F4F | Real Talk Kim: I See It Now


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Rosebro.
I am your servant in Jesus Christ. This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the
Word of God. Now if you've ever heard a pastor or a pastrix, by the way there's no such thing as a pastrix,
God's Word forbids women from being pastors, but if you've ever heard somebody in a
Christian church say that when you were born the devil got really nervous or something like that, yeah go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below.
Don't forget to like the video and ring the bell so you can be notified when we update the channel. Case in point, we're gonna be heading over to Real Talk Kim's YouTube channel and really
I think we need to rename this woman. It needs to be Empty Talk Kim because this is a woman who does not rightly handle
God's Word at all. I don't even think she could do so if she really tried and it's quite evident that what she really is is a person who is really good at whipping up a crowd.
You can say she's into self -help or a motivational speaker, but the problem is, you're gonna hear this in a second, that she's also a pastor.
Yeah, so we're gonna be listening to what's called a sermon but it's not really a sermon. I'll let her explain.
Here's Empty Talk Kim. Pastor Kim. You feel it, huh?
Y 'all don't want to go home, do you? Oh man, the power of God is in this place.
I got a good word for you today. Tell your neighbor, I see it now.
Come on, I see it now. I see why that. See what? I see it now.
Come on, I see it now. I see why that bankruptcy had to happen now. I see why that divorce had to happen now.
I see why I had to go through that sickness now. Now. I see it now.
You can sit down there. We are so excited to have you. Man, I'm telling you something.
I literally walked in. You're about to walk in a Season I here's what
I hear the Lord saying. I'm about to walk in a season Just happen to be walking in one now the seasons called summer
Yeah, and You know when we get to be about September ish The seasons will change here in North Dakota.
I live in American Siberia So the next season gets here a little sooner for us up here than it does for people down in,
Georgia But the next season is are you are you sitting down? It's fall.
Yeah, I Usually walk in seasons. You know, it's it's four to choose from winter spring
Summer and fall, you know, you're about to walk in a season of fast forwardness
Really? Yeah What what is the season of fast forwardness look like he's about to turn the speed up in your life
That thing you've been praying about you forgot you prayed about Get ready.
Get ready. Get ready. Get ready. He about to open those doors. You forgot you prayed about You're in a season where he's about to turn things up Tell your neighbor
I see why it had to happen. I See, this is not biblical preaching out.
This is just utter nonsense My sermon this morning is called. I see it now. I Preach sermons
Saying bring it on bring it on Devil, you should have taken me out when you could uh, because I'm about to get my whole bounce back
I'm about to get my anointing back. I'm about to get my power back.
I'm about to get my joy back My power back. I know
I did Wow. Okay. Wow, I must be amazing I'm about to get my sleep back.
I'm about to get my money back. I'm about to get my health I hope the people there who've been tithing at your church that they do get their money back.
They should It's got to be true they're playing in a
Hammond b3, you know What boom shakalaka boom shama llama ding -dong
We scared of nothing we scared of no storm cuz listen when you make it through something
You can't tell us nothing. We ain't scared of no ghost. Oh Like a twisted line from the song with the
Ghostbusters song. I ain't afraid of no ghost Yeah, who you gonna call
Empty talk him. Yeah, he's scared of no trial. We scared of no tribulation because when we came out we came out on fire
And you don't even smell like smoke Man, yeah twisting.
Yeah an allusion to the story of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego She has no clue what that story is about people just knew your story
If they just knew what you are going through right now with a smile on your face
You're going through some things that would have taken somebody else out, but you're making it you're making it high -five yourself going in What?
High -five yourself No, high -five yourself high -five yourself
Other people ain't high -fiving you high -five yourself Support yourself go get you a birthday cake and throw yourself a whole party
My scripture this morning's mark 10 46 through 52 mark 10 46 through 52 when you get it on your phone
Okay, this is the story of blind Bartimaeus, I think mark 10 46 to 52.
Yep. That's the story of blind Bartimaeus Yeah, we Reggie Dobbs. We covered
Reggie Dobbs telling this story not too long ago Let's see what empty talk
Kim does with it. Okay Don't say hey. I Want everybody turning to it turn to it turn to it.
