G3 and Friends - Things Are Much Worse Than I Thought

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right guys, all right. We'll start this one with a little story about You know how the 80
Robles YouTube channel got started some of you know this story some of you probably don't You know I would put my little thoughts out there.
You know and a long time ago I was one of the first people talking about this woke church stuff not not the first and nothing special Just you know
I'd put a Facebook post every now and then or things like that a small video things like that And you know nobody cared because nobody knew who
I was and you know this wasn't on anyone's radar at the time It just nobody really cared But I would get pushback every now and then from people that would say that would insinuate that I was you know racist or white
Privilege whatever the case may be but you know usually it was people that that didn't really know me But I'll never forget when
I realized this was a real big deal And this is this person gets a lot of credit for creating the 80
Robles that you see before you today He was a he's a d -lister on Big Eva.
You know he's a known quantity he gets you know not the greatest speaking gigs, but he gets speaking gigs and He we were having a discussion about public schools
I don't remember the exact issue, but he told me you know ad the only reason you're believing that is because of your white privilege and I Wasn't offended by that, but I I found it amazing because I knew for a fact that this guy knew
I was Latino Knew a little bit about my background and how I grew up and And knew that wasn't true what he had just said to me
He knew that that wasn't true, so I realized at that moment that there was something that that that it's like a mind virus that overrides your
Logic your reason your your normal personality, and it just triggers you into Saying something like that, and it's it's probably a mixture of propaganda and just you know
I mean obviously it's a mixture of sin as well But I knew I was I knew that this was a big problem at that moment at that moment when someone told me that I believed something only because of my white privilege knowing full well that I wasn't white or Didn't have privilege anyway
So fast forward to yesterday History is repeating itself and I can't even freaking believe it
You know
I nobody can say that I haven't tried to stop this from happening You know I've put out some content.
I've I've been tweeting about it I've been asking begging pleading having conversations
And I've been saying look guys don't do what the woke church did it doesn't do you any good if you're against Christian Nationalism it you know this is probably the last strategy you want to use to call people racist or ethnocentrist
Or whatever term you want to use it's it like It's not gonna go well for you.
You know what I mean. It's not gonna go well for you This has been tried, and it doesn't work. You're going to end up looking like a gospel coalition before long
This is what's going to happen. I've been trying and nobody can say I haven't tried in fact There are some people that are totally against my
Christian nationalist beliefs. They are against it They're so against it that they used to be you know more friendly with me
And now they're not as friendly with me and maybe even They're against me, and they reached out to me about that video, and you said you know that was a good video
That was a good warning. You know we should keep our heads about us, right? I was talking to my son this morning.
You know we were talking about throwing a baseball And you know he's in Little League, and he's and he's doing well
You know we're practicing and you know it doesn't come naturally necessarily to everybody how to throw a baseball And he's doing really well, but I can see him
So often overthinking it right and I told him I said just said this morning I said look sometimes
I'll throw at a chain -link fence you know the little the little pole that holds up a chain -link fence And I'll try to hit the little pole
From a distance, and I'll just throw it and I'll hit the pole And then I'll try to do it again and the second time
I overthink it I try to make sure my angles right just so I can make sure to hit it the second time and I almost never hit
It the second time sometimes you just got to rely on muscle memory not everything's like that though Not everything's like that, and I think that when you when you're well -practiced and good at something like I am at throwing a baseball
Muscle memory is better than overthinking it a lot of the time when you're not good at something like identifying racists
Like when you were woke like five minutes ago You're probably not good at identifying racists and Don't try
Take some time think it over Consider the nuance consider the arguments consider
Maybe some of your blind spots because we all have them and just cool it. I've been begging people to do this
But it doesn't look like it's gonna happen. I had a conversation Yesterday with someone and I just asked him about this like like why do you think this is going to be good for you?
You know you've got this whole group of Christian nationalists, which which let's just be honest We're dominating the discussion here completely
Dominating maybe not in the ivory towers, but with the man in the pews like the people that actually count
We're dominating the discussion if You wanted to stop
Christian nationalism the absolute worst thing you could do is to try to go
The you're a racist route because everybody already knows That's mostly a scam
And I said to this guy, what's the deal like don't you want to actually help we let's work together
There's evil out there. Let's work together I've been begging people we can do this we can work together.
