Yeah. They don't really actually read this thing. Without first revealing it to His servants, the prophets.
And Ecclesiastes three, six says there's a time to gain. We're in the time to gain.
So this word doesn't just... Well, that's great. I've been looking forward to that for years.
Gain money or gain weight? Oh, see now. I was getting excited thinking that we were talking financial gain.
Finally, finally. But no, here I go again. I'm going to have to go on a diet. Thanks, Paulette.
We're entering a 90 to 120 day period of divine manifestation.
We're in a 90 to 100 day period of a
Kairos moment. I'm not saying that after this period is over that you won't receive miracles and that God won't be moving.
But we're in a very, very special dispensation right now.
It's a special portal. It's a special window of heaven. We went months without hearing anybody say portal, and now we've got it twice.
Yeah. All right. I got to move ahead here. Today is the day of divine reversal here.
I would say to you, I'm touching you, touching your mouth, giving you opportunity to save your people, says the
Lord. The Lord says I put difficult, difficult and difficult yet again opposition against you and different trials and different issues and families and nations for this moment right here.
I've been playing chess all along, says the Spirit of the Lord. And the Lord says now is the time for you to speak.
I'm blessing you today with the eyes to see like Mordecai. I'm blessing you today with the boldness of Esther, says the
Lord. The Lord says for such a time is this. For such a time is this.
Today is the day. What on earth? He's wearing me out.
Yeah. Yeah. I need a nap after here. Okay.
We don't get to see this lady's face. This is the prophetic diary. This is the name of the
YouTube channel. Wealth transfer is what it says. Yeah, it does say wealth transfer. And if you go ahead and put it on your, you know, if you have wealth or wealth transfer.
Josh got a double bingo. Really? All right.
Let's hear your second bingo. Oh, I am getting a download from the
Lord. He says there is a river of prosperity that I need to have alignment with.
Oh, wait, I need some music. I'll play that in the background. With that. Bring me a wave of wealth.
Man, man, man. Okay. All right. I didn't even hit the play button yet.
Cause our pull yourself together, man. Pull yourself together. He's the one that weeps in this relationship.
Basta Basta. Basta move. All right.
All right. Let's see. We got here. Hello and welcome back to prophetic diary. My name is tiny. I want to welcome all of my first time visitors.
Go ahead and click on that subscribe button as we're so happy to have you here. We're a loving family. We come together in the comment section.
We come together during our live videos in the chat area. We come together through email, our book club, our one -on -ones.
If you want to sign up for a one -on -one with me, go ahead and do that. We have men and women doing what?
Time out. This gives me such vibes. Like you're on a plane. Like, all right, please sit down. We're going to go through the seat.
We've got six. We got six emergency exits on this airplane too. In the front over to the side there.
And back there behind me over there. The entire vibe of it is like the woman who's like, this is like her third shift of the day.
She's been on the plane for like eight hours. Her heels are hurting her feet. She's a tour guide on a tour bus at an amusement park.
And she annoyed me so much. I hit the thumbs down on her video. So I feel like, you know,
I like owe it to myself. Hang on a second. No, hang on a second here. Definitely not.
Yeah, let's see here. Let's definitely go on here. No, she wasn't even sober.
Okay, all right. Let's see here. Definitely no. Yeah. And oh,
I can't dislike that one enough. Okay. Let's just keep going here.
And it's a wonderful time together. Many, many people receive breakthroughs and the Lord always shows up and show out.
So go ahead and do that. Don't be fearful. And we're a happy family here.
And I just hope that everyone... You don't sound like a happy family to me. We are a very happy family.
We are a happy family. I said so. Okay. Continues to come back and allow the
Lord to move you. I've been praying over this channel and the Lord has been covering this channel.
And there's many blessings that he has released through me until this channel. As I'm constantly praying for you guys and things are being changed here at Prophetic Diary.
I have a word for you today from the Lord. And that word is going to come out of Exodus.
Is it prophetic or pathetic? Well, I think she mispronounced it fortuitously.
