F4F | Kathy DeGraw: Can Christians Be Possesed by Demons?


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Rosebro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. Now if you've ever heard in the charismatic movement or in the
NAR people claiming that Christians are possessed by demons and if they're struggling with particular sins that they need to have those demons cast out of them, that's called deliverance, or that they need you need to experience inner healing where you go back through your memories and have
Jesus come to bear and be part of all of that. Yeah, deliverance and inner healing. If you've heard of this, even if you haven't, go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below.
Don't forget to like the video and ring the bell so you can be notified when we update our channel. We are going to be heading to the
YouTube channel of a lady by the name of Kathy DeGraw and she writes for Charisma Magazine.
And we're gonna talk about the practice of deliverance and inner healing and show that this is not a biblical practice at all.
This is just wingnut wackerdoodle -ism. You might as well go to the Philippines and submit yourself to a psychic surgeon because that's how effective this technique is.
But we're gonna talk also about what the Bible does say about biblical sanctification and why it is that Christians still struggle with sin.
There's a reason for that. So let me whirl up my desktop and let's head over to the
YouTube channel of Kathy DeGraw. And I'll note this before we play this, that over at Charisma Magazine you can purchase her inner healing course, her deliverance and inner healing course, right now for the low price of only $145.
Yeah, I wouldn't pay a wooden nickel for any of this stuff because this ain't biblical.
This is not Christian sanctification. And what she's preaching and teaching here, yeah listen, you know the reason why you struggle with sins, it's because you still have a sinful nature.
We'll talk about that biblically. But here in this video, Kathy DeGraw is going to be discussing why is it that people aren't set free after they've been delivered from demons by a deliverance minister, you know, like herself.
So let's check in with her as she tries to explain this awkward situation of, why did, you know, when they cast a demon out of me, why didn't it work?
Hi everyone, I wanted to take a few moments tonight and release a teaching to you that the
Lord continually puts on my heart, but even in the last 24 hours... So note, where did this teaching come from?
The Lord put this on her heart. I don't think so. ...hours he's put on my heart again.
And so I just really want to release that to you, to empower that into you.
I want to tell you real quick why everyone's signing on. I have a mega resource sale on my website at DeGrawMinistries .org.
I've taken all my books... Teaching for shameful gain things she ought not to teach.
This is false doctrine. ...and put them at drastically reduced prices to empower you.
And I'm even going to be giving you a free copy of my book, A Worship Woven Life, and I'm gonna be signing each book with a prophetic word just to really empower you and encourage...
She doesn't just sign her books. You don't just get an autograph. You get a prophetic word with them. ...encourage you.
So as you come on, I want you to tell me who's on, what city are you from, and I really just pray that this teaching will bless you tonight of why perhaps you've had deliverance ministry, but you're still not set free.
Awkward. Yeah, you know, the deliverance minister, you know, cast all the demons out of me, and wouldn't you know it,
I still sin. Because that's the common thing that I hear these days is,
I've had deliverance ministry, but I'm not set free. By the way, the reason why is because deliverance ministry is not a biblical practice.
It will not empower you in Christian sanctification, and it's as effective at curing, you know, curing what ails you spiritually as psychic surgery in the
Philippines is effective at, you know, healing cancer and stuff like that. If you don't know what psychic surgery is, basically it's a flim -flam magic show.
It involves sleight of hand and a blood capsule and stuff like that. Here's an example of psychic surgery.
Oh, look at that. He put his fingers inside that guy's gut. Wow, he is special.
He's magical. This is a parlor trick. Oh, look, there's blood.
He's gonna take the cancer right out of him. Oh, quick.
Wipe it away, and there's no scar, and all that kind of stuff. Yeah, psychic surgery. Yeah, Google it.
There's people who have debunked it and actually teach you how to engage in this. I'm gonna make this claim, and I'm gonna stand by it that what
Kathy DeGraw is describing here is as effective as psychic surgery.
This is not a biblical practice. This won't help you. In fact, it's a form of malpractice. Spiritually, it'll hurt you.
And so why is that? Why do we have deliverance ministry, and we're not set free? I'm gonna give you the keys tonight, and I'm gonna give you the keys to how and achieve and receive that freedom.
I was talking to... All right, so she's gonna give us that. Now, I'm gonna fast forward because she did this as like, you know, one of those
Periscope thingies or Facebook Live. So she was still waiting for people to populate her live stream.
