Evangelicals Trying to Sin Their Way Out of Sin

AD Robles iconAD Robles


This is a rant. Guys, I seriously dont get it.


So I got to be honest with you. I have I have a hard time with with something, you know when when look
I'm no stranger to people disagreeing with what I say and I expect it and I Understand some of the disagreement sometimes like I get why people have the other opinion
But let me let me just be honest about something. I don't get this is something I don't understand, you know at all
Intelligent people and I'm talking people that I'm not just saying that to just sort of you know You know disparage them or I'm not just saying this just for appearances sake
I'm talking like seriously people that I think are intelligent probably smarter than me I don't get why intelligent people don't understand how evil affirmative action is
I just don't get it and and I think for some reason when you talk about affirmative action
It kind of stays in this theoretical place where you don't see it for what it actually is
And and that I don't know why it happens. It's kind of like the abortion conversation It kind of stays in this theoretical and you don't often get the passion that you should have
Knowing that there are literal babies being killed. But let me talk about what I mean So so somebody gave me an example.
Someone was pushing back on my on my Facebook Account and saying, you know, and this is this was a friendly a friendly pushback and he basically he said look, you know
Here's here's the thing like there are still systemic issues and and he gave and and good good on this guy
He actually gave an example of what he means by a systemic issue. This often doesn't happen But here's what he says He says
I think about my family history and I hear stories about my parents and grandparents went through and I know that things are
So much better But still I have almost two master's degrees and I still have to deal with systemic issues
Like for example having my house is searched by police because I was accused of being a drug kingpin
While working and living in student housing at a Christian University So this guy is saying that's an example of a systemic issue
My house was searched just because somebody made a wild accusation about me being a drug kingpin
I was at a Christian University and they searched my house just because somebody said I was a drug kingpin He's saying that's an example of a systemic injustice.
Okay, I Granted I grant it. I don't have any reason to disbelieve what he's saying, and I wouldn't want to I Think in fact if I had to put my life savings on whether or not that was actually true
I would probably put it on. Yes, that was probably actually true. But here's the thing, right would any smart right -thinking logical person say that the solution to that is to go search some white people's houses just on the basis of an accusation of Them being a drug kingpin
Would anybody think that would anybody think that let's say that there is let's say because we're talking about this
Jussie Smollett thing, right? So Jussie Smollett was was it was accusing a couple of white folks of beating him, right?
Let's just say that white people were beating blacks like like they're like there were hotcakes, right? Let's just say that that was happening
Right would any thinking right thinking logical person say the solution to that is we got to go beat up some white people
Would anybody think that let's say the police brutality thing, you know They're like like these shootings right like the
Michael Brown thing and all these things Let's just say they were all true Like those people were shot by police because they were black and the police had an itchy trigger finger
Because they were scared of black people. Let's just say the narrative is true, right? Would any reasonable person think that the solution to that was to start training cops to have an itchy trigger finger with white people, too?
No, it's obviously not the case You can't decrease police shootings in black communities by increasing them in white communities
It doesn't work that way in every one of those cases Everybody would know that the solution is to stop doing it to stop killing blacks
Like there's no tomorrow's to stop beating them up Like there's no tomorrow to stop searching their houses just because they were accused of something
Because like that like that example that this guy used it's a good one because here's the solution don't do that anymore don't just take somebody's word for it that someone's a drug kingpin and raid their house and Start making penalties for false
Accusations in other words if you rate if you if you make a false accusation against a black man saying he's a drug kingpin
Whatever would have happened to him happens to you. That's the that's the godly way to do it So number one you stop the discrimination you stop the evil and then you put in godly penalties for those false accusations
That's the solution Everybody gets that when it comes to beatings when it comes to shootings when it comes to all this other kind of stuff but for some reason we think that Partiality in our hiring practices or our schools the way to solve it is to now show
Partiality the opposite way so because we used to not let blacks into this University and so now to fix it not only do we have to stop not letting them in but we also now have to raise
The bar for whites and Asians so that they can't get in so that more blacks can get in Why is it that this one is different?
Can't you see that you cannot you cannot repent of showing partiality based on skin color by showing
Partiality based on skin color. I mean, how is that not obvious? I Really I struggle with that.
These are smart people that don't seem to get it Matt Chandler says look we need to hire more black black
Pastors, right? And so what we're going to do is we're going to disadvantage white pastors in order to hire more black pastors
Can't you see that that is trying to out sin your sin. You can't out sin your sin
That's like trying to stop cheating on your wife with Rachel But then but but the way you do it is by cheating with Monica.
It doesn't make any sense. It doesn't make any sense You can't sin your way out of sin.
Like this is a very basic thing a basic idea We can we believe it with all those other things like all those other things if you said the solution to black shootings is
To start shooting white people. Everyone would think you're nuts Obviously, but for some reason we're saying the solution discrimination based on skin color discrimination based on skin color
I mean, honestly get get a clue. I mean, this is so basic. It's so basic. I don't get it