We do not have to destroy our brothers We don't have to do it and the response.
I got Completely blew me away. I could not believe it I Got a wall of text and the wall of text started with an explanation of why racism is bad
He didn't get it his brain was overrided by this this this this reflex and I just can't believe it because He knows a little bit about my perspective
I mean, I'm sure he doesn't know everything I believe and I'm sure he doesn't watch every video But but he knows what
I believe and he decided to lecture me About why you know it's racism is bad
And then you know you you can't have a white identity you know something or other
I like it just this whole thing of stuff that and And I and I just I couldn't believe it right
I couldn't believe that's the route he went And I said, you know it doesn't have to be this way.
You know I want we should work together We we have we have a job to do here And he and he said this is
I don't understand why you're talking strategy ad this is this is a matter of the gospel the gospel and To him of course it's about the gospel
But the thing is like and I said this on Twitter the other day if literally all you do is preach the gospel you are
In sin there are many other jobs. We have to do that aren't preached the gospel Does the scripture apply to every job yes it does?
But not every job is preached the gospel there are plenty of other jobs out there that need doing and They need doing
Christianly, but the thing is this man, and this is again.
This is I'm not gonna name him I'm not gonna. Tell you who it was that's not it doesn't matter, but just know that it was a known person
It's someone who is a leader who if I named him you'd know him instantly and To him this is a holy war.
This is a matter of purity if anything even Stinks has the stench of a little bit of racism
And it doesn't I'm not even talking legitimate racism. Just like it doesn't sound like something that he would
Be comfortable talking about it's like that scene in Seinfeld when they're talking about is
Elaine's boyfriend Mixed race is he half black half white and and George It's like it's like they're turned into George and George is so I don't even know if we're supposed to be talking about this
It's like like it's obviously not racist to wonder in your head. Hey is that guy half black half white
That's obviously not racist. It's a completely legitimate thought but the point is like Even like like if you even have a conversation like that these people turn into George.
It's a purity test for them It's a holy war and you know what?
I mean by a holy war a purity test this man legitimately thinks and this is what
I mean by history repeating itself This man I talked to he knows a little bit about me.
He knows, you know, I'm pretty sure he knows my ethnicity I'm pretty sure he knows a little bit about my beliefs on on on on Diversity and the church and things like that He told me because I did not condemn
Stephen Wolfe's tweet the one about white evangelical voters Because I didn't think that was a big deal
He didn't say that he thinks I'm an ethnocentrist, you know racist whatever, but he worries
He worries that I might be denying the gospel Because I didn't think
Stephen Wolfe's tweet was a big deal It's way worse than I thought guys this situation is way worse than I thought this is the same
Insanity insanity That I saw at the beginning of the woke church movement and it's the same strategies that they're using too
I've been pointing them out on Twitter if you want to follow me on Twitter I've been pointing out how each strategy that these people are using is the exact same
I can't believe this is happening guys every time I say it. I just can't believe it a little bit more
They're using the same tactics the same Strategies as Big Eva used the entire woke church movement still uses to this day now
They're using it against Christian nationalism It's unbelievable. I Can't even believe it.
So my point is that I want you guys to prepare because here's the strategy I think that they're going to be attempting right?
They're going to be attempting this strategy. This is my opinion I think that I I have a good enough reputation that you might think that this is, you know
I'm not saying this is definitely gonna happen. I'm not profit or anything like that But you may want to prepare for something like this, you know what
I mean? And it doesn't hurt to prepare for it. Anyway, this is what the strategy is gonna be They think that Stephen Wolfe is
Is a racist that's what I think they think he's you know David Duke or whoever it is that I forget the name.
It doesn't matter. They think he's they think he's in the KKK Let's just put it that way and so They're going to attack
Christian nationalism at what they perceive to be the weak link and they perceive Stephen Wolfe to be the weak link
Link and so they're going to pivot And they're gonna start to say things that sound pretty
Christian nationalist They're gonna start to talk about, you know, God, you know is the is is is the standard, you know
He sets the standard and it's gonna be very vague and not not specific on the details Like they'll say things like the civil governing authority should be implementing justice according to God's standard
But they'll never say oh, yeah, and we should probably ban sodomy You know what? I mean or or something like that or use the full weight of the law
To to suppress lgbtq plus and all that kind of stuff. They won't get specific but they'll say general things that'll sound pretty
Christian nationalistic and they're trying to make a division between Stephen Wolfe and and what what they're essentially retreating from the main argument in Christian nationalism and So they're going to pick apart
Stephen. Well and Virgil Walker's article starts to do this. This is the beginning I think that Virgil's article is the beginning of a litany of content
We're gonna get a we're gonna get a tsunami of content that's all essentially saying the same thing that Stephen Wolfe's brand of Christian nationalism is racist.
