F4F | David McKracken's Empty Talking & Double Speak


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Rosebro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God.
Now have you ever heard somebody who claims to be a prophet or a prophetess and they get up and they speak words, words, words, words, words, words, and you're left scratching your head because they've told you that this is a word from the
Lord and this is the thing that the Lord wants you to do or to believe or strategize your life around and you still have no clue what that person is saying?
Yeah, go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below. Don't forget to like the video and ring the bell because you've fallen into the the layer of a type of false teacher that Scripture describes as an empty talker.
We're gonna talk about empty talkers and double talk and things like that in this installment. So grab a
Bible and go ahead and open up to Titus chapter 1. Titus chapter 1. We'll be in it in just a minute.
And what we're gonna do is we're gonna head over to the YouTube channel of C3 Church in San Diego.
This is where Juergen Nethesius holds court and there is a fellow who makes the round between C3 in Sydney, C3 in San Diego.
He's appeared at Planet Shaker, claims to be a prophet of God. We've covered quite a few of his appearances around the globe on the podcast of Fighting for the
Faith and his name is David McCracken. So we're gonna release the
McCracken to you today. We're gonna explain how he's an empty double talker.
We'll kind of demonstrate that along the way. So let's get to it. This is his message titled,
Encounter. Encounter. Yeah, let's see what we can do with this. And I want to talk to you about the whole process of living a life of encounter.
The whole process of living a life of encounter. What is that?
Where do we find that in the Bible, the living the life of encounter?
If I were to do a word search in the scripture and type in life of encounter, how many passages would show up?
You know, is it greater than one? Is it less than zero?
It can be less than zero. You kind of get the idea. This is weird because this guy is an empty talker.
What he's saying has no biblical, makes no biblical sense, and in some ways makes no lucid sense either.
The more individuals experience a life of encounter, the greater the corporate breakthrough in a city and in a nation and in the world.
All right, so corporate encounters equal breakthrough for nations and cities and stuff.
Where's that in the Bible? And the tragedy over years and years and decades that I've seen, and I've been preaching now what for 52 years, and I've seen so many times this happened where the greater promise, the greater potential, the greater dream seems to fall short.
And the reason for it is because the hunger for encounter that birthed the whole thing.
The hunger for encounter that birthed what exactly? That Pastor Juergen Leanne had when the thing was birthed.
What thing was birthed? Generationally gets less, and so...
I have to back this up. I have, I mean, words are coming out of his face, but none of them make any sense.
Ten seconds might help here. That's right. Pastor Juergen Leanne had when the thing was birthed.
Generationally gets less. And so people love the fruit of success, and they revel in the fruit of success, and they enjoy the fruit of success, but get less and less in their hunger for the encounter that birthed that success.
So are you hungry enough for an encounter to birth success? Where is that taught in the
Scriptures exactly? And so I believe I'm here, basically here tonight to offer you a supernatural opportunity if you're willing to hunger for encounter.
He's gonna give us a supernatural opportunity, but you got to be willing to hunger. For encounter.
Now let me let me take a look at Titus chapter 1, and we've already noted, by the way, we'll just kind of start here.
We've already noted that one of the ways in which Scripture describes false teachers is they describe them as waterless clouds or waterless rain clouds.
In that same category would be the empty talkers, and let's again review the necessary qualifications for a pastor in Christ's Church.
Yeah, Jesus's Church. Jesus gets to call the shots in his church, and he gets to tell us who is qualified and not qualified, who's a sound teacher and who isn't.
And so here's what Titus 1, starting at verse 5, says, this is why I left you in Crete, Paul writing to Titus, so that you might put what remain in order and appoint elders in every town as I directed you.
If anyone is above reproach, the husband of one wife, his children are believers, not open to the charge of debauchery or insubordination, for an overseer is
God's steward. So you're gonna note here that pastors are stewards.
They are God's stewards. So God says, since you're gonna be my steward in my church, you must be above reproach.
He must not be arrogant or quick -tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain, but hospitable, a lover of the good, self -controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined.
He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine, and also to rebuke those who contradict it.
And here's what's coming next. So you got to be able to rebuke those who contradict sound doctrine.
Why? For there are many who are insubordinate, and they do not submit to Christ and his authority, and they are empty talkers.
