“Withdrawn Completely!” – FBC Morning Light (7/2/2024)


A brief bit of encouragement for the journey from God’s Word. Today’s Scripture reading: Hosea 5-7 Music: “Awaken the Dawn” by Stanton Lanier


What a good Tuesday morning to you. Today in our Bible reading we're picking up again in the book of Hosea, reading chapters 5 through 7.
And this book is a really, really a challenging book, because it's confronting God's, those who claim to be
God's people, confronting them head -on with their claim on one hand, and the contradictory behavior on the other.
And specifically in Hosea's prophecy, what he's doing is he is confronting
Israel, and Judah as well to some extent, but primarily Israel, confronting
God's, those who claim to be God's people, and confronting them with their spiritual adultery.
So on the one hand, they're still participating in some of the religious rituals that are required or prescribed in the
Mosaic law, for spiritual purposes, but they're engaging in them just for ritualistic purposes.
Well on the one hand, so they're doing that, but on the other hand their primary spiritual focus is on pagan gods.
And the Lord describes this kind of religion as spiritual adultery.
And we see this very clearly in chapter 5, when verse 4, he says, they do not direct their deeds toward turning to their
God, for the spirit of harlotry is in their midst, and they do not know the
Lord. They don't know Yahweh. So the the indictment here is that their deeds are directed not toward turning to God, not toward repentance, but their their deeds are the practicing of religious ceremonies, and so on and so forth, in worship of false gods, rather than in deeds of repentance, turning away from those false gods.
That would include, in a very practical way, in this time, it would involve tearing down the idols and the altars to the false gods and so forth, just eliminating those from the land, from their lives, from their homes, in every regard.
Those would be deeds that would be turning to the Lord, to the Lord God. So the point in chapter 5 is a very serious one, because what the
Lord essentially says is that there comes a time in the spiritual adultery of those who claim to be his people, but really don't know him at all, when the
Lord sends distress upon such people, and then they turn around and they call on God to deliver them from their distress, but to no avail.
They seek his deliverance, but they don't get it. Why? Because the
Lord withdraws himself completely. You see this in in verse 6, in verse 6, it says, with their flocks and herds they shall go to seek the
Lord, but they will not find him. Why are they going to take the flocks and the herds to go seek the Lord? Because the
Lord has sent such distress upon them, that they think if they take and offer a bunch of sacrifices, then
God will be appeased and the distress will end, okay? But the
Lord says they will not find him. Why? Because he has withdrawn himself from them.
You know, nobody knows exactly what point in time this comes, when a professed people of God, those who claim, to put it in the in the
New Testament context, those who claim to be Christians and yet are just consumed with spiritual adultery, we don't know what point it is where the
Lord just withdraws himself completely, where he will not be appealed to.
He'll send distress, he'll send you know, misery or whatever, but he will not be appealed to.
So when you go on to chapter 6, chapter 6 then becomes an exhortation to the time that is now, before that time comes, when the
Lord completely withdraws himself. Chapter 6 says, come let us return to the
Lord, for he has torn, but he will heal us. He has stricken, but he will bind us up. Now while there is time, repent.
After two days he will revive us and on the third day he will raise us up, that we may live in his sight.
Let us know, the prophet exhorts, let us pursue the knowledge of the
Lord. Turning from the false gods, completely eradicating our lives of them, and turning wholly and completely to the one true
God. Let us come to know him. Let us pursue the knowledge of this
God, the only God, the one whom we claim to follow. But our deeds reflect spiritual adultery.
Now, before it comes to the point where the Lord withdraws himself and the only thing to experience is his chastening and his judgment.
Come, let us return to the Lord. Well, even as we exhorted yesterday, if we examine our own hearts and lives and we find that there are gods that we're holding on to, then now is the time to repent of that, get rid of them, and turn to the
Lord, that he may revive us and let us pursue the knowledge of the one true
God. Father, help us to do just that. Speak to us, open our eyes to see any way in which we are unfaithful to you, and may we repent of it and turn to you quickly.
We pray in Jesus' name and for his sake. Amen. All right, well listen, have a good rest of your