1 Samuel 17:1-11

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1 Samuel 17 Part 2

Well, it looks like we're light this morning Maybe it's the cold No idea Well Lee, would you open us up with a word of prayer? remember First Samuel chapter 16, and I think it was the I stopped at verse 19 I'm gonna back up to verse 14 and read to the end of the chapter because that's one whole paragraph It doesn't have a spirit of the Lord departed from Saul an evil spirit from the Lord terrorized him Saul's servants Then said to him behold now an evil spirit from God is terrorizing you let our Lord now command your servants Who are before you? Let them go and seek a man who is a skillful player with the harp and it shall come about that when the evil spirit From God is upon you that he shall play the harp with his hand and you will be well So Saul said to his servants provide for me now a man Who can play well and bring him to me? And then one of the young men said well behold I have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite who is a skillful musician a mighty warrior a man of valor and one prudent in speech and handsome and The Lord is with him.
So Saul sent messengers to Jesse and said send me your son David who is with the flock Jesse took a donkey He loaded it with bread a jug of wine a young goat and he sent them to Saul by David his son Then David said to Saul then David came to Saul and attended him and Saul loved him greatly and he became his armor bear Saul Sent to Jesse saying let David now stand before me for he has found favor in my sight So it came about that whenever the evil spirit from God came to Saul David would take the harp and he would play it with his hand and Saul would be refreshed and Be well, and the evil spirit would depart from him.
Okay, so two weeks ago.
We saw where Samuel went to Bethlehem he Anointed David is King.
He passed over the other seven brothers He anointed him as king and now we're seeing as he is Empowered by the Spirit at the end of verse the Spirit comes upon David and it's a in such a way that the Scripture says it doesn't depart from him from that day forward It's the only man in the Old Testament that when the Spirit comes upon him it never departs That's very significant so now we get to verse 14 and we spoke briefly about this that the Spirit of the Lord you're seeing the contrast from Saul and David the Spirit now is David is now the Spirit anointed King not yet enthroned yet, but the Spirit anointed King and Saul is now the rejected King and the Spirit has departed from him.
So let's just think for a second about Saul back and I think it was chapter 13 the Dynasty was taken away right back in chapter 15.
What was taken away? King kingship now, what do we see in in chapter 16? Taken away the Spirit The very thing is just what I'm reading that my mind makes connections of what his role is going to be to his people Which is take take take take now look what the Lord has done to him for his disobedience he has taken the very things that he he he holds dear that he was holding on to and was we get through more and For Samuel, you're gonna see where he is a little distraught that God no longer speaks to him So he reaches out to a dead man's spirit because hey, God's not talking to me anymore So I'm gonna call up Samuel and it's interesting when we do get to that point that Samuel doesn't give him any more information that he didn't give him back in chapter 15 He gives him the same information.
Hey, you're calling me up because you want God to do something for you He he's gonna do the same thing He did for you then which was take the kingdom from you and today will be the last day you will take a breath and He dies the next morning on the battlefield so now we get to where David is anointed he becomes basically the exorcist for Saul He's gonna cast away the evil spirits to the playing of the harp now I do want to make Some comments about Chronology if anybody has been reading and you're reading ahead at all in your mind you have to be asking Hey, man, some of this doesn't sound like it fits together correctly.
Am I the only one that's seeing that? Maybe a chapter or two ahead Yes, and in this case we go, okay, how could he have been I think we briefed mean you briefly conversely How can he be seen as a mighty man of valor a warrior and he hasn't even been to battle yet? So chronologically in your mind and certainly when we get into the towards the end of 17 There is some dispute of well, why didn't he he asked a question of well whose son is this? How did he know he already sent to Jeff or Jesse? So you have these chronology issues that really are not that difficult It Moore's made about it because they want to say that it's being read back into the text after that David became a warrior But there's specific words that you used here that talks about David And the first time we saw that we actually got into this word was back and I think it was chapter It was either 18 or 17 20 somewhere and judges when Moses great-grandson, if you remember was the Levite that turned into Micah's idolatry do y'all remember that we got to the end of the end of judges and there was a specific word that Talked about how old that young man was that was walking around that Micah made and it was of the word Nahar and Nahar means from infancy to Adolescent.
