Spiritual Transitions from a Diaper

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One of the most difficult things for people when witnessing is the transition from the natural to the spiritual. This is a game we created to help sharpen those skills. This is a fun game to people with adults or youth groups. To play the game you call out a person and name something for them to transition from and they have to transition from that to either a spiritual conversation or the gospel.


Okay, so we will do a spiritual transition from the topic that was given today was a diaper, from a diaper to the gospel.
Yikes, how do you go from a diaper, well there's several ways we could go from a diaper to a gospel.
I think the easiest way probably would go, you know, with what children leave in a diaper being kind of nasty, especially the smellier ones and we could go from there to describing our sin like filthy rags in God's sight and that would be an easy way to do a transition from a diaper to the gospel.
And maybe some of you would have thought of that one, but I'm going to try to go somewhere different with it. Because actually I was in a conversation with someone earlier this week and we were talking about how children are, you know, when we're young we put our children in diapers, but you know what, there gets to be a point where we think we've outgrown diapers.
But not always for too long. You see, why is it that we tend to realize that as we get older, we start putting our elderly back into diapers?
Kind of a strange thing. We go right back into the diapers we thought we outgrew. The reality is, is because as our bodies fail us, we fail the ability to control certain things of our body.
And in doing, in that, we are, we would like to think that we're able to be in full control.
We could, we could do everything. I mean, many people try to think that they're, like, they think that they can accomplish anything.
This is why the military usually uses, you know, 18 year old kids to be in the military. Because a 40 year old, you say, take that hill.
And the 40 year old says, uh -huh, what's on the other side? You say it to an 18 year old, and it's like, hoorah, let's go.
Well, the reality is, is many of us think that we still have that ability to do anything. And yet, we really don't.
And when we get older, we realize that our body just doesn't function the way it used to and the way we want it to.
And the reality is, we start to realize we're not in as much control as we would like to think we are.
The reality is, we're not in control of very much at all. But there is someone who is.
You see, even though our bodies fail us, for those who know Christ, the failing body gets us closer to death and gets us closer to the one thing we desire more than anything else, being with Jesus Christ.
This temporal body will collapse one day. It will break down and it will disappear.
It will be gone. It will burn up with the earth. But the reality of eternal life is something that I will possess forever.
Not because I deserve it, but because of what God did on the cross when He died in my place for my wickedness and my sins,
He paid the price that I owe. And because of that, I could be set free. And when this body fails, it's just going to get me right to where I want to be with Christ.
That's actually what it says in 2 Corinthians 5, that this temporal body, this temporal tent it says, is going to be gone one day.
But we're going to be with Christ, those of us who know Him, for all of eternity. How about you?
Where will you be for all of eternity? Will it be with Christ or will it be in the lake of fire? Some may say the choice is yours, but God is in control.