I want you to get a photographic memory I'm telling you something's about to happen in this church.
I prophesy on the next 30 days This ain't gonna be nothing We're gonna have three service four services every
Sunday with people that are hungry for God because lives get radically changed When you're hungry for a move of God No longer we come into church
Where does it say that got lives get radically changed when you're hungry for a move of God?
Can you show me that in the Bible and patty -caking and walking out broken? No longer we gonna walk out of this place with a clap back angry before you ever even leave the parking lot you cussing
Cuz it's in your heart Cuz what's in your heart comes out of your mouth What's in your head comes out of your mouth?
I'm saved but I cussed a little you better get your heart, right? Because your heart is stopping you from moving into your destiny
So my heart's keeping me from moving into my destiny who knew I know a few she's reading the
Amplified this is gonna be a mess. I'm watching
Facebook's. I Am the stalker pastor that watches your Facebook That's creepy right there
She just admitted to being a stalker pastor who stalks the Facebook of the people who attend her church
Okay, you You don't know I'm there But I'm watching your
Facebook your Instagram And I know why some of your life looks the way it looks because you got one foot in and one foot out
You you want a full -time God on a part -time relationship? I want a miracle and a revival in my life, but I don't want to sell out for it
I don't want to let go of this unforgiveness for it. I don't want to I can't I can't forgive my ex
He deserves to be killed with a train If I forgive my ex then
I'm pardoning the crime He did against me when he cheated with my best friend. It's that is blocking your blessing
That's why the devil gets you Let's take a look at that story of blind
Bartimaeus shout cuz this is creeping me out I mean this not only she an empty talker. I mean she's um
Yeah, this is this some strange stuff here Yes, biblical interlude shall we a little moment of sanity in the middle of this weird video?
Mark chapter 10 verse 46 So as they came to Jericho so Jesus and his disciples have made their way down to Jericho as he was leaving
Jericho with his disciples a great crowd and a great crowd Bartimaeus a blind beggar the son of Timaeus was
Sitting by the roadside a little bit of a note here We know this fellow's name.
His name is Bartimaeus He went by the he was a blind beggar and we know that he was the son of Timaeus How is it that we know his name
Oftentimes when especially in the Gospels where somebody's name is mentioned The reason we know that is because they they are part of the worship community or they are part of the church
You know after the death resurrection and ascension of Christ So they know who this fellow is because he continued going to church if you know what
I mean So blind Bartimaeus the son of Timaeus was sitting by the roadside when he heard that it was
Jesus of Nazareth He began to cry out and say Jesus son of David have mercy on me again
We've noted this not too long ago, but this is a great prayer. This is this in fact That's exactly what this is and we can pray the same thing
We don't have to have Jesus next door to us or walking down our street We can cry out to Jesus and say
Jesus son of David have mercy on me And so many people rebuked him telling him to be silent.
He cried out all the more son of David have mercy on me So he wasn't gonna be silent. So Jesus stopped and said call him
So they called the blind man saying hey take heart get up. He's calling you So throwing off his cloak he sprang up and came to Jesus and Jesus said to him
What do you want me to do for you? And the blind man said rabbi Let me recover my sight and Jesus said to him go your way your faith has made you well
And we noted a little bit of note here same word for has made you well Is the same word that's used for have made you well in the story of?
the healing of the woman with the issue of blood for 12 years and it's in its It's sold.
So say so Jesus said hey pista. Sue say so can say your faith has
Saved you and immediately he recovered his sight He followed him on the way and so, you know, this is all about Jesus I mean, is it an amazing story that somebody can give sight to the blind and can say to this fellow that your faith has
Saved you that's exactly what the text says It's a great prayer
Great text of Christ's mercy and grace and the fact that he saves us and we can pray to him as well in our time
Of need and that it is faith in Jesus Christ that saves us as well
So, all right That's a nice little interlude there Let's go back to the crazy.
Shall we do through distractions? Some of y 'all still going to a therapist over something that happened 48 years ago
And you still ain't well Serving the King of Kings in the Lord of Lords that if you just open your mind and open your heart and breathe in his
Presence, he makes you brand -new He's doing a blood trend.
