TD Jakes’ Daughter Is A FALSE Teacher! (Sarah Jakes)

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Hey guys, welcome back to Fight for Truth, the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we're going to be talking about Sarah Jakes Roberts. Now, Sarah is the daughter of famous false teacher
T .D. Jakes, who preaches the Prosperity Gospel and denies the Trinity, and he preaches alongside his friends such as Joel Osteen and Stephen Furtick.
In the clip you're about to see, Sarah is going to give the introduction to the text that she's preaching on.
Her message is entitled Rise, Slay, Eat. Of course, it is worth mentioning that even if Sarah was not a false teacher like her father, she still would be breaking the command of 1
Timothy 2 .12, which says this, quote, I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man.
It is clear, biblically speaking, that Sarah Jakes should not be preaching from the pulpit at all, and that goes doubly given the fact that she is teaching falsely.
So without any further ado, let's get into the first clip. Watch this. I've been trying to figure this out for the last seven days.
God is bringing Peter into a place of expansion, and the expansion looks like it's detraction, but he doesn't understand that it's not detraction, that it's not random, that it's not slowing his momentum, but instead it is actually adding increase to what he is already doing.
Now this is just the introduction, and we're going to debunk the message more thoroughly in just a moment.
And in this introduction, Sarah Jakes Roberts talks about the Apostle Peter and how he's approaching a place of expansion and promotion, whatever that means.
You see, as it turns out, she's talking about Acts chapter 10. In this passage, Peter has a vision of animals that were unclean, according to Jewish law.
And the Lord says in verse 13, "'Rise, Peter, kill and eat.'" This is why her message is entitled,
Rise, Slay, Eat. And later on, the purpose of this vision is given in verse 28, where Peter says this, "'You yourselves know how unlawful it is for a
Jew to associate with or to visit any one of another nation, but God has shown me that I should not call any person common or unclean.'"
You see, Jesus has broken these ethnic boundaries through His sacrifice, through His new covenant.
Now, Jews and Gentiles are not meant to be separate, but instead, all people are to be given the
Gospel. This contradicted thousands of years of Jewish custom, which was instilled by Old Testament law, and that is why it was so groundbreaking.
Essentially, this passage shows us how God revealed to His Church that the Old Testament laws regarding unclean food and unclean people were nullified with the ministry of the new covenant.
But of course, that is what the passage means according to the actual text. Let's watch the next clip and see what
Sarah Jakes teaches about Acts chapter 10. Watch this. Because every word that proceeds out of his mouth is my instruction for what
I need to do next. Peter, Peter's further out than he ever thought he would be.
And for him, that is promotion. For him, that is growth.
Oh God, there's somebody in this room. And you're already further out than any member of your family has ever been.
As you may have already guessed, virtually every word spoken by Sarah Jakes in that clip was false or misleading.
First, she says that this passage applies individually to someone in the congregation, a hypothetical person, if you will.
Specifically, she says, maybe you're already further out than any member of your family has ever been.
She's implying that the passage is about surpassing the expectations that have been placed upon you.
Acts chapter 10 is apparently about your coming of age story, where you beat the odds and go further than anyone else ever has.
But guess what? As we've already covered, the text has nothing to do with that at all. This is just one of several times in which
Sarah Jakes manipulates this biblical text. Much like her father T .D. Jakes and his ministry friend
Stephen Furtick, every passage must be made about you. It's all man -centered. But Acts chapter 10 is not about your individual life or how it compares to the life of your family members.
It's about God growing His Church and instructing His followers in the ways of the New Covenant.
But despite all of this, Sarah Jakes continues. Watch this next clip. So here,
Sarah says that God is showing you that, quote, there's something more connected to who you are.
I know everyone else would be satisfied if they had made it this far. And the implication is that you are not one of those people.
You, lucky listener, you're not ordinary. You're like Peter. God is bringing you further, deeper than anyone has ever gone, says
Sarah Jakes. You're not satisfied with where you're at because, frankly, there's much more that God wants to do through you.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is a worldview that might be called Christian hustle culture. It's a brand of modern professing
Christianity that tries to make it all about the hustle, all about being that guy.
