Fundamentals of The Faith by John MacArthur (Class Introduction)

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This morning we're starting John MacArthur's book Fundamentals of the Faith. So this is what it looks like.
You can buy your own copy on gty .org. You can also buy it on Amazon.
You're not going to need the book for this Sunday, but it will be helpful to have it starting next
Sunday. So it's the one with the dark red cover. I think there's another one with a yellow cover.
I'm not sure if that's the same one, but this is the one that we're doing. So if you buy a book and you get it this week, fill out lesson one.
Have it all filled out for next Sunday. And if you're not going to buy a book, that's fine.
Just bring a notepad and a pen and you can follow along. So I just want to read the introduction or how to use the lesson assignments.
Fundamentals of the Faith, class basics. It says, prepare for each lesson by downloading the assignment message from www .gty
.org forward slash fof. Taking notes and identifying questions you might have and filling in the answers in the workbook.
You will need your Bible handy when you complete the assignments. You should always have your Bible handy on Sunday morning.
You'll need your Bible handy while you complete the assignments and when you are in class sessions.
The class or group sessions will not involve filling out the answers in the workbook.
Class time will be used to expand and discuss key topics within the lesson and to answer any questions that you have relative to the lessons.
The better you prepare, the better you will be able to participate and the more you will benefit from the class interaction.
So come prepared to interact and learn. So it's like anything else, the more you put into it, the more you'll get out of it.
If you hear some of the topics and you think, oh I already know, this is all basic, I already know everything. Well you're probably not going to get much out of it.
You might know some of these things but we need to be reminded, I always say that, but we need to be challenged to make sure we're actually doing it.
I mean some of the basics of Christian life, what? Going to church, reading your Bible, praying, telling other people about Jesus.
But how many Christians are actually doing that consistently on a day -by -day basis? Not everybody.
So we're going back to the fundamentals, amen? This is what we need to do every once in a while.
So today will just be an overview. Lesson number one is introduction to the
Bible. So I'm just going to read the 13 lessons and then we're going to kind of go over them. Each one gives a verse and it's a memory verse.
So if you're actually doing it, you're going to memorize 13 verses of the Bible over the next, it'll probably take more than 13 weeks but at least 13.
So we'll cover those verses and I'll expand on it and if you have a question related to the topics, raise your hand because that's a big part of this.
Preparing and bringing your questions in on Sunday morning.
So that's important. Lesson number one is introduction to the
Bible. Lesson number two, how to know the
Bible. Number three is God, is on God, his character and attributes.
Number four, the person of Jesus Christ. Number five, the work of Christ.
Number six, salvation. Number seven, the person and ministry of the
Holy Spirit. Number eight, prayer and the believer. Number nine, the church, fellowship and worship.
Number ten, the spiritual gifts. That'll be a fun class. Eleven is evangelism and the believer.
Number 12, obedience. And then number 13, God's will and guidance.
So let's do an overview and look at each one of these topics. Let's, actually we're not going to turn to 2nd
Timothy chapter 3 verse 16. Well, you can if you want but this is the verse I know that many of us have memorized.
2nd Timothy 3 16. Who wants to give that? Okay, Marcus, go ahead.
So this is the introduction to the
Bible. Now, many of you know that the Greek word for inspiration, you know that it means
God breathed. I think that's something that most everybody has heard. If you attend this church, you've heard that.
So the Greek word itself is Theanostos. It can be rendered as God breathed.
But what is that really communicating? It's communicating that the
Bible, the whole Bible, every word is actually and literally the word of God in the in the original in the area.
Well, in the original autographs, which now that you've opened up that can of worms, let's talk about it for a second.
I mean, people are used to preachers holding up a Bible and you know, the Bible is inerrant and infallible.
This is the word of God. And I can say that with confidence. But if you have the, this is a
New King James version. If you have an NIV, New American Standard, there's a different,
I don't know, there's about five translations that are really popular that people have, probably one of these five.
There are some, there are a few verses that are different. I think one verse says the king was this age and the other verse says the king was this age.
And clearly both can't be accurate. So here's the thing about it. Not every
Bible translation is inerrant. That means without error. Not every
Bible translation is inerrant and infallible. So, but the, but the verses that are in question, it's a very small number of verses overall, and it really doesn't affect any of the major doctrines.
