Collision w/ Jeff Durbin: Andrew Tate & Islam
This is a clip of our new show Collision. Watch as Jeff reacts to Tate's recent conversion to Islam. Collision is exclusively available on All-Access at For the full episode follow the link and check it out. We release a new episode every week.
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- 00:00
- What's up everybody? I am Pastor Jeff Durbin. You're watching Collision and right now I'm going to interact a bit with Andrew Tait as he describes his conversion to Islam.
- 00:23
- So Andrew Tait is all the rage right now with young boys and teenagers and young men because Andrew Tait has actually said a lot of things that spark the interest of the instinct of every man made in God's image.
- 00:38
- Men should be strong. Men should be providers. Men should be disciplined.
- 00:44
- Men should have self -control. These are the sorts of things that actually go over very, very well in a world with a lot of men made in God's image that know instinctively what their calling is as a man.
- 00:56
- I think it's unavoidable and so when you have today a lot of the woke agenda, you know, sort of dumbing down men.
- 01:04
- You've got a lot of, you know, I was just looking at the cover of a magazine recently where it talked about like the victory of the beta male and the victory, just the effeminate man.
- 01:15
- They want to just basically make men essentially into women and so men hate that.
- 01:21
- Real men hate that and so Andrew Tait put his finger on a button and a lot of men got really excited when they heard him talking about these things and so Andrew Tait has said a lot of things that interest men greatly because men,
- 01:36
- I think, I would say I think the majority of men hate what our culture and the media is doing to manhood and so they hear a man like Andrew Tait saying things like that's not what men are.
- 01:49
- Men shouldn't be like that. Men should be strong. Men should be providers. Men should be leaders. Men should be disciplined. Men should be hard workers.
- 01:55
- All of that and every man hears that and goes, yes, I know that's what I'm supposed to be. That's my calling.
- 02:00
- That's my vocation. The problem is that Andrew Tait has had a recent conversion to Islam, very recent, and before his conversion to Islam and now with his conversion to Islam, he does not have an ultimate basis or justification for the things that he's actually claiming about what men ought to be and so either pre -Islam or now where he's at,
- 02:24
- I would argue he doesn't have a basis to argue the way that he is arguing. So let's take a look at some of his comments as he talks about Christianity and he talks about his conversion to Islam.
- 02:35
- I was born in a Christian country. I was raised as a Christian and I've always been very respectful of Islam and it's become more.
- 02:42
- I think I would want to challenge him on this. If I was having a conversation with him at a coffee shop, I'd say, I'd say, Andrew, what does that mean to you, a
- 02:49
- Christian nation? What do you mean? Because yes, if, you know, if he was born in the West, whether, you know, he's born in the
- 02:55
- UK or parts of Europe or the United States of America or, you know, Australia, you're living there in a nation that has been heavily impacted by the gospel, the word of God, the biblical worldview.
- 03:09
- Yes. However, defining, say, the UK today as a Christian nation would be very hard to do when the
- 03:16
- UK has thrown off the lordship of Christ and the kingship of Christ when the
- 03:21
- United States has thrown off the kingship of Christ over our nation. So I would say, you know, it's not, it's not appropriate to refer to like the
- 03:30
- United States of America under Joe Biden as a Christian nation. And so I would challenge him and say, what exactly do you mean by a
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- Christian nation? And what do you mean by you were raised as a Christian? What does that even mean culturally, culturally?
- 03:46
- I would say that's obviously a problem because if it's not rooted on the objective testimony and revelation of God, his own self -disclosure of himself, of the gospel, of Christ, his own word to us about what being a man is, if it's not rooted there, then it's just suspended in midair and it has no real meaning.
- 04:07
- And I would think that Andrew Tate would probably, even this early on in his study of Islam and his conversion to Islam, he would know that there are all kinds of different sects and forms of Islam.
- 04:22
- I mean, there are groups of Muslims who would say to other Muslims, you don't represent true
- 04:27
- Islam because we, we are following, you know, the Quran in a faithful way.
- 04:33
- We're taking it as it actually says as revelation. You know, we look at the Hadith and we say, like, we believe that, like those, you guys are not real
- 04:41
- Muslims. And so the problem exists in Islam too. The question is, by what standard are you actually going to engage in this conversation?
- 04:51
- Are you going to do it based upon objective revelation or are you going to do it based upon a cultural version of a religion?
- 04:59
- So I get it when you talk about, you know, this is supposed to be a Christian nation. And, you know,
- 05:05
- I was raised as a Christian. I would say by what standard, like where's, where's the, where's the thing that's holding everything up?
- 05:12
- Are you talking about the Are you going to look at the Bible and say, this is Christianity and this is the real expression of it?
- 05:18
- Or are you just basing this upon, you know, sort of a cultural version? Because again, that problem exists in every religion.
- 05:27
- You have people who are culturally Mormons, but they have no real commitment to the teachings of Brigham Young or Orson Pratt or Joseph Smith Jr.
