Matt Slick Live: August 2, 2024



The Matt Slick Live (Live Broadcast of 08-02-2024) is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (CARM). Matt answers questions on topics such as: The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues!  You can also email questions to Matt using: [email protected], Put "Radio Show Question" in the Subject line! Answers will be discussed in a future show. Topics Include:  Do Some Christians See Things Others Don’t Comparing Two Scriptures and Understanding What Good Works are Friday Hate Mail A Pastor’s View of Privacy in Voting Dinosaurs Genesis and The Other Animals Why do some people say Only the Law of Moses counts Comments on The Olympics and its Representation of Evil August 2, 2024


The following program is recorded content created by The Truth Network. It's Matt Slick Live!
Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry, found online at karm .org.
When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick Live for answers. Taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877 -207 -2276.
Here's Matt Slick. Hey everybody, welcome to the shoo... The shoo...
Man, I was reading something, the word shooting, and we got a caller about that, so anyway.
Hey look, if you want to give me a call, all you got to do is dial 877 -207 -2276.
And if you want, you can email me, that's easy to do. Just dial, or send, boy, just send an email to info at karm .org,
info at karm .org, and put in the subject line, radio comment, radio question, and we can get to it.
Might even do some of that today. Alright, today's date is August 2nd, 2024. I'll be off the air all next week, live.
I'll be doing some other stuff, and taking some time, and relaxing. And then we'll be on,
Lord willing, the week after that. So, there you go, just letting you know. And let's jump on with Jermaine from California.
Jermaine, welcome, man, you're on the air. Oh, hello, Matt, good to be back.
Amen. Alright, buddy, so what do you got? Yeah, just, so, the recent police shooting that's kind of been, become viral.
Which one? You know, I watched the shooting. That's the one with the black woman who said,
I rebuke you in the name of Jesus. I don't even know about that. Okay. Alright.
Okay, well, the short version is that this woman apparently had a little bit of mental illness.
And she called deputies to her house. And, you know, there was an interaction. It was peaceful.
They were in her house for a little bit, talking. And one of the officers was joking with her.
He said, hey, why don't you go take care of that hot water that's on the stove. So she goes over and then they start backing up in fear of her throwing the hot water on them.
Even though it didn't appear she was going to. And when one of the officers made a comment, she said,
I rebuke you in the name of Jesus. But it was very, the tone of her voice didn't sound like it was threatening her.
It sounded almost like she was halfway making a joke. And one of the deputies drew his weapon and used some foul language, said he would shoot her in the head if she did.
And she said, I'm sorry, she dropped down and she was shot in the head. Now, yeah,
I could tell you from just from training back in my days pursuing that, that looked like a bad joke universally as being condemned.
But the thing about it is me and some friends are having a conversation of her words.
I rebuke you in the name of Jesus. Now, she seemed to be praying at different times during the interaction, but it was very innocent.
And some people are asking, is that an example of God not protecting his people and maybe the demon winning?
And I'm just repeating what I heard said to me. I personally don't think it was any of that.
And I know sometimes things do happen to believers and I don't understand all of God's will.
But when someone says, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus, is it possible they're seeing something spiritually that other people are not?
You know, I just kind of want to hear your take on it. She would say, is it possible? Well, it's possible. Is it?
We don't know. There's a lot of possibilities out there. So some people just say that because they grew up in a church or know about a church and they just say that a lot.
And it's just used. It could be casual and not appropriate. It could be demonic things going on.
It could be angelic things going on. It could be mental illness. It could be a lot of things. Don't know. We just wouldn't know.
OK, yeah, I think that's the most fair answer. And it sounds like you may maybe didn't see the video, but no.
Yeah, it's very short. I would take a look at it. But I think a lot of my charismatic family and others had some comments.
And I just say, hey, you can't necessarily like you can't put that one on God because this these were humans making the decision.
This particular person had been with six different departments in four years or something.
So obviously there was a pattern. But, you know, it didn't seem to be racial, didn't seem to be anything other than stupidity and someone who shouldn't have had a weapon.
Yeah. You know, it happens. You know, cops are human. And I've learned
I got swatted once outside my house. If you know what that is.
But, you know, I did exactly what they told me to do when they told me to do whatever it was it said to do. Hands in the air.
You know, 10 guns pointed at me. You just discomply. And, you know, OK. But these poor guys, you know, they're trained and they're human.