She didn't mispronounce it. That's exactly what it is. Okay. 35. And it reads.
The Israelites did as Moses instructed and asked. And the
Israelites did as Moses instructed and asked the Egyptians for articles of silver and gold and for clothing.
When I was a charismatic, they misused this text to tell me that there was an imminent wealth transfer that my pagan neighbors were going to show up on my door and say,
I don't know why, but I just cashed out my entire account. I put all my money in a wheelbarrow and all my gold too.
And here it's yours. You can have it. When you guys are charismatic, they talk about the great wealth transfer that was just imminent around the corner.
Oh, yeah. May the. I just didn't know the
Israelites axed the Egyptians. You know, that's a rather violent thing to do. I'm not touching that.
Favorable, disposed towards the people. And they gave them what they axed for.
So they plundered the Egyptians. Father God, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for this word.
I thank you, Father God, for this time with you, Father God. I thank you for your presence, Father. Use me,
Father, as your vessel. Father God, as I empty up. Father God, pour into me in the name of Jesus. Father, cover this word in the blood of Jesus.
Let nothing be added to it nor taken away from it. Jesus. Nothing missing, nothing lacking. Father, you know what you want to do.
You know what you want to say to me, Father God, you know, you know how you want to get your word onto Earth, Father God.
So have your. God wants to get his word onto Earth.
Oh, welcome to Earth. Anyway, what on Earth?
So there's God. I, you know, I really want to get my word onto the Earth. Can't do it.
You know, we could write a book. Crazy idea.
Father God, Father God here. Let anyone coming,
Father God, receive understanding, knowledge, wisdom, confirmation, revelation, authority, power.
And clarity. Whatever they're looking for, Father, let them find in this word, Father God. Whatever you're looking for,
God will give it to you. Whatever you're looking for, God help to find it. You know, it's like. I need wealth.
You, the mighty name of Jesus Christ. We thank you in advance for the breakthroughs and the changes that's going to come from this word.
The Lord gave me wealth transfer. He said wealth transfer. You sure
God gave that to you? And I said, Father, I haven't gotten much on wealth transfer.
I'm not the type to ask the Lord for things. I've never been that type.
Except now, this is like prophetic theater here. I mean, she says she doesn't ask the
Lord for things like, OK, so the Lord's prayer is definitely not part of your normal routine because you ask the Lord for your daily bread.
Yeah, in there. We supply my every need. But I love him so much that I don't focus too much on things, even though many times in my life,
I needed a lot of things. Many times in my life, I gave to others, even when
I didn't have enough. I can't do this. Oh, OK, moving along.
Rambling. Yeah, let me just go ahead and do this now. OK, OK, prophetic vision, 10 ,000 to fight.
Use your sword now. Word. Paulette, didn't you need vision? I do.
Yeah, it's in there. It's in there. It's in there. We'll give it to you because it's there.
There we go. Yeah. Hey, guys. Oh, yeah, I do have vision on my card. Yeah, I see.
I thought you meant I needed to get healed from my vision. No. And I am very excited to be on with you.
I have a word that the Lord had given me a couple of weeks ago, and you're probably thinking, well, why didn't you release it then?
He tells me when to do it, when it's the most necessary. You already know this about me. See? I why do
I feel like I'm being nagged by like an ex -girlfriend here? What is this? Listen, I know you have a logical question to ask, but I don't want to hear it right now because you know this about me already.
You know. But I'm excited to release this word, and it's just been burning for the last couple of days.
First and foremost, let me tell you. You might need an appointment. You'll be watching over the next little bit.
Pay attention. If you have not. Pay attention, Kozar. Actually, subscribe.
Subscribe. And if people want to get my videos and get notified when
I have a new word out, you need to be subscribing and hit the little bell so that you'll get every video.
Now I'm going to hit the bar. But there's some serious words that I'm going to be preparing to release beyond this one.
This one is a serious word. It's a vision. This video, as of the time we're recording this, has been seen 15 ,000 times.
Oh, man. The Lord gave me. It's more prophetic as in encouraging prophetic.
