Bryan Lorrits, at the Right Hand of SBC Power on Reparations

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I don't know I wasn't gonna do the second part of this but or at least right away
I was gonna wait to see what the response was like on the first one but I felt it felt good man it felt good getting back on the horse of the woke church rejection train anyway but I wanted to do as part two to this if you remember where we left off I'm gonna remind you
I'm gonna play the last maybe 10 seconds of this I had a thought about this and it's just so interesting to me it's very very interesting to me the way he frames this to his advantage listen to what
Brian Lourdes Lawrence has to say here I take to right the wrongs because that's my brother that's my sister so for anyone to look at the plight of african -americans historically and merely shrug their shoulders and say not my problem is a person who just doesn't get the spirit of the
Gospels nor the New Testament so everyone's about to say oh yeah oh you know they're everyone's like loving that part well that line but that line is such a manipulation hear me guys that line is so manipulative because what he's the way he's framing this is that if you're not for reparations then essentially what you're doing is you're shrugging your shoulders and you're saying this the suffering of black people that's not my problem that's just not my problem and he's framing it that way where it's like you don't understand the gospel you don't understand the
New Testament and you're just like not my problem and the and the in the reality is
I myself am against reparations and I talked to many people who are against reparations and the reality is that I have not spoken to one of them that them that have just said don't care
Jimmy crack Gordon I don't care yet that's how you're being framed here you see here's the reality though these people that are against reparations understand that the way to fix wrongs from the past is to stop the cycle of wrongdoing you stop right there the way to not do it is to create new victims and what
Brian is about to do he's about to go into this thing where it's about well it's about the government not about individuals and stuff like that and he's gonna make that distinction which again is the distinction
I agree with but that's actually the reason why I'm against reparations because the government actually does not have the authority to do it but you see the thing is the government doesn't have any money of its own that's the thing that people that are against reparations realize that the government isn't this magical entity that has access to its own money the government has two ways to get money right ready ready for this there's two ways for the government to get money they either tax people for it so in other words it's other people's money or they create it out of thin air which creates inflation which is also a it's basically a tax on future people and so I'm either putting my own kids in debt to pay your reparations
Brian or I'm saying it's okay for other people to get taxed for it and see that's the thing reparations doesn't actually solve injustices it just creates new victims and kicks the can down the road the people that I know that are against reparations they're not saying not my problem the way he's caricatured it here what they're saying is the cycle of injustice has to stop somewhere and here's where I want to stop it it's just that simple and so it's just so it's so manipulative to frame it that way because what he's trying to make you think is that people that are against reparations there's just these evil people that just don't care about the suffering of others and I have to be honest with you
I'd probably be in line to get some of those reparations and I am against him completely because the reality is all that would do is create new victims
I'm willing to absorb whatever it is that you owe me or whatever you people think that are owed to me whatever people think is owed to me through reparations
I'm willing to absorb that loss I'm willing to absorb it because that's what a Christian ought to do I don't want to create new victims to my benefit that's the opposite of what
I want to do it's not because I don't care it's not because I don't think it's my problem it's not because I you know it's none of that it's that it would just create new victims plus it's not biblical which
Brian's admitted here which is so bizarre and manipulative that he decided to go this route with how this all worked anyway let's continue and we'll go from there well the
Bible gives us a framework for thinking through reparations I think the best case for reparations is actually in our own
Constitution in history we this is so interesting so he basically said it's hard to make the biblical case for reparations but it does give you the framework even as he said now
I realize that it's not it's not really reparations in the Bible it's restitution and he's the key is wasn't paying for other people's injustice he was paying for for his injustice like he knows all the arguments and yet he's still trying to pretend like he just made sort of a biblical case for reparations he didn't he made a great case for restitution both for the justice system and for interpersonal relationships
I completely agree with that restitution is beautiful biblical holy godly all that reparations is very different so let's hear this case that he's gonna make with the
US Constitution for reparations this ought to be interesting we are told in the
Constitution that one of our inalienable rights is the pursuit of happiness black folks have been denied this for so long that we have settled for just being people who matter like saying black lives matter is controversial and we haven't even gotten to the constitutional part which says black lives should be happy I when
I first heard that I just couldn't believe how many errors somebody could fit into like one sentence it's like black people have been denied like he quotes it correctly at first he says the pursuit of happiness is a is an inalienable right what the what the document says then he says black people have been denied the pursuit of happiness for so long that it's controversial to say black lives matter it's actually not controversial to say black lives matter what's controversial about that is when you say all all lives don't matter that's racist to say that but and then also black lives matter is connected with a
Marxist socialist organization then it becomes controversial because in order for me to affirm black lives matter
I also have to affirm LGBT I also have to affirm reparations I also have to affirm communism and all this other stuff it's not we're not the ones who made it controversial you know what
I mean like if you said black lives matter and I said yeah you know black lives matter just like white lives matter just like Asian lives matter if you didn't say anything if you didn't call me a racist at that point it wouldn't be controversial at all but but many people have decided that that is controversial they made it controversial you made it controversial woke church that's not me that's not on me so don't don't don't create a controversy and then say it's my problem that's your problem secondly it's just the so he quotes it correctly the pursuit of happiness then he claims without evidence that black people are denied the pursuit of happiness right now and then he said that the
Constitution guarantees that black lives should be happy that's not what it guarantees that would be insane the
Constitution can't guarantee that your life will be happy it guarantees that you have the opportunity to pursue happiness and primarily the way it does that is it stays out of your way and doesn't rob you and doesn't screw you over and stuff like that it limits what the government can do to you because the framers understood that oftentimes what makes your life miserable is government you know what
