Megachurch Pastor REFUSES To Give God ANY Credit!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. For those of you who don't know, a megachurch is basically a church that has a ton of people who attend it.
It's a pretty basic concept. Of course, there are good megachurches and there are bad megachurches.
For example, Joel Osteen is a heretic and has a bad megachurch, but John MacArthur is an orthodox biblical teacher and has a good megachurch.
Now, personally, I don't think the megachurch model is a particularly good one, even if the pastor does have sound doctrine.
I think that megachurches have a distinct habit of consistently exalting their lead pastor and just overall developing a toxic culture.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that every megachurch is bad and unbiblical, I just gave you an example of one that I think is good.
I'm simply saying that I don't think it's an ideal church model that everyone should try to pursue, and most megachurches today are doctrinally compromised to one degree or another.
Unfortunately, that has become an indisputable fact. But that's a topic for another video. For now, all you need to know is that there is a megachurch called
Hope City Church in Houston, Texas, and in charge of this megachurch is Pastor Jeremy Foster.
But in Jeremy's search for relevance, he's also made his church into a seeker -sensitive church, which means he's got all the bells and whistles and smoke and mirrors to convince people that church can be entertaining.
But in addition to these things, he's also got a very troubling interpretation of scripture. And let me show you a prime example of that in this video, where Jeremy says that God did not save Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the fiery furnace in the book of Daniel.
Rather, he believes that the pagan king Nebuchadnezzar did this. Here's the clip. So let's deal with this horrible teaching, and that's what it is, it's horrible, with three biblical points.
Number one, it was God who saved these men, not King Nebuchadnezzar. If you simply read the passage, it's pretty clear in the passage that Nebuchadnezzar was the one who put them in the furnace, and God was the one who delivered them.
In fact, even the people who actually experienced this event, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who were in the furnace themselves, they would disagree strongly with the way
Pastor Jeremy interprets this situation. In Daniel 3 .17, these three men say the following,
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego clearly say that if they escape from death here, it will have been
God who delivered them, not the king. In fact, the men actually say that if they make it out alive,
God will have delivered them, quote, out of the king's own hand. This happened against the king, not because of the king.
And therefore, according to the actual participants of the fiery furnace event, it is
God who deserves the credit for all of this. But of course, Pastor Jeremy is so utterly desperate for attention that he feels that he has a better interpretation than Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, and the
Bible itself. Just to hammer home this point, let me make this even more clear. Even if the king was the one who delivered them,
Proverbs 21 .1 says, quote, the king's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the
Lord. He turns it wherever he wills. Even if Nebuchadnezzar's heart was changed in order to deliver them, it was
God who did the changing. So God is completely sovereign over this whole entire event, no matter which way you cut it, and he deserves to be praised for it, not the king.
Number two, not only was it God who saved them, but it's actually sinful to suggest otherwise.
This man is refusing to give God the credit he deserves, and in so doing, he's actually praising a pagan king rather than the
Most High God. Take a moment to think about the irony of this situation. Think about how backwards this is.
We have a supposed pastor, a hypothetical teacher of God's Word, praising the work of a wicked pagan king,
Nebuchadnezzar, in Scripture rather than the work of God Almighty. This is absolutely disgusting behavior, and it's tragic that he's bringing thousands of his followers into his sin.
As Christians, it is imperative that we give God all of his credit. Psalm 77 verse 11 says, quote,
I will remember the deeds of the Lord. Yes, I will remember your wonders of old. The Bible encourages us to praise
God for his wondrous deeds throughout Scripture, because that makes us honor and worship him all the more.
And modern Christians, thankfully, have been given plenty of opportunity from the Lord to worship him for all the amazing things he's done in the
Bible. But instead, these trendy pastors want to give Nebuchadnezzar the credit for works that rightfully belong to God.
Jeremy Foster, this is a pathetic excuse for a sermon. I mean, mistaking this guy's teaching for a biblical sermon is like mistaking a rat for a grizzly bear or a goldfish for a great white shark.
You've got to be completely confused, if not blind, to make this mistake. Number three, beware of pastors like this who insist on having creative interpretations of every passage they read.
They're trying desperately to get your attention, but in order to get that attention, they're completely willing to deny the
Word of God and mishandle it on stage. This pastor, Jeremy Foster, literally says,
God didn't save them. He's in the furnace with them, like, I like this. Let's go. No, I don't think
Scripture says that God was in there saying, let's go, or this is lit. No, God didn't say any of that.
Seriously, in trying to have a trendy interpretation of this passage, something cool, something new, he's actually lost the true meaning of the passage, which it's his job to preach, and that is all too common in today's modern megachurches.
Pastors will try to make as unbiblical a statement as they possibly can, like, God didn't save them from the furnace.
This is a new trend, and then they pause for dramatic effect so they can relish all the attention and all the controversy this is creating, and then they somehow try to spend the rest of their time on stage twisting the
Scriptures to fit this unbiblical statement into the biblical narrative and make themselves look all creative and smart and innovative and cool.
The Bible, on the other hand, in 2 Timothy 4 .2 says, quote, preach the Word. That's the job of a pastor.
It doesn't say, make the Word more interesting, and it doesn't say, preach your opinion about God's Word. No, it simply says to preach the
Word as it has been written. The Bible doesn't need us to dress it up or to make it more effective. The Word of God is effective in and of itself, and guys like this, pastors like this, are really just demonstrating that they don't trust
God's Word. They trust themselves. That's why they preach their own opinion rather than God's Word.
So guys, stay away from churches like these. Find a good, solid church that has expository preaching through books of the
Bible, and beware of pastors who are looking for attention in the way they talk or the way they dress or the way they conduct themselves.
More often than not, these people are attention hogs rather than true men of biblical wisdom.
And honestly, pray for Jeremy Foster, this poor excuse for a pastor, and pray for all the people he's misleading, that they would turn away from this foolishness and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.