Debunking Hagee's Four Blood Moons — Part 2


In the segment from the Fighting for the Faith radio program, Chris Rosebrough discusses the danger that Hagee's false teaching regarding the four blood moons poses to Christians as well as demonstrates that Hagee's teaching twists historical facts to make them fit with his preposterous ideas.


A Pirate Christian's Guide to the Old Testament Part 3

A Pirate Christian's Guide to the Old Testament Part 3

It's time for another edition of Fighting for the
Faith, Friday, April 11th, 2014. Alright, we're going to get to that LeClair thing that we did not get to yesterday.
We've got a Cindy Jacobs update. Yeah, we're all over the map today.
Another one of those all over the map episodes, Stinking Pot, Part 2.
Thank you for tuning in. You're listening to Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
And this is the program that dishes up a daily dose of biblical discernment, the goal of which, help you to think biblically, help you to think critically, help you to slow down, stop, open up your
Bible, and compare what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. So what we did yesterday, the segment that I put together for the four blood moons,
I mean, here's the deal. Blood moon number one, otherwise known as a lunar eclipse, is going to be on April 15th, and I gotta tell you, my email box is just filling up with questions regarding the four blood moons, which is the reason why
I did that segment yesterday and why we're going to do another segment today, and probably one on Monday. Just want to let you all know that.
The issue being is that there are a lot of people who are really worried, and what's causing their worry, what's causing their consternation, what's causing, if you would, kind of like low -level weeping and gnashing of teeth, worrying about the end of the world.
Is this the end? Do I need to sell my properties or something? No, no, no, no, no. The four blood moons teaching is
Bible -twisting. This is not something you as a Christian need to be worried about. Listen, Christ is going to return when
Christ is going to return, and there's not a thing that you or I can do to stop it. There's not a thing that you or I can do to make it happen.
Jesus is coming back when Jesus is coming back, and when He's good and ready. It could be tomorrow. It could be a thousand years from now.
It could be 2 ,000 years from now. I don't know when He's coming back. And see, the thing is that the council in the one true
God, between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the council of the Trinity, they don't need any of us to sit there and advise them regarding things like this.
And so what happens is that there are people who are in the Christian church who are off -topic, and unfortunately, when they get off -topic, they become experts in minutiae, experts in things that we're not really called as Christians to be experts on.
And this is what I see in general within those who focus their attention on the prophetic, and focus their attention on the end times, and focus their attention on trying to crack the code, or from time to time when
I'm being less than nice, I'll play the game called
Pin the Tail on the Antichrist. And so what happens is that they're scouring the internet, they're scouring the news, they're on the
Dredge Report trying to see how this story fits with that story, or if it fits with a particular prophecy in the book of Revelation, or in Daniel, and what
I say is, knock it off. Knock it off. Christ's church and Christians are not called by Christ to crack the eschatological code.
And I assure you that when we get down to the wire, and when things go haywire, and the world is in turmoil, and we're in the last bit of birth pangs before the return of Christ, it'll all make sense.
I promise it will. You won't have to sit there and guess. Everybody will get it. And regarding signs and wonders in the heavens, everybody will see them around the globe, and everybody will know what's going on.
You won't have to guess. That being the case, these four blood moons, these are naturally recurring phenomena known as eclipses.
That's what they is, and so we'll spend more time today kind of unpacking
John Hagee's teaching on this in order to expose it for what it is. Exploitation, making a lot of money in the exploitation, fear -mongering, and the same kind of misguided and false focus as William Tapley, which takes your eyes off of Christ.
Everyone knows that silly little joke now that we all have because of the movie
Up. Yeah, they had the dog character in the movie Up. He'd be talking, he'd go,
Squirrel! And it was just hilarious, right? So we all do that.
See, the thing is that the four blood moons is a squirrel, and so we're supposed to be preaching
Christ and Him crucified for our sins, calling sinners to repent and faith in Christ for the forgiveness of their sins, and teaching all that Christ has commanded us, rightly handling
God's Word, making disciples, helping them mature in the faith and in their understanding of God's Word in depth, in context, and this four blood moon stuff, it's a squirrel.
It's a squirrel. Stop chasing it. Stop being distracted by bright, shiny things or small, fluffy animals with bushy tails.
