Gospel Coalition is an Infinite Milk Machine

AD Robles iconAD Robles




You know, one of the things that the Gospel Coalition has in common with the kind of mainstream entertainment media is that it gives you just enough information to make you feel like you're learning and to make you feel like you understand the issues, but not enough to actually make you understand those issues.
It's not very helpful. It's like perpetual milk for the rest of your life. And the thing is, milk is great when you're a kid and you're a child, you know, you're lying your mother.
And so your mother's milk is exactly what you need. Very high fat content. It's got all the right nutrients and all of that kind of thing.
And it's perfect. But as you grow up, you get weaned and eventually you need other kinds of food.
You need solid food and you need to grow up in every way. And part of that is you're you're weaned off your mother's milk.
Gospel Coalition never wants to wean you. It always wants you to be suckling at the teat of their never ending milk spigot.
That's a horrible mental image, but that's that's essentially what Gospel Coalition and the mainstream media is.
You know, if you took investment advice from Jim Cramer, for example, an entertaining news guy, you know, depending on if you think he's entertaining or not, but that's what he is.
He's an entertainer. He recently said that we're about to enter a 1920 style boom time.
I mean, that basically tells me that we're near the top and things are about to get topsy turvy really quick. I mean, you basically need to do the opposite of what the mainstream media tells you to do in order to get things right.
But anyway, the point is, though, that this is just this is what
Gospel Coalition is. It's a never ending milk spigot. And so it's not that everything that they say is wrong.
It's just that they don't give you enough information to actually really understand anything. And that's unbecoming of a
Christian. We get why the mainstream media does that, because they have an alternative agenda. I mean, they want you subservient.
They want you to be in a constant, perpetual state of slavery. They want you to be able to believe one day when they tell you two plus two equals five.
That's what they want. They want you constantly at their mercy. They want to control what truth is. They want to be
God. It's unreal for me to see Gospel Coalition doing the same thing. There's so many examples of this, but this is the example
I want to use today. Everyone's talking about inflation and understandably so. I mean, if you believe the
CPI numbers, which I don't understand why anyone would believe the CPI numbers, but if you did believe the
CPI numbers, it's as bad as it's been in many decades. But in reality, it's as bad as it's ever been in the
United States. And if you want a good video, I'm going to put in the link here a link in the description of this video, the
Peter Schiff podcast, where he explains why the CPI is rigged to understate inflation, exactly how they do it and exactly why they do it.
It's very beneficial for the government to understate inflation. But even with their understated numbers, it's a terrible situation that we find ourselves in.
The reality is, and if you go to the grocery store, you know, this inflation is about 15 percent, maybe even more than that.
It's a really bad situation. That means that 15 percent less purchasing power your dollars have today than they did last year at this time.
And it's not transitory. They've been saying it's transitory for quite some time, but it's not. It's going to be persistent.
So prices are going up and they're going to continue to go up for a very long time. This is very harmful, by the way, to the poorest among us.
This is something that if you love your neighbor and if you love poor people, then you need to figure out how to stop this inflation.
And we need to do that right away. But anyway, I wanted to talk about this. So Bloomberg, this is an article from Bloomberg, right?
And it talks about Argentina, which has gone through a very high, high inflationary period.
I think it's hyperinflation even in Argentina at this point. And Argentinians are giving advice to Americans on how to deal with inflation.
By the way, the mainstream media is in overdrive right now trying to get us to accept lower standards of living to say it's really no big deal.
It's actually good. This is how we should live. You know, it's not you know, inflation is normal.
It's anything but normal. It doesn't have to exist. It's not. That's not the case at all. But anyway, this article is not terrible.
I mean, it gives some pretty decent advice. You know what to how to deal with an inflationary period. I mean, there's some really bad advice here as well, like buying cars.
Why would you go into consumer debt to buy a car in an inflationary period? Well, I don't know, but whatever. Inflation link bonds.
I mean, I guess it's better than a regular bond, but it's really also pretty awful as well, especially when you're using a rigged
CPI negotiating pay raises. Yeah, of course, that'll help. But let's just face it.
Your pay raise is probably not going to be 15%. If you didn't get 15 % pay raise in 2021, you actually got a pay decrease according to inflation.
But anyway, but so there's some decent stuff here. But but there's also a lot of really terrible advice as well, because it's actually a lot more complicated than it makes it seem here.
So here's one of the headlines in Bloomberg. It says borrow lots of money. Don't hesitate to borrow money to finance a big purchase.
If you can get a loan at a rate below inflation, then go for it. Inflation will make it easier to repay the loan in coming months and years.
