Where Do You Draw the Line?


Testing The Spirits Podcast Episode # 124 -Robert Jeffress endorses Paula White, fellowships with Jim Bakker, the Crouch family at TBN and also prays God's blessing upon Joni & Marcus Lamb & Daystar Television Network. Does this contradict 2 John 9-11, Romans 16:17-18 as well as Titus 3:10? Listen and find out! -You can also listen to my podcast on Spotify, would you be willing to leave a positive review? Thanks for all the support, it means a lot! A few people asked, so if you would be willing to leave a positive review on Spotify or donate to the ministry to help cover podcasting equipment it would be greatly appreciated - If you would like to donate you can give using Venmo (@Michael-Grant-468) or PayPal https://paypal.me/MichaelGrant78?coun... - you can also click on the thanks button located on the bottom of the video or to give to our church send checks to PO Box 42 Leverett MA 01054 Link to Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2cMa0Ft... Thank you for checking out my videos. Please consider subscribing and remember when you click thumbs up, that helps the video to get out to more people! Along with the sermons & Bible studies we also cover stories in Christian news as well as examining the teachings and practice of people like John MacArthur, John Piper, Alistair Begg, Steve Lawson, Paul Washer, Joel Osteen, Steven Furtick, Amy Grant NIV Baptist Churches Christian Music ESV Newsboys TobyMac, Kirk Franklin, Michael Tait CCM Exposed Daystar Television Network, Joni Lamb, Jonathan Lamb, Suzy Lamb, Marcus Rodgers, Jimmy Evans, Hillsong, Maverick City Music Elevation Worship Bethel Bill Johnson Kris Vallotton Brandon Lake Semler Relient K Switchfoot Lauren Daigle TobyMac DC Talk Kevin Max deconstruction United Methodist Roman Catholic Discernment T.D. Jakes Lakewood Church Truth Error liberal conservative Pope Francis Taylor Marshall Kenneth Copeland, Kathryn Krick, Joyce Meyer Steven Furtick, Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, Beth Moore, TD Jakes, false teachers Apologetics Mike Winger, Voddie Baucham, Paul Washer, Wretched Radio, Todd Friel, TreasureChrist (Reformed Wiki 2.0), Reformation Charlotte, Protestia, Andy Stanley, Ray Comfort of Living Waters United Church of Christ Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, LDS, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Charles Stanley, The Chosen, Dallas Jenkins, The Shack, Heresy, KLove, Christian Science, 7th Day Adventists, Jews, Israel, Seventh Day Adventist, Baptist Church, dispensationalism, covenant theology, Calvinism, Arminianism, Replacement theology, rapture, pre-trib, pretribulation, post-trib, post tribulation premillennial, postmillennial, end times, tribulation prophecy Book of Revelation, King James Version, KJV. The most important thing! Salvation is available for anyone who would repent and turn to Jesus for forgiveness! The true gospel is Christ crucified and risen for the remission of sin. A person is saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone (Ephesians 2:8-9, John 14:6). The Scripture says if you would confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead you will be saved! Romans 10:9. The next step after salvation is to get baptized and start learning & serving in a good local Bible believing church. Tags Billy Graham Roman Catholicism Mormonism Dallas Jenkins The Chosen Biblical Separation False Teachers Trinity Broadcast Network


Hello, and thank you for listening to the testing the spirits podcast the title of this episode is where do you draw the line?
So we're going to be talking about Robert Jeffress In the course of my podcast talking about Daystar and people like Jack Hibbs Someone wrote in and said well, what about Robert Jeffress?
And I think this will be a good illustration and it'll lead to my question. Where do you draw the line?
So you're gonna have to follow the logic here, but let me just start out by saying I think a lot of Christians like Robert Jeffress they view him as a dependable
Bible teacher and I admit the little preaching I have heard from him. I thought it was fine
I've never heard him preach anything false I mean, let me know if you're aware of something, but yeah a lot of people like him, but he has worked with Daystar and I think continues to work with Daystar and or TBN, so that's what generated this question, but in fairness to Robert Jeffress He seems
Likeable. He's not a clear scam artist like Benny Hinn I mean, he doesn't give people the creeps like Kenny Copeland.
So I think Robert Jeffress is well -liked people also
Know him because he was an advisor to President Trump So that's what turned a lot of people on to Robert Jeffress now on the other hand
He did get some criticism when he went, you know full kovat Nazi back in 2020.
He shut down his church He preached that people Everyone should get the vaccine or at least people in general should get the vaccine
Jeffress even said and this was my issue when I heard this that he said that the kovat vax
Was a blessed gift from God and then he worked with the government and turned his church into a
Vaccination center so that kind of soured me on Robert Jeffress Because it showed me he either lacked
Discernment or he would just kind of go along to get along But if you like him, listen,
I'm not against you But we're gonna look at a few things here because I think there are some megachurch pastors to build up their brand to get famous To stay famous to get on TV to sell their books clearly, they're willing to fellowship with some sketchy people, so unfortunately,
Robert Jeffress Has fellowshiped with some not so very good people.