The mataiologoi, mataiologoi, let's take a look at that, by the way, do a little quick search in our
Greek tools, mataiologos is the lexical form, and these are vain talkers.
These are people who are idle, senseless, or mischievous talkers. Senseless or mischievous talker.
Idle talker. These are people who are idle or empty talkers. You get the idea here.
They say a whole lot of nothing. And there are many of them, and so there are many who are insubordinate, and they are empty talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision party, and they must be silenced.
So we're going to note here that there's a whole category of false teacher. Again, like I said,
Jude says that they are waterless rain clouds. Here Paul describes them as the mataiologos, or the mataiologoi.
These are the vain or idle, senseless talkers, or empty talkers is a good way of putting it.
That's a whole category. And Christ in his church wills that people of this stripe and ilk be silenced by those who know sound doctrine.
Just saying. So let me give you another example, by the way, because it's been a long time since I've seen this fellow.
In fact, ten -ish years ago, ten, eleven years ago, there was a fellow who made the rounds, and he called himself
Mr. Double Talk. And if you look him up on YouTube, Mr. Double Talk, you can find some of the things that he's done.
He traveled around, did corporate events, and even made it on the Today Show. And so he was basically pulling a stunt on the
Today Show, and he's a master of double talk. He says things without saying anything.
And so let's review his appearance on the Today Show, shall we?
From NBC News, this is Today with Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb.
We're back with a very special guest. He's a man who claims to be today's biggest fan. Biggest.
He says he's been watching, he's watched more hours of the Today Show and owns more Today Show memorabilia than anybody else.
So in the spirit of Feel Good Friday, we're making Bob Payne's dream come true. And we've invited him to come and see where it all happens.
Hello, Bob. I'm telling you right now, I can't believe I'm here. It's taken years. But I have to ask both of you one thing.
Over the last minute, I guess, really, with the broadcasting, which I've been doing down in Atlanta a lot, and the Georgia Southern University where I'm a professor,
I teach English, and I caught one that you know what we see. Has that occurred here? Has it? No.
No. Well, I mean... So you know, Hoda is like, oh, what?
The reason I ask is several people have... And you'll know that they've... The audience knows this guy is engaging in a joke here.
Nobody has really come on up and asked me, but I think that a lot of times the question comes down to what, what if any, and if not, how much?
I've never... None for me. No, none for me either. But you've heard that a lot. More than my fair share.
Really? I've really... I've been taught that, you know, what we have, then I guess really is that there might be something that...
Times have changed so much. Yeah. I don't mind change. I just don't want to be there when it happens. All right. Well, tell me, tell me about your house, first of all, because we hear you have a lot of memorabilia.
Today shows... Hoda's trying to get him on track to say something that makes lucid sense in her mind.
Steph, what kind of stuff do you have in there? Oh, you're talking to me? I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I told you. I told you.
I may be in the business. I'm only talking to you. That's the only person we're gonna... Come here. Give me a hug. Oh, yes.
Yes, yes, yes. He told me before and he thinks you're exotic and gorgeous. Excellent. Excellent. But let me just slow that down.
Okay. When? And I guess really down in Atlanta. And when I say Atlanta, of course, I mean Atlanta.
I've heard of that place. But coming up here to New York and what's really out there, then I guess really one day, I'm hoping, of course, that there'll be people out there.
But... We were kicked off the closet. This is what it's come down to. Are we all too loud again? We're too loud. Yeah, but that happened to you one time in Atlanta.
Tell that story. I got kicked off. I mean, I wasn't even there and I got asked to leave. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm just so nervous. Last night, I dreamed I was awake and then when I woke up, I was asleep.
Bob, why are you... All right, you get the point. The guy basically made his living.
His whole stick, and he's an entertainer, was to say nothing, engage in double talk.
That's exactly what the McCracken is doing here. He's engaging in empty talk and double speak.
He's saying nothing and it's... This is not at all what the scripture says, but to say that he's actually asserting things, you have to listen carefully because you can hear his assertions, but none of this makes any sense.
So, let's go back to the McCracken and his recent appearance there at C3 San Diego.
Because, friends, we are all called to be a supernatural people, living a supernatural life, representing a supernatural
Christ. And so, I want to talk to you a little bit about supernatural breakthrough being the fruit of encounter.
Right. I mean, are you experiencing the proper fruit of encounter, which is supernatural breakthrough?
