Misconceptions About Hebrews (Part 2)

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Pradeep Tilak Interview (Part 3)

Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ. Based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, "'But we did not yield in subjection to them "'for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel "'would remain with you.'"
In short, if you like smooth, watered down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio ministry.
Mike Abendroth here on our NoCo podcast. Probably will be played sometime in January of 2019.
Fred, you there? Hello, hello, hello, hello. You can get our book, Sexual Fidelity, No Compromise at the website, nocompromiseradio .com.
If you want to order a bunch, a bundle, a boatload, a baker's dozen, see, we have good staff writers here that know alliteration.
You can write me personally, Mike at nocompromiseradio .com.
My girls, my 14 -year -old and 16 -year -old girls, they're the shippers, packagers, labelers.
And if you go to the website, you can pay through PayPal and I'll get that notice and we'll send you the book out.
And we're going to the mailbox a lot these days, post office rather, but if you want to order a bunch for a bookstore or something like that, we'll make sure you get the bookstore allowance, the multi -book discount.
And I think it's a biblical need to teach our children and to make sure ourselves, we're taught rightly about the subject that many shy away from, that some go overboard in their discussions, but we try to get the right balance.
See, balance. We try to make it so broken and wounded people.
Your Best Life Now, the game. I think that would sell more than my book. What we've been doing here on No Compromise Radio, not that I'm doing it that much, but the last show was, you know, last week, same, the way we work here is
Mondays have a theme and then Tuesdays have a theme. And then if there's a part two from a
Tuesday show, it doesn't get played on Wednesday, it gets played the next Tuesday. So if I'm talking about the book of Hebrews as I am today, and this is part two in terms of misconceptions about the epistle written to the
Hebrews, it was last week, the same day. What day that is, I don't know. Don't bother me with those kinds of details.
We have been talking about misconceptions and the misconceptions are in review that Hebrews is written at a seminary level.
It's too academic to understand. That was a misconception. The second misconception is that Hebrews is so complex, you can't even really summarize it.
Well, the summary is Jesus is the superior high priest and Hebrews chapter 10 is a good summary of his once and for all sacrifice.
Once, then he sat down. Three, this is where we were last time, that Hebrews is not very devotional.
You know, it's so technical, it's so doctrinal that it's not devotional at all. Now, my point was, if you study the person and work of Jesus, isn't that devotional?
Don't we devote ourselves to the person and work of Christ as Christians? Looking at who
Jesus is, the eternal God -man who cloaks himself with humanity, to what he does, he redeems people from their transgressions to seeing what he's doing now in heaven.
That is, make an intercession that he's going to return in the future. And the Bride of Hebrews even does, we saw last time, what he tells us to do.
And that is looking to Jesus, as the founder and perfecter of our faith.
The concentration is on Jesus as we consider him. He is the one who's willing to suffer in obedience to God.
And we must consider then Jesus, the hostility that he faced.
We might not face it in the same degree, but we will certainly face it. And the writers, the writer of Hebrews knew that as he would send this letter off.
We have to consider, that's an imperative, by the way, to reckon or to ponder or to meditate.
It's a used math word for calculations, comparing
Jesus and his extreme suffering to our limited suffering.
Jesus is superior. And when you study the superiority of Jesus, who offers a better hope, a better covenant, better promises, who has a better sacrifice, that there's a better resurrection because he's offering great salvation.
He is the great high priest and he's a great shepherd of the sheep. You should respond with, he's a great savior.
I'm glad he's my savior. To think that you could say, can you say, the
Lord is my shepherd. Yahweh is my shepherd.
You remember Jesus, he said that he was the good shepherd. And now in this book, he's called the great shepherd of the sheep.
And to think, by the way, that the shepherd also became the sacrifice. The high priest was the sacrifice.
The shepherd was the sheep as a sacrifice. It's amazing. The book even starts off with devotional exclamations of Jesus, that he is the radiance of the glory of God, the exact imprint of his nature.
And he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the majesty on high.
This book is about Jesus. And I'm trying to tell you that Jesus is worth devoting your life to and giving worship to and honor to and adoration.
