Spiritual Transition to the Gospel from a Shop Vac

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One of the most difficult things for people when witnessing is the transition from the natural to the spiritual. The Spiritual Transition Game is a game we created to help sharpen those skills. This game is a fun game to people with adults or youth groups. To play the game, you call out a person and name something for them to transition from, and they have to transition from that to either a spiritual conversation or the gospel.


Okay, this is the spiritual transition game. The way this game works, well, the way this works this way is that people who watch live,
Monday nights, 8 o 'clock Eastern time, to the Striving Fraternity Academy, they give me, they're in the live chat, and they give me something to transition to the gospel.
The way the game normally would be played in a group of people would be that you'd call someone out and you'd give them some sort of object to do either a spiritual transition, or more specifically, they have to get to the gospel.
It's a little bit harder because spiritual transitions can bring up anything of a spiritual nature, but, you know,
I have to go right to the gospel. Now, I don't know what I'm going to have to transition from because I'm going to get that in the chat.
And once that pops up, then I'm going to give you the spiritual transition. So today we're going to do a spiritual transition from a shop vac to the gospel.
A shop vac. Well, a shop vac is a smaller, it's one of those small little like handheld vacuum cleaners.
It's a smaller one, it's lighter, it's more convenient to have around for cleaning up messes, but you know what, it actually kind of exposes something.
Well, two things actually. One, we really live a life of convenience that we have like all these multiple size vacuum cleaners to clean up.
It's also kind of maybe telling us that we're a little bit too much of germophobes. I mean, we just have to clean everything.
I like a clean house, so I'm not against that. But it does tell us something about our culture and our thinking that we always want everything clean.
Well, not everyone. Have you ever been in a really dirty house? Yikes. And the reality is you can actually tell quite a bit about someone just from the way they keep things.
I mean, the people that want to have those shop vacs handy just for those little messes because they want to clean up everything, everything has to be neat and in order.
Very different type of person than the person that doesn't even know what a shop vac is because they've never even vacuumed.
Have you ever been in those houses? Yikes. Scary. But the reality is it can tell us a lot about an individual and their life.
You know, something else that tells us a lot about individuals is how we live our life. Because the reality is every one of us, most of us, would never want our friends or family to know like the last 24 hours of our thinking.
I mean, the reality is that there's a day that's going to come where everyone is going to know every thought we ever had.
Wouldn't that scare you to know that everyone, friends, family, everyone would see the thoughts that you had in your mind?
Wouldn't that scare you? It would scare a lot of people because in their mind, yeah, there's no shop vac for the mind.
But you know who does see that every time? God does. God sees everything that we think.
He knows all of that. And He is a just judge and because of that He is going to judge all of us by a righteous standard, that standard being
His very nature. And He is going to judge us and He's going to judge our thoughts and those wicked thoughts we had.
He's going to see us as being guilty before an infinite, holy, perfect God. And He's going to judge us as guilty.
And the punishment is going to be eternity in a lake of fire. But this
God is so righteous and so good and so just that even though He's just and wrathful against sin,
He also made a way of escape that He Himself became a man, came to earth and died on a cross 2 ,000 years ago to be the punishment for sin that you and I could be set free.
Do you know that free gift? Have you received that free gift? My challenge to you today would be to repent and put faith in Jesus Christ alone and not work your good works and not your good nature because, well, inside of your mind is a filthy place and there's no shop vac for it.
The only solution to that is to repent and believe in the
Lord Jesus Christ. The only way to clean up that sin is to have it paid for by God Almighty.
My challenge to you is to put trust and faith in Jesus Christ today. That's how I would transition from a shop vac to the gospel with no planning.