Well one we know that David ain't an infant because because he's able to tend sheep And he's able to play a harp and he's able to load up a donkey and go from Bethlehem to Gibeah He was trusted enough of that.
So we Well, not quite yet not yet not yet, so we know that he was when he was commissioned as a king anointed as a king that was his age, so some people believe that he was anywhere between 13 and 15.
That's where I land So if y'all disagree with me, I'm fine with that But Cronall if you want to try to space it out because if either David's on the run from Saul 10 years or 15 Years, I fall more towards the 12 to 15 years.
Okay, I believe once that David kills Goliath Things move rapidly faster because of what he says He says wow What else can this dude take but the kingdom and then it says that he begins to eye him from that day forward so so in verse 19 He is Saul sent messengers to Jesse did first of all did Saul know Jesse from anything that we know yet No, it's somebody knew who Jesse was somebody knew who's who David was and says hey There's a kid out there that watches sheep that plucks the harp or the guitar ukulele, whatever you want to call it plays it Well, so hey, why don't we get him to come in here? And it's interesting that We had briefly spoke on this too last time is that his people within his court realized that the Lord's the one terrorizing him now in Some back up in 14.
It says an evil spirit from Yahweh if your Bible's capitalized LOR D That's when the word is used Yahweh And as you get down every the times after that like behold now an evil spirit from God that was Elohim So they do understand that it was Yahweh that doing it but they were looking at it from the the great creator when it says Elohim, so Saul sent messengers to Jesse.
Send me your son David who is in the flock.
So Jesse took it as a An act of contrition and an act of love for the king.
He loads this donkey He sends it with bread and jug and a wine and a young goat He goes to Saul By David He sends them to Saul by David and in verse 21 It says and David came to Saul and he attended him and Saul loved him greatly and he became his armor bearer Now once again, we have a something.
Well, how can he be as armor bear and then him not know? Who he is down the road? When we think of first of all someone being an armor bear To two types There was one that actually went out into battle and carried the king or whoever this great warrior Carried his things ahead of him to not get hit.
Okay is his shield David would not have been that person because of his age Though he had not been put into for by force to go into the army or to the infantry because of his age now a place of Position means that he was able to come and go from the court by being his armor bearer.
So David either when the king went from one place to the next and he they took him with him because he was gonna have to Pluck the heart case.
He gets a little shot a little antsy with his spear and we'll see about that next week When he goes he carries either his spear his sword his shield, whatever So that's what it's like.
It's a place of prominence not a place of infantry Okay Oh, yeah, I think about size of that shield he was carrying it probably size that door You know So he become his armor bearer now Verse 22 so Saul sent to Jesse saying hey let David stay here before me for he has found favor in my sight How did David find favor in his sight just? Everything we know about Saul how why would we even say Saul loved him? Because he favored something he was doing something beneficial Hey, look when I go to have these terrorizing things happen, this guy does something that makes it go away So did he really love David or did he love the effects of David when he was there? and I would say he loved the effects of David because what David do a David came David was able to soothe him calm his spirits to keep the Get the the evil spirit to go away So it came about whatever the evil spirit play the Spirit of God came upon Saul that David would play the harp He would play it with his hand and Saul would be refreshed and be well the evil spirit would depart from him That's why he liked David.
That's the description right there.
It's because when he did something The whole purpose for David coming there was to do what? That very thing to do to make him feel better and to make this spirit depart Well, of course when David wasn't there and he's got this crazy Terrorizing spirit.
He's wanting to know where's this dude at the plate pluck his harp All right now before we get started into Vert in chapter 17.
I want us to consider a couple of things This far we understand that everything we're reading is historical, right? We understand that there's three types of historical things.
We're seeing here We're seeing personal history meaning what whose personal history have we've gone through so far name some of the people Saul Samuel who else Some of Jonathan Yeah, some of Jonathan.
All right, so we're seeing this is personal history we're dealing with real people in a real time now, we're fixing to get into the History and personal life of David but even though that is Personal history understand that these men are also part of what we would call ethnic or national history So this is real people in real time with real events taking place in the real Life of the nation of Israel remember they have come out of being at the time of the judges.
