Watch These ‘God Is A Woman’ Arguments Get DESTROYED!
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My Previous Video On The Divine Feminine:
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- Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
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- Christian commentary about the things that matter. In today's video, I will be responding to arguments that came in the wake of one of my previous videos about Jen Hatmaker and the so -called
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- Divine Feminine. Go ahead and check that out, link in description if you haven't already. Just to be clear, my argument is a fairly simple one.
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- God is referred to thousands of times in the Bible using masculine pronouns. The words
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- Father, Son, He, Him, and His are used for God over and over and over again, even in the original languages.
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- It's really not complicated to see, all you have to do is read the Bible. But there are many progressive
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- Christians who simply want to make this more complicated than it needs to be. Let's analyze a few of their most compelling arguments today.
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- The first argument is that God can be referred to with interchangeably masculine and feminine pronouns because God made both man and woman in His own image.
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- After all, Genesis 127 does indeed say, quote, So God created man in His own image.
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- In the image of God He created him, male and female, He created them, end quote. Therefore, some have argued that God must be interchangeably masculine and feminine in the same way that men and women are interchangeably made in the image of God.
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- But this argument simply doesn't work at all. It sounds great on paper, but it really doesn't work out in practice.
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- God is called the Father, never called the Mother. Jesus is called the Son, never called the
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- Daughter of God. So if you're going to suggest that men and women being made in the image of God means that God must be referred to interchangeably with both masculine and feminine terms at the same ratio or something like that, you also then need to explain why the
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- Word of God never actually talks about God that way. Are you smarter than the Word of God? Are you more enlightened than the
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- Word of God? Let me tell you humbly today that you are not. So when you try to make up your own terms to refer to God, like the
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- Divine Feminine, for instance, or call Him a she, you're simply being a fool. Proverbs 12, 15 says, quote,
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- The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice, end quote.
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- So follow what the Word of God says about how we ought to talk about God. Don't try to be wise in your own eyes.
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- So first off, the fact that both men and women are said to be made in the image of God is true, but it does not give you the right then to call
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- God he and she interchangeably. Because again, the Bible doesn't do that. So to do this would contradict
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- God's Word. The second argument some have given with regards to the Divine Feminine idea is about the
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- Holy Spirit, God, the third person of the Trinity. And in Genesis 1 -2, it does indeed say, quote,
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- The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters, end quote.
- 03:01
- Now many have noted that the Spirit of God here is, in Hebrew, the word ruach, which is in the feminine gender.
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- More than this, the Greek word for the Spirit of God, pneuma, is also in the neuter form grammatically.
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- That is to say, it is not masculine or feminine, it's something else. Some have used these examples to suggest that the
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- Holy Spirit is the female half of God, or that we ought to refer to the Holy Spirit with it or she, rather than he.
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- But this has absolutely no evidence to back it up. For starters, the grammatical gendered form of a word has nothing to do with it being male or female, or even referring to a male or a female.
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- This has to be deduced from the context in which the word is used, and what is a valid theological interpretation of the passage, given the rest of Holy Scripture.
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- For instance, the word for book in the Spanish language is el libro, it's grammatically masculine, and the word for school is la escuela, it's grammatically feminine.
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- Should we then deduce that when a girl reads a book she's being masculine, and that when a boy goes to school he's being feminine?
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- No, because that's not how language works, and that's not the meaning that the language is trying to convey.
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- For another example, the word sin in Greek is grammatically a feminine word. Does that then mean that only women sin, or that sinning is a uniquely feminine thing to do?
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- No, not at all. In fact, we know from Romans 3 .23 that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, men and women.
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- More than this, coming back to the example at hand, it may interest you to know that the Aramaic word for Holy Spirit in the
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- Bible is actually masculine. So here we have three different grammatically gendered words used for the
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- Holy Spirit. Therefore, clearly the idea of you hanging your hat on the fact that the Hebrew word for the
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- Holy Spirit is feminine as the crux of your argument is foolish, and it doesn't prove anything.
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- Let us instead look at the pronouns that are used with direct reference to the personhood of the
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- Holy Spirit in Scripture in their context. Now I will admit I'm a bit out of my depth here.
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- I'm not a Greek scholar. So I will refer you to an excellent Greek scholar named Bill Mounce in an article he wrote which will be linked in the description.
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- In this article, he notes that in John 16 .13 Jesus says this, quote, Now Bill makes the case that though the
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- Greek word for Spirit, pneuma, is in the neuter form, the word for the action which the
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- Spirit takes is masculine. So given the theological and grammatical context, as well as the extensive scholarly work done over thousands of years of Church history on this topic, the truth is not hard to see.
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- The translators of literally every Orthodox Bible translation have used the word he for the
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- Holy Spirit, because that is clearly indicated by the Biblical text in the original language.
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- After all, why would we use the words he and him to talk about the Father and the Son, which are also masculine words, by the way, and then call the
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- Holy Spirit a she or an it? It simply doesn't make any sense, and it's not Orthodox. So this brings me to another argument that people have used.