Psalm 2, kiss the sun unless you perish. When the author thinks about Jesus, he mainly gives
Jesus two titles. There's all kinds of descriptions of Jesus, author and perfecter. But the two main words, the two main titles for Jesus given in this book,
I think are important to draw out so you can see before we go kind of a verse by verse study.
The first one is son. And the second one is priest. Those are the two titles that the author's thinking is especially devoted to, son and priest.
If you know that Jesus is the son and Jesus is the priest, then you will, in a much easier fashion, see that he is superior and he is worth devoting your life to.
He's the one that said before you in this word of exhortation, Hebrews 13 .22, so that you will not shrink back so that the warning passages that are given will have some meat to them.
Son and priest. To give you a little highlight, I think it would be nice just to walk through those words, son and priest.
Chapter one, verse two, he's spoken to us in these last days by his son.
Hebrews 1 .5, you are my son, today I begotten you. I will be a father to him and she shall be to me a son.
He didn't say that to any angel. Verse eight, but of the son he says, your throne, O God, is forever and ever.
The scepter of uprightness is the scepter of your kingdom. Hebrews 4 .14, since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens,
Jesus Christ, the son of God. Chapter five, verse five, so Christ did not exalt himself to be made a high priest, but was appointed by him who said to him, you are my son, today
I have begotten you. Verse eight of chapter five, although he was a son, he learned obedience through what he suffered.
Hebrews 6 .6, they are crucifying once again the son of God to their own harm.
Chapter seven, he is without father or mother or genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but resembling the son of God.
He continues a priest forever. Chapter seven, verse 28, for the law appoints men in their weakness as high priest, but the word of the oath, which came later than the law, appoints a son who has been made perfect forever.
And then lastly, chapter 10, verse 29, how much worse punishment do you think will be deserved by the one who has trampled underfoot the son of God and profaned the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified and outraged the spirit of grace.
When you talk about Jesus, the Messiah in Hebrews, the title son is emphatically used.
And you say to yourself, Old Testament Israel was also considered a son.
There's a special relationship that Israel had with God. Exodus four, then you shall say to Pharaoh, thus says the
Lord Israel, thus says the Lord, Israel is my firstborn son. And I say to you, let my son go that he may serve me.
We have the Old Testament, move along. And you see in chapter 31 of Jeremiah, with weeping, they shall come with pleas for mercy.
I will lead them back. I will make them walk by brooks of water in a straight path in which they shall not stumble for I am a father to Israel and Ephraim is my firstborn.
Second Samuel seven, I will be to him a father and he shall be a son to me, talking about the
Davidic king. Just as Israel is God's first born,
Jesus is called the first born. He is the heir to David as Jesus represents his people.
Son is a key word in the book of Hebrews to talk about Jesus. And the other word is priest.
Priest, the priestly work of Jesus. Now, if you read John 17, you will see the priest as he makes intercession.
Here, the priest, the high priest, Jesus is regularly talked about in the book of Hebrews.
The great high priest. You need a priest. You need someone to represent you before God and to go to God on your behalf.
And his name is Jesus in chapter two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine.
Talk about Jesus, the priest. It's amazing. It says in chapter two of Hebrews, so that he might become the merciful and faithful high priest in service to God to make propitiation for the sins of the people.
Chapter three, verse one, consider Jesus the apostle and high priest of our confession.
Chapter four, verse 15, for we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who is in every respect has been who one, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are yet without sin.
Chapter five, so also Christ did not exalt himself to be made a high priest. Chapter six, verse 20,
Jesus has gone as a forerunner on our behalf, having become a high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.
Chapter seven, it was indeed fitting that we should have a high priest. Talking about Jesus, holy, innocent, unstained, separated from sinners, exalted above the heavens.
Chapter eight, verse one, now the point in what we are saying is this. We have such a high priest when it was seated at the right hand of the throne of the majesty in heaven.
Chapter nine, verse 11, but when Christ appeared as a high priest of the good things that have come, then through the greater and more perfect hand, not made with hands, that is not of this creation.
Jesus is son and he is high priest. And I think it's great when you see in Hebrews chapter five, these two concepts are tied together, they're tethered together.
Although he was a son, he learned obedience through what he suffered and being made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him, being designated by God as a high priest after the order of Melchizedek.