They make mistakes. Some of them are just stupid. They shouldn't be cops and stuff. So it's just a wide variety of situations.
We're going to be careful and try and judge each one on the on its own merit to not condemn everybody for one thing.
But, you know. All right. OK, well.
Well, yeah, that's all I have for today. Be praying for you during your your break. Hope you enjoy it with your family and God bless.
I'll talk to you next time. Lord willing. Yeah. Lord willing. Thank you. Appreciate it. All right. Good stuff.
That's Jermaine from California. If you want to give me a call, it's easy. Just dial eight, seven, seven, two, zero, seven, two, two, seven, six.
And we have three open lines. Give me a call. Let's get to Alan from Virginia. Alan, welcome. You're on the air.
Hey, Matt. How's it going? It's going, man. Doing Friday radio. Yep. What else we got?
Any hate mail today? You know, we're out of hate mail. I may have to dredge up some old hate mail.
Oh, man. Seriously. The hate mail thing. It's empty. You know, maybe
I'm not doing my job. Maybe the people are starting to like me everywhere. That's not good. You're pandering to the masses,
I see, man. Yeah, that's probably what I'm doing. But I do have some wacko mail and some other stuff.
Some stuff I read, you know, a long time ago. So I could go back to some old ones because, you know, sometimes oldies but goodies, you know, you never know.
Okay. All right. I thought about it today.
Is harmonizing Ephesians 2 .10 and Isaiah 64 .6
similar to how we are told to follow the commandments yet due to total depravity we cannot?
Okay, so Ephesians 2 .10. And Isaiah 64 .6.
All right. So you want to know how to harmonize them? Yeah. Okay.
We are created for the purpose of doing what is right and what is good before God. He doesn't create us for the purpose of evil, to do evil, but to do good.
But because of the fall, what Adam did, sin entered into the world. And so, therefore, we are touched by sin.
And notice what it says there. We are His workmanship created in Christ. Now, the term in Christ is a term of federal headship.
So it says we're created in Christ, which is a very interesting statement. We're created by God, but in Christ means
He represented us. So there's this thing. If you look at 100 people represents everybody who ever lived.
And Adam represented that 100 people. And then those are the ones who are in Adam.
The ones who are in Christ, just take a circle with 100 people and then a smaller circle in that.
And that's the people that Jesus represented. Now, some people don't like what I'm saying here because it says in Christ.
In Christ deals with federal headship, which is a teaching that the male represents a descendants or those who are in Him.
And this phrase, I've done it, I've taught on it many, many times. It's very, very biblical what I'm saying. So the ones who are created in Christ for good works are those who be represented, those who are redeemed, those who are saved, et cetera, et cetera.
But we are in that broader circle of depravity. And yet at the same time, the broader circle of those who are full of sin, which is all of us, yet Christ represented a smaller group.
And those are the ones who still have sin nature, but also are created for good works, for God to work in us and through us.
Okay? So is it God's works or works that we do? Well, He creates us to do good works, but we do the good works.
So He wants us to do something, but we do it. So even though we have total depravity with sin affecting our actions, we can still do good works because it's judged by the action, not by the intent?
No, the intent. What makes something good, generally speaking, is that the motive is right and the standard is right and the object is right.
So the motive is, I want to help you because it's something that would honor God through Christ.
And the standard is the word of God and the person of Christ. And the object is for the glory of God.
So when you have all of these three in place, generically speaking, it's a good work.
A good work can only be done if you're a Christian. An atheist, for example, who helps a little old lady cross the street and mows the lawn for free and helps out, on a human level, that's good.
But on a divine level, it's not good because it's not done for the glory of God, but the standard of who
Christ is. It would be goodness apart from God, and that's not possible. So we have fallen nature.
That's the generic statement and condition of all people. But out of those people,
God has called people to himself and he's created them in the purpose and the work and the design to do good things.
Because we're indwelled by the Lord Jesus Christ, because we can do those things that God has ordained for us to do.
As it says in Philippians 1, 6, I'm confident of this very thing, that he who began a good work and he will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus our
Lord. So we have the ability to do these works that he's designed for us. Also in Philippians 2, 13, we have good works that we're to do as well, that are to manifest our faith.
So this is what's going on here. We're created in Christ, in our redemptive state, to do good things.
And though we're not perfect at it because it's filtered through the blood and work of Christ, then it's considered good by God.
Okay? Okay. So if works are done because we love
Christ, because we have regenerated nature, even if we have something else like pride going along with it, it's still considered a good work?