I mean oftentimes what makes your life miserable is government and so it wanted to get the government out of the way to let you pursue what you wanted to pursue but it didn't guarantee happiness so it's he just made so many errors there and they're small errors from a word perspective but they make all the difference in the world what is it that blacks can't pursue right now well what are they being denied pursuit of and again you gotta remember this isn't the framework of a reparations conversation so it's like because I haven't given you cash you can't pursue happiness that's what you're telling me
I mean again I stand to collect some of this cash I could make the case and draw my
DNA I would never give the government my DNA obviously they probably already have it but but I could give you you know my
African ancestry all that stuff I can get some of that cash but like I can I'm free to pursue happiness pretty much right now you know there are some onerous government restrictions on me and it makes my life a little bit more difficult than it should be but I can pursue happiness right now and see this is the thing like he just got done saying well black lives matter is country yeah it's controversial because black lives matter wants to increase the amount of government in our lives and that's gonna make our lives much less opportunistic to pursue happiness that was the whole point of that of that of that quotation but no no he wants to twist that all up and say well black lives aren't happy therefore the
Constitution hasn't been fulfilled in their lives it's just it's just very weird this argument let's continue and let him flesh it out a little bit but I just I was very surprised that he had he could fit so many errors in like ten words it's safe to say that African Americans have been denied the pursuit of happiness since day one in this country which is our constitutional right you see this is what's so weasley about this like it's like I could agree with him at the start of the country so day one yeah he was right but then you know somewhere
I don't know maybe 40 30 20 years ago at least recently they got that back lots of black people are pursuing happiness and I was just looking at this company the other day that's in my field and it's a it's a black owned company it's a huge company and they are doing so well right now and it's like that guy's pursuing happiness you know what
I mean that guy's pursuing his dreams right and so like that's good and you don't even need money to pursue happiness like you can pursue happiness in all kinds of ways and yet Brian's over here saying as he stands in there with his designer clothing everyone's fawning over him in evangelicalism he somehow is like well
I can't even I can't even pursue happiness I just I don't get it like what what are you actually trying to say
Brian about money in terms of how you become happy I'm not putting words into your mouth but it just seems like a bizarre way to go for a
Christian we can call history to bear witness that African Americans should have reparations when
I lived in the bay I know you say that but why you just got done telling me the Bible doesn't say that they that the government owes them reparations the government doesn't have any money of its own
I didn't do anything to black people so why would I pay see that's the other thing to that what's so twisted about this is that I would stand to collect reparations but I would also have to pay reparations because I'm the one who makes the income that does the productive work that the government then takes the production that I make they then take it and they forced me at gunpoint to give them money
I give them money and then I'm the one who pays for reparations so why do why am I owing reparations to like sort of myself but then sort of other people as well it just makes no sense at all but he just couldn't he feels comfortable just so yeah history bears it of course they are owed reparations we got to prove that and then also you have to make the biblical case that governments ought to be engaged in stuff like that I think you can't do it
I can make a biblical case that definitively definitively at least in my opinion says that they shouldn't be doing that so that's where we're at and so it ends up being just as vacuous as Eric Mason even though he's slightly more careful about his words it's just an assumption it's just an assertion you owe me reparations because that's that that's loving your neighbor well you got to prove it though and historically you've got to prove it
I mean I don't owe you anything I know that I'm gonna get some but I'm also I'm also gonna owe some it's just weird area
I was shocked to discover that the Fillmore known at one time as the Harlem of the
West for all of its african -american residents was originally a Japanese community in San Francisco shortly after Pearl Harbor was bombed
Asian hysteria flooded the country and ultimately over a hundred and twenty thousand people of Japanese ancestry were pulled from their homes and sent into internment camps the
Fillmore now was vacated and given to the rising population of african -americans just think of that they just gave
Japanese homes to black people some years later our country acknowledged our wrong done to the
Asians and paid out 1 .6 billion dollars to the Asian community and reparations in 1946 our government established the
Indian Claims Commission to hear grievances from Native Americans over lost territories seized by our government ultimately the government paid out 1 .3
million dollars to tribes and bands if for some reason when blacks talk about reparations it's all of a sudden controversial it shouldn't be for many reasons the primary one being our government actually began the process of reparations with african -americans as the
Civil War was ending Union generals were having a conversation with the african -american community in Savannah coming out of that discussion it was decided to take the over 400 ,000 acres of land seized from the
Confederates and give it out in 40 acre allotments this became known as 40 acres in a mule was a stunning act way ahead of its time sadly not after not long after this order
President Andrew Johnson Lincoln successor overturned the order and returned the land back to its original treasonous owners the very ones who declared war on their own country just think about the power and healing that could have come yeah you see he makes it seem like it's like it's like it just locked it up it could have been there could have been power and healing and and and and and reconciliation
I wonder if he's ever spent even one moment on an on a
Native American reservation I mean I really mean that Brian like have you spent even one moment on one of these places that that this is
I guess the this is the example of how to have reconciliation and healing and all this stuff
RJ Rush Dooney he he was one of the one of the godfathers of Christian Reconstructionism one of the things that drove him to taking the law of God seriously is the destitution and the desperate situation that he saw on Native American reservations due to the way that the government essentially that's that's a controlled environment and they were totally in destitution it was not a good situation and over here
Brian said well we could we get in on that like do you want to get in on that just I honestly don't even understand why he would bring that up as as as as something to like aspire to it makes no sense to me at all but I wonder
I mean maybe he has spent time on these reservations they're not like they're not great places you know what
I mean like if that's your idea of healing you know then it I'm starting to understand a little bit more about why you're so wrong on some of this stuff anyway let me end there
I'll continue I have to jump but I'll continue with this and and talk a little bit more about that last section because I think that's important as well anyway