Because, you know, we worship a supernatural God, you know. Now, this word encounter in the dictionary just simply says this, to come upon or meet with especially unexpectedly or suddenly.
And so, which Greek... Oh, that wasn't a Greek dictionary. Was it a
Hebrew lexicon? No, it wasn't. Apparently, he went to an English dictionary just to look up what the word encounter means.
Which Hebrew word were you referencing there?
How about a Greek word? Were you referencing a Greek? You know, because the Old Testament's written in biblical
Hebrew, and the New Testament's written in Koine Greek. So, yeah.
So, he just throws an English definition in there. And which dictionary actually says that definition?
I'm curious. Well, the encounter that I'm speaking to you about tonight is actually the gatecrash of God.
And I love that thought. The encounter you're talking about tonight is the gatecrasher
God. What are you talking about?
The gatecrash of God is that sudden invasion of his kingdom realm of the
Spirit into our world of the natural. It's that moment when he parts the veil, and suddenly your heart is possessed and embraced by his heart.
And there is nothing between you and him. Do you have a biblical text that says this?
I'd like to see it so I can study it out and try to make sense of what you're saying, because I'm not familiar with any passages that say this, but we've got the added problem is you really don't seem to be saying anything.
And I believe that God wants to break into our momentum with a gate crash intervention.
I want to hear that sentence again. Hang on a second here.
I'm gonna go back 10 seconds. Let's try this again. And there is nothing between you and him.
And I believe that God wants to break into our momentum with a gate crash intervention.
God wants to break into our momentum with a gate crash into...
What is this? You know, you can hear some of the people there at C3 are going,
Whoa! He's saying nothing. He's one of the types of false teacher that Scripture warns us about.
The empty talker. And I'm not just talking about the momentum of life.
No. Yeah. And that certainly is so. But sometimes even in the ministry, sometimes even doing the godly stuff that God's actually called us to do, we can develop momentum.
Now, we need momentum because nothing ever happens unless you have momentum. You've got to have...
Yeah. He's saying a whole lot of nothing, but he's getting some amens though.
You know, that's all that matters. ...have momentum. But the vulnerability of momentum is that we can be so in stride...
You know, the time has come, my little friends, to talk of other things, of shoes and ships and sealing wax and cabbages and kings, and why the sea is boiling hot and whether pigs have wings.
Caloo Calay, come run away. We're cabbages and kings. That we lose the art of listening.
And so God will, in those moments, knowing the trueness of your heart, will then gate crash your world.
What? Somebody said, Oh, it's such a good word. He's not saying anything.
This is one of the empty talkers. This is the waterless rain cloud people that Christ, through his word, warned us about.
What is an encounter? An encounter is where you experience powerfully the spirit of the
Lord. Now, that might be a direct voice of God to you. It might be something out of the word that... Do you have a biblical text that teaches this?
It's quickened to you. It might be a supernatural endowment for a specific task, but either way, it is an encounter with the
Holy Spirit that reveals Father's heart to you and is a life -changing intervention.
If it doesn't change your life, you haven't had an encounter with the Holy Ghost. Says who?
Which biblical text says this? I can't see anybody telling me,
Oh, I had this incredible encounter with the Holy Ghost, but nothing changed. That's not true. If you have a
Holy Ghost encounter, something changes. Well, whatever spirit he encountered, something changed in his mind, and he's incapable of coherent, lucid communication with words and sentences that mean anything.
Do you know that we're called, people, to be men and women of revelation?
We are? Where in the Scripture does it say we're called to be men and women of revelation?
And by revelation, how are you defining that word? We're not called to live life out of information.
We're called to live life out of revelation. Again, biblical text, please. And that's what makes us a supernatural people.
But you can't have revelation. No, you can't have it. Without encounter.
Clearly, that goes without saying, I guess. Text, please. Only in the place of encounter do you find revelation.
Only in the place of encounter do you find revelation. Okay, yeah.
And secondly, when you do get something revealed to you that God commissions you to do, you'll never, ever end up doing it without supernatural empowerment to do it.
And that comes out of encounter as well. Yeah. Text, please. And so the place of the encounter, which
I want to share with you in a moment, the place of encounter fundamentally, this is the most important thing
I'll say all night. Fundamentally. The most important thing coming up here. He hasn't said anything yet.