Yeah. See, there's a yes and a no -ish. You know, when
I get to heaven, and if God were to look at me and say, You did a good work. Well, which one was that?
Because everything I've got, everything I do is ultimately touched by sin, so I don't know how it could be good. But on the other hand,
God has given us things to do and ordained things for us to do through the person and work of Jesus Christ who indwells in us.
And so I'm going to let God decide what is and is not good down to the deepness and the filtering of our heart and everything else.
So, yes, we can do a good work. In fact, Jesus says that even the unbelievers can give good gifts to their children.
He calls it good. There's levels of good. On the human level, yeah, they're good. On the divine level, it's not.
So how does God see us? Through Jesus. And we who have died to sin or died to ourselves through the blood of Christ and identification with Christ in a redemptive work or his redemptive work of us, we therefore are dead to the law.
And in that sense, law has no jurisdiction over it. So everything we do could be considered good. There's a lot of ways of looking at it.
God doesn't really tell us how it all works, but those are some of the theories and some of the ideas behind it. Okay.
But it does say that we can do good work because I was always under the impression of we can't because of total depravity.
We can't in a pure sense because of total depravity. We can with Christ working through us and in us do good work.
Yes, we can. Okay? Got it. Okay. All right, man. Thank you so much, man. All right.
God bless. Hey, folks. Be right back after these messages. We have nobody waiting. Why don't you give me a call? 877 -207 -2276.
We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick Live!
Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276. Here's Matt Slick.
All right, everyone. Welcome back to the show. If you want to give me a call, you can. It's easy. 877 -207 -2276.
And we have nobody waiting right now, so what I'm going to do on this Friday is
I was going to get some hate mail. And what I'm going to do is read some that have...
These are a few years old. Because we're out of hate mail today. You know, it bothers me.
I don't get hate mail. What am I doing wrong? Which is right to them, but that's wrong, right? I don't know. Anyway, here's one.
This is from Jolissa. You are an absolute idiot. That's the way to start off.
You're an absolute idiot and have no idea what you're talking about. And anyone who believes what you write is a fool.
And you just insulted a whole bunch of people. Woo, that's pretty good. How about this one? Your name is
Slick? How very appropriate. Yeah, I think my name's appropriate.
I am kind of slick. And for those of you who might be listening, new Matt Slick live, radio name.
It's my real name, Matt Slick. It's my real name. Birth certificate, everything. Slick.
Came from the German Schlick team. Got shortened about 100 years or so ago. Anyway, let's see.
Just reach up to your head. See if there's a little switch there. Please move it to the on position.
Thank you. Now that's a good insult. That's a good one. I like that one. I'm going to maybe use that.
Do you have an on switch for your brain? You definitely should go check it. Yeah, I like that.
That's pretty good. All right. And how about this one? I'm going to do this one. Then we'll get to the callers.
I have to inform you, in charity, that Protestantism is a false religion of man that leads to condemnation.
Oh, interesting. It would seem that as a result of cognitive dissonance, you temporarily downplay the obvious, inherent inconsistencies of your man -made religion.
Now, folks, I've got to give kudos to this, this writer, because it's very good. And it's well written.
It's good grammar, good syntax. Made no complaints. It goes on.
One of the pillars of your false religion is that the Holy Spirit will guide the individual believer while reading the
Bible. Well, that's what it says in 1 John 2 .27. You have no need that anyone teach you, but the anointing which you receive will abide in you.
So it will teach you of all things. And then this person goes on. But obviously, the 50 ,000 plus and daily growing
Protestant denominations stand as a constant irrefutable proof that the doctrines of Protestantism are not of the spirit of truth.
Now, here's the thing. You know, these Catholics are Catholic, I can tell. The Catholics will often say there's 50 ,000 denominations, and they all contradict each other.
It's not true. They have differences of opinion on debatable issues, which is permitted in Romans 14.
But they hold to the essentials of the Christian faith. Just like there are differences inside of Catholicism, which are allowed to be around.
So it's really a vacuous argument. And when they use it of me, it instantly convinces me they're not very educated about that particular topic.
They don't understand what the biblical admonition is. Anyway, it goes on. Any honest person...
That's why I always like that. If you're honest, because if you don't agree with me, you're obviously not honest. You're deceptive.
You know, that's just how they set it up. Any honest person would realize that since the original founders of Protestantism disagreed with each other on crucial points of doctrine.