This is not what we're to be in the business of doing. And so those of you who are concerned and worried about, well, what if, what if, listen,
Christ sits at the right hand of God the Father. All authority in heaven on earth has been given to Him.
He is going to see you through to your eternal life.
And the reality is that the things you should be focusing on and really, you know, not worrying in the bad sense, but, you know, focusing your attention on and, you know, your blood, sweat, tears, mind juice, you know, the focus, things like that.
Focus on being a good husband, being a good wife, being a good student, being a good father, being a good mother, being a great employee.
These are the things that Christ has called you to in serving your neighbor in your vocation and where you're at and you're going out and you're coming in preaching the gospel, telling people the good news of Jesus Christ, not telling them, oh, listen, you know, that four blood moon stuff, because here's what's going to happen, is that the four blood moons, it's going to become the late great planet
Earth of this time period. You remember the book The Late Great Planet Earth?
All right. And then was it 1980s countdown to Armageddon? I grew up during that time, and I remember the book
The Late Great Planet Earth. I remember the movie The Thief in the Night. I remember how
Lindsay's book about the 80s being the countdown to Armageddon. And you know what? You can buy those books now.
They're paperback. You can buy them at the nickel store for a nickel. And you'd pick something up like that and look at it as an oddity going, eh, yeah, right.
So you know what the four blood moons are? They're just this year's book that down the line are going to be sold for nickel at the nickel and dime store as oddities, because everyone will have gotten upset and have a lot of angst and talking about these things.
And the sad part about it is that in focusing our attention on these false doctrines, these false teachings, that we should not be giving our attention to or our time or whatever to, is that if this is what the conversation you're going to have with your neighbor, all right?
So rather than having the conversation where you sit down and say, listen, I need to tell you something that is alarming and great at the same time.
We're both sinners, and you know that God exists, and I've got great news. Jesus Christ bled and died for you on the cross, and he's calling you to repent in faith and trust in him for the forgiveness of your sins that you may have eternal life and not perish.
So rather than having that conversation, which is a conversation you need to be having with your neighbors, you're going to have a conversation that goes something like this.
You're around the barbecue in your backyard as things are warming up and spring starts to turn into summer, and you have the neighbors over, so you're flipping burgers on the thing, and you go, hey, did you read that book on the four blood moons?
Yeah, yeah. Well, actually, I heard of it, but what's that four blood moon stuff all about?
Oh, yeah, we have four blood moons. So you're going to sit there and wax eloquent about the four blood moons, and at the end of it, your neighbors are going to go home having not heard the gospel, having not been called to repentance and faith in Christ for the forgiveness of their sins.
They're not going to know anything about sound doctrine, and here's what's going to happen two years from now, three years from now.
Ready? Two years from now, three years from now, your neighbors are going to come over, and you are going to be the one having a crisis of faith.
Thinking, meh, you know, I don't know if this Christianity thing is for real. It just seems like it's just a lot of weird stuff that Christians believe.
And your neighbor is going to say, yeah, yeah, you remember a couple years ago when you were talking to me about that, those four blood moons things and how that was supposed to be like some epic sign about the end of the world and stuff like that?
Well, it didn't pan out, did it? No. Yeah, see, Christianity is really just for the birds. And, you know,
I thought you were smarter than that. So what you need to do is you need to stop being a Christian and, you know, come play golf with me on Sundays rather than going to church.
And go, yeah, that probably makes sense. See, that's what's going to happen. Okay? Why? Because you're not preaching the truth.
Okay? You're getting caught up in the latest fad, in the latest book that, you know, of course,
Hagee's laughing himself all the way to the bank. Okay? But of course, keep in mind, he's consulted
NASA and Google. All right? So he knows he's got all of this right. No, he doesn't.
Okay? But he's making a ton of money off this book and making a lot of hay off of it.
And in the end, the effect that it's going to have is not bringing people to penitent faith in Christ for the forgiveness of their sins.
It's going to be one of those things that people who are Christians will point to and think, yeah, you know,
I don't know if Christianity is true or not. That's the effect that it's going to have. And, you know, the people who are getting hurt by this are
Christians. And so you need to stand up and see this for what it is. It's false doctrine.
