The Media Is Trying to Turn Neighbor Against Neighbor

AD Robles iconAD Robles




Well, let's jump into it today. I hope you had a great weekend. We had a great weekend. Not only was the weather great in New Hampshire, very warm, my strawberry plants are starting to grow a little bit and all that kind of stuff.
It was just great in that regard. But also, my son had his very first T -ball game. My very first T -ball game as a father and it was awesome.
I've got a little video here. I posted this to Gab live, real time. I was live tweeting his T -ball game.
That's right, live tweeting. Oh, I hate using their terms. I was live gabbing his
T -ball game. And this is great. My son is so funny. So if you know, I've talked about my son before.
He is the opposite of shy. He's almost just too, you know, friendly, if you know what
I mean. But anyway, so, but he was very timid in his first softball game or T -ball game.
It was very interesting. It was almost like he had forgotten what to do. And hey, listen, you know, you go up to bat.
This is what I love about baseball. It's a team game, but it's also a very individual game. You go up to bat and it's like all eyes on you.
And there's a ton of pressure. I used to love that in little league because I was a decent baseball player.
But anyway, this is so funny. You can watch my son's brain, like his wheels turning. Okay, what do
I do? What do I do? Look at his stance too. This is like a very closed stance. All right, AJ, you know how to do this. The nice practice swing in there.
Good job. Very nice swing. Go, go, go, go, roll, roll, roll,
AJ, roll, roll. Good job.
Oh, taking a second base. A double? I don't think the base coach is supposed to do that.
The base coach is aggressive. He tries to go to third base, but his coach tells him to go back.
T -ball's funny because it's obviously not really baseball because nobody knows how to catch.
Nobody knows how to throw. But it's just so interesting to watch how like, because there's so many hesitations.
It's like, okay, I hit the ball. Wait, now I think, what do I do next? And you can kind of see the wheels turning.
It's so great because right now it's not instinctual for them, but eventually it'll become instinctual. You hit the ball, you run.
I just, I love this stance though. Look how aggressive he looks. The swing is not bad.
The stance needs a little work. He needs to open that up a little bit. But anyway, so that was really fun.
They don't keep score in T -ball, but my kid's coach did keep score secretly and they won 23 to 17.
So there you go. Anyway, anyway, I also wanted to comment on a couple of other things.
There was another pastor who got arrested in Canada. So, you know,
Gospel Coalition, of course, you know, they're being proven more and more wrong every single day and it's just, it's pathetic, it's sad.
The fact that anyone defends Gospel Coalition and their cohorts at this point is so pathetic.
You just gotta get your brother's back, man. You gotta, Christians ought to get each other's backs when they're arrested for nonsense.
Obviously, that's obvious, but whatever. I'm not gonna, I don't expect anything from Gospel Coalition. They're the state religion.
We all know that, we all get it. That's the end of the story. Now, there's a couple other things
I wanted to talk about as well. Oh, before I get into the main point of this, I wanted to talk about Bitcoin for just a second.
Not gonna talk a lot about Bitcoin, but over the weekend, Bitcoin tanked. Like, it sold off aggressively and it sold off because Elon Musk strongly implied that Tesla had sold their
Bitcoin. He didn't say this, he just responded to a tweet that was saying that in a way that was very cryptic, like Elon Musk always does.
He always tweets in a very cryptic way. You have to kind of read the tea leaves when you're listening to Elon Musk.
It's really annoying, by the way. I find it very annoying. But anyway, so people got the impression that Tesla had sold all their
Bitcoin, so people started selling their Bitcoin. But then, you know, he got back on a couple hours later and said, hey, we didn't sell our
Bitcoin. And then, you know, it rose again. It's still down, but it rose again.
And I just gabbed out today, this is an obvious problem and people are getting pretty mad about this.
Here's what I said. I said on Gab, the biggest gold bull on the planet could say he's dumping all of his gold.