And so, you know, in theory, he's right, right? Whoever wrote this article, right? If you can get a loan at a rate less than inflation, that's probably a good thing, since the loan is actually less valuable to the lender because of inflation and more valuable to you because you get the stuff at a rate that actually ends up you end up end up winning than if you just had cash, right?
You didn't even have the loan. And so that's a good point. But the thing is, this is not this is not a viable solution.
This is not wise for just anybody, because what it doesn't take into account, this is where this is where thinking like a child kind of comes into play, right?
It doesn't take into account any other variables, because here's the reality. If you're on the margins, you're on the poor side of people in the
United States, borrowing money for you is extremely risky. Yes, mathematically, it's good because you have a lower interest rate than the rate of inflation.
Mathematically, that makes sense. But when you consider the risk associated with borrowing money, when you're on the margins, listen, the inflationary environment we're heading into, we're already in is devastating to the economy.
And the poorest among us, the people that are on the margins, the people in the service sector, you know, they're going to have a tough go of it.
Not only are they going to have a hard time affording things when they do have a job, but the reality is that the economy is in really poor shape right now.
Ignore the stock market for a second. The stock market and the economy are two different things. The economy is in very poor shape right now.
So you could find yourself mathematically doing the right thing by borrowing money. But actually, because of the risk associated, now you're out of a job.
Now you're in a worse situation than you were in because you borrowed money to buy a car or something like that.
Borrowing money makes perfect sense for a real estate investor, someone with a good net worth that has some margin of error and stuff like that, where the risk is still there, but it's not quite as risky for them.
It makes perfect sense. Mathematically, you're going to win. But this is terrible advice for certain people.
The point is that it doesn't give you all the information. It doesn't help you to think like an adult. It just gives you these kind of platitudes that I guess make sense for some people, but it just kind of puts it out there like, well, it's no brainer.
And it's like, you know, this is just terrible advice. Now, Gospel Coalition is very similar. You know what
I mean? Gospel Coalition is very similar. This is an article where Joe Carter is trying to sort of give you sort of the basics about inflation, and he says that he doesn't want to give you a theology of economics.
He doesn't really want to give you, you know, the morality of it. He's just going to tell you about what inflation is.
And there's some decent stuff in here. He talks about how inflation makes you poorer because if the value of your dollars is less than it was yesterday, and you have the same amount of dollars, well, you're actually poorer because the value that you, like your wealth has really nothing to do with the amount of money you have.
It only has something to do with the amount of stuff you can get for your money. So, you know, I've heard people say it like this.
Like, if you had a million dollars on a deserted island and you're all by yourself, are you wealthy? No, you're not.
Because while you have a million dollars, and most people would feel wealthy if they had a million dollars in their bank account right now, if you could buy nothing with it, then you're not wealthy.
Wealth is not about the amount of dollars in your bank account. It's about what the dollars can get you, the kind of stuff that you can acquire with the money that you have.
And so he's right. Yeah, inflation makes us poorer and things like that. And he kind of just kind of generally sort of says, well, you know, it's like inflation is just the increase of the prices of goods.
And it's just when everything goes up, that's what inflation is. And here's the rate and stuff like that. And he also says, oh, and then by the way, deflation is also terrible.
Deflation is terrible. And so let's think this through. Let's think this through, because this is where he starts to treat you like a child.
Like, first of all, inflation isn't what isn't price increases because prices rise and fall.
That's not what inflation is. Inflation is an increase in the money supply. It's an increase in demand.
In other words, the dollars chasing stuff without an increase in the supply, the amount of stuff that's available.
And so because there's not as much stuff available as there are dollars chasing it, prices go up and it's about money.
Inflation is a monetary issue. It's about money printing. And so when he tells you that inflation is just prices going up, he's actually not giving you the full truth here.
And because he doesn't give you the full truth, he doesn't actually help you understand the issues and understand as a
Christian what you should be interested in regarding inflation. Because the Bible actually does address situations like the money printing that goes on, essentially the counterfeiting that the
Federal Reserve does all the time. It addresses that stuff directly. It's a judgment from God.
It's stealing. And the Bible talks about it. And so Joe Carter should talk about it, but he won't.
He gives you half truth. So let's think this through for a second, because Joe Carter is trying to say here that deflation is actually a bad thing, just like inflation is.
And the way he described inflation is that your dollar buys less than it used to. Let's think this through.
If that's what inflation is, then deflation means that your dollar buys more than it used to.
Would anybody think it's a bad thing that if your dollar was more valuable than it is today, tomorrow?
Like if I had a dollar and today I can buy a candy bar with it, but tomorrow I can buy two candy bars with it, wouldn't
I be in a better situation? I'd be more wealthy. Now, obviously, candy bars aren't very good for you, but you understand my point.