You're being made merchandise of. The body of Christ is being made merchandise of by slipshod history, bad astronomy, and no basis of anything that the
Bible teaches. That's what this thing really is. So you get what I'm saying. All right, we are up on our first break.
If you'd like to email me regarding anything you've heard on this edition or any previous editions of Fighting for the Faith, you can do so.
My email address is TalkBackAtFightingForTheFaith .com or you can subscribe on Facebook, facebook .com forward slash
PirateChristian or follow me on Twitter, my name there, at PirateChristian. Quick break. When we come back, we've got another
Four Blood Moons update and debunking it.
Stay tuned. Don't want to miss it. We will be right back. No itching ears are scratched here.
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That's right, it's time for a Four Blood Moons update. Here's William Tapley. The end.
Your freedom's gone. Your friends are gone. But when I'm raptured,
I'll be gone. It's prophesied, it's prophesied. You can run, but you can't hide.
Some will live, some will die. A few will go to meet his bride.
That's right, it's prophesied. The End Times eschatological prophetic anthem, written and performed by William Tapley, the hero of the apocalypse and the co -prophet of the
End Times. Again, the reason why I play that is because to draw the connections.
John Hagee is William Tapley, but he has a budget and he's got chops.
It's the same thing, just different people. You get what I'm saying here. Here's John Hagee again, talking about the
Four Blood Moons. He's going to get more specific about what supposedly these Blood Moons mean. He's going to be going into some depth here about the fact that God created the heavens and the earth, which is true, he did.
And that he created the sun, the moon, and the stars for signs and seasons, and he did.
Yeah, but those more have to do with the seasons on the earth, like winter, spring, summer, fall, that kind of stuff.
But here's John Hagee. Here we go. Now once you cross that bridge, you move to the next absolute.
As creator, he is absolute control of the sun, the moon, and the stars. Genesis 1 .14,
the Bible says, Then God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night.
Listen closely. And let them be for signs and seasons and for days and years.
The Hebrew word for signs, signs and seasons, also means signal.
Yeah, see, that thing is, again, illegitimate totalitarian. Totality transfers.
Tough to get that out. Illegitimate totality transfer. Here's the deal. The question is, what does it mean in the context that it appears?
Just because a word has multiple meanings doesn't mean it means all of the things that it could mean when it appears in a sentence.
The question is, what does it mean in the sentence in which it appears? Just because the Hebrew word could also mean signal doesn't mean that it means signal here in Genesis 1.
In fact, it doesn't. So let them be for signals. The heavens are
God's billboard, and when something big is about to happen, he gives planet
Earth a sign in heaven. It's a signal that something significant is about to happen.
Pay attention. Now, I agree with him to an extent. It is true that there is going to be signs in the heavens, you know, blood, sun, moon, stars, all this kind of stuff, signaling the imminent return of Christ.
No doubt about that. The four blood moons, they ain't that. And here's the reason why.
Four blood moons have occurred many times throughout history. This is not a big deal.
In fact, you can talk about tetrads, if you would. Some of these people who talk about this talk about these lunar eclipse tetrads.
And what's funny is that the guy who put this together, what was his last name, Blitz or something like that? Anyway, the guy who put this together,
I mean, man, how do I explain this? He totally, you know, just basically went onto the
NASA website, and what he ended up doing was going onto the
NASA website, looking at the history of these, he calls them tetrads, four times where you have four lunar eclipses in a row kind of thing.
And then he tried to key it into how often are these four, when we have these tetrads, do they appear on Jewish feast days, right?
And then, and so he kind of figured that out. Well, the thing is that the Jewish feast days are actually key to the lunar calendar, so it's not an uncommon thing for Jewish feast days to fall during times when there's a lunar eclipse.
It's actually quite common, like very, very, very common. But then this guy went out and tried to see if there were significant events pertaining to the history of the
Jews with these tetrads. And so he identified six tetrads in recent history, maybe 500, 600 years, something like that.
And two of them, he admits there were no significant events pertaining to Israel regarding those tetrads.
Like none whatsoever. So he's got six different tetrads, two of them automatically, well, nothing happened, which should tell you something.
And then the remaining four he tried to backwards engineer to see if there were things that go along with it, including like the
Spanish Inquisition, the Israel being recognized as a nation again after thousands of years of not being in their land, and then the
Six Days War. The problem are in the details, but I'll give you more of that in a minute.
