DEBUNKING Mike Todd’s “Crazy Faith” Sermon!
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Our First Video - “An Absurd Sermon From Mike Todd” -
(Note: Citing a source does not necessarily mean that we agree with everything said or done by any of the organizations/channels we use as sources. Please exercise discernment in which sources you read and what you believe.)
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- Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight For Truth, the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
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- In today's video, we're going to be talking about Mike Todd. He is the pastor of the fast -growing and ever -so -trendy
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- Transformation Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Today we will be reviewing a different segment of a
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- Mike Todd sermon entitled, quote, The Command With No Cap. If you'd like to see our analysis of another part of this sermon, go ahead and click the link in the description.
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- In any case, today we're going to watch Mike Todd describe to us the concept of crazy faith.
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- This is an idea that he has personally developed in his theology over time, and it is seriously problematic.
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- So, without further ado, let's allow the man himself to explain it. Watch this. I'm going to say it one more time because some of you got that in your head, but we need it to drop to your heart.
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- Crazy faith are thoughts and action that don't make no sense. This lacks reason.
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- Why in the world would I do that? That doesn't make... I went to school for something completely different. There's no logical, eschatological way that this would be able to ever systematically happen.
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- Like, it don't make no sense. It lacks reason. But for some reason,
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- I trust it. This is very important in defining the concept of crazy faith.
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- The first thing to notice is that if we're talking about Biblical faith here, the definition is sorely lacking.
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- First of all, and most obviously, there is no mention of faith in God. That seems to be a pretty big detail to leave out of any definition of faith.
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- And secondly, the faith being spoken of here doesn't seem to be about faith in God despite hard circumstances at times, but rather faith in God to change your circumstances in order to bring about further success in a particular area of life.
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- Mike's own examples involved things like education and career goals. In other words, this seems to be a very narrow definition.
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- It's said to be, quote, thoughts and emotions that lack reason, but trust fully in what you cannot explicitly prove, end quote.
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- If one was trying to give a well -thought -out and fully -formed Biblical definition of faith, this definition would be lacking in several important areas.
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- But instead of haggling about semantics and definitions, let's give the benefit of the doubt. It's difficult to construct your own definition, and Mike Todd doesn't consider himself a linguist after all, but rather a pastor.
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- So rather than making this a big central point of the video, I just wanted to take note of these things for future reference.
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- It's important. And this helps us establish further context for the rest of his teaching as well. So with that definition being understood, let's move forward with an open mind, and let's allow
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- Mike Todd to explain more of what he means as he gives a practical example of this so -called crazy faith.
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- Watch this. And all I'm trying to say with this message in the book, in this series, is that you gotta see it before you see it.
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- See your family whole and at Christmas together 2022. I know everybody crazy right now and Uncle Junebug locked up at this current moment, but see yourself being able to give them some of the mashed potatoes.
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- See yourself. So notice, the example that Mike Todd gives of crazy faith in action is this.
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- If you want your family to be whole this holiday season, you need to quote, see it before you see it.
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- Envision yourself giving your previously incarcerated uncle some of the mashed potatoes. Cast a vision in your mind of what you want to have happen.
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- This is what crazy faith is all about. And this brings us to the obvious question then. When exactly did
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- God promise you that your entire family is going to be whole and everyone's going to be together during the holiday season?
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- Where is that promise to all Christians in Scripture? Personally, I am not aware of any such promise.
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- In fact, there are several passages in Scripture which seem to indicate that this is not a promise and that it would go against Scripture.
- 04:01
- Look at what Jesus says, for example, in Matthew 10, 34 through 36, quote, Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth.
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- I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter -in -law against her mother -in -law.
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- And a person's enemies will be those of his own household. End quote. Now, does this mean that Jesus is saying every
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- Christian family should be characterized by conflict and torn apart? Of course not.
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- What this is saying is that our loyalties to Jesus ought to supersede and be more important than our relationships with our family.
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- Indeed, this passage does leave open the possibility that not only will your entire family not be whole, but that your entire family may not be saved, and that you being saved could cause conflict between you and them.
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- At the very least, this text seems to indicate that Christians are not promised that they will always have a happy and whole family.
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- Here's another example. In 1 Corinthians 7 .13, Paul says this, If any woman has a husband who is an unbeliever, and he consents to live with her, she should not divorce him.
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- For the unbelieving husband is made holy because of his wife, and the unbelieving wife is made holy because of her husband.
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- But if the unbelieving partner separates, let it be so. End quote. Notice that Paul does not say your unbelieving spouse will convert to Christianity, and that your family will be whole so long as you have enough crazy faith.
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- After all, all you have to do is envision it in your mind. As Mike Todd says, You need to see it before you see it.