But you're going to be blessed. And so I'm excited to release it. It's going to be a great reminder for you.
And God thought it was important enough that he gave it to me as a word to release. And so.
Yeah, God thought it was important. So you better hit the subscribe button, man. But having said that, just some reminders.
We're coming to California. We're going to be coming to the Riverside County area. They are welcoming us in.
If you're in the 909, run, run. She's coming to the tractor pole.
Oh, no, no, no, no. In Riverside County, we don't have tractor poles. No, no. What they had is they have dirt bike races.
Yeah. So if you're in Southern California and your area code is area code 909, you just need to run.
I like her face right now. No tractor poles there. To be White Park.
That is where we're checking out. They have a huge gazebo there where the band can set up and we can actually feel like we have a stage and it's a really nice place.
If you have other ideas, I've had a couple sent to me, please send them to us. But at this point, we're going to be advertising it at White Park in Riverside.
And we're going to aim for that. And if something happens and it gets changed, then we'll let you all know.
But right now, that's what we're working towards. And, you know, that's at the end of March. We're going to be doing a two -day prayer summit.
We will meet at noon each day, live worship. Yeah, she's not using her prophecy powers.
They're just aiming for it, you know. Hey, Chris, something might happen. We don't know. Yeah. Remember the prophetic, the nagging prophet?
Yes. What was her name? Do you remember? She was awful. But this lady kind of reminds me of her.
Yeah, she's kind of in the nagging prophet. She's scolding you in advance.
God thought this was an important word. That's why he gave it to me to release to you. She's exactly the kind of like,
I don't know, like the proto, like worst type of person to have as a mother -in -law. And we're just going to pray everything that the
Lord has for the nation, for the world, that the heritage of the
Lord will prevail, that heaven's agenda shall prevail. And we're beyond excited.
You know, last time we went and did a miracle service in California and we baptized a whole lot of people.
And it was amazing. We had hundreds come. All right. Now to kind of help us here,
I do this from time to time. We're just going to kick her up a notch here. Thank you. Because there's people there that are faithful prayer warriors, and they will join you and they will pray.
And so I need you to help me get the word out. We're going to be running an ad through Facebook and on Instagram, but we need you to also get the word out, share with everyone, you know, and tell them to come and pray with us those two days.
We are so excited to come and gather together in California and just pray intercede. Also, that week before we come is the 20th to the 26th is our fasting week.
Amen. So we're excited to fast, come there, break the fast at our prayer summit and just release all that gets built up, all the prayers that get built up during our fast previous to that weekend.
So make sure you join us for our seven day fast that we will be doing right before the prayer summit. And I haven't decided what we're going to be giving up or attempting to give up, but I will send that out as soon as the
Lord tells me what has to go, what we need to give up for that week. But the word, and also we're coming to Texas, we'll get more info out on that most likely the end of April. So be watching for that.
And also there's some other things on the horizon. I'm not ready to announce yet. Some of you might be like, oh my gosh, you know, whatever. You might spaz out. But God's on the move and revival's in the land.
Amen. Please, like I said, please pay attention. I'm going to be releasing a word. I don't know how soon God wants me to release it, but it'll possibly be this week about Trump.
She doesn't know how soon God wants to release it, but she'll be releasing it. So he has a word that he's given me at times and seasons word about some things that we're going to be coming into concerning the weather and other things.
So be watching you guys and then share this stuff everywhere. And I'll tell you, I was talking to the Lord this morning and you know what? I know people say things, but I'm going to make announcements.
And you guys are like our family. We're one giant family. And sometimes we just got to have some announcements and stuff. I'm going to have some regular conversation before I release the word.
If you don't like it, skip ahead five or six minutes. Okay. Five or six minutes. All right. I'll drop the play head here.
10. Here we go. It shows up and surrounds me in my kitchen or in my living room or at prayer mountain, but I repeat and declare what's already been prophesied.
And I declare the word. We're going to get into that here in a second. Then everything must use the weapon. They have been given worship and the word.