But specifically, the Spanish Inquisition one is hilariously ridiculous.
But we continue. So you get what he's up to. NASA has said this is coming. NASA has said, oh, quick, honey, start stockpiling food.
NASA said there's four lunar eclipses coming. God has said through Joel and St.
Peter, listen, when this happens, it's unusual. Jesus said in Mark.
No, actually, no. God has not said through Joel or St. Peter that, listen, this is unusual.
We went through the prophecy of Joel as it was preached by the apostle Peter on the day of Pentecost yesterday.
No, Peter was not referring to four blood moons, nor was the prophet
Joel. 13, 24, 26. But in those days, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give its light.
Then they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
Okay, yeah, and that particular prophecy by Jesus is talking about the last day.
He's not talking, Jesus was not pointing people to a regularly recurring event.
Eclipses, okay, and here's the idea. What Jesus is describing there is impossible for it to be an eclipse, okay, because it's impossible for there to be both a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse at the same time.
Jesus is describing in that prophecy from the Olivet Discourse that the sun will be darkened and the moon will be turned to blood, and it's simultaneous, which means it ain't a eclipse that's taking place.
It's something completely different. Hagee is just basically pulling a fast one. Why? Because he's making a lot of money, ton of money off of this false teaching.
That verse describes a time in the future when the sun and the moon will eclipse at the same time, and God sends planet
Earth a signal that something big is about to happen. Now, Matthew 24 is discussing the second coming.
Bible history of God's total control of the sun, moon, and the stars. If God is the creator, and he has total control, give a demonstration of that control, and then we can move to the next thought.
In Joshua chapter 10, the children of Israel were attacked by five kings who were trying to destroy the
Jewish people. Now, notice what he's doing here. He's trying to set up the stage here that God's in control of the sun, moon, and stars.
No Christian questions this. This is a given. The thing is that the way
God has set up the universe to run, eclipses show up normally in the course of how the universe runs without any special intervention on the part of God.
They were moving from Egypt's bondage to the promised land. Joshua and Israel were winning the fight, but they needed more daylight saving time to defeat their enemies.
So listen to this. Joshua spoke to the sun. Don't you know that really requires an unusual level of faith to speak to the sun?
And this is what's recorded in the Bible. Yeah, and Joshua had a direct promise from God that they would win the battle that day.
So, I mean, he was just exercising faith in the word of God that he had. Joshua 10, 12, and 13.
Sun stands still over Gibeon and moon in the valley of Ajalon.
So the sun stood still and the moon stopped until the people of Israel had revenge upon their enemies.
The Bible continues. So the sun stood still in the midst of the heaven and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day.
That's a long time. The point, God has total control over the sun and the moon and they both stopped until Israel won the battle and then time continued.
Secondly, God's complete control of the sun is demonstrated again in the story of Hezekiah who asked
God to lengthen his life 15 years. Hezekiah on his deathbed was visited by the prophet
Isaiah who told him that he, Hezekiah, was going to die. Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and he prayed to God and he reminded
God how faithfully he had served the Lord all of his life. And God told
Isaiah, tell Hezekiah he's not going to die. I'm going to give him another 15 years to live.
Hezekiah asked Isaiah the prophet, he said, listen, what sign is the
Lord going to give me that he's going to heal me? Then Isaiah said, quote, this is a sign to which from the
Lord will send to you that he will do the thing which he has spoken. Then he asked him the question,
Hezekiah, shall the sun go forward 10 degrees or go backwards 10 degrees?
Hezekiah answered, it's an easy thing for the sun to go down because it always goes down.
I don't want the sun to go down. I want the shadow to go backwards 10 degrees.
I don't want you just to stop, sun. I want you to back up. Think about that.
That's control. So Isaiah the prophet cried out to the Lord and he brought the shadow of the 10 degrees backward by which it had gone down on a sundial.
It was not they rubbed their arthritic elbow and said we felt it went that way. It was measured on a sundial.
And that's all in 2 Kings the 20th chapter verses 9 through 11. The points I'm making here is the same amount of time that Joshua required to win the battle in Joshua 10 and the amount of time that God reversed the sun to demonstrate that he was going to save Hezekiah's life by 15 years balanced the clock.