So the whole Bible, Genesis through Revelation, it is the word of God.
Jesus in Matthew chapter 4 verse 4, there's many places where Jesus commented on the scriptures and Christ himself affirmed the
Old Testament scriptures as the word of God. Every word. So we can say that with a high degree of confidence.
Yes, Marcus. You say the translations aren't necessarily inerrant. How about the original
Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek? They're inerrant. They would be inerrant, wouldn't they?
Right, the Gospel of Matthew that Matthew himself wrote, the Greek manuscript, would have been inerrant.
But we have a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy. And I know that you know, the atheists and the critics will want to use that to try to cast doubt.
But again, the things that people debate, it's very small in the grand scheme of things.
We know what the truth is. We know what the scripture teaches. So if you want to argue about this one verse compared to that, that's something we can do.
We can talk about that, but we can have a high degree of confidence that the Bible is true.
Okay, yes, Carolyn. Well, like what?
Yeah, well, I mean, generally, how you read it, like, well, it's it's an
English translation. So, like you say, if you have the King James version and, you know, the these and the thousand, that kind of Elizabethan English or whatever.
Yeah, okay. They didn't talk like that necessarily because they spoke a different language. But whatever is written is a faithful translation of the originals.
Yes. Yeah, that's a good point.
It's a poetic book. So maybe they didn't talk like that in normal conversation, if that's what you were getting at.
Good question. All right, I'm going to move on. One last thing on this topic.
Yes, on the translations. If the Koine Greek is truly inerrant and infallible, the
Koine Greek, then it does depend on the translators.
And they need to be scholars of Koine Greek. And the more of them there are, the better.
And the different seminaries which they are a part of. Eventually, you know, you're gonna be okay.
But of course, we have God's promise that His Holy Spirit is going to be the one that teaches us individually.
Yeah, here's what I want you to know. Obviously, if you knew Hebrew and you were a Greek scholar, that would be beneficial.
But even pastors who go to seminary and come out, they don't really know Hebrew. It's very, very, extremely rare to find someone who is actually fluent in Hebrew and Greek.
I don't think I've ever met someone. I've met plenty of seminary grads. So that's all great.
And you say, well, I could never learn another language or I'm not going to. If you don't hear me say anything else, you don't remember anything else, remember this.
You can know and understand God's Word through your English translation.
Our English translations of the Bible are accurate and reliable.
And you can know the truth even without learning Hebrew and Greek. Obviously, that's an added benefit.
But you want to make sure that the people who translated your NIV or New American Standard, you want to know those translators needed to know
Hebrew and Greek. Here's one thing, last comment on the subject. There's a few translations we should absolutely stay away from.
Amen. Okay, the message and I think the new one is the passion translation.
So Charismatics and Pentecostals often, now they're using the passion. And from what I understand, these two translations were not done by a panel of scholars, but by one person.
And the man who did the passion translation is claiming that God communicated directly to him that with these new secrets about the
Greek land. Stay away from those two. I mean, well, if you read it and you're personal, you can do what you want, but that would be my advice.
Okay. There is one other one that you need to stay away from. That's the new NIV. The new
NIV. Gender neutral back in 2011, 2012.
I've heard about, from what I understand, they never published it. But I don't know. I've heard about this for a long time.
But yeah, there's the 1984 version of the NIV that I think is fairly reliable.
Okay, let's move on. Number two. So the first topic was introduction to the
Bible. Number two, how to know the Bible. Let's turn to 2
Timothy 2 .15. This is another good verse to memorize. This verse is a favorite among dispensationalists who make the point that we must divide what
God says. You know, God said certain things to the Jews, and he says certain things to the church, and not everything is going to apply to you.
And of course, that's good advice. Just because God says to do something. Let's say
God tells Elijah to do something. That doesn't mean you're supposed to do the same thing. You need to rightly handle
God's word. So what we say is the whole Bible is written for us, but it's not all written to us.
Or you put that around. The Bible isn't written directly to you, but it is for you.
So you need to rightly divide it. You need to rightly handle it.