They have entered one This could be 15 years a 12 years of the monarchy and we're starting to see the Degradation of Saul and now David's rise is coming So this is national history, but not only is it national personal history and national history This is redemptive history and that is more important because if you remember our wine Going to and the consummation of the kingdom Everything from the fall forward fits in this line in redemptive history, so we've had Let's just say the flood somewhere right here on down.
We have Abe and then You keep going I said all of this is part of History which leads to the beginning right here of the national history And then it moves forward here and it's going to go actually on even to the consummation day because it is typological So all of this is redemptive history.
So if it's part of redemptive history is not this history theological Yeah, we would agree so theological so when we get to Move forward when we get to King Saul This now not only as part of redemptive history, but this is theological Why Saul yeah, because it's all what now I think you're hitting that way because he's a what Because he's a king First King first King now when we see Prophet priest Every time we see those that's theological It's theological has to be He's not here today.
But remember when we've talked to Tim he says well if we're going to follow that You know, we're gonna follow that route about Samuel every time we see these people what do they point to what we're gonna follow that route that we have to say that Samuel is a meteorite.
Well, of course we do What hey look Samuel was a stellar Person was he perfect though? Okay, let's just say he did every look this.
Let's just say he did let's just say he did everything perfect Which we know that he didn't but we had nothing to say that he would he did not have he was not a man of Integrity.
He was not a a man that loved the Lord interceded We don't have any fallacies to find in his life according to the narrative, but we know that he was a sinner But let's just say he fulfilled all of his duties perfectly.
Okay He still would fail to be the prophet and priest that would come with didn't he? Yeah one.
He was a sinner and he died So therefore his office would end when we look at the prophethood of Jesus when it comes It's eternal when Jesus comes and he is the great high priest It's eternal when he comes and he sets up his kingdom first.
He comes as the king of the Jews Pointing to yes national Israel needs a real king, but that King is bigger than this land in Palestine.
It's huge It's going to engulf the whole world would point us back to what he said to Abraham that Abraham knowledge It's going to be from from the River Nile to the great river Euphrates.
It's going to engulf the whole world It says that in in Romans chapter 4 his his gift to Abraham was going to be the world and who was going to be the king of that Christ so anytime we see these prophet priest and King it's theological so How does sometimes we look at dirtbag Kings dirtbag priests dirtbag prophets? Okay, how do they point to Christ because they are failures? Even we got those that are good How do they point to Christ because whatever good that they do is going to fail to do the perfect? Will and the perfect action that God requires and their office won't sustain forever is Jesus the eternal prophet Yes, he is the last mouthpiece of God.
There is no more revelation It says in Hebrews that he is the final revelation.
There's nothing else anything that comes after that is heresy Is he the final priest? Yes, he's the great high priest that interceded for us by putting his own blood in Intercession for us got accepted that sacrifice three days later raised him up from the dead now He is forever seated at the right hand right and what is he doing? He's interceding for his people until that final day.
That's what a priest does He intercedes and then once he was resurrected before he ascended on high was taken up into the cloud What did he say? He said all authority has been given unto me in heaven and earth All authority if it's all authority on heaven and earth.
What does that mean? All he's a king.
That's right.
He's a king So this is theological and as we move forward We have to keep that in mind that when these things take place We have to know that man these are have a theological One an application and they point to God in his nature and they point to Christ.
Look if you can't if you when we get and we start going through David and Goliath, which It's really God versus Goliath.
You have to understand that man If you can't preach Christ from that you probably shouldn't preach or teach.
Yes, ma'am I know it's simplistic, but I was just thinking that all of our stories are theological Sure To a certain degree.
Yes, ma'am Yeah Oh, yeah because God's done something within our life and in this case because it's it's part of redemptive history that points to One the centerpiece which would be the cross the cross would be the centerpiece of redemption all of the Old Testament pointed forward in types and shadows to when To the actually to the incarnation to the time that Christ was crucified and in resurrected It would be that that time frame now everything from the the cross Forward from our perspective now, where do we look we look back to the finished work at the cross? So that's why the cross is the centerpiece and I know it wouldn't be in the center of my line here, but Everything points to here and then everything in this line here to the consummation Points back to the fact that Christ completed all that That's what it does.