So if you're watching on YouTube I'll show you Robert Jeffress his endorsement of Paula White Also, he was fellowshipping with the
Crouch family from TBN. He also went on Jim Baker's program Jim Baker is about the most corrupt televangelist of all time so Jim Baker went to prison and just Too long of a list with him, but Jeffress went on his program was friendly with Jim Baker and then
I'll play a clip where Robert Jeffress actually offers God's blessings upon Daystar and Joni Lamb, so that totally violates
Clearly violates what the Apostle John writes in 2nd John verses 9 through 11
Now before I play that clip, I want everyone to understand I do not Because that some people still misunderstand what
I'm saying about Daystar. I do not blame Robert Jeffress For endorsing
Joni Lamb because of anything to do with the child, you know alleged child sex abuse cover -up
Because I admit this video where he praises Joni Lamb and Marcus Lamb and offers
God's blessing upon Daystar This was before years before that whole scandal broke.
So you got to follow my argument That's not the issue with Daystar that I'm talking about the current scandal
What I'm talking about is the prosperity gospel heresy, which has been going on pretty much since day one
So we're gonna look at what Robert Jeffress is doing who he's fellowshipping with and then
I'm gonna ask the question Where do evangelicals draw the line?
So check this out I'm holding in my hand the book entitled twilight's last gleaming how
America's last days can be your best days And it's by dr. Robert Jeffress who is the senior pastor of First Baptist Church of Dallas, Texas You see his program right here pathway to victory 130 to 2 p .m.
Central Time and we're delighted that he's here and he's going to be opening the Word of God So get your
Bible get your notepad pen and paper get ready to take some notes and let's welcome to the pulpit of the day
Start television network. Dr. Robert Jeffress Thank you that you're a loving heavenly father we can trust and depend upon in our time of need
Thank you for Marcus and Joanie. Thank you for day start. Thank you for there being light and salt in this decaying and darkening world
Place your hand of blessing on them in Jesus name. Amen Okay, so if you're listening on Spotify you missed the pictures of Robert Jeffress with Jim Baker and Then him partnering with the
Crouch family and TBN, but you certainly heard the clip of him offering
His blessing God's blessing to the day star television network and Joanie lamb now day star
Why is day star so bad just a quick, you know, it's just a quick review They promote the worst false teachers in the church today people like Kenneth Copeland Daystar and Joanie lamb they promote
Kenneth Copeland and have for a long time Promoted him as a general of the faith matter of fact
Kenneth Copeland was Instrumental as I understand it and getting day star off the ground
So even though their former employees day star employees have come out and admitted.
Yes We're scamming the poor the sick and the elderly Robert Jeffress is still fellowshipping with day star and Praying that God would bless them because they're so wonderful and Joanie lamb and Marcus lamb are so amazing
Why is this wrong? Because the Bible says in 2nd John verses 9 through 11 if you receive false teachers this is what scripture says if you receive false teachers if you fellowship with them or In this case if you offer them the blessing of God which
Robert Jeffress clearly did Then the Bible says you become guilty along with them because you have just joined yourself to them
Ephesians 5 11 tells us to have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather to Expose them the
Apostle John. It's very clear again 2nd John verse 11 that we are to be separate from false teachers.
He says for he that bideth the false teacher God speed or God bless you is a partaker of his evil deeds and then
Romans 16 17 and 18 the Apostle Paul tells us to mark and avoid False teachers you probably know the verses by now if you follow along with the podcast and this is why
I repeat them So you'll just have them You know in your mind and you'll be able to tell people when this stuff comes up So Paul says in Romans 16 mark and avoid false teachers.
So mark them as In identify them who they are and then pass that information along to others warn the sheep
Warn the sheep So that they have nothing to do with these people so that they're not sucked in so that they don't get taken
Advantage of why because these false teachers are dangerous Listening to Jim Baker is dangerous listening to Joanie lamb and Daystar these false teachers
Paul says they use flattering speech and they're able to deceive the hearts of the simple
So that's not an insult, but there's a lot of Christians who are young in the faith There's Christians who haven't studied these passages about separation and false teachers.
I mean most pastors don't preach on this stuff Most pastors these days don't even practice biblical separation.
So there's a lot of Christians who are not equipped It's not really their fault. Some people lack discernment.
And yes, they can get led astray by these smooth -talking con artists so This is why if Robert Jeffress Jack Hibbs David Jeremiah, you know these other men if they are sound
Bible teachers They should be following these verses and verses like Titus 310 they should maybe admonish these false teachers once or twice, but then
Paul says have nothing to do with them and This just isn't happening so You know, we need to warn the flog
This is why I do the podcast to warn people to equip people do not listen to Daystar.