So I'm gonna go forward, you know, a little bit, like a minute and a half where she actually now gets into the teaching proper.
So why aren't you set free? Why? Why am I not set free? So shout out if you've had deliverance ministry, and you feel like you're not set free.
Yeah, I had psychic surgery, you know, for my obesity, and I'm still fat. So the key is we can't just do repentance, renunciation, you know, there's...
You just can't... You can't do repent... Repentance isn't enough, man. You can't just renounce and do renunciation.
That's how she pronounced it. No, it's not enough. Eight hours that Henry Wright teaches. A lot of restoring the foundation, and sozo, a lot of the different...
So you gotta do sozo and stuff too, yeah. Which of the Apostles did sozo? Healing ministries don't focus enough on deliverance.
Casting out the demon. Yeah, see the problem is if you're getting that sozo stuff, and you're soaking, you know, and, you know, like Mr.
Sponge, if you don't know what I'm talking about, we'll go ahead and we'll put a, you know, a link up here to our
Mr. Sponge episode. So if you're not, you know, you're doing sozo, and, you know, you've had inner healing, but the issue is you're you're still sinning.
Well, it's because they forgot to cast the demons out of you. And so they may do the inner healing, they may go to the root cause, they may try and help you work through unforgiveness and repentance, but let's look at the red -letter words of the
Bible. And the red -letter words of the Bible said, Jesus said what? Go! And we say go in Jesus' name.
He said get out and do not enter him anymore. Yeah, that was what Jesus said to a demoniac.
Now we're gonna take a look at those red letters real quick, and consider what Christ himself says regarding demons once they're cast out of somebody who is demonized.
What happens? And we'll let him explain a few things, and we'll just do a little cross -reference work regarding the state of a
Christian. So our first text today, Matthew chapter 12, I'll start at verse 33.
Notice all the red letters. And so these red letters, in fact, let me do this.
I'm gonna make, I made it so that my Bible was too big, way too big.
There we go. It's that all the red letters are now centered on the screen. I got a little excited.
All right, so when an unclean spirit, Jesus says, has gone out of a person. All right, so there's a demoniac, somebody who has an unclean spirit.
Jesus casts the demon out, or one of his disciples casts the demon out.
It passes through waterless places, seeking rest, but finds none. Then it says,
I will return to my house from which I came. And when it comes, it finds the house, and listen to the word, empty, swept, and put in order.
Yeah, so if a demon comes back and finds the house empty, well, then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and dwell there, and the last day to that person is worse than the first.
So also, will it be with this evil generation? All right, so my question then is, is that if somebody is a demoniac, somebody's actually legitimately suffering from, you know, from possession, and a disciple of Jesus Christ casts that demon out and says, well, there you go, everything's all cleaned up, and you should be good now, and then doesn't preach the gospel to that person?
You know, that's not gonna be good. But then let's say they do preach the gospel to that person, and that person, in hearing the gospel, because faith comes by hearing, hearing by the
Word of Christ, and that person, through the powerful working of God the Holy Spirit, is brought to repentance, sorrow, contrition for sin, and then
God the Holy Spirit produces in that person faith in Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins.
They are then baptized. What is the state of that person? Are they empty, or are they filled with the
Holy Spirit? That's kind of the operative question. What is the state of a Christian? Is a Christian empty, or is a
Christian filled with the Holy Spirit? Well, next text in this regard, Paul writes to the church at Corinth, and by the way,
I'm going to come back into 1 Corinthians 6. We'll do a little bit more work in the context here, because it'll help us.
Here's what the Apostle Paul says regarding Christians. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the
Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with the price, so glorify
God in your body. Well, if my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, if I were ever demonized prior to being a
Christian, and somebody cast the demon out of me, then when that demon came back to see how things were, would the demon find me empty, or filled with the
Holy Spirit? Answer, filled with the Holy Spirit. So you're gonna note here, in order for demons to hang around, things have got to be empty, and so Christians, anybody who's truly a penitent believer in Jesus Christ, you're baptized in the name of the
Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. You are the temple of the Holy Spirit. You are indwelt by the
Holy Spirit. God has given you the Holy Spirit. That demon comes back. It ain't finding nothing empty. There's the
Holy Spirit. You think the demon's gonna go, oh, let's see if we can actually, you didn't.