Look at 2 Timothy 2 .15. It says, be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
And that phrase, rightly divide, that means literally to cut straight.
And the Apostle Paul, if you know anything about the Apostle Paul, you know that Paul sometimes worked a secular profession.
The churches would support him in his missionary work, but sometimes he didn't have support.
So what did Paul do? He worked as a tent maker. So in order to make tents, he had to cut the fabric straight or to rightly handle it.
And then he kind of takes that idea and applies it to scripture. Rightly divide. What does that mean? Rightly handle the
Bible. There's a lot of people who take the Bible out of context.
And we make a big thing about that. It's all about context, context, context.
So yeah, I saw a hand. Yes. The New American Standard Translation is accurately handled.
Accurately handle the word of God. And of course the dispensational theologians will sometimes use this one, rightly dividing the way
God interacted with mankind. So to rightly know the word of God, you have to read the whole thing.
You have to read Genesis from Revelation to get the big picture. Compare one book with another, one passage with another, and that's something that again most churchgoers probably have never read the
Bible, Genesis through Revelation. But over the course of your life, some people do it once a year, which is amazing.
But you need to do it at least once, more than once, ideally. Yeah, you had your hand up.
I just wanted to, I like the way that King James puts it in verse 15 of 2nd
Timothy. It says, study to show thyself approved of the God. He is not ashamed.
So the word study always stood out to me. Yeah. Just a cursory reading isn't going to really, you might pick up a word or verse here or there, reading
Scripture, but studying it is the most important factor. Study in the Bible. And of course, hey, let's put this into practice.
Who's Paul writing to? Who was a pastor? It's something that I've kind of become aware of lately, where pastors really, they'll say this, and it's good advice, but you know, let's say there's a, let's say there's a stay at home mom.
She has five kids. She's at home with the kids every day, raising them in the nurture and admonition of the
Lord, teaching them that she's, you know, making meals for her husband in the evening.
And then by the end of the day, you know, she, her Bible reading is, she does it for a half an hour.
But then in church, she's hearing the past. You need to study the Bible and you need to do all. Well, wait a second.
This is Paul saying this to a pastor. A pastor has to spend hours and hours studying the
Bible. You, that may not be your calling. And don't take this out.
Don't take this out of context. But do you realize Bible reading itself is not a commandment?
Some of you might take this the wrong way. I'm not saying don't read your Bible. You know better than that, but reading the
Bible is not a commandment because for what? The first 1700 years of church history, the average
Christian didn't have a Bible. So I'm saying that there might be some people who some people are dyslexic, illiterate, whatever.
There's people all over the world get the preaching. If you can read the Bible, you should, if you can do it.
But the average Christian, they learned through the preaching and teaching of the word in church. Okay, I saw a hand or two.
I was going to comment that for a huge amount of history, nobody had a complete
Bible. Even in Bible times, the individual churches may have only had a couple of Paul's letters.
And sometimes they swapped them around. So it would be kind of impossible to have been commanded to read the scriptures.
Right, right. So again, this is Paul saying this to a pastor that you need to diligently study the word of God.
And that's true. Every pastor needs to diligently study the word of God. But if you're, let's say, let's just use that example of the, you know, the stay at home mother.
Who's homeschooling her kids. Don't let anyone feel guilty because you're not spending three hours a day studying the word of God.
Okay. Yes, Larry. Well, just as you said,
Paul was writing this to Timothy, a pastor. We all as individuals that make up the church of Christ, we all have different gifts and abilities.
Right. And so being a pastor is one gift. And each of us should be able to rightly divide what our gift is and how to use it for God's glory.
So we're getting application from Timothy and Paul to apply to our lives and service of our gifts and abilities.
Good point. You don't want to use a spiritual gift that you don't have. Like it would be bad if a pastor didn't have the gift of pastor and teacher.
And yet he does it anyways. That's that's not ideal. Criticism is not. All right.
One more on this and then we'll move to the next subject. Marcus, speak loud so it catches it on video.
But we are promised Revelation 1 3 says, Blessed is he who reads and those who hear.
So, yeah, there's promises about it. And of course, Psalm 119. How many verses in there?
One hundred and seventy six. Sure. But I'm talking to the person who thinks it's just me and my
Bible, me and my Bible sitting under a tree. Just me commuting with God. Well, that's fine.