Luther condemned the doctrine of Zwingli and Calvin and two other Protestant figures. Well, you see, here's the thing.
The person doesn't give me an example. They just say it. This is what I've noticed a lot about people who are lost in the false religion of Catholicism is they'll make statements like this.
And they don't provide any documentation. They just say it. This is true because I said so. That's it.
Believe me, because I'm right. And it goes on. Anyway, you must visit... There's a certain website.
I think I know who it is. I'm going to click the link. I'm going to tell you what it is because it's, in my opinion, if I remember correctly, it's going to be a bit whacked.
Yeah. Yeah, it is. Uh -huh. Yeah. In fact...
Now I know who it is. So there has been a... Let's put it that way.
There's been a history between the people of that site and myself, the Catholics. They are uber -Catholics who teach that there's no salvation outside of the
Roman Catholic Church and their division and their belief of the subset of things within it.
And people have come up to me and said, You should debate these guys. I said, Set it up. Let's debate.
And it never happens. So anyway, it's an interesting thing. Visit this one website for the most important information you can ever see in your life.
Wow! Here, I thought the most important information I could ever see in my life was in God's Word because it comes from God.
No! It's in a website that these guys have developed. There is absolutely no salvation outside the
Catholic Church, right? Protestantism is a man -made religion. All Protestants are on the path to condemnation.
Oh, you see, that was written years ago. That would be someone I'd love to have a discussion with and say,
Can you show me from the Scriptures why I'm lost? I'd like to see that. That's one of the questions I ask Catholics. Show me from the
Scriptures why I'm lost. And then what you do, you listen while they quote a verse.
You can hear the ripping verses, the ripping out of context. It's great. Anyway, there you go.
Hey, let's get on with Cliff from Florida. Cliff, welcome. You're on the air. Hey, what's going on, my brother,
Matt? Hey, man. Just doing some radio and reading some hate mail, enjoying it. So what do you got, buddy?
So the question is, what do you think about my pastor's response, right?
Okay. So at my church, we have a me instead, right?
And I was talking with some other Christians at the time when this thought came up, and we were thinking about the fact that we know every pastor we listen to, we know who they're voting for, right?
We know who they're voting for. We know who they're not voting for in their voting record, right? And as we were thinking,
I was like, I know everybody in my life who they're voting for, Democrats and Republicans and independents or whatever, except for my four pastors.
So in the pastor and the three elders. So in the group men's chat,
I asked this directly. Hey, I would just like to know who did y 'all vote for in the last election and who do y 'all plan on voting for in this coming election?
And I knew it would be some type of pushback, but I thought as me and we could all have a good conversation, even if there were disagreements, and it would be a good example because we have a lot of young guys in the chat of how brothers can debate a topic and remain brothers, right?
So that was too long for intro. So my pastor's response was, it is our practice to not answer this question, but you can message me privately, but I'm still not going to answer the question, but I'll tell you why we don't answer the question missing that other thing.
Yeah, that's his thing. He has that right. He has the right to say that and hold that position.
It's not unbiblical for him to do that. He's trying to form some form, some semblance of neutrality, except that let's just say
I was, I was invited to speak in a pulpit and at a church and they said, we want you to talk on politics.
You know, go through the little bit of politics and scripture. I'd say, find a problem. I preach on that. Oh, well, they've got a break coming up.
I'll tell you something I would say from the pulpit that would offend a lot of people, but I would say it anyway because I don't care if they're offended or not.
So hold on. I'll tell you what it is. When we get back from the break, if you want to give me a call, 877 -207 -2276.
I'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live.
Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276. Here's Matt Slick.
Everybody, welcome back to the show. If you want to give me a call, the number is 877 -207 -2276.
I just want to remind you that we stand here by your support and you can support us if you would like by going to carm .org,
C -A -R -M dot O -R -G. That's the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry.
It's been on in October. It'll be 29 years old. So it's very old.
It's one of the very first apologetics websites on the entire internet. There's a lot of stuff.
I've written about 6 ,000 articles there. So if you want to go check it out, C -A -R -M dot O -R -G.
Cliff from Florida, are you still there? Yeah, I'm here, my brother.
All right, man. So like I said before the break, if I was preaching and they asked me to speak on politics, one of the things
I would do is say what would the Antichrist belong to? He's going to be pro -LGBTQ because he's going to be homosexual.