It just feels this feels like a brow beating to me. You feel like I'm being nagged Fusion in here this morning
He's taking the old way out and putting the new way in and when you walk over the threshold of this place
You're walking into purpose and destiny the day you were born August you're walking into purpose and destiny
Really really 29th 1972 and you came out of your mama. The doctors heard but he'll hurt purpose destiny a person that won't quit a
Person. I gotta play that again
That is probably one of the most bizarre and ludicrous things I've ever said each and every one of us is born dead and trespasses and sins and you'll note that this is a
Self -glorifying type of message that we're hearing here. You know that apparently, you know what
I was born I don't know. Maybe she wouldn't attribute this to me But when she was born, you know, you know the doctors heard when but the devil heard purpose
Let's listen to that again, and he too and you came out of your mama. The doctors heard But he'll hurt purpose destiny a person that won't quit
All glory be to me Wow, yeah, I Exalt me.
I Exalt me. Yeah, okay The devil's telling you.
Oh, there's another storm coming You can't even get in here and listen to me preaching because you're over there scared to death or what?
The doctors are gonna say on Monday The doctors are said that the hell and devil's telling you.
Oh, there's another storm coming in your life You better rise up baby quit being bent over rise up and tell the devil.
Oh devil. I am the storm You don't know So so Jesus would have me rise up and tell the devil.
I am the storm This is just utterly delusional
Wow Oh Yeah, please do
I'm sure you're gonna mangle it horribly you've been filling these people's heads with narcissistic nonsense and Somehow thinking that the devil's afraid of them he ate mark 10 46 through 52 says and they came to Jericho and As he was leaving
Jericho with his disciples and a great crowd Barnum a s blind beggar the son of Timaeus was sitting by the roadside and when he heard
That it was Jesus of Nazareth he began to cry out and say Jesus Son, you know,
I gotta do this You can do a little word search in my Bible and I'm gonna look for the word
Need to learn how to spell anyway, I'm gonna look for the word lion and I'm gonna look in the epistles
Yeah, here's a hum That's what I thought first Peter chapter 5 when in fact, let me add a little bit of context to this
I'll start at verse 6 first Peter chapter 5 verse 6 listen to what
Peter wrote This is a guy who hung out with Jesus, you know walked on the water for just a smidge
Blew it terribly denied Christ three times. It was restored by Christ, you know that this guy
And here's what he writes to the two Christians to us he says humble your selves
Hmm Peter says humble yours
I I hear empty talk Kim talking and that doesn't sound like she's teaching people to humble themselves
They they're she's teaching them to think really ridiculously stupid things about themselves that aren't even true
They are somehow high and mighty and powerful and getting their powers back into the devil's afraid of them because this devil heard purpose
When they were born and stuff Uh -huh Peter says humble yourselves
Therefore under the mighty hand of God So that at the proper time He may exalt you casting all your anxieties on him because he cares for you.
So be sober -minded Be watchful your
Adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour
So resist him firm in your faith knowing that the same kinds of sufferings are being experienced by the your brotherhood
Throughout the world and after you have suffered a little while the God of all grace
Who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ. He will himself restore confirm strengthen and establish you
It's as if real talk Kim is trying to get people to somehow establish
Themselves because I mean they're they're so important, you know David have mercy on me and many rebuked him telling him be quiet Be quiet.
Don't come into church and worship lavishly. That's emotional. Oh This text has nothing to do with worshiping
Lavishly What does that even mean? But we'll go to the Braves game and scream as loud as we can get
Because something happens whenever you start yelling it makes people worship a little bit harder, right?
Sing a little louder Yeah, this Text has nothing to do
How loud you worship either? Yeah, blind Bartimaeus was praying to Jesus Jesus son of David have mercy on me, but then he started crying out more
That's why when I walk in here and go through some trials and tribulations, you ain't never gonna know it I go through hell just like you do but y 'all don't put it on Facebook Cuz I ain't giving the devil credit even in my fingertips
I'm gonna sing I'm gonna shout a little louder
Yeah, what what good is that gonna do exactly I'm gonna make you a little nervous sir
You succeeded there. Yeah and many rebuked him
Telling him to be quiet But he cried out all the more son of David Have mercy on me and Jesus stopped and said call him
And they called the blind man See the one that's worse. That's how come I worship so hard cuz I know there's billions of people on Sunday morning in church
Yeah, this text isn't about you empty talk Kim. This this text is about Jesus Not you
And I just got in my head if this if God sees this little white woman with a mohawk That's really black on the inside.