But you need the local church. You need to be taught. You need instruction. You need fellowship. You need more than just you and you and the
Bible. We are commanded to teach one another. Yeah. And you can't very well teach if you haven't studied.
OK. Number three, God, his character and attributes. First Chronicles 29 11.
Let's look at that. First Chronicles 29 verse 11. I've never done this, but I heard something called sword drills.
Who knows what a sword drill is? Recitation of the word. Is that what it is?
I thought it was. OK, here's the reference. And who can find it first? Is that is that correct? And a paper
Bible is faster than these things. Yeah. And you hear all the pages rustling.
And that's a beautiful sound. So when we look at this more in depth, we will go over all of God's attributes or at least many of them.
When you think of God's attributes, you think of his omnipotence, that God is all powerful.
God is also said to be omnipresent. I guess that word isn't found in your translation.
But omnipresent means he's everywhere all at once. God is omniscient, so he knows all things.
I look at First Chronicles 29 verse 11 says yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power and the glory, the victory and the majesty for all that is in heaven and in earth is yours.
Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and you are exalted as head over all.
So we'll get into God's character and his attributes. Just one thing on this.
Typically, theologians, pastors and teachers agree that God's primary attribute is his what?
Holiness. Holiness. Right. The temptation being, well, it's his love, right? This is what you hear today.
It's his love. And that's God is love. Amen. But in Isaiah chapter six, this is the only attribute of God that is elevated to the third degree that God is love.
Yes, but God is said to be holy, holy, holy. The angels around his throne are basically saying this day and night proclaiming this, that God is holy, holy, holy.
And the instruction for God's people is to be what? Be holy for I am holy. Holiness is not something that's taught a lot in the modern church.
But anyway, we'll get into that in lesson three. OK, lesson number four, the person of Jesus Christ turned to John chapter one.
This is another verse that would be many of you haven't memorized. I'm sure
John chapter one verse one and also verse 14 in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was
God. This is the most clear verse anywhere in the scripture that speaks to the concept of the
Trinity, that Jesus is both. He's both God and with God at the same time.
Well, how is that? How is that possible? How can you be something and be with that same thing?
The same? Yeah, well, God does know. We know, although we can't really comprehend it and you shouldn't be able to comprehend it.
If you can comprehend the Trinity. Yeah, you can't. You can't comprehend
God. We can know the things about him that he tells us. The look at John one one and then verse 14 in the beginning was the word.
That's a title or a name of Jesus that John uses in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was
God. Verse 14 and the word became flesh and dwelt among us.
And we beheld his glory, the glory as the only begotten of the father, full of grace and truth.
The Greek word translated word is logos or logos.
I like what Matthew Henry writes about this. He says the plainest reason why the son of God is called the word seems to be that as our words explain our minds to others.
So was the son of God sent in order to explain or reveal the father's mind to the world.
I think that's really good. That's so good. I'm going to read it again.
Thank you. The plainest reason why the son of God is called the word seems to be that as our words explain our minds to others.
So was the son of God sent into the world in order to reveal his father's mind to them or to the world.
Next, let's turn to first Corinthians 15. Another great passage to memorize.
First Corinthians 15. This is verses three and four. So this will be lesson number five.
The work of Christ and just the life of Christ and the ministry of Christ.
The work of Christ is summarized in one word. It begins with a G. What's the word gospel.
Right. There's a lot of people who use the word gospel. They talk a lot about the gospel, but they don't actually talk about the gospel.
You ever notice that there's gospel music and then you listen to the lyrics. I don't hear any gospel in this.
So it's one thing to use the word, but it's another thing to actually preach the gospel, which is what the death.
You don't have to guess. Well, it's that God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life.
That may be true. It may may not be true. I don't know. But or your personal testimony that may include the gospel.
Praise the Lord. But the gospel is something very specific. Look at first Corinthians 15, three and four.
This is the most clear explanation anywhere in the Bible for what the gospel is.
Paul says, for I deliver to you first of all, that which I also received, that Christ died for our sins, according to the scriptures, and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day, according to the scriptures.
