FBC Daily Devotional – October 26, 2021


A brief bit of encouragement for your day from God's Word


Well, good morning Tuesday morning to you, and I hope you're off to a good start this week had a good day yesterday and just can look back this morning on how the day was spent and what was accomplished and You can rejoice and thank the
Lord for what he enabled you to do Maybe you look back and you realize you know, I didn't get done as much as I wanted to do or expected to do
That's okay. Remember yesterday's Yesterday's devotional We established the plan our hearts established the plans even of what we want to get accomplished in a day but it's the
Lord who directs the steps and maybe you had some interrupt interruptions in your day that Prevented you from accomplishing some of the things you wanted to do.
It's okay Those things those things are part of the Lord's orchestration as well.
Well today we're looking at Psalm 119 and a couple of the stanzas in that song and Several questions come to mind as I read the psalmist testimony
I asked myself these questions. So for example verse 97 the psalmist says, oh
How I love your law it is my meditation all the day That's his testimony
But is it mine? Do do I? love
God's Word Do I love God's Word? Is it my meditation all the day?
Is it do I go back? Do I mull over do I think about? Biblical truth throughout the course of the day.
I Don't think what he means by this is is that you know, he doesn't do his work
He doesn't focus on the things he's supposed to focus on but I think the idea is, you know, it comes up against an issue or a problem or a challenge and his mind meditates and Ruminates over, you know, what what does
God have to say about this? What what would delight God in this? What what does
God like in relationship to this and the question be asked of relationships and so on and so forth
Is it my meditation? Do I go back to it the word over and over through the day do
I? really Love God's Word one of the ways you can answer that question is
By you know, what asking what's your relationship to it? What through the course of the week?
you know, is it a is it a book that just sits on the shelf and You know, maybe doesn't even come to church with you a lot of people now have you know, the
Bible on their phone or a tablet or whatever and that's fine That's fine.
I mean, I I prefer the paper book, you know paper and you know, leather or whatever in my hands but that's a personal preference thing, but even if that's the case you take you take your
Bible with you to church on Sunday, but Do you have anything to do with it the rest of the week?
Do you want to have something to do with it the rest of the week? So that's that's a good good question to ask ourselves to give us an answer to the bigger question
Do I love God's Word and then verse 101? The psalmist's testimony is
I Have restrained my feet from every evil way that I may keep your word.
So here's the question I have to ask myself do I hold back my feet from every evil way in Order to keep
God's Word. Do I hold my feet back or do I rush headlong? Into in a direction that I I know isn't pleasing to God Challenging thought challenging question and psalm 100 verse 103
He writes. Oh, how sweet are your words to my taste sweeter than honey to my mouth?
Is that how I is that how I? View God's Word. Do I appreciate it as something sweeter than honey?
great sweet delightful desirable taste in my mouth or Or perhaps
I find it something bitter a bitter swill a bitter pill to swallow
Because it just steps on my toes all the time it's always confronting me with things if you know, how how
How's my appetite? For God's Word. Is it something that is the joy of my heart?
It's a question prompted by verse 103 or 111. He says your testimonies
I have taken as a heritage forever for they are the rejoicing of my heart Do I find great joy in God's Word in?
Learning new truths in being confronted with with what
God likes Even though it's contrary to what I'm doing or to what
I like Do do I rejoice in being so confronted because then my life can be conformed to what
God likes you see Do I rejoice in God's Word? Is it the joy of my heart and then verse 112?
He says I have inclined my heart to perform your statutes forever to the very end the psalmist testimony is
My inclination is toward obedience Is that is that my inclination or Is my inclination away from obedience and I have to be
I have to be corralled lassoed and pulled toward a path of obedience
Needless to say if I'm Really living in fellowship with the Lord and walking with him.
I I want to be obedient. My inclination would be to obey Even though I I don't all the time
That is nevertheless my inclination. That should be my testimony that the psalmist prompts me to ask myself
Is it am I inclined toward obedience or is the inclination somewhere else?
So these are some pretty probing questions. You read the testimony of the psalmist and We have to we should
Pause and ask ourselves. Is that my testimony and if it isn't Why not?
What's what's wrong with my heart? Let's uh, let's consider that let's ponder that and if some of these things some of these questions that we've considered today
If you've had to admit yours to yourself, yeah boy, I Guess I don't really love
God's law. I'm not it's not the joy of my heart It's it's not sweet to my taste and so on then
Maybe the good thing to do would be to spend some time with the Lord and say Lord why what's? Why is my heart so cold?
Why is my appetite so dulled? Be worth a worthwhile exercise
Father I pray as we think about our own testimony and our own heart in relationship to your word
I pray that you would speak to us and I pray that our testimony could be that of the psalmist
Those who love you really want to be want that to be the case Bless these thoughts to our hearts today.
We pray in Jesus name. Amen All right. Well, you have a good rest of your