That ain't gonna work. Okay, in fact, nowhere in Scripture do you see a believer, a believer in Jesus Christ, filled with a spirit that's demonic.
That's nowhere. In fact, nowhere in Scripture do you see the Apostles talking about, now let's make sure you
Christians are casting out all these demons that are still in you. No, because over and again, the point of the epistles, the writings of the
Apostles, is that we are filled with the Holy Spirit, and that this is a reality of Christians, and that being the temple of the
Holy Spirit, being united with Christ in His death and His resurrection, these are the things that we are to latch on to by faith in working against the sins of our flesh.
Yeah, we'll talk about that too in a minute. So already we got a problem here, and the problem is that Kathy DeGraw, who's written hundreds of articles for Charisma Magazine's teaching, of course, on deliverance, you can buy for 145 bucks right now at Charisma Magazine, is teaching that Christians can be, well, filled with demons, and she's misquoting
Christ in the process. So this is a problem, because this isn't
Christian sanctification. This is a wingnut wackerdoodle false teaching and false practice that will harm people rather than help them in Christian sanctification.
Let me back this up just a little bit. And the red letter words of the Bible, and the red letter words of the Bible said,
Jesus said what? Go, and we say go in Jesus' name. He said get out and do not enter him anymore.
He what? He cast out the deaf and dumb spirit. Right, from somebody who was demonized, that person was not a believer in Christ prior to Jesus casting out the demon.
He rebuked the spirit, and he gave it a follow -up command. He took authority. Rebuke means take authority.
No, it doesn't. Yeah. Okay, so he took authority over it.
So, you know, the reason why you're struggling with sins of the flesh is because you haven't taken authority and cast out demons out of you.
That's just silly. Now, real quick, let's do a little bit more work here. All right, so I'm just gonna assume a lot of you watching
Fighting for the Faith, you are baptized, you are believers in Jesus Christ, and you confess that Jesus Christ has bled and died for your sins.
You believe this. And the daily Christian walk for you is a struggle.
And by the way, it is for me as well. There's a reason for this, and the reason is because you still have your sinful flesh to contend with.
And let's take a look biblically at how we are to understand this struggle. It's not with demons that you're struggling, although you can be tempted by the devil.
The thing you're struggling against is your own sinful flesh, which you still have hanging around your neck.
So let's take a look at some other passages, shall we? All right, so we talked about that one already.
So let's go to Galatians chapter 5. Galatians chapter 5. The book of Galatians teaches beautifully that we are saved by grace through faith, by what
Christ has done for us apart from works of the law, that salvation is gift from beginning to end because of God's grace and his mercy.
This is most certainly true. And then you notice at the back end of Galatians, the Apostle Paul teaches the same doctrine that he teaches extensively in the book of Romans, particularly in Romans chapter 7.
But we're gonna take a look at what the Apostle Paul is now saying to Christians. Here's what he says. You were called to freedom.
By the way, sin is slavery. This is a biblical category. So we were called to freedom.
So do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the what? For the flesh, for the sarks.
Aha, all right. But through love, serve one another. For the whole law is fulfilled in one word, you shall love your neighbor as yourself.
But if you bite and devour one another, watch out that you're not consumed by one another. But I say, and watch what he says, walk by the
Spirit. Now this phrase by the Apostle Paul, especially in the book of Galatians, by the
Spirit, he uses that phrase synonymously with by faith. You can see this very clearly in Romans, not
Romans, but Galatians chapter 3. Let me show you it so you can kind of see how this works.
Galatians 3, Paul writes, Oh foolish Galatians, whose bewitched you is before your eyes that Christ Jesus was publicly portrayed as crucified.
So let me ask you this. Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law or by, and watch the phrase, by hearing with faith?
Are you so foolish having begun by the Spirit? So you're gonna know, hearing by faith and by the
Spirit, these are synonymous concepts in the book of Galatians, and it's not always the case when you hear by the
Spirit that that's what he's referring to. But the idea here is that even our sanctification occurs by faith, and it is the work of the
Holy Spirit in us. So are you so foolish having begun by the Spirit? Are you now being perfected by the flesh?
Did you suffer so many things in vain? If indeed it was in vain, does he who supplies the Spirit to you and work miracles among you do so by works of the law or by hearing with faith?