God controlled the sun and the moon as a sign to all humanity that he is in absolute control of the sun and the moon and the stars.
He's controlling the sun and the moon right now to send our generation a signal.
But the question is are... Yeah, here's the problem.
No, these four lunar eclipses are not some signal that God's trying to send to us.
If that were the case, then everybody would recognize oh my goodness, God's trying to talk to us here.
We've never heard of four blood moons before. They happen quite regularly.
Let me back this up so you can kind of get what's going on here. This again is like William Tapley claiming that God's trying to get our attention through sporting events.
He's controlling the sun and the moon right now to send our generation a signal.
But the question is are we getting it? I'll tell you more in just a minute.
Thirdly, consider... Yeah, again, he's not sending a message. The star of the wise men followed from the east to Bethlehem as a demonstration of God's total control over the signs in the heaven.
The wise men came into Herod's court asking where is he that is born king of the
Jews? Again, notice what he's doing. He's going into every passage where it shows that God in His sovereignty controls the sun, the moon, and the stars as if this is going to form the foundation for us understanding these four blood moons are a message from God.
If they were a message from God, why are they a regularly occurring event? How many of you are familiar with that in the scripture?
For we have seen His star in the east and have come to worship Him. That's in Matthew 2 and 2.
They had been following that star for months. They didn't come from across the street.
I want to tell you that a star is really a ball of gas on fire in the sky. If someone calls you a star, it may not necessarily be a compliment.
Matthew 2 and 9 said, And behold, the star which they had seen in the east, listen, went before them.
The star was moving until it came and stood still over what the young child was.
Again, nobody's questioning this who calls himself a Christian. The issue is whether or not these four lunar eclipses are a message from God.
The star led them moving and it stopped right over where Jesus was born. Do you see how totally
God controlled this star to lead the wise men to the birth of the
Christ child? The star was a sign. It was a signal. Something big was about to happen in Bethlehem's manger and they were there.
God lit up the heavens with the star and pointed it right to that manger. The sign
Jesus gave us to be concerned about his return. He said in Matthew 24, 29,
Immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun shall be darkened. Solar eclipse?
No, it's not a solar eclipse. The sun being darkened means the sun is actually going to shine less.
Not a solar eclipse. A solar eclipse is not a sign because solar eclipses just wait a couple minutes and it's over.
Okay? When the sun eclipses, there's a solar eclipse, a total one.
Number one, it's not seen all over the earth. No, there's a path that you can follow and you have to be in the path of the solar eclipse in order to see it in its totality.
Otherwise, you just see part of the sun disappearing as the moon passes between us and the sun.
So no, this is not a solar eclipse that Jesus is talking to and what you can't see is that John Hagee is pointing to his big billboard with the four blood moons on it as if Matthew 24 has something to do with this.
It doesn't. And the moon will not give its light, a blood moon. No, it's not a blood moon.
Notice Jesus' words. It happens at the same time. Physically impossible for there to be an eclipse, a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse at the same time.
And then the sign of the Son of Man, Jesus, will appear in heaven and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
That's a description of the second coming. Consider the four blood moons.
I've given it to you in Joel 2, verses 30 through 31. No, Joel 2 does not have to do with four blood moons.
I've given it to you again in Acts 2. Acts 2 has nothing to do with four blood moons.
Verses 19 through 20. This is not a fabrication. This is written in the
Word of God. NASA is now saying this is going to happen starting in April 2014.
Yeah, NASA is saying this is going to happen as if NASA is somehow confirming
Joel 2 and Acts 2. This is just flat -out deceit. God has made it very clear that at some point in the future he's going to cause the moon to turn to blood and the sun not to give its light.
Yeah, again, it's simultaneously. This is God's signal to this terminal generation.
No, the four blood moons, the four lunar eclipses are not a message from God regarding anything.
This is just a normal thing that happens. That something is big, and it's going to happen soon, and that something...
Yeah, fear -mongering, prophetic fear -mongering by twisting God's Word. That's what we're listening to here.
going to change world history forever. We began this sermon by quoting
Genesis 1 -14, and God said, Let there be lights in the heaven to divide the day and the night, and let them be for signs or signals.
When I was in Washington talking to Pastor Mark Blitz, he asked me if I'd ever considered the study of the lunar eclipse with regard to a prophetic signal.