He'll be pro -abortion because his father's a devil and the devil's a murderer from the beginning. He's going to want socialism, one world government, and he'll be in control and he'll enforce the compliance of his policies upon people because you can't buy or sell without a mark.
And we could draw the conclusion that he would try and disarm people because of the way they could rebel.
He will be very deceptive and misrepresentation will be a tool that he will use. And he'll go after the things of God and make war with the
Christians and godliness. And I'd say to the congregation, which political party fits that?
Which political party would the Antichrist belong to? You know, if you just think about that, you know, pro -LGBTQ, pro -abortion, one world government, forcing compliance with policies, deceptive, goes against that which is godly and holy.
Well, obviously the Democratic Party. Now, the Republican Party is not much better. So I'd be saying to the pulpit, if you're a knowledgeable Christian and you know what the
Democratic Party stood for, it stood for the development of the KKK, abortion, homosexuality, opening the borders, socialism, disarming people, one world government stuff.
I said, how could you in good conscience be a vote Democrat if you claim to be a Christian? Because you're supporting the killing of the unborn and the homosexuality, which is an abomination before God.
How could you dare vote and support that? And that's what I would say. So you don't do it.
And you shouldn't. That's what I'd say. Okay? I agree with that, like the practical application of it.
But that's not... That's not what comes from the pulpit. Like our pastor, he tells us to stay away from stepping on toes, which is...
Okay. ...which is my issue and why
I'm asking. He doesn't want to step on toes. I'm sorry, go ahead. He doesn't want to step on toes because he's not preaching out of the
Bible, is he? That...
Yeah. I mean, he is, right? I'm not going to say that. I'm not going to say he's not preaching, right?
But like, he'll preach on abortion, right? Women not being pastors.
But for this one, because his answer one time was he doesn't want to bind people's conscience, right?
But he speaks on abortion and he speaks on women being pastors and other subjects.
But on this subject, he chooses to sit this one out and goes behind, I don't want to bind people's conscience.
And I think it's greatly inconsistent to stand on the other things, which I'm all for, and then have some type of conscious bind for this one.
I think he needs to step up and say the truth. See, when
I get in the pulpit, the job of a sermon given by a man of God is to convict the people, change the people, point to Christ, point to the cross.
It's not to make them happy. Unless it's a part of the text that that's what it's for, joy in the
Lord, you know. You tell them the truth. And you don't wet your finger, hold it to the wind of society and see which way you're going to go.
Any pastor who does that is not qualified. So look, the biblical form of government, according to scripture, and I've got an article on this, it's a representative form of government, and I have all the scriptures for this to back it up.
Self -governance, private property rights, the liberty of people, the principle of liberty and freedom, and the promotion of those things.
The principle of self -defense and defense of others. The capitalist principles, witnesses in a fair trial, the right of taxation and a limited government.
These are the things that are biblical. So I think pastors should be preaching what a biblical government should be right out of scripture because it's derived out of scripture.
And if he's going to say, if anybody says, oh, we don't do politics there, then you can't speak out of a representative form of government out of Exodus 18, or self -governance out of Matthew 18, or private property rights out of Exodus 20 or Acts 5, or the principle of liberty and freedom and promotion out of 2
Corinthians 3 and Galatians 5, 1 Peter 2, or self -defense from what Jesus says, Luke 22, 36.
We can go on and on. So these are the principles that are in the scriptures. So a man of God is supposed to touch on them, and if he's guarding them and doesn't want to have them be bound, then what's he doing?
I don't get it. If I was up here in a pulpit, I'd say, you can't vote Democrat. You don't vote for the party of slavery,
KKK, abortion, and homosexuality. You don't vote for that if you're a Christian. You don't support that.
Don't let your vote to that. And I'm not a single Republican either. They're not much better. Exactly.
Exactly. But you cannot, as Christians, we should all be on board about we cannot vote for the
Democrats. In this here election, specifically this election, the election before other elections, you can probably make an argument, right?
But who you voting for is debatable, but who you cannot vote for is clear -cut.
There you go. And that's the conversation I was trying to have and that they're trying to avoid inconsistently,
I would say. Call them on the carpet. Call them on the carpet. You're being inconsistent. You talk about the other things.
And I've told them all this. I've told them all this. Good. So, I don't know.
Some people were trying to make the argument in the men's chat that it's new believers and you don't know where the new believers would be.
And I'm like, where a new believer, where a person is in their faith is irrelevant to the preaching of God's Word.