- 05:37
- They have no commitment to those things. They would actually argue against some of those things that they claimed, but they would call themselves
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- Mormons. It's just a cultural thing, but let's be honest. They're not real Mormons. They don't actually believe what
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- Joseph said. They wouldn't say that, yeah, he's a prophet. I have to accept his words as the words of God.
- 05:53
- I disagree with Joseph. I mean, there's Mormons today that say those very things. And so cultural versions of a particular story or religion are one thing, but that's not aiming at the actual faith itself, the religion itself upon which it's founded.
- 06:10
- And again, that problem exists in Islam as well. More obvious to me and more and more pertinent that Islam is the last religion.
- 06:21
- Now, I don't know what he means here by the last religion on the planet. I'd want him, if I were sitting across from him to expatiate upon that.
- 06:31
- Like, what do you mean the last religion? Because I would actually call Islam a post -biblical religion.
- 06:40
- What I mean by that is Islam arises hundreds of years after the life and ministry and death and resurrection and ascension of Jesus.
- 06:52
- It exists hundreds of years after the last apostles are serving the
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- Lord in their ministries and they're giving revelation from God. And so I would call
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- Islam a post -Christian religion. It's a religion that arises hundreds of years later.
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- It tries to co -opt biblical revelation and biblical stories, and yet it distorts them.
- 07:16
- So in other words, you've got the history of Jesus, the revelation of God in history about Jesus, in inspired revelation through the apostles and prophets.
- 07:26
- You have that. And Islam comes later and it actually distorts that message of Jesus.
- 07:34
- It says things like, no, no, no, Jesus didn't die on the cross for sins. And no, Jesus isn't
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- God in the flesh, even though Jesus actually called himself the name of the eternal
- 07:44
- God in John chapter 10 and John chapter 8. Even though Jesus is called in the scriptures, our great
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- God and savior, Jesus Christ. Even though Jesus took the prerogative of God in forgiving people's sins.
- 07:56
- Even though Jesus said that he came to die for the sins of his people to lay his life down for his sheep.
- 08:02
- Even though he said that there was no forgiveness outside of faith in him. Even though Jesus said those things,
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- Islam comes hundreds of years later and distorts that message. And yet that objective revelation is there.
- 08:14
- It exists in history. Muhammad was clearly hearing stories about the
- 08:19
- Christian faith and the Bible. And he actually got some of those stories wrong and he distorts its message. So I would call it a post -Christian religion.
- 08:28
- He calls it the last religion on earth. I would wonder exactly what he means by that, but let's continue.
- 08:35
- When I talk about Islam, because I'm new to it, I'm a little bit careful, right? Because I'm new to it.
- 08:41
- I'm certainly not a scholar. There's so much I need to learn. I know I'm on a learning journey. I'm not here to sit there and talk scripture.
- 08:47
- I don't know those things yet. I'm here to learn. Thank you, bro. Thank you. Thank you.
- 08:52
- But it's just, for me, it feels like the last religion on earth. I feel like there's no other religion.
- 08:57
- People say to me, why did you convert? I said, I don't really feel it as a conversion. It's almost like I knew God was real and now
- 09:03
- I've become religious. And they say, well, you were religious before. I was like, religious before how? Christian? What does Christian mean?
- 09:09
- I can answer that. Christians were first named Christians in Antioch.
- 09:15
- You can read that in the book of Acts. So we have this historical record of exactly what went down and we know what the
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- Christians actually believed. Why? Because we have the message of Jesus. We have the teachings and the revelation of his apostles and his representatives that he ordained.
- 09:33
- We have that and that exists in history. So if you were to ask the question, what does it mean to be a
- 09:39
- Christian? Well, clearly those early Christians actually knew what it meant to be a Christian.
- 09:44
- So as an example, in first John, a very short little letter by the apostle John, he's dealing with an early form of Gnosticism in the first century that denied that actually
- 09:55
- God became a man, that God took on flesh. Now, Islam denies that as well, but the apostle
- 10:02
- John, who knew Jesus, is addressing a form of Gnosticism where they denied that Jesus actually came and took on physical form and physical flesh, that he became one of us.
- 10:11
- And he actually says in the first century, if anyone goes too far and actually believes that, he says, they don't have
- 10:19
- God. They don't have God. They don't have the father or the son. And he tells the early church, he says, don't even let one of these people who denies these things into your house.
- 10:28
- Don't let them into your worship service where you're gathering in your home. Don't let them across that threshold. They are denying the faith.
- 10:35
- And so those early Christians knew what it meant to be a Christian. They knew who Jesus was,
- 10:40
- God incarnate, God in the flesh. They knew he was the righteous one, the blameless one, that he died for the sins of his people as the prophets had foretold that he would die.
- 10:50
- And he rose again from the dead as the prophets said that he would rise again from the dead. They said that he was the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and that salvation was only through faith in him and faith in him alone.
- 11:01
- The Christian faith was understood. So when you ask the question, like, well, what is a Christian? It's a great question.
- 11:07
- And the answer is, what does the scripture say? We have this objective testimony and revelation of God in history that, let's be honest now, predates
- 11:17
- Islam by hundreds of years. And you could take that revelation of God and you compare it to the teachings of Muhammad and you can see that they contradict.