Do not listen to Joyce Meyer TBN Benny Hinn, but instead of Following that what do we see?
Well, we see these famous televangelists Praising Joni Lamb praying for God to bless
Joni Lamb as she and a star are scamming people Living in their mansions and flying around in their private jets, which they scammed from the poor the sick and the desperate
So I'm just here to tell you this is wrong And these may be more dependable teachers the fact that they are
Here's the thing when Robert Jeffress goes on stage with Marcus and Joni Lamb Whatever credibility
Robert Jeffress has he's now giving it to the lamb family and Daystar. That's the problem here
So the fact that he praises false teachers yet I'm building up to the question where Robert Jeffress where David Jeremiah where?
Just asking this of all these guys and asking this of you and just all of us
Where do we draw the line now? You probably know where I draw the line, but I'm asking the question
Where do they draw the line? You know, where do you? Draw the line where it is your pastor draw the line.
I think it's clear We draw the line if someone's a false teacher That's the line no matter what church they're a
Part of so because Robert Jeffress long story short Because Robert Jeffress is willing to praise
Joni Lamb I'm not gonna recommend him if you choose to listen to him that's on you
Like I said, maybe he says all of the right things in his sermons but you know you need to be careful because if he has this blind spot to praise up a clear false teacher or to Fellowship with a clear heretic con man like Jim Baker if he has a blind spot
With those things he's gonna have other blind spots, but going back to the title of the podcast
Where do you draw the line? That's the real question? I want to address the Robert Jeffress thing is just an illustration to help us understand what we're talking about So, where do you draw the line?
This is really what I want to discuss So the Bible clearly teaches
Separation From false teachers. I listed the verses and we could talk about other passages that teach ecclesiastical separation for example 2nd
Corinthians chapter 6 or how in the Old Testament the Israelites were to have no fellowship with the
Baal worshipers Right when the Israelites started to blend the true faith with idolatry
God judged them and he judged them quite severely So clearly this is wrong. This is a huge issue
So then where is the line? You see I'm gonna say it pretty much every
Pastor who's on TBN Daystar even the dependable guys people that view them as dependable.
I Think in every case they they have all fellowship with false teachers. I mean Ray Comfort went on Joyce Myers program and he was friendly to her
Remember Robbie Zacharias course Robbie Zacharias was exposed but Robbie Zacharias years ago went on Joyce Myers program and called her a amazing
Bible teacher and Where are they drawing the line? Where do you draw the line another example
Billy Graham? Fellowship with Catholics who are bowing down to statues and teaching works salvation and evangelicals accepted
Billy Graham so apparently We're not drawing the line with the Prosperity Gospel crowd.
We're not drawing the line with Rome Now I say we not you but evangelicals in general
So yeah, not with Daystar not with Prosperity Gospel not with Roman Catholics not with the
Pope Dallas Jenkins of the Chosen is fellowshipping with Mormons and you got
Christian youtubers like Alan Parr and Melissa Dorby whatever her name is, you know accepting and promoting
Dallas Jenkins and just people love the Chosen Jack Hibbs I think loves the Chosen so They're fellowshipping with you know,
Dallas Jenkins is fellowshipping with Mormons. So the line isn't being drawn there because people accept
The Chosen and Dallas Jenkins. So again Prosperity Gospel Mormonism Catholicism.
Where do you draw the line? It seems to me there is no line and And listen don't say well, the line is the
Jehovah's Witnesses like that's a bridge too far Well, no because the Joe here's the thing about the
Jehovah's Witnesses They don't want fellowship with evangelicals the only reason that I believe the only reason the
JWs are not accepted is because they don't want to be accepted and they're not accepting you I mean, they're still condemning everybody other than themselves.
So If they changed their position, let's say the Jehovah's Witnesses next year started to become ecumenical
People would accept them. So this is my contention. There is no line Where do you draw the line for most evangelicals?
There is no line and I could tell you stories about how here locally same thing
There was a rank heretic who is actually he actually called himself a heretic if you can believe that he was pro -gay
Or is pro -gay. He's universalist He actually taught publicly that the cross of Jesus Christ was completely pointless and unnecessary
All the local pastors heard it and still some Defended him they were letting him into their churches and some people were defending him
So I was just being taken out of context and even after this guy locally was Excommunicated I did a podcast on this a year and a half ago or whenever it was and even after this self -professing heretic was excommunicated by 14 area churches some churches went back on their word and they let him back into the fellowship and Guess who was the bad guy?
Guess who became the bad guy me? Me and maybe two or three other pastors who are pushing for the excommunication by and large
Not too many people wanted to do it because here's the thing. Where do you draw the line?