God's Word is God's Word. It doesn't change because this person is a new believer. Romans 1 is
Romans 1. That's right. It's because it's a new believer. It doesn't change by, okay, let me give you a different one because this is a new believer.
That's right. Tell you what, man. If you ever move to Idaho, you can be my neighbor. Okay? I'll help you out.
Yeah. So, anyway, that's the dilemma, man, or the question that I had. So, I appreciate it, man.
Hey, I appreciate you, man. Good. You're standing up for righteousness and the pastor should, too. And the pastor is not there to be popular.
The pastor is to equip. That's the job of the pastor, to equip in doctrine, truth, in all areas the
Scriptures discuss, and it discusses politics. So, we're to be involved in politics. That's what the
Bible says. All right? Give the Caesar what is Caesar's. That's political. Okay?
All right, my brother. All right, man. God bless. All right. All right.
Next longest waiting is John from Salt Lake City. Where are you, John? You there? Hey, Matt. Yep, I'm here.
I'm in North Salt Lake, and I have two questions for you. My first one is, where do you think dinosaurs fit into Genesis?
And related, my next question is, where do you think modern animals come from?
Like, we have like an elephant, but scientists always find woolly mammoths from like the
Ice Age. At what point did God create an elephant? Or was it always created from the beginning? Yeah, it would be on the day that He created the animals.
That's all. Not a problem. Okay? Dinosaurs too? Yeah, why not?
Because dinosaurs can't evolve from nothing into what they are. I mean, they're super complex creatures.
And God created the animals. Now, 98 % of all species have ever lived are now extinct. So, it says on the fifth day, let's see, you know, the sixth day.
No, fifth day. Let's see. The fifth day. Multiply, fill the water as well.
Yeah, and here we go. In God's letter, the earth bring forth living creatures after their kind, cattle, creeping things, beasts of the earth, after their kind, and it was so.
And He made the beasts, and that was the sixth day. So, in the sixth day, is when He made the animals, made the dinosaurs as well.
Now, there's a theory. I'll just throw this out for fun. There's a theory that demonic forces got involved with reptiles and some other things and created them.
I don't really think there's much credence to that. I'm just throwing that out. But here's something else to think about that might be a little bit more interesting.
Is that since 98 % of all species have ever lived are now extinct. Okay, that's really interesting. There's a theory called the canopy theory.
And I think there's a lot of merit to it. The canopy theory is the teaching that the earth was covered in a canopy, a thick atmosphere, and light would be diffused around the atmosphere and refracted all around the earth.
So, it never got completely dark anywhere on the earth because of the nature of light skipping inside of an atmosphere around the earth because it was thick.
And so, because of that, plants could grow very, very large and certain reptiles could too because it was a steady, warm condition.
And this might account for the dinosaurs as well. So, hold on there. We've got a break, okay? Hey folks, we'll be right back after these messages.
Please stay tuned. It's Matt Slick Live!
Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276. Here's Matt Slick.
Hey, everybody. Welcome back to the show, the last segment of the hour. Just want to let you know we'll not be live on the air all next week.
Taking some time off and doing some stuff. And we will be on the week after that.
There'll be a lot of reruns next week. Hope you enjoy them. Whoever and whichever ones that the producer has decided to put on.
I just say, whatever you want. And so, he does that. So, there you go. And also, just want to let you know that please check out the website carm .org
That's the website that funds this ministry and the Radio Time and things like that.
And thanks for Truth Network for letting me be on all these years and saying the things that are not so pleasant for a lot of people.
But there you go. All right. Let's get back to John. Okay, you there?
Yes, I'm here. So, if dinosaurs are made on day six, that's when
Adam was created, too. How long ago was Adam created? I think it was like 10 ,000 -ish years.
I don't know exactly. Yeah, you go six, 10 ,000. I wouldn't have any problem with that. Okay, so we got a few thousand.
But scientists say the last dinosaurs died out 70 million years ago. So, this is where I start to struggle.
Yeah, they say lots of stuff like that. And there are problems with the dating methodologies that are there.
So, let me open up my file on science. It'll take a few seconds here. They're finding soft tissue in dinosaur bones 60 million years old.
Soft tissue inside of dinosaur bones that last 60 million years. Are you kidding me?
When it was first discovered, I forgot the name of the woman who discovered this. First, they ridiculed her.
It's not possible, they said. And yet, they're finding it more and more. So, what they do is say, well, you see, this is because of this and that.