All right. Now all that being the case, biblical, true biblical sanctification, which involves the daily putting off of your old nature and the putting on of the new man that you are in Christ, the daily mortification of your sinful flesh and its passions and its desires, all of this is done by faith through the power of the
Holy Spirit, because it is the Spirit who produces the fruit of the Spirit in you, not you producing the fruit of the
Spirit in you. We'll talk about that, but coming back to what we were looking at in Galatians 5, so Paul says, walk by the
Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the what? Of the flesh.
All right. So now he's gonna list a list here, and we should all be familiar with this, because the list
I'm going to list now, I'm gonna just read from Galatians, you and I, we've all had, we all have firsthand experience with at least one, if not most of the things on this list.
So the desires of the what? The flesh. This is not demonic stuff.
This is, these are the desires of your sinful flesh. They are against the Spirit, and the desires of the
Spirit are against the flesh. These are opposed to each other to keep you from doing the things you want.
So as a new creation in Christ, the regenerate you, okay, because you have been raised from the dead and you are in Christ, the regenerate you is in conflict with your old sinful flesh, and so the normal Christian life feels like a constant butting of heads between who you are in Christ, the new creation that you are, and your old sinful flesh.
That's what it's like. And so these are, the desires of each are opposed to each other.
The new man that is in Christ desires to do good works, to love neighbor and to love
God. Your old sinful flesh only desires to serve self, to love self, and know nothing but self.
And so you've got this conflict going on now inside of you, and that's normal.
So if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. Now the works of the flesh, notice what it says, the works of the what?
Flesh. Believe me, if the demons and the devil himself were all presently cast into the lake of fire,
Christians would still sin in these ways. Why? These are the works and the desires of your sinful flesh.
Mine too. Alright, so here we go. Here's the list. The works of the flesh, they are evident.
Sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these.
Uh -huh. So, and if you're sitting there going, well, that doesn't describe me at all. You are a liar, okay?
One or more of these things is describing sins that your sinful flesh wants and desires, and you may even be struggling with that right now, but that's...
where does that come from? That comes from your sinful flesh.
These are the desires and the passions of your sinful flesh, and they are opposed to the new man that you are in Christ, and opposed to keep you from doing the things you want to do.
So Paul then says this, I warn you, as I warned you before, those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
But listen to this, the fruit of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self -control.
Against such things there is no law. So the Holy Spirit then produces in us his fruit, which is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness.
So the Christian life is a constant butting of heads, so then practically, how then do we deal with this?
Well, I would consider what Paul writes in Colossians to be of help here, and here's what he says, if then you have been raised with Christ, and by the way, if you are a baptized penitent believer in Jesus Christ, you have been raised with Christ.
Here's what you're gonna do, ready? Seek the things that are above. Notice that what
Paul's writing here assumes that there's already an internal conflict. There's the internal conflict between your old sin, the desires of your sinful flesh, seeking after the things that are here, gratifying its sinful desires and passions, and the new man that you are in Christ.
So what are we to do? Daily wake up, seek the things that are above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.
Set your minds on the things that are above, not on the things that are on the earth. For you have died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.
So when Christ who is your life appears, then you will also appear with him in glory.
So put to death, therefore, what is earthly in you. Notice he's writing this to Christians, which means we
Christians still have things that are earthly within us. So put it to death. And if again, if you're not sure, you know, how do
I know something's earthly in me? All right, well here's a list again. Sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desires, covetousness, which is idolatry, on account of these the wrath of God is coming.
In these you too once walked, and this is how you conducted your life, when you were living in them, but now you must put them all away.
Anger, wrath, malice, slander, obscene talk from your mouth. Do not lie to one another, seeing that you've put off the old self with its practices and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in the knowledge after the image of its creator.
So what does this look like? It's daily repentance, and so you wake up in the morning, and it's a good idea to pray.
Did you notice that men like Daniel, they prayed three times a day. Prayer is a big deal.
Study the Scriptures, have your, you know, be in the biblical text. This is where our minds then are conformed to the mind of God in the biblical text.
So daily prayer, daily reading of the Scriptures for understanding it in its context.
