F4F | Joyce Meyer on Defeating Your Giants


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the
Faith here on YouTube. If you've ever been told that the story of David and Goliath is all about you defeating the
Giants in your life, you've actually been told false doctrine.
Yeah. The giant Goliath in Scripture is not an allegory about the difficulties in your life.
So go ahead and hit the subscribe button and ring the bell so that you can be notified when we post new videos.
We're gonna be listening to a message delivered by Joyce Meyer called Defeating Giants and she's gonna explain to us how this all works and none of it makes any sense.
In fact, the beginning section of this message, she sounds paranoid, like there's like real giants running around, but we'll let her explain.
So here's Joyce Meyer. Here we go. I started last night talking to you about defeating
Giants. How many of you have a giant chasing you around right now?
No. No, I don't.
And if I did have a giant chasing me around, I'd probably call the authorities.
I have a cell phone. Mm -hmm. And maybe, you know, might pull out my karate or something like that, you know, just to fend off the giant until the authorities arrive to save me from the giant.
So, I mean, what a weird question. Everyone's in there going, yeah, I got giants chasing me around all over the place right now.
This is nonsense. Now, you know, there's all kinds of giants.
There's little giants, medium -sized giants. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. If there's little giants, they would cease to be giants.
Mm -hmm. Yeah, that would be kind of like, you know, you ever heard of jumbo shrimp? Yeah, that's an oxymoron.
A small giant. Mm -hmm. I doubt the existence of such a thing. There's big giants, really big giants, and then there's some of those giants that you feel like has just taken up residence in your life.
Yeah, I got a giant. It's living in one of the spare bedrooms in my house. It keeps eating my food out of my fridge, and it's really starting to get expensive.
I wish this giant would get out of my life. This is nonsense. They've gotten themselves a room, decorated it.
They're quite comfortable, and they're kind of... What would a giant decorate, you know, if a giant took up residence in your spare room in your house?
How would he decorate it? I mean, you know, we'd put up like NBA posters and stuff like that.
What would a giant do? I mean, I'm sure giants would do well in the NBA. I mean, they'd be able to palm it and just, you know, they wouldn't even have to jump to dunk.
They could just toss it in, you know? And you know they have no intention of leaving.
You know, one of the things that I find when I'm going through something, and you can let me know if you feel the same way.
And now she's preaching from her own life. I find that one of the lies the devil just keeps pounding at me is this is never gonna go away.
You know, sometimes mentally we think we can handle something if it's gonna be a week or two weeks or maybe even a month.
But when you get... Yeah, by the way, 1 Samuel 17 talks about an actual giant named Goliath. He was not a allegorical giant.
He was a legitimate one, historically speaking. David actually did defeat him. Actually, God defeated him because God gets all the credit there in the text.
And David did get to cut his head off and stuff. Yeah. Something that just hangs on and hangs on and hangs on and hangs on.
And especially if it's something hurting you. I think one of the fears that the enemy tries to get us with is what if this never goes away?
Anybody ever hear that? What if this lasts forever? But you know something? They always come to an end.
Well, you know, not always. Sometimes you come to an end. Yeah, it's just legit.
Since she's allegorizing difficulties in people's lives, I mean, I'm assuming that a chronic illness or something like that or a mortal, a fatal disease would qualify as a so -called giant, which is, again, this is not what 1
Samuel 17 is about at all. But that being the case, sometimes the illness doesn't end.
You do. That's why the death mortality rate for Christians is still a hundred percent.
Until Jesus returns, that's the case. Be something else right on its heels, but it comes to an end.
And last year, I had a particularly challenging year because I had two surgeries within seven months.
Now I'm going to note something. This lady, earlier on in her career, was a parrot.
And I mean that in the truest sense. Polly Wannacracker says the same thing. She was a parrot for Kenneth Hagin's Word of Faith heresy.
She was a name -it -and -claim -it, blab -it -and -grab -it, full -blown Word of Faith heretic.
And now her life hasn't really panned out so well. She had two surgeries last year.
How come she didn't blab -it -and -grab -it? How come she didn't name it and claim it? I had a hip replaced, and then as soon as I got that over with,
I started having a pain here in my leg. And we thought it was the hip that was still giving problems.
Turns out it was something in my back, which I think really was the problem all along, and I probably wouldn't have had to have the hip replaced.
But the point is— Not only was she not able to call in a healing from God using her words, it sounds to me like the doctor got it wrong.
Wow. So much for the Word of Faith heresy. For about ten months,
I had quite a bit of pain, and I kept doing everything I was supposed to do.
You know, when you do what I'm doing, you don't just not show up. You don't just say, sorry,
I can't come. You press through, and you do it. And so one of the things that I really had to stand against was that lie, what if you're like this forever?
And I kept saying, I declared, like Joel's book, I declare, I kept—
Yeah, those declarations, they didn't work out for you, did they? And yet she's gonna talk about defeating giants.
Yet, by her own admission in the introduction of this message, where she's already twisted
God's Word by allegorizing Goliath, that she's admitted that her declarations didn't work.
She ended up having to have surgery, and it was probably the wrong one. Saying, this is gonna come to an end.