So we have the gospels as in the books that we call the gospels,
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and they contain the life and ministry of Christ.
But the gospel proper is the death, burial and resurrection. This is how a person is saved by placing their faith, their full trust in what
Jesus did for us to be forgiven. Yes. Repeating what you said and just pointing out the three words.
First of all, the importance of it. And again, the new American standard says as of first importance.
Right. First of all, first of all, this is the most important thing. This is mandatory memorization.
If a church isn't preaching the gospel, they might as well shut down because this is why we're here.
This is why we exist. I heard about a church that had a sign or a banner out front that said above all, the most important thing is caring for the earth and climate change or something.
What in the world? If you think that's very important. Hey, I'm not against you, but a church, the gospel is supposed to be number one.
So this is the day and age we live in. All right, let's go to the next thing. Salvation.
So turn to Ephesians 2, 8 through 10. Ephesians 2, 8 through 10.
So lesson number six. This is really applying the gospel. It's one thing to know what the gospel is.
How are you saved? Well, you need to apply it. You need to believe it. You need to receive it.
And then Christians need to share it. Churches need to preach it. So now that we know what the gospel is, how is it applied?
Salvation is more than just an intellectual belief that in my mind,
I know that Jesus died and rose again. I mean, even Satan knows that. I mean, he believes it's true.
Right. James 2, 19 tells us that. So even
Satan, an unbeliever, I think there's a lot of unbelievers who actually know that it's true, but they're running away from it.
You need to. You need to receive it. You need to believe it. You need to affirm it. You need to live it.
All right. For by grace, are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves?
It is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast.
And then verse 10 says, for we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works, which
God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. So salvation is by what?
Grace through faith, not of works. Well, that means I don't have to do anything.
I can just. No, no, no. You. Yes, we. You affirm it in your mind. That's the start.
But we are actually created for good works. That's why God created you to work.
Is that not true? We are his workmanship. Isn't that what it says? Okay. Next, number seven, the person and ministry of the
Holy Spirit turned to John chapter 14. Right. Sword drill. Who can find it first?
Whoever finds the first start reading 14 verse 15. Go. That's not as 14 verse one.
No, that's not it either. I think that's John 1514. Maybe if you let me keep my commandments.
1416. Sorry. Did I say 15? 1416. And who is this comforter?
Mark is reading the King James version. You know that because the King James uses the word comforter.
And if you remember the sermon from whatever a month ago, you know that the Greek word translated comforter or helper in my translation.
The Greek word is what? We talk about the paraclete or paracletos or however it's pronounced.
But we, yeah, the paraclete is the helper. The idea is that the
Holy Spirit comes in order to give the apostles strength and he comes to aid and assist us.
It can also be translated that he is our advocate, so you cannot live the
Christian life without the Holy Spirit. He said, well, how do
I know if I have the Holy Spirit? Well, if you believe, okay, if you have truly repented, you think differently about your sin.
You now think differently about Jesus. You truly believe and are trusting in him.
The Holy Spirit indwells you and you know that because I think here's how
I know for certain that I have the Holy Spirit, not because I can speak in tongues or work miracles or that stuff that people like to talk about because I can't do any of those things.
And I'd argue none of you can either, although we'll get to that in a second. But here's how
I know I have the Holy Spirit because I think differently than I did before I was saved.
I thought one way and now I think completely different. And then once you think differently, then you start to live differently.
Any comments on that? And the Holy Spirit helps us to understand the word of God.
See, I thought I knew about the Bible and what I didn't know squat really. So the scripture is a spiritually discerned book.
You cannot really understand it unless you have the Holy Spirit. And then you got to put in that time to read it and study it.
Okay, one comment, and then we'll go to the next thing. Well, Jim mentioned paraplegic, and I think the
Greek word is paraplegos, which means one called alongside. The para means alongside or something.
Yeah, but the Hebrew is even more interesting because it's monotonous.
Okay, thank you. Yeah, para. You think of a parable. The parable is a teaching alongside of a story like a paramedic is somebody who, you know, assists or comes alongside of the so para cleat.
Yes, the Holy Spirit comes alongside to aid and assist us. Okay, good. Let's turn to Philippians chapter four verses six through seven.