It's not like it's some kind of magical thing, and what happens is as you're interacting and praying and praying the way
Christ has taught us to pray, deliver us from the evil one, lead us not into temptation, deliver us from the evil one, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
As you're reading the Word of God, the Word of God is going to confront you regarding your own sin, your passion and desire for sin, and also all of the different ways in which you believe falsely, which is idolatry.
Sins against God in unbelief, sins against others in serving yourself and only yourself, and what do we do?
We daily confess that we are sinners, and ask God to forgive us, and ask
God through the Spirit to give us the strength to obey what
God has commanded us, and we pray that the Holy Spirit would produce His fruit in us in daily repentance so that we may grow in love for others.
That's the idea. In other words, there's no sexy, simple solution to this.
The Christian life is a daily putting off of your old self, daily putting to death your sinful flesh and its passions, and you will not be released from this daily tension and fight until you die, or until Jesus returns in glory, and you are resurrected from the dead, and you will have a new body that doesn't have these passions and desires, that isn't corrupted by sin.
You get the idea. So, there is no magic pill to this. This is a painful, difficult, hard process as we learn to daily repent of our sin and unbelief, and our false belief in idolatry, and daily, by the power of the
Spirit, trusting that what God is saying is true here, that the Holy Spirit will enable us through the means of grace, through His Word, to mortify our sinful flesh, continue to humble us, so that we do not satisfy the sinful flesh and its desires.
But you get a note, all those things described here, those aren't demons.
That's your sinful flesh. These burble up from within you. If you really want to get a full picture of what that looks like, then go back to Romans chapter 7.
Paul says, you know, the things I want to do, I don't do. The things I don't want to do, I do. Who will deliver me from this body of death?
But thanks be to God, there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. So, we put to death the passions of our sinful flesh by faith.
Now, coming back then to 1 Corinthians 6, I wanted to point this out, is you'll note that this is the text that says, our bodies are the temple of the
Holy Spirit. So, Paul writing to Christians, to Christians, you know, wait a second,
Christians aren't supposed to be struggling with this stuff. They do, because they still have a sinful flesh. Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God?
Do not be deceived, neither the sexually immoral, nor the idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor the thieves, nor the greedy, nor the drunkards, nor the revilers, nor the swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
And such were some of you, past tense, but you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of God. In fact, if you are a baptized penitent believer in Jesus Christ, trusting
Him for the forgiveness of your sins, you are a new creation in Christ. You've been washed, you've been justified, you are no longer a slave to sin.
This is what Scripture says. So, do you believe it or not? So, all things that are lawful for me, you know, all things are helpful, all things are lawful for me, but I will not be dominated by anything.
Food is meant for the stomach, stomach for food. God will destroy both one and the other. The body is not meant for sexual immorality, but for the
Lord and the Lord for the body. And God raised up, raised the
Lord and will also raise us up by His power. Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ?
So, here we're dealing with the sin of sexual immorality. What's Paul saying here? Pay attention.
The Scriptures make it clear, your bodies are now members of Christ. You have been washed, you've been sanctified, you've been justified, you belong to Jesus.
So, by faith then, recognize that your bodies are members of Christ.
Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute? No, never! Or do you not know that he who is joined to a prostitute becomes one body with her?
For as it is written, the two will become one flesh. So, note here, Paul's not casting out demons, he's pointing them to the reality that is true for all those who are in Christ.
So, flee from sexual immorality. You don't have to cast a demon out if you're struggling with a sexual sin.
Flee it! Flee it! All right? Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.
Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God?
You are not your own, you were bought with a price, so glorify God in your body. You sit there and go, but I still have these temptations.
Right! By faith and the power of the Spirit, call on God to give you the strength to mortify the passions of your sinful flesh, to give you the strength to obey the commands that God has given us in Scripture.
Confess that you are by nature sinful and unclean. Call upon God to forgive you and give you strength to obey him.
That's walking it out by faith. That's the idea here. There's nothing sexy about it.
It's actually quite humble, and it's a difficult process. It involves
God disciplining us, pruning off branches from us so that we will produce the fruit of the
Spirit. There is no one and done. Just take this pill and you'll no longer deal with these temptations anymore, and the person who says to you, if you are struggling with these sins, it's because you have demons, is a quack.
The reason why you're struggling with these sins is because you are a sinful human being, just like me, just like everybody else.
Your sinful flesh desires these things. So does mine. So you get the idea.
All right, all of that's your foundation for this. You now understand what the Bible teaches in this regard.