And I'm fairly certain that the price of gold would not move at all. Musk's ability to send
Bitcoin and other cryptos into fits is a problem that needs to be figured out somehow.
And that anyone could disagree with this, I find it to be amazing. People were getting so mad.
You don't understand Bitcoin. And notice, this is not about the technicals of Bitcoin. It's just about the reality that one man can send the price of Bitcoin up and down 10 % like that.
That's a problem. That's a real big problem. And if you don't think that's a problem, then you're just playing with Bitcoin.
You don't actually think it's legitimate. You're just trying to make a little money here and there. Because on the one hand,
Elon Musk being able to do that 10%, and you can predict he's gonna do this again. Because Elon Musk, I think, gets off on his ability to move the markets like this.
He's going to do this again. And so maybe you can make a little money on this, just predicting, is Elon Musk gonna tweet something cryptic today?
You know, you could probably make a lot of money trading Bitcoin in that way. I'm not saying that that's wrong or bad or anything.
It's risky, obviously. It's gambling, but whatever. But this is an issue. If one man has this much influence on Bitcoin, and I'm not saying it's
Elon's fault. I'm not saying it's Bitcoin's fault. I'm not saying it's the people who own Bitcoin's fault, although it is kind of their fault.
But this is an issue, and it's an issue that needs to be addressed. By the way, this is a very similar issue, not exactly the same, but similar issue to the fact that there's a handful of people that own the majority of Bitcoin.
They could manipulate the price of Bitcoin tremendously if they wanted to. And people were responding, well, could the price of gold manipulate it?
And I'm like, yeah, you're right, it is manipulated. But that's not the point of this tweet, or this Gab, ugh!
This Gab's point is that one man has it within his power to just tweet something ridiculous and send the price shooting up or down at will.
And it's like, it takes hundreds of central banks and ETFs and variety of derivatives and stuff like that to manipulate the price of gold.
It's not just one person doing it. That's the difference. I agree, the price of gold is very likely manipulated by the central banks.
In fact, we know how they do it. They've got these scams called bullion banks where they lend out the bullion, but they pretend they still have it.
And there's a whole bunch of mechanisms that they use to manipulate the price of gold. And in my opinion, they suppress the price of gold.
Now, here's the thing though, that's very complicated and it takes a lot of cooperation. But this is just Elon Musk is saying, oh,
I'm just gonna tweet something stupid out. And it shoots up 10, you know, 20%. Not 20, like a 10%, that's still a lot.
That's my point though. It's a lot harder to manipulate the price of gold, but Elon can do it by just typing one word out on tweet,
Twitter. This is what the tweet said. It just said, indeed. And the price shot down because he was saying indeed to something about Tesla selling
Bitcoin. Like guys, if you don't see this as a problem, you're fooling yourself.
This is a problem. I'm not saying to sell your Bitcoin, although that might not be a bad idea, especially if you're in profit right now.
Maybe take some of those profits. Maybe just take a little bit. I'm not a financial advisor, but maybe take a little bit of money off the table.
It might be a good idea. You don't have to take it all, but take some of those profits while you still can. But this is a problem.
This is a problem that one man can just type out something stupid and the price goes insane of Dogecoin or Bitcoin or whatever the coin it is that he's talking about,
Ethereum. He likes to talk about Ethereum every now and then. Look, I'm not gonna tell you what to do because I'm not a financial advisor, but that is an issue and it needs to be figured out somehow.
I'm not saying that you should attack Elon Musk or whatever or sell your Bitcoin. All I'm saying is that's a problem.
And if your instinct is you don't understand Bitcoin, AD, like, man, you might be in the cult. You might be in the
Bitcoin cult because this is an obvious, clear, apparent problem.
Now, let's move on to what I wanted to talk about today. Guys, this is a big one,
I think. I think this is a big one because I started to see a narrative being spun by the media last week.
And I think this is gonna become a more and more popular narrative over the coming weeks as well.
And I just want you to be careful, man, I really do, because we understand that the media is, they don't have your best interests in mind.
