Why The “Gay Christian” Movement Is A Problem!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So for those of you who don't know, the gay
Christian movement is really dangerous. Sure, you have some people, some organizations that treat homosexuality like a wicked sin, as they should, and some of them encourage people who are tempted by this kind of thing, they tell them to repent and submit to the roles of male and female that God gave them.
That's great, but unfortunately, the grand majority of evangelical people and organizations that are meant to specifically help gay people overcome these passions are doctrinally compromised and what they teach has no place in the church.
One such organization is called Revoice. Now, as of late, Revoice has found a home in the hypothetically conservative denomination
Presbyterian Church in America. The mission of Revoice, according to their own website, is to, quote, support and encourage gay, lesbian, bisexual, and other same -sex attracted
Christians so that in all, the church might be empowered to live in gospel unity while observing the historic
Christian doctrine of marriage and sexuality, end quote. So their goal is apparently to help these people who struggle with homosexuality to observe the traditional
Christian doctrine of marriage and sexuality. And that sounds good on the face of it, but the question then becomes, how are you planning on doing this?
Well, apparently, one of the ways Revoice is accomplishing this goal is by actively working against it.
Watch this video. There are some benefits and challenges to being in a queer orientation marriage.
Some of the benefits are that we feel understood by each other. Another benefit is that we do not feel the pressure to alter our appearance in any way for the other person.
Liz can shop in the youth boys section at Target for her stellar wardrobe. And I can have all the necessary costume changes required for every occasion and wear my
Helen Hollywood and sunglasses. I think it's probably common for anyone in a mixed orientation marriage, explaining the relationship to people is super complicated.
I feel like it's hard sometimes to feel like we can really just settle into our relationship because we're always in a posture of like trying to make it make sense.
And so that has been one of the biggest challenges that we have encountered over the years.
So the video that you just saw almost seemed like an advertisement for what these Revoice speakers call queer oriented marriage.
And as far as I understand it, queer oriented marriage is a marriage in which one or more of the people in it are attracted to the same sex.
In this instance, I believe it is the case for both the husband and the wife on stage. They have a mutual understanding that they're both
Christians, that they don't want to act on these impulses, and they're married to one another. Now with that said, there's so much wrong with the way this is being presented.
First off, they're talking about the pros and cons of this as if it's like buying a new car. You have one of many options.
This is a red one, but it doesn't go as fast. This one's blue, but the steering, well, it isn't as good.
Why are we putting such an emphasis on queer oriented marriages anyway? Why are we analyzing the pros and cons to marrying a person who's tempted to violate
God's sexual standard? Instead, why don't we simply emphasize the importance of fighting one's sin and intentionally fitting into God's clearly prescribed gender roles for life and marriage?
This I think would be a much better use of our time than pondering the pros and cons of queer oriented marriage, right?
James 4, 7 says, quote, Submit yourselves therefore to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
End quote. I really think it should be as simple as that. Resist this sin, and let's help each other to overcome this.
I mean, just compare the way we talk about this sin, though, to any other sin. Romans 1 says that homosexuality is a sin and against God's law, and we know that adultery is a sin as well.
Hebrews 13, 4 says, quote, Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.
End quote. So let's say you're in a marriage where both partners say that they're oriented towards being intimate with people who they're not married to.
That's a problem. Then suppose they create an adultery -oriented Christian conference, like Revoice, and two adultery -oriented
Christians stand up and talk about their adultery -oriented marriage, let's say. And they stand up and they declare, one of the great benefits of being in an adultery -oriented marriage is that your partner really understands you.
And you don't have to feel like you're ashamed. You can just unapologetically be adultery -oriented and they just completely understand.
Everyone would look around at this conference and say, what on earth are we listening to? Why are we talking about the pros and cons of being with someone who's oriented towards adultery?
Why not simply call it out for the sin that it is and put our emphasis on having freedom from that sin in Christ?
And then let's help them in our local churches to overcome this. So already we're talking about queer -oriented marriage and we're way off in the worldly weeds.
We're speaking in terms that the Bible does not use or even affirm, and we're defining entire marriages by their sinful orientations.
I would even make the case that this is dishonoring to the institution of marriage itself. The word marriage should not be stained by being constantly preceded by the words queer -oriented.
These are not defining sins that you have to walk around with as a label your whole life, and you certainly don't need to slap that label on your marriage covenant.
You don't have to call yourself a Christian couple oriented towards anger. You don't have to call yourself a Christian couple oriented towards lying or a pornography -oriented
Christian couple or anything else. You can just be a Christian couple, and you can just be in a biblical marriage.
The second problem here is when the couple on stage says that they have one benefit in their marriage, that they don't have to alter their appearance for one another.
Watch that again. Another benefit is that we do not feel the pressure to alter our appearance in any way for the other person.
Liz can shop in the youth boys section at Target for her stellar wardrobe, and I can have all the necessary costume changes required for every occasion and wear my
Helen Hollywood sunglasses. So the wife in this video can shop in the boys section of Target and wear boys clothes, and it's no big deal.
This is absolutely unbiblical and patently false. The Bible clearly says that men should dress like men and women should dress like women.
Deuteronomy 22 5 says, quote, A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's cloak.
For whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God, end quote. The idea here is not that every piece of men and women's clothing should be completely different, completely distinct, otherwise you're cross -dressing.