This is on prayer and the believer. So prayer is something that is often neglected.
It's misunderstood. Just by listening to people, you would get the idea that prayer primarily is us going to God and asking him for stuff.
I like how Paul phrases this in Philippians four, six through seven.
He says, be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.
So that is included in there and the peace of God, he says, which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Why do I say that? It's interesting because he talks about prayer and supplication.
So prayer includes supplication of us asking
God for this or asking God for that. But supplication is not necessarily all there is to prayer, right?
We go by the acronym acts. A .C .T .S. First should be adoration.
You pray in adoration to God. The C stands for what? Confession.
So it's not just you ask before you ask God for anything. You should ask him, I guess, for forgiveness.
Or just acknowledge to God, Lord, Lord, I have failed in this. So we confess our sin.
A .C .T .S. Thanksgiving. And then supplication is last.
So, yes, Larry. Well, in verse seven here says, and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus or through Christ Jesus.
So it's a promise that he will guard.
And it will help getting to know scripture will help us guard our hearts.
I believe that's another verse somewhere. Guard your heart.
Guard your thoughts. Because it's ours.
And we have to be careful of what we consider, what we think about, what we want.
Yes, Lenny. Good. Good. All right.
Next, turn to Hebrews chapter 10. Verses 24 and 25.
Every pastor's favorite passage or one of them. The church fellowship and worship.
Of course, the word in Greek for church is Ekklesia.
It means a called out assembly. Some people think, well, the definition of a church is where two or three are gathered in my name.
Two people doesn't constitute a church. I'm sorry. A church is the assembly, right?
It's God's people assembling together. Typically, that's done on Sunday morning. But, you know, the more the merrier,
I suppose. Hebrews 10 verses 24 and 25 says, Let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another and so much the more as you see the day approaching.
I didn't know this, but apparently there was some Internet rumors going around that yesterday was supposed to be the apocalypse.
Who heard that? I mean, there's always somebody predicting that. And of course, whenever they predict a date for the return of Christ or the end of the world, that's you can pretty much guarantee that ain't going to be the day.
That would have been great if it did happen. Yeah. But I'm glad that I'm able to come here today. Yeah.
Well, I'm glad, too. I'm glad you were able to come here. But, you know, the day is approaching.
So don't be, as some people are, neglecting the assembly. OK, next.
We only have a couple minutes. We need to finish it up. First Peter chapter three, verse 15.
Lesson number 11 will be on evangelism and the believer.
What is evangelism? Well, evangel, that means gospel.
An evangelist is someone who preaches the gospel. So evangelism is when you engage in the spreading or sharing and proclamation of the gospel.
So you telling your friend or family member about Christ, that would be involved.
That's part of what evangelism is all about. First Peter 315 says, but sanctify the
Lord God in your hearts and always be ready to give an answer, to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.
Not every Christian is called to be a preacher. Not every Christian is called to be a missionary and to travel to some foreign land.
Every Christian is told you need to be ready to give a defense. You need to be ready to give an answer.
So you need to know, number one, what you believe. And then number two, you need to be able to explain someone why you believe it.
All right. Number 12. First John chapter two. Go ahead and turn there. First John chapter two, verses three and four.
Lesson number 12 will be on obedience. Today we live in a time marked by lawlessness or antinomianism where people, well, they claim the name of Christ and then just kind of,
I have freedom to do whatever I want. Well, not really. We are to obey.
As you talked about that verse, Jesus said, if you love me, keep my commandments. First John chapter two, verses three and four says, now by this, we know that we know him.
So how do you know if you know Christ? Because you say you do. No. Now by this, we know that we know him.
If we keep his commandments. He who says, I know him and does not keep his commandments is a liar and the truth is not in him.
Now this isn't talking about perfection. All have sinned and have come short of the glory of God. This isn't saying you're never going to sin, but part of, as we talked about,
I think it was last week. It's the overall pattern of life. When you look at your life, is it a life that you see a pattern of good works or there's evidence and you are seeking to follow
Christ and what he teaches? So now to the final thing, this is
Ephesians 5 17. We'll just close with this. You don't have to look it up. We're out of time. Anyways, God's will and guidance.
Ephesians 5 17 says, therefore, do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the