So, there's problems there. There's also something called polystrate fossils. Polystrate fossils are, for example, trees that are vertically fossilized through 600 million years of rock strata.
They're really simple. And they find those, but they don't include them in books because they don't fit the evolutionary model.
Also, take a look when you see strata that are laid down by millions and millions of years.
Look at the rock strata. Sometimes what you'll see are these folds. Now, these folds are parallel lines.
Folds in parallel lines means that whatever is laid down was pliable.
Well, that's consistent with a flood. And a lot of sediment comes down and then there's movement of the
Earth's crust. Whatever you want to call it, whatever would happen. Volcanism. It could be any kinds of things. And then it's folded and it gets solidified and then we see it.
But here's the thing about some of those lines. Take a look at them and notice how smooth they are.
I remember seeing a video once where a guy said, look, see this behind me is 600 million years vertical, they say, of rock strata.
There's this. He started pointing out different time frames. He says, now look at the lines. He says, why are they all straight?
And I'm like, well, what's that got to do with anything? He said, they're all straight. Straight. If it takes thousands and thousands of years for sediment to fall and dust and everything to be formed on a surface of land, there's going to be flooding, there's going to be rain, there's going to be earthquakes, so they wouldn't be flat, they wouldn't be straight.
And the light went on. I went, oh my goodness, he's right. If it's all straight, that's consistent with a flood.
You see, there's all kinds of stuff here. Plus, carbon -14 has a half -life of 5 ,730 years.
And carbon -14 is necessary for life, and it's one of the elements that we need. A half -life means that if there was a gram of carbon -14 just sitting there, one gram, in 5 ,730 years, it's half a gram because it dissipates.
It's called a half -life. Right. Long story short, after 93 ,000 years, there's no carbon -14 left in an organism.
So I use a squirrel as an example. A squirrel is going around doing its squirrel business, and he's eating and breathing, and in that process, carbon -14 is absorbed into his body.
When the squirrel dies, suddenly gets buried by mud, he's fossilized. It takes a long time, and the carbon -14 starts decaying at that point.
It's always decaying, but there's no new stuff coming in. So this means that after 93 ,000 years, there's going to be no carbon -14 in him.
That's just what it means. So if they find a squirrel that's buried, and they date it, oh, it's 6 ,000 years old, 7 ,000 years old, 20 ,000 years old, okay, that's what they'll do.
But it can never be 200 ,000 years old because it doesn't work with carbon -14. They're finding carbon -14 in diamonds and coal shales, which are supposed to be millions of years old.
Why is that? That's a problem. But you don't hear about it. Furthermore...
Matt, I've... Yeah? Oh, sorry. I can give you more. I can give you more why there's problems. Go ahead. Well, I have just one more question.
Do you think there's any merit to the theory that dinosaurs happened between Genesis 1 -1 and 1 -2?
It's called the gap theory. No, I don't buy into the gap theory that was all kinds of problems and everything.
No. Job describes dinosaurs. Read the last two or three chapters of Job.
You'll see a land -based creature and a water -based creature. And it's not just like a hippo and an elephant.
I mean, you read through it, you know, it breathes forth fire. Where do the Chinese get the fire -breathing dragon legend from?
But it breathes forth fire, it says. It's huge. Its tail moves the river.
You know, it's just... They're humongous things. You can't kill them with javelins. Okay, you can kill elephants and hippos and stuff with javelins and crocodiles.
You can. But he said, these you can't. They're just too big. So, get this.
So the scientists, they have rock layers. They're stratigraphically dated.
So they do it because they look at it. Well, this has this kind of fossilization of shells in it or this has this vertebrates or mollusks or invertebrates, whatever it is.
And so what they'll do is they'll say... That's how old this is. Okay, well, anyway. Pleistocene rock layer positioning.
1 .6 million years old, they say. But rubidium strontium dating methodology, radiometric dating method, says it's 770 million years old.
Or upper Miocene to Pleiocene lava, which is 5 to 10 million years old, they say, is, in rubidium strontium, 30 to 40 million years old.
And it goes on like this. There are all kinds of problems in the dating methodology.
So you're pretty set on day six, dinosaurs? Yeah, no problem. No problem at all.
Okay. See, you've got to understand, science is a philosophy. Science is a philosophy.
People listen to this and say, I'm way off my rocker and that's not true. I go, no, it is true. Because it's a philosophical approach to look at the material world and learn about the material world and learn predictability.
It's philosophical because it's based on the assumption of the universality of the laws of logic.