So the centerpiece is The cross that's why we print you print you a Christ centered Cross centered gospel.
Why do you think we have a we read our Bible and some people don't like the Christocentric way they like the Christotelic centric meaning Christ is the centerpiece of the Bible which I believe he is that Christotelic mean telos meaning the the purpose of the Bible Jesus himself said that okay Jesus says how do you not know that all the law and the prophets and the writings were concerning me and in Luke 24 What did he say? He said he took them through all of the beginning with the book of Moses Through the book of Moses Which would have been the Torah through the prophets in the writings and showed them how all of that pointed to him May imagine that the stuff that you and me are trying to understand and trying to us go Okay.
Well, how does this point to Christ and we can't quite see it dude his disciples on that day man.
They got it now As we move forward to certainly within Chapter 17 we got to steer clear allegorical stuff All right.
I'm just gonna let you know right up front.
You gotta steer clear of it five stones don't represent nothing.
Okay Five stones don't represent anything.
You know why he got five stones because that's what he chose to get five stones And if you go back and look he actually had six Here hey if he'd have picked up five stones and that was this deal He was gonna be one rock short because he had Goliath who be used one rock on he actually had it was a It was three sons and a brother.
It was actually and if you go back to I think it's in first Chronicles chapter 20 verse 5 It's that talks about the the brothers first Chronicles chapter 20 verse 5 his brother and then in Second second Samuel chapter 21 verses 16 through 20 somewhere around there It talks about that his three descendants and his brother one of them had 24 toes and 24 fingers or something crazy so anyway so let's We got 15 minutes.
Well, sir Well Let's read through Verse 11 the end of verse 11 and we'll That'll take us probably to the end of the morning in verse of chapter 17 It says now the Philistines gather their armies for battle and they were gathered at Soca which belongs to Judah and they Encamped between Soca and Azekah in the Ephesus domain Saul and the men of Israel were gathered and Camped at the valley of Eli and they drew up in battle array to encounter the Philistines and the Philistines stood on the mountain on one side and the Israel stood on the mountain on the other side and The valley was between them Then a champion came out from the armies of the Philistines named Goliath from Gath Whose height was six cubits in a span.
He had a bronze helmet on his head He was clothed with scaled armor, which weighed 5,000 shekels of bronze He also had bronze greaves on his legs and he had a bronze javelin slung between his shoulders The shaft of the spear was like that of a weaver's beam and the head of that spear weighed 600 shekels of iron His shield carrier also walked before him and he stood To the ranks of Israel and he would say to them Why do you come out to draw up in battle array? Am I not the Philistine and you are servants of Saul? Choose a man for yourselves and let him come down to me if he is able to fight with me and kill me then we Will be your servants but if I prevail against him and kill him then you shall become our servants and serve us and again the Philistine said I defy the ranks of Israel this day Give me a man that we may fight together And when Saul and all of Israel heard these words of the Philistine, they were greatly afraid and were dismayed all right, so This is where This would be the valley of Eli right here, here's Eschia and here's Soga.
This is where this would have taken place So you have This Common-sense will tell you what's the Philistines doing? They're coming.
They've been pushed back to their land They're coming back from their land and they're starting to gain land Occupation so when they get here, they're up on this side of the mountain The Israelites are on this side of the mountain.
This probably would have been in the in the Spring or the summer and the reason being it would have been too cold and that Brook where he gets would have been a brook of Eli down here in the valley But in full water because of the snow, but right so but now it's dry.
So what are they're doing? They're getting up on one side of the other they're all bowing up clanking their shields and stuff and making a bunch of racket to one another and to try to get someone to either shoot an arrow throw a rock do something so that they can then converge down into that valley and basically hand-to-hand combat till Whoever decides they're going to retreat from all the bloodshed so the The word F is the meme is actually called the border of blood so that How many battles you think had fought they're trying to keep the Philistines back That's what that that's why they call it that very thing That's where they would always converge to fight as they were coming over Obviously the further they get up the harder it is to push them back So if they can keep them from crossing that line, then the the easier it is to push them back to the land of Philistia So it says that they were gathered and they were encamped in the valley of Eli They drew up a battle array to encounter the Philistines and it basically the same thing I just said and then you get to verse 4 it says and then a champion came out From the armies of the Philistines and Goliath first and foremost when we think of champion I mean, I love fighting sports combat sports boxing muay thai Jiu-jitsu all of that you see a champion that Joker comes out with a belt And he's flexing.
