PCUSA Is Fully Apostate


Pastor Mike discusses a May article by Al Mohler discussing Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) has voted to allow ordination of openly gay ministers. This is in direct contradiction to the holy Scripture: This is why I left you in Crete, so that you might put what remained into order, and appoint elders in every town as I directed you- if anyone is above reproach, the husband of one wife, and his children are believers and not open to the charge of debauchery or insubordination. For an overseer, as God's steward, must be above reproach. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered or a drunkard or violent or greedy for gain, but hospitable, a lover of good, self-controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined. He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it. -- Titus 1: 5-9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. -- 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 OPC and PCA churches.. and some independent Presbyterian churches like RC Sproul's church are not part of this apostasy in general. Listen in as Mike discusses this apostasy. What we do with the Bible matters.


Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ based on the theme in Galatians 2 verse 5 where the apostle
Paul said, but we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you.
In short, if you like smooth, watered down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her king.
Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio ministry. I'm your host, Mike Abendroth, and I'm actually looking outside today in beautiful downtown
Burbank. Oh, I'm just looking outside here in the suburbs of Worcester, Massachusetts, and I see nothing but blue sky.
And I have a cold anyway, so how can that be? How can it be 80 degrees outside, blue skies, and I'm in the studio, and I'm not out on my bike or something like that or out drinking
Diet Mountain Dew? By the way, for those who are interested, especially for a lady in Florida who's a regular writer,
I've gone, I think, 90 some days without aspartame. Coke Zero's gone,
Diet Mountain Dew's gone, and because of that, now God sees me as more holy than I used to be, and so I'm doing everything
I can to improve my status before God because it's all about what I can do. Of course, that's not true.
That is tongue -in -cheek, but can you imagine if you had to perform certain acts? You had to eat certain foods, not eat certain foods, dress a certain way, not dress a certain way, go to church on a certain day.
I mean, the list goes on and on and on trying to improve your status before God.
That would be very tiring. Often I say to Mormons or Jehovah's Witnesses at the door of my house that since their system is a works -based system, especially the
Jehovah's Witnesses with the 144 ,000 issue, I've seen a lot more people who are
Jehovah's Witnesses come to my door with more zealously, zealously, is that a word? With more zealousness, and you are slacking off, and you better hurry because you might miss the 144 ,000 because compared to these other people, you aren't very aggressive, you aren't very evangelistic, you aren't very works -oriented.
And so today I'm very glad that I do not have to stand before God and say
I can improve my lot in life based on something I say, do, don't say, or don't do.
We know here on No Compromise Radio that the only person who has never compromised in the world and who will never compromise has been
Christ Jesus. And we stand as Christians cloaked in his perfect righteousness, in his righteousness that never compromised.
And therefore we stand before God in Christ, no longer in Adam, we are in Christ, and therefore we are accepted by the beloved because we're accepted in the beloved.
So today on No Compromise Radio, before we start this kind of potpourri, whatever day this is, you know, many times
I like to type in to the website potpourri, but I never know how to spell it. So anyway, maybe that's a good scrabble word.
I had before me the Wildlife in the Kingdom Come book, that satire book with drawings, as they say in New England, and then a little definition of what's going on in theological life in the world back when this book was published by Ken Johnson and John Coe.
I believe it's out of print. And I like the one today. It's got a picture of a kangaroo jumping up and down with its hands up in the air.
And it's got a big smile on its face with its tongue hanging out. And last time we did, I think we did the
Arminian. We'll do the Pelagian someday soon and the Calvinist. Right here is the Charismatic. And then taxonomical terms they have underneath there with the
Latin and the Latin for the Charismatic species. Is he be, she be, fizzle, wuzzle.
I'm going to sound like I've got a smoker's cough today. That is so funny.
It's got a footnote for that Latin word. No interpretation was available at the time of publication.