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- What about the fact that there are sometimes analogies for God's activity, which include references to mothers, or female people, or even female animals?
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- Let me give you an example. In Luke 13, 34, Jesus himself says this, quote, And you were not willing, end quote.
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- So some will say, look, there you have it. Jesus says that he's a she. He's like a mother hen, he says.
- 07:01
- So God actually is feminine, and there really is a sense in which we can call God our mother, and we can call
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- God a she. But not so fast there, cowboy. Let's look at the text for just a moment. What is
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- Jesus trying to illustrate? He's saying that he would gather the people of Jerusalem under his wings like a mother hen gathers her chicks.
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- If this means that Jesus was female, or that he's a she, then it just as easily means that Jesus is a female chicken.
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- If we're going to take this analogy literally, we have to say that Jesus is a female flightless bird, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem are a bunch of little yellow birds in an incubator who just hatched out of an egg.
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- Obviously, this isn't meant to be taken literally. All we should take away from this is that Jesus has attempted to gather the people of Israel, and they rebelled.
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- The analogy that he gives to express this involves a hen and her brood.
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- Jesus is no more a woman or a she than he's a chicken, and the people who use this passage to defend the divine feminine idea are either being foolish or completely dishonest with you.
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- If you want an actual example, though, of how Jesus literally presents himself in his word, look no further than the fact that Jesus was a biological man.
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- And I mean this literally. I'm not talking about a parable or a metaphor here. Galatians 4 .4 says,
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- This passage clearly recognizes that Jesus was physically and biologically a man, a son, and his mother
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- Mary was a biological woman. This is really easy to see if you aren't blinded by the toxic, militant, feminist agenda which seems determined to distort everything about true
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- Christianity. But that's a topic for another time. The final argument, though, that people will use is that God cannot actually be masculine or feminine, or talked about in such a way, because God is spirit.
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- He's not a human. And part of that is true. John 4 .24 does say, This means a few things.
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- And what I'm about to say also goes for the pre -incarnation Jesus, that is, Jesus before he had a body.
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- God the Father and God the Holy Spirit and Jesus before the incarnation do not have physical human bodies.
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- And therefore, they do not have male reproductive organs or male genetics. As such, they cannot literally be called men, and they cannot be called masculine in a purely human sense, because by definition, they are not male human beings.
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- Let us not forget, though, that Jesus was incarnated and came to earth as a biological man.
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- There is significance to that. And he continues to have a resurrected male body to this very day as well.
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- See Philippians 3 .21. The point here is that I want to make a distinction between God being presented with masculine terms and with masculine language in Scripture versus him being physically male, or literally masculine in a human sense.
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- When I say that God the Father is masculine, or that the Holy Spirit is masculine, I'm not saying that they like motorcycles, or that they prefer the color blue to the color pink, or that they would rather watch a movie about monster trucks than watch a rom -com.
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- Nor am I saying that God is a physical man who likes to wear leather jackets and trucker hats. That's not the point at all.
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- To say that would limit God to our own colloquial human perspective, rather than simply letting
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- His Word speak about His nature all on its own. Again, God is Spirit, but He is also personal.
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- He's not merely a substance. He talks. He acts. He moves. He creates. He enters into covenants with people.
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- God is a person, not a thing. And when we talk about God personally, or in a personal way, we use masculine language, because that's how the
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- Bible reveals Him personally. So just to be clear, when I say that God is masculine, what
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- I mean to say is that every person in the Trinity is consistently presented to us in masculine terms.
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- Therefore, we ought to refer to God directly using masculine terms. That means phrases like,
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- The Divine Feminine, or God is a Woman, or Mother God, are terms that I reject outright, because they're not
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- Biblical at all. They're false teaching. That's the point. So to summarize, I'm merely saying that we should talk about God in the way
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- He is presented in His Word. That's all this is. God is referred to as He, and not
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- She. That is consistent, clear, and it's all over Scripture. This does not mean, though, that every member of the
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- Trinity is a physical man. Only Christ is. And it also takes nothing away from the fact that women are made in the image of God.
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- Any attempt to present God as broadly feminine, or as a Divine Feminine Presence, or what might be personally classified as a
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- She, is wrong. This kind of false teaching, and that's what it is, it comes out of the modern feminist movement as it swallows up everything in its path.
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- It is nothing short of idolatry. The worship of goddesses has been happening for thousands of years, and modern feminism is just one more iteration of that horrible idea.
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- But the Church will not be devoured by the evils of this ideology. So let's take a stand together, and fight it as a
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- Church body, collectively. Let's send this false doctrine back to the proverbial pit that it slithered out of.
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- Let's pray that our churches would be doctrinally pure, and that we would stand on the truth of God's Word.
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- Thank you so much for watching that video. Please give us a like and subscribe so that you don't miss any content.
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- And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you, and God bless.