You know what I mean? They've got other interests in mind. It's not your best interest. They're not trying to inform you.
They're not trying to give you the real information. They're not trying to help you out. They're not benevolent.
They don't have your interests in mind. Now, we could debate about whose interests they do have in mind.
I think, frankly, that the media is a branch of the CIA. That's what I think. I think that what they used to do was they used to infiltrate the media, the
CIA. Now I think they just are the media. That's my opinion. Now, so whatever their motivations are,
I don't know, but the point is that the media, we know they lie. You know they lie, I know they lie.
They lie, they bend the truth, they stretch the truth, all that kind of stuff, right? But the thing is, though, that the media and the propaganda is still very effective, right?
It's very effective. You ever wonder why the princes and Saudi Arabia and stuff, what's their deal?
Why are they so elite? Why do people like them? You know what I mean? What's going on with the princes?
And they're like this oligarchy. They're like this royalty kind of thing. And I think in many ways, the media operates like an oligarchy a little bit.
For some reason, you still listen to them even as you know that they're lying to you. Even as you know that they're doing evil things and nefarious things, you still just are interested in what they have to say.
And it's the same thing with these princes, right? And in Saudi Arabia, who cares? They're not good.
They're bad people. Why do you care what they're up to? You know what I mean? And so it's kind of like this oligarchy.
And I think the media operates like that in the United States. They're like the princes and princesses in the
United States. Now, so we're still somehow affected by these media organizations, even as we know that they don't have our best interests in mind.
So what am I talking about? So there's a narrative that's starting to be spun.
I don't think it's starting to be spun, but it's definitely being spun right now that with the gas shortages, you know, the pipeline, you heard the story by now, you know, there was a cyber attack.
They had to shut down this pipeline. There's gonna be all these gas shortages. That's the story that we're being sold on.
Is it true? Who knows? But there are gas shortages. We know that. That's for sure. Now, I've heard, correct me if I'm wrong, but have you not heard that it's really nobody's fault except people that are hoarding gas?
That's whose fault it is. It's the panic buyers. These people are panic buying, and those are the people that are causing the shortages of gas.
Well, you know why you can't get gas at the gas station? It's all those panic buyers. They're the reason you can't get gas at the gas station.
And you've seen the memes at this point, right? And we've shared them. Like people that I like have shared them. I'm not mad at you guys for sharing these memes.
They're funny. These memes are funny, but it's like, but just be careful that you're not playing into this narrative because what you'll see is you'll see, you know, a trailer park kind of person filling up a tub, a plastic tub with gasoline, right?
And, you know, you see the meme and it's like, it's like the people of Walmart, right? It's kind of like one of those types of memes where you're making fun of these people because they don't have the proper tools to store gas, but they're trying to store gas.
And so they get this plastic tub or a plastic bag or whatever it is, and they're putting gas in it, right? And the idea of this, in my opinion, is to get you to be mad at your neighbors, right?
Like your regular Joe neighbors. It's their fault that you can't get gas.
Those idiot panic buyers, it's their fault. And guys, I want you to be careful.
I'm not here to tell you that there hasn't been stupid people filling up, you know, plastic containers with gasoline, you know, not gasoline containers, like regular containers.
I'm not saying that that's not real. I'm not saying that that's not stupid. It is stupid. But let's not pretend like that is the reason for the shortage.
That's not the reason for the shortage. The reason for the shortage is this, either the cyber attack or probably it's just inflation and all of the supply shortages.
Because think about this, we shut down our supply last year because there was this coronavirus. And so, you know, we couldn't go to work, obviously, but we still got money.
And so there's still all this money chasing a lower supply of goods because we shut down our supply lines last year and all of that, or at least we made them more difficult and slower.
And so now there's shortages, obviously, because if the money's still there but there's no supply, of course there's gonna be shortages.
And by the way, a lot of states make it illegal to raise the prices. They call it price gouging.