Okay, that ain't that ain't what this means.
I know that's what our mind is.
You know, the word champion Actually means one who stands between that's the word that you used here ones that stands between Or a man in the interval so Champion is not like I'm the man Although we know that he was undefeated at this point Goliath was because he was standing there running his yap and the men that would fight In there the man in between that would fight was basically a mediator of I'm gonna fight for this This country or this army this guy's gonna fight for this country this army and whichever one wins That's who we serve.
So was he a representative of the full Philistine army? Yes Champion not in the sense of I'm the heavyweight champion of the world.
Not like that.
Okay Champion means one in between It said he would come out and Goliath was Six cubits and a span nine feet tall.
It's big dude He Had a bronze helmet when we think about a helmet in the in the Philistine helmet Don't think of it as like the gladiator style helmet that had a shield those didn't come out until the Greeks That's would have been another probably 400 years 300 years later It's when the Greeks had the shield the one that would drop Covered the nose covered up to the chin.
That's not what they had at this point all of the the old the old Assyrian Empires would have had head like chain style these the Philistines from archaeological would have had basically Would have been about round to here would have been a bronze helmet with feathers on top Representing their who they who their tribes and stuff were so when it says a bronze helmet Don't think of it as him having this shield over his face It said and he was clothed with armor that weighed 5,000 shekels of bronze roughly 125 to 135 pounds so just think of just the sheer weight of what he's wearing is About 30 pounds less than what I weighs.
He's carrying me around on him okay as armor and Then it says he also had bronze greaves on his legs.
Okay, so we had these things that would cover from basically Just above his thigh down to his boot Wasn't really a boot.
It was a thong that had a metal covering and It said that he had scaled armor when we seek to think of scaled armor Y'all know what the scale armor is it was shape overlapped one of those so they could move One like this and then the other piece would come over it like that so that when they move it would Yeah, it was flashed.
Yeah, basically flashed over one another so that if something hit here It stopped had two layers of covering of metal to keep it from going through Not that this dude needed that it was a big dude, I mean you think about how intimidating this cat would look what's up Oh Sure, the only thing you get hit was from his kneecaps down Yeah If he was gonna swing something and then it says here that he had a bronze javelin slung between your shoulders now I think there are some translations that made My New American Standard, I use a specific year And it doesn't it doesn't say this but I think the updated 2005 or 2001 says scimitar It shouldn't be thought as a scimitar as a sword.
That's not yeah, that's not what he has through his back he has an actual javelin a javelin is something smaller than a spear and it was it was Hardened it was a smaller spear But it was hardened wood fire hardened wood pointed on either end with a smaller head for throwing you can throw it Further than you could a spear so it would have probably been somewhere in his for his stature It probably was six to seven feet long, which is a would be a spear for you or I? Now and you get to what his spear is now It says here that he had a spear that was like a weavers beam Don't think of a weavers beam as a square beam in my mind when I've read this years ago.
I'm going okay I think about a beam I think of something square So what I did go is I went a weavers beam Was where the looms would would on the loom They would the wool would hang over the top piece was the weavers beam It was actually round and they had weights on the bottom and as they weave these would keep them straight with the on the bottom And it was to two and a two and a half inches to three inches in diameter.
That was his spear shaft This was the average spear shaft of that day So that's look how big that cat's hand would have been all right, and it says he had a The head of it was 15 pounds, right? Well, you're said why I'm says 600 shekels of iron 15 pounds So I did some math weight this Okay Is Proportional 12 feet tall That's how high a spear would have been the wood would have been 15 pounds Right.
So you got 15 pound piece of wood.
You got a 15 pound head.
How much does that spear way? Then you've got the counterbalance on the back so that the spear glides and doesn't make a nosedive The counterbalance on the back has to be at least half the weight of the front So you have another six to seven pound weight on the tail end so that when they throw that spear it doesn't you know It doesn't do like this it glides.