Any traveler familiar with the glossolalia glades in the Spirit Baptism Outback has undoubtedly encountered its most populous resident, the
Carefree Charismatic. Having ancestral roots as distant as the early church era, this creature is thought to have evolved from the
Pentecostal, her wilder though ecclesiastically narrower parent.
The reason for the Charismatic's emergence is unclear, though some research indicates this may be the result of the dead and dry climate that has dominated the theological lands from time to time.
Of particular interest is the Charismatic's voracious appetite for the signs and wonders and signs sprigs, worship wisteria and experimental eucalyptus leaves.
Experimental, I think that's experiential. These delicacies grow in abundance in the various vineyards in which the
Charismatic frequently forages. Some have also concluded that the nutrients in this diet equips the
Charismatics with their legendary eyesight, thus her reputation for visions is unsurpassed.
That is funny. Experts further suggest that her feeding habits lend to the ecumenical company she keeps, particularly with creatures of the more sedate
Episcopal and Anglican enclaves and the Catholic Renewal coastlands. Still, it is generally agreed that Charismatics most often gather in mass around the
Maranatha Moors and the Calvary Chapel cliffs. Supporters of this jolly jumper insist that she is delightful addition to the land often filled with stuffed shirts.
Yet numerous experts of the Outback remain miffed and mystified at the rapid growth of the
Charismatic population and are uncertain whether this is ultimately good for the theological ecosystem.
They believe that the Charismatic's static bouncing is trampling all over the boundaries established by the
Word of God rangers who patrol and attempt to maintain order in the theological kingdom. Regardless of this controversy, it is clear that there are enough hands held high on behalf of the
Charismatic to keep her from going down under. Sub footnote there for the positive account of the
Charismatic, see John Wimber, misspelled, Holy Hoppers that Heal.
For a critical view of this creature can be found in John McCarthy's Leaping Loonies on the
Loose, The Ungrounded Charismatic. That's a page 60 from Wildlife in the
Kingdom Come, Ken Johnson and John Coe. Lots of truth to this.
If you are listening to that and you have no idea what I'm talking about, well, maybe you're a new listener. But as you study the
Charismatic movement or you study Pelagianism or Arminianism or Calvinism, whatever you study, this becomes more funny the more you know about it.
And so I thought that was very funny. And since it's my show, that's kind of what we do. What else do
I have here on my table this morning to talk about? We are going to talk about Al Mohler's Wednesday, May 11th entree.
And you should be reading Al Mohler. If you don't read Al Mohler, president of Southern Seminary. I was very happy when
I was asked to teach a seminary class at Southern Seminary's extension in Northborough, a preaching class to Master of Divinity students.
And I got the letter from Al Mohler asking me to teach. Now, I don't know if he signed it or someone else signed it, but as far as I'm concerned, he did.
And that was pretty exciting when that all happened. Well, Al Mohler has his Wednesday, May 11th, 2011 commentary following Jesus while rejecting the
Bible. Yet another tragedy in mainline Protestantism. So what would you think when it comes to rejecting the
Bible? What would you guess that they rejected in today's day and age?
What are they rejecting? Well, it's the PC USA, that is the
Presbyterian Church, USA Presbytery, and they have now voted to, any guesses, allow women pastors?
No, that was a long time ago. And by the way, when women are allowed to be pastors and they are allowed to be ordained and they are allowed to go against 1
Timothy 2, 3, and the list goes on, when they are allowed to exercise authority and to teach contra
Paul's instruction inspired by the Spirit of God in 1 Timothy 2, once that happens, when you make the
Bible say it's okay to exercise authority and to teach, when the Bible says it's not okay to exercise authority and teach, once you make that jump, then it doesn't matter because you use the
Bible. You utilize the Bible. You're not under the Bible in terms of God speaking and having his authority ruling over you.
You use the Bible to do whatever you want. And if you wanna use the Bible to ordain ladies, then you do that.
And then what comes? First comes love, then comes marriage. When it comes to compromise in apostate denominations, first comes women pastors, then comes homosexual ordination.