No. In the Bible, both men and women, for instance, wore sandals, and that was not a sin. But if a man put on a dress or a woman put on a man's battle armor, that was wrong.
Why? Because the sexes are different, and God made them that way. And clothing is to a certain extent made to reflect that difference.
Now am I saying that a woman should not wear a t -shirt because men can also wear t -shirts? No. But I am saying that a woman should not wear a tuxedo because we have a clear cultural distinction wherein only men wear that kind of thing.
So here's the problem. The woman who is speaking on stage is literally cross -dressing at this
Christian conference. At the Christian conference where she's supposed to be giving advice on Biblical gender roles.
She's wearing a collared, button -down shirt and vest. And I'm not trying to be offensive here at all, but the fact is, if you laid out that outfit and asked 100 random
Christians to tell you what's the sex of the person planning to wear this outfit, they would all tell you that a man or a boy was going to wear that.
So this is a serious problem because we're cross -dressing at a Christian conference. And again, according to Revoice's own website, the organization that's putting on this event, they apparently want to observe the, quote, historic
Christian doctrine of marriage and sexuality. But cross -dressing, as we've already covered, is not part of God's doctrine for sexuality.
But they're not only doing it, they're not only accepting it, they're actively encouraging it to the audience.
They're saying this is a benefit to queer -oriented marriage, that you can dress like the opposite sex and your partner doesn't care.
Tell me again, which part of this is historic Christian doctrine? Tell me again, what on earth does this have to do with Biblical Christianity?
I would genuinely like to know. Because all I've seen in this video is the secular, gender -bending worldview being imported into Evangelical Christianity.
And that is something I find reprehensible and very wicked. Then towards the end of the video, they say something very revealing.
Watch this. I think it's probably common for anyone in a mixed -orientation marriage, explaining the relationship to people is super complicated.
I feel like it's hard sometimes to feel like we can really just settle into our relationship because we're always in a posture of, like, trying to make it make sense.
And so that has been one of the biggest challenges that we have encountered over the years.
So the wife then says that it's hard to explain their marriage to others, and even at the end she says, quote, we're always in a posture of trying to make it make sense, end quote.
Now in the nicest possible terms, may I suggest that the reason it's so hard to make this make sense is because it doesn't make sense.
This is nonsense. It's unbiblical. Explaining one's marriage shouldn't be this confusing at all. I'm a man, she's a woman, we're in a lifelong covenant together before God.
Whatever sins you happen to struggle with can be totally separate to that. It's not complicated at all. The reason explaining this marriage becomes complicated is because they've taken the label queer -oriented from the secular worldview and they've slapped it permanently on a traditional
Christian marriage. That is where the confusion comes in. If they were consistently applying the
Christian worldview, consistently applying biblical principles, this wouldn't be confusing at all. The reason explaining it becomes confusing is because this is objectively confusing.
Why is there a marriage where one of the people in it is cross -dressing and the other person is encouraging them to cross -dress?
Why would a man not care if his wife is dressing like a boy who shops at Target? Those are their words, not mine.
Biblically, a man should care about that. He should be against that. I'm not attacking these people personally, although I disagree with pretty much all of this.
Rather, I'm saying that I agree that their situation is a complicated one. But my solution is very different.
The biggest problem here is that you have two people who clearly do not have a firm grasp on biblical roles for men and women.
Just watch the video and look at the mannerisms, the attire, and the worldview here. And they're working with an organization that claims to educate confused people on how to better submit to biblical roles for men and women.
So you see how this becomes a problem. In other words, this is going to make a bunch of already vulnerable, confused people even more vulnerable and confused than they were before.
Yes, marriage is the union of a man to a woman for life, that's true. But biblical roles for the sexes are much bigger than that.
Married or unmarried, there is also the responsibility of every person to be masculine or to be feminine.
Masculinity and femininity were given to us by God. First Timothy 2, 9 -10 says that women should wear, quote, what is proper for women who profess godliness, good works, end quote.
According to the passage and many others, there is proper behavior for women. There is a level of womanly, feminine behavior that uniquely glorifies
God. First Corinthians 16 -13, on the other hand, says, quote, Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong, end quote.
So there is also a proper way to act like a man. There's a sort of manliness that you can be about.
There are specific and different qualities that should be displayed by men and women before marriage and within marriage by all people.
So if you married a person of the opposite sex, that's great. But you don't then get to violate
God's gender roles by cross -dressing or being an effeminate man or a masculine woman just because you made the right call in the sex you married.
God's roles for men and women are so much bigger than that. So in conclusion, the fact is that biblically there is absolutely no pro and con list in Scripture given with regard to marrying someone who's attracted to their own sex.
In fact, biblically speaking, that would present some significant problems and challenges rather than any pros.
Of course, these things can be overcome by Christ's power, but let's not kid ourselves. It's not like there's this massive list of biblical perks that comes with marrying someone who has homosexual tendencies.
It's just not in there. Also, cross -dressing is a sin. Obviously, women should act and dress like women and men should act and dress like men.
And the reason these kinds of queer -oriented marriages are confusing to people is because they are actually confusing.
I mean, just watch that video. You have God's design for men and women being rejected all over the place.
Organizations like Revoice are not firmly standing up for historical Christian doctrines of marriage and sexuality.
They say that they are, but they're clearly not. They are actually muddying the theological waters quite a bit with what can only be described as secularism invading the
Church. So please, pray that this organization would repent and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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