This is gonna turn out all right. This is gonna come to an end. And I want to encourage you to do the same thing in your life.
My oldest son was an absolute nightmare for me to raise. Notice she's not teaching a text here.
Now, she's exegeting parts of her life, but her life is not recorded in the pages of Scripture.
Anybody got a kid that you love but you don't like? Come on, let's be honest.
We do. We love our kids, but truth is, is sometimes we don't always like them all.
And the interesting thing about this boy was, he probably, out of all of them, is the most like me.
And so a lot of times, we don't like them because we see ourselves in them, and we don't want to admit it.
And I mean, I thought that boy was gonna drive me crazy. I couldn't hardly wait for him to leave home. When he graduated and said he was gonna go away to Bible college,
I was like, yes, go. Then he came to work for us, and I thought that was gonna drive me nuts.
But you know what? Now, he's the CEO of all of our world missions.
They were talking about water wells this morning, and we just dug our 1 ,000th water well around the world.
How many people have been brought to penitent faith in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins through your world missions?
Yeah, I'm not saying that fresh water wells are not an important thing. Yeah, that's a good work, especially for those people who do not have access to fresh water.
But missions, in the truest sense, is about preaching the gospel and people being brought to faith in Christ for the forgiveness of their sins and eternal life, and then bearing fruit in keeping with repentance.
Oh, 1 ,000 water wells! Okay, yeah. How many of them are going to be in eternity with Christ, as opposed to the lake of fire?
I don't have any giants. My life is blissfully giant -free.
And has been the whole time, all 50 years. Giant -free.
Yes, yes, yes. You've got what it takes. Come on. You've got what it takes to make it through.
I've got what it takes to make it through. Over and again, I learned in Scripture to pray, Lord, without you,
I got nothing. You know, what are you talking about? Come out victorious on the other side.
I'm gonna... the other side of what? Where? You know, Christ is the one who won the victory, and we're in Him, and we're gonna be resurrected.
Everything you see is going away, including my own body. I'm gonna die someday. Our lives are like a vapor.
So I think you kind of get the point. But she's gonna end up reading out part of 1
Samuel 17, and she's already twisted it, because 1 Samuel 17 is not a parable.
It's an actual historical account. It's not an allegory about you facing giants in your life.
It is a type and shadow of Christ's victory over the devil. Let me kind of clue you in on how this works.
Scriptures are about Jesus, and at the time that the encounter between David and Goliath took place, the genealogy of Jesus Christ had come up to David and no further.
He was still a boy and had no children of his own, and so you can kind of say it this way, because Scripture talks this way, that Jesus was still in the loins of his great -great -great -grandfather,
David. By the way, the book of Hebrews teaches us to think in these terms. And so the Messiah is the one who came on the battlefield that day, and it was a wonderful victory.
Think of it this way. None of the people of Israel and none of the soldiers there could defeat this tyrant, this giant who was basically slandering them and taunting them day after day.
No one was able to go against him. In the same way, no one is able to go against the devil.
But the Messiah stepped on the battlefield that day and defeated the foe that nobody could defeat, and in so doing, he ended up cutting off his head, which evokes the promise of Genesis chapter 3, where God said to the serpent that the
Messiah, the coming seed of the woman, would crush the head of the serpent. Yeah, again, it's a wonderful type and shadow that points to the ultimate victory that it was won by Christ on the cross and his resurrection from the grave.
So I think you get the idea. But it's not about you and defeating giants. In fact, if you sit there and think there's practical applications for me about defeating the giants in my life, you know,
I just got to find my five smooth stones. Yeah, tell me what those are, uh -huh, and what do you do when you miss?
You see, it's just ridiculous, because this is not a text about you defeating giants.
It's about a text pointing to the one who would defeat the tyrant who we are all subjected to because of our sin, and that's the devil.
And that victory comes through Christ, and he's the one who won that, not you, not me. In the meantime, we do suffer.
We experience pain and suffering and illnesses and terrible relationships and things like that.
We are taught to humbly pray to God to help us through our sufferings, to vindicate us in the face of, you know, the trials and persecutions that we go through.
And we look to him who raised Jesus from the dead, knowing that even when our present bodies expire and we die, that to be absent from the bodies, to be present with the
Lord, and that there's a day coming when we will experience the resurrection where we will be united with eternal bodies, and we will live forever on a new earth.
I mean, all of this is we look forward to. Our hope is in the coming earth, nothing to do with this present one.
In the present one, we walk by faith, not by sight, looking forward to the hope of the new one.
It's weird. All the false teachers, you know, the prosperity preachers in the Word of Faith heretics, they always have you focused on the here and the now, and when they try to apply the theology that they're telling you that you've got to apply to your life, it doesn't seem to work for them either, because it ain't biblical.
It's not supposed to work. It's not even true. I hope you got the point. If you found this helpful, please feel free to share this video, subscribe below, ring the bell so that you can be notified when we update our channel, and of course, all the information on how to support us financially is listed in the description by joining our crew, becoming a patron on Patreon, and all that information.
And until next time, may God richly bless you, in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ, and His vicarious death on the cross, for all of your sins.