I said, No. He said, You should. So I came home, and thinking about what the pastor had said,
I sat down at my computer and began to work.
I knew that our Bible, this one, was written on the lunar calendar.
Our calendar, the Western Civilization calendar, is the
Gregorian calendar from Pope Gregory of Rome. That means it's pagan in origin.
It's not God's calendar. Our calendar and the calendar of this book do not match.
So throw in a little Romaphobia in here, and, well, that'll prove that he's right, right? Sun God is for Sunday.
Moon God is for Monday. That's a sermon for another time. Believe me, much of what
Christianity salutes is pagan to its roots. The thought registered in my brain that maybe the heavens are
God's billboard, and he's sending us a signal, but we're not getting it, so I began to look up the
Nasser lunar signals. And I thought, maybe these signs in the heavens refer to Israel.
He's the defender of Israel. He created Israel. Maybe these lunar warnings are meant for Israel.
So I Googled moon eclipse in 1948, and in the middle of the computer screen,
I saw something that literally made me leap out of my chair. So this is, basically, this is like William Tapley describing how he reads the
Drudge Report. I printed it out. Here it is. I'm going to read it for you. It says, four blood -red tonal lunar eclipses will fall on Passover.
Eclipses will fall on Passover in Sukkot in 2014 and 2015, the same back -to -back occurrences at the time of 1492, 1948, and 1967.
If you know anything about history, those three dates in Israel's history are the most important dates in all of time.
And this is where it gets to be, well, let's just put it this way. He's engaging in some, how shall
I put it, historical fudge work. Yeah, let me have him spin this out just a little bit.
Three times this has happened in over 300 years, and now it's getting ready to happen a fourth time.
Now, again, keep this in mind. Blitz's research shows that this has happened six times and twice in the six times that it's occurred recently.
Nothing has actually happened. There's no significant events to go with it.
Four blood -red moons. The fact is that in Judaism, a solar eclipse is a negative sign for the nations of the world.
Is this according to the Kabbalah? I mean, Jewish astrology?
Is this what you're referring to? How is that valid? A lunar eclipse is generally a negative sign for Israel.
This chart has both. This back -to -back occurrence happened in 1492, 1948, and 1967.
Now, listen to this. How many of you instinctively know what happened in 1492?
I'm not talking about Columbus, by the way. Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492.
How many of you don't know? Now, in April of 1492 was the edict of expulsion from Spain for the
Jewish people by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain. It's called the edict of expulsion because the
Jews were given 14 days to get out of Spain. In simple language, the Jew who refused to convert to Catholicism was kicked out of Spain and could never return.
They had 14 days to leave the country. Now, let's just do a little bit of historical work here.
1492, the royal decree, the decree of expulsion, is when that took place.
When was the first eclipse in the tetrad of blood moons in and around that time?
When was the first one? Answer, not until a year later.
One year after this royal decree in 1492, in April of 1493 was the first of the four blood moons.
Now, call me silly here, but if God's going to send a sign that something big is about to happen, about to happen, why would he send the sign after the thing had actually occurred?
Because the first eclipse in the four blood moon tetrad at that time didn't occur until a year after that royal decree that he just talked about, which was, by the way, part of the thing that we call the
Spanish Inquisition. And the Spanish Inquisition began in 1478 and ended in 1834.
So here's the deal. I talk about the post hoc ergo proctor hoc fallacy, after this, therefore because of this.
I guess a good way to think about it is that those of you who are sports fans, if you have a particular seat that you sit in or a lucky shirt that you wear or maybe you have your socks on backwards or something like that, or when
I went to the Reds game last year, at rally time, people in the stands, if they have a
Reds cap on, they put their hat inside out and stick it on their head. So it's inside out and backwards kind of thing, right?
Okay, so if the Reds win and everyone's wearing their hat inside out, does that mean that the
Reds won because everybody wore their hats inside out? The answer is no. Of course not, okay? That's what we call the post hoc ergo proctor hoc fallacy.
After this, therefore because of this. See, the reason why the Reds won is because I wore my hat backwards or something.
It doesn't work like that. Post hoc ergo proctor hoc. My wife, by the way, I said this before, she calls it the post hoc ergo poppycock fallacy, which is just brilliant.