Jesus, fully divine, the eternal son and fully human and he learns obedience after what he suffered.
Remember, Jesus increases in wisdom and stature and he is tempted, he is a human.
You have to have a representative who is like you, who is human and you have to have a representative who is divine so he can give you an infinite amount of righteousness.
Humans need to learn obedience and Jesus did that through suffering. He is the son of God.
It's pretty amazing when you think that the high priest would do that for you.
In the Bible, Jesus is son and priest, many other things.
He is the priest and victim, he's the offerer and offering, he is the shepherd and the sheep and he, in a once for all fashion, takes sin a penalty that we deserved, right?
In the same way Jesus became sin for us, we receive his righteousness.
Now, you can go through this book and see the humanity of Jesus also with the word Jesus, chapter two, three, four, five, six, seven, 10, 12, 13.
The word Jesus is regularly used. Now, if Jesus isn't devotional for you,
I don't know if it exists. By the way, if this is a sermon and it is, if this is a word of exhortation and it is, this is the kind of Christ -centered preaching we need.
We need people to talk about Jesus, not about themselves. Oh, they could give an illustration here or there, but the key to understanding the world is seeing who
Jesus is and saying, he's supreme over all things and how does that manifest in my life?
We'll see that in chapter 10, 11, 12, and 13. The object of our faith is Jesus.
Misconception number four, by the way, my name is Mike Abendroth. This is No Compromise Radio. You can write us at info at nocompromiseradio .com.
Unless you're a troll, you can write us, but you just get deleted and I never see the email. Isn't that nice?
We don't have to do that. By the way, if you want to debate with us, you won't be able to do that on social media because we don't do it.
We do allow some comments on YouTube that are the disagreeing kind, but once they turn trollish, then they just get deleted and we don't respond.
Sometimes I respond if somebody's got a real question. You wish you'd give that job to Ben or somebody else.
Who knows? What's in front of me here? My Predicta pen, that's passe, the message
Bible. Oh, you know, I haven't done something for a while. I have not ever looked in my entire life at the message
Bible and the book of Hebrews. Let's just see. It's not really a
Bible, I know that. Let's move this little marker so we can easily access this.
Okay, what have I just been reading? All right. This son perfectly mirrors
God in his stand with God's nature. He holds everything together by what he says, powerful words.
After he finished the sacrifice for sins, the son took his honored place high in the heavens right alongside
God, far higher than any angel in rank. Did God ever say to an angel, you are my son, today
I celebrate you, or I am his father, he's my son? No.
I guess that's not as bad as it could be, right? What about chapter 10? I'm interested in that one.
The old plan was only a hint of the good things in the new plan. Since that old law plan wasn't complete in itself, it couldn't complete those who followed it, no matter how many sacrifices were offered year after year.
They never added up to a complete solution. If they had, the worshipers would have gone merrily on their way, no longer dragged down by their sins.
But instead of removing awareness of sin, when those animal sacrifices were repeated over and over, they actually heightened awareness and guilt.
The plain fact is that blood, goat blood, can't get rid of sin. That is what is meant by the prophecy, put in the mouth of Christ.
You don't want sacrifices and offerings year after year. You've prepared a body for me for a sacrifice. It's not fragrance and smoke from the altar that whet your appetite.
So I said, I'm here to do it your way, oh God, but the way it's described in your book.
Now, of course, I blast the message Bible all the time because it's not a Bible, so the premise to start with is faulty.
I was pretty happy with the translation until I got to this point. So I said,
I'm here to do it your way, oh God. I don't know, maybe it's just the Burger King, McDonald's kind of slogans in my background,
I'm not sure. But anyway, see, sometimes when we do sections like that in No Compromise Radio, it just bombs.
That's when we do need the editor. I said before that some people have asked how much money do you spend editing the show?
Well, we have a line item for that, allegedly. No, we don't spend money budgeting.
This is raw, this is, well, it's live, it's recorded live, but you get it later.
No editing ever. I think the only time we've ever edited, I think it's probably been 10 times or less, we have a guest and it's a
Wednesday show and the guest says, could you please, at the very end of the show, could you please take that out?
I said, well, it sounded good to me, it's fine. I don't think you're gonna get in any trouble and it was biblical. No, but I just prefer if you take that out.
