The Woke Church Movement's Big Satanic Lie

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right, let's jump right into it today. I hope you had a good weekend. I hope you had a good Lord's Day yesterday. I definitely did.
My pastor preached on Christian burial versus cremation and how cremation is a pagan way to get rid of the dead and how
Christian burial honors the dead and all of this kind of thing. And it's not Gnostic and all, really good stuff, really interesting stuff.
If you haven't heard about Christian burial, that's something that I think you should definitely consider. Anyway, I wanted to jump into this today.
I was listening to a podcast. I think it was Peter Schiff, but it might've been another guy that I listened to a lot.
I can't remember, but they had mentioned the eviction moratorium that's happening. And I don't know how
I didn't know this, but the eviction moratorium isn't like a moratorium on paying rent.
You still owe the rent. Like it's like adding up every month. The only thing that's different is that they can't evict you for not paying rent, which is totally ridiculous when you think about it.
Imagine if you owned like a restaurant or a toy store or something like that, and people just came in and stole your stuff, but you could never press charges.
Like they just kept taking your toys, they kept taking your pizza, whatever. And the rule was you can't press charges against them for stealing your stuff.
It's just totally, absolutely ridiculous. But what's happening is that people that aren't paying rent because of this eviction moratorium, when the moratorium is over, if it ever ends, they're gonna owe all the back rent.
And even if they pay all the back rent, because like let's just imagine that they were saving this money just in case they needed it kind of thing.
And they have it all in an account. And then when the eviction moratorium goes away, they're gonna pay it all back rent.
They're probably still gonna get evicted because their landlord's not gonna be happy with that. They're not gonna be like, oh, well, you know, you didn't pay for a year, whatever.
You know, you gave me, you made me whole. It's like, they're not gonna play like that, right? They're gonna get rid of those tenants as soon as possible.
And so anyone who's not paying their rent because of this eviction moratorium is obviously gonna be very screwed very soon if the moratorium ever ends.
But it's totally unconstitutional to do this, by the way. It's totally immoral to do this, by the way.
But anyway, what I was thinking was that someone could actually be very shrewd about this. So think about this for a second.
Let's say you were renting a place, renting a house or something, and you wanted to buy a house, but you could never save up enough money for the down payment or whatever, even though down payments these days are so small.
Think about this shrewd tactic you could use. Totally immoral, by the way. But imagine not paying rent, and then you save the money every month that you would have paid to rent.
You save the money for a down payment on a house, and then when the time comes and you get evicted, or even before you get evicted, you just buy a new house.
You put the down payment on, you buy a house, and now you have an asset that you bought because you were able to save money because you just didn't pay your landlord because you could never get evicted.
That would be totally immoral, but all these people that are like, oh, buying a house is like the way to build your wealth.
It's not fair that we can't buy a house. Well, if black people and white people and brown people that didn't have a house and they're just totally unfair, totally unjust, if they wanted to be shrewd about this, they could do that.
They could not pay their landlord and then purchase a house with the money that they saved for a down payment.
Now, obviously that takes a little bit of foresight and restraint and planning, and obviously that's totally immoral, but you could have done it and it would have been quite shrewd.
And the reality is that that would be an example of doing something immoral.
That would be sinning in order to get a positive result. So I wanna lower the wage gap, man, the wealth gap in the country.
So then you don't pay your rent, totally immoral, and then you save it for a down payment on a house, which is,
I guess, lowering the wealth gap or whatever. But you see, this is the reality though. Every social justice policy is exactly like that.
It's sinning in order to create something that you perceive as a good. So in this case, owning a house and building wealth that way is you perceive that as a good thing.
And so you sin, don't pay your rent, in order to get to it. Every social justice plan and policy is exactly like that.
When you think about my conversation with Ruslan last Monday, and he's talking about, he doesn't support reparations, but he just wants to know what
I'm saying. Like reparations, his buddies who support reparations, that's exactly what they're doing.
The idea of reparations is exactly the same kind of idea as what
I just described, is not paying your rent to save money for a down payment. See, the idea is, well, all these black people in the past, they were sinned against, so now let's sin against white people in the present and all taxpayers so that we can correct the wrong.
So you see, they're trying to right the wrong by doing a wrong. They're trying to sin their way into a more beneficial outcome or whatever it is.
And it never works that way. In the conversation with Ruslan, it was so funny. At one point he was like, well, what about if the ancestors are still here?
And it's like, yeah, that's the exact thing that the Bible says is a sin, making the ancestors, I'm sorry, the descendants of the persons who sinned pay for the persons who sinned sin.
That's the exact thing that God says is wrong. And Ruslan's like, well, what if that, that might be good, right?
It's like, no, that won't be good, that's a sin. And you can't sin your way out of sin. You can't sin your way to a positive result.
Every social justice policy ends up being exactly like that. Sure, it's shrewd and sure, you know, you get to accomplish your goal, which you think is a good goal.
Like, yeah, okay, wealth gaps, income gaps, that's a good goal to kind of shrink those, right? You think that's a good goal, you perceive it as a good goal.