No simple solution to this, and all these things are the sins of the flesh, not caused by you being possessed by a demon.
Let's go back to Kathy DeGraw. So he took authority over the demon, and in a lot of the healing ministries, we're not doing that.
We're focusing on inner healing. What was your wound? Oh, show me that vision. Let's go back.
Let's put Jesus in that situation. Was Jesus there? And you know, sometimes we're implanting a memory that we shouldn't.
That borders on the line of, you know, new age. Oh, I'm glad you find that inner healing in that practice is a new age practice, not a biblical one, because that's correct.
Witchcraft and stuff like that, when we're trying to implant a memory. And so there's a lot of healing ministries out there that aren't doing healing the biblical way.
Now, just because a ministry has deliverance in its name, doesn't mean it's a deliverance ministry.
I have preached at so many churches that have had deliverance in their name, and I'm like, you're not doing deliverance at all.
Neither is she, by the way. You don't even believe in deliverance. You know, deliverance is what?
It's going, looking in our past, closing the door, but it's casting out demons. Christians are indwelt by the
Holy Spirit. Demons would not be welcome, because in order for a demon to come back into a Christian, their body has to be empty, and our bodies are the temple of the
Holy Spirit. Jesus was talking about deliverance, casting out demons. And so don't assume, if you're going through, you know, the internet, trying to find a deliverance ministry in your area, don't assume, friends, that, oh, they have deliverance in their church.
They do deliverance. A lot of people don't even know what deliverance is. Pretty sure she doesn't either.
And there's a lot of ministries. We had one here locally that was doing deliverance for years.
They were casting out demons. And then all of a sudden, there's a big newspaper article, and they're like, we're not casting out demons anymore.
Well, why not? Jesus did. Not out of believers. Okay, and that's why we're not being set free.
What you need to hear someone speak over your life, or what you need to be speaking over your own life, is spirit of rejection.
Get out in. There is no such thing as a spirit of rejection. That is a myth. In Jesus' name, spirit of rejection, go in Jesus' name.
Spirit of control, leave. There is no such thing as a spirit of control. That is a mythology.
Me, in Jesus' name. Might as well believe in sneaky squids. Jesus never said, stop hindering, get away, okay?
He said, get out. To those who are unbelieving demoniacs, yes. Get out.
Now, let me tell you what's happening, and why you're feeling freedom for a little while, but not forever.
Yeah, apparently this placebo effect wears off. Okay, this is gonna get good. You ready? So, what happens is, we go to those inner healing sessions, and inner healing and deliverance go hand -in -hand.
Okay, I am not downgrading inner healing. I do inner healing. The difference is,
I do inner healing, and I cast the demon out in the same session.
Oh yeah, she's so different. She cast the demons out. Again, Christians are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, in order for a demon to come back, the place has to be empty.
Christians are not empty. So, what happens, friends, is we're going to our inner healing session, and now we just like, let loose of all these tears.
Oh, we just had this all pivotal moment, okay? I'm kind of mocking it, I know, but I'm just bold, alright?
I'm not gonna apologize for that. You should apologize for your blasphemy and false practice, and teaching that Christians can be possessed by the devil when they can't.
We had this pivotal moment, and now we think we're free. So, we go out, and we expect the world to be all brand new, and peachy keen, and everything like that, and then what happens is, six weeks later, we're feeling depressed again, or we're thinking about our problems again.
Yeah, that proves that this all is flim -flam. What's your explanation for it, by the way,
Kathy? Or we got that demonic plague again, alright? You know what happened? That old, like, emotional pivotal moment you had, or maybe what that minister or counselor told you, it made you feel good for the moment.
So, you really didn't think about everything, but what happens in that time, watch this, okay?
Because people don't teach about this. This is in my book, Discerning and Destroying the
Works. Of course it's in your book. It's not in the Bible, but it's in your book. Got it. ...say, and you have to get it.
It's on sale, guys. Only $13. It's usually $17. Teaching for shameful gain, things that they ought not to teach.
...only $13, guys. You'll never see it that cheap again. So, what happens is these spirits go, and they lie slumber and dormant.
So, the spirit... Where in the Bible does it say that demons lie dormant, and they slumber?
Hmm? I'd like to see those dormant, slumbering demons in the Bible. You just made that up.
