Beware of Fake Teachers and False Prophets Remix of Justin Peters Sermon on Clouds Without Water
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Excerpts from Justin Peters Ministries sermons
- 00:00
- What did Paul say 1st Thessalonians 521 test all things Test all things and that's not written there just to take up the white spaces
- 00:11
- It's incumbent upon us to exercise discernment. It's not an option and say well discernment.
- 00:16
- That's just not my gift I'll leave that for somebody else. That's a cop -out But once you take that charismatic position, it is a very slippery slope right into word of faith few people put on the brakes vast majority comes to the fundamental doctrines of Historical Christianity the pre -existence of Jesus Christ the virgin birth the sinless life the atonement on the cross bodily resurrection of our
- 00:56
- Lord salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone
- 01:01
- On these issues we do draw a deep line in the sand and we must warn people about wolves in sheep's clothing
- 01:11
- It is not an option. It is a duty Then I would submit to you that these prosperity preachers are the most wretched callous heartless
- 01:27
- Selfish narcissistic uncaring Wretched people alive on the face of the earth
- 01:34
- Remember that woman supposedly cured of polio Pastor Benny knows it made for a great episode of his
- 01:40
- TV show He knows it probably helped squeeze even bigger donations from his flock, but there's something he doesn't know that woman works for us
- 01:48
- Woman doesn't have polio never did then. Why did you say she we put her up there to see if he could tell her story?
- 01:55
- Was not true to see if it would matter to see if he would ever check. So Benny is it fate or is it fraud?
- 02:02
- I'm still a human being I The God little
- 02:17
- G of the prosperity gospel is a very weak very effeminate God But the allure of health and wealth is one of the things that makes this movement so appealing and yet so profoundly dangerous at the same time
- 02:34
- Because the prosperity gospel essentially says this come to Jesus because he'll make you wealthy and he'll heal your body
- 02:42
- They appeal to two of the most basic and universal of all human desires. Most people want to be wealthy and Very few people enjoy being sick.
- 02:53
- There's a few who just like the attention, but most people don't like to be sick And they'll say well if you'll just come to Jesus and you can have it sign me up That's pretty good deal you're telling me if I come to Jesus if I ask
- 03:12
- Jesus into my heart he'll make me wealthy He'll heal my body. I don't have to be sick anymore.
- 03:18
- I Can have my best life now. Yeah Yeah, I'll try Jesus But is that the real gospel?
- 03:27
- Or is the real gospel something a little bit more like this come to Jesus because you're a sinner and because of your sin the wrath of God abides on you and the only way to have that wrath removed is to repent of sins turn from sins and Place your trust in the risen