He sees me crazy. He wouldn't that be cultural misappropriation You know just saying he gonna sit right in front of me because my worship produces breakthrough
My worship produces breakthrough No text says that either
What you worship is your idol you worship that sickness.
You're gonna stay sick Who worships a sickness? You honestly have no idea what you're talking about do you
Call him Jesus said and They called the blind man saying to him take heart
Get up. He's calling you boo and Throwing off his cloak.
He sprang up and came running to Jesus and Jesus said to him
What do you want me to do for you and the blind man said to him?
Rabbi, let me recover my sight and Jesus said to him go your way your faith has made
You well Go your way
Your circumstances look one way but your faith
The size of a mustard seed, that's why you can't have faith and fear Foolish face what you need the kind of faith that everybody in your family says girl
Don't you dare quit that job and go full -time ministry you? Yes, Texas has nothing to do with that either.
You know bomb a care They go they gonna get you on your taxes If you don't have and you're over here staying at a job that you can't stand and you know what when
I look out on those Cemetery and I drive by a cemetery all I can think about is all the dead dreams that are sitting in those pots in that Yeah, I'm pretty sure they actually bury people in cemeteries not dreams yeah, no,
I just saying because you know I Presided a few funerals more than a few now and Yeah, we always
Put a corpse in the ground Yeah, and and you know the wages of sin is death and Each and every one of us dies because we're sinners
She's worried about dead dreams being buried in a cemetery. I would note that it's it's far more dire than that Ground because people really did not have faith
My family never did it So, how can I do it I dropped out of school in eighth grade had a baby out of wedlock
Who am I to write a book? Everyone to hear my story Isn't the job of a pastor, you know preach
Jesus's story It's weird. You're telling a story about Jesus and you you seem to be oblivious to the fact that it's about Jesus Jesus and his followers were walking through Jericho.
Yeah, they were on their way to Jerusalem Many people were traveling through to go to Jerusalem for a feast of Passover It was kind of like this weekend at level up Everybody that came into that place
So so Jesus on his way to Jerusalem for the feast of the Passover is a lot like your level up conference
How do you figure? came expecting to level up Not one person it's everybody came to expect to level up isn't that like a video game thing
Invested in themselves got on a plane got in a car drove by themselves to come into Turning point church for level up to stay the same
See because you know why what you surround yourself with is what you gonna become There was just something on the inside of you like Bob blind
Barnum is that said if I can just get to turning point There's gonna be about a thousand people in that place
Gonna hijack somebody else's faith until I get my deliverance That ain't taught in the Bible either.
I don't know where she's getting her theology from she's clearly making it up herself Wow, and the people there just love her for it
But let me remind you of the prophecy about people like real talk Kim that has given for us in Scripture This is one of our go -to texts.
Unfortunately, we have to go to it a lot nowadays second Timothy chapter 4 Paul writing to young pastor
Timothy says I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus who's to Judge the living and the dead and by his appearing in his kingdom to preach the word
Be ready in season and out of season reprove rebuke and exhort with complete patience and doctrine
For the time is coming when people will not endure sound doctrine, but having itching ears they will Accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions and they'll turn away
From listening to the truth and they will wander off into myths I think that would be an example of that people wandering off into myths by listening to real talk him because Real talk him is empty talk
Kim and that's a whole lot of empty talking right there And she ain't preaching the word and she shouldn't be preaching anyway
So I think you get the point now if you found this helpful all the information on how you can share the video is down below in the description and how you can support us also financially is down below and we will continue making an appeal to you to join our crew because We're now living in the days where YouTube has decided that they're gonna cut off a major portion of our revenue stream by defunding
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God richly bless You in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.