That's what they're going to say They might use a different word because I think they might know that racist just doesn't have the it doesn't have the power that it used to But they'll that's what they're going to do
They're going to attack where they feel like we are weak and then they're going to try to cast shade on everybody.
That does not explicitly disavow Stephen Wolfe does not if you don't cast Stephen Wolfe into outer darkness
Then now you might be one of them. You might be one of those, you know, KKK, you know ethno whatever
You know kinds of things and and I I just you know,
I read Virgil's article and I'm not gonna comment on it here there's a number of things I could say, but I just you can't there's no way to There's a dear sister in the
Lord Patriarchy Hannah, I think is her name that that I always see her tweets
Online, I don't even know if I follow her, but I always see her tweets and she was talking about something in her own life because she gets a lot of flack from feminists and stuff like that and And I and I I just commented on it's like there's literally no amount of detail or nuance that you can provide
That will be good enough for people who don't like you Like if someone doesn't like you they can they can find fault with literally anything you can nuance it
Or you could not nuance it you could provide detail or you could not provide detail and in Virgil Walker's article you know, he actually identifies some of the good points of Stephen's book where he
Explains what he means by ethne and nationalism and how you know, the ethne and the national like like, you know
We got to figure out what it is to be a nation like like there is something to a nation It's not just it's not just an imaginary, you know
Construct or like it's like there's something to it Like we should we should talk about what that is and in many nations, you know
It's very clearly like an ethnic nation, you know Japan is a
Japanese nation I mean It's very clear that they're every custom is Japanese and the people are
Japanese and stuff like that and and so is that is it like like do you have to have
One ethnicity only in the country like it like a Japan for example to be a nation
Well, these are the questions that we ought to explore but you see this is the point you find your when you start to explore these questions and Stephen Wolfe, let me just be honest
I find Stephen Wolfe's book hard to read at times and it's not a knock necessarily on Stephen It's that he's going into so much detail and so much nuance
That I a regular Joe like me finds it hard to follow sometimes and he's doing that because he knows
Full well that there are people that are going to try to brand him as a racist literally no matter what and so He's giving them every excuse not to do that, but they're going to do it freaking anyway, because that's the mind virus
That we've all been propagandized for years at this point. Listen, I have sympathy for all of you.
I do so anyway But what happens is if you even try to have a discussion about that What is that?
What is what is a nation and you don't bring your your modern presuppositions to it?
Or if you try to step outside of your modern presuppositions if you even attempt to do that It starts to sniff to them like like like like wrong think and you find yourself at the table of monks cafe
And your George Costanza saying I don't know even know if we're supposed to be talking about this These are these are completely legitimate conversations
And I've talked about this from almost my entire time on YouTube a lot of people think I've changed you've changed a day
You've changed. I don't think so. I don't think so There was an early video that I that I that I put out very early
And it was I was going through an article About it was an article about why black sisters feel like I don't know like they don't belong or something something like that It was a horrible article.
It was a horrible article by Isaac Adam. It was a nine marks article It's one of my first pieces of content. Maybe I'm like my first ten
And I told the story and I said, you know, one of the points in the article was like White brothers don't want to date them so they feel like they're beautiful ugly or something like that And I remember the video
I used to have a big heart. I still do. I'm just that's a joke I used to be a warm guy and I said it man that makes me feel really sad for these black sisters but not because the white guys are racist, but because like That's that's a horrible feeling and there's obviously a pastoral issue there where they're getting their identity
They're they're they're worth their self -value their self, you know esteem from white people where they shouldn't be
There's literally nothing wrong with white people not dating a black person There's nothing wrong with it.