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- But Paul does not say any such thing. He doesn't even imply it. Rather, he tells them that there is a distinct possibility that your unbelieving spouse could leave you and separate as a result of your conversion.
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- In other words, not only did God never promise that your family would be whole this holiday season,
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- God actually instructs you to follow Him diligently, even if that fact itself might result in family conflict.
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- Going on in verse 16, Paul's statement puts the final dagger in Mike Todd's idea of crazy faith.
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- It absolutely eviscerates it. He says, For how do you know, wife, whether you will save your husband?
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- Or how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife? End quote. Paul explicitly and clearly says that you do not know if your spouse will be saved, but of course you should still work toward that goal.
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- You do not know if your family will be whole, despite what Mike Todd is promising on stage.
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- And speaking of false promises on stage, watch this next clip. Being able to give them some of the mashed potatoes, see yourself, see some of y 'all are like, that doesn't even make sense.
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- Your vision for the future from God is so important to how you move into the next thing
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- God has for you. Notice now that his perspective has switched ever so slightly, but very importantly.
- 07:03
- First, Mike simply said to envision what you want in your mind. And now he's saying, quote, some of y 'all think it makes no sense, but your vision from God is so important for where you go next.
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- You see, now it's not just your vision being brought up in your mind. No, it's your vision, quote, from God.
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- Essentially, then, Mike Todd's crazy faith amounts to this. Imagine whatever you want in your head, anything at all.
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- And that is God's personal promise to you now. And of course, at this point, you need to have crazy faith that you're going to receive it.
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- This kind of teaching is incredibly dangerous. On the surface, it all sounds very sweet, very nice, encouraging, and motivational, all that stuff.
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- In reality, it is simply an unbiblical promise made falsely on behalf of God. It's coming exclusively from Mike Todd's own mind.
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- God is sovereign over your family. Paul makes that abundantly clear. And no amount of casting a vision in your head is going to change that fact.
- 08:02
- What you can do is pray diligently, labor in the hope of helping your family become whole, and regardless of the outcome, dedicate your efforts to the
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- Lord. Have faith in God and trust in His holy and good character. This is what real
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- Christian faith looks like. And unfortunately, it bears little to no resemblance at all to Mike Todd's concept of crazy faith.
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- But the next clip is, in a sense, going to show us where a lot of this false teaching is coming from.
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- It's very enlightening. Watch this. You move into the next thing God has for you.
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- And I'm about to shake you for the next 14 weeks. You heard me.
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- It's crazy till Christmas. Have a message for every weekend till Christmas.
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- To shake you at my assignment is to shake you out of lazy faith.
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- So Mike says that his job in preaching these sermons is to shake these people out of their quote lazy faith, and of course, shake them into crazy faith.
- 09:09
- This is where we need to recognize something, folks, something very important. Not all emotional revival is made equally.
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- Moreover, not all wake -ups and shake -ups and sensationalist church gatherings and trends are made equally.
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- No, emotional revival with Biblical teaching about Jesus at the center is wonderful.
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- On the other hand, emotional revival based in made -up promises or false teachings is incredibly dangerous.
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- Just because a teacher makes you feel happy and motivated does not mean that this teacher has sound doctrine, even if they mention
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- Jesus. Indeed, the Bible tells us this. Second Timothy 4 .3 says, "...for the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions."
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- You see, Mike Todd's teaching is very exciting, full of hype, full of sensationalism.
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- And in fact, it may very well, as he says, wake you up. The ultimate question is, what exactly is it waking you up to?
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- And what is the foundation beneath all of this emotional waking up? Is it Biblical doctrine or false teaching?
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- These are serious Biblical questions. They matter. In fact, they matter more than almost any other question we could ask about this teaching.
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- So in this video, we have established that Mike Todd promised his entire congregation that if they simply imagine their family whole in their head, effectively,
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- God must grant them that request. It's practically guaranteed. If they see it in their mind, they will eventually see it in reality.
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- In this way, they will, quote, see it before they see it. Meanwhile, the Bible tells us something different.
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- We are told in Scripture that there is a distinct possibility that our family will not be whole, no matter how hard we try.
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- God is sovereign, and we must trust Him regardless of our circumstances. Faith in the person of Christ, not merely faith to achieve our personal desires.
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- That's the difference here. And it is for this reason, as well as many others, that we should consider Mike Todd's teaching dangerous and consistently flawed from a
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- Biblical perspective. So what do we do from here? Well, as always, we seek to empower and encourage sound
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- Biblical local churches, starting with our families and in our communities. I pray that this has been a blessing to you, and please know that this video isn't meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a
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- Biblical critique. And let's pray for Mike Todd, that he would stop this false teaching by God's grace and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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- Thank you so much for watching that video. Please give us a like and subscribe so that you don't miss any content.
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