Changes who you are. And therefore, what you are capable of, if you have an encounter with the
Holy Ghost, an encounter with your father's heart, I'll guarantee you that you are changed and your capacity is changed.
See, my momentum was interrupted with the breakthrough thingy from the encounter that led to the revelation and stuff.
And so, you know what we're all called to?
You didn't even finish your last thought. And now you're on to your next one.
Okay. This is all just prelim. What we're called to be is a transformer.
What? We're called to be squirmwormers? What are you talking about?
A transformer? Am I an Autobot? What are you talking about?
And so that you understand what I'm saying about that is, in the olden days, and still in some places in Australia, the power lines.
Do you know what I mean by that? You are aware that there were no power lines anywhere on planet earth at the time that of the apostles and the prophets.
Yeah. No power lines. No transformers either. Big pylons with these power lines going down.
They say between 400 ,000 and 750 ,000 volts runs one down one of those lines.
And then that is connected to something they call a transformer, big steel box, you know, in your neighborhood.
And it's got a sign on the front. You plug your toaster into this, you'll land on Mars. And somehow this thing called a transformer can take all those hundreds of thousands of volts and dispense it into homes that need only 240 volts to operate.
And God spoke to me one day and he says, that's what we're called to be. God spoke to you and said that, that we're called to be transformers.
Better add that revelation to the back of our Bible, you know, if that's what God wants, because there were no transformers when the canon was closed.
Yeah. With the death of the real apostles. Uh, yeah. And, uh, and their, their writing ended.
Yeah. And so, uh, now we've got fresh revelation from the McCracken here, which makes no sense, but apparently says that God told him that's what we're called to be transformers.
We're called to be transformers. We're called to be those that are able to receive the unbridled power of God, and then for it not to consume us, but for us to be able to contain it and then share it for the needs of mankind.
Yeah. Again, do you have a text for that? So apparently we've got to plug ourselves right into the power line of God and take it into ourselves and then, you know, and then share that with, do you have a text for that?
And so, oh, he doesn't need one. He said that God told him that directly.
If you have an encounter, you get qualified to be a transformer. Yeah. I sounds logical -ish to me.
Yeah. If you have an encounter, then you're qualified to be a transformer. Thus saith the
McCracken who said that the Lord told him this. Now, I want to go, having said that,
I want to go to Joshua. Having said what? Joshua chapter one and verse one, and we have here
God giving Joshua his life commission. Very powerful. All right.
So we're finally to the word of God. Joshua chapter one. Listen to this.
After the death of Moses, a servant of the Lord, it came to pass that the Lord spoke to Joshua, the son of Nun, Moses' assistant, saying,
Moses, my servant is dead. Well, he knew that already. Don't you think he was aware of that?
So why did God say it? Because there's always something inside of us that wants to hang on to yesterday.
Yeah. No text says why God said it. You just added that to the Bible. This is a pseudo profound bovine scatology now.
He's dead. That's one era has finished. A new era begins. Now, therefore, arise, go over this
Jordan, you and all this people to the land, which I'm giving to them, the children of Israel. Listen to this.
Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon, I have given you, as I said to Moses, you could not.
That was nothing vague about that. That is so specific, so empowering.
Every place you put your foot upon, I have given to you. And that one, that empowered encounter and commission was empowered
Joshua to cross the Jordan, take the people of God, put their feet on the promised land.
Which text says that this encounter then empowered him to do all those things?
Because it was the Lord who won all those battles. The Lord was the one who fought for Israel.
So where did you find out that this then this encounter empowered? Sounds to me like you started off with your wacker doodle theology, and now you're trying to force scripture through that theological lens that you've created, but it's not real exegesis that you're engaging in.
And so much of what you've said is like complete utter nonsense, completely empty words that don't mean anything, like the encounter and qualifies you to be a transformer.
Yeah, yeah. If you read later on about Joshua's life, that original life commission empowered his desires.
Yeah, where? If we read on, it says that encounter empowered his desires. If I were to read all of the book of Joshua, which chapter would
I find that in? For the rest of his life. Very, very powerful. Why have
I emphasized that? Well. Yeah, clearly, I'd like to know why you're emphasizing anything, because I don't know what you're saying.
Because, my friends, it wasn't enough. What wasn't enough?
Because, you see, it was enough. It was enough for the daily routine. It was enough for all the leadership struggles and leadership decisions that he had to make.
