Let's Have a Conversation, Shall We? - For Jemar Tisby and Propaganda (Or Anyone Willing to Talk)

AD Robles iconAD Robles


I love making my videos and will continue to do so. But I think the body of Christ would benefit from hearing the 2 sides of the issue talk some things out. This is a challenge to Jemar Tisby, Propaganda, or anyone who is willing to have a conversation about what the Bible says about justice. No partisan slogans, no anathema bombs, let's just open up the book like brothers, shall we? #wokechurch


Hello, this is a video that I'm addressing specifically to Jamar Tisby and Propaganda.
I don't know your actual name, but I'm just going to call you Propaganda. And really anyone that is involved with this kind of perspective on issues of social justice and the church and politics and the church.
And you know, I was talking to Marcus Pittman last night and we were talking about what the Bible says about justice and what the way forward is.
How do we talk about this as a church in order to achieve the most biblical result? And I think that's what we're all after, right?
We're all after what the most godly form of politics is, the most godly policy decisions, things like that.
That's what we're looking for. I think we would all say that that's what we want. And I said, I just put out a video a few moments ago that said that the call to pause was a political hustle.
I think that Jamar Tisby's quote in that and Propaganda's as well is very thinly veiled.
It's a political, I think it's a political hustle. I think that Jamar and Propaganda want us to support, they say more moderate people, but I think what they really mean is someone who's more leftist, more democratic than what we would currently support.
So that I would say that that's a political hustle, Jamar and Propaganda are trying to get you to control, are trying to control your vote anyway.
And I think that they would say that a lot of the culture war, a lot of the moral majority is also a political hustle.
These people want you to vote more right. They want you to vote more Democrat, or I'm sorry, Republican. And so it's not really that it's biblical so much, it's just that they want you to be more
Republican and conservative. And so I think that their perspective is that the culture war is a political hustle.
My perspective is that the call to pause and a lot of this social justice stuff is a political hustle. So what do we do, right?
I mean, I'm perfectly happy to continue making my videos and putting funny quotes in them and entertaining that way and teaching that way.
I'm perfectly happy to do that, but I just don't think that's going to be the most effective thing. I think the most effective thing would be for us to come together and let's open up our
Bibles. Let's find out what the scriptures actually say. And I'm not saying that we need to debate. It can be just a conversation where two opposing viewpoints, we don't have to set up a formal thing or anything like that, but let's have a conversation with our
Bibles open. Let's demonstrate to the world how we figure these things out. What policies are more biblical?
How would God have us go forward? How can we respect the law of God? How can we respect the words of Jesus to take our faith very seriously in the political arena?
I don't think that any of us want to be seen as political hustlers. And so in order to do that, let's see what the scripture says.
Give us your viewpoint. We'll give us ours. And let's see what the
Holy Spirit actually has to say. I trust that God's word is powerful. I trust that God's word has an effect on people.
And so someone that's not interpreting it correctly, I think God's people will see that. And I think you think the same thing.
So this is a call to let's have some conversations. We can do it on my channel. My channel is growing.
It's still relatively small. Or we can do it on your channels. Or we can do one of each.
That might even be the best thing. Let's do that. I mean, I'm not a scary guy. I'm not the kind of guy that's going to throw anathemas your way.
I'm not the kind of guy that's going to try to secretly rip you apart and things like that. But I do have strong opinions and I have strong disagreements.
And so let's get some people together. I'm sure Marcus would be happy to be involved. I'm sure I could find others on both perspectives that would be involved.
But I think it's going to take a little bit of courage. And I think it's going to take a little courage on your side because I've noticed that in general, your side isn't as willing to have these kinds of conversations.
But let's make sure we're keeping it partisan free. Let's make sure we're not going to shout slogans at each other.
Let's open our Bibles and do some serious work finding out what the will of the Holy Spirit is. Here's a quick clip from my most recent video talking about what
I mean. And you know, if you haven't watched my videos, I don't, you don't have to. This is a quick clip to show you sort of what
I'm talking about here. That's what I want. He says, as an American citizen who is also black and evangelical,
I desire Supreme Court justice that will make decisions with compassion towards those who have been historically marginalized and not repeal the hard -won rights we have secured.
You see, this is what it's all about. This is a political hustle. Jamar Tisby is trying to manipulate you politically. He's trying to say his political views are the ones that are biblical and your political views are the ones that are not.
I say prove it, Jamar. I say come and let's have a conversation about what the Bible says about affirmative action.
Let's have a conversation with the Bible says about civil rights protections and welfare and gerrymandering and all of these things.
Let's talk about it all economics. Let's talk about it all. What the Bible actually says about these things, because I am confident that the
Bible does not approve of these kinds of schemes that you're talking about here. I'm confident. And so if you want to talk about this, let's do that because otherwise this is a political hustle and I'm sure that you don't want to be seen as a political hustler.
Just that simple. This is this whole thing, this whole thing called to pause is just an attempt to control your vote and to control
Christians. Politically speaking, they want Christians to be more Democrat. They think that's more biblical and I can guarantee you that it is not.
All of this stuff is just seems to be a manipulation and it's very sad. I'm not surprised that some of these people are doing this.
Some of these people are mainline Protestants and things like that. Jamar Tisby should know better. He's supposedly reformed.
He should know. He should have a high view of the law of God such that he would see very clearly that some of the things that he promotes are just not biblical propaganda.
I don't know what to expect from him, but the reality is that what he said was just completely secular progressives, no, no hint of Christianity in it.
This whole thing is just not, it's not really a call to pause. It is a call to surrender. They want you to willingly surrender.
And the answer to that is no. In fact, I will take your call to pause and I will take it as a call to put the pressure on, turn the heat up because it sounds like we're winning.