...depression you had or rejection. What it does is it goes back down in, and it just slumbers out there.
So, for that six weeks that you're feeling free... Does it use a hammock, a cot? Where does it sleep exactly?
It's just like, oh yeah, enjoy your freedom. I'm going to come in your back door, and I'm going to bust you, and I'm going to attack you again.
How can it get back in if I'm indwelt by the Holy Spirit? Jesus said that when demons come back and find the place empty.
Hmm? But you see, you're on cloud nine, because you just had this big crying episode, and you think you're being...
Placebo effect. Yeah. Finally, I've experienced breakthrough. No, you haven't, because you still have your sinful flesh.
That's the reason why you're struggling with sin. So, great. Okay. But then what happens is your husband makes you mad, or your boss fires you, and now you're feeling rejection again.
You're feeling depression again, and that slumbering demon just awakened, okay?
And he manifested again. Yeah, again. It's an interesting explanation. Not a biblical doctrine.
Quite the narrative that Christians can be possessed by demons, while at the same time filled with the Holy Spirit. Weird. And now what?
When you cast it out, you don't fill it up. It comes back seven times worse. That is so, so true.
Then that would mean that I don't have the Holy Spirit, because Jesus said in order for that to happen, the place has got to be empty.
But you didn't even cast it out, but because you poo -pooed it, it still intensifies it. And so, we have to do the ministry that Jesus said, that Jesus, okay, called us to, and we have...
Jesus did not call us to cast out demons out of believing Christians. Paul just said these are the sins of the flesh, and then through faith, by the power of the
Spirit, put to death the desires of the sinful flesh. You have to cast the demon out.
Slumbering dormant spirits work like this. Let me give you another example. You can relate. You go right ahead.
Do you have a biblical text for the slumbering dormant demon doctrine? To this. So, maybe you're an alcoholic, a drug addict.
Alcoholism, drunkenness, sin of the flesh. Just read a passage to that effect. Into pornography.
Sexual immorality, sin of the flesh. That's what Paul says under the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit. This isn't demons. This is the sins of the flesh. Pornography is a great one to use as an example. Okay, so what happens?
You're addicted to these things, and then all of a sudden, your behavior patterns stop.
Okay, so you stop drinking, you stop smoking, you stop doing porn. But then what? Three years later, you're drinking again, smoking again, and doing porn again.
Why? Because I have a sinful flesh. I have a sinful nature that desires these things.
You never cast the spirit of pornography out. There's a spirit of pornography. Really? Where is that in Scripture?
Masturbation, because pornography and masturbation go hand in hand. You think? You didn't cast the spirit of lust out, perversion, of seducing.
Did you cast out the spirit of perversion? Again, these are all sins of the flesh. That's what
Scripture says. These aren't demons. These are the desires of my sinful nature.
A lying spirit, a mind -binding spirit. A mind -binding spirit, really?
And so that's why people can't get free from pornography, is because you're not casting out all the demons that are associated with it.
This is no way to combat sins of the flesh. Paul didn't talk about demons.
He's reminded them of their reality for those who are in Christ, that they have been united with Christ in His body.
Therefore, put to death what is evil within you, and the sinful flesh and its passions.
That's done by repentance and faith, and God the Holy Spirit is the one who produces the fruit of the
Spirit in us. What you're talking about, this is complete wingnut, wackerdoodle -ism, and like I said, if I were struggling with a, name a sin here, a sin of covetousness, oh yeah,
I've got myself a covetous spirit. Why would I go to you to solve this problem?
Because saying that I have to have this demon of covetousness cast out of me is, again, it's akin to going to the
Philippines and having a psychic surgeon fix cancer or some real, real bodily ailment.
It's the same thing with alcohol or drug addiction. I want to do smoking because I can do that one really good, okay?
So cigarette smoking. So you give up your smokes, all right? But then what? You know, five years later, you start smoking again because something bad happened.
Why? Because that's that slumbering demon, okay, got a bunch of slumbering demons inside of you.
Something bad happened in their life and a smoker goes back to smoking. Technically, that's gonna fall into the category of idolatry because they're looking to cigarettes to alleviate their anxiety because of the difficult situation they find themselves in.
You can make anything an idol, including cigarettes. If it's the thing you're going to to look for help in time of trouble, then it becomes idolatry, which is a sin.