But anyway, the issue here is that this wouldn't even be post hoc, okay?
Because this is pre hoc. Before this, therefore... So the thing is that the thing that the four blood moons were supposed to be warning us about, okay, the royal decree against the
Jews during the Spanish Inquisition in 1492, well, the four blood moons didn't show up until a year after that, so how can they be a sign of it?
It doesn't make any sense. I mean, the four blood moons show up after the fact. But, of course,
Hagee's not going to allow that to keep him from making money, you know what I mean? All the properties of the
Jewish people were seized by the Roman church. Many Jews had been killed on torture racks.
Thousands had been burned alive during the Spanish Inquisition, which was approved by the
Roman Catholic church. Why were they killed? They were killed for one reason. They were Jews who would not convert to Catholicism.
Listen to me. It was called Christianity and labeled Christianity for hundreds of years.
That had nothing to do with Christianity. Now, I agree, okay?
The Spanish Inquisition has nothing to do with the proclamation of the gospel or anything that the church is supposed to be engaging in.
Completely agree there. But the thing is that lying is also a sin and has nothing to do with Christianity, and these four blood moons have nothing to do with Christianity.
Nothing whatsoever. And for you to point to this edict that the Catholic church issued during the Inquisition in Spain against the
Jews, and then one year later we have the first four blood moon thing, how can the four blood moons be warning us about something that's going to come if it's already happened?
It has nothing to do with the love of God. That was the act of religious tyranny, and it should never be blamed as Christianity.
Agreed. Now, here's the 1492 most of you know about.
It was when the Jewish people were kicked out of Spain that they took their maps and money and gave them to an
Italian Jew named Christopher Columbus and said, find us a place to live. And he found a place that eventually became the
United States of America, which has become home to the Jewish people and all people.
Yeah, I guess a John Hagee sermon would not be complete without, you know, somehow tooting the horn of Israel and then tooting the horn of the
United States of America. Who are oppressed by tyrants and religious dictators on the face of the earth, and God bless
America for what we have become to bless the people of the world. Yeah, see, he has to be telling the truth because he said
God bless America. In 1492,
God lit up the heavens with this. No, actually, that is flat -out false, and you can check the
NASA website if you don't believe me. The first eclipse in the tetrad was not until April of 1493.
Not 1492, 1493. That's right, a year after the royal decree.
So, in other words, those four blood moons could not possibly have been sent to warn everybody about the thing that was about to happen to the
Jews in Spain. Yeah, you get the idea. At every single turn, every single turn regarding these four blood moons,
John Hagee is pulling a fast one. He's twisting God's word. He's making it say things it doesn't say, and now he's rewriting history so that the first blood moon in that tetrad at the time of that edict happened at the same time that that edict occurred.
No, it happened a year after. Yeah, and when you start doing the historical work on this, you find that the whole thing comes crumbling down.
The four blood moons is nothing but a bunch of hype and pablum and eschatological fear -mongering based upon twisting of God's word that is designed to scare people and get
Christians to stop talking about the gospel and start spending money on this book.
And what that does, it gets us off of mission, gets us off of the topic that we're supposed to be preaching.
We're not supposed to be preaching four blood moons. Will Jesus return? Yes. When he returns, will there be signs in the heavens?
Absolutely, and those signs in the heavens will have nothing to do with normal eclipses.
They will be something so out of the ordinary that nobody will mistake it.
Everybody's heart will practically stop for fear of what is taking place. That's what's talked about in Scripture.
That's what Jesus was talking about. He's not talking about the four blood moons. God's not trying to send us a message through the four blood moons.
This is just the normal cycle of eclipses that happens every year on planet
Earth. That's the truth. All right, we are up on our second break. If you'd like to email me regarding anything you've heard on this edition or any previous editions of Fighting for the
Faith, you can do so. My email address is talkbackatfightingforthefaith .com or you can subscribe on Facebook, facebook .com
forward slash PirateChristian or follow me on Twitter, my name there, at PirateChristian. Quick break. When we come back, we're going to have a good, humble, exegetical sermon on Daniel chapter 1 as a remedy to the bad teaching on the
Daniel plan. Stay tuned. Don't miss it. We'll be right back. If you want advice on how to have your best life now, you're in the wrong place.