So I don't want to do it, but I do it. Well, Mario probably does it or Ben.
That's the only time. So 1 ,600 shows, 10 times we edit. And it shows.
I don't know, I mean, if I ever did this full time, I wouldn't want to because I love being a pastor and preaching every week.
But if I ever did this full time, I asked myself the question, what would change? If no co was full time, what would change?
I don't know. My budget, that would change. One time
I was at a pay phone in downtown Los Angeles. I was a sales rep, he didn't have cell phones at the time. And I needed to make a phone call.
Guy came walking up to me and he goes, I was brand new from Nebraska. I didn't know downtown LA from anything.
You got some change? No, sir. I said, you got some change?
Basically, you give me your change. Oh, I think I need some,
I think I need to reroute this phone call business. So I stopped using that phone.
I don't know what I was thinking. Had some kind of cheap suit on, putting a couple of dimes in the deal to make phone calls.
Aye, yi, yi, yi, yi, yi. Misconception number four with the book of Hebrews, the epistle to the
Hebrews. It's a dry letter, it's a dry style. Now, maybe some would say boring.
I looked up what boring means. Here's some synonyms, monotonous, tedious, irksome.
I'm pronouncing these words out of the side of my mouth. Tiresome, often resulting in listlessness, lack of variety.
As James Russell Lowell said, there is nothing so desperately monotonous as the sea.
When it comes to monotony and you just think, okay, when you look at the sea and you think, now that's monotonous.
How, when do you ever say that word monotonous? There's a problem. When you look at the book of Hebrews and you think, that's enough of Jesus.
I just need to get to the other part. Get to chapter 13, take care of prisoners, marriage beds undefiled.
I don't forget your leaders. Give me to that, get me to that part. I can't get to chapter 13 fast enough. Then there's a problem, a major problem.
Ah, it's so tedious, so repetitive. It's irksome.
I know. I think probably what's gonna happen here on No Compromise Radio and at Bethlehem Bible Church, if Jesus is a monotonous subject for you, then you're gonna need to find another church.
I don't know what to tell you. I don't know what to tell you. Here, the writer underneath the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit crafts with great skill and precision a book that is tight in segues.
Transitions are wonderful. It's smooth. It could be some of the best literary
Koine Greek in all the world, focusing around the central point.
Jesus is superior. What's so neat about this book and this genre of word of exhortation, chapter 13, it's going to show you that the way he writes and uses the
Old Testament, I mean, there's just nothing like it. What you'll see when you look through the book of Hebrews, when you go back to read the
Old Testament, you're gonna say, you know what? The Bible's not just full of a bunch of unrelated stories. It's got a unified story, redemption in Christ, the
Messiah. And you will see, even as the biblical theology departments now are getting more focus and printing more books about biblical theology, that there is an ongoing progressive history and God shows himself and reveals himself from the fall through the
Old Testament into the New Testament. Jesus Christ is the Messiah, all pointing to Jesus.
Sometimes people define biblical theology as the history of special revelation, the history of that.
And it's certainly spurred on by Luke 24, 27. And beginning with Moses and the prophets,
Jesus explained to the disciples what was said in all the scriptures concerning him.
You're gonna see that in the book of Hebrews, how Hebrews uses the Old Testament under apostolic direction via the
Holy Spirit's inspiration. So you say, you know, this is going somewhere.
The tapestry of God's progressive revelation is found in Jesus, the key to understanding the
Bible, unfolding the mystery of seeing Christ through the Old Testament. With lots of direct quotations of the
Old Testament and many allusions and many references, Jesus is the one who fulfills all the
Old Testament, who fulfills all the Old Testament hopes, who fulfills all the Old Testament promises.
It's all about Jesus. And it will help you understand the Bible, even the Old Testament.
I don't think that's boring. Well, my name is Mike Abenroth, this is No Compromise Radio. You can write us info at No Compromise Radio.
This is my new iPad OtterBox case getting shut because what happened was, went to the gym, dropped it, broke, shattered.
Cherubi, Mike Abenroth, No Compromise Radio. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abenroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life transforming power of God's word through verse by verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at six. We're right on route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.