- 11:27
- Muhammad contradicted the objective revelation of God. You can take the objective revelation of God in history, the scriptures, compare it to the teachings of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young and Charles Taze Russell and all the rest,
- 11:40
- David Koresh, you name it. You can compare and you'll see that these prophets, these prophets, these leaders contradict that revelation.
- 11:48
- So if you want to know what a Christian is, I would say, read the inspired revelation of God, the scriptures, to see what is a
- 11:55
- Christian. What does the Bible teach about Jesus and how a person comes to know God? Like, who's not a
- 12:01
- Christian? You go to Christian nations and everyone says they're a Christian. Look how they live their lives. Yeah. He's decrying what we would as Christians all decry, especially in the
- 12:11
- West today, where you have this perverse form of Christianity, where it's
- 12:17
- Christian in name only. It has no meaning. It has nothing. It's not founded upon anything.
- 12:22
- It's cultural Christianity. It's not historic Orthodox Christianity.
- 12:28
- It's not the Christianity of the New Testament, of the Holy Scriptures. It's this cultural form of Christianity where it's in name only.
- 12:37
- I was raised in the context of a lot of Christians around me. Church buildings are everywhere. If he's talking about the
- 12:42
- UK, you've got all the remnants of an old Christian civilization just hanging about. But yet it has no meaning because those buildings and the people who are walking into them have no commitment whatsoever to the scriptures as final, as this is the sole infallible rule of faith.
- 13:00
- And so we would decry the very same things that he's decrying. People who would profess with their mouths that they know
- 13:06
- Jesus, that they are Christians, but they don't even know what it means to be a Christian themselves. They couldn't tell you what the better than the average atheist on the street in that culture.
- 13:18
- It's just Christian in name only. It's cultural Christianity. It isn't Christianity. And how do I know what
- 13:24
- Christianity is? I have the Holy Scriptures. And so that's an important conversation to have because, let's be honest, again, this goes back to what
- 13:32
- I said at the beginning, do the internal critique with Andrew Tate. He wants to criticize a cultural form of Christianity that has no commitment to the scriptures themselves.
- 13:41
- He wants to criticize that. And I would say to him, Andrew, I've been doing this for years. I criticize the very same things.
- 13:48
- However, internal critique, look at where you're standing, Andrew Tate. I know you're new to Islam and you have a lot to learn and all the rest that you just acknowledged all of that.
- 13:56
- But as you do this study, you should actually recognize that this is a self -refuting thing because Islam has the same problem of a cultural form of Islam with no real commitments to the teachings of Muhammad or the
- 14:11
- Quran. And so this is an important conversation because it just shows the self -contradiction here, the self -refutation.
- 14:18
- Going to the average church, is anyone actually fearful of God? Anybody? No. The girls are out on Saturday night drinking and they turn up to church because their parents made them.
- 14:26
- And that's awful. It's terrible. It's the kind of thing that Christians, faithful Christians in every culture in the last 2000 years have decried and fought against and called repentance into.
- 14:41
- I would say that Andrew Tate here shows not a lot of familiarity with solid
- 14:47
- New Testament biblical churches and Christians. There's a lot of us.
- 14:53
- There are many, many solid faithful pastors and churches. But admittedly, yes, we're in a time and Christian history has done this in history where we have these moments of great victory with truth and justice and righteousness and the message of salvation.
- 15:07
- And then we have moments where the next generation starts to peel off of that and go down and then up again. We've been here many times before in church history in terms of the church growing in faithfulness and then sort of breaking down and then growing in faithfulness and breaking down and growing in faithfulness.
- 15:21
- And we are in that era right now, clearly with a lot of unfaithfulness and no real commitment to the scriptures.
- 15:28
- And we would decry the very same things. But here's the thing. I can decry those things as wrong, objectively wrong and evil and not
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- Christian. Why? Because I have the scriptures that actually tell me what is a Christian, what is the truth.
- 15:45
- And if I stand on that, I have a foundation that I can actually complain about these things. Andrew Tate has no foundation to be complaining about these things because the religion that he's chosen, the religion that he's chosen, does essentially the same thing that he is decrying with these cultural
- 16:05
- Christians. The person that professes to believe these things but has no foundation to stand on.
- 16:11
- They reject the foundation. Andrew Tate wants a religion that professes to be the inheritance of biblical faith, but it does not want to stand on that objective revelation from which it says it comes.
- 16:23
- It ignores it too. So the very same thing that he decries in the cultural Christian, refusing the standard itself, saying,
- 16:31
- I'm not going to listen to it. I'm going to do my own thing. That's what Islam does. Islam has created a new religion that pretends to be the descendant of true religion, but it rejects the very foundation and won't live according to it.
- 16:45
- Same problem. Hey, what's up guys? This is Pastor Jeff Durbin. Thank you for watching Collision. We wanted to provide a solid resource to help you to respond to anything coming into collision with the
- 16:55
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- 17:04
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