The enemy scatters when we declare the truth. And he told me to take you to, this is the simplest version. I told me to take you to Ephesians 17. And it says Ephesians 6, 17 says, and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God.
And right there, biblically speaking, we already know the sword of the spirit is the word of God. And he is saying there's those that need to be reminded and some that don't even understand the power of declaring.
And that's what this word is about. And it's obviously on his heart because he went through the effort of giving me a vision and saying, you need to tell my people. Hang on.
I got to, I got to slow this down just because I want to hear that. I really feel like I'm being nagged here.
Hang on a second here. This is just, we already know the sword of the spirit is the word of God. Yeah. And he is saying there's those that need to be reminded.
Yeah. And some that don't even understand the power of declaring. And that's what this word is about.
And it's obviously on his heart because he went through the effort of giving me a vision and saying, you need to tell my people.
Clearly it's on his heart because, you know. He went through the effort. Yeah. To tell her.
Man, they've got to be declaring. They've got to be declaring my word. They have to declare what is true.
And you have to know it's not even just the scripture. The words that I receive are from the
Holy Spirit. The words that other prophets and pastors receive. Did she just throw something across the room?
Like she did. With a pantomime just. Yep. Yeah. I think I saw that.
Yeah. Preparation or a huge woe revelation. Those are Holy Spirit words.
Those are swords of the spirit. Those are weapons to be used against the enemy who thinks.
Yeah, no, no, no. The sword of the spirit is the written word of God. Not any of this nonsense you're spewing here. That he's actually going to win something.
When he already lost at the cross. He thought he won when Jesus was crucified. And then three days later.
What happened? Okay. So here's the thing. I am so bummed. I don't have popcorn like Cozart.
Sorry. I know he's got the peanuts here. It's his fault. He's naughty. I got peanuts.
That's wrong. That is wrong. Honey roasted peanuts. Yeah, same here. Bad news. He does, too.
Look at that. I got nothing. I don't even have bingo.
I was so serious in my spirit. God's like, I know that you know how to declare. But you need to remind my people in my body to declare.
And you need to talk to some of those who don't understand. I can. Sorry, you guys. I'm getting all glowy in the glory makes me heat up all over.
So. She's menopausal. Yeah. I don't know. Okay. Moving along here.
You've got to put your brain under the heat lamp. Yeah. The fact that it's not so far makes me really sad right now.
Oh, no. Just look at the name of this thing. I'm raising up a trumpet sound out of you. Out of you, right?
Yeah. Every time I do that, my wife flees the room. Anyway, good night.
The Lord says that I am raising up a trumpet sound from out of you. That was a shofar.
That was a shofar. They were running across the stage. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So far, so good. So, yeah,
I'm putting that's on my bingo card. I'm going to put that down. Oh, okay. Notice this week where you are the trumpet for someone else.
The Lord says I'm going to raise up out of the ground because of the sound.
You release the sound. You produce that comes out of the altar that you have before the
Lord. Rise up in that trumpet sound. Release the sound.
Release the sound. Release your sound. Release your sound. Release your sound.
There it is. He got the shofar up to his head and I got.
Let it out. Got triple bingo.
Did you really triple wins? Okay, come on.
All right. Let's hear it. Come on. Come on. All right. So there's gonna be music in there. So I have to, you know, post and, you know, begin.
Yes, I am going to position the free space to have an increase in the number of shofars.
That's as good as anything I've watched on video today. I want more.
Okay, I need it again. Remember that line from Bugs?
Like, burn him again. Burn him again. Anyway, all right. We're rapidly approaching the end of this torturous round of prophecy bingo.
But here's Kevin Bridges with the Daily Prophetic. As I look to march, I see a corridor.
It's a long corridor with many lights in it. And as you walk down the corridor, with each step, a new light comes on.
You don't see the whole journey, but you see one step at a time. And the
Lord says to you, trust in me that I will guide you in this month. That as I guide you by faith,
I will lead you to where you need to be. Don't be afraid that you don't see the whole picture.