So he just kind of puts that out. It's dangerous, too. But he doesn't really explain why it's dangerous. He doesn't really explain that at all.
And in fact, if you take him at face value about what inflation is, then deflation would actually be a good thing.
The lower the cost of living that you have is, is a good thing. Everybody's trying to lower their cost of living.
So you see what I'm saying? Like, he doesn't give you all the information. Now, I bet you Joe Carter understands full well why deflation is risky, at least the way he understands it.
I bet you he knows full well that inflation is not just a general increase in the prices of goods and services, that it's actually a monetary issue.
There's too much money out there chasing too few goods. And that's what inflation is. I think he understands that, but he doesn't tell you.
And maybe he just doesn't think you'll understand. Maybe he thinks you're a big dum -dum. But what I actually think is going on is he doesn't actually want to tell you what the scriptures say about this, about this issue, because then it would be very clear who the villains are in the story.
It's every single person that is promoting deficit spending. Those are the villains. It's every single person that promotes welfare programs when we don't have the money to afford the welfare programs.
Like, it'd be one thing if we, you know, we pose a new welfare program. He said, OK, but we have to raise taxes.
So it's like, look, this is totally immoral. Don't get me wrong. This is immoral, but it'd be at least a little bit more honest if we were like,
OK, look, we're going to have to we're going to we're going to we're going to take care of the poor and we're going to raise everybody's taxes a certain amount in order to pay for it.
That's not what we do. That's not what we do. Taxes don't typically go up because it's very difficult to raise taxes, at least in our country.
It is what we say as well. We'll definitely have a free lunch here. We're definitely going to have a free lunch here. We're going to have all this welfare and it all pays for itself.
So your taxes don't have to go up. What we really do is we counterfeit more money. We print more money and inflation goes up and up and up.
And the Republicans are by no means innocent of this. The Democrats are just slightly faster money printers.
But that's just it. It's just slightly faster. They seem to have no breaks. The Republicans have like breaks that, you know, maybe they should have been serviced like 10 years ago and they kind of work, but they really don't work like that kind of thing.
That's what's going on here. So these are the villains. These are the villains of the whole government structure that we have right now are the reason why we have inflation the way we do.
And here's what I want to say. He also, you know, before I get into this, into the end here, trust not in gold.
So he understands what a lot of Christians think that we need to have a more honest money supply.
And gold is what God provided us for money. I mean, God provided, he put gold into the earth and he told us what gold was for.
It's a very beautiful thing. It's a very valuable thing. And he says, don't go back to the gold standard. Nope, nope, nope, nope.
See, because prices won't be stable with the gold standard because then we won't be in control of our money supply.
Other people will. And it's like, well, listen, but we need to have money, Joe. So I know you want to make this like a simple, you're just a propaganda machine.
I get it. And by the way, guys, if anything could convince me that Joe was an asset, it'd be this one.
It'd be this one. But we obviously need to have money, but we need to have a free market money. We need to have a money that is not controlled by a central bank.
That's beside the point. Here's the reality. There's a problem coming. There's a problem coming.
And the Federal Reserve is going to have a decision to make because if they raise interest rates the way they need to raise interest rates to fight inflation, it's going to bankrupt the government.
The government will default on its debt. Peter Schiff the other day said, even if they rose them to 5%, which is not enough to defeat inflation, 5 % interest rates, the government's payments to service their debt are completely unaffordable.
So the government would default. So that's one option. The Federal Reserve can make the federal government default on its debt or they could do the right thing and protect the value of the money in your pocket.
What do you think the Federal Reserve is going to do? Do you think they're going to do what needs to be done to vanquish inflation even if it bankrupts the federal government?
Or are they going to do the moral thing and let the market actually dictate interest rates and all of that kind of thing in order to protect the value of the money in your pocket and my pocket?
What do you think they're going to do? The reality is that inflation is not going away anytime soon.
And even if it, like, let's say this year it's 15 % and the next year it's 10%, people are going to feel good about that.
It's like, that's not good. 2 % inflation is not good. The lowering of your standard of living year by year by year is not a good thing at any rate.
It's a bad thing. It's making us all poorer. And that's a problem. That's a problem, especially when it's so immoral and so dishonest.
And it's not a natural occurrence. It's not a natural force. It's not like that at all. This has all been manipulated by people who hate you and hate
God. So they're going to do everything they can to steal and cheat as much as possible. Joe Carter won't call it what it is because Joe Carter's probably on the payroll, allegedly.
But I will. And so here's the thing, guys. At this point, any of your friends that are still read
Gospel Coalition, you need to help them because Gospel Coalition has kept them a child for so long.