Doubting Thomas?

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Apostle of the week: Matthew (also known as Levi) was a tax collector who wrote the first book of the New Testament. -Recommended Resource: Twelve Ordinary Men by John MacArthur


So the apostle we're gonna be looking at this Sunday is the Apostle Thomas. You probably know him as Doubting Thomas, which
I really think is unfair that people always refer to him that way, but more on that in a moment.
But Thomas was one of the disciples that Jesus chose to make an apostle. And the word apostle, as I've said before, it means one who is sent.
So the apostles were chosen to go out and officially represent Jesus.
So they were delegated also with this authority to speak for Christ. Thomas is called
Didymus or the twin. So it appears he had a twin brother or twin sister that was known to the group.
But when people bring up Thomas or when they think of him, they usually think and refer to Thomas as the one who doubted.
Well, here's why that's unfair. All of the apostles doubted after the resurrection.
In Luke 24, when Mary and the other women came to them and told them that Christ had been risen from the dead, it says that their words seem to them, the whole group, like idle tales, and they did not believe them.
So Thomas was not the only one who doubted, but he did say in John chapter 20, unless I see his hands and the print of the nails and put my finger into the print of the nails and put my hand into his side,
I will not believe. But here's what people don't know about Thomas. He was very loyal and very committed to the
Lord. In John 11, when Jesus told the disciples that he was planning to go back to Judea, they pleaded with him not to go because it was too dangerous, they said, at which point
Thomas, realizing Jesus was determined, Thomas spoke up and said, let us also go that we may die with him.
So Thomas was fully willing and ready to die for Christ, at least at that moment.
Then of course, Thomas made that great confession of faith. After the denial, he said in John 20, verse 28, and I'll close with this, confessing the deity of Jesus, when he saw the risen
Lord, he said to him, my Lord and my God.