And I told the story about myself where I asked a girl out This was uh, this was when
I lived in New York There was a girl that I like, you know, we felt like we got along She was Jamaican and I asked her out and she said no and she didn't come out and say this
But there are indications and I'm pretty sure that the reason she didn't say yes is not because she didn't like me but because she only dated black guys and There's nothing wrong with that there's nothing wrong with that She wanted to start a family with the black guy and she wanted to submit probably a jimmy
I'm pretty sure she only she only she only dated Jamaicans, too it's probably important to her to have a
Jamaican husband and and So she could have a Jamaican family and pass on her Jamaican tradition
I don't know what Jamaican traditions are but I'm sure they're awesome from an early stage
I've been talking about stuff like this like that. There's nothing wrong with that's a natural thing. That's a natural thing
I mean People tend to live in groups of other people that are like them and they tend to like that and operate well like that And there's no reason to force diversity.
There's no reason not even a gospel centered one Yes, we understand partiality is a sin but we also look at reality and say hmm
These people tend to you know, white people tend to marry other white people and black people tend to marry other black people and That's interesting.
Let's talk about that. Let's talk about that kid and can we do it without losing our heads?
Can we this guy and this is the thing? This is a brother, right? Like I can understand if you see some some like, you know pagan, you know like a like a guy who posts the opaque in images of Thor and stuff like that and he's talking like a
Psychopathic racist because there are people like that. There are people like that I get you maybe don't give him the benefit of the doubt, you know, he worships
Thor for goodness sake I don't necessarily think you need to give someone who worships Thor the benefit of the doubt But this is a brother in the
Lord. And and so he says a few things that you know It doesn't sound right to you.
And again, I'm not saying that they're wrong or right? I'm just saying it doesn't sound right to you why can't you just Take a deep breath
Let him give the context let him explain himself. Let him let him talk because here's the thing guys like This is advice.
I'm giving you advice. And yes, this is strategic advice You think you're just taking down Stephen Wolf, right?
if you if you guys go this route if you want to cast him out into outer darkness and you think that's the strategy to get peep to browbeat people because they don't want to be labeled the racist like Stephen to submit to your
Whatever it is. I don't know what you're trying to do. I'm not gonna put words in your mouth Obviously you want to destroy Stephen's perspective.
I get it You think you're just destroying Stephen, but it's gonna go exactly like the thing with the tweet did because there are going to be
Tons of people that see what he has said and they're gonna say there's there's nothing wrong with that and they're gonna look at you and say
Why are you trying to brand me with the scarlet are and they're gonna be pissed and they're gonna be right and You are going to become the new gospel coalition.
That's what's going to happen. I Think you guys know me well enough to know that if that's what happens then so be it
I'm okay being out there. Even if I was all alone out there saying this because I've done it before I Don't want to be all alone and this time
I won't be and again, I'm not saying I was the first one you hear me I'm just talking Hyperbolically this time.
I won't be guys because so many of us understand this game now Too many of us understand this game.
Now. I urge you to pump the brakes guys
Pump the brakes and talk to these people Talk to these people and bring them your concerns before you launch him into outer darkness
Your your purity comes from the Lord, right? You get that your purity comes from Christ You get that and so if you're seen on being soft on a potential, you know, maybe he's a racist maybe
If you're seen as me who cares You're still pure. You don't have to do a performance to show how pure you are
Let me show you what I mean by performance. This is Owen Strawn Owen Strawn was woke
Five minutes ago He was woke five minutes ago That's an exaggeration
But in 2018 this guy was woke I remember that I Remember it oh and I was there
I knew who you were at the time and you were woke I but then you changed your ways and I for one was very grateful for that and I remember people
Telling me oh and I remember people telling me you got to watch out for that because he looks like he's being very
Opportunistic and I would deny that every time I'd say look you got to give credit where credit is due
You gotta believe love believes all things You know when people change their mind and I was operating on the impression that lots of people were going to change their mind
I was right. A lot of people did change their mind But it's like you can't just like okay sure
Maybe you don't put him out in front of every you know You don't make him the leader of everything sure But but you gotta encourage people and and and Owen, you know
You know for a fact that I have reached out to you and encouraged you in in your in your non woke awakening
I was very grateful for that But Owen like You were woke you're not very good at spotting the racist
This is not a knock on you Owen. None of us are good at spotting the racist
Because we've been programmed to spot one everywhere This is the performance though, he wants you to know how pure he is.
This is this is a holy war this is a purity test and he is out here and he he is
Five seconds away from going caps lock and he stands here and this is this is a real LARP.