Nobody wants to draw any line? Nobody wants to draw a line and this
I believe leading to them the next point this is the Achilles heel of Evangelical Christianity this is why and I've talked about this
I believe in the last days there will be a great falling away from the faith
Okay Evangelical Christianity. This is where you have found the truth historically in the
Protestant groups and evangelical groups this is this is who has had the gospel and Yet, I believe the
Bible teaches the church in the last days will end in apostasy And I think this is the reason why this is the
Achilles heel of evangelical Christianity They don't practice biblical separation and I'm just gonna put it this way
Evangelical Christians by and large do not believe the Bible Okay, let me repeat that Evangelicals don't believe the
Bible Does that surprise you now they believe some of it actually they believe a lot of the
Bible But they don't believe this part Because they don't draw the line. They will not practice
Separation they will not draw the line and they will not separate from false teachers
So that's why from this day forward. I think I've said this before and I might slip but from this day forward
I will no longer Identify as an evangelical Christian. I'm just a
Christian. I'm a Christian who believes the Bible I'm a Bible believing Christian That's who
I am Because when people use the term, here's the thing when people use the term Evangelical or when people think of you know, what is an evangelical?
Typically, they think of the seeker friendly rock and roll churches Like the one to have the pastor swinging around remember last year that that Evangelical megachurch where the pastor was swinging around on the wrecking ball as they played the
Miley Cyrus song in church Or the I think it was the same church that kicked the Bible around for Super Bowl Sunday And they kicked the
Bible around like it was a football if you didn't hear about that go and listen to my podcast titled
I think it was called the messed up church or just search online female pastor kicks
Bible like football It'll come up, but that's sort of the face of evangelical
Christianity or it's Joel Osteen It's like well, which is worse the heresy of Joel Osteen or kicking a
Bible, you know I don't know. I it's it's hard to say which is worse, but this is why
I'm doing the podcast Okay to do my part in trying to help people
Understand the crisis. I think people when they see someone kicking the Bible, they know there's a problem
But how did we get to this place? That's what a lot of people are trying to figure out this is the reason because we don't practice biblical separation we don't
Separate from false teachers and a lot of churches don't practice Discipline and it's all kind of wrapped up into one
One problem. So one last thing that I want to say some people, you know say well, you're not going to identify as An evangelical, what are you some sort of fundamentalist, you know, and I'm not big on labels these days
But let me point something out This this is true. Okay, this may or may not describe you but people that are my age or older this describes a lot of people and you know a lot of People my age or older listen, so there's a lot of Christians in their 40s 50s 60s and 70s
Maybe even some in their 80s. I have one 90 year old who listens to this channel in this podcast
Maybe more but at least one but there's a lot of Christians and yeah, they're 50s 60s 70s
They were saved in a fundamentalist Church. Okay, they were saved in a independent
Baptist Church or a fundamentalist non -denominational Church. That's the church that got them saved that's the church that taught them the
Bible, but then something happened and they left that Fundamentalist Church and they ended up in one of these contemporary seeker friendly rock -and -roll churches, and I'm just gonna say it
During that time that you know They left the fundamentalist Church and went to the seeker friendly Church the rock -and -roll
Church during that time at that new church They went soft all of a sudden sound doctrine didn't matter all that much and the idea of biblical
Separation that your old Baptist Church used to preach on you know, that just went right out the window
That happened to a lot of people and it was not good But what is good is now a lot of people are starting to wake up and see the problem things have got so bad
They're starting to realize that while Every church has its problems.
There's no such thing as a perfect church They're starting to realize that Baptist Church or that fundamentalist
Church that I used to attend when I was younger You know, I used to think they were too rigid, but I'm starting to figure it out.
You know what they were, right? More churches just listen to them now
Maybe the church went bad because of you know, a lot of churches There's one family in charge or there's you know
Two families in charge and they're fighting over control of the church and the church becomes a toxic
Environment and maybe it was the right choice to leave but you ended up in a Mega church or a seeker friendly church, but people are starting to figure it out.
And I think that's a good thing. So in conclusion Just in case that sounds familiar.
Okay, just in case if that's your story and You are still in just in case you're still in one of these rock and roll churches, you know, maybe it's time
Maybe it's time to return to your roots Maybe it's time to return to a traditional
Bible believing church that actually practices biblical separation some people have written to me and You've said, you know, there just isn't a church.
I want to do that. There's just not a church like that in my area Well, you know a lot of people are willing to relocate for a job or because they met someone
Isn't your soul just as important? It's actually more important than your job, isn't it?
So If it were me, I'm just saying I would be willing to move
I would be willing to relocate for a good church just something to think about or maybe there's a church in your area and That's maybe where you need to be just pray about that and also pray not only for revival please pray for Reformation and let's learn how and where to draw the line and let's keep testing the spirits.
Amen I'll close with that verse from first John 4 1 The Apostle John writes beloved do not believe every spirit
But test the spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets have gone out into the world