You have to have logic to be able to apply observation, deduction, induction, abduction, whatever you want to call it, in the issue of scientific work.
So it's a philosophical assumption. You can't use science to validate the laws of logic. You presuppose their validity.
That's a philosophy. Furthermore, they presuppose what's called uniformitarianism.
That is the idea that the land, that the earth has basically always been the same and everything works the same way.
Basically, they recognize certain catastrophes here and there. But it's uniformitarianism. They assume that.
They also assume that the laws of physics are the same everywhere. It's just assumptions. So it's a philosophical approach.
And then what they'll do is they'll look at these things and then they impose upon them certain values that are consistent with their worldview.
And if the Bible says it's 6 ,000 years old, if it does, and if the earth is 6 ,000 years old, then it's not enough time for dinosaurs to evolve.
But you can't have that. Therefore, they have to make the evidence fit their theory.
And they do. There's lots of counter -evidence to evolution. There's lots of books written about it that are counter -evidential.
But this stuff is not taught in schools. It's not taught because it doesn't fit the way you're supposed to talk.
And plus, check this out. Some years ago, it was discovered that human
DNA has a high mutation rate and is deteriorating at an alarming rate. Calculations based on the accumulation of detrimental mutations in just the mitochondrial
DNA genome alone suggest that the evolutionary ancestral line leading to humans would have become extinct after 20 million years.
Yeah, I don't believe in evolution myself. I do think it's suspicious, though, that they don't find human fossils with the dinosaur fossils.
In Paluxy Riverbed, they found human footprints with dinosaur footprints. They're trying to explain that.
But Job describes them, I believe that dinosaurs and humans were contemporaneous. What? Can you say that riverbed again?
What was that? I believe dinosaurs and humans live at the same time. Not all of them. No, no, no, no.
The riverbed with the human footprints. Paluxy. P -A -L -U -X -Y. Paluxy Riverbed.
Paluxy. Check it out. And you'll see, Oh, it can't be true because... And you'll see a lot of that.
But look at the pictures. And it's just like, How did the dinosaurs and the human footprints get intermixed?
I'm going to check that out. That is very interesting. Yeah. Okay. Lots of stuff, man.
Thank you. I appreciate it. All right, buddy. God bless. All right. Take care. All right.
All right. Next longest waiting person is Glenn from Virginia. Glenn, welcome down here. Yes. My question is,
Why do people think that only the first five books count?
Well, because you're mistaken. Because you're mistaken. So, for example, if you were to go to where Jesus said in Luke 24, 45, okay?
Luke 24, 45. He opened his mind and his scriptures, and verse 44, actually,
Jesus says, These are my words which I spoke to you while I was with you, that all things that are written about me in the law of Moses, and the prophets, and the
Psalms must be fulfilled. So he's authenticating all of the books, not just the first five.
Okay? Those people are mistaken. Luke 24, 44.
Okay? Luke 24, 44. All right? Luke 24, 44.
Okay, big man? All right. Okay. Okay.
Talk to you later, man. God bless. All right. Let's see who's next waiting. That would be Rebecca from Utah.
Rebecca, welcome here on the air. You there?
Hello. Hello. Okay. Well, let's bail on now.
We've got one minute left. Let's get to Rebecca from Ohio. Rebecca, welcome. You're on the air. We've got about a minute left. Well, hello there.
This is about the Olympics recently, and I have some thoughts on that that's come up with some
Christian family members. Number one, the first thing that happened was terrible, the depiction of the
Last Supper. But then it got worse when the male dressed or pretended to be a female or whatever they do and boxed, you know, with the female.
So, I mean, the whole thing is evil to me. So if I were over there, here's my question to you.
Had you actually been over there, would you have stayed, number one? Number two, should people listening to it and watching it support it?
I'm talking about Christians. And lastly, what would Jesus have done had he been there?
I would just like to hear what your thoughts are on all that. Yeah, I can't tell you what Jesus would have done.
But I can tell you what I would do. And I'm doing what I'm doing now. I'm not watching the Olympics. Well, me neither.
And so I just can't see it. It's lost its integrity.
It's lost its honor. It's bad. And there's the music. We're out of time. Darn. We'll call back in about two days.
All right. God bless. All right. We'll see you. Hey, folks, sorry about that. We're out of time. May the
Lord bless you. I'll be off the air live next week. A lot of reruns next week. And we'll talk to you in about 10 days.