Never stop. Never settle for less. Wake up. Grind every day. God's not done with you yet.
You're going to do things greater than anyone before you if you just believe, and so on and so forth. And this kind of fake
Christianity lies to you, telling you that you're an individual Christian superhero and the world is just waiting for you to make your mark so they can remember your name forever.
But true Christianity isn't about you hustling to get the glory. It's about humble service to God for His glory.
Now, will that involve dedication and some hard work? Of course it will. But the fact is, you are not the
CEO of Christianity, making moves and pulling strings. No. If you're a Christian, you are an adopted son or daughter and a humble servant of your
Father. In Titus 1 -1, Paul introduces himself as this, quote, Paul, a servant of God, an apostle of Jesus Christ, for the sake of the faith of God's elect and their knowledge of the truth.
You see, Paul did not see himself as this cool Christian hustle guy who's going far beyond what anyone else could ever accomplish.
No. Because Paul knew that Proverbs 11 -2 says this, quote, When pride comes, then comes disgrace.
But with the humble is wisdom. Sarah Jakes attempts to make Acts 10 all about you and how far you can go in life, but this hyper -focus on personal accomplishment has much more to do with worldly hustle culture than it has to do with Christian teaching.
And of course, it's worth noting once again that Acts chapter 10 is about God's Word going to the
Gentiles. It's not about you going further than the mediocre masses in your personal life.
So with all that said, let's watch this last clip. Watch this. But I'm crazy enough to believe that God left me in this world because there is yet more for me to do, and I would give up, but I keep giving vision.
Every time I close my eyes, I have another vision of who I can become. Every time
God allows me to be connected to somebody, I don't just applaud for them. I see it as a vision of what
God can do in my life. You see, I shout when other people get blessed because it's a sign to me that God is still in the blessing business.
I didn't have... In this clip, Sarah Jakes says that some in the audience, the special few who aren't satisfied with being average or mediocre, well, these people will say something like this, quote,
I would give up, but I keep getting vision. Every time I close my eyes, I have another vision, end quote.
Again, this has nothing to do with Peter's vision in the passage we're talking about. In Acts 10, verses 10 through 11, it says that Peter, quote, fell into a trance and saw the heavens opened and something like a great sheet descending, being let down by its four corners upon the earth, end quote.
This is when he has the vision of the unclean animals that we mentioned before. After this, three times
Peter is given the same command. As verse 15 tells us what it is, quote, what God has made clean, do not call common.
Peter had one vision in this chapter. This was an unusual occurrence, not a daily event that is recorded in Scripture 365 times a year.
But Sarah Jakes said that, quote, every time you go to sleep, you have another vision of who you can become, end quote.
This is simply not reflected in the passage at all. And speaking of that, this vision isn't even about what you can become, as Sarah Jakes declares into the microphone with confidence.
In fact, it wasn't even about who Peter could become necessarily. It was fundamentally about what
God was doing in his church. Peter himself responds to all of these events and the vision in Acts 10, 24 through 25.
He says this, quote, truly, I understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation, anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.
You see, it is abundantly clear what the passage is about. Sarah Jakes just ignores it in favor of focusing on you.
Instead, she says that this Scripture is all about the expansion and promotion of your life.
The text, on the other hand, says that Peter's vision is about the expansion of the Gospel to the Gentiles.
Sarah Jakes says that the passage is all about you outperforming everyone else, but the text says that it's about Peter humbly serving the
Lord. And finally, Sarah Jakes says that this vision that Peter gets is about a constant drive to do more in life, to accomplish more.
But the text says that the vision is about how God uniquely began the integration of the
Christian church. Again, virtually every word spoken by Sarah Jakes in that video was false, misleading, or unbiblical.
Stay away from her and her father T .D. Jakes, they are both false teachers. I pray that this has been a blessing to you, and please know that this video isn't meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a biblical critique.
So let's pray for Sarah Jakes and T .D. Jakes that they would stop this man -centered false teaching by God's grace and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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