Everything Has Changed

AD Robles iconAD Robles



You know, anyone who knows me and who's talked to me privately knows that I am of the opinion that, you know, leaving your church, you know, over some kind of a theological disagreement or something like that.
You know, it's not necessarily like an ultimate last resort, but it should be, you know, something that is only done after a lot of care and time and thinking and praying and discussions have been had.
It's, you know, it's sort of like a last resort. And, you know, people have come to me privately and they say, hey, you know, my church is kind of dabbling in woke stuff.
Should I leave it? And my advice is always the same. It's always like, you know, you really want to really think about that before you do.
Obviously, it's not my decision. It's yours. But, you know, it should be something that's only done after a lot of consideration.
That's my standard. That's my M .O. That's my general advice. And the reason
I preface this video by saying that is because we are at an inflection point.
We're at a stage in the culture war where this
Sunday is going to tell you just about everything you need to know if your pastor or your church is still on message after what's happened this week.
And what I mean by that is not that they have to address the shooting. I'm not saying they have to address it at all.
Not that they have to be giving you a pro Second Amendment message, although that would be helpful.
And I'm not even saying that they need to have armed guards at this service or have people packing and carrying or need to address the fact that it's fine to open carry or conceal carry, whatever the case may be in your particular church.
I'm not even saying all of that. All that stuff would be nice, but I'm not saying that's necessary.
What I am saying is that if you're—I hesitate to even call these people pastors, but that's their station, and I respect that.
If your pastor is on message in talking about how the Second Amendment did this, we're sacrificing our children at the altar of the
NRA. If your pastor is going along with the narrative of how there were seven victims at the thing and that the perpetrator, the murderer, the tranny was also a victim.
If your pastor is going along with the, oh, trans people are under attack in our country message, run for the freaking hills.
That's it. That's all you need to know. If a man, more likely a female adjacent man, is saying those kinds of things, they have zero ability to read
The Times right now. Zero. If your pastor sounds like that goomba that calls herself the press secretary of the
United States and how her heart goes out to the trans community at this very difficult time. Look, I can't tell you what to do, but I think you're a fool if you stay at that church.
A fool. And you shouldn't be a fool. Christians should not be foolish in that way.
John Harris had a great video about how war is upon us, and if you can't see that at this point,
I don't know how I can help you. I really don't. It's going to take a miracle for you to see it because you're blind as a freaking bat.
And here's the thing. I think that a lot of people are getting it. I've been waiting for this moment a long time for people to just wake up in mass, and I don't know if it's going to happen.
I'm a little, I'm not blackmailed about it, but I'm a little more hesitant to make these predictions than I used to be because I've thought this was going to happen many times.
But I do see a lot of people waking up and realizing how far we've fallen as a country and all of that.
There's no need to be blackmailed. There's no need not to have the joy of the Lord this Sunday celebrating the victory of Jesus Christ on the cross and his love for his people and how he will have dominion.
I was in Hobby Lobby earlier. I was buying some lacquer for my Star Wars models, and they were playing the hymn,
Christ Shall Have Dominion. It's just such a good hymn. Not a lot of people sing that one. I'm not saying don't have joy.
I'm not saying be full of fear. I'm not saying be full of anger because we should be none of those things.
But we should be awake. We should be aware of what has happened.
We should be acknowledging the truth that we live in a society where a transsexual demon went into a school to shoot up little kids and the response of our government is to feel sorry for the trans community.
If you love the trans community, you will not respect their delusions.
You will not give them one ounce of respect. You will not budge one inch for their insanity. If you love the trans community, you will not placate them.
Not one iota. They're sick in the head. A lot of them are demon -possessed, and there is no quarter for their insanity up here.
You make no room for them. You don't consider what they think the law should be or what they think that justice is.
You don't even consider it because they're insane. They're sick in the head. They're anti -Christ. That's the bottom line.
It doesn't mean you get all angry with them. It doesn't mean you abuse them. It doesn't mean you do anything to them.
But now is the time to, as a civil governing authority, to increase bringing the force of law against their perversions, against their attempts to pervert your children, against all of that kind of thing.
Because they belong in mental institutions, not at the halls of Congress, not at the table of where things get decided in our country.
They belong in a mental institution is where they belong. And if your pastor is on message this
Sunday, if you know what I mean. I don't mean on the biblical message. I mean on the propaganda message.
If your pastor is on message this Sunday, get out of that church.