“All Will Want to Know!” – FBC Morning Light (12/14/2023)


A brief bit of encouragement for your journey from God’s Word. Today’s Scripture reading: Micah 3-4 / Revelation 11


Well, a good Thursday morning to you. Today we're reading in Micah chapters 3 and 4 and Revelation chapter 11.
I want to look at Micah chapter 4. There's this, the opening couple of verses are,
I think, describing a day that all true believers long for.
Listen to what these verses say. It says, It shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the house of the
Lord shall be established as the highest of the mountains, and it shall be lifted up above the hills, and peoples shall flow to it, and many nations shall come and say,
Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob, that he may teach us his ways, that we may walk in his paths.
Man, when you think about nations like North Korea, Iran, Russia, China, and on and on down the list we could go, doesn't this description just make you long for that day?
Don't you long for the day when the leadership of North Korea will come to the house of the
Lord and say, Teach us your ways that we may walk in it? When the communism of China is long past history, and the leadership of China comes to the house of the
Lord and say, Teach us your ways, and so on and so forth. Absolutely.
There is coming a day when everyone will seek to be taught
God's ways that they may walk in his paths.
I long for that day. I would love to see that more and more in my own community, in our own community, and faithfully in our own church.
We would all long for the teaching of God's truth so that we might walk in his ways.
That brings up another interesting point that's brought out in verse 5. In verse 5, the prophet says,
All the peoples walk each in the name of its God, but we will walk in the name of the
Lord our God forever and ever. Here's reality. Here's where things are right now.
Everybody walks each in the name of his God, and that's exactly what people are doing. There are people who are doing that in countries that are atheistic countries, atheistic communist countries.
They say they don't believe in a God, but they've made themselves a God. That's true in our own community.
There are scores of people, the vast majority of people in our small community of 15 ,000, the vast majority of those people don't get up and go to church on Sunday morning, of any kind, any kind of a church, let alone one that faithfully preaches and teaches the
Word of God. Do they give any thought to who their God is? Maybe so. Some of those may say that they are
Christian, as opposed to maybe Buddhist or Islamic or Jewish. They would claim to be
Christian of some sort, but give no thought to the God of the
Bible, who is their God. They are, and they're walking in the ways of their
God. This is what the vast majority of the population does.
They walk in the ways of their God. But that is not to be us.
If you know Christ as your Savior, we're not going to just sit back and sit on our hands and pine for the day when all of the nations of the earth will come to the house of the
Lord and say, teach us the ways of the Lord that we may walk in his ways. No, we're not going to sit back and wait for such a thing.
We are going to commit ourselves to that way of thinking and living now.
Because the end of verse 5 says, while all the people walk each in the name of its
God, we will walk in the name of the Lord our God forever and ever.
Is that your commitment? Is that your commitment? If you go back and put verses 1 and 2 together with verse 5, you realize that to have the commitment that says,
I'm going to walk in the name of the Lord my God forever and ever, it also implies that I am going to be faithful in going to the house of my
God, that I may be taught in the ways of my God so that I can walk.
I can walk in the name of the Lord my God. If the
God of the Bible, the Lord is your God, and you are committed to walking in his ways, his name, forever and ever, do you also have the commitment to being faithful to the house of the
Lord, where you will be taught the ways of the Lord, that you might walk in the paths of the
Lord? There's some food for thought today. Our Father and our God, I pray that you would challenge us with this.
We do have something great to look forward to in the ultimate time when all nations will come before you and want to learn of you and walk in your ways.
In the meantime, Lord, challenge us to be diligent about this commitment of our lives now, personally, learning of you, walking in your ways, walking with you, we pray in Jesus' name and for his sake.
Amen. Have a great Thursday. May the Lord bless you in it.