How do you how do you deal with it? Confess it as sin, believe that you are forgiven in Christ that he's bled and died for these sins, and bear fruit in keeping with repentance, calling out to God the
Holy Spirit to help us put off our old nature and to put on the new person that we are in Christ.
That drew you, that seduced you into smoking, lay dormant because you never had the demon cast out, and then something bad happens, or you get upset, or you go to a party, and you get, you know, awakened to smoking again.
Why? Because with cigarette smoking, you have to cast out a spirit of smoking and addiction. The spirit of smoking and addiction.
Nicotine. The spirit of nicotine. Where did you learn about these demons that have these names?
Tar. Do you have the demon of tar? What? Okay, you got to get all of the elements.
Oh, you got to get all those demons out of there, man. It's not enough to just get rid of the demon of cigarettes. You got to get rid of the demon of nicotine, the demon of addiction, the demon of tar.
Did you get rid of the demon of zigzags while you're at it? And when we don't get all of the elements, okay, it's all we're doing is masking the problem for a little while.
That's why friends, if you're going to a deliverance minister, you got to make sure they're casting out the demons. This woman sells a course at Charisma magazine.
This is nonsense. So if you're going around the country interviewing people, hey, I want you to do deliverance,
I mean, ask them, do you cast out demons? In my session, are you going to say spirit of control, go?
But that... Where in scripture does it talk about the spirit of control? Guys, guess what? You can't just, you know, some of you say, oh,
I've had deliverance at the altar. Oh, so -and -so prayed control off me at the altar. If they just said spirit of control, go, and you felt nothing,
I... What is this religion? This is not Christianity. This is not biblical sanctification. This is nonsense.
Question it. It's like, you know, might as well go to a voodoo witch doctor. Right. Throw some bones for me, would ya?
If they said, you know, spirit of control, go about ten times and you felt something leave you, that's great.
But what we do is we get... Felt something leave... These fireworks off at the altar. Oh, spirit of control, go.
Spirit of lust, go. Spirit of perversion, go. Spirit of anger, go. Spirit of rejection, go. And nothing is going because you don't even believe you have a demon.
Because I don't. I have the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of me. Jesus said the demon has to find the place empty in order to come back.
So, if you don't even believe you have a demon, you can't grab a hold of that. But also, deliverance is deeper than that.
It's deeper than just... Says which biblical text? It's a quick firework, okay? You should feel a release.
You should feel peace. You should feel the Holy Spirit. You should feel a manifestation of the Spirit. You should feel a demon leave you if they're praying it off.
You know, generational curses. I talked about a whole... Generational curse. Complete sham.
...section in here and destroying the works of Satan. On generational curses, alright? This is utter nonsense.
Generational curses are like the number one thing. I just wrote some articles for Charisma magazine.
You can just like Google... I'll just skip that. ...Charisma magazine. It'll bring up all my articles.
I've written over a hundred. Yeah, this tells you just how balanced that the biblical teaching is over at Charisma magazine.
But these ones are on generational curses. And what I specifically said is, you got to diagram your family tree.
You can't just... Oh, man. Which of the Apostles had to diagram their family tree in order to break generational curses?
Did Paul do that? Or Peter? Maybe Elijah did it. Where in Scripture does it say to do that?
Stand in a prayer line and say, all generational curses be gone in Jesus' name and expect him to go.
It is not going to happen that way. It's not that simple. Yeah, Christian sanctification, real sanctification, bearing the fruit of the
Spirit, doesn't happen this way, the way this woman's talking. Wow. That was just terrible.
So hopefully you found this helpful. Christian sanctification, there's no simple solution because you are gonna have your sinful flesh with you until you die or until Jesus returns.
And we daily, by faith, put off the old man, put on the new, walk humbly before the
Lord, confess our sins, ask to be forgiven, receive that forgiveness, and then call upon God to help us, and to give us the strength by the
Holy Spirit to mortify our sinful flesh so that we may obey him and his commands.
There's nothing sexy about it, there's nothing simple about it, and it's just a lifelong process that will not end until you die or Jesus returns.
That's the reality, because you still have your sinful nature with you until then. So if you found this helpful, all the information on how you can share this is down below in the description.
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So if you find this beneficial and you're learning, benefiting from a proper understanding of God's Word as we compare it to what false teachers are saying about what
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So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.