So just think that thing was probably anywhere between 30 and 33 pounds And the head of that would have been if they Based on what we know from archaeological it would have fit between my shoulder blades the head But that thing would hit me in the back.
Yeah It's gonna probably cut me in half now That's a big spear.
That's a big man to throw that big spear.
So so was Goliath intimidating Certainly, yeah, I mean like that's a big dude and he's coming out and he's running his yapper Nobody's wanting to fight choose for you a man and he says here He says why do y'all come up in battle array? I think he has a good point Why are y'all coming out here? You're doing your battle? Whatever they do like they do at the football games and they holler at one another and he says you're coming out here in battle array But you're not wanting to fight you're all bark, but no bite.
That's what he's saying and he says Am I not to fill it the Philistine and you servants of Saul? First and foremost, we have to have a correction here.
He is theologically wrong They are not servants of Saul They are servants of the Most High They are servants of Yahweh and David will correct him David will correct him.
But when he says am I not the Philistine and you servants of Saul? He's basically saying I am the embodiment of the Philistine army.
I'm the guy and You all you guys are a bunch of servants He says choose a man for yourself and let him come down if he's able to fight with me Then we will become your servants once again, he needs to be corrected there because he's lying If they win Do you think that the Philistines are going to drop their weapons and they're going to be enslaved? They're not going to They're not going to he said and if you kill him He says if you send a man over here against me and I kill him and you shall Become our servants and serve us and again the Philistine said I defy the ranks of Israel this day No, he did not.
Let's correct him again.
He is not defying the ranks of Israel He is stepping and hollering in the face of Yahweh That's who he is.
He's he's hollering at Yahweh.
I defy the ranks of Israel this day You give me a man that we may fight together and then Saul and all Israel heard these words of this Philistine And they were greatly afraid and dismayed and we'll stop there Did they have reason to be Humanly speaking did they have a reason to be dismayed and afraid? humanly speaking yeah, you know I see guys nine foot tall with a 12 foot spear and He's got a javelin bigger than me and his sword.
I mean his shields probably big as one of those doors right there Yeah, I mean that's pretty intimidating but From what God had already told them should they fear their enemies? Shouldn't but why are they fearing their enemies their kings of? Yep Sure, and if you go and you look back when Samuel Gave his farewell speech He says if your king does well they'll obey and if you obey so it's kind of a double you obey your king will obey So what should the people have done to King Saul? They should have come up around him and said hey God's giving you this battle.
He's told us you're our guy You're the one that's been the great deliver now.
I've already said this once before I Person this is my opinion, and I don't much give opinion like this But I believe that in Saul's mind he knows that the Spirit of God's been taken from him He knows that the king that his dynasty has been taken He knows that the he has been rejected by God as a king and that somebody else is going to take his place He could be fearful looking at that and go that could be the instrument by which my kingdom will Actually fall if I go out there and fight and lose my I'm done and the people fail Okay, so I that when it said he was feared Yeah, he was fear of looting his kingdom because that guy could be the one that could do it That's that's what my opinion Exegetically, I tried to tell you why I believe that if somebody thinks he was just a fear of man.
Okay, that's fine I mean got a memory if he's huh Maybe both but next week when we get into or hopefully we'll get to that part when he sends out David and he wants David to put on his armor I don't know if y'all have ever thought about this, but you know get these guys over here these guys over here this He has him put on King armor From the perspective of people who remember we're not watching this on TV They're seeing it from mountaintops that they see a man go out in the King's armor Who do they think's fighting the king? So I go dude.
He's trying to get David to go act for him I don't you don't think that there was other men smaller than him gotta remember He was the biggest man in all of Israel.
He was probably six five.
Okay, he was head and shoulders above everybody He was probably you don't think it was a smaller person that was in their army that they could have put You know some armor from that guy on there that he chooses to put his armor on him.
Yeah so We'll get into that next week, hopefully Next week.
Oh, sorry week after New Year's.
Maybe we'll kill Goliath for New Year's Maybe we'll slay the giant New Year's.
All right, let's pray Father God, thank you for your word.
We thank you so much that God we can examine it.
We can look at it.