Don't be afraid that you don't see completely where I'm taking you. But trust in me and know that I am with you each step of the way.
For I am lighting up the path ahead of you. Continue to take steps of faith.
Continue to walk faithfully forward. And as you do, you will reach the destination that has been promised.
For I am the one who lights up the path ahead of you. And I'm the one who is guiding you step by step.
Do not be afraid. Do not fear. But trust in me. Now is a time of advancement, not a time of running away.
Now is a time to step forward in confidence, in faith and in certainty, not to run away.
This is a time for breakthrough. This is a time where you will overcome.
Where you will overcome if you step out in faith. And as you continue to walk in the way that I will guide you, do not be afraid, but trust in me.
And know that I am the one who lights up the path ahead of you. I'm the one who gives you my confidence.
The one who fills you with my ever -present peace. Do not fear.
Do not be afraid. But know that I'm with you, lighting up the way ahead of you, one step at a time.
I, yeah, wow. Oh boy.
Okay. Brand new contestant, Alicia Motley.
And I think we're going to end with her today. Although I, well, let's see. We, swim upstream and birth your future.
We might have to end with that one. She's prettier to look at. Yeah. She's a lot easier to look at than, oh my goodness.
Okay. Let's, let's take a listen here. Let's take a look. Hey angels. What's up? It's your girl,
Alicia. And I'm coming to you today with another video. In this video today, I'm sure you can already tell by the title.
I'm going to be giving you guys a prophetic word for the month of March. If you're new to my channel, welcome to my channel.
Please make sure you hit that subscribe button. Come over and join the family. If you guys are already one of my angels, you guys know
I love you so, so, so much. So I really wanted to get this prophetic word out early for you guys, because it's, a lot of us that's really sensitive in the spirit and already in tune.
And you're already like on point. Sensitive and in tune. This sounds like the same kind of words you use for psychics.
Yes, exactly. Yeah. So God is already like really revealing things to you and things is already opening up for you.
And I just felt like God told me to do it now. Now, now, now, Alicia, just, this cannot wait.
You know what I'm saying? This message today is based off a prophetic dream that I had, but it's a great message.
So if you are here, you need to stay here because you're here for a reason. Right. We're here for prophecy.
Bingo. That's the reason we're here. Definitely subscribe to the channel and join the family.
We would love to have you guys here. We are on the road to 12K, which is really exciting. Um, more subscribers means more people that I can positively impact.
And, um, God is revealing a lot of things for me and I can't do it without you, without you guys.
So I really appreciate the support. So before we actually get into the message, I want to start by saying a prayer because, you know, this is what
I do, guys. We, we got to pray first. Dear heavenly father, thank you for your mercy, your grace, and your protection.
Thank you. All right. I'm going to fast forward to where her eyes open.
Here we go. Amen. Amen. Okay. So I just want to start off by saying that, um, a little bit about the dream.
So in the dream, um, I was actually like really dreaming, um, about a lot of things at the time or whatever.
And in my dream, um, I actually heard a loud. Dreaming about a lot of things at the time
I was dreaming. Whatever. Whatever. Knock at my door. The knock was so loud guys that I jumped up out of my sleep and like ran to my front door.
I just knew somebody was at my door, but nobody was at my door. I was like looking at my people, checking the cameras, looking around, like nobody's here.
Like, what is this? So I got immediately feeling my spirit, like, okay, God is knocking at my door.
You know? So I had to actually like pray about it. Um, this was about two something in the morning.
So here it is at 2 AM. I'm literally jumping out of my good, peaceful sleep just to go and check the door.
And, um, I really took that time and just really pray for all my friends, all my family.
I pray for you guys. Um, cause when God wakes you up in the middle of the night like that, you always want to pray.
You know, a lot of times it's something that's going on supernaturally or in a spiritual realm that we can't physically see yet.
So it's always important to really seek him and really tap into that space where you can like, try to gain some understanding or really just get closer to him and really protect everybody that is surrounding you.
So when I was doing some research, um, I had to figure out what this not meant like biblically.
So, Oh boy.
