Joyce Meyer Says You NEED To Love Yourself!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So I have been extremely critical of any
Christian leader whatsoever who actively promotes the concept of self -love. This I believe is very dangerous.
You see, when Christians get to heaven, we won't be needing to love ourselves for all eternity, but to love God for all eternity.
But Joyce Meyer, the culture -appeasing false teacher that she is, well, she differs in her view.
Watch this. If you don't love yourself and value yourself, there is nothing else in your life that's going to be enjoyable or in the right order.
So there you have it. Joyce Meyer says that if you don't love and value yourself, there is nothing else in your life that's going to be enjoyable or, and this is key, in the right order.
This is a very important false doctrine that is being spread and taught in many churches today.
And there are a few things that you need to know about this. The first thing that you need to know about self -love is that it's not a historic
Christian doctrine at all. When you look at the teachings of Scripture, or the broad themes focused on in Church history, you will find no emphasis on loving oneself explicitly or consistently.
Instead, the emphasis is clearly on precisely what the Scriptures emphasize, and that is that Christ is the
Messiah, and that we owe our lives to Him. That Jesus died to save sinners, and if we believe in Him and accept
His sacrificial atonement through faith, we can be His people and dwell with Him forever.
As Romans 10, 9 says, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised
Him from the dead, you will be saved. In light of the Gospel, in light of these great realities, these majestic doctrines, we are called to live as God's people in a holy and righteous way, serving the
Savior until His return. 1 Corinthians 10, 31 says, so whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
You see, it is doctrines like these, and other clear biblical principles like them, that good Church leaders throughout history have focused on.
But there is a distinct lack of teaching in the Church regarding self -love, that is, up until just a few decades ago.
So what changed? We know that the Church has not taught this or emphasized this at all, and we know that Scripture does not tell us to focus on any kind of self -love.
So with that in mind, why are teachers like Joyce Meyer and Mike Todd, just to name a few, now talking about the importance of self -love?
And the answer is pretty clear. These teachers are heavily influenced by secular culture.
For years, the world has been telling people, you need to love yourself. You need to value yourself above all else.
You need to have it your own way. You need to follow your heart. You need to go with your gut. You need to do what's best for you.
It's all you, you, you. And this particular brand of self -worship has only arisen within the last few decades.
Your grandparents didn't know a thing about self -love, because no one talked about it, because no one cared about it, because frankly, it's nonsense.
It's garbage. What's interesting is that we've seen a rise in talking about self -love in the
Church just after the rise in self -love being preached by the culture. That's not a coincidence.
So what's happened here, it's relatively obvious. The seeker -sensitive movement is all about appealing to the culture, appealing to the world, hypothetically, so they can spread the
Gospel to them. And therefore, they have begun to use the language of the world. They're assimilating.
And more than that, they accept the culture of the world. In the modern seeker -sensitive Church, we're focusing on personality tests,
Enneagram numbers, and pop psychology. Any cultural fad that arises ends up in the
Evangelical Church just a few months or years later. This is the way it's been happening. Because when you're obsessed with being culturally relevant, you have to play by the culture's rules.
But of course, James 4 .4 says, quote, Whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.
So again, the first thing to know about self -love is that it was made up by the culture a few decades ago and has no precedent to speak of in Scripture or in faithful churches throughout history.
It's just not there. The next thing you need to know about Joyce Meyer's self -love statement here is how it relates to emotional satisfaction.
Being joyful, happy, or satisfied in life. Contentment is the topic here. Watch that part again.
If you don't love yourself and value yourself, there is nothing else in your life that's going to be enjoyable or in the right order.
So it is clear the key to enjoying life for Joyce Meyer here is self -love. She literally says that without self -love, quote,
There is nothing else in your life that is going to be enjoyable. I don't think she could have said this in a more obvious way.
But this is found nowhere in the Scriptures. About enjoyment and satisfaction, though, the Scriptures have a lot to say.
But self -love? It's simply not in there. So is the key to enjoyment in the Christian life loving yourself?
No. That's worldly falsehood, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with Biblical Christianity.
So let's turn to one of the most well -known and misused passages in the New Testament. This is where we will find our answer.
Philippians 4, 11 -13 says, quote, End quote.
What is the secret, then, to satisfaction and contentment in life? Well, according to God's Word, it's
Jesus Christ. Nothing at all here about self -love. Believing in Christ and following Him diligently will help you be content in all circumstances.
So self -love is not the key to satisfaction. Christ is. And therefore, to promote self -love as the key to satisfaction, as Joyce Meyer does, is nothing short of false teaching.
She is replacing Jesus Christ with a worldly concept that is not presented in His Word. That is dangerous and unbiblical in every way.
And it's interesting to me that teachers like Joyce Meyer are taking advice from the world on contentment when the world lacks contentment.
The world is more depressed and anxious now than it's ever been in history. This is the foolishness of seeker -sensitive
Christianity. And the last thing you need to know about Joyce Meyer's teaching on self -love, the thing you need to remember is that she is neglecting one of the most important doctrines of the
Christian faith. Watch this one last time. If you don't love yourself and value yourself, there is nothing else in your life that's going to be enjoyable or in the right order.
So there you have it, folks. Without self -love, says Joyce Meyer, nothing in your life will be in the right order.
That's what she says. And this is nothing short of wicked deceitfulness. You see, she is talking about organization of the
Christian life. In other words, it's the concept of, if you do this, your life will have the right priorities.
If you believe this, first and foremost, the other things in your life will be in the right order.
So what orders the Christian life? Is the thing that accomplishes this goal supposed to be self -love?
No. Again, that is unbiblical hogwash. What is it, then, according to the Bible, that regulates your life, that orders the life of the
Christian and gives you the right priorities? Romans 12, too, says this, The key to organizing your life, then, the key to prioritizing the right things, to thinking in the right way, is to give your life to God and to be renewed in your mind by Him.
Proverbs 3, 5 -6 says this, You see, it is trusting in the
Lord, acknowledging Him, in all of your ways that your paths will be made straight. This is not done of your own power, not by your own self -love, but by God's gracious action in your life.
So again, when Joyce Meyer tells you that self -love will straighten out your whole life, she's giving you a method that ultimately is not biblical and will not work.
It's going to fail miserably. And more than this, she is taking away something that is properly done by the
Lord for His glory and asserting instead that you can accomplish it through the concept of self -love, which again the
Scriptures don't even present. Trusting and relying on God, accepting the Gospel and serving
Him, all of this is being replaced by worldly wisdom, vain secular ideas like self -love.
So stay away from seeker -sensitive churches and from teachers like Joyce Meyer and Mike Todd who promote self -love.
They are false teachers who do not get their ideas from Scripture, but instead they take their cues from the godless culture.
So it's no wonder why their ministries are so appealing to the people of that culture. And pray for them, that they would repent of all of this and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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Miller. You can donate to my ministry there and earn tons of rewards just like these. And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open.