It was enough for the month -to -month momentum. It was enough for all of that, and it could even take him across Jordan, but not
Jericho. Oh, yeah. See, the encounter wasn't enough for Jericho.
Which text says that? Jericho was there, unmovable, unconquerable, never once been defeated in hundreds of years.
Jericho stood there, and you see, Jericho wasn't just another city. No, no.
Jericho was a gateway city. Oh, yeah. Which text says that Jericho was a gateway city?
I'm just curious here. Very curious. Hold on a second here.
I'm going to go into my Old Testament. I'm going to do a search for the word gateway. Gateway. All right.
Let's see here. Okay. So, we have a couple of instances, 13 instances in the
Old Testament of the word gateway, and the earliest one is Ezekiel.
That's a lot farther away than what I would expect, you know.
I mean, you know, because I would expect gateway city to be associated with Jericho. So, let's take a look at some of the samples here.
So, he put out the form of a hand, took me by a lock of my head. The Spirit lifted me up between earth and heaven, brought me in visions of God to Jerusalem, to the entrance of the gateway of the inner court that faces north, where the seat of the image of jealousy which provokes to jealousy.
Okay. Chapter 11, verse 1. Behold at the entrance of the gateway. Yeah. It seems to me like there is no instances of gateway being used to describe
Jericho in the Old Testament. All of the instances of the word gateway, which sha 'ar is our
Hebrew word, sha 'ar, they appear only in the book of Ezekiel.
Just saying. And if you took Jericho, you took them all.
Everything just was going to crumble. But if you didn't take Jericho, you couldn't have any of it.
And so it was a gateway city. Now, here's what I want to say.
He just made that up. That all of us at various times in our lives were fulfilling our will, the will of God.
We're pursuing the Lord. But suddenly there's a Goliath. There's a Jericho standing immovable in front of you.
Suddenly. Suddenly there's a Jericho just standing right in front of you, man.
You didn't even see it coming. Suddenly there's a Jericho. I hate those suddenly
Jericho, man. I hate that. And you think, dear God, this is a biggie. How are we going to do this?
My friends, when you get to a moment like that, when Joshua got to this moment, he could have easily have given in to the thinking, oh,
I've got my life commission. I know what I'm called to do. I've already walked through the
Red Sea, the River Jordan. I'm anointed. I am. Where does the justification for this bizarre monologue internal monologue for Joshua that you've created?
What's your justification for that again? Because it don't sound like anything that has anything to do with like how
Joshua actually thought or did or you know, stuff like that. I know my leadership.
I know I'm a warrior. I've got the car. He could have said all of that.
And besides which I am called God almighty called me to do this. But it wouldn't have been enough.
No, no, clearly not enough. There had to be a fresh encounter for Jericho.
Oh, yeah. Yeah. You need you see it. You just can't have one encounter. You need fresh encounters to deal with your suddenly
Jericho's. Jericho was a gateway city and God is raising up this church.
Apparently C3 church now is being raised up. Thus sayeth the McCracken to confront gateway cities.
Yeah, man. C3 church, San Diego. They're going to be confronting gateway cities with fresh encounters because they've been qualified to be transformers.
This is nonsense. I think you get the point. Yeah. So scripture warns us quite clearly that there are those who are empty talkers.
The McCracken is an example of it. And you'll note then when somebody takes up sermon time to engage in empty talk and double speak and nonsense like this, what ends up happening is that people are not discipled at all in what the scriptures truly do say.
They are not called to repent of their sins and trust in Christ because of what he's done for them and coming to earth, being born of the
Virgin Mary, bleeding and dying for their sins on the cross. They're not being instructed in anything truly biblical or sound or solid.
They're not being discipled in any meaningful way at all. Their heads are being filled with complete nonsense.
And you'll note then that there are some there at C3 who are going, oh, wow, this is a good word.
Yeah, this is a good word in kind of the same way that the emperor's new clothes were spectacular to look at.
And I'm just the kid pointing out, hey, listen, this is nonsense. The McCracken's naked.
So I think you get the idea. So if you found this video helpful, all the information on how you can support us, share this video with others, all that information is down below in the description.
And just want to remind you that we're supported by the people that we serve. That would be you and others.
And if you don't already subscribe to our podcast, our podcast is over at fightingforthefaith .com.
So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ, his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.