That's exactly what happens. And so they now have changed the church's constitution to allow the denominations 173
Presbyteries to ordain people. And it says without regard to sexual orientation.
And so the issue here is back in the days of the Bible, Bible teaching churches today as well, they would say that if you're a pastor, you need to be a one woman man.
That is clear in Titus 1 and 1 Timothy 3. This is clear as day. Anyone can read that and figure out what's going on.
And anyone can figure out that if you practice fornication, if you're a single pastor and you practice fornication, you're no longer to be a pastor.
That is unrighteousness that would disqualify a pastor from being a pastor.
If the pastor is married and the pastor commits adultery, that would disqualify the pastor from being a pastor.
You don't lose your salvation when you sin. We might say based on someone's record of sin and pattern of sin and length of sin, how can you call yourself a
Christian? But when it comes to sin, that is sexual sin here, when a man is no longer celibate, a single man, when a married man is no longer faithful, they're not allowed to be a pastor.
But now you can be not married, you can be a practicing homosexual and still be a pastor, still be a clergy member.
And so I find that strikingly illogical and unbiblical on many, many levels.
My name is Mike Abendroth. This is No Compromise Radio Ministry. And we are having, by the way, at our local church here in Bethlehem Bible Church, we're having all kinds of visitors from No Compromise Radio.
And the good news is the stick -to -it rate, once people come and visit has increased because if you've already listened to the show, you already know a little bit about me and a little bit about my style.
My style is on the radio, I'm just trying to figure out how to do a radio show that would be helpful to people.
And what kind of show would I like? What would I like if I were able to turn on the radio and I'd like a peppy show, an interesting show, a biblical show, provocative show, not in particular of that order, but I want to have a stimulating biblical discussion.
And I want things matter of fact. We live in such a feminine age, a feminine age, where men have to be effeminate.
And I love femininity, believe me. I loved femininity in my mom. I love femininity in my sister.
I love femininity in my wife and my three daughters, ladies at the church. I like femininity, but I don't like femininity in men.
I don't like it in men at all. I don't like that when men have been so, what word can
I use on the radio? So neutered, so sissified. I think that would be a good word to use.
I don't like that. And so when it comes to radio, if you want a man to act like a girl on the radio, then for sure this isn't your show.
This isn't the show that you like. There aren't too many other Christian radio stations around.
So if it's 3 .30 and you're in your car, I guess I've got you. Maybe I should pray that your cassette or 8 -track or do they ever have reel -to -reels in the cars?
Or your CD doesn't work. And so I just want to tell people like it is. This is the truth.
By the way, isn't that how Ezekiel preached? John the Baptist, Isaiah? Isn't that how
Jesus preached? Isn't that how Paul preached, John preached? And I think you'll find out that if you meet me in person, that I'm a fairly likable guy.
If you like the Bible, if you don't like the Bible, for sure you won't like me. But anyway, on No Compromise Radio, right now we're talking about how the
Presbyterian church, USA, has gone completely apostate. And we could all see it coming.
It's just a matter of time how they've tried to do this in 1997, 2001, 2008.
And if they just keep chipping away, it's the same philosophy when it comes to gay marriage. It's the same philosophy when it comes to trying to get
Israel back. They don't want just part of Israel, they want it all. And so now after 33 years, there are no restrictions for homosexuals, practicing homosexuals in the
Presbyterian church. And if you drive by a church and you see it says Presbyterian, you should ask yourself the question, oh, it's an
OPC church, Orthodox Presbyterian church. And then you could say to yourself, most of the time,
OPC churches teach the word. They stand for truth. They stand in the long line of Machen and truth.
And so I could easily go to OPC church or PCA church. Many, many conservative churches in the
Presbyterian church of America, PCA. And so that would be a fine church to go to. Now you have to still check the pastor and all that stuff, but nine times out of 10 or higher,
PCA would be a good church to go to, like a Ligon Duncan. And there are more independent
Presbyterian churches. If you're down in Orlando area and you went to R .C. Sproul to hear him preach at the church he's at, that would be another good
Presbyterian church. And in many respects, I am Presbyterian when it comes to soteriology and some other ologies.