This is real LARPing If anyone is still wondering Whether unwoke voices are going to be silent about genuine white ethnocentrism
Among professing Christians allow me in all humility to clarify Absolutely not no way never over our dead bodies tons of us the gospel forbids it
God help us If you can't see the
LARP here, I got nothing for you, my friend This is the same tactic that Big Eva tried back in the day.
You come out strong and Bold where the battle was won decades ago
But you're pretending it hasn't been won You're pretending people
That quite frankly have bent over backwards to explain themselves So that you didn't make the stupid mistakes that you're making right now, but you're making them anyway
And there's really not much I can do about it. I've come to realize that this is not a black pill But for some of these guys and I'm not saying
Owen is one of them He might be he might not be I don't know. But for some of these guys, there is absolutely no stopping it the mind virus has
Multiplied to such a degree. There's nothing that you can do. This is just this is woke You know, this is this is
Owen 1 .0 Rearing its head again, and and I I I'm begging you don't go this route.
Don't do it don't do it, it's okay just to wait it out and When you know someone reveals themselves to be a true racist.
I hate all Latinos You can pounce on them and no one will criticize you for not pouncing earlier
But the chances of that happening in some of these instances is so low it's just I Can't believe this is happening.
I really can't this is It's the same thing. It's happening again
It's happening again, and it doesn't matter like you can say anything like I was talking to patriarchy Hannah It's like you could literally nuance it no matter what you can say.
Here's what I'm not doing I'm not dividing up the church in other words, you know We come to the table we come on the exact same standards whether you're white whether you're black whether you're whether you're yellow
You're my brother in the Lord and you know, we can we can we can worship God and that's what
Revelation 7 is about You know, we're all different tribes tongues and nations. We're still different tribes tongues and nations
Maybe we ought to figure out what that means number one But we all put on the same robes
And we all worship the same Lamb and when you bring that mess into the church, then we will come against it
I'm not doing that That being said we do need to figure out what a nation is
We do need to figure this out and and you know We can recognize these categories when it comes to voting and politics and stuff like that This is this is this is legitimate to talk about We don't have to turn into George Costanza.
I don't know if we should be talking about this. I'm trying guys
I'm trying I still want to work with you guys a Virgil. I want to work with you
Owen I want to work with you Scott. I want to work with you, you know, Josh I want to work with you all you guys
James. I want to work with you. We've got Real demons to slay here boys.
We do we've got big problems. We've got a situation and We can work together
We don't have to throw each other to the wolves for some pathetic purity test
Like I just it's pathetic guys, it's pathetic This kind of thing it's pathetic
I said that That Owen almost went full caps lock Well, the reality is he did go full caps lock
The gospel is way better than ethnocentrism read Virgil Walker's clarion warning about genuine
Ethnocentrism in some species of the Christian Nationalist today. This is not a drill This is not a drill guys, it's the real deal it's
David Duke there he is This is the tactic boys.
You got to get ready for it. They are going to say if you do not Disavow cast him into outer darkness if you do not disavow and cast into outer darkness
Stephen Wolfe and his brand of Christian nationalism if you even dare to have conversations like the one he's attempting to have then you
Might be denying the gospel. In fact, I think they think you are denying the gospel
I think that the guy I was talking to does think I'm an unbeliever He wouldn't say that though because of course, he doesn't know me that well
So, you know, you shouldn't it's like in dumb and dumber. You don't kill someone. You don't you don't know that's a rule
This is the tactic guys. This is what they're gonna do. They're going they're attempting to divide us by Pointing out what they think is a weakness
They are not going to succeed The reason I'm doing this video is I want to make sure that you're ready for it
Anyone who would withhold fellowship from you for not feeling the exact same way about a very innocuous
Tweet that could easily be, you know interpreted numerous ways But he provided context to make you interpret it in a certain way anyone who would
Question your salvation Do you even understand the gospel if you don't understand how you must disavow and condemn this tweet?
Because it's the worst thing in the world Anyone who would do that to you? They've got something going on on the side
That is just their heads not right. It's just like when that person that was close to me
Told me that I was only saying what I was saying because of my white privilege Their their mind isn't working correctly
In any case, I hope this didn't black pill you but the divide is way worse way deeper and way more intense than I could
Have possibly imagined before this conversation anyway There it is.