And so you sin to get there instead of doing the hard work and getting there in a
God honoring, righteous kind of a way. And you think you'll get that shortcut, right?
Reparation seems like a pretty good shortcut. And it really isn't, it's just a sin. But the thing is, I was thinking about this, right?
I was thinking about this eviction moratorium. And I was thinking about the immorality of reparations and pretty much every democratic policy, let's just face it, every democratic party works, policy works this way.
You are attempting to sin to accomplish a result that you perceive as a good result. Oftentimes they aren't good results, but you perceive it that way.
Anyway, I was thinking about this. And when you really think about this, this is the original lie, right?
This is the original lie. Let's read Genesis one. I'm sorry, it's Genesis three. Let's read Genesis three, because this is the first lie, right?
This is Satan, the father of lies, inventing lying, and he lies to Eve. And then, you know,
Eve, her husband takes the fruit as well and mankind falls.
Listen to this, this is what it says. Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the
Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, has God indeed said, you shall not eat of every tree in the garden?
And the woman said to the serpent, we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden, but the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden
God has said, you shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it lest you die. Then the serpent said to the woman, you will not surely die for God knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be open and you will be like God, knowing good and evil, right?
So here's the reality. So let me just finish it. The woman saw that the tree was good for food and that was pleasant to the eyes and a tree desirable to make one wise.
She took its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband who was her husband with her and he ate.
Then the eyes of both of them were open and they knew that they were naked and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves covering.
Excuse me. So what happens here, right? You see how the snake lies.
You see how Satan lies to the woman. He says, look, this fruit, you eat this tree.
God knows that you're gonna be like God. You're gonna be just like God. You're gonna be made like God. You're gonna know good and evil.
You can have wisdom and all this kind of thing. But the woman knows that she's not supposed to do this.
She knows that God has said, you shall not eat of the tree that's in the midst of the garden or you'll die, right?
And so Satan's like, well, he dangles this good thing, right? You can see she even desires it. She's like, this is a desirable thing.
Wisdom is a desirable thing and being like God, that's a desirable thing. This is what she's thinking in her head, right?
And so what does she do? What she decides to do, knowing that God has said that she shouldn't do it, she says, well,
I'm gonna take a shortcut. I'm going to get this desirable thing, this good thing by sinning.
I'm gonna get this desirable good thing by understanding what God has said, disregarding it and taking a shortcut to get to this good thing.
You see, I believe, frankly, that God was gonna let them eat from this tree, right? Because it's gonna make them like God, right?
And so we understand that Christ, the second Adam, we have faith in him and we're resurrected and we're made like him, right?
So I think personally that eventually God was gonna let them eat from this tree. I don't know that for a fact, but that's what
I think. Now, even if he wasn't though, in her mind, in Eve's mind, this was a desirable outcome.
And it's just like reparations, right? Reparations in the social justice warrior's mind is a desirable outcome.
Okay, we can kind of like sort of make it right with the descendants of the slaves and this and that.
And that's what Ruslan's thinking. In his mind, he's thinking along these lines. So he's thinking, oh,
I desire this to be a good outcome. This would be good for racial reconciliation.
It would address the systemic oppression over all these decades and stuff like that. He's not for reparations in this way, but he can understand reparations and he understands it in this way where it's like, okay, that's a desirable outcome, right?
But his buddies, his friends that are for reparations, yeah, sure, they might desire this outcome, but the problem is that they're believing the lie that it's okay to take the shortcut, right?
It's okay to know what God says about making the sons pay for the sins of the father. Disregard it because you have a good goal in mind.
You see, this is the original lie. This is the lie that started all lies that the social justice warriors are going after.
Now, good for Ruslan that he's not for reparations. At least that's what he claims. The problem is you really can't take
Ruslan at his word very often because he also kind of weasels out of things that he obviously believes like women preaching on Sunday to men.
You have to kind of trap him in order to get him to admit it. So, you know, who knows what Ruslan really believes.
But the point is though, that social justice and all of the things that they promote are extensions and applications of this original satanic lie.
That it's okay to sin, it's okay to break God's law in order to get what you perceive to be a positive outcome, a good thing.
Who doesn't want racial reconciliation? Well, I don't if it requires me to sin in order to do it, right?
Like if I have to do partial, if I have to engage in partiality to get racial reconciliation,
I want no part of it. If I have to make the sons pay for the sins of the fathers in order to get racial reconciliation,
I don't wanna talk about it. If I have to segregate Christian fellowship in order to achieve this goal of racial reconciliation, then
I say, go home. I don't want any part of that satanic kind of racial reconciliation. It's just that simple.
And so, yeah, the eviction moratorium, you know, social justice, the snake in the garden, they all kind of have the same foundational lie that it's okay to disregard what
God says in order to accomplish a goal that you think is good. Look, I feel bad for people that lost their jobs in the pandemic and couldn't afford rent or whatever it is, but allowing people to just not pay their bills and still live in the place, it's allowing stealing.
That's obviously a problem. That's obviously totally immoral. And it doesn't matter if someone could be shrewd and get a positive benefit out of it for them, it's still not acceptable for a just nation.