But when it comes to PC USA, if you drive by a Presbyterian church and you see USA, you ought to just pray that God would give them a pastor that actually believes the
Bible. You ought to pray that God would remove that building and give it to an evangelical church.
You ought to pray that God would silence such moral blasphemy as to try to make righteousness, unrighteousness, righteous.
And again, this has nothing to do with, we are gonna run around and highly expose sin, that as long as we don't do that sin, then it's some horrible sin.
I've said here from the pulpit and I've said on the radio show that all sin's forgivable, but I am not going to celebrate any sin and I'm not gonna change the
Bible to say, now this is a new kind of behavior that God allows. And so in 1996, the denominations ordination requirements in Moeller's article, he documents this.
Fidelity within the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman are chastity and singleness. So that's exactly what the
Bible would teach, that if you're going to be ordained as a pastor, you're going to need to have fidelity in marriage, that is faithfulness, or if you're single, you need to have chastity, that is to say that you would not be committing fornication.
Now here's the new constitution. So this is a perfect show for No Compromise Radio because you can see the compromise.
What does compromise lead to? More compromise. And so don't we want to stand up for truth?
Don't we want to stand up for the American way? No, we want to stand up for the word of God.
Did you know pretty soon the American way is going to be gay marriage in every state. And if you say anything about homosexuality, like it's unrighteous behavior, like clearly in 1
Corinthians 6, along with adultery and along with all kinds of other sins, it's unrighteousness and sinful people need to have their sins forgiven by Christ Jesus.
That's the only hope for them. Soon that will be outlawed in every state, just like it's outlawed in Canada and Sweden and other places.
You can see it all coming. And so we have to stand up and tell people the truth, no matter what the cost is.
Here's the new constitutional, the new constitution for the Presbyterian USA.
I'm not going to call it a church. They can call themselves whatever they'd like, and right now they can still get a tax write -off, but they're not a church.
This is an apostate denomination, a satanic denomination. And you might say to me, yes, but I really go to a good church.
I really have a good pastor. Well, I think that good pastor is going to take you out of that particular denomination.
People say, well, you know, I'm going to stick around and try to help. That is the myth of influence. And unless you're at the very top, in this particular case, at the top of the
USA Presbyteries, you know, Presbytery, you're not going to change anything. So you need to leave.
Don't tell me all your rationale, short of, you know, you can't wheel yourself out of the church.
You need to leave the USA denomination because it's not Christian. This is so simple.
This is a no -brainer. Standards for ordained service. This is the new constitution.
Reflect the church's desire. Again, they call it a church. We know that this is not something that's building up Christ and Christ isn't building.
To submit joyfully to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in all aspects of life. Can you believe that? Can you believe the audacity?
Can you believe the temerity? Can you believe the gall of someone saying, we are going to submit to the
Lordship of Jesus Christ? I don't know which Jesus that is, but that's not the Jesus of the Bible. And here they go on to say, the governing body responsible for ordination and or installation shall examine each candidate's calling, gifts, preparation, and suitability for responsibilities of the office.
And so we will examine them, which I'm glad there's an ordination exam. And I've been through an ordination exam and I've been on the council for many ordination exams as we examine what people believe.
It all sounds good so far. You know what's coming. The examination shall include, but not be limited to a determination of the candidate's ability, commitment to fulfill all requirements as expressed in the constitutional questions for ordination and installation.
Governing body shall be guided by scripture and the confessions in applying standards to individual candidates.
What is lacking there? What don't you see? Many times when you listen to people, it's what they don't say.
Friends, if you'd like to grow, if you'd like to mature, if you'd like to be discerning, what do people, what don't they say?
I had a guy visit here 12 years ago, and he said, it was very interesting today what you didn't say.