That's exactly what needs to happen so that the goods could be, you know, sold in a nice way.
If the prices was allowed to go up really high, you wouldn't have people filling up plastic containers with gas they didn't need.
Instead, you would have people just buying what they could afford and what they needed, what they actually needed in order to get to work and stuff like that.
That's why prices should be allowed to be, excuse me, that's why gas prices should be allowed to go up so that we can have a more equitable sharing of the gas kind of thing, but whatever.
So the point is, though, that the shortages that we're about to experience, because this is about to get worse,
I think, in my opinion, the shortages are gonna get worse as the price of things starts to go up, as the fact that we shut down our supply last year starts to really affect us.
There's gonna be more shortages, and don't let the media tell you that it's your neighbor's fault for the shortage.
It's not your neighbor's fault for the shortage. It's not. Don't get mad at regular people that are just trying to survive, because here's the thing.
If we go into a high inflationary mode, which I think we're already in the high inflationary mode, people are gonna start to get smart, because people are smart, right?
People are smart. They're gonna say, okay, I need a can of corn, and the last four times
I went to the store to get a can of corn, it doubled in price, and so I don't wanna wait until it doubles in price again next month, so I'm gonna buy 10 cans of corn because I can afford it right now, and I don't wanna pay more later.
And it's like, that's logical, right? That makes perfect sense to do that, to buy more than you need, knowing that the price is gonna go up later, and you might not even be able to get it later because there's all these supply shortages and stuff like that.
That's logical, rational behavior. It's not the fault of those people that there are shortages like this.
It's the government's fault for shutting down the economy. It's the government fault for playing this game with its populace, all essentially to get elected.
You know what I mean? Like, let's just face it. We understand why they were playing up this pandemic and not the swine flu pandemic.
There was a reason for it, a political reason, and so here's the reality. Here's the reality. Don't fall for the media's plan.
They're a little ploy, they're a little scam to get you to be pissed off at your neighbor for doing the logical, rational thing and planning ahead for inflation, planning ahead for supply shortages.
That's not their fault. That's the government's fault. They didn't create the supply shortage. They didn't do anything. It's not panic buying that's causing these shortages.
It's this insane money printing scam that we've been on. Combine that with the supply shortages, combine that with the ridiculous
Trump tariffs and all this kind of nonsense, all this combined is creating a perfect storm for people to have these shortages.
That's a problem, and it's not your neighbor's fault. Don't let them maneuver you that way.
Don't let them maneuver you. They want us at each other's throats, guys. They want us to be like, oh no, it's those preppers. It's those preppers, it's their fault.
It's that person who wants to buy too many cans of corn. It's like, no, no, no, no, no. Those people are acting rationally.
It's rational to do that kind of stuff. It's your fault for shutting down the economy like a bunch of idiots.
It's never been done before in history. And they're like, yeah, that's a good idea. Let's shut down the economy. Shutting down the economy, giving everyone a ton of cash for nothing, for no production, the tariffs, all this stuff, right?
They're playing games with you. They're playing games with you. It's not your neighbor's fault. So I laugh at these memes.
You know, I laugh at the pictures of the lady trying to fill a laundry basket with gas.
It's funny, I get it, you know what I mean? But just be careful that you're not hating on the people of Walmart and pretending, and scapegoating them, right?
It's their fault. It's the panic buying's fault. That's why we have a supply shortage. That's not it. That's not it.
It's the government messing with the prices of things, the government giving everybody cash, the government supply issues.
It's all that stuff. Don't hate on your neighbor. Don't hate on your neighbor, especially when it's not their fault.
They're trying to maneuver you into that, and they're trying to set you up because there's gonna be more supply shortages in the coming weeks and months.
They're setting you up to be like, oh no, it's the people that were prepared for this's fault. It's the people that acted rationally to our market manipulations.
It's their fault, and it's not their fault. So anyway, that's all
I wanted to say today. I hope you found this video helpful. A little scattered, a little bit of a grab bag, but that's okay.