I mean, a lot of nothing. So far she's said nothing, but now we're going to find out what the knock meant.
What came up was faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10, 17, right?
If you're in knock, you can respond. It means you are qualified to open the door to whatever
God wants for you or from you. So what this is telling me is that God is knocking at my front door.
So I'm letting you guys know today that God is knocking at your front door. God is calling you.
Um, you might be feeling like a nudge in your spirit. He might have been talking to you through angel numbers, divine connections.
Oh boy. Angel numbers and divine connections.
Kozar, how many angel numbers have you seen this week? I'm, I'm not, um,
I'm not counting. You stopped counting, huh?
I don't think I've even ever heard that term before. Angel number. What is that? Yeah.
And what is the divine connection? This is like a, this is like a tarot card reading.
If you dial the right number, you can make the connection. Uh, that didn't help.
That didn't help. This is really disturbing that she's got so many people watching her and all these people. Right.
Well, the thing is she's saying nothing. Absolutely. She's like making stuff up as she goes along.
All right. Let's, um, let's, this'll be our final prophecy. Let's swim upstream and birth our futures.
Shall we? Here we go. Don't be afraid to swim upstream.
Hang on, hang on, hang on, hang on. And I say to you, don't be afraid to swim upstream.
Don't be afraid to swim upstream. For this will be a time that my people will go against the current.
I say to you, don't be afraid. You will be able to go beyond that, which seems to be pushing you back.
I say to you know that against the current, you will birth the future.
I didn't even know I was pregnant. So I got birthing.
Yeah. All right. So, uh, Josh triple bingo tonight. Triple bingo.
Yeah. She drew first blood on the bingo card.
So first one. Yeah. I'd just like to say that. I'm he's birthing. I've got the most little
X's on my card without actually getting any bingo at all. That takes talent. Anybody can make them go all the way across.
And I want you all to know that I engaged in some kind of like self -control here during the tongue speaking.
I could have manipulated in my favor, but I showed some prophetic restraint today.
You're a godly man, Chris. God told you to do that. I was birthing the future while somebody was knocking on the door.
And it was really embarrassing. Oh, man. In prophecy bingo, if you get a bunch of like, you know,
X's on your card, but no bingo, it's called pulling a kozar. Oh, pulling a kozar.
So Josh got triple bingo and I pulled a kozar. The first time we played this,
Chris, I won. Didn't I? I, if you did, I blocked it. You know, I try to push those memories out.
No, I think I did at the same time. All right. Well, kozars, thanks for joining us. And while we were playing prophecy bingo, is
Lucy asleep? Did she pass out? She's waiting to go to bed.
Bonus words. We're not done yet. Oh, yeah. I gotta give out the bonus words. I gotta, I do, I need to do that.
There is a chance for the pirate to get a bingo. We've gone to the dogs.
It's terrible. She heard nothing but heretical prophesying tonight.
Yeah. All right. So we give away two words at the end here.
So if you have subscribed to the channel, then you're going to get life.
So I've got a bingo. But if you also ring the bell, then you also, we're going to give you an outpouring.
So yep. Yeah. But that means I got a single bingo. I didn't totally pull a kozar, but I had to cheat at the end of making so I didn't have a kozar card.
But that means I have to prophesy here. And there's misappropriated Hebrew.
You know, so I feel in my spirit a shalom, a rising up within my identity as it anoints the dream that you have that God is giving you for life.
Yeah, you got her attention. I definitely rate that four sneaky squids.
Four sneaky squids. All right. That's great. So well, again, so your
YouTube channel Messed Up Church and Hit The Bar, and you guys are doing sermon reviews and it's just fun.
So it's Steve, Paulette, and Lucy doing sermon reviews and teaching.
Always crack up when I see a new Hit The Bar on my YouTube feed. All right.
Well, you guys, thank you. I'm going to just sign off with everybody here real quick, and then we'll chat before you go.
So if you found this to be fun, helpful, you know, Prophecy Bingo is one of the things we love to do here.
All the information on how you can share the video is down below. And until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.