And he was a retired pastor and he was looking for things that I didn't say. That was wise of him.
What is missing? Here's what's missing. What's missing is marriage, faithfulness in marriage, chastity.
Those things are gonzo. They're gone. Why? Because if you're going to marry, quote unquote, marry men to men and women to women, and then allow them to be ordained in the
Presbyterian church, or let them live with, not even with marriage, and be engaging in activities behind closed doors that God does not bless, then you've got to just open this up fully.
You can't have any kind of Bible thing in there. We don't want to restrict anybody. We don't want something about heterosexual or marriage or monogamy.
Grand Parsons, the stated clerk of the PCUSA General Assembly, explained what was going on.
Clearly, what has changed is that persons in a same gender relationship can be considered for ordination.
The gist of our ordination standards is that officers submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. I mean, that is just,
I'm just, my mind is about ready to go crazy. I'm ready to go Todd Freel. I'm not kidding you.
Don't forget, we have the Psalm 119 conference here at Bethlehem Bible Church coming up.
I've been saying November. That's our typical conference. That's wrong. The website is correct. It's going to be in September, and Todd will be here along with some other folks.
I think Chalies is going to be here and Glenn, and then I get a slot as well.
So I don't know what I'm going to say, but it's going to have to be provocative and it's going to have to be biblical, not in that order. So it says here,
Lordship of Jesus Christ and ordaining bodies have the responsibility to examine each candidate individually to ensure that all candidates do so with no blanketed judgments.
So you're gay and you're out. You can't do that. That would be a blanket judgment. You're practicing homosexual.
You're out. That's a blanket judgment. Kind of like, well, you're not living with your wife.
You're living with your girlfriend, but you're married. That's a blanket judgment. We better examine you to see if you fit our ordination because we want to apply standards to individual candidates.
This is just the same old lie. This goes way back to the garden, doesn't it?
Has the Lord really said, did God really say that? And see, once you get the Bible to serve you, instead of you being under the authority of the
Bible, anything goes as that old song would be. Now we have the Presbyterian quote unquote church,
Episcopalian church, United Church of Christ, and the Lutheran church, ELCA, all saying, we applaud unrighteousness.
And I'm just not going to do that. There may be a time where we, as radio hosts, get kicked off the air, get thrown into jail, whatever it might be.
I just will not do that. I will say that Jesus, 1 John chapter two, verse one and two, is the righteous one and that he makes propitiation for all kinds of sins, including this one, turning from your sin and turning to Jesus with faith.
You, if you are out there today and you think you're better than other sinners, well, that's a problem.
If you think you're not a sinner, that's a problem. If you don't think homosexuality is sin, that's a problem.
But I want to say for all those who confess their sins and they agree with God that they're sinful, which can include adultery, which does include adultery and homosexuality, there's forgiveness found at the feet of, at the foot of the cross.
And so today on No Compromise Radio, we've talked a little bit about how compromise leads to more compromise.
Moeller said clearly this action could not have happened without this denomination having abandoned any required belief in the full authority, inspiration, and truthfulness of the
Bible long ago. So, as Moeller said, we are in a race towards theological disaster.
It's already happened for the PCUSA, and I wouldn't darken at one of their doors, and I don't know why you would either.
If you're in one of those churches today, I want to tell you, if you're in the Worcester area, you need to run.
The Springfield area, you need to run. The Hotford area, you need to run. Why?
Because if you have a church that has abandoned the authority of Scripture and the Lordship of Christ, it's not a church.
So, my name's Mike Abendroth. Today's No Compromise Radio, we looked at what is going on in the
Presbyterian USA Church. You can write me at info at nocompromiseradio .com,
and we'll try to answer your theological questions, and if you're nice, we'll answer them. If you're mean, we'll probably answer them, unless you're mean quite a few times, and then
I'll hit delete. God bless you. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible -teaching church, firmly committed to unleashing